HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-01-16, Page 8eseeeimice
--CLINTON NI -11\V ERA.HORSES von MAN 11!)It i ---() 1 T le 1.
. . 4 , , .II , 4 i 0 I 1 si ay
- : e„,..e.,,,,._.,e_ ..,,....eee e, e- a cat; load of horses were sl,ipped .from
Answers to CorresponcleAts. hero to Manitoba, for Me. Jo. White-
- heatl.• . '
.A correspondent. asks : " What is the Goo) Wine aTee-On TeesdaY Mie
qUalitication required for Councillor r Weir,of the Bayfield Road, weighed
his thoroughbred buff, and it kicked the
The .8taintes state that to be coolie
beam at MO lbs. Not bad, for a tin ee-
lied for Councillor a candidate must be
year old rase.
the owner of property to the value •of
• Pns,psTeerios.,The membersef Blyth
WO, freehold; or $1,600- leaseheld, for
Episcopal Church reeeetlY preeented
towns ; SOO freehold or $1,200 lease... Mrs. Whitt, of. thievlaceewRh R purse'
hold, for villages ; and $10.0 freehold or - of money, a$ an heknowledgernent • of
$600 leasehold, fey townships. This her se-rvidee, in connection with the
. • e li ' • of that cherch '
d.oes not look much like as if WO
.1 ANttillY
6, TJ37ii:
110114:fillESVILLE.1. LONDESBOROs • 'Arr. It Spicer, of filxetee last week
JT wero going to have a thaw tit present. WARTED:CA* SgtvacEs.----The quarter- ! At'euneeer.- - A. few days since Rev. I killed a pig -six and a lull(' retentlis old
. ,Oneexci to. the inclenteney offlre , Wee- ly.sereices itt connection. with the Me. I Mr. Caswell, .of this place, mot with e. I • •-whic•It weighed' 300 lbs, when dressed.
the, Mee. Fitelt'a lecture announced for thodist ("hut(h en this cireuit, Will 1)0,1 painful; though , not seldom; iiceitlent, ; Mr.- Green, Malinger Consolidated
last night has been Postponed, lield'on Sunday,' 26th inst., lloy. Mr, 1 ITo had boon attending' a tea ' meeting I 132.Anky. Winehain, was entertained at 3
officiating owing to illness in the ) at Walton, and, starting, for home,. had supper Oa ThursdaY evening, 'previous
GREENWAY'S admirable letters P11•14);
of Rote Mr. Clarke, of Blytit. ' just got into Lis cutter when the horse to his removal to Heafertie . •
Oa Alenitoiet„ which have appeared ia the fitflY
. tvheeled and threw hien eat.. Falling , Mr. J.? Landsbere, Jr., has been pre -
NEW Fete, al e . being re -published by STANLEY.
the Manitoba Five qer . [74 1 on his avin he sprained it so seveeely as sentecl. with a bible, writing desk and
euegtertox RETI'llS$• -.The official I to dieebte him for a few days. I album; in repognition of his services :is
• Rirgg. Assert...trim-The Annual figures of the votes polled reached us (Preceutor Brueefield Church.
meeting of the Huron Rifle Association too late for insertion litet. week, but we GODERICU TOWNSUIP. i Mr. 1101M, who bee held the position
, is to 1.e held at•the Queen's Hoter -on give them this, as fOHOWS -Reeve '1,,
Monday atoning next, at 7.30 o'clock. I Simpson, 1 65., W. Graham, 1.1 1 ; Dep. -
Election of officers and to eonchule with Reeve, Geo. Castles, 161, W. Campbell,
must be unoneumberede for instance, if an Oyster Supper. ' '134. Cettncillors, J. Aikenhead, 160 ;
31E411 W11.5 Oilly R88088941 for a place at AvP°INTNENT.--'1'IM'. 131.Yoitt tAssi'A- .
