The Wingham Times, 1904-10-06, Page 5Of
Crowder's Ready " to �. Wear
Suits and Overcoats
Our stock is now complete with all the latest styles in
Suits and Overcoats for man or boy. Our qualities are a little
,different to those usually kept in a general store. Our patterns
.are exclusive Our styles are of the very latest design, Our
;,prices are no higher than you will pay for an inferior Coat or
. Suit in other stores, It will pay you to see us before buying.
There may be Suits and Overcoats as goad, but not at the price I
Men's and Youths' Overcoats.
In all the latest styles and weaves, sizes 33 to 46 oheet, prices
$7.50 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 •
Boys' Overcoats.
Newest ideas, six different styles to choose from, sizes 22 to 34
cheat, prices - - • • 83.75 to $10.00
Bops' Navy Blue Beaver Cloth
Pea Jaokete, double breasted
sizes 22 to 28 chest, price $2.75
ODD PANTS $1.76.
'Men's Grey Halifax tweed pants
all sizes, - • - $1,75
Men's Grey Frieze double breast-
ed Pea Jackets, sizes 86 to
46 chest, price $3.75 and $5.00
KEN'S PANTS $1.00.
21 pairs Mens' Dark Stripe
Tweed Pants, sizes 82 to 38, 1.00
price - - $
Waterproof Coats $7.75.
Men's Raglan Waterproof Overcoats (guaranteed) sizes 35 to 50
chest, length 56 inoses, prices
• $7.76 $8.50
Underwear Department,
Men's all wool shirts and drawers, - - , .50 .75 $1.00
Men's fleece lined. (shirts and drawers, sizes 32 to 46, .50 and .75
Boys' 'Underwear all sizes in iv.ol or fleece lined.
Gents' Furnishings.
New Ties, Collars, Caffe, Sox, Gloves, Hdohiefa, eto.
The R. H1 CROWDER Co.,
Wingham's .Best Clothiers.
Window. Shades, newest colors
35o. to 90c.•
Curtain Poles
16o to $2.00
Big assortment of Coverings
' for Uho1sti1r1lig.
Silks. Tapestry. Velour. Plush.
Gimp and Cords.
arriving most every day to complete our stock
for Fall trade.
In Bedroom Suites we have splendid value at
$11.50, 12.00, 15.00, 17.00, 25.00 and upwards.
Iron Beds, best wire springs, $6, 7.50 up to $21.
See our Couches at $7, $8 and $i 1, best quality.
Examine the Ticking in our Mattresses—also the
Filling -- at $2.75, 3.00, 4.5o and $6.5o.
The Leading Furniture Store.
Brick residence'6th house west
from Hamiltons03orner Drug
Store, veopgghtnill
Headquarters for Picture Mould-
Mg....See our 16 x 20 Frames.
For u -to -date Moulding — we
have it
Tuesday And Wednesday October lith
and 12th, are the dates of Blyth fair.
Miss Ellen Thompson, bac returned
home, after visiting friends in London
for the peat month.
Mr. A. B. Carr and family have ar-
rived from East Wawanoeb to the home
in Blyth they recently pnrchaeed from,
Mr. John Moffat.
Mr, Wm. Stowe, of Nanaimo, Britieh
Columbia, nephew of Reeve Sloan, of
Blyth, will be the Liberal candidate for
Counox and Atlin in the approaching
Dominion elections,
Oar congratulations ate extended this
week to Mr. John S. Mc13~innon, of To-
ronto, son of Postmaster McKinnon. of
Blyth, who was last week eleoted a
member of the Dominion council of the
Canadian Manufacturers' Association,
The next 6 weeks will he of interest to you.
Special Brines on Furniture for balance of July and all of August.
Just think! A good Conch, in velour covering, stripe pattern, assorted
For $4.76, regal 16.60 1$in .50noagular oil $8.50
8.fo0 7450, regular $9.60
and a niceWe will guarantee to supply the above goods at these pritee throughout
July and August only.
