HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-06, Page 3CRAM
Pain in the.
Cholera Infantum, Seasickness,
sled all4ci>40
s o Sumner Coln -
plaint are quickly cured by
Dr. Fowler's
PBtraut o .
'Wild .Strawberry.
It has been used by thousands for*
nearly sixty years --and we have yet
to bear a complaint about: iter action.
A few doses :lave often cured when
all other remedies have failed. Its
action is Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable
and Effectual..
Dr..Fowler's Extract of Wild
. Strawberry is the original Bowel
Complaint Cure,
Refuse Substitute$, They're D2ngeroUS.
There are 12,00 boys and .1,069 pirls
in the industrial echoois of Great Bei-
It is said that over 20,000,000 acres cf
land in this country are owned by Eng-
lish, people.
At the entrance of Druid park at Bal-
timore is the following somewhat con-
fusing sign: "Cyclists entering* this
park must carry belles."
Until a few years ago, little attention
was paid in Germany to athletic sports
To -day tennis and football are said to be
p4ore popular than in the United States.
Thi{{"�i%\'"•° FE
Cen 3irae ;
Little Liver Pills.
Mint soar teignaturo of
sae Pa^, -Sidle Wrapper Below.
Very small exact as easy
to Mite an sugar.
everts-11f'u0:71v= FMultATuI, [.
1!:4-e BO Vrt.RS'
este e tee
r ^
Anyone sending a sketch and desoriptieh mai
quickly ascertain our popinion free whether w
, tionsstrictlyednUdenttaititandbookonPatentt'
sent free. Oldest agency for securing Patents.
Patents taken through Itumt et Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific iericati.
Abaadeameli+'tliiirtrated weekly. Y.nrgest eir
culation of any seientifla imtrani. Tonne. til .s
ear; :cur months,
onths, $1. Sold by nil newsdealetw
lD011 &C8,36rBad\de^;i$eWion!
n3na1 ofac.t2Iqt..Y:shn:,znn, D. i.
leer. cines::1P om Impending Pante by a
iClexer Newiwenee Buse.
On the battlefield of Antietam ' Mr
McClure met General W1lliam J. Palm.
er, then a captain, and strongly urged
him not to continue Iain `moveluents es
fl SPY After Twee bed erosseal into Vieglgits, butt the gallant' yqung .soIdiei
gave tie peomihle.ias to what fixe would
be likely to do, rand the very first nigbl
after Lee crossed the k'otomad be was
again in Lee's camp and brought back
important. information to !general Mc•
Again he returned and entered the
Confederate lines, and when: he did net
report after g, Weei it Was eesuntee
that he bad been captured and would.
probable. be executed as a spy, TYe
bad been captured, was tried and con-
demned as a spy and sentenced to be
executed; but he was saved by a clever
newspaper device determined upon
after a conferenee. in ,'hitadelplea be-
tween President J. Edgar Thomson .ot
the Pennsylvania railroad, Colonel Scott
and Mr, McClure, Thomson tools special
interest in. Palmer, as he had been his
secretary, and Was much attached to
It wasdecided that Washington .ciete
patches should be prepared for all of
the Philadelphia morning papers aa-
nouncing the arrival at the capital of
Captain William J. Palmer, stating in
what particular lines of the enomy be
had operated, and Tidciingi tliat he had
brought Much important: Information'
that could not be given to the public
at that time. These dispatches np-
peared next morning in all the Pella-
delphia papers,- prominently displayed,'
and of course reacher' the southern
lines within forty-eight hours.
The result was that Captain Palmer's
identity was never established in Rich,
mond, anal bis execution was thus sue-
pended. In a little while, when some
prisoners had been exchanged, there
was a vaeaney made in the list of the
exchanged men by death. Palmer's
friende Ilea •him take the place and
name of the dead soldier, and he thus
escaped and retained to ,the service, •
One of Thew is That Tliere Is No
Food That is Blue.