. A Leen la Own the other day felt
ant master, in the Ilieh 8choo1here
lets received the aPpoltIneht of .13' rinci: somethin„0; criiiding.up the leg of her
• $800, but' hed titereon a inertgage for , .
any amount; he could not qualify ; .01. if pai of piokeeing. college, At .0, good pen-ahene-dra-cetmeknow what we
he Was assessed as a freeholder, at el,- salaey. -• The 'position ia reteryed for mean, any1104••••••She grabbed itin her
him until the Sentinel. holidays, at which, hand, looked frightened and . anted
00 and had a $500 inert:pee thereon •
. .. 0
time he will leave. the Iti,gli School. aronnd. Investigation showea. that it
he wetild. still be unqualified for it town. was e irate:Amok in her pocket. • •
councillor. , _meriting, .endefeeling es.= asyli at unwell
• e• --- • • - •••-• - • -.. -Citnitoweeoeteelexu Lexie
Ti annual tniseionaley meet-. ORAN% li--,tLoitue.,-The • next, regnlar 'went beele to hed. .Sorne Of hie. friends
TarsTEE.--econ Wednesday, Mr. jobn • of Cbief .kccountant in the Consolidated
Hardy Was re-elected trustee for the Base I Bank, Seaforth, tor the past two years,
line school, Ooderieh tewnship has been. Promoted to a, similar position
Fatter RENTED.-TheArastrong faem, I in the head office in 11routreal.
P, Douglass 100 • j McNinle,y, 201.; on, the 13ase line, coetitining 100 aeres
t The following tne the officers eltieted .
W. Stephenson, 106., cleared, has been rented to Mr. •Kake, at the liesb meeting of the Exeter Lodge.
. bf the 10th. con., for $300 pee,yeer. L b. 0. F. No. 63 ;---U. 8. jory, W.
• S.FIELFORT1-.1. . TPA Meserneo.--„.-A tea meeting w il 1 O. ; T. Hardin, F. G. eL. Thorne, See,;
residing at Ifarourhav,• died suddenly ten's corner, on the everting of the 2-ith ,r, Evansi R, T, N. G, ; . it. crook",
ScomN DNATIL-Mr. W•;" Clemont, be held tit. St.. James 018mei:eliv,a,111.1:1:10dalle:.,
inst. • Tea served at 0, Ictj.u7pilettlellitli.el, Treee. ;_je.. sander.9, eon.. ;
on Thursday last. ' Ho g•st up in the
ers ere.expeeted. to beepresent.. . , ,. ., ,....& few d53,s agoNi'. .1 1.. . .' moinneb, of
MuelicinaL.-BelOw is 'the Milli.ner of
votes polled for eacb candidate :-Reeve
-Elliott, ..257.1 Ford, 120;. Steep, 364
Deputy.reeve,..13entem,4204 Whitely,
231, Conneillers -- Cox, ltill'• K;ook,
121 ; •Laithwaife, BM; Natiel, 3,6; vele.
, cock, lti7.; Weston, 100; .117igginteiLIM,
;ITUROli- ITEMS. . -
- " iller ill Connection with the Church of meeting of the County Orange Ledge went up to wake him but receiving
• • • s •••• •-
Xocal V4ittr
• . • .Englelid, will be held lie M. Paul's will be held la Varna,. on the 4111 of no response to theiir Dalls entered bis
0. hurell, on •Menday „ere. ning,..the '200 Feb.- We mulerstaud- -that there is tenni, end. were- surprised to find hien-
. Inst. Addreseses wul DO delivered by 'some idea of getting tier a. monster ter.
• • • Re1\fessrs. Haylanti.- and ltyan, on ---------4.1.........4.. either Hamilton or dead in Ifede• . •
. .
`17ne new town council will hold its. :Home Missione, and by the Rev, C. 11; eToronto, in place Ofsthe,euStdentery walk,
first meeting next Monday, . Aintliew.s on the Poveign •,Miesionary r ' 111asoNice-The followieg . officers
Wee hear. that • there is. ono or two week.
1:11:°- 01'141iw11l'IN'141''''''' 'Ib 1.1.'1" I Were ' installed in- Clinton. ' Masenie
-ease$ of 'typlthicl'feverin..town.. . - :es-. vest•seven% . " - i .. .. - . ..e.,-.T.OdIg-e-onethe---erct'ite---Dee. ' it'rs-ier-tteco.
