HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-06, Page 1WINGHAM TIMES. • VOL XXXIII,----NO. 1704, WINGIA111, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1904. II $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE rine Tailoring T___...........=7 AILORING ie our business, and it wonld please us ex- ceedingly if you would step in for a look at the elegant new Over - coatings, Suitings, Tronserings, eto., for Fall and Winter wear. The pat- terns are the handsomest that weav- ers' wits could produce. Come in to see the new ideas, a n d talk the matter over with us.. Quoting prices for tailoring means nothing, as yon know, bat what u can get for your money is every- thing. The best dressers in this commun- ity are our steady patrons, and if you favor us with your order in the hands of skilful tailoou will be tailors. Come in for a look and a talk, at any. rate. HATS AND GAPS. In Hats and Caps we have all the latest styles, and when you need any- thing in this line you should not buy elsewhere before seeing our big range to choose from. Prices 50c to $3. enenmeemmOmesesomemelememel New Underwear, Ties, etc, arriving daffy.- Homuth Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capita[ paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 Reserve Fund and • Undivided profits $ 3,414,000 Persons visiting the Great North Western Fair are respecfully invited, to call and in- spect our large and well assorted stock of Fancy Groceries Fruits, etc. Also we carry a very large stook of the very finest China that can be ob- tained at reasonable prices. —Dinner Sets, —Tea Sets --Fruit Sets, —Table Sete, —Toilet Sets. Alen a large vaiety of useful articles in China. • 111 A 1 Hutchison GROCIERIES AND CROCKERY Goodelielivered promptly. Phone 59 Who Wpnts a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100. 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine,]3tu•on and Ashfield Townships, Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a geed sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection } doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A generalstore with large trade, live village. Also a largo amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- tionlars apply to J. A. MaoRENLIE, Insurance Agent. Holyrood. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 50th June and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. U. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM1 Capital paid up, $2,260,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,0110,000.00. Total Assets, $25,000,000,00. Real Estate Notice. It will pay you to conte to me to hay your farm or town property. Never before had I such an extensive list ( both in town and coun- try) for sale. I have about st000 acres of land, comprising some of the best farms in the coun- ties of Enron and Bruce, and new is thetime for the intending purchaser to have a look at them. I can also suit you in town property no matter what you may desire. Prices rang- ing from 5400 up to 54,000. Collection of rents and account8 a specialty. Life and Accident Insurance effected. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONBBLOOx. • WINGHAM, ONr. President— Retelling. etinsoN. Vice -President and '1'nRlfnttLr. General Manager '-J. Assistant Gen, Manager—B. M. SAMSON D#1t100TOF,i9 John Proctor, sogandrle, Rutford Cyrus Bir Inapeetor—B, Winson. SAWN GS L,A.Mi. Interest Owed on deposits of *1,06 and up. 86ah November each grin principal on Mot May and ratee $peol i t ipoafts also receded at eurrent Vt, '00111101YLD, .gent • lOE1NSON&1#c tM1013,Solicitors. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Telep hone at All the stations the Grand Trunk ted with a long that connection any of the statio new telephone w ham station last telegraph wires a phone oau be ne operatiug is bei This improveme venience to the r Wear Greek's Shoes and Rubbers Liberal Com+ Dr, Macdonald ba second floor of t neatly furnished w the Liberals as a co room will be open friends of Dr, Mac and surrounding tc to the meetings, lista, and oampai given to all partie . T. R.Stat ion, long this branch of ailway are being fit- istance telephone, so n be made between along the line. The s placed in the Wing - eek. The Company's e used and the tele - at the same time as g done on the lino. t will be a great con- ilway officials, ttee Room. had a room on the Macdonald block eh will be used by nmittee room, This very evening and the (onald in Wingham nships are invited supply of voters' n literature will be requiring the same. For violins, g tar small goods of al • c xuusio store. mandoline and s, go td D. ,Bell's 0 Moving Mr. E. H. Raiser been residents Wi five years are mOVI Mr, Kaiser has ace in the factory. M missed in the Met he was one of the League. The fa them the best wis for happiness and borne. —The Daily Star till let of January, 1906, for $1. Leave your order at the TIMES Office. New County The Town Connci� ing one evening last lotion in favor of 1 Council composed towns and the Reev townships. All tb locality have passed it is likely that Hu will, after the 1st o composed of the M the different muni, in the new statute ture at its last sees Council Act. at a special meet - week, passed a reso- aving the County f the Mayors of s of villages and townships in this similar motions and u County Council January, 1907, be ore and Reeves of palities, as provided assed by the Legisia- �n, o Cargill. nd family, who have gham for the past g to Cargill, where pted a good position . Kaiser will be ranch odist Church where ctive workers in the city will take with s of numerous friends rosperity in their new Dr, Butler, Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East. St. Andrew's Church, Glasses supplied, At Queen's hotel, on Tuesday, October 18th. Mr. Borde Mr. R. L. Borrie Opposition will be (Thursday), and s tions of the day meeting will cora sharp, as Mr. Bor afternoon train. ex.