Did you ever notice that there is no
blue food? We eat things green, red;
yellow and violet; flesh, fish or plants
in aII the colors of the rainbow except
Many deadly poisons are blue In col-
or, such as bluestone• or the deadly
nightshade flower. The color stands in
our Slang for everything miserable and
But this is only` one of a thousand
queer facts about colors.
Heat a bar of iron and the particles
of the inetal are set in motion, -shalt-
Ing violently one against another, •
Preaeintly'the surrounding ether is set
in motion in large, slow ',haves through
the air, like the waves of the sea, until
they break • upon our skin and give us
the sensation of heat. As the iron gets
hotter other waves are set in motion in
immense numbers,` traveling at more
than lightuing speed, and these break
upon tlfe eye, giving us the sensation
of red light.
The redhot iron; getting • still more
heated, throws Out other sets -of waves,
still smaller and' more rapid -orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, all
the colors of the rainbow. The eye
cannot tell one from another; the whole
bundle of rays mixed up gives us an
impression' of white. That is the glow
from white hot Iron, and suck Is the
light frim -the still 'greater brightness
rot the sun. Sunlight is a bundle of
rays of , light -red, orange, yellow,
green, bine, indigo and violet alI mixed
together. The mixture of all colors is
white light. Tho' absence of all color
is utter darkness.
An Odd Conrt Incident.
Sensational incidents are not uncom-
mon in the closing stages of famous
criminal 'trials. One of the most re-
markable oecurred in Melbourne on the
last day ' of the trial of Ned Belly,
known as the "ironclad bushranger of
Australia." A knife dropped from a
gallery Overhead and fell at the feet
of the desperado In the dock. He bad
every temptation to grasp it and put
an end to his existence, for therewas
not the slightest Chance of his 'escap-
ing the gallows, But it was promptly
picked up by a bailiff, and its owner
was arrested 'and brought before the
judge, He pleaded that the occurrenee
was purely accidental, and the explana-
tion Was accepted by the court.
The weakest living creature, by con-
centrating his powers on a stogie ob.
jest, cart accomplish something; 'rhe
strongest, by disposing of his over.
many, may fail to accomplish anything,
The drop, by continually falling, bores
its passage through the hardest roek.
The hasty torrent rushes over it with
hideous uproar and, leaves no traeo be-
Weree Than the 'teeter 'Ten:
"Only the ' upper ten go, to your
church, don't they?" inquired the plaits
"Yes," replied the organist of the
eaten church, "bttt theeoro not a tit-
eumstaneo to the uppish tenor in our
tier etrikei.
Mr, Benetliet--Da you know, my
dear, I think We have a Pretty good
cook? Ilosv does she strike yeti? Mrs.
leenodiet--I+'or mere Wages about onee
it week.
Iger t herr.
Gardener -This here is tr 'itobticee
PIMA Ins full fleeter. Lade --1 o+tt'eery
lnterestingi And how long Will it be
before tial cIga riildt"'kl a*
Korker'r, ....<_....... ,, s...,. ._- ._._.i
Are just what every
weak:nervaus, rune.
down woman needs to
melte her strong and
They cure those feet,
Ings of smothering and
sinking that come on.
at times, Mahe the
heart beat strong and
regular, give
sweet, refresh-
ing sleep and.
banish head-
aches and ner-
vousness. "They
infuse new lite.
encs energy into
;battered women
who beve come
to think there is
no mintier them.
They cure Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Nervous Prostration, ' Brain Fag,' Faint
and Dizzy Spells, Listessness, After
Bffects of La Grippe and Fever, 4naelnia,
General Debility and all troubles arising
from a run-down system.
forme 509. per box or 3 for sl.ma
eft druggists oo• mailed by
Toronto. Ont.
Foolish Fear$.
tOliicago Record -Retied.)