IN PARLOR SUITES We lead in price and quality. Beery
Suite gaatanteed or motley refunded. Note our speoial prices,
Nies 5 -piece Strite, solid oak frames, done in'reiour, good patterns, spring, edge plush
bound, regular price ;95,00, specie' price a48 o0
late Suitt, guaranteed, $40.00 quality for - • . •
• We don ttthandleving a any
y lopEhti Chagas ed gra' we buy in our Orta Lawn;
• p@",8ee our ;2,00 Mattress.
The Times
TO JANUARY 1, 1905
Dizzy headaches, $ Dimmed -
Nine times ont of ten by coustipation
but can be oared quickly by Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills of Mandrake and I3nttermit,
For constipated headache and liver com-
plaint use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills..
We are sorry to record the demise of
Annie Ellen, the little daughter of Wm.
and Mra. Perrie, Cranbrook, winch took
place last Sunday afternoon, Sept. 26th.
She was two months old.
Mise Jean Ross, of Brussels, is filling
the post of teacher at the Browntown
public school temporarily as the teacher
is off duty through illness.
Thursday of this week will be Morris
township Voters' List Court, It will be
held in the Town Hall, •Brussels, com-
mencing at 9.30 a.m. Judge Doyle will
Dr. Roe, of Philadephia, was a wel-
came visitor with Morrie friends $or
a few days. He was ou his way back
from the St. Louis Exposition. It is 14
or 15 years since the Dr, went to the
Quaker oity but be usually renews old
acquaintances here once a year,
Slight Sprains Grow Worse
Unless properly treated. The great
strength of Nerviline, enables it to quick-
ly cure all manner of sprains and strains.
"I sprained my wrist," writes Leonard
E. Milford of Rockland, "while work-
ing in the mill but had to lay off, it be-
came so painful and swelled. I rubbed
my wrist thoroughly with Nerviline
twice a day and put on a bandage. The
pain fit xi went away and frequent rub-
bing with Net riline soon cured. Nervi -
line is undoubtedly an excellent lini-
ment and best pain reliever I ever used."
NerviIdze certair'y is extra good, Price
The following is the report for S. S.
No. 7, East Wawanosh, for the mouth of
C1. v—Stanley Elliott,
Sr. iv—Ella Walker, Annie Leaver,
Willie Shoebottom, Harvey Linklater,
Howard Shiell,•Lanra Currie.
Jr. iv—Katie Shiell, Wilfrid Pocock.
Sr. m—Maggie Shiell, James Fergu-
son, May Beadle, Garfield Shoebottom,
Herbert Burchill, John Abram, Maxwell
Jr. lir—Gordon Uintoal, Gwendoline
Currie, George Walker, Walter Pocock,
George Currie, Earl Elliott.
Sr. ex—Pears Deacon.
Inter. u—Verna Taylor.
Jr. it—Bernice ShieIl, Daniel Fergu-
son, Richard Deacon, Harold Walker,
Harold Currie.
Cl. i --Bella Ferguson, Maggie Po -
cook, Ernest Shiell, Charlie Taylor,
Franklin Robinson, Nellie Deacon, Katie
Currie, Bessie Burchill, Fiona Deacon.
M. WALSH, Teacher.
'Yon Have Indigestion
And conclude of course that the stom-
ach Is at fault. So it is, but there is a
cause away back of the stomach that
must be reaohed before the stomach can
be made to do its work. The saute is
nerve disturbance or nerve debility.
First get the nerves in shape and then
the stomach will be right also. Ferro -
zone has accomplished this for thousands
of people whose digestion was complete•
ly gone. Ferrozone is food for the
nerves and workson ers in stomach
w d h
trouble. Where digestion, appetite and
assimilation are faulty just try Ferro -
zone. It cures thoroughly. Price 50o.
at druggists.
Ladies' Underwear
This Fall we have placed hi thie department the largest range of Ladies'
nod Ohildren's Underwear ever placed in our store. We have it in all sizes
acgl all prices. The quality is all that can be desired..
Ladies' Vests sail Drawers from, eves, 25c rip to $1.50
These are "Watson's Unshrinkabt ," and we know that when you
buy one snit you will not have any other kind,
Come and see our Children's Ugderwatsts and Petits; especially- take
notice of our ieuben's Vests for Infants—the only correct vest fur iufents
because they are easy to put on and there are no buttons on them.
Ladies' Belts and Gam's.
In this department we have the veru newest and most beautiful Belie
and Collars; also Collar Tubs. Our stock is complete and we invite you to
cove and inspect it,
GOATS. Esonmesmomeassm
While devoting so mnclr space to our other departments, we would
again call you attention to car large stook of Imported Coate. These are
ahead of any shown in this part of the country, because they are direct from
the European rnarketee. We guarantee a perfect fit and assure you that the
prices will be satisfactory.
Remember that in all the other departments of our store yon
will find everything you. require. ,
Our Grocery department is stocked with pure fresh groceries
at peppier prices,
Highest prices for trade.
—The four-year-old son of Mr. Geo.
b'anikner,of Calross met with a bad acci-
dent last Friday. The little fellow trip-
ped and fell on his arra, breaking it just
above the elbow.
In the town hall, Teeswater, on Sept.
28th, a special meeting of domicil was
held, as ,required by circular received
from the County Clerk re the Coauty
Councils Act, Chapter 22, Ontario Statu-
tes, 1904, section 3,
Moved by Jae. Ballagh, seconded by
Geo. Falconer, whereas at this meeting
of the Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Culrost, called for the purpose of
considering the provisions of the County
CouncilsAct in compliance with the
Statutes of Ontario, that this Council is
unanimously lo favor of the County
Councils beiug composed of the Reeves
of the Townships and Villages and May-
ors of Towns.—Carried.
8. S. No. 11, Turnberry, report for
Sr. iv—Frank Calhoun, Georgina
Jr. tv—Lulu Currie, Ernest I,inkle-
ter, Fred Johnston, Emily Forsyth, Earl
Sr. uta-Meizie Lediet, Annie Finnan,
Rey 1letterfieid,
Jr. nr--Earl Groves, Ethel Ranson,
Mary Currie, Laura fialhotin, Lizzie
Lockeridgo, Maggio Reid, Anila Mc-
Sr. rr—Eddie L+bckeridge, Edna Finley,
Aggie Finnan.
Jr. it—Eva Linklater, Ruby Forsyth,
Carrie Weeks, J+'rank Lediet, `9'ifillie
8rigloyw, Frank Lockerldge.
Pt, it—Ethel Free, Stele Welch,
Ralph Weeks, Minnie Saunders.
Sr. Pt, r• -Alfred Lockeridge, Alvin
1 Grasse, Ber-fir .Yohnetlet Rose For-
eytht s, Bey Melee, 11 net oe Fabs.
XNamei in, order es merit.
1k, l?. �'ItlEglEr tefwizer.
Consninption 1s Scouring Canada.
Year by year the White Plagne stead-
ily gains headway. and why? Because
careless people let their colds run into
catarrh which in, turn becomes consump-
tion. Victims of catai;h needn't be dis-
couraged, for fragrant healing Catarrh -
ozone Permanently cures every type of
catarrh. The soothing vapor of Catarrh -
ozone immediately kills the germs that
cause catarrh and prevents them from
again enteriug your system. Relief will
be quick, cure will be certain, ebt olute
freedom from any trace of catarrh fol•
lows the use of Catarrhozone. It is a
scientific remedy warranted to care lung
trouble, bronchitis and catarrh. Care
guaranteed with two months treatment.
Price $1.00; sample size 26c.
In chatting with Hugh Lamont, who
with Mrs. Lamont spent same weeks in
Manitoba, he thinks while the West
may suit the young people that persons
getting up in years aro much better in
Tuesday morning of last week, Etta
Mary, the only child of William, and
Mary Shielis, lot20, con. 16, died of
meningitis, after a short illness, aged 1
year, 4 months. and 18 days.
Mrs, Sperling, of the Northwest, is
visiting Mrs. Marsden Smith. She was
a resident of Brussels some years ago.
James Park, of Petrolie, was a visitor
with S. R. Orerar, Oth con. They are
fellow students at the School of Praettcal
Science, Toronto. Mr. Park is taking
mining. Mr. Crerar returns to Toronto
is a few days to take up his post gradu-
ate course.
A young Ind named Crawford of the
17th ton., had one of bis lege broken, in
two places the other day while returning
from school. Along with some other
boys he was riding on A. McFarlane's
wagon when one of his comrades in play
threW Otawford's cap off, The lad got
down to get it and in attempting to get
on the- wagon the Wagon again caught
his leg in the hind wheel with the above
NNTrcz;--1 have arranged with the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
and all oWing ale On notes or mortgagee,
can pay principal or interest at any
time after falling dee, Remember you
need not pay mull you are requested to
do se by int. 1 thank all those who
have done business With me and wish
you till Otey prosperity.
Rotex. `HOLMOO.
Minutes of council meeting held in
Clerk's office, Blnevale on Monday, Oct.
3rd, 1904. Members of council all
present, the Reeve in the chair. The
minutes of Met meeting were read
and adopted on motion of Messrs.
Couplaud and Rutherford.
The Reeve reported that he had let a
job of patting iu tile culvert on 26th
side road to Wm. Mitchell at $4,00.
The following accounts were passed and
cheques on Bank of Haprilton issued:
Jas. McDougall, gravel and damages,
$2.82; Samuel Vanstoue, gravel and
damages, $3 72; Amos Gofton gravel
and damages, $3.15; John W. Sing,
gravel and damages, $4 68; Jas. Breck-
enridge. gravel and damages, Morris
boundary $29 64; Jae. Curtis, inspecting
gravelling, $3.12; Geo. Mason, books,
$3.18; John Burgess, expenses re voters'
list, $7.70; Wm. Willis, gravelling on
east gravel road, $80.45; Win. Wright
inspecting gravelling, $5.00; A. Pollard,
gravel, $4.18: Thos. Wright, repairing
culvert, $5.26; .Tames Weir, repairing
culvert, $6.00; Hugh Tucker, repairing
bridge, $•2,00; Henry Thompson cleaning
government drain, township's share
$1.50; Jos, Walker, repairing culvert,
$1.25; Duff & Stewart, account Elliott
drain, $802.60.
Couplaud — Rutherford.— That this
meeting do now adjourn to meet in
Clerk's offi.ce,Bluevale ou Monday, Nov,
21st, at 10 o'clock a. m.
"The Princess at Wo
The above is the title of a newprem-
ium pietas's to be given th that great
paper, the Family Her d and Weekly
Star, of Montrea this •eaeon. It is said
to be a gem, by is r . e most expensive
and beautiful ti :y • ave ever issued. All
who pay a year : subscription (one dol-
lar) to the ram ly Herald and Weekly
Star, get a copy of the picture free.
k'amily Herald subscribers are this year
in greater luck than ever. "The Princ-
ess at Work" alone is worth a good deal
more than what is asked for the year's
subscription and the picture.
Mr. A. B. Aylesworth, K. C., of
Toronto has accepted an invitation to
join Sir Wilfrid Lanrier's Cabinet as
Minister without portfolio.
Scott's Emulsion is the
means of life and of the en-
joyment of life of thousands of
men, women and children.
To the men Scott's Emul-
sion gives the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
For women Scott's Emul-
sion does this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To -children Scctt's Emul•
cion gives food and strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood, For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
bend for free s&tnple,
SCOTT do BOWNE. Chemtett i�tdt.
To aoc.rand $l.008 all drugtiste.
Slim Pr�l+ea
Stpat Yafuos The Leading Store
Ready -to- Wear
We have just passed in-
to stock 3 shipments
Men's and Boys' Over-
coats and Suits. Re-
member, we sell only the
best makes, and can save
you money on every gar-
ment, We guarantee you
a fit, and as for material
the price.
it's the best obtainable at
MEN'S SUI PS—!da to from gold strong Tweeds, in doable or sinzlo
breasted style, Italian cloth lining and good trimmings. Oar
special cut priue • - - - - 8$.00
MEN'S SUITS --Made from gond strong all wool tweed, nine pat-
terns, well made and Trued. All sizes selling at - - $0.00
MEN'S SCOTCH TWEED SUITS—Made from all -wool goods, in
fancy patterns, well lined and trimmed, sizes 86 to 41 Our
price - - • - - •-
MEN'S PANTS—All sizes, made from gond strong Tweed and
Worsted cloth. prices are $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, 12.50, $3.00, 83.50
MEN'S OVERCOATS—See our new styles of overcoats, made from
gond strneg cloth in plain and fancy stripes. Prices are $..00,
$6.00, 87.00, $8.00, $9,00, $10 00, - - - - • $12.00
See our Leader, a well made fine Beaver Overcoat, with velvet collar,
worth $7 50 for - - • - - - , $6,O0
(Here are some Specials for Boys.
collar. check lining, trimmed with Brass Buttons. good value at
BOYS' REEFERS—Made from Navy Blue Beaver Cloth, with high
$2 50. Our cut price - • - -
BOYS SUITS—Norfolk style, fancy pattern tweed, well lined. Oar
special price - - - - - - - - .$2.50
BOYS' PANTS—All sizes iu boys' long or short pants, made to give
gond wear, alt prices. See our special at - - - - .50
IIOYS' OVERCOATS—Excellent valve in boys' fine overcoats nicely
made, good strong linuigs, velvet collar, grey oxtord atutn,
Price begins for small sizes at - - - . $2,00
BOYS' SWEATERS—It will pay you well to•see our new sweaters,
all wool. Prices begin at - -
UNDERWEAR—Direct from the mill, fleece tined and &1 -wool,
shirts and drawers, at cut prices.
11. E. ISARD & Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Bight goods at right prices.asiimw
This week we open up two cases Jardinieres
Sugars and Creams
(imported direct) in all the latest shapes and 4
colorings. See our window. E 3ch - 25 cents i
A small package Fancy China Sugar Bowls e
and Cream Pitchers, good size, suitable for
an ordinary family. In different colors, 4
Per pair - - - - 25 cents
Cups, Saucers, Plates,
White goods --Cups, Saucers and Plates, On-
tario pattern, nicely embossed. The very
best goods—all firsts. Six Cups, Six Sau-
cers, Six Plates, for - - - $Q cents
oksomomm, AMMO
St. Catharines Well.
In St. Catharines, the Garden Oite of
Canada, eleven miles from Niagara Fella,
on the main line of the Grand_ Ttunk
Railway, is eitnated the historic St. Ca.
tharines Well, about which is woven
many a ronanti4 Indian legend, and
whose curative properties are known far
and wide throughout North America.
The water of the famous Saline Well is
considerably denser than sea water, but
clear, sparkling and odorless, and is re•
markable for its penetrative qualities.
The waters are a great specific for
such diseases as rheumatism, gout, scrof-
nia, neuralgia, liver troubles, akin die -
eases and oases of nervous prostration, or
as a. tonic pure and simple, The treat-
ment is conducted on the broadest poss-
ible lines, the idea bring to assist nature
as much as possible. The nee of these
*Mere is the chief remedial agent, tiro•
companied by static electrioity,maseage,
exercise and rest. All treatment is in
charge of bongs phy
The bathe
are in a separate building, oonnected
With the main building by a glees cov-
ered corridor.
Fall information, deeoriptive matter,
and all partionlare may be hod on Apel#-
cation to J, D. McDonald, District Pass-
enger Agent, Toronto, Ont.
--Teats and Weekly Globe 1111 end Ot
1904 for 35 eente. Good ounce. tot new
snbaeribere to get cheap reading natter,
Settlers' Low Rates West.
Via the Chicago and North Western
Railway, every day from .Sept, ]Bile #o
Oct. 15th. Settlers' one-way eecond'-blasis
tickets at very low raters from Chicago to
points in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho,
Oregon, Washington, California; alsota
Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster.
Rosslaud and other points in the Koote•
nay district. Correspondrugly low rates
from all pointe in Canada. Full partic-
ulars trona nearest ticket agent, or B. H.
BENNETT, General Agent, 2 East King
street, Toronto, Ont.
Night calla at Button .Block, or rein.
donee t er
en a Ritchie $ property n Soott St.
or third house west ofeschool on John
street. Shop oppoeite Maodonald Wok,.
crane Ilatleeet, Ito. 139
1 regular meetingsse the and
����`` ��rtrtir laon lti
.C11 and 4th k5rfda each fn t1t est-
fellow Vali, Ail risitors walaorn+e. '
R. ldaitieste, C. C. F. )C;. (Mowb1t11, Clerk.