-M.P , East Bru P. P., Centre Brno M.P., Halton; an President of the E tive Association, TrIAv Dituss Goons SALE I --Never Was there offered to the ladies of Huron and Bruce suck au opportunity. SIaugh- tering the most fashionable of Dress Goods right Now. If you want one, three or five Dresses it will pay you to drive 25 miles to King's. G. E. Kixo. The Zettan Mr, Chas. Barber concrete abutments new bridge at Zettan readiness for the should be rip delay i completed, The be� leading roads ent as matters are now, enable difficulty in Hunter Brea., of contract for the bridge and we n been rather tardy tracts in other par Town O unoil on ed 'Meetly In the in tlounty O unoillora see that Zetland bei promptly aspossibl� ter Should not be t Presbyterian Churg Next Sunday the re. in connection with the byterian Church will b E. Knowles, 13.A., of Galt, will preach at b and evening services. Managers are asking fur tion to pay the expenses neotion with, the recent' the ohu;oh. On Moeda meotiug and entertainni Tea will be served in th after which a program o tion, addresses by the 10 eto„ will be rendered in The ladies of the emigrel to provide baskets of re the occasion, and kindlyi the church on Mon The new•pipe organ ha position and has been t entire satisfaction and have made a large pay gun. The young poopl the organ free of debt Re-Qpening. pening services iugham Pres - held. Rev. R, Knox Church,' h the morning The Ohuroh liberal collo, incurred in con- provements to evening a tea nt will be held. lecture room, singing, eloon- al clergymen, e auditorium. tion are asked reshmeuts for bring them to av afternoon. boon placed in ted. It gives e young people ant on the or- expect to have a few month For the best makes of Pia os, all and look through D. Bell's sto... 'rices to suit purchasers. They . the best money can procure. Remember the stand, near Bell's factory. Services R A very pleasant ev the home of Mr, Patrick street, on last, when a numb the Methodist Ch Hattie Reid's class and other friends, well to Miss Reid, ham to take a con training school in' superintendent of presided, and an i of short speeches, during which Mr. of the choir, was ing. Mr, Morto nicely worded ad pressing appreoia vices, and Miss Mollie Hammon and the Sunday her with a very 'vlee. Miss Rel replied, and sho by Rev, Dr. Go Lunch was serve and a very enjoy those present. M sented with a gold hers of the Junior which she has as for very efficient supe proven herself a m the church, and th but a fitting tribut gy in the noble w vices were so f given. arded. nt took place at n. Mrs. John Kerr, Thursday evening of the members of :h choir, and Mise n the Sunday School, athered to bid fare - bo is leaving Wing - e at the Deaconess' orouto. Dr. Towler, the Sunday School, promptu programme rile, etc , was given, J. A, Morton, leader alled upon for a read - responded with a very ress to Mies Reid, ex - ion of her valued ser- 'llian Kerr and Miss on behalf of the choir ebool plass, presented undsome silver tea Ser. suitably and feelingly addresses were given dy and Dr. Towler. daring the evening, le time was spent by es Reid was also pre - search by the mem- Epworth League, of owe time Leen the intendent. She has st valuable worker in se presentations are to her zeal and euer- k in which her ser- eely and cheerfully in Wingham. , the leader of the in Wingham to -day ill speak on the gees - the town hall. The enoe at 1.30 o'clock n will leave on the essrs. J. J. Donnelly. e; Hugh Clark, M. ; D, Henderson, ex - Dr. T. Chisholm, t Huran Conserve - 11 also be present. Midge. as completed the nd pieces for the i, and all is now in he iron, and there having this bridge ge is on one of the Ing Wingham and people have consid- reaching 'Wingham. Klneara le have the teel portion of the deratand they have 1 oarrying out bon- i of the county. The (Imlay evening mov- ter of asking the or this diatriet to ge is completed M Delay in this mat• aerated, Fon SALr.—Park lots 42 and 43 in the Wingham Town Plot. Possession given this fall. For terms, apply to R. S. Campbell. on the premises. or Box 94, Mildmay, or at the Tarns office. Moving fro Mr. and Mrs. Coli week for Stratfor forthe winter side likely permanent) Toronto. % Mr. Oa intends repres drug house in W Mr. and Mrs. Ca missed in Wingb large circle of fri their leaving tow will join with the abundant prosper Wingham. A. Campbell left this where they will re• and in the spring will make their home in Abell, we understand, nting a wholesale stern Ontario. Both pbell will be greatly m, where they have a ds, who will hear of with regret, but all Dias in wishing them ty, Low Rates to Nort Effective (dail October 15th, in one way second will be on sale fro ario to all points o Northern Railway Oregon, Washingt couver, Westmins and other points For full particula trains, also berth also literature on Graves, District King St. East, To he West via Grea ern Ry. September 15th to nsive, 1904, Cheap Iass colonist tickets all stations in Ont - the line of the Great in Montana, Idaho, n, also Victoria, Van- er, Roseland, Nelson British Ci olumbia. as to rates, time of tes in Tourist Sleeper, pplication to Chas. W. assenger Agent, 10 onto, Ont, Hockeyites A meeting of t game of hockey council chambe evening, for the the club for the spects are very e successful seaso winter. The cl of riew players, taro out an Al Winter game. attend the me chamber to -mo o Re -Organize. ose interested in the will be held in the to•mOrrow (Friday) =pose of reorganizing coming season. Pro- onraging for a most during the coming will have a number nd should be able to utility of the favorite et all those interested ting in the council ow evening at 8 o'clock. - Thins and Family Herald and Week- ly Star till end of 1904 for 46 cents. New subscribes should take advantage of this low rate. Fell and Last Saturday Hingston, Mill l footbridge over pasture field for and In falling psi save herself wiyl bones of the Favorable progr e hope she wi More. The ago refers to an mother of Mr, town. Mrs. resident of 'GPI rake Her Arm. morning Mrs. R. T. reet, was Crossing the e river going to the he cow. She slipped out her right hand to the result that both orearni were 'broken. es is being made and ebon be alright once e fit= t3 ei3rnssels:Poet todldettt that betel the A, Iingeton, of this gdton is also a former hans, Aucti n Sales. Auction sale of two-year-old heif ston's hotel, BI October 15513, at 1 er, prop.; J. Pury Anotion sale of and stockers -10 t year-olds; 10 ye and good quality, at 1 o'clock at M. vale road, % mil ham. Six wont per annum off fo prop.; J. Purvis, 0 head of one and re and steers at Johu- evale, on Satnrrla', o'clock. T. E. Walk- s, auctioneer, ,8 good feeding steers ree-year-olds; 40 two- rlings—all well bred uesday, October 11th amont's farm, Blue - south -east of Wing- oredit or 6 per cent, cash. D. Stew auctioneer. r° BETTER T IAN EVER. Wingham -Fall Fa in the History Agricultu of 1904 the Rest f the Turnberry al Sogiety. OVER 1100 NTRXIIS MADE•±, Large Attendance — 1;xhtluits to Many Classes Surpass hose of Leat Year. The Turnberry gricuiturai Society's fall exhibition, els in Wingham on Thursday and Fri, ey of last week, was in many respects t e best in the history of the Society. The heavy rain interfered sornew in of exhibits, au display in the hal otherwise won quaiity in many above the averag the competition judgee had consi tiding as to whic red ticket, On exhibits were vie of townspeople a citizen's band fur Friday morniu what cool, but t throughout, with was the barges second day of t11 ever been. The largely increased, nearly 100 new in the number of on hundred in excess total receipts from over 8150 more than Tho different ala well felled, and the contested. The exp Oromarty, of Galt, p very satisfactorily ; Laidlaw, of Wilton similar capacity sheep, and Mr. J. Shakespeare, on b It is probable Directors will ask send expert jud heavy horses. The new horse in front of the gr able improvement In cattle the co keen, a number of entries not being a here on account of not being comple classes, however, w ed. The special attract more nutnerous than ville entertaiuers veer to give their fall perfo noon, owiug to she 1 ing. ALCTioN SALE—There will b sold on Wednesday, Oct. 19th, on Io , con. 1, Morris, the following prop y of J. J. Elliott, V.S., consising f: --The stal- lion, "Prince of Ke to , ' span of heavy es, 2 mnlch cows, horses, 4 driving h 38 two-year-old steers, farm implements, buggies, cutters, robes, rugs, etc. Every- thing must be sold, as the proprietor is giving up business. Joins Puavis, auc- tioneer. Check That Cough Do not allow it to become chronio. lommeenekoNemilmedmionimememe DR. FOTHORG1LL'S 'Laxative Quinine Tablets' will check a old in a few hours. Does not cause ring. ing in the head. Gives quick relief for all feverish eon- ditions of the eysteiii. 11 OR SALE • BY attn McKiblionV CRU'CtiST. Next door to Poet °Mee, n Thursday morning at with the bringing in consequence the was not as large as it have been, but the the classes was rather , and in many cases as so keen that the rabic diffiouity in de. was deserving of the hursday evening the ed by quie a number others, the Wingham ishing good music. broke clear, and some - e day remained fine he result that there attendance on the fair that there has embership has been there having been hers added, while les was over three of last year. The 11 sources, will be ast year. es iu horses were izes were keenly t judge, Mr. Jas. rformed his duties while Mr. W. G. Grove, acted in a u dairy cattle and M. McCallum, of f cattle and swine. that next year the that the Government s ou both light and ing, and the platform nd stand were notice - to the grounds. petition was not 'so embers who made e to get their cattle the Zetland bridge d. All the other e satisfactorily fill - That educational fairs do "attract" al was amply proven ladies who crowded erected for demonst conducted by Mrs. Goderich, The nea tions and the tooths foods handed aroun called forth many w rank. Hitherto th Iaboring under a de it on