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The Clinton New Era, 1879-01-09, Page 7
JANUARY 9, 18M r• T11E C:W..,:`IMPi 1VEYY .Lit,\.E.,.. 11 11 .. 11-11 _ _ ......_.. 1111_. . .-1. _ 1.11 1.11--.1-1.-'. •.. ._...-1111. _ 1111 �_.. 11 11_ I Facts and Fig 1<�.'es. _� � 1111vap Vftti�*01P �I __ _ __ .r --•---•--- There are in Prussia 8,22.3 doctors,1 d ' (.o tet the a 7tgesa .ta7. 1419 .surgeons and. ` 51 dentists. CLEARING �_ _. i LISER & C ® tMAMMOTH SALE. .111, Aad let the. angels -in; i " lip are- niari.na plants teliicll low � � , ` t?o o en wide thedoormother' , u S00-fcet from the bottom of thebsea. . ate 1 F u tb attention l,£ the public to their arrival o! ' • They ale so bright.and fair mother, , Sc pure and free from s]n, { New 'York city has, out• of a liA�,t?'L- .t k � � � �' �.__ If Holy the pleasure c£ allina. c A • .: I bear'them speak my uania another, tion of 1,000,000, 400,000. foreigners. Dr ::7 Goods, Milliner y.,.1��.�antl�,s.4..S1r,�����, ���e���iy.._ _: _ ._ lrisper, ',Coma !" r r apples pp `T . t The softlyw , , i , t10 000 barrels of a i les were shipped �i, ( a _�`-- Y U,1htilia anels in,pother, from New York. lin orris oral iti Noyam t111 ..I 1D 11'lll' t r UG I �t'S .l C. They've Home to tnkerme home. - � 1� • I know that death has, come mother, bar, ----- -- . } r . v - WHIOR A1;E VERY tlll't)IG'E, IIie hand is on my brow; '!''here were 113,01.,1 bankruptcies in $15.000 WORTH OF GOODS. TO BE SOLD . , You, cannot keep me here .motber7 -- the' United States while th�.Ttl;w wits xn ! _. '1 For I must leave you neiw, force; - , A:T , -^090--- , The room is -growing dark, mother- . 7 + + , ' + , , I thought I heard you. weep; Australia is a, good place for semen- - Tis very sweet to die, mother, arians, .By the latest census thor s are T (�; TTTTTTTTTTTT'I' IJLEEEIrTJEEEI;L r1AA ;,SSSSSSSSSSS I Like sinking into sleep 1 18S> men rind 22fi women over,100, years R • G A L -�•r� �• ' •�- � `t' D E R �-� � -! � '�� T'1"1' EEE 0 AAA AAAA .. I now rnitst,sa�y faro1vo11, mother, . old.- . , i TTITTV, F,E SSSSSSSSS BBEI , AAA AAA , For I am going Home 1• • (,TREAT GI -TRAP DRY. GOODS STORE, RXl; AAAAA A AAAAA • SSSSSS. 11 i Now open wide the door, mother, Of tlid 2,000,000,000 of .eig ars now .. TTTTT'1T EEE;TaEELLEL'E, . AAA. AAA- SSSSSSMSS f And let the angels come 1 antivally consumed in 6he United, States. CLINTON) - QNT, - I And let them be4r me far away, about Ninety pep ' cent • are of Home. - ' . I. , FROM (�•�•�, '�T �,1 RU 'j�'�7' •�Q (� OyJR STOC .'Or TEAS IS`COU'IP.T: XL?, and we.11avealargeassortineli o£ U�1 to the world of love, manufiieture. 1' QILItl 1 t UNTIL U/f LB1L 11. 1L l j 1(� ei, , Tile city where the angels stay, this seasons lloyin;E YOUNG HrsON, IMPERIAL; G 020OlSDEIt, and CO GOT` , : The brr It world above. 1:111 _. ._ 1211 til : 14.dll.CS31xL4t,!Ybed th�U �_P .._._..._. .. _ , _. x. _a 1:111 -.., ..._.... _ . ..-.