HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-01-09, Page 2THE ()LINTON NEW EEA
JANUARY 0, 1 870 .
The New Your,
The year is an infant, neweborn and, pure-
de'e blur ou its beauty, no tear on its cheek;
How long will it last, when the calendar%
In innocent purity ? ilow long will it reek
With sorrow and sinfulness, woe and unkind,
Till the whole yeae is blotted with error and
blindness ? •
Each 'Happy N'ew Year 'eines good, resole.
tions, -
Which wane and wear out ore tlie cbange, of
the- noon;
We picture now plans, at each revolution.
Which find when too late have failed :ee too
soon ;
.And the visions of happiness, pleasure and
Are changed in the end ,to sorrow and tear-
fulness, ,
Oh ! Would that this year unlike all preceding,
Could shoW a clear record of well -kept ret
solves, • .
Gbod Plans well perfected; all promises beedi.
_Instead of a picture thetsipmy dissolves ;
Then, indeed, would our future be froe from
•• regrets,
' Our life a bright day dreamt whose sun never'
a little impulsively.
'But you will have to now, I, stieeposeT
What you choose to give me.
Twelve dollars a motithr
Yes— anythine r
Bob felt a lido awkward. Desiree
Fontaine was not in the leaat like the
Hibernian damsel he had that morning
haggled wale at the ceowdedintelligence
office, •
1 don't want to be inquisitive,' he
said, but—'
You -want to know who I ant,in.
terrupteci Desiree. I run French * I
came to this country beoause my relit-
tives were all dead. I have art uncle
here to whom I wrote that I would
come to this country. 1 hoped that he
would 'meet me at the landing of -the
steamer, but he was not there. I have;
sought foe hint in vain, T can only
feat that he iselead.
But You sneek English well,' °
4 Do 1?' Desiree's face beteditened.
'1 silos at an English echool near Paris
;for four years.'
' I should think yoe might.gt iece
.1Vlartyinv tie gired.
As• the depet clock was pointing to
▪ the lictur of five, the huge fire -throated
neonate)! eenemonlyeyclept eeleee.eleelvere.
coveted space beyond-, was giving.
•several preftionitory shrieks as a signal
that 'it was ready -to, start; there was an
inevitable rush of people in peril Of be-
ing too -late, the-eoremotion- of ohecking
baggage -and lifting •toddling
dren on board, and still the young.
person' so anxioesly expected by Robert
, Morrison clicl'itot arrive. ' •
Ile walked hurriedly .up and 'ildwn
the floor, ever and epen compat.ing his
watch with the clock on the wall, encl
eagerly scanning the faces Of all the
neW-comers, but in Vain. '
Please b a' hoinettet,' sir ?, Only
jive cents,': • , - •
The voice was eery eseeet ; the fele
• that belonged th it s.weeter yet. But
• Mr..- Morrison was too •perturbed to
heed them.
no--'-cion't' bother me; Le eifiel,
petulantly. • 'Conductive' is thie the
last train that stops at Olive Ail] 2' •
• 'The last train, sir. A.ny thine. *roller , 0. o•
. !,Cenfortacl ,,it,-.-yee--.4-ei'tery thing is
girr for my sister, and -et -he reature
•-hasn't come . • : • - •
She was to have met you here,. site?'
Yes --t a quarter to five." • •
Happens 'very often ' VW" •sald 'the
conductor. „ 'Yon can't pia any de-
• pendence, at all Ori theCclass of women.'
And awayho brietled.• 'Mr. Morri-
son was about to followe nnottering_;:dis-
LW:A(113101y to himself; When. ft light
• hand fell on kis arta.. • He :turned
•• around, And, to his surprise, encemerter-
ed the timid blue eyesof the bouquet;
seller. , •
Pardim racte sir,' sha said, in an' ic•
•• cent untnietakably foreign, but -the do-
mestic you eepeeted 'has disappointed
Yes.' •
If yen would take imer1 Can Wait
Welt at table; T would Make myself gene;
• rally useful to madam, your eister. Oh,
-ii Tam setired of trying to sell flowers.'
Bet you ,have no recommendation.'
• 'How should I, sir'? ,I tuna .iftran-•.