•1 nsed to be ahfreid at night
When all alone, without a light,
I had to feel, my way to bed,
I ?emoted ghostly -shapes were there
Te Elie about nee, in the air,
And listen while my prayers were
said ;
But that was very long ego,
I've pot awav those foolish fears;
We gather courage as we grow
In worldly wisdom and in years.
I used to tremble when I etole
Back homeward front the swimming
My father, in thnse`'rlear old days,
(Meld wield n. rots with fearful miaht,
But he hes long sines ceased to sinite
When I pursue forbidden ways.
The dreadful beasts my fanov made
To prowl at night bave disappeared:
rhe !'hosts nay bovhood iteewere laid
With other things that one I feared.
Another feeeeo ne thins ie gone:
.The "dreadful Cossack of the Don"
Tern; nit to he a pnnv ohms:
Nis very name nine made meepleire,
But that was are be went to make
a„ mess of minnpmeat of the Jan.
The thinlra that fright ns here relnw
Are Peltinm fv`erfnl Mime indeed;
'Tis ignorant that mnkee them se-.
Pouf i on the Cascada and his breed.
A- Somewhat Peculiar .Name-;Lxplaataed-
. ]slow Dr. Leonhardt Came to Call his
T'ixtnotts Prescription “Anti -Pill."
Dr, Leonhardt found in his practice
that ehronio constipation and its kindred
complaints were the result of a dried -op
condition of the nnicous membrane lin
lug of the stomach and bowels. He in-
vestigated further and found that this
condition was invariably 'brought about.
by the use of cathartics, which all con-
tain a certain amount of resinous matter.
After rhe first action of such medicines
a resinous residue remains behinfl and
this has a drying affect on the lining. of
the stomach and bowels,
He made up his mind to produce a
medicine for all stomach and bowel de-
rangements which would be entirely
free from all resinous matter.
After much experiment he succeeded,
and to emphasize the difference between
his treatment end the oldfasbioned treat -
meats, be gave it the name "Anti Pill."
Anti -Pill will cure dyspepsia, billions-
ness, or constipation perfectly and .for-
ever --cure -to stay cured -with no pill
habit left to be overcome later.
50e. All druggists, or The Wilson-
Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Rails, Ont.
Sole agents for Canada.
Dropping the Mister.
Front 5iteeess.
Eiihu Boot, who has returned to the
practice of law in New York city, has
engaged anew office boy. Said Mr. Root:
"Who carried off my paper basket?"
"It was Mr. Reilly," said the boy.
"Who is Mr. Reilly?" asked Me. Root.
"The.janitor, sir."
An hour later Mr. Reilly asked: "Jim•
mie, who opened that window?"
"Mr, Lantz, sir."
"And who is Mr. Lantz?"
"The window cleaner, sir."
Mr. Root wheeled about and looked at
the boy. "See here, Jaynes" he said "we
call men by tbeir'Srst names here. We
don't mister them in this office. Doyon
understand?" r
In ten minutes the door opened and a
small, shrill voice said: There's a man
Mete as wants to see you, Ellice"
Surprise to Doctors-
octorsMost doctors are astonished- at the
results obtained by 11r, 'ChaseObit.
Went as a cure for eczema, salt therein
and Robing shin diseases which are
often eonehideied well nigh incurable.
ley word of mouth from friend to friend.
the eteeptional merits of Dr, Chase's
Ointment have gradually beooni;eknown
distil it is now standard the world river
and has a record of cares nnparalielled
in the bi15to0 of rrtedioiiib.
NoTxon-I :rave arranged with . the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
and all towing me on notes or mortgages,
can pay principal or intereat at any
time after falling dile. Itemembor yen
need not ph'F arid' yon ate requested to
�o so by toe. I thank all
`shoes Who
'gave done business with e and wish
you all every prodperi> d.i3'r,14talrrlsfidx,
Ossun * FIeid'o Encounter WJ*k Es
Expert Tea Touter..
it inay be that the millionaire is no.
more eccentric than ::ambler nlortele,
and yet to the fierce white light .of
publicity it often seems so,. Cyrus W,
Field was .never given to auy of the
expensive hobbies of other rich Men.