IT is easier just now to' lay"in a stoek :
8rturrt",s1,ism ExeoSen,--:Prof. Clecil, ! Clitisgo*, AV. M. ; W. J. Paisley, S.
of snow for next summate, than a supply'
said .to be the ereateet and • most sue'•••.Witi. .tones. J. We; C. Spooner, Teom.;
-ef nionelefer_thieewintele.m. t
siessful spieitintlietie expo:see netheasseeld; • A. lloxthrw,t912. a.. ' k_. I1400% D •
T , •
ON Friday efterneon last. ,the • first: will give ono of his. entertaininents • hi' 11. Scott, J.' I), ; D. 13. Kennedy, 1: ele
'Mail train thet had been on the .L., •
I1. the town hall, on Setnielay evening ilext. I Sas, Ross, (.1IYier,' - • •
1-11[ILL E T
SI.S.SI ULNA icor DENT. -:!-011.•
leet a team belongiug toMr. eke(
ot t1ifliseTine, eatwith a, peculiar 'ac:
cident. While coiniug by.Sumnier-
hill they got 01.1B Of the track, so as to
ecatuseethe.:weiglit of -the .sleigh and load
to bear on ene of the horses, $o much 80 Rs
to cause the collet...to eliolce it. The her
(1: B. for a week, went north. An Owen Sonnt1 paps
er, peitkieg of' him .
• ! •>KA rtso _se :\ ['he nrste. • )
• nees was •uet temoved ill time to 'seem
its lite. 6
A e'eusox in town tectintlYanadeout .saysee.--.." The enterteminent glv("1" 1)3' I'S:al:of „the 86:15011 came oft 011.,tho Rulk;
• account s to the ,extent . Of $660. 'two. Reef. Cecil lies sieep • ' then .constiteited e oe ego' 'tidily evening, being'. got ,,ii) ei,....
sreeks • after their deliVery Ito had, .only. :the genoral topic. • of 'Conversittien, ;mill le..0.,,,dy. for . othi g full.', There was
. c011e0tedt:.$1.25... • ..- . • .• ..• .. , . • . :- . will 'Tank .es -one :of • theeeleest, (41(101 1(11(4 eery -.,(4.09.„1 ii-ebeeieertoe. or i.,41,tie,..i.o -e047
. ,.
. . . .,..
- Os Friday: ci'lltiiee•-attiudictl. tij'..a• 'ent•-• 7.1110.1%4•Qiver igivelln 43,•".r9•11.....8...i.71ini.i....i.,tntnes,• the characters. being • what might
Lei ran away, mu1. get..stolined 1)4 ,1,0t 4.4
eet- , t
(1 11 .80W.-NVe notice . tit it I- t-tO . tin med.' "'The vegrtihitkin. ..-'ci a) Irked,
, tint; its log tintlev• a erroseing.• -• 'WI .eue,vigiiaet Mayme wes superintending. i-,eharaetel.s," • ranging - flint), negroes ,to
chopping the creasing t0. getit out, the ..e.gee.„ 91' ..e..011 in slier ellinti. snow a lutkes- <end 'freni Wng
itati7u.e..aids.-: to 'ti
.) ,
horse's leg was badly aut. • e, . . •-.. ethe peindpalItilowitlks or .tho town; yes...i Peincess,, coneieleridde :trouble havIng.
. .. • ..•. . ..
1-...1.11GE ...STEE)3.----..1.tr.,:. 1.14 'iFitsiritous, ..torday: • On that leading to• the .thund .. been :gone .to ill ,1.111 In'qatre teen:. of -Sone
. of this place, has • a.. grade .steer, • aged . Trunk railway. station ''there .. were some ." of' them, .. -, .- .. ..._ • .: .- . ..... .:., , ,.. .
•. ..
. two. years it lid' eight month,, Which ort • ditegerotta.pliteee,, the. siiow.. 1)145 in,. .1.44,t).., ,.- ?, I: ,4i•liONAi17. MiliTik1.
ti;'116 :a nnital-
. .
Saturday' weighed. 15 00 lbs.. WO stOuld reni'ved' by '8010. .1.)'10.b.:'s .111.(1)041 -'0••-4•-atiseionary meetino an'' 'eennedtion with
e .
like to hear of. any . that. Coin entweigh the pliinic4. While their neighbors•lefteit 'I the Method ise Church was hein.:•ofi -Mon-
• tide.
. • . : .. •• - - nearly in the cendition ill NV 1f1011 It • f'Sit. ; dee 0,,,edee. jederee,e;e ' weee delis (.1
Peareami se oBE,en es,. ' ()it ' Fridayl:t•Veti 'TY°, whlIkKiir9 .1)0w. 001'111)1,V .g°°.'1;. - 1 : edlOy: 11,0Y7'..:111:, llree' .1;s, or NVe'ligliam,.'
.. . . . . . . , .