• ger in your countey:My name is
• siree ,Fontaine.' •••
• Mr. Morrieen wag sorely pUzzled how
•E to hat. • Thielittle, Desires face Was
not enly pretty, 1?ttit" it was good and
• true. To be sere, it waS rather an tui -
precedented mann et: Of engaging a girl,
but what was be to dos' Mrs. Ferrara
expected himto bring her a waitress,
there. eves toehe e state dinneelarty, on
• the morrow'and he searcely keeW
was .bet to do.
- A she meditated,.taggi°g,itt his mus -
hate, the train gave its parting -shriek.
• There was no time for.further•fielihera-
, .
tion. -
Come on,
then; he ccrin
rush for die hindernioet cat. 'I11 risk
it, by Jupiter 1' . •
Desiree followed 'limelight and SWift
as ayoungfawn,- and the next minute
they were in Motion.- Tberewas no re-
• ceding now.
Well, I've been -and gone and done
. it,' .said Mr. Morrison to. himself, as be
glanced furtively at the girl who 'sat
beside him. • What Will Lizzie say?
But what was a fellow to do, under all
• the ciri3umstarmeS 3 ,.Besides if she is
• balf as smart as she is prettY; she'll do
enouegli.• ,As forenalcing_ off ii411
the speons•and cake baskets, she hasn't
got -that kited -of -face. • We cin ,but give
the poor thing a trial at all events!
Mr, Mort ison, blundering masculine
creature though he wait, was quite right,
about Desiree Fontaine's face, Iv was
pure and innocent as .ashadow-
• ed with crisp little rings of golds,
hair, and dinipled round the "moth;
while the blue eyes, largo and soft, arid
shy, wero modestly averted. Her dress
was plain, to shabbiness, and in one
- band, well shaped, though sun -browned,
she held the two fittle bouquete she bad
been unable to dispose of 'in the depot.
'What wages-dolott Want, Desiree'
said Mr. Mortison, abruptly brdaking
the silenee that was beginning to be a
little atykWard, •
Ddsiree grew soarlet as the carnation
in the Centre of her biggest bouquet. ...
never tOOk wages before/. she said,
as a teacher.' , •
Desie ee dliciek her head, •
I have tried. Lanswered advertise-
ments for a governess, then for a seam-
stress, but nobody would take me, for
I knew no one andhad no recommenda.'
t ions. hete. bjen here -eel];
fleets:for a week, but I earned little—
oh, so little 1:.• Rom etfee.I Went -to -bed
withoift. my supper because I had'not a
penny to biter it I'
_ Bob was silent. Somehow Ins heart
ached for this poor young creature wit
the dove -like Wee eyes, rind the 'freeh
Orde aid white complexion. •
'4 I hope Lizzie will heve the good.
idnse tolike her,' thought; lint
there's n� accohntingfor the freakd -of
Wroftliii.' • • • ' •
• It was neaily dark when they reached
Olive Hill, and 'quite so when the car.,
rine that had been sent to the station
to 'meet the train depesited. them at
'Airs. Foul ke.Ferrars' door,
.• . .
Did you ..bring me a girl, Bob?' was .
his,sister's first question, hurlecl t
through the darkness. . •
Yes, .I did.'
ee Bob' triumphantly produeed_:DeSiree.
Mrs.. Ferrars eyed her keenly*, seemed
.not diet -domed with bpi. ,y,onth, and
as -ked -brie or tie-. ki0
•tio.n then,. 41.e.liverechlter...4)ver-,-to
"1 suppose I can tura away a servant in taw world, witnesses so many of these
when I please." ' lis tbe reeeptioa moms at the White
Where has she gonel.'.• House: Most of the President's time
I do net know or care.' is taken up in receiving the calls of pee-
' A.nd nonsequentlY Sett'huilgitied that ple who call to see him for 'no other
purpose than to strike hands and thue
gratify their curiosity. There are
neatly others, however, -who visit the
White House for a thousand and one
reasons, and as a genertil thing, the
.never-ending throng that seek the pre-
sence of the President ere well manner-
ed, intelligent and, easy -appearing
people. '
• Embarrassment and nervousness ere
generally the predominating weaknesses
I should not be able to discoed)! her
whereabouts. You will find that yew.
precautions have,deten in. Vain."