-- ---. _ . __...1�_�,._-_.. � �' 12 - �Ti171� �L+ i� �I.Lr`-e sY�1x. any Other ct)unwy of its size 2,158, rEds, ttl>till^ CCllt-''rei>L is alis hest valiib we havo ever oiloreil; axnt> have -�� r inorp to arrive in a few trays:' To Tit' IT. Is TO Iso COX v1Nc1El). ' 000. fur a ,o ulatioil of ,la' 000 000, Tlientiin�berofchurchesand.converts C F TC �11�I X-wo3p�i •. . in Japan doubled in' lire 1'aat .year, ,he Government has four:• breiiclin;11 The o entrie 'tilexe rias Ealy, iatiillel's iii stables, . (j�. E halve ddcideA nn linving a. t>itEAT CLEA1tING SALE for two mouths, to cle"I out AT very large .. ... O—= - p e C • . 1► stock to mane preparation% for agrand display of spring Uoods; we otFor EVERYTHING AT DOST, suit . _ •missionar ,bisalt . Last 'year, AmericAn fruit to tbe; •a great ,nauy things at leas than Half their real vatuo, to clear them, our Stock Is vert' largo and well - ' ' y y L '.aagreat , and. comprises nil the LATEST AND NEWEST GOODS to be found In the market. Everybody . �qT '[� h (V �T '.Cho pastor of the Pre'sb=terian church value -Of $3,000,000 wlig expel teal, should cotnei'and havo a look through and'got settle of the Bargains while they have a chamo:.as this is, WE . �lry ISH TO .'CA T L %� (�N p + Tifteen ea s L� a""Clltit'C )r .e0tls an pppertunitp seldom offered thein,, Our apace will not- admit of us onlnicrat,ng•all tho varlous articles.' „ ^^ � '' ATTEl51T��+•1. at Ndngpo, China, is a. native who, hiss. - l r f ,o th 1 0 we otter at the greatly. reduced prices, but to'give pcppie nit aden of what wo ,are doing,, tvu ,>ill'gilaw a .. :• - : . •.. :'y . 'Of such ex ottittiuns amounted to. few ,lioc+,_ 1:111, • • - -° - . promised to ln'ohitle for Ilia salary wTtli• P ' ' 1 - - . out aid from the missionaries., . 26J,Q00; ! 1 tLD � - Q�L l� ®8® - DEPARTMENT . .11 . TO _OUR . ' ' , . r _ _ 1 ._..:. _ 1 _ _ _ _ _..__ ` In.P+tii?s_tho,_consltmr lan..of e1ltose_ . 11. _ _:. A Parsee rally joined tbe...11Zetllotllst , 11'0 (ifl--'special I,afghills `SVa . hay e` a..3ery-IctFbo stcl k of olein iu nil zhe.ne� gn'eciF; -of r . . . . . of•.all kinds fcasl> coal ,fir in ,1860 lie t1 • ever sliado .at 1. cents ,eriardi and u % nrdc, In wo ` • church ill Bolhbay, Jui)e 1Gtb,'tbe fll'st' ,' , . ; y,'T� .. ). Y, of t , P ' ,, , BLACK .GOODS , �; . y . _ __. . •., `-"; "' . 11.1.•-_. ., `. eCCeeded 3,000 000 :Y011nd's - tYLttCll 'tva8 • dhow nn.ulinstlnl.,tllttplay,,anC11 as (.A?,lIatl RES,. J'AAAZIA r,lb,. Gn,k.M. CLOTna. and FAEaSit tilh, _- instance v here a, lad ...of that tai'tll lens _:�:::' 1 . c r�.. w can- 0' 'ou i �.. J o. a l d � I �° . , -+• .• an average -of about saveli� )0.ulltla,;. lel•.., itI\Cat, . and in BLAVIE LiMtn! we can,abeat anything ni the tirade , . o give j , a ii.loc - . .. �..J . publicly lrofessed.Giliistianit1 , I-- n % l y I y . , 73rt'rT:*.Trt'S'i•nt far •1•-carts--'ta,nfl-o'-:Iiiie•at..:i<setas;,.:Lwe,rth'�1:.carats..XZ.III',,,Jl r'-P,T,TIF,$F .0111 ,:.:. -.:., • head of populat�i). Al.0 1'WFIULESALE PRICES. - - _. � .. _ .. 1Vhicli are roasted and nC tintl.art - ._.-. _ There aro about 400 000;')�rsons con, b o the, premises: FOR PURT,L'Y AND FRA' . ' arected `,v..ith .tyle Christian, churches in .' beginning with li. ptiodn'ction of foux � . - r' ;, G i I ,. T � , . S T kAl LF— ..�1.N I FANC G®®Das. RANCE T1- EY CA7TNOT` BE E(2VALLJO7). , Clic'clelnaiid forom CoF.FrE. India, China and Ja au besides 200,- pounds of tea in'.1b40; I.noi:i now ea-• . p , - '- '.` n tv ln'on h . (x nd all=wool T1VI EDS:at 7;i c::worth 1: 0,• •has inclease�l. so touch tbO w0'tire. eoinpelletl to roast twico.• it weal: tlierclore it: 000 -children receiving a Christian edn- ports 40,000,000., pounds, and ll the. 1IILMNHRy ' at cost f r r c t s . { 0 5 0 , - '• rt' MANTLES'at cost until cleared out, , i,(.,00d all -wool T1VEEDp at $1.00 nort104.u0•' retains its full fln�er: � cation. islaittls of the Ilrcllail alciilllcl:Ino sic , .. . . 1.ilOtR C.L1ltLPatinc,.the ,rant. , SkI:�11IJS at cost uGt�i cleared out:' t HL1I1' Cr111I'CTS�btily.l0 scrota per yatcl. I I.- Th.e Newfoundland Conference of tl e ° I 5.1URTS iia, Pelt And Fancy Patterns.it'coat. �,Aaljuatable COII RTS•for GO coats, for which. . - . l _- _'___t'2 .e inter It 'nrr ?er ire c' rc= GIRL'S PLUSH CAPS at 4 i els ver •:chert ,ou.-,d 7a _: 1,O�rit sztlicr,places __ -- - o' ... . 3Iothodlst Gi*lmYeli :of: -Cankers 'laas"-1•c- S 111 l 1, c l lona-bi a PLU ._ 3 n p y. 1 y . 0 fill esti.intited ilio whole' iiic]eb ed lc s LADIES 1'U?SFi'CaI'S osti'iolr p'lninc, SGe. .11'0, laago some of tlioso"'i'ivo-buttoned 1% . centl established a niissreu atnonn alis ly t i ,s . . Y eindividuals,� • - '11I13I3ON ti,� almost every itiiada at � and 10 c, �' C�LO�'7�5; slightly '<lnmagetl, tit '50 Deals, " people of ilii ,� a r - of companies and colpot,t- . . le I br . do ..00ast, n ho aro ,BROWN liOLT.ANDS; very' niS.o,.'for•0 cents: worth.7t.5'). � � �, ..S 'T � Ci' � � , } C tions of all kinds' in the 1Tuited'. States r T 1 rf P of fo: lTe 1's I�1 rated Shill r8 AND D1;A1VE}t$ at . _... _ __ to be not -hiss than 52.0 000 000 000. C,IIr"UX 1113\UE 5 it 1 , cts. worth'25 cts:. 37'r oents ascii. _� :_ ._ . 1 1__ 1'T'eges.. L._..__.. _ ::.:__. r A h' o 1s c 1 a lots 'o" 1'ce. 1.Good all-uaol .141 RUD __tt .,0 cts, woi iii Tut' - < All of erg oc -e wally w i i h *U*" ., There aro in London 1,cJ?S firchiteeL'r, : ..:..: —, -,.. -1:11 1 1- ,.I3ostoa bils-a 1Yety ictlotous idea. An: - - +. _-1111. ... '::. ..._..,.. ........ .. .r. ..,...... 111:1, .h -� -N • . _ 1111 1111 R71..s.ulyeyois, o,G57 builders, 81',000. 'OUR' Q,"u��3�'r.f1=P. . -f le l °ll' �Pzi.'US S`G E -fl -,1--:E- 1 a imtnenso non-, .:cTi. . is , ih " to be bitilt. It is to be o en to all and oatpentels gild jotnets, l f,0b3 k,riclllay- ,I 'n uenal. cni ,laic aiitl ivo will sell thorn.cli�t :- iow Gnlenoifi'ItA1SI�v i301bs, for yl. =r ' it ors 853: tuurble masO) is 0 029- niason s, nl qc P , ,c ,� , free from se tarinnisiu. J' will '. , , ' ,few C1Jl,IcAN C1�, 10 lbs',, fol! $1•,00. r;0 baja SOA , for 61 00.. Eddy s 1 . 1, M -4k C]HL�, I r i + , l . o, c h.e_trost.. c• r n A nod 'cumT IT o, TEA,4 f 'r, 1' S PULLY,ASSORTED 15SORTED AND comPLETE I�T•:E I TAY IiL+.SPRGT, -"-=-I be 4200,000, which amount ,is to be pavrors, tucl' l,f l-9 plumbers, Ilaliltei� .12L'c.cnts., .,ODsa,, cept.. STAI>CH 10 ce,ts f Y !. o S _ r .and.glazi ers. _ . OLTIL W.CTNT `.CEA IS rAE BVS', IN TO1i'IY. � • _ raised by .$000 subscriptions.. r --- - . ? 1111 :-The•'averane- ineome cif' Trish school The London ciet fur ref of "1' .- ' err roods can b..e. bout 1t ' clean .r ut this . Jfrt: ninoth, Clearinr . . . . _. So y p u 1ng'.'teachers .is .330 but 9s of the vital V lloit..t .- Jet tlfrtt ./ r i a / �4D6i; .��'�Ca."'D�-. , 1. , _.._Ghirstianit anion 'the Jews was found:• ,; Sctl., tPefcit, jai tine :,. rzrlar x 1,-z , .9:`617 /loch shoii'd came coni see • ten though..' • ' y numbor--10t489J- have „G80; 3G3, . �; J J .l ..J , ed in 1800,.`whon it is, said the most `di- r rr , : o Heel. r1o77, t bv, .,: Tie think it ,tn• troiclilc to slmm goods. , , C ' r *4G0, X,013, 3.10 and ilio rest C.i'(OCIERY CZI 77 y �/ p _ lig tit se .tiruli could only : dlsae,_ai _3a , , • • 75. /• 1 �_ .. . _ , . A r1r-a G`SS 1�Gr �`1 L ' -..,_.. OR! --: --- .. . r These, are men, :Female. teachers have , . — . ' Christian brews in' ilio 'w1 + ,. 117e havo 1?IIRTjF. SI•"Wn , ;:TACiII:NI:S,. vently new, whir h •.iJill•be sold ehpd r Ally EP. _ _ _.� _ in1.4 0 P� e . 9, ._..._.w... _._ ,:. _ _ i_ _ .._ .. _ _...__.___._._._....___ ot»,.5.,Gda rrty, ��5. , ---- ... _. r i 'iF 1111 ;— . ,' + .,- .. e , . 1111. o •Cquantiby.9 .G00D E >{LY 1,OS� 1i}Ir4�ToL tai sal "" ._.S DA girl+._:AAA 15 tiV1+.L t E]�h `EiF1D; . land. Smco Then niers than 0,000` . , have'embraced th,e.faitli and been bap., , rhe receipts' of .wheat at No'w Yor C �.E. AItLY ANI) C0�1) . OIT1;� IT 1vILI, ,] AS :1-0101': Co'M ]� , , 1LE In I3Ef.t;N P w the 63,000,.00D::hashy_....__,_..._._:._._._--..,_.._._.___._ .._ • . tiz-d. p . : . S. �' , y S. PAI�LTSER &.007 - . e1S .a ainst :).4 890500'last ear.'.. Corn ' 1-: . The " regulars" of €h'e Episcopal : . WiOws that a guin',of 4;000 000 kiushols: .. TERMS STRICTLY CASE DURING: •TATE .BALE " " '' Churcli•°a-re--l-ikel :-t0 think less -t]) ii .. ,. ,. • ,•.. ,.. • .:.. . • _.1 . y ancl. cotton 100 000 Bales... 'In. dais . ' . :. �_: , ,. ' + , y G T 1.I 'L +carjLT1, AND P.DTAIL C4110CI;It, . IRT -Z 13I,QCK CVL:- ©f the reformed,'Cn'huxcli, for it. is : . _ T., C:A LLA\Ia h LC OQ , proiiiie. tltP:lrios0;cleeulad lncleaso is in GLI�TON,•llei.l_,i8,,P. , now proposed .by the laEte't to do away r. _ cbe se,.:fully 700,000 boxes mocH having ' ciiaTaN, Dov: si,•> 7 . f with the obsei�unce• of Lent.. .Cuero , I : been :marke:ted. -. . . , • . . , --will be a great deal of'' pad sell,horror , -. • at the newest de. Arturo: f • m the old , •':.. I. . - p Out Bono 'hY 'a lioy paths. �. -- _ - 111.1 � , : I The Rev.'Dr. Blank was a a0od deal .1< lad' in Boston rather' sua.all •for:.11is -'S , ^"4 ,, i. I pe h a•'zealous brother who al ells wdrki.in an�offieeas :errand" bo Gaoral :Aim I! '14W N y y ,S,-E1u1.N&-,MACH1 T,NE DI P0T•SD�, ways im'provised.a .rsniark•Uefore the Wfor foul gentlerrien: wlio: do business q S-' ,1. doctor bean. -On ,o5e. 'ocmasion asIle there.. -One ,tray 'the � entlemesii, )vtiio .A slilendid assortment of .first-class.,SEW]:NG' 11IAINES'always on hand. NI EDLl}S. , 0, ', g " and every furnishma kept in stock: - rose to spealr, the - pastor gently ,inter ,,ohafling li'ilri , a little ' about being . so rupted him by saying; '° "Brother, will 'sillall, ,and sa%d to: Lira : .Ci:, T � 0:>-` .,I3, 'E � A �- .YZ..I N,, a S I� "O' ;� , u lea in re r " ' ." o i .twill nerve •' . Sewing g Machines of eve make re )aired and iie'av arts ice t, on'hiand. Ravin eat •a eel • • yo d us p ye 'rhe, brother Y t 1, amount to .much- ... n, every n 1 , p [? s. 6 fi "�e a.. _. . • b 1 t 1 t a um t t . n 1: never Can •d ' practicn, machinist; •all. work done here is'wttrranted t(' give'goo'tl satisfaction. OF 1 Ai"R ;�. 'SX .: es to eel ,.. au ria eu , . ud mado n. yet o much. business ; you , , tr Charges Moderate:; :: H. NORSWgRTHy V. awe i . T was about to offer a few remarks, ar.e too small. t. • .. .. . ,� Th- , , , ' liitrditt:ktreet,'one dohar wekp of tL: ,Colntint^reial IEI otgl, Cli>t7io11. tan P but perhaps I can throw them into the . Zh- little follow Jl volied at them. _ "" " t- +�. -- , "- . . . form of .a prayer," . ..: • ,' ..,,..As s>zia,ll;as I ani:" ''said lie''.•t1I• can �r �_ - -- . I' p Y •:.:.',y -_ . ., ,. _ ,11 11 kZiTABLE FA?'.1V1--I+OR :SALE:.I- .:: , - _iC 3L X Iia `-fin' O:IIF.. «' Aro na lite means used i�, . lr. IIIc- da so,iiefhiria 'which,no�ie of you %lir 1 11 - . �, I - - y # P .. me�'can do." _....:� - �m �'_1. . hatnntedans in Iridial to odpose-the pro- •," , _'. U - P - Y` ACT OR . . - - rh, 4.hat is that ? . Ilio andersignCd offers fpr sale form Con te;.s of Christianity, not the least xow-• `, .C . < . .. --. g ' y r 1 ,i , n - mining 68 acres, 45 Cleared and in goad state of cults- ; li . ' - . r I C10n t liR0.5�, ab' I Onbllt to.:t011 11e ation. 14evordalin 'a ria eros c tannin across rile TEih, SUnSORI13El T,ES'IItEs TC IiLTURN FIIS : , ' . erful is the luetvspapei. the Alollam 0 ... ,. v g p .. g i g , centre thele is,.alao a e +lendid ,ceA orchard, buildin s sincere thanks for talo liberal abate of patronage re.plietl. Pllt •'lll'y vele anxious to -1 r g' � Afforiridhim And would-iclsoiutitiaat'o.thatliebas;dur- t - Litedan f0t11'rialS mostly w4el£ly)'lYubltslx- .. �' , .. sc., on ilio Ince. 1t is well eitnnted, hdmglet 8u,ltth 1 , 1111 - , � - , . n o •' c •' .• 1 in the. a.Btwintei,laid,n a largo stool of.f rst-class , +'" T ,^` know, liner, ctGcorclln l . ur ed,liim to tt,ll. oeu• CTodench To„nrhip, and is only half a mils from . g p . o b0 .Cle'tl Out )- J 111I'Ll 1. t 14 9' . 01 7 } ed in .India itre ,very Humorous.-l..Tbe r, y !, materia] an,lis ueSv :prepared to make aill.pntiu •ths ' : . `_ s .f . f , fd 1y111 -_q " a ' %y „ the corporation. of.tbo Town of Clinton, and liar. a''f,nc . . - �VCII; at)S,elPflthelitticiff1017,.tI, i� h ntnetown.. For[irttir' nrtrn rs ] ' • exactrlumbrr•w.o have no tircaus.of•teli - ve eft the, d p o._>p Aat. r ; sari kec Erato swearing" to tvli.li. o0zlneN, " S, �' 1. ing. In.eveiy'larlgo eityni 1'luhti allele f - .MOST SUPERIOV , 4)UMPS' ' is at least .one and in`'soine there tw •: '1'liere were blushes:. oil, fo,lu' I)lanly Clinton,Ttllyllt 878.o>;.ri .tl ao- Gro .1 ..Store.1 r o :. Utavery dogdriiiiien, oit.thm siaoltrl gr IjoTSCi ,: and - ,wbliahed. 1llostof these o 1,ose Cbris_ 'forces, and they d'urzzed iho•Uoy;110 lucre, ... 1• ,ll. ... i a �I 1 ti -� 1 .I dip I {n -. ., n also most'rensonablC tdrms --., �. dJ` �® V tianity with the 'greatest bitterness al]d l ' Iyhat Ifo_':"0--"`}1 gi►ildren do: r 11�Oi1E�' TO ��oi�ll �1� t�'j)jj1QYV�L ll�tl+� l.`' ` v aaa��� "`l1VJJ fU ll ��CJJJ o 1 I i !Remember t)e place —next floor ;to A. . an�h imosity.' ,, , ' � j .. Matheson's Blacksrvi th Shop. ' . The educatioiA. of: ' uee;n , Vicious s : , ALSO,: ON IdOnTGACE SECURITY. ' . i - ` TALES FE1101180N. OQO . The combined The ilio churches' _ _ of various denomivations iu Chicah,0 are ,grandchildren is .conttgctetl on 'the ;prin .. • Clinton, ApSirlU,1877. - . estimated to be -i tgfollows . Presbyterian, eiCile thtitibcr Prince Consort iiitrodnc-" `- . ' . a y i A number of toot`.} FARMS P0R SAL : ' and Any other Inflammatory X275, 000; Gouaie' at onal .1222 00 ed,into her family. .Palticulaily is -this- - :.. ; �j j (tM disoasecuredinafewhoum . o , n , , , ' RREUMATIM. Er si Clari scrofula, arri- 0 Methodist, X210 000 131 )lash 00 t1.tf2 0# the children af'tho Crown Prin y n p S. BSER`E 'T;'HE 'REDTGTIOIV IN 1'1ICE , , 1 , , w X00, 0.:. , . ALSO, SOME TOWN .LOTS. . .ago, skin irritation, plcors from any cause, And a Klin E isco ial -, 13 000 •. L lir 1 y y -1111 _ . p i , 0, , ut a an, p1 .5, cells of.Germany, The have. to rise ": ., '' dre�other. diooasee aro caused by an acid ferment, wliich produces inflammatory action.. Brun ons' Ab• - _ . _ 1011 Pahl and tetra earl Darin 'tlie'da Apply to ' C. A. IleRxr, Attorney, Bre• . 4 - - - _--- 000 , Unitaitan, y,d'80,000 , Un1Ve1 soli ,t y y . g . j' sorbent will positively eff'cot a caro in n tow hears, by ' H>:bVY 1i nArii�rx. S izxtTxrrtl 'rico•_ 40 sty,; ' , . Reduced tb - 33 els.. r . they have punctually to pfofoim their. •Clinton,Tnne2Q, 18"18. nbeorbing alto acid poison from ilio system. Hold by \TNT " ir' • $50,000; in 0Clla11a00nS, 10Q,000,, t0, �- �, ;druggists. 1'fice,GOc. Advicoinjtarticnlarcagcsfrce, .. ITEVVY'GRIM r,L� LS, r 40 CtB:'' 33 .ct8.. . tali,. 51,382;000. A Correspondent ondent of duties, sari to. iteiep strictly the' time -1. , . SV. Y. lllitl'l(Tu HrAVY GRED ri;AwN1:Ls,. c` " 371 cis: : lr 30 cis, _ . the Golde7z Ir'�tle sa +s :. 'the boli of this ..allotted to the various branches of study t'ONS,OLIDATE.D ANI£ OV CANADA. . Leaden, oat: �itxxcEYs;, W. L0 etg.: - it Sets. debt ma be fairly sot Clown ars the ro-. and recreation'. • They breaidtist at eight; -' " . Wxxomrs; "' 1b els. `. °( 12 eta, Y y p EDUCTION •IN PRICE. IVix6t s . ' "'• '20.•.cts.. rf . duct of rn almost unpardonable' pride of in the' morning, and the trine between r : al cr lr ]t3 els.• worship within. r, -ten in;:the morning and ffve.in :the after *OAPIl'AL, �4,p00 000; ... -- •TW=Ds, ii $I.00. $0 eta. _. °b C i u lusher 1V111]•s' and. be . �]� TwEEDs, rr s5 'easy r, 70 cEs. neath finer frescoes tr ain oar neighbors." •:nooll is -devoted to their lessons with.an !I �j� X �bR7 ��l IWrrns 75,.cls. 'f r interruption of one 'hour .fors dinner. >5,,' eta. . The Rev. DIr. Parkhurst; of the Pres• t .. : IZoX:Lwils, rr 2a easy r,' 20. cls; byterian church, makes: this interesting. Accomplialiuyents, such as• riding and (,L I N T O N A {''x E NCS. ITeiI�x.A;rIis, " 20 cis. ` " 15 easy tt b sllfkting, receiv0 the same attentiod a9 Tlie undorei Herr whilo.thnnking hiscustomeria for ' �VINCEY,SIiI.RTi•1C33 "' 2) .Cis. "; aud highly significant stateolent : In r , • art and 8cienw. .Choi me.,N con.sist'of ilio ]iharat p tronagc extended him, wouldlntimnt'o Fr;1,T SI3IRTs,.. � "' � I5 Cts, • .,, 17 ets.•, ' my travels round the world. I Saw clot ... • . . ,that he has: deoidod, oil reducing the pricA'oll,read,'•• re r • siwple dishes, of which. the have:tllelr interest fro Four to )i"v ^ ,' While he will.honeeforth sell a6TMI; CENTS.A loaf.. COitVWA:LL 3 PLY 13AGs' , .3 cr0 P. - '.' . 90 o s .one now beatbon t(:m lit .it}1 ilio a an 3 m i e Ior cent allowed.:' $3.00 1 �' g: chOicP . wi:l :otfit br+,ing )srtlo>tted Ea sale on Dia karts. tlash s of TwELVF cI'.NTs credit., CxUTyItNSrY �IITR,TS:AI!717 ItA1Vr.Rs; 40 Cts': alid:ilp'�vard, 'Cho-ans AND NV�O•or, , worshi) 1 sacv..was ill old_dilir)itla ' - _ l l lu 1,I,CI;,.. CAx'�S': u. c antl.._u ..war, 13. oT .: 1 1 - w 1111_.., 1111_._.. 1111. 1111 1111 _..._- �T 8 cts. p� d 0 s .SND .1'1101:s at prices welt xeduccd.:• : temples. Not vel" _lorry Sin fel` a vmbatituiq If Wl]dt'I6 pIaCBQ 'ligft3rC " Criateraa,itnkoriy� nest to Printing f5hleo. . �' 10 b-1010 tholle Wbrll illy LOtlrll, Agent. cli tan; Uct,17 1879, them does.not suit. :Between meals' '' • a , , __ 1111 __ 1,0:tt,000 idol. gods iu 1I ratonga; but • � , I , y _ _ _ . __. 11 , � . _ _ _ Clinton A lrrt 13rti. 1- they are not allgwetl to Nat. Only 1n. lately a young Tuan from. ther6i,visiting . REDUCED 'RICES .IN •GROCERIES. -- expensive toys are plaee3 in their hands, HURON LIVE STOCK : AS�SOCIATI.RIN� ' the British Museum, S'r11V'itlYlt7nb: sire . ' C: R O c R i E• S- .. ' • 1 and the liriucesses dross themselves with' - - it lir. • _ A11i:1TUAL' Z`l:t.i.E. . wonders there the first. I�al'at0tt a tile' ilial bC waiting maids.- , •. __ _ his eyes raver beheld, ` lid was born iii ' ` . .. WITH second Annual Salo, unger the anspicus.of the Ti:A8, 35 cts. and upward. Y .'4z I-xs .5 cts. per )ountl. CTir AXTq G Cts. )Or ' JL 11t ron Live Stock Aasoclatioii, ter the disposal of ' . , p 1 - ^ , years ith undhad lived there nineteen 1 P1's 80006,k.' GAATZJ?ULAXbCOilFO1tTlNO thorou h-bred^and improved Block Buell as Stallions CUi�INGHAME t AIXEIdIIEA pound.. SLc1AR5, 10, 1], 73; pounds for ri dollar. SoAz', 20 brats rhea• dollar°; years without ever" Seeing' ,till idol:, 80 - -c`L3y a thorough t'itowTOdde of the itfitural Brooding Varas, iilla, CowB, ,Shoop And SwlnC, will be, -1. . , . .. , . 1. • ' . , clean a sweep lead tll'e GospelitiIjde. lawswhibh govern the 'ep ratiOnit of digostion. •held 11 the 1 . have on hand Be large And. weil•scloctod a stook of • I , _ . and nutrition, and by a careful, applieAtion V �•,� L,A (�' ;' •S o Cannot . here. ollvo a Coll)ploto list of pri6es,. but ail inspSC- Ili your life w4cif 1t1 Cejtta?' "•:. Of the fill6 proportion, ,f well•s0lected Cocoa, . 9 GENERAL . Ca R 0 Q'+ E lR IES do -11,0f 80613, Will '1,9$111'0' ...Oil that oil .Cull SaAre `25 or cent b ', — Mr. Epps ha provided our breakfast tables County of Irttron,.on -. _ Siolcness prevails ovorywhorg and 'every with apdolicatolyflavorall,beverage•which may welpttelvdny, >F'el,rntary x2lii; x87tk, As over atYdrdct in put" llasiilb �10ni US. body complains of some discasa clurin their stave ata pian heavy ddctois' bills, 1t id -by , 0 T4,' X N T. 0 X (- g Y Y Y Commending At 19 n creek, sharp• 3f mt0ialt,nt stook is , • , life. When sick, the oblcat is to got well; thu judicious akar of such articles of cliot that otterod, tLp sato will be iontinned the secowl play, All . „ ., now to sayplainly no i+l• o ' - on fi ' n a gradually built u .0 r• on OR for tile Bao mrict be made with the Secretary, /� moi• . (^�'('j" 171 '�/�'•r `p �V r "+ yI ( , , • • 1 p , a tt in this world a G a itutiU may 176 trot li y ) p 1 h n Tan • 1: t.1 �! ' ' S v v-+ S Oyvl i-l�iJ 1,i.7 Z' o L fJ�o q)(ci tEG',4� 041,7 CrlU3l91f/ �CL7 (/e !f 1GayLt2il.es, 4ae ,loill Lff►,rce trl.r'•$,' that is suffering with Dysliopgla, Liver Canty. tilxtrong onough to resist every tendency to not theen nir 1 illtta.poar in tri `an #aye to entriosae Note, at tAPed ol6nths;, ot%evivise Ito /Oo4ts will be cllgrrw ed t''a'ftev 116tt - ' ore then tow A1�1, , o o ata goo. i �/ . i% plaint anci its o&atm, Ila fli, as Itltligostionj ill oa8c. Tlalndracls of subtle maladios area ENTUANCE FEl,,i,—For each Stallion $3; for oath Are particularly invited to .INSPECT Milt vocicp - • „ Costiveness,,; Sick Ileadaeho Solar Stomao'h .' floating arounil u. r aft to attach whorevot 6 W,ro,111r11 or cow, yl s for eneh 8hodp or 9G b5 conte. and Comparaprfeds before pnrohaoing elsowhero. iTAatt I3urf , L r 1 q 0 Y Tho ontrnndo foo in all Chses to aeoompany ilio entry. t,1 alp tntiou of th011eart,l)ept6ss• their is a �l a arc point, ,1V6 may escap6 many lklltlfs of SAI,} ,-Nlao ,uentho+ erodit will he rvc rare gellin tbs. i AI.I. S B sal s „ unci Ten, sl,iuu, n,tu UST E PAID AT .Q�C�, T SAS' COST ed Spirits, f3tl,ousneage oto,, zi take tslt)i71xls a f atnt shaft by keopitig Ourselves well £Artry given on fnrnislling soenrity tttisfnetoty to the owner lintel• tz0ods 111 IltQ110rliOn. , Aunteim .l`f,r7tvr•,lt.'witltcut getting r0lir_f aud Berl with pure blood and a properly notingli- of the Animal sold. A ellaeotint nt 'the rate of $pot , �. . �C4o T y eau e. If you 11011bt this, go to your arra gist eel f mons."-•�-Cit+il Service aazetle.•-�-•Sold •only cent pot annum will be allowed tor; caoli. .. C2'O kory Mid Gla68Ware' 'a specialty, :, ' 5 . p 3f �,..•,..� T� A and got a samplo-bottla, for lar cont0, anC1g ti y in I aekots labolled - 1JAMIRS T+arPS & CO., 116- ..11 , .L� . Vl% t� T i t�,( tt' T; ,C it. Regular size r5 oeuts. Two fraises r#tll. uYronpath c ChemCgts, 41,'lltt0atluc0clleatr606f �v1 t p p �,1 g CVNiIti)Tt6riitC: AxitEllia;Az) t relieve you. .find 170, i'icaadill London." GsubscHbe for Lhti ` Now labii N.il.`"A fled set of ]1raeB counter Scale for Ale, .41gDn8DOJkOVfiii, 0ot. 81st, 1878. . . t . y, Clinton, duly 18,1878 . ,. 7 ` . a ` . *L.. 1---1-. J.--- 11.11. .1 . I �... I- . . . I . _ . .W .. "3 .._ .. .. .. , . .. t r h..,.._ .. .. ,..,...... .. �. 1111 : _ .,:: 1111. ,. :.. 1111:.. 1111 1111 '. ." ..