• - • . . A,, ....-411lie anneal ' meeting of Hend ReVe F. 11. Sandereon of 'Guelph,
":. Men went around' toss 11, Vtii1511. a large'
11 13
brown near,•Wilieh had .h,een,',0:ained - to . the ritillitt; Branch AeevieultUralSoeiety beth 49
both Were attentively listened
• go Ili re -Ugh a Ytiitt,'-tr 10.,1''VerfO1 ni8111104ft'T-Wha ;Ma ':±1.41ta :toWir halt (linton, 00 ' to 'tit roughen t, 1$(3. 441,11.111:. Ny as ADociapied
Aii tun uSed.crowd..gved On' its' ndioils, the' Otli inst. -.The financiel 'statement- by :AL% 8. Walsh: ' The attenditace was
and a, liberal collection:VMS' OW1,"Vard Was Teadeshowing-it belence on band of not hvrge.:.
- fhevefor: - . ---,.....--, :-- • $21:81: ••„; Mi John De 40010 Ooderich e•J'Aeze-Ro.etenisH.,,,_.,
• . . _ , . '' ... , L.,....., . .: . N•ot'Istrig 'since re'
Some of the snowdlrifts. on tee L., H. et B. tOwnshiP, was elected_ President for --tb9_!.;gentleinan residing in town,. who 'laid
-ire .sixteen feet .on .ithe leLo ii • ef Tear e Mr J 'Kasen ' Hulle,tt e b. , Ise • . b
'I' '`.1.4." . -i.-glo•L'e . • ,re.: . . J. - e i • - .., . re net o. 1 es qi . ,. . . ,
lite* early, 'awoke dut-
Tdreiser. - • • .. . . • ' Vice Pis eleteeetele, J. e,ovier,. join ; lee. the ,n)ght,,
Yea, indeed, a. geed cleat. mere th;i1.1, shspieye jr., Bruilsdep,I.-3.1
' ,-60,,,.. Al and liS lii8 el9ck liad 'stop.
--.. Ipe'd,' he did not. know 5511,41 timew
iliat ; some aye even •tliree,fitn.oe eixteen Dale,. jr.,•.john'JohnSton, 4: . , ItineI 'Its., j";
s "
011 (1)0 level." They may he ,tliet in1118011temeg,. Iv., - ce.. .80a00: . T. 00,0.001,; : beirig quite light however, lie got Up, -
bnilt 0, fire, and his WifsearoSe and ,pr0-
. long, but they are not:that •iieep..,. .
TL 18 N. Robson, S96..; It, "-.N1.. itaceY , pared breakfait.' ' Atter the3r‘ 1"a4..eat en
• FRUIT Geowee's Assocakrios:-.Setb-. mad Cr. E. Pay, Auditors?. ..• • . theirMeel, they' beean • to wonder ' that
' scriptions to this association will be .re- • , ••• ' - °-.1 li. eriner ' aid
Pgasoyegs.-----111r: D: 13.. Kennedy is • the seven o clock bc 1 c it. no . ,,,,,. a .
obiVed at this office ;- the fee:is only $1,
still confined to itiont by inflammetibre 'taking the yeah) tofind out what.
for which each meniber•will.reeeive the
of the bowels. ' -"Mr. Gee, Fulton Wei 'in time it wae,,theneyexatien May LO him-
• anntial report,' a'bOOlz.,-701 1 Vitiptic $3' to 108,•1: this _we.a.... .:Rex, w.._,.a. /3104... gilled ...011e114isl1ng 11„:).:5't5.,;..,0110,..91...0.601.i.,..,1.:11,
--- anyfriiit---growere-Teeniontlely•-mageteinste
stock has received a call to Berkeley the morning:" . . . • .. • .
and an apple tree or.a. neegtaifi,:ient, neW
street lgethodist church, , •,... Re
d_ Varietee ' Every _•:frnit - ' graiver Torontov' :' '00'ne-fekteerS.•2--Soi:ae" Of -our' subserib
Sohn Shaw, of Port Hope,. (formerly Of era ''cornplain 'that 'their .papers are at
should 'join the ciaSociation. - .
. * ' e•-- • •(4 1 .' h iownsliip) who hag been 'quite
Of filig. . .. tiMes tither" - out of 'the 'pest, officee• by
. SATURDAY lag 'WITS 'ilia. bllSiefit ,dity :
ill;:i:$"sufficiefitly recovered to ii.ecsiabee84. their neighbor's, il1,1.1.1.„31)ey 'do not 'get.