That Was all ethat... was."said on the
selbjeet, and Mrs. Ferrat's began eller a
day or two to hope that her brother had
forgotten hicLirenehant for the pretty
French 'Waitress, • .
`just another fortnight lifter that
there was another state dinner -party,
and the freckled -faced young wan wait-
ed.. Bob did not come Up until, the last to ,which the callers and themselves
train and erriyed in time for dessert., subject, and the marks of this can be
with le -s rod and: golden wine; Poaches, seen on thelurniture in the ante -roomy.
and temples or anted ice. With Mtn ThriTS-af a, dingy, green velvet
oarne another guest, unexpectedly de steky, ornamented wtth heavy tassels
teined,,M;Fabilion,.the French banker, and fringe.- Tbe pendant cords of these
in whose honor MN. Perrar's dinner appear to be about the only thing that
had been espeeiallygiven. 'elm „give relief to the palpitating hrebh-
'Ile was aelignified, whitchaired old ren,'whose knees -tremble while 'their.
man whose ,wetilth :had made. •him names are being -Sent' to•his exeellency,
iteit1;er arrogantener assuming. , and they twist,. pull and pick at the
You must pardon my want of Putie.-. loops' e° energetically that the uphold..
tuallity/ said the. old ..4en1lowan, With stererhas to be. engaffed to repair.. da -
1)15 'foreign bow to the lady of melees every went)) -or •se, ; To the at,
the house,' as She wielconaed 'hire, to a tacbes of the President • the pranks of
• these neople afford' a constant Stay of
- the -human Character. One of them
• teld--Ine thiseweek;eliakeinitareaesneent-
enetned at titites to bring out peoplestreinature as readily av•liquer. does ,in
other institheeSeeeTteesaid'heiMd-Seelr
big, Stout men eetne fo the -White Hortee
to see the presid-ent, who, after :they.
-1-ncd-1iS1red-theractraveenp .to • tit:Er-point
of Sending itt theircerde, the 'prospect
ef en .eticetintor With the personality of
efo emneb pewee, after .lealfan hoer
fidgeting "hi, their ,eertte; would leave
.precipifietely, Agent, Mb* 7-irt5illd•
come to the hoesee...And :upon entering
would eelaain•tereVery person they saw
behind a -desk,. Sup_podug each time that -
they were eeluting,: they,17sidot.lt of the
•Ilnited States. • • •
• ek, thong: otheee .who go" to • see- tlie
presiden t are many :fond, m a rri inas anl
ekOwitle, babiee; the •letter. of whelpare
ineariet4 'fait forward ae.:Ca.ndidatee
for Pees id tial .k issee. • From Old maids'
vho "visit Mr. TheYes thereeilweye corees.
a reeni.;st for le:flowertie rentelriber.
,be, „.ceiede,ae. :there liee. Marty of these',
tho ,en.t genei'ally mann-go., o
•thren: bonquete 70Yer,Y.:
erowded croWdect day rniins •
fltfa-fer" SOtOefilleree- 0—been'
as Many as 4,000 -people at the EXecu..
flee Mansion in one day; but thee eyes
dering .the Oentenoial. ein the:-ohlen
tithe thethard-swearingeheavyeddnking
social pirate, Andrew ,Teekson, riqd • to
keep a:punob bowl staiicling,duringthe
winter. •for the petricitie 'treetiPs, who
swarMed throtighethe They -streee, to
seahim athis °gni ;. but. now,- thirsty
Whe invade- • the Seblitneted
moyale ..atmasphers ...of Mr.,' .and., Mrs.,
• iTayes,.If they expect refreshmenti,wlil
find •nothing of the kind!•.,+7(Wasbitigton •
.edr. Cleveland lieralt,1,)
. •
:'ib D recent madden -.thaw% it ass .inieSed
.nuinerouSleods in England and. Scot-
land, e At Nottingham the 0od is the
greatest for fourteen years. The. eoun-
try around Darlington •end IVreexliam is:
flitoded for Miles. Much de Mage is ee-,
ported .etlIer wick . a rut. A-horde:eta .. •
seat at her own vigil t, hand, Bat, I have
this day . bad, a gloat and unexpected
_pleasure.' •
Indeed IL ...cried Mrs.: Fiee-----7-trs, all
• . •
A niece, my only 'surviving relative,
has been restored -to me. • We 'have
Strtingety been ,-"ccIpt „apart by that fete
hich-you Ameeiteme eell-eirounistandese
I expected her in, that steamer, hue not
.until this last trip. •She could not find
trie, my poor nieee.; 'she knew not even
my mime, which hed -beenchenged to'
Meet the condition of an 'exeutrie be-
qUest; , Ab; the Veor ! it is a ro•
mance,upon toy
yon not bring Ma-
demeselle with you? • We
should have been so happy,' began Mrs.,
Ferrers. „
'‘ :Pardon, m a dr me,' tit • th
hanker, she is mademokelle no longer,
She :Was niar.rikl this -nianieRv -to" one
who hae dikieterestedly, wooed and wen
her'in her humblest:estate:. • . •
• alre,Perrars was 1 littlediseppointed.
