HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-06, Page 6ernels from the Sanetum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The banks at Mansell have refused to
atetept American shyer dollars unless at
a live per cent discount.
Mr. Pettypiece, M. P. P., declares the
railways of Ontario may prepare to pay
0,000,CC0 a year in additional taxation.
There is no form of kidney trouble,
from a bucket he dawn to Bright's dis-
ease, that Dcau's Kidney Pills will not
relieve or euro.
If you are troubled with any kind of
kidney complaint, give Doan's Kidney
Fills a trial. .
I3raucl;es of the Retail Merchants'
,A soeiatior► of Canada have been or-
ganized in Goderieh and Clinton.
Mt`. F. Henry, the popular Reece of
3iinloss Township, has decided to give
up that office at the end of the present
Before the summer comes. Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers
'Couf=lts, Colds, Satre Throat, Hoarseness,
Bronchitis, and all Diseases Lf the Throat
and Lungs.
A farmer at Hartney, Man., threshed
x000 bushels of wheat that averaged 2:t
Isushels'to the acre. It wiil bring a,0
tents a bushel.
The Mansion House, Clifford, has been
leased to J. J. Schmidt, Iate of Deem-
erton, who will take possession on the
lith October. •
ata.. sla Ca
'Bears the _ Tha Kind You Have Al,‘:avi Baht
The se.ection for memorization at
the high sohool entrance examinations
in 1905 will be the same as those that
were prescribed for the examination of
The Seventh Canadian Conference of
Charities and Correction is to be held in
'ac.London, Ont., on Wednesday, Thurs-
slay and Friday, Oct. 5, 6 and 7.
To rove to you tint Dr.
Pae . Cerise's Ointment is acerin n
,. I and absolute cure for each
and every form ot itching;.
bleedingand.protrnding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Sen tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh-
bors what they think orit. You can use it and
get your money back if not eared. (e a box. at
all dealers or EI L NSON,BATES & Co.,Toronto,
Dr:Chases. Ointment
The early setting in of cold weather
in Pennsylvania bas given rise to a
/ear that there will be a, shortage of
coal Anti a consequent increase in price.
It's'not the weather that's a fault. It's
your 'system, clogged with poisonous
materials, that • makes yon fell dell,
drowsy, weak and miserable. Let Bur-
dock Blood Bitters clear away all the
,poisone, purify and enrich your blood,
snake you fee] bright and vigorous.
A Torouto man has been arrested
for filling his lunch basket with nails.
ie supposed that he was in the habit
xif eating breakfast foods and didn't
notice any difference,.
Lever's Y-Z(Wise Head)DisinfectantSoap.
Tsowder is a boon to any home. It disin-
fects and cleans at the same time. _e
There is a possibility that the mission-
ary society of the Church of England in
Canada, which meets in Montreal next
month, will call upon the church to con-
tribute $123,000 next year for mission
work, an increase of $25,000.
A Liver PiII that is small and sure, that 1
acts gently, quickly and thoroughly,
that does not gripe. Lasa -Liver Pills
possess these qualities, and are a sure
cure for Liver Complaint. Constipation, ,
Sick Headache, etc.
While in England, Mayor trquhart,
of Toronto, observed that the top dress-
ing for concrete sidewalks was darker
than in the Provincial capital and on Bears the
inquiry found that coloring had purpose-
ly been mixed with the cement for the Signature of
benefit of the eyesight of pedestrians.
Thos. A. Walker has the honor of er-
eeting it this part of the province, the
first cement arch. bridge. It is situated
over a small stream near David Cox's old
mill, above Porter's HilI.
C7- ..SiIX°.A.
Bear the Tha Kind You Have Always Bole
signature 4 / , ` C F !
of / Ji.7 CpL. G,Gi
It is said that a number of suits have
been issued by the Provisional Directors
of the Huron Parking and Cold Storage
Co. against stock subscribers who have
not paid np their 6 per cent. assessment,
Others are to follow iu a few days.