. that Clinton 11.48 eXperienced fee some his duties.; Mr. .J. oslevet Calle-Way;WliO them Until two or .theep weeks •lifter
• time. To stand at Fisher's corner and: Weral YeaS si:iio.e. 0‘121ed .11: farin '111 their iesue. ' Thia.can be remedied' by -
watoli the numbers passing.was •3 pleas- Stanley, is• now travelling for a whole-, notifying the postmaster not tO deliver
--ip-g Sight, •eepecially theee dull tirnese, sale tea'. house in Boston, and has. a sales- them to any one battlie paiity for Wheat.
Teams 'were.passing inetbundance, Many ry of $3,000 ye
a: av. • Good . for Josh . .
lame were out on pleasure, awl. . the '. .. - ,.„' • ; • „ , .. . . they, are intended, and reqnesting the:-
. ,
'number of pedestriane MoYing around Bimas. -boogie( ..i.)1EFITI:..3L---Tho an-. neighbors in qnestion ensubacribe for .a•-
nttA, mei? 1 ,
1 ti le of the • Branch '.Bible 80; vapor for tlierilsersies; • A subs.criber at
. . .. .,
made it eppeer as if etimething ver.yant : . •
Astral' seas going on. , ' ' . . ., . . • dieter., was •lielti in the Bible Chrisfini •Ba:Yfield also 0.0mplainS--that he receives
• • Cli inch,: on Thursday °Veiling, -the . Pro, his paper very.irregalaidy, stating:that
01 -
Eas---The following areIle sident,111",r, A..• MetheSon, in- ' the. Chttle. seme Weeks he, gets...none it -til 'We;
-Tw.. 1
officeie installed anthe ith inst., for the.
ensuing quarter, in the Clinton ,Lockee Addresses - -Were- 'delivel,ea by Revs, mail all papers Tegularly.from here, and
• I. 0. of 0. F. .-.-ti,.. Wiseratua„. P....G. ; tlyieeassiosc.i:tyes,avgiterritet•illIRatelite,w,..isv,'T. li\ovni.asitoitsut.;1 tv• e hope pestmasteers will see'that there
s is no irregularityin -their. delivery- '
W. Bowey, N. 0.1- J. '.Rider; 1V".' G., ; .
thce attendance whe not veyy large. • The ' ' '
• J. A. Yuill, 11.5.; W. M. Moore, P. S.; followinoe ofScerwe -were elected for the
13 ItY-Tlif
• '.1.)1L5'1'cEs. - Steen and Mr. 'It.
Philips es ere eleeted as Trnstees for.
131,yth school 014 the loth
• Cevem is, -The _roOf..of AL". 11.. 3.
Orioles hotel stables 'fell in OP h'riday
lase frola the weight • of snow enten. it,
One horse *was badly hint, and three cut -
tel.% 9 todted to pieeei, _Wort ctlietely.
there ho peeson•in the stables
• the. tithe:. •
.11.1OTris, ti t line speck led.. t roet ire
his well. elIis pump had beethne frozen,
in conscquenee of Which. had to 'raise
-the-platform nralectrita? the- water out --
.with a bucket, on which upon, one (scene
fame 110 foiind tie live trout abont fotir
incites in length. .1Tew*the Same got
there is. a, mystery, but it is -.Supposed
that it millet have been throned] some
Wingh am: Band: Sere-n-laced'etlae , new r's.,1,10bilt(31\1..0-'aillii`or'.;1•1,nneli.);.16i•sb.‘04toitn-grobf...odlt-tokl.'(!
Council, and realized $30 therd6iint. •
Bittevalo 0. of F. met on Wednea-
tv,l,aeyree Ne'xelt,,t1 1-1 ig;,1 J•Datn.u.i‘ixtreyo. 0 4Sewv,e(n..oteueit‘tt. Perm stoole, Ste.; of mr, II, Carter, lot 4", dee
. 18, iintlett, en the esnd inst. as. How:-
"Physieien, and Reseed. Election of
son, .atie • •
ofliceie Arisseie C. Pe Stewert Mortises* sole at flatteobinTs • liotel;en tile
0. 11. John Burgos' ,., .F ir 1841 hist., of .'mrai.,,:soli§„. sleighs, 'harness,
a ..anit. sawing maphine anct horse powcr.
ThekuisCov, matt.
-at the ,
DEA/IC:14o rob,nreux enscitivr IN' -
' ELTON-74.:031:1II:Tte/AL 1.1(TEKT..
Iias 'emu at •
His board, so 103) 313.1 twiny, -
'1Vith tho wintry acaaon of tho TICST ye.f4T.,
NatiCh Ca.u. (Maus obey.