She had already h.egeti, ,tio.forin plane for•'
:316 -Ws benefit. • •••- .1 • . : •
• "
the housekeeper -a grini, -old scotch
Where did you get her, Bob 1 at the
French intelligence office .
; "'Oh, 1 picked her up,' said Bob eva-
sively. •• ,
Did. she have a :geed recommenda,
tion?' • •
First-rate,' was the. reckless answer.
• ' Wkere did •she'live last 7' • • • • •
But Bob at this point' went ok into
ecsea,cies over the first tooth of his niece
a small morsel of humanity some eight
:•,or nine tlionths old. Mrs. Ferraro fell
at once into.the trap; andDesiree's
forenoeS1- Were forgotten, •
• ,The Freneh girl proved -a quicke
hancly.weitress, ready to leall; and sin;
Inlarly; graceful. EVerybedy liked hol:",
end Bleb beatof all?, . •
tIpoit my word, Bob,' said Mr. Fer-
e-ars, one. day, ;when . thedeesert was
placed•Upen the table, and Desiree had
withdrawn, you do nothing..bnt stare
at: the little farisiennel 1 do believe
you.are falling in love -with her •11:
Nonsense said'Mrs, Ferrars glanc-
ing quickly up. ' 'Bob is far too sensible
for such .a piece of Quixotism as that.'
• I clo no; know that it Would be
13olt siontly. -•( She's
certainly pretty.'
° •
She is not a la ,
But mainfairahat elle is a lady!'
(What absurdity, Bob 1'
1..Well, then; will ypu be, geed enaugh
toLtill me what constitutes a lay 1'
• ' Birth—edncation—refinement.' ,
,' Desiree is •educated and -refined.'
She is only a servant I'
'1 rnaintaie that she is a lady for 'all.
that 1' • ." • • . •
• Bob citing* reselutel'
yto his .Vie*
of the subject, that Mrs, Perrars took
the first opportunity tO tell her hus-
band confidentially that she•sbould send
. .
Desireeaway. • •
What Mr 7' he *ed.
• Oh, dear,!' said his wife, petulantly,
e•men are, so t0pid. Don't you see
that Bob is falling in loye with ber 1'
That's rather -hard on the' poorgirl,
.isn't•it.," to punish her for :Bob's folly
MVOs Viarrars' face grew very rigid.
' I shall discharge her,', she added,
A servant has no bueiness to be pretL
tier and more attractive then ethees of
her Caste, and I. saw Bob talking to her
last night in the gardeit.' •
So when Mr, 11.0bert Merriam:1 came.
home front the city the next night, a
tall, freckled -faced young tnsn, a neph-
ew of 'the Scoteh housekeeper, was
waitiiig on the table, and 'ho looked in
yain for the light-Moted, blue-eyed
French girl. •
Where is Desiree 1' was his:,first
question. •
have 'discharged her.' •
Bob's brow grew dark, but Mrs. Per-.
rars, tneh his eye with a bold defiartee,
' 'What \militia:Oa he winked stetnly.
• 'Bob; you know you are toefond,of
Iter. I have some regard for the "poor
was character, if you have none.'
Desiree Foriteine is a girl amply able
tO take 'care of hor own character. You
have done a cruel and unfeeliner'thing
as.it were' occielentally.
'--YeurBcdr!---Auttro'W horn 1'. fil?riajr-
ed his sister.' .
'''Tp Desiree Fontaine.'
Mrs. Fer ears''pale as•death, was „ilea
aboet to open her lips.with a: torrent of
eeproaches'when. the -old Freneh bank-
ei! stiftvely interposed; '
is a riddle.,...an enigma of which
I alone.: chanee to . pessese the. clue.'
Prepare yourself; readamee--allow inc to
greet you as a relatiVel—Desfree Fen;
taine is my ttiece7-Mr. Robert Morri-
son, who married her' OAS Morning be --
fere a liappyrieccidenb made:tie accpia
ed Witli2o-ar coneequent-
y neph e
And M. Edbilion 'went,: on to t'ell the
astonished gueste , how the ' clergyman
who: had performed,' the -deremotry was
An old friend of bis own, and recognized
the, bride's name- as that "Of the niece
for Whoa hill friend karebor
long and vainly.. 1 •
• Apa.yod mayimagine My -gratifieti•-
don,' said M. Fithilion; with -the ..c.otti:-
teous bow- again when Flearned that.
th.o.Nustihncl of 12.1k. Desiree's Choice WAS
Mr. Fetters' brittliee'-inflaw; • .
• • Mre. Foulke Perrersegrey'it red and
white; ho hardly knew. wherto say,
and thee few el:timed 'congratulations
-that she„-finidly etituirnered •forth were
indistinct and coneused•enough, .
Bob sht by,ernali*iously, . enjoying he
embarrassment. , , .
• '.11.1 -Morrison .foele the next train
back to to wn ; lie had: only COme up t�
wittiese the ele"noueinent of this little
life romance; and :'a8 itniettienr,..bride-
grpem like; to eetern to Desiree,. : •
' Petits be made his.adieu, he,whis-
peredeoguishly in his sisters ear y
11,oWeehatao yeti think about evbat
colistitrite4 it" lady 1'
• Anil .Mrs, Ferraro answered, blushing:
have a little,mercy, Bob ri . How
was I to kno.w.that my waitress WAS the.
gad French: bankel's niece I' • •
',I knew that she was a precious jew-
el/ answered' the young husband 'en-
thusiastically. • • ,
IsTor did Mrs. Ferraro contradiet hi
this •' •
Free et Cost. . ,
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fectual remedy over discovered, The materials
of which 11 18 niade7are pure, Pdrfcet, and costly,
compounded with elaborate. ogre tunl, .exacitness,--
Safe ia its: application, being Used. externally,
an 1, 'of course.,, avoiding the pain and clangor
neeeSianly attends the introduction of
caustic minerals and eye -washes. PU01)701'01
and OLD OlfliON10 gonna, of serofulous origin,
or resulting fromwhatever cause, yeild to the
mrionc,til gotE.SALVII. IT XS USED
OBSSFULLY FOR PILES, Its omithing.of-
'feet is immediate, and a permanent cure requires
hut it few applications: The proprietors of
"Du, J, Pitteres Amenrceer Ret-Seeve,ftiviille•
making. new and improved machinery for. mak-
ing a more perfect box for the Bez-Setve, have
changed the TaAbs Um:a on the cover SO tiseto
correspond With the Cut oir the Wrapper, Cir-
culars, AdvertidemeniA, ete, We cell attention
to tint:, writ inight otheewtss he regarded as
countoefeiting. • • •
PETTIT tellAltittit,'
-Proprietors reedenta, N .•
Noxvrimor* LMA,
.T :route A eats for Canada
ebtral arbo.
APPLETONOPP/OE — at DAY time and
at 241011'1' t free— The Rooms ever the Store of
cunningnanic Aikenhead-th Stmare,Clintc
winter'. Pee. 20,1877.. •
nn.limmT, ebyeletaii, nergeee, oto., Coroner 131
CountY et Heron. Resilience and Ogles—Cern or of
Albert and Mili Street, Clinton.
August 9th,1869.
UMversity,) Physieian, Surgeon, ite., residence
at Mr. Manning',, three doors east of 'the Temperance
Hall, Londesboro, Ont.
• Lentlesboro, Tune 14,18r . -
Department of victoria UniveraRy, Toronto, for-
merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York,
Coroner for the Out' of Huron,BAYVIELD, 00f.
July 82, 1874. 01
TIONVSLM: & 'GIBSON, Rassioxews, S1711.
A.; onexs,. Accouohours, &o. Office, Albeit Street,
opposite Fair's Mills.
11.11. •Dowenny,11. A. M. emsorr, D
Clinton, May 10, 1877.
Accoucheur, Licentiate of the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Lower Canada, ami Provincial Lieenti.
ateand Coroner .for -the -County -of Huron, -00ice-and
residence,— 'Rile building formerly occupied by Mr.
Thwaltes, Huron street.
Clinton, d'an, 10, 1871,
isteilaneotts arbe•.'
• .
011BIZTo LEND: ra LA.RG1) 011 SMA.1:14 SURFS;
-1.1.1- 011 good mortgage .seeurity; at..moderate rates of
Interest. R, Itami. •
Clinton, August Oth, 1899, '
.Cic<tar.,ns Y": iciLte rnoVD.,c7.1r, YJAND sun,
8E8013, Valuator, and Land Agent. OBI
phine street, 'Milan -am, • .
wingham, Aug. 2,1877, . • •
• .Apply at the Town Hall or at the residence of th
bring on the monthly period with- regularitY• eulisoriber, near the Louden', ITuren.ti Brimjlailvay
Station. ' • , YAMES', SCOTT,
• Issuer of Marriage Licenses. •
Clinton„April 27t13, 1870. . . .
In allcases of Nervous and Spinal Affections,
eehis hi the paeu and Limbs,' Heaviness,
Fatigue on slight exertiOn, Palpitation of the
heart. Hysterics, 13.ick Headaches, Whites,-
ancVaIl the painful diseases oeflailioned by a
disordered system, thee Pills will offec t.a cure
when all other raparis have failed-.
These Pills have never been known to bail
whet° thOlireotions on tho Sild puge of 1001-
phlet , are well observed. ,
Vor f all particulars, get a pamphlet, f reo ; of
3013 MOSES , NBW YOBXSonn PiMiurriron.
11.00 and 12 cents for pottage, enclosed to
Siorthr'op & `Lyman, Toronio, Ont..,, general
agents for the Dominion; will insure a bet ki
containing over 50 pine by return mail.
.SalcLin Clinton/1y I. II. Qemben.nd gouge
Chidley; E. Hickson and F. LninsdOn, Sea -
forth; ;. Kidd, Carionbrooki Parker' & Cattle
and F. Jordan, Godorioh B. Canteren, Bay
field; Jas.Bonthron,Bodgervilleianci all medi.
einedealers. -
CENTRAL HOTEL — late Furnier's — Albert
• Street, Clinton. S. PINE, Propietor, 'rids ho- '
tel has' lat.* been greatly improved and thoroughly • •
refurnished, and possesses every requisite for. the coin-
' fart' and convonionee Of the travelling public. Good • '
; stabling and atteotivo hOstier:*• .
Clial3n;, •28tli, Nov1878•.
•4t.; WATtiglit, '
..13ARRISTERS, • ' '
CLINTON :titip 001123111081.Gnonon A. WATSocr, S. MaLooidSON,
Clinton. • MAPADt.EN.
, Remember:that the place told 41'01k 1103)1. is at
donc_on the latict veterinary prZivlfples.;
• ...
Haling engaged T. J, CHURCHILL,,V.S., easterners
will have the benefit 01 1318 advice,,in' all eases, free of
charge: All kinds of G$NERAli JOunnid done.proniptly
. and' on reasenable terms. •
Tidying procurecl,a SAW GUMMER; .t am
prep -teed to do anythiny so this line.
-c.iLL ANnmit.
ounteeeeleeee,iste . . . , • •
ar,MalcoMilop willhe in Clinton every .
ivied 011 by 111r. Delmore, desires to intimate. to the pub..
.lio that lie will continue the same s..t the old eland, end
. •
1301,08 to rceolve a eentintation of the Patrounge.nocerd-
od hurprecleeesser.
• Clinton, Aug. 8, Einir Werke specialty..
. " ,
ASON—Si HUDSON', 'Accountants, Auct.ioneersl.
.LTL. Fire and LBO Iniurance and General commission
Agents. Instfreirecf-two.thirdi thesper thanircunary
eostv-andIrrst-class.StcolranditlIftruirCtifiifires rePre
Sented. Money to leap, and all kinds Of property.
bougnt.alid.sold,:ModerateohargeS, • 011Ice,-;-lirsa BIT
CohinfsainnerLand 1.18831 01 Of • conveyance
accommodation for the general travelling public. Or,
ders for mama' by letter or, telegram earefully attended .
to. Good sample Reams. AViarton is most beauti•
• fully situated on Colpoy's 13ay, 91241 the site of this
'House has ham carefully selected. • The house is In'
tended to supply a want long felt. 14 the travelling
nubile, and by tourists, sportsmen, and Amilies wish-
ing a pion sant summer resort. Steamers calkdaily.
-L to the public that: ho keeps constantly on hand
a large and superior alma of •_ •
• •
Coffin Trimmings iintt-Robes,
'with a splendid HEARSE.. Tr,Ani COFPXN1w10y13
oia hand. Parties can be supplied in one hour, at
• • • affy time, at
fil•E N : PER OE NT.. -14,1,11S5
; Than can bo procured At any other plaet.
A full Stock. of JETRXITURE
• Always
Clinton, May 10,1877.
Malan OGOOLI g
• ClOoks, -Watches, Soweliery, dze
frionds and ou etc
ceivecl whitey:Try
Ing or bileiness in
go nebtt
06*1 t
and osing (were
effort to moot the
r i opnadlar 0ig
, tro:oo. 1
nt 1 n
tie to retain their
He would also take this opportunity of Ptafing 111310)1 110
110.0tak00 MS Ron int.) partnership, and that the bust.
ness will bo toniarietta 30 futnro under the stylow-til,
VOWLE11 61 8014: The iltin,W ill kodp oh hand.
Watches, Choke, jewellery/ Speetaoles,
Arta an other artielos In LI:eh:lino
All kinds of Piped Repaired and Mounted.
Itepairing,dkiming, &dm d6110 on strert netted, in it-
workmanlikeinwn nor, 0,11i1 00 Teasonabloterms.
• . .
eexereatnervii OTiTBATFORD; 'WILL BE
s at the commerciamotei3Ofinten, the filet Thurs... ,
illty and Friday of erery month.: Teeth inserted In the' •
latest stile . Teeth with exposed neves treated, 'fll10,
and made as good 0E18001111 once.
• • MR$ .BEg
110.,LINtRy ks'tolgislugeirt..
largo :askortment of • FEATHERS„ PLOVERS,. .
and•RIBRONSiia fhoriowest Rhades. ,
• Alec, a largo stock of PELT* and'faitAly yrA.T, of
111, a latest styles. -CORSETS, Cie.
• Atont,for BOTTRIOICS PATTEENS Of garmente of all'
descriptiona ; a largo steak kept oahano.
Plait and StrewlHats cleaned and,altered • • •
' . Largo *Assortment of Ladies' Mantles. -
Clidton, Pet: 18; 1877,
wistebt :can
• b(1. rialiaid in:Tartar all
any .,:tlizne.• :during
or Loan.
W, r4.1tRAIST.
,..11111A04, BlAnah, 1876,
aremer re zo
• .
, 4N,D Oin•tn•
• .GpOd Securities Purchased.
c; N Ar:V Ir A. N.0 I N
ciinton, Nov.0,187,4. •47..
-NyisilviAINT: BROS..,
MoSiY LENT -ON MenTGAss At 8 Psi, Chtim.
• ; .51011.TGA.GES BOUGHT. ' ,
0a.X01118.'a HAND DISCIOLINTtD.va
itIvrmt)INT ALLOWED oxy DzrostIrs:
Mri1'ctit8s .gre, lif.e and 'Ac'eldent Insurance.
"Cont.11Mueg. re.ln'eR.en.ted— -
A11101111 f of AtiSorOOCOt:...... 16,412,991
CAW OA ...... 3,750.000
Weekly InC01111141 • " ?,000
/4,100 10{VOi then any Other Company In this country
• rleSEllenli AGENCY F011 i •
the canard and Inman Lilld of steameis. rb:e 04106
Croat Britain. • ,
Illinton,April 24,00.