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Iva
lantana Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dyss
eatery and Summer Complaint, Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
a prompt, safe and sure cure that has
been a popular favorite for nearly 60
The Blitifh possessions in West
Africa cover 500,000 square miles, con-
t aiuieg £0,000,C00 negroes, and easily
capable of producing a yearly cotton
crop of 10,000,000 bales.
Owes Ht8 Life to a Neighbor's Kintiness
Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known
throughout Mercer and Sumner
counties, W. Va., most likely owes his
life to the kindness of a neighbor. He
was almost hopelessly afflicted with
diarrhoea; was attended by two phy-
sicians who gave him little, if any, re-
lief, when a neighbor learning of his
serious condition, brought him a bottle
of ChamberIain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, which cared him ia.
less than twenty-four hours. For sale
by A. I. McCall & Co.
A movement is ou foot in Colborne
township to have a local option by-law
submitted at the municipal elections
next January. There is only one licensed
place in the township, the hotel at Dun-
CZ, .®.a T 41=0 an. 3 A .
Bears the The Kind You Nara Always Baugh.
Monday of last week marked the tenth
mile stone of married life of Rev. Mr.
and Mrs. McLennan, Il;ippen. To com-
memorate the event some 20 relatives
and elders of his churchgathered at their
lhome and spent the day very joyfully.
`Wherever there are sickly people with
weak hearts and deranged nerves, Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be
found an effectual medicine. They re-
store enfeebled. enervates., exhausted,
devitalized or over-worked men and wo-
men to vigorons health.
At the last meeting of the Councils of
Kinloss and Ashfield, a motion was
unanimously passed, in favor of going.
back to the old system of having the
reeves of townships and villages form
the members of the County Council.
Ran a Nail Through His Hand,
While opening a box, Mr. J. C. Mount
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten
penny nail through the fleshy part of his
hand. "I thought at once of all the pain
and. soreness this would cause me," he
says, "and immediately applied Cham-
berlain's, Pain Balm and occasionally
afterwards. To my surprise it removed
all pain and soreness and the injured
parts were soon healed." For sale by A.
L McCall & Co.
A pretty house wedding took place at
the residence of Mrs. Murray, Ashfield,
September 21st when her daughter, Xena
was married to Mr. James Pickering, of
Brantford. The Rev. F. A. McLennan,
of Kinloss performed the ceremony.
For infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always 'Bought
Speaks for ascii
Cures Sick headache
Cures Nervo:ts Headache
t asatt. Cures Neuralgic iteadachc
Cures Summer Headache
6. Ott Cures Ili:fous 1Ieaciache
t6:' `its Cures any Ileatlache
1;CAt le Pleasant to Take `
46.V. Is Absolutes Safe
4 ttvr Gives Speedy Relief
O`'1kkt Sells for 25e a box
lOsteMi Sample boar seat free
Wirt Y'i1tf teas, REMEDY CO.
Ott Maltreat
A proclamation will shortly be issued
requiring the king's birthday to be pub-
licly observed in Canada on May 24th
Victoria day. The king's birthday is
November 9th, and royal salutes will be
fired on that date at the military centres
of Canada.
When you want a physic that is mild
and gentle, easy to take and certain to
act, always use Chamberlain's Stom-
ach and Liver. Tablets. For sale by A.
L McCall&Co,
Mr, John Galbraith, of McKillop, has
sold his farm on the 11th concession, to
Mr. Thomas Beattie, of Hallett. The
farm contains one hundred arces and is
one of the beet in the township. There is
not a foot of waste land, it 18 an gdod
Condition and there alt'e gond buildings.
The price paid was $(1,460 and possession
Wilt be given et once. Mr. Galbraith
intends meting to the old homestead to
'1'rustworth lady or gentleman to manage
business in thin (auntyy akknnnd adjoining territory
1laanaialstaandi $2000 straight ght sh eatery
and ExpeneeeS, geld sash Monday by ghee
dit set fret* hrsotteartere. Exp ens money
sdvsneed. Position permanent. Addrees.
