HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Hensall Observer, 1959-09-03, Page 5Page 5 The Hensall Observer, September 3, 1959 Friends Honour Recreation Eastern Trip Cook Family Report R+ Follows Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase By R.J. "Scotty" Hume The Rev. Currie Winlaw offi- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Klaas ciated at a pretty summer wed- Van Wieren and family were This is one column I am ding held at the United Church hosts at a surprise picnic supper proud to write. Since last week's manse on Saturday, August 29, for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook, edition the town of Hensall has 1959, when Donelda Kathleen Lon - held at their home on the Lon - a reason to be vex•, proud of some r re McLoed and Robert Thomas La- don Road on Sunday evening. its children who braved very exchanged marriage vows. "We all hate to lose good sweltering day of 90 degrees last Wednesday to of 0 Exeter and The bride is the daughter of neighbours", Mr. Horton said in take part against St. Mary's Ex- Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLoed of making presentation of a pair of eter and Goderich in a final Clinton, and the groom is the Italian brass candlesticks and a Play Day Activities of Recreat- son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lav- china cake plate to Mr. and Mrs. ion for the district and emerge ery, Hensall. Cook. Their daughters Beth and victorious with the winning The bride chose a ballerina Cathy were each presented with number of points to bring back length gown of white nylon over a cup and saucer. to Hensall the Lake Huron Zone taffeta with a full bouffant Mr. and Mrs. Cook are now Recreation Play Day Trophy, skirt and the bodice was com- residing on Richmond St., Hen - which they keep for one year. plimented with a draped neck- call, in the home they recently Before I forget, I would like line forming a floating panel purchased from Carlisle Wilkin - to say thank you to the follow- falling to the hemline at the back. A small bandeau held her son. ------ _----__ ing people who took time out from either their household dut- shoulder length illusion veil. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Heavy Fire Loss ies or other work to transport the children; Mrs. E. Chipchase, Miss Elizabeth Jane Falk- An estimated 1,000 chickens Mrs. R. Mock, Harry Hoy, Jim ner of Clinton was bridesmaid. and 300 pigs were lost on Sun - Taylor and Carlisle Wilkinson. Her dress of carribean blue day night in a $32,000 blaze that I would ask the boys and girls chiffon over taffeta, with a full destroyed a livestock barn on the who would like to participate in bouffant skirt, and draped neck- farm of W.A. Haugh and Sons, a baseball and softball tourna- line forming a floating panel at R.R. 1 Brucefield ment on September 19th at Lis- the back. She wore a white picture hat, blue gloves and car- Quantities of hay and straw and towel, kindly get in touch with ried white baby mums. a number of implements were me as soon as possible so I will Mr. Gordon Lavery, Zurich included in the loss, believed to know how many teams to enter. Each one participating. gets a was his brother's groomsman. be partially covered by insur- crest, as well as a crest for the For receiving at the recept- ante. finalists and champions 'and the tion for over fifty guests at the winning team a trophy. Commercial Hotel, Hensall, the dress ffn Memoriam Now that minor baseball is bride's mother wore a of over, I would like to say my royal blue crystal charm, with congratulations to the Bantams white accessories, and a corsage RILEY - In loving memory of a for the splendid way they came of white mums. The groom's dear wife and mother Grace who the ladder only be eer mother chose a dress of brown was called home September 3rd, at is ated in the semifinals. Cheer up, up, and gold metallic with beige ac- 1958. boys, you did one thing that I cessories, and a corsage of br- Asleep pin God's beautiful am proud of, you weren't de- onze mums. Following the reception the garden, feated all the way and did man- groom and bride left for points Free from all sorrow and age to get_ the W.O.B.A. trophy. Cheer up lads, -the lockeyieas- east"he were a--turquoi e -linea =- - --. - - __pain, And suit with a white feathered hat, when our life's oileh 7 on isn't far away. I'm going to and a corsage of white mums. is ended, have a trophy case built at the p y They will reside in Hensall. We know we shall meet her arena for the trophies you win again. so the public will see that you are not letting them down. ----- Pigeon Awaits Claimant Lovingly 1 y remembered by _ _----- A pigeon, blue green in col- Ross and Cheryl Legion Auxiliary our, tagged C.U. 59 1273 landed at Ken McLean's farm Wednes- Begins New Season day night, and is being cared The holiday season is over for until the owner claims it. for the Hensall Legion Auxil------ --------- iary. Their first meeting of the FOR SALE season will be held on Tuesday, Living Room drapes, 6'7" by 5' September 8th, followed by a 811. Light grey with white design. pot luck lunch. Mrs. Clay Austin, Hensall 34. . "I VAPOR 'ACTION'! GIVES YOU POSITIVE tm PROTECTION U done of CO-OP PANOGEN e wboie b=IW of wbnb bor wt a" M ama*9 cumse is des "VOW /leHall—CO-OP MOM vapors wbiab effe Vdy treat Iceeaeb aooNss O wttb es Hensall & District HENSALL ZURICH 115 220 e01 1201513-005 CO-OP BRUCEFIELD HU. 2-9823 11 Best Buys For 11 back to School Ban -Lon Pullovers & Cardigans ------- • ------- New Cotton, Terylene Blouses Plaid Reversible Skirts $11.95 to $17.59 Balance of Summer Stock At Reduced Prices IRWIN'S Ladies' Wear and 'Dry Goods CLINTON HENSALL EXETER The Heating Season Is Fast Approaching WE WILL BE HAPPY TO TALK OVER YOUR PROBLEMS. FREE ESTIMATES. -F -- I- - N7 K PLUMBING AND HEATING ELECTRICAL SING PHONE 36 HENSALL caiis ItVaiitcd Top Paid We Have For Sale Reg. No.1 Genesee Wheat Com. No.1 Genesee Wheat FASTER, MORE EFFICIENT SERVICE can now be offered to you at our unloading docks due to some plant renovations and expansion that wase done this year. CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL • Cook Co. Ltd. PHONE 24 HENSALL'