HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Hensall Observer, 1959-09-03, Page 1Ontario's Grain Capital
About People
You Know ...
Mrs. Bessie McKie of Kitch-
ener visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Alexander.
Miss Jane Horton attended
the C.N.E. in Toronto last week.
Patience pays off for Greg
Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Spencer, who has put in
a long eight weeks with casts
on both legs. We feel sure this
has not been one of Greg's best
summers, and wish him good
luck, and good health, now that
he has had the casts removed.
Dr. Bert Christie, who is on
the O.A.C. teaching staff at
Guelph, visited last week with
Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Goddard.
Miss Beth Goddard and Miss
Gwen Spencer spent the week-
end at the Goddard summer cot-
tage recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuss, Lyn-
da and Cathy are vacationing
at their summer cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neeb
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Wim.
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George, Billy and David Tay-
lor, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Taylor, attended the United
Church summer camp at Goder-
ich last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spenc-
er, Gwen and Greg, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C.
Cornish at their summer cottage
at Sauble Beach.
Mrs. Clay Austin, David and
Brian have returned home after
a month's vacation, visiting Tor-
onto, Niagara Falls, Simcoe,
Buffalo and Fort Erie.
Mrs. Austin and children are
leaving Hensall on September
15th, to join her husband in
Miss Lois Simmons is spend-
ing a few days with Miss Ann
Mickle at the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton
of Port Dover are vacationing
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaddick
and Bill, and Mr. and Mrs. P.L.
McNaughton and Robert.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Charles, Bob and Ann spent last
Friday in Ridgetown visiting the
former's mother Mrs. George T.
Miss Phyllis Dougall has re-
turned after a year in England
on an exchange teaching posit-
ion. She will resume teaching in
Toronto when school reopens in
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Dougall
are vacationing for a few days
in Sundridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton of
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Horton of Listowel and Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Horton of Hensall vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Faber.
Miss Patty Lanyon who has
been the guest of Miss Sharon
Lynne Hume for her holidays
returned to her home in St.
Thomas last Sunday.
Mr. Douglas Brintnell left on
Tuesday for his new job at the
Snap-On Tools plant in London.
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$2.00 Per Year Hensall, Ontario, September 3, 1959 Vol. 1, Issue 42
Tuesday Marks End of Summer Noliday
Kippen Marksman
At International
Finishing with a score of 93,
John Anderson of Kippen. re-
turned home Sunday from Van-
dalia, Ohio, after participating
in the Grand American Trap -
Shooting from 20 yards, Mr.
Anderson had 49 of the first
50 birds, but dropped back in
the second division, when visi-
bility was lowered somewhat by
rain. A total of 2395 shooters
participated in the three day e-
vent, with 32 traps in operation
at one time.
The division in which Mr.
Anderson was shooting was won
by two Americans, who tied
with 99 birds, and split $8000 in
prize money. Mr. Anderson will
win a cash prize as well, and
expects his award will be receiv-
ed some time this week, a)-
}though he does not know the
Don't Miss
This Thriller
Labour Day, next Monday,
September 7th, will see a mat-
ched battle at Hensall ball dia-
mond, when the Huron -Perth
Intermediate Champs of 1946
take on the Hensall Juveniles in
an exhibition game at 5.00 p.m.
Some of the `old timers"
coming back for the game in-
clude Carter and Everett "Do"
Kerslake, Carey Joynt, Bruce
Glen, Jack Tudor, along with
three Hortons, Don Joynt and
other Champs of 146.
Two Stations Robbed
Thieves broke into Reid's and
Ferg's gas stations, stole a quan-
tity of candy and some money.
The breakins were discovered on
Wednesday morning. The two
stations adjoin each other.
Terrifying Experience For
Seizure Claims
Mom's Happy
Township Clerk but Kids Groan
Edwin P. Chesney, 53, clerk-
----- _-__-----
treasurer of Tuckersmith Town-
School days will soon be with
ship, died suddenly from a heart
us again.On Tuesday, September
forth, early Friday morning,
8th, the children will once a -
attack at his home, R.R. 4 Sea-
gain set the wheels of education
August 28, 1959.
A lifelong resident of the
School principal Robert Rae -
township, he farmed for a time,
burn expects 200 children this
and later became relief officer
terih, an increase over last year.
and tax collector. He had been
Mrs. Howard Scane will have
township treasurer for more
a full class, when Cathy Fuss,
than 30 years, and 14 years ago
Catharine Anne Christie, Julie
took over the duties of township
Heal, Beverley Corneil, Dorothy,
clerk as well. He was also ac-
Skea, Alison Fiford, Shirley
countant for the Hensall Sales
Smale, Keith Harburn, John and
Barn, and had worked until late
Donald Noakes, Shelley Bon -
Thursday night on the Com-
thron, Janet Ottem, Joe Vain-
pany's books.
stone, Paulene Allan, Heather
Surviving are his wife, the
Hume, David Austin, Timothy
former Cora Sherwood, and a
Mock, Sheila Sangster, Michael
brother W.J. Chesney, Ottawa;
Sangster, Karin Schade, Donald
sisters, Janet and Bertha, High-
Fisher and Mary Thompson
land Park, Ill., Mrs. Jessie Walk-
make their way for the first
er, Rochester, N.Y., and Mrs.
time to school.
W.K. Ament, Kitchener.
Services were held Sunday
Teachers for the other grades
from the Box Funeral Home,
will be the same as last year,
Seaforth, with interment in the
-Mrs. Robert Elgie, Grade 1, Mrs.
Maitland Bank Cemetery, Sea-
Albert Shirray, Grades 2 and 3,
Eric Mansfield, Grades 3 and 4,
Mrs .Haugh, grades 5 and 6,
e. sd �u e■,'c. N u r e Noigm., iFetv Robert Raeburn, Grades 7 and 8.
_-A Heu$K'-- alt l t nurse, -- • . •_.: _ Mrs.; Fred. L "Appleby
Marie Jarrott, 18, was one of Edith Meikle, 19, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. William Clem- Was Well Known Here
three horrified witnesses at a
tragic drowning Monday at
Grand Bend, when Alice Hays,
19 year old student nurse, was
swept beyond her depth by a
strong undertow.
The four nurses had come to
Grand Bend to celebrate the
end of their first year of train
Ing at Stratford General Hos-
pital. Miss Hayes was swimm-
ing in heavy breakers at the
north side of the large pier with
when they were swept out of
their depth by the undertow.
Miss Meikle reached shore
with difficulty, but Miss Hayes
disappeared while struggling
through the breakers.
Lifeguards and volunteers
immediately formed a hand-to-
hand line and walked through
the breakers, but the body of
the victim was not recovered
until an hour and a half later.
ent entertained at a farewell
party on Thursday evening for
Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Wilkin-
son who left on Friday for Mar-
lette, Mich.
The couple was presented
with a musical decanter and
matching tray of glasses, with
Ernie Chipchase doing the hon-
ours. A social hour was enjoyed
and a chicken barbecue was
served on the lawn. Seven coup-
les were present.
Funeral services were held
for Mrs. Frederick J. Appleby,
76, of Simcoe, on Monday, Aug-
ust 31st, with interment in TiII-
sonburg Cemetery.
Mrs. Appleby, a former well
known resident of Hensall is
survived by her husband, two
sons, Walter F., R.R. 4 Ingersoll,
G. Ernes, Delhi, and one daugh-
ter Mrs. J. Mountenay, Dor-
Hensall Youngsters Bring Home Lake Huron Zone Athletic Trophy
Hensall boys and girls amassed
353 points to win the Lake Hur-
on Zone athletic trophy. Teams
from St. Mary's, Exeter, Goder-
ich and Hensall playgrounds
took part in the playground
e01 1201513-001
track and field meet at Exeter
Park, sponsored by the Lake
Huron Zone Recreation Council.
The Hensall winners, shown left
to right, front row: Chris Cam-
eron, Arlene Chipchase, Murray
Hume, Michael Hoy, Bill Told -
en, Danny and Betty Cameron
and Patricia Hume. Second row,
Bobby Carlisle, Kenny and Ruth
Smale, David Taylor, Suzanne
Rannie, Laverne Harburn, Billy
Chipchase. Back row; Sharon
Lynne Hume, Robert McNaugh-
ton, Denny Mock, Jack Chip -
chase, Scotty Hume, director,
Bruce Horton, George Taylor
and Pat, Lanyon.