Dtatiegec, 810 Como Biose, Chicago nlinote
A locomotive engineers has been sen-
tenced at Winnipeg to two years un-
prisoument for being intoxicated whit e
on his a utine, • '4bo penalty-, severe as
it is, was richly deserved. When the
possible consequences are considered the
punishment seems. to tit the offence.
Ile I;oaruelt a Great Truth.
It is said of John Wesley that he once
said to Mistress Wesley: "Why do' you
tell that child the same thing over and
over again?" "John Wesley,. because+
one telluig is not enough." It is for the
sante remain that yon are told ngaln aid
again that Chamberlain's Cough Reme-
dy cures colds and grip; that it counter-
ante any tendency of these aisettses to
result in pneumonia, and that it is pleas-
ant and safe to take. For sale by A. I.
McCall &Co.
The firm of Ross Taylor, manatee -
tarsi's and lumber dealers, who have
carried ou business at Exeter during the
past number of years very successfully,
have applied for a .;harter incorporating
their industry into a joint stook com-
pany limited. The shares will be of-
fered for sale iu a few weeks.
For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winn'ow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years byn.illiousof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the chi10
softens the gams, allays all pain. cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of thcb
world. Twee ty•five cents abot tie. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you' ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Rev. Frank Hovey, M. A., rector, Ha-
garsviile, son of Mr. E. Hovey of Clin-
ton, was married last Wednesday,to Miss
Rena Billings, formerly of ` Clinton
sister of Dr. Billings, who was associat-
ed with Dr. Agnew. The ceremony
was performed at the rectory in Amherst -
burg by Rev. J. F. Parke.
A Remarlcal,le Record.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,bas a re-
markable record. It has been in use for
over thirty years, during which time
many million bottles have been sold and
used. It bas long been the standard and
main reliance in thousands of homes, yet
during all this time no case has ever been
reported to the manufacturers in which
it failed to effect a cure. When given
as soon as the child becomes hoarse or
even as soon as the croupy cough np-
pears, it will prevent the attack It is
pleasant to take, many children like it.
It contains no opium or other harmful
substance and may be given as confident-
ly to a baby as to an adult. For sale by
A. 1. McCall & Co.
Mr. John Johnston, a well-to•do far-
mer of the TownLine, dropped dead in
his buggy while on the way, with his
wife and children to Mildmay Show on
Tuesday of Iast week. Mr. Johnston
was about 40 years of age, and lived
about two miles east of Belmore. His
heart had given him trouble some time
Medicine Yon Can Trust'
There are no family medicines that
have such a firm hold on the confidence
of the people as those of Dr. A. W.
Chase, the famous physician and receipt
book author. The superior skill as a
physcian and the integrity of character
for which Dr. Abase is everywhere
known staud as a guarantee for his medi-
cines, on every box of which are found
his portrait and signature.
The law respecting the liability of
subscribers to newspapers was laid down i
by Judge McWatt in the division Court 1
at Petrolea a while ago, in a case brought
by the Topic, and will prove of interest
to the public. The Judge declared the'
law to be that where a subscriber refuses
to take his paper from the post offices
and orders it sent back to the publisher
when there is subscription money owing
from him he is still . liable for the con -
tinning subscription until he pays the
Navicular disease (also called coffin -
joint or groggy lameness) is an
inflammation of a small bone inside
the horse's hoof. It is the most
common and serious of all.forms of
hoof trouble. Write for free descrip-
tion, giving cause, signs and treat -
talent of this disease.
unlop "✓deal"
jorseshoe Pacts
Put new legs en your horse and
make his working life longer. Good
for navicular disease. Will cure or
help to cure all forms of fineness.