' How ploasant to bear the sleigh bollif.ricW,,
o'cr•tho Eli(1)1' eld--1,911e1S Wa
Bahia a 41001°foot:oil trotter, ,
Aud your sweet heart by'your side: .
-Tess. may kink about 00 snow-sboil .
Exploits ormient relating-
Tlio par enctillonco of all of Dim
• Is tbs.boalthy.sport-of-sliating,' ' _
Young Grimm ha stow to the tinif ont; G' I "
olabs 10 . .
nont iiQing,aao Work on styli) of Of la qr,o,l,”
, 'Ho *Of Obeerved atholair adx;
. Ana wahonktbe slightest fonr, .
Milo attempting to clo tho dritclx rou,
,.no biotic(' on oar.
' • • 'rho acrobatic fonts that .Grhoes went lb.!". ..:1411',
;Wns natbnishing, tboy nis.o.ext atni:ipt
Wasir•intsse, nearly broito his hea I.
His altatts cartio'off-bn was tfaroplo.1
• Takes -fol. skating now lutil fled.
; It will be a mouth or moro,beforr able to get
"row, F. '8, i ,Tos. Burgess, :treasurer. •
'Pito Lodge is .to be celled ' i)ttfierin
Cont." . . .
, _
-"An`Exoter peper .Saye : -.-1aeif Nton-
day Mi.. Beim ,. ivois just north
-Of the ville,ge, hitil a. weoi.. 0
which passed elf plea:eel:dye afier:11: 3:1);°)
eveititig.'".the "s•isitoes, solne••of wham
hailed -froth Tnekers with,. Weiss 'enter-
tithied.at a dance.. While the ftni was
1.t. it height. sonic.; laischievieu$ Mayan-
ders„,aollepted the. beffalo. rebele rugs-,
blankets, .otee, belonging to the perty,
and distribatedetheine...very carefully
• about -the prieniisese.: After. 011 extended:
imd fruitleas search tlie•party,with only
BR Cli, Cllffil i0118 . 418 flatti t.6 had. pie y id ed
rued with gout eimugh wrappings teole.
then.. departure :ehrotigh the -storm. In
the inornieg the lost . robes were found
in a hole in' the.eteaw stack and the
. . .
. • Oat of boa: Skating i8 a liaal'araya: ' '
' cuShiens. OA Op of .. .tlie• barn: ' Should -;:l elueixteiezepitilata-gall.•)drAitt3tiratitoxiiekeet:astie4patr ti,hitti;•,.1.1.•:.,
. - •
ethez.vitetiee:Whe perpetiettea 'lle 'tr. 1,71.)e ----
AN I' Wilk% ajoilin"rtili'le rie4!: U1u0tkvb-EolfeHenilfil c krror* .-
(48001'01:Rd they • Will 'fere hal cl. at the .
. -. „. AMR sfiater will in oblivion sink. ' . '
1i1;31I.t.1.8 of the .enteagetli.a...iiii.i.......;',exc:_ttiLsienista,.. _ ereeeee, a.pal.. 12, 187,, „...„.. ..,. i. .... ... •
., . . ...
Wednesday' last. Nv.
,r°sepli 'was elected. as truStee. tor
S.S. No. 10, East Wawin-tosli. '
Tfris . occriered 1. 8014001
.Teacher to little six-yeler-old:-When
. will your little sister be. five'? Pupil- -
When de 'flitti lepeles•dets•TiPe. • . • ' • •
ItEntii,e.. • ;Mr; Timings Agiuswe-rwirce.
'lost ltii.saWl111.,11 1437 lightning dering the
summer me etlis (last' Atigest) has re-
built it "et eue extensive ,.onthe'er, end is
now &dile. ettshing bnsinest luniber-
has stareddle•lergo: gang a-
men in his pinery, and anticipates get-
:ttihlligs ieast .600,00Q feet of pine
. . •
Burnes- BY -A D00.- -011 Thurday, 2nd
inst„ a child ten yeers. of e, daughter
of Mr. Ade*. Potter, of Feld Weavanoph,
while playing with little .baby 'sister,
• WaS'hit k frightful manner .on the
. tongue by their oWn dog, teering it open,
:and idineet`euftingit through. Medibill
aseistence Was immediately intim:cloned,
(110 teni;ite' reqaieing, tour stitches, and.
the patient ie 110T in a fail':way ree
covery- • •
. Huron PresNiteri..
W. Foster, Treas.'; II, NeWritarch; .War;;.,inesent 3Tedr".: . A. Matheson, President; . • • . • ,.., •• .
J. Bowey, Cope; W. Jones; 0. .(3-...; I_ C.' 81ilvenson., 'Secy.Treas; -.Committee, The eegular. nieeting -of the i're,s13y-
Smith, I. G. ; V Lavan,...R.---S.- -14,T: 0....; Role -Messes'. Stewari; -MattlieWs, Fow- tery of' Huron Was held hero, ,oneTttes,
e son R.'S: S.•;, •Ct. Ward; .I. S. S. •; W. ler, :Thomas, Ferry, -Dr. 'Worthington .. s. -• . e . 0 .
clay laet .there being a very large,. at'-.
T. C. Doherty, Te. S. N...G,eal Timmy -
t T . * b 11 H. R. Walker'
$ tendande of ministers and eld rs.
. .
R. Irwin jas. urn u ,
•John•Gibbings,,ancl.Janies Thoutpson; • . The. Rev. John Fergusonsyneappoint-
V. G. e lejadkaoric pimple I a. ------ :
It ed Moderator for the ensuinleix menthe.
.4.. call' from Kirktoir and Thames
had driven o'v'er Toads that we thought •gational meeting., Of. theePresbyterian Road, to the- R......oi. C. Fletcher, was, ens-.
could not possibly be worse,:buta drive' .church willies' held this evening, Quer-
over several of the roads running north. terly services. in .contection with 'the
and south, irr this neighborhood, donvin- • Itable Christain. church weed held .on.
'Stnulay mornang, Rest. Mr. Thomas -of.
' ces us that they could leave been' intich
• wqrse. en. nearly all of these the snow ficiatang,, end a , geed number being in
. is level with the fences, and tun occesion- attendance.. - Them .evese.no lesa than
al drift raises it•abovnthem. Tito road five bridal couples at the Presbyterian
to Brucefield is. filled with monstee church, On Sunday Morning, Rev.. Mr.
pitch holes, been Clinton - iind. Avery'e,' Dryers, Of Wingham, oecapied the Me:,
it being no stretch of the tleith to .say
that in 3011101)1:lees they are -three feet
deep, end so frequentlhat it is just "in
and ent, thump, thump, Ulm's," and to
drive fast over them one runs it 'risk of
smashing their nose on the • dashboard,
or snapping their spine -across the back
of the cutter, Tito Base Line is " Orfttl";' ''''It.r.ST Too TJATii. -During tho late
. it
' for a considerable part of it, is impas. snowlalookado a.gentleman in this vici.
Sable, Wants living to go through fields. nity got married. The sister of the,
To attempt to pass another anywhere bride had been stuninened , from a dis.
but in front of a gateway, is almost sure tariceto attend, but owing to :the irre.
to result in an. upset, Anal to ,think of gularity of the trains,. WAS 110t, allio to
bringing in a large load is_ontirely. out get here. Tho nutritage havnig been
of the -question. rillhe teraveI read north, performed, the happy couple were escort: -
although nob 80 badly drifted as the ed to the Grand , Tetink station,- .‘where
others, possesses a large number of pitch the filet train going. eest, after the storm
holes. • On lea& that are much used was waiting.- Sate'ly seated one board,
we think it would be Mole well spent the train had SuSt.,takeit. its departure,
it' every farmer' would fill in pita. licdes when from ct, train from the east, which.
in their immediate vicinity, asthey only creased here, the bride's aister etepped,
get worm° frotn continual traVel, arid to 'She was naturally Somewhat annoyed
1111 thetit up Would lesson trio possibility that her twelve' had been so latee but
of their so doing, becanSe making it I
teem wee no ahernhtive bet to ." grin
. ....... ...... possible to get along with a load; •"" • end beer it.
Holmes, R. Ss V. E. Doherty L. 5,
TIIE ROAD8,-111. years • one by we creme:ex NoTgs,---4The annual congre-
thodist titilpit on Sunday. The child-
ren's Ciltristnias festival,' of St. Paul's
Clinrel, will take. place this evening, at
lialf-pitst sir; in the town hall, instead ef
in the eehool-room. Only the children
belonging to tlie Senday-school, and
their parents,. aro expected jx) be preseent:
se .
tabled. , • • • •
A call from Egmondville, to the Rev.