'lie did not dote on horses or yachts or
pictures. But leer, Field 414 like tea.
He used to say there was only one
man of his acquaintance who knew
how to brew it.. and that man was "Old
Field." The father of the subnpariae
cable used: to travel a great' deal by
rail, but he never went anywhere with-
out his favorite brand of tea and his
Dermal uteusils for brewing lt.
:kir, Field seldom traveled in his pree
vete ear, and none of, tile retinue of
servants ever made tea for elm, From
hie berth ip the Pullman ee rose early, ,
as at home, and It was not an uneonl-
mon sight to see the gray old philan-
thropist half dressed and stirring about
In a buffet car at daylight, seeking hot
water with which to brew bis choice
young Byson, a canister of which was
Invariably a part of bis baggage,
One day when Mr. Field was going
through Fxbnt street he was attracted
by a tea taster who was sipping the
contents of a number of small cups.
Mr. Field watched the man carefully
apd observed his method of using boil-
ing water. Finally he entered the
place and said to the expert: "How long
bave you been la this business?"
"Thirty-one years," said the tea tast-
er, who was enjoying an to nual in-
come of ,about $20,000. •
"Well, you had better give it up,"
remarked Mr. Field frankly. "You
don't know how to make tea and you
are too old to Iearn. Let me brew some
of that stuff for you."
The aged philanthropist poured water
on some leaves which he took from a
paper in his pocket, let it draw for a
few seconds and invited the tea taster
to test it, But the expert spat the stuff
out. "Worst ever!" was his comment.
"Not even properly brewed." Then 11fr.
Field, who was a sensitive man, turned
on his heel and walked away, mutter -
Ing, "If you are an expert, the good
Lord help some of our ten drinkers."
But when the millionaire was out Of
sight the tea taster roared with laugh-
ter and said to oue of the clerics: "That
was old Field. He's a crank on tea.
Pays $9 a pound for it, and I told biro
it was like dishwater."
A Good Doctor.
One day in Shanghai, says a writer
in the Chicago Itecoril-Herald, when
1 was feeling siek, I galled a China-
man to me and said, "John, do you
have good doctors in China?"
"Good doctors!" be exclaimed.. "Chi-
na have best doctors in wo'id."
"Eudon, over there," I said, pointing
to a :louse covered with •a- doctor's
3 s a-
8 dyou all item gooddoc-
tor?" ad C
b'`n ,
"Eudon good doctor!" he exclaimed.
"He great! He best doctor in China.
Be save my Iife once('
"You don't say so:" I said. "How
was it?" •
"Me veliy' sick," he said confidential-
ly. "Me callee Dr. Han Iiou. Giveo
some medicine. Get roily, velly sick!
Me call Dr. Sam Sing. Giveo more
medicine. DIe grow worse. Going to
die! Blimeby call Dr. Eudon, He no
got time, no coma Ile savee my life!"'•
Siwash t fishing.
The Siwash Indians on Puget sound
make their living principally by fish-
ing, but the Siwash buck does not con-
descend to go out for leis evening meal
of smelt or sardines with a hook and
line as the white man does; he takes
a long pole and for two feet from each
end he makes a sort of comb of it by Life.
driving through it long, tin French •
Don't De a Bore.
The woman who would avoid becom-
ing a bore must remember that ber per-
sonal atfaire and petty domestic trou-
bles are of no particular interest to
any one except perhaps to spiteful
neighbors, to whom they form food for
gossip. If you meet or visit a friend
there is no necessity to enter into the
most minute -details of your troubles or
to bemoan your fate, whieli; after all,
is but cowardly., Friends have quite
enough trouble and worry with their •
own affairs without having to listen to
a long recital of what does not concern
them. Every woman, of course, is not
a good conversationalist. In that case
it is a good plan to talk as little as
possible. A good listener is always ap-
preciated. You cannot bore any one by
listening and are bound to win the'
good opinion of the talker.--McCall's
Magazine. •
bite One ose Oa :deet Mtreselsep
Creetlfres sa thq Wevld.
Every one k'iolvs her. She ilea two
deep lines between her eyes and' a
plabetive droop to the corners of her
luoutb and to her eyebrows.
If any one speaks harsbly he naeaas
If any one criticises a fault ire means
Whatever is retie she applies to
P very coat Beetle to fit her and she.
pits it on,
She wears all the boots that pined.
She carries a chip on her shoulder
from Morning until night, and when-
ever any one comes near her she ex,
pects it to be knocked off. The re -
suit is the same -•site is offended,
grieved, hurt, she is so sensitive,
Size is losing all the healthy enjoy -
moat that comes her way.
She is missing bait her life, because
she is looking for snubs.
She says she can't help it. She can..
It is a very easy watter to let those
slights, imagined or real, roll off ` one
like water off a duek's back, It takes
a little bravery for the :first_ three or
four weeks, but after that It comes
natural enough.
The lensitive woman is one of the
most miserable in the world. It
doesn't pay to be miserable, especially
whoabealtliy effort will bring :hap-
e'aoK1rl MEATS.
The Loss of Nutritive Material In
the Varion$ I'roees:Me.
The department of agriculture has is-
sued a little pamphlet, "Experiments
ou Losses In Cooking Meat," Willett
contains some interesting points for
housekeepers. The chief Ioss in, weight
in cooking is due to water removed by
the heat of cooking. In the roasting
of meats the thief loss is due to the
removal of both water and fat. The
losses .of nutritive material In the pan
broiling of meats are very small as
compared with the losses which take
place in boiling, roasting and sauteing.
Beef which has beeli usod for the prep-
aration of beef tea or broth has lost
comparatively little in nutritive value,
though much of the flavoring material
has been removed, In cooking meats
by boiling, sauteing, pan broiling- and
roasting the losses increase in propor-
tion to the degree of cooking. In oth-
er words, the longer the time and the•
higher the temperature of cooking, oth-
er things being equal, the greater the
losses resulting. As a rule, the larger
the piece of meat cooked by the meth-
ods of boiling and roasting the smaller
are the relative losses.
Dont worey the children.
Don't indulge theta foolishly.
Don't repel their little confidences.
Don't show the slightest favoritism.
Don't lose your temper with the chil-
Don't leave them too much with the
Dou't get impatient at their most un
answerable questions.
Don't give way when you have decid-
ed on any plan for thein.
Don't forget that they are G;d's chit•
dren, lent to you for a season.
Don't forget to encourage them and
praise their little efforts to please yon.
Don't worry about them. Guardian
angels still exist, even in the twentieth
Don't' disegrce about them. Their
father and mother should :always be be
unison in their • training.--Wobran's
nails, then he, Iaunches his canoe and'
goes out for a pleasant sail. He pad-
dies easily with the pole, and every
few minutes he pulls up a fish impaled
on the nails. With a shake he drops
it Inboard and them cahjlle continues
A 'Young Logician.
Jennie's mother, vas expecting com-
pany, but just before train time, says
What to Eat, a telegram arrived which
read: "Missed train, Will start same
time tomorrow,' '
Jamie rushed home from school ex-
pecting to see the guest, but instead
was shown the message, After read-
ing it labdriously and carefully
through she exclaimed, "Why, mam-
ma, if she starts at the same time to-
morrow she Will miss the train again:"
Iiiglt Finance.
l:3lcks--f've got to borrow $200 some-
where, Wicks -Take my advice and
borrow $300 while you are about it.
Ilicks-But 1 only need $200, Wicks --
That doesn't make any difference. Bor-
row $300 and pay back $100 of it in
two installments at intervals of tt
month or so. Then the man that you
borrow from will think that he is' go-
ing to get the rest of it,
lnherite ll.
They Were jollying the roan about his
efiorfnous appetites bet be, kept "put-
ting away," undisturbed by the taunts.
Venally he said in defense "Well, yea
see, I -take aftefr., bath my father and
tray mother. One ate a long While and
the other ate a great deal,"
Where it. Corry: Be Seen,
Sign Painter -I don't see any atultablo
vacant speee Onyour walls. Where 10
you avant the motto, "terms Strictly
Cash,' painted? Barber Shop T'roprle
tor --Ort the selling, of course. , 1
e do not ltari t tit know teen throne li
their tensing to us, :to find, out what,
sort Of perteens tboy ate We must sof
A tiretn.�-•t3bethe,
The Use of Sere‘ens.
Where two persons use the same
sleeping apartment ono great incon-
venience is the lack of privacy. Every
room used by two persons should have
a large screen as part of its furniture.
The frame can be purchased for very
little money and is easily filled in with
silkoline or cretonne. Or a bamboo
Perch screen may be suspended from
the ceiling by inserting screw eyes in-
to the plaster: and Melding the room
into two parts. Where a room Is bed-
room and sitting room -also- this Con-
venience shuts otf the bed tend wash -
Stand, and If the screen is stained
green or brown it is not at all Un-
We can keep in mind that clothltik
shptrld notbe a ease defining t'he figure,
but a,novering indicating the lines of
the body, There is all the difference
betWeen ugliness and beauty in those
two Words, defining and indicating. to
follow the bee principle and forget the
other in designing our clothes would
alone be almost enough to insure ar-
tistic dressing, as short it .guide to it
rail the French 'recipe for good walking
w-natuely, "+Calls in,"
The ilelllts, the Tubes matt the Necks,
Our et the Degree..
There are nnany silfi'erent uses for
thermometers ani: As many difl'ere?tt
styles as uses. They range from the
tiny half ineb tubes attaches' .to elhl'ist-
was ealeudars to the enormous twelve
foot instruments used In experlineutel
work by meteorologists.
Perhaps the most difficult part of
the manufacture of tllerwoweters Is.
that of dtting the tube with it bulb of
exaetly the right capacity. Tlie size
of the latter must have an exact rela-
tion to that of the former, If it is too
large for the bore the mercury or col-
ored aleehol, whichever ie used,will
not rise 'high enough in the tube; if
too small, it will rise too high,. In the
little clinical thermometer on whose
story the physician depends so often
for his decision the bore is so fine that
a human hair can hardly be inserted,
As these thermometers must be reg -
Mated to record minutely the tempera-
ture, file person on whose judgment
depends the size of the bulb to be at-
tached must be a highly skilled work-
man. The men 'who do this part of the
work have to be :highly paid.
The marking of the degrees on the
hollow tube is the stepnext in Mw-
portsnce in the making Af the little
curse Aid blessing, The process is so
simple that one can prove the accuracy
of a thermometer for one's self by
the same method. The freezing point
Is secured by immersing the bulb in .a
box of melting ice apd the boiling
point by attaching it to a steam pipe
or immersing it be boiling water.
Scratches are made on the tube at
the points reached by the mer-
ercury under these two tests, and the
space between is then :narked oft
Into 100 spaces for a centigrade ther-
mometer and 1E0 for a P+'ahrenbeit in-
strument, the marking beginning in
the first Instance at zero aiid in the
second at 32, This makes the bolting
point in one ease 100 and in the other
212 degrees, Thermometers are • apt
to deteriorate in vaIue .as they age,
owing to a contraction of the glass of
the bulb, The amount of the error can
be determined by immersing the bulb
In melting ice and making a mark for
the new freezing point. To insure the
accuracy of thermometers the manu-
facturers usually store them for a year,
testing them from time to time,
Hogarth was fond of joke books and
farces and enjoyed them immoderately,
Mario, the great tenor, read anything
he could obtain relating to sports or
"Papa Haydn liked stories, and be
said, "The more love there Is in them
the better."
George III., for wany years of his
life, read nothing but his Bible and
prayer book.
Swift made a special study of the
Latin satirists and imitated their stye
and language.
Da Vinci read Pinder and thouglft
him the noblest poet who ever wrote
in any language.
Heine seldom reed anything but
poetry, but he tend that with the most
scrupulous attention.
Bold Conrt Jesters.
"You are ready enough to point your
satire at other people's faults," Queen
Bess once said to Clod, one of the court
jesters, "but you never say a word.
about nine." "Ali," exclaimed Clod,
"why should I waste time in remind-
ing your majesty of your faults, seeing
that they are in everybody's mouth?"
Patch, one . of Henry VIII: s fools,
once sought permission to dement' au
egg from every husband who was dis-
satisfied with leis wife, No sooner had
the king granted his request than
Patch proceeded to demand the first
egg from him, saying, "Your grace be-
longs 'to the class of husbands on
whom I am entitled to make levy."
Japanese Myths.
Japanese believe in more mythical
I creatures than any other people on the
globe, civilized or savage. Among these
are serpents SOd Peet long and large
enough to swallow an elephant, foxes
with eight legs, monkeys with our
ears and fishes with ten. heads attached
to one body. They also believe in the
existence eta crane which, after it has
lived for 800 years, has no need of auy
sustenance except, 'water,
Mooney's czar kers ere as
easy to digest: as pore a
ate ,ds ;ilt*tritiot;:s 43.3 how
made bread. Let the little
fo k°s sipper be
' Mcone v's
Cream $od
and see how sound they sleep
and how plgnip and rosy
they grow,
packages brim
them to your
table as crisp
and inviting
as if fresh
from the
At your
Tanityran"I'q Sharp 'roagae.
When Mine, de Steel published, her
celebrated novel, "Delphine," she• was
supposed to have painted herself in the
person of the heroine, and 4.. Talley -
rand in that of au elderly lady, wee is
one of the priucipal characters, "alley
tell me," said he, the first time be met '
her, "that we are both of us in your
novel iii the disguise of women." •
The Diirerenee.
Little Rodney-Pepfii;" what is the
difference between climate and weath-
er? Mr. Wayout (of Dismalhurst.on-
the-Biinkl-Climate, my son is w1iE t
a locality has When you are buying a
home there, and weather is what it bits
afterward. -
Debts of Honor.
Johnny -Pa, what is a debt of honor?
Pa -It is a debt that is incurred in a
dishonorable way, Johnny..
• 1
Van X. -Why are you going into'the
soap business? Die Q. -To clean up
some money, of course,
The man who is miserable and makes
a bluff at happiness is a benefactor for
keeping his sorrows to himself. ---Balti-
more American.
vniiciren never know what a safe-
guard. their mother has been to them
tiII after their fabler is left a widower.
Success may sometimes come unex-
pectedly, but work alone can hold it,•-•
To the Weary Dyspeptic.
We Ask This Questions
Why don't you remove
that weight at the pit
of the Stomach?
Why don't you regulate that variable
appetite, and condition the digestive
organs so that it will not be necessary to
starve the stomach to avoid distress after
The first step is to regulate the bowels.
For this purpose
Burdock Blood' Bitters
Has No Equal.
It act! promptly and effectually and
permanently cures all derangements 1tl
Touch Typewriting.
Touch typewriting, means operating the key board
without looking at the letters --just watch the copy and
continue writing the same a.s a. musician plays the piano
without looking itt the keys.
$y the touch system alt operator can write all day
without lookb g at the keys—means faster work and a big
saving in time.
The Forest City Business and 'Shorthand College
teaches touch typewriting and business methods thoroughly.
Students may enter any during tcrnt. Booklet free.
J. W. Westervelt, Pt3t'tetpel, Y';14.C.A. 8ltttng, l t it1en.