Sew your'nameon a post tare to
TheDunlopTire Co., Toronto,
for fret advice on )oyes tameness
Puff on by the ,$lacksm;fh
who shoes your horse
Stubborn Cases Quickly Relieved,
Chronic Sutl'urer Absolutely Cured
by an Internal ilemedy,
This disease originates iu the blood,
Its the poisou iu the blood that cause
the pain. Get rid ot these poisons and
you eure the pain. Doesn't that seem
These poisons are composed largely
of uric acid whiuh dissolves and quick
Iv pass out of the spawn if Ferro -
zone id emptoytd, it being a complete
and perfect solvent for all the poiso=ns
that give rise to rheumatic pain. No
oasts is too ohropit:, no person too old to
be toi'evr released from the agonies of
Sbeuulatism 1f .1!'t•1'rozone is dist d; , it
clues after all other treatment prove
useless. You may
have been disap.
pointed with other
remedies. But
don't let this deter
you from using
Ferrczone. Its not
like the ordinary "cure"—it possess-
es peculiar qualities not found nu any
other remedy.
Mr. Edgar F. Richinond, an old and
well kuuwn resident o:' Winchester says:
"My endorsement for Ferrdzone is
cheerfully given tor I know that 1 am
speaking, for a sure cure foa;rheumatiem.
Ferrozone cured me so the pain didn't
Dome back again. I boiiestly believe
that no medicine on the face of the
globe can do as uauch for rheumatism as
Mrs, D J. Thurston of Burton, P. 0.,
writes: "As it long sufferer from rhea;
matisin I eau say that Ferrozone is the
ntpst satisfactory remedy that I used.
Qaite fregUently I would get a bad
attack and be laid up in bed. Ferrozone
removed every trace of the disease and I
have been well ever since."
Ferrozoue is beyond all question the
proper remedy to use in rheumatiou.
There is none better. Beware of sub-
stitutes'aiid don'•t allow n druggist to
palm off something he may say is just
as good. Insist .on heving Ferrozone,
nse it as directed and you will be cured.
Price bon per box or six boxes for $2.50,
at ell druggists or by mail, from N. C.
Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont., anti Hart-
ford, Conn., U.S.A.
Under the criminal code of Canada
the findtir of a lost article must take
steps to discover the owner, if he wishes
to escape risk of indictment for theft.
A London young man has learned this
lesson i t a somewhat heavy expense,
having been required to restore a purse
and motley and pay seven dollars costs
of prosecution. The best way to re-
cover the owner is to advertise in a news-
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. .1. CHE NEY & Co , Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi-
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by his
Welding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ont.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu -
cons surfaces of the system. Testimo-
nials sent free. Price 75 cents per bot-
tle. Sold by all druggists. • .
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
The Canadian Furniture Mannfac-
urere, Limited, are contemplating the
erection of a new factory in Seaforth,
to be used for the manufacture of inter-
ior fittings, over mantles, etc. As an in-
ducement the company desire a Ioan of
$20,000 from the town, for a perjiod of
twenty years, without interest. They
also ask for exemption of taxation, ex-
cept school taxes, on the old as well as
the new property for ten years. The
loan is to be paid back in yearly in-
stalments of $1,000.
A cement block making machine for
well building is the latest invention of
Thos. A.. Walker of Clinton, and is des-
tined to revolutionize wellbuilding. The
blocks are made in just such lengths that
sir, complete a circle, the ends being So
beveled that the more the earth crowds
it from bshind the stronger and more se-
cure it becomes. Then again the solid
cement walls shut oat all forms of vege-
table life, worms, etc., from the water,
keeping it pure and free from contamin-
ation. ` •
There passed away at his home in
Hensall, on Tuesday. September 20th,
IElam Butt, one of the early settlers, a
successful farmer and a man noted for
' his strict integrity. Mr. Butt had during
the past few years suffered'severai strok-
es of paralysis which were the final cause
of his death. Deceased was a native of
England and came to this country when
it was a dense wilderness, settling in the
township of Usborno, about a mils east
of Exeter. Frere he continued to reside
np to about twenty yea ago, when lie
sold his farm and bought Another on the
London road, one and a half milers north.
of I ippen, This he worked until April
1903 when lie decided to retire from farm
life and moved to Hensel., where he re.
sided to the time of his death. The de-
ceased was eighty yeast of age. Eesidet
his aged partner he is siirv'ired by four
sons and four daughters. Deoeassd Was
a brother of the late Josiah Butt, of
Clinton, acid hal two brothers still reeid•
fug in Colborne.
Stranger (at the door) --I ala trying to
find a lady whose married name I have
forgotten, but I know she lives iu this
neighborhood. She is a woman eas11y
described, and perhaps you ltnow her -•-a
=gulerly beautiful creators, with pink
and white oomple;ion, seashell 'ears,'
lovely eyes. and hair such as a goddess
might envy,
Servant—Really, sir I don't ---
Voice (from head of stairs)—Jane, tell
the gautlenlau I'll be down in a minute
Another old resident of Kincardine
has passed away in the person. of 11r.
Johu MoDutf. The deceased was over.
80 years old, and after an illness extends
ing der tvc o years, departed this lite on
Monday of last week. The deceased
gentleman was born in Roseland, Scot-
land, and came to this country when a
young man. He was a member of the
Presbyterian church, There are left to
mourn his departure the following::—
His devoted partner and Mrs. Geo.
Humphrey, of the Soo., Mich,; Mur-
doch at home; John of Calumet, Mioh.;
Wm. at home; Frank at the Soo., Mich.;
Daniel, Kenneth and Miller at home.
Mr. Henry Agnew came home from
the Sanitorium at Gravenhurst on Fri-
day, Sept. 23rd, and the following Mon-
day he died at the home of bis soother on
Alhert street, Clinton. He spent several
years in Manitoba working at his trade
as barber. In July he was taken ill and
on oonsultiug a doctor was advised to go
to California. He did so, but the dis-
ease, which had attacked him, made
rapid progress and he returned north,
On his way home he spent a ooupla of
weeks at Gravenhurst, but the treat-
ment there was of uo avail and he came
home to 'die. He was twenty-six years
of age and, was born at Drysdale. It is
only a few months since his mother bo -
came a resident of Clinton.
• Sardines have appeared in large shoals
on the coast of Brittany, to the great joy
of the fishermen, who feared altar last
year's scaroity that the fish had gone
Dinkelspiel's Eppygrams.
( George V. Hobart, in the New York Ameri-
.$ome men vill arise in der street car
and gif a pretty girl deir seat and den go
home and kick deir vife on der ankle
beoaufe dinner is delayed in transmis-
A titled fool and his money vas soon
Bind words can nefer die, even dough
dey phaze.
A man run in debt, but he comes ouid
on der crawl.
An honest confessisn vas no gout for
der lawyers.
Habit is a vunddrful ding, but it nefer
yet made a man look for der tovvol be-
fore lie got der soup in his eyes. •
Der man dot tries to please eferybody
is der same fellow dot can took a drink
of visky or let it alone. He doau't do
Der trouble mit some peoples is dot
dey alvays dink a good fellow is also a
goot ding,
276 Branswick Ave„ Toronto, Can.
Toronto, Canada.
Oentlemen,—I am most pleased to certify to
the curative properties of ' Oxygenator.' i first
began using it for Catarrh in the head. Having
subdued this loathsome disease I then turned my.
attention to a large Polypus that existed in my
right nostril, which was successfully removed by
the local application of "Oxygenator" thereby
saving much pain, danger and expense had it been
removed by surgical process.
I have used your remedy in my family (of 8) for
a number of years, and can highly recommend it
for fevers, colds and threat troubles—as a gargle,
when warmed, itis invaluable.
I remain, yours truly,
S old by—
22 Harbord St. - Toronto
Ont., and surrounding territory,
to represent
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
' Newest varieties and specialties
in Hardy Fruits, Small :Fruits,
Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses.
.A. permanent situation. and territory
reserved for the right man. Pay weekly.
Handsome outfit free. .Write for partici
nlars, and send 25 cents for our Pocket
Microscope, just the thing to use in ex-
amining trees and plants for insects.
ItrONTMLL atttlate tItitte
titer 800 Acres
r.,•. •,,,, R: