HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Hensall Observer, 1959-09-03, Page 3Page 3 The Hensall Observer, September 3, 1959
Mr. Robert McArthur passed
caused father McArthur to look
The Jim McArthur's moved
the babies born since the last
time the men got home.
away April 8th, 1883, in his 65th
up and there he saw a wild cat,
into their new home in 1900 and
gtBtOT dates to 1844
year, and Mrs. McArthur died in
waiting to spring. As settlers
electricity was installed that
farm was erected in 1894. The
Ing when the minister came.
1906 at the age of 79, their
always carried a gun on such a
same year, the power coming
Mrs. McArthur's father. It is '•
whole lives after their marriage
having been spent at "The Ev-
trip, he shot the wild at and
went on his way.
from a plant in the village of
Hensall. About 1909 the tele -
re a n e
arm •
ed the farmer would tie two
phone was added to the conven-
In September of .1897, Jim
These were anxious times for
McArthur married Alice Welsh,
the women who were left alone
at home when such trips had to
When it was decided to tear
stopped at a certain spot and no
was in a favourable position as
daughter of Richard Welsh, car-
be made. Indians were every-
down the old to g house, mother
it bordered on the London Road,
penter and contractor, Hensall.
where in the bush and were us-
McArthur, nowin her seventies,
Lot 6, Con. 1, Tuckersmith
one of the main roads or trails
In her account she says:
ually friendly as long as they
asked to live in it one more da Y•
The original owners of this
at that time, although it was
Sometime after father Mc-
were fed, but one was never
Both fireplaces were lit and she
farm were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
only a corduroy road.
Arthur's death, a new brick
. sure of what they might do.
slept that night on her old rope
McArthur. Mr. McArthur ' Came
A log house of moderate size
house was built for mother Me.
Wild animals such as bears,
bed, reliving the times when she
from Scotland with his parents
was built on the farm just north
Arthur on the corner of the
farm, and a sister of Jim's kept
wolves and wildcats sometimes
had come there as a bride.
about 1835 the same year Jean
of the resent home and a barn
house for him until we were
came to the clearings. One story
mother McArthur told that has
From the first, mixed farm -
. Bell, who was to be his future
was erected. Then on February
ing has been followed. The orig-
wife, left Fort William, near
26th, 1846, Robert McArthur
went as a bride to the Mc-
stayed in my mind was about a
incl orchard wased.Tshort-
Ben Nevis, Scotland, with her
brought his new bride Jean Bell
Arthur farm in September 1897,
bear. Apparently the men were
all away hunting for a bear that
ly after the first clearings were
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
to their new home.
and lived in the original log
had been raiding the
made, but a new one was set
Bell, nine brothers and sisters.
During the following years,
house for over two years.
farms and killing their livestock.
out in 1905 and some of these
They settled on Concession I
twelve children were born to
When the farm was bought,
She was alone in the house sitt-
trees are still standing and bear -
them; James, who died in his
it was all solid bush so clearing
the window when a bear
ing fruit. '
In 1844 Robert McArthur
teens, Robert, .Paul, John Ar-
the land was a major problem
came through their clearing. It
ca a
There was no reforestation
bought his hundred acres of
thur and William (twins), James
and took a long time. There
grabbed their only pig by the
but in the early days a row of
bush land from the Canada Co.
Maggie (Mrs. McGregor), Anna,
were still forty acres of bush to
shoulders, tearing the flesh a-
evergreens had been planted the
for cash paying $3.50 per acre,
Mrs. Gilchrist), Jessie, Jennie,
be cleared when I was married.
built in 1899 by Richard Welsh,
length of the farm and it was
or $350 for the farm. This farm
Elizabeth (Mrs. McGregor).
Periodically a minister from
the tail, and kept right on going.
from this long line of trees that
London visited all the settlers,
Mother McArthur went out but-
the farm derived its name "The
Citadel Cigarettes ........... carton $2.69
IGA,"Gil aw"qts . ..� ... 2for 29c
plus deposit
Broiler Turkeys - 4-8 lbs .......... 39c lb.
Smoked Picnic Shoulders .......... 39c lb.
8 Tablerite Weiners and Buns ........ 49c
Potatoes 10 1b, bag 33c
Oranges ................... 51b. bag 59c
Cabbage ................... 2 heads 19c
Celery ..................... 2 stalks 23c
Sealed Sweet Frozen Orange -12 oz.... 45c
Highliner Perch Fillets -1 lb.......... 35c
This Certificate Worth
Extra Gold Band Stamps
With a $10.00 food purchase at
Coupon valid only Sept. 2-5 incl.
Shop and Save 2 Ways at I.G.A.
Gold Bond Stamps and Lowest Prices
Brown's I.G.A.
Open Friday► and Saturday Evenings
e-0 112 01513-003
marrying those who wished to
chered the - pig and had what Evergreens."
be married and christening all
was left of it dressed by the (continued on page 6)
the babies born since the last
time the men got home.
visit. These visits caused quite
a stir among them, especially
The L-shaped frame barn, 40
among the ladies, who always
by 70 feet, still in use on the
wanted extras in the line of bak-
farm was erected in 1894. The
Ing when the minister came.
present home, 32 by 32 feet, was
At . that time, Bayfield, 17
built in 1899. by Richard Welsh, \\
miles away, had the closest grist
Mrs. McArthur's father. It is '•
mill, , so white flour was quite a
brick veneer and follows the
treat and supplies were closely
square style of that period. A
guarded. When flour was need-
bathroom, uncommon at that ,
ed the farmer would tie two
time, was installed when the
bushels of wheat, one on each
house was built. The water sup -
side, on the back of whatever
ply came from an overhead tank
animal he had, and walked a-
or cistern in the bathroom, and
longside. On one trip that fath-
was fed by rain water. Another
er McArthur made his mule
cistern in the basement took Prompt Service At
stopped at a certain spot and no
care of the kitchen needs. The
amount of urging would budge
hard water came from a well The Observer Office
h'im, and J3 ia-Ily W slut ii"
near the house.
Highest Prices Paid
Fast Unloading Facilities
Hensall Phone 32