1‘1000y„ivas'sustained, and his. .or-.
clination appointed to take place on., the
3rd of: Feb. next, :Rev, Mr, Stewart
to, preath, •Rev. Cerneron to address
the minister, Rev. Me. Musgrave to ad.
dress the people. ' • •
mr. Fergeeon reported ' that' he orga-
nized a Statical at Geoid, • • ;
McCrae, of .Grand Bend, resigned
hie charge on the ground of '
- A remit from the G2dner44l.k.Seembly,
•on the division of the Presbytery, wafts
taken up, discuSsed, and agreed to, -
that pnrt of this Peesbytery with part
of Bruce form a new Presbytery, .
McQuareip and *Mr. Cameron,
epek11. on behalf cif the College ;Pend,
ancl Mr. Fergeson on behalf of the
Item Mission. Viotti, • .41vieing inoro
liberal contributions' to the same. •
Members appointed 'to .attend _the
General Aegetnbly, at -Ottawa, Revse-j-.•
Pritchard, 1)r, The and Cameron,
Elders, - Mathesain, • Slum, McNeil,
Didleson,Strachan, KernatheneMakwelt
The nekt meeting, of Presbytery Will
.13,e'llekl in Clinton, on the thikl Tues-
day of :March, the MIL
Ppsbyterian Sabbatlx School Cow
ventten will beheld ,in Myth. on„ the
4th of Feb. next, .
illk1U6E'r OLD,. . .
. . .
-- JiO15"3
;Tiii4 FOR -1.11(,it,-I.Ast week
pork'was.seld hero by the eareasst'atTtlie
chat Mous rath of 83 per dwt:
X.i.11 grrixe;-.e:The annual in ea:te
ing of the Huron. Farm ers.' ,and ..111;chans
ics' Association Wee held -here on Friday
last, and wasettended, Odle being
a larger representation or agents for ma-.
chi:mix:thanon any. prevus iooccasion..
Mr. 11; Mc11torilie was re.eopointed pre -
Went ; Mr. Cooper, vice-presideut T. M.
At. Yeung, secretary ',Eder;
treasnier ;' and 'Messrs. Matellar- and
R. Alideeson; auditors. It was decided
thatthe. next 'annual reaping' match be
held in the neighbor1iood7stExeter, and
.111es01s;John McMillan, Jaines Mahally,
and•Mr. Hollingehead, appointed judges'
therefee. • . After the meeting all adjourn-
ed to a supper that. had ._1)ee4 got Up. in
'Ben Kaiser's nsual exeellent 'style, (the
number.bding inc.:teased by Several•from'
Seaferth and- Clinton), nearly one 111111. -
deed partaking. thereof. Tho wants :of
the inner man being supplied, tltoctisto-
111187)7 were drank and responded
thin a hearty manner; Mr, M. Y. Mc -
Leah replying to the toast 4. t1.1(4. G. G..
arid ,Fyinceee Louise in an able mannere
Army and Navy, by G, 11. .Taelcson ;
'Dominion ,Farliament, by A Merles-
worthe.and the LecaleHouse, by G. 11.
J-aolooti.; Agricultural Interests, by Mr.
McMordie, president Of the association,
ancl, Alt••• G Anderson Mannfactaring
intere.gcs, by IL Culbert and Mr. Jones ;
Commercial -Interests, by Messes. Thos.
Kidd, 4. Yottng and Mr. Secerd ;Press,
by Messm. 11r. Y, McLean, of the Ex*
positor, and Mr. Xt. Holmes, of the Nem
IgnA. ; Education; -by Messrs. Hicks end
Cameron ; Ladies, by MOSSr8.. McGuire>,
.Carter and 3. Sproat: Songs were very
freely interspersed, fnost of thein -of the
humorous order ;• but :several of a pa-
thetic . nature, rendered by Prefessor
Jones, of Seaferth, 'wore. Well worthy
sP°1°- . halm Mr, .• Douglas, also of
Seaforth, gavo eeemul nittienaleaiesein
good style. It. was Veil on'tbaYards day-
light when .the party broke up, a vely
pleasant,ovening haring been,spent:
.-eiesseemeresessisere •
CLI1\trl'Ol\T OZTrr.
. .
. •
-purrs' AND BOY'S HAiS,
f'01.11 ST0t,% Cour aists.0.101 or. 'rm.:. visrsr AND Leitogesr le: teleg •C'0.0TY,
4AC.KON7S,.GREAT 11141101111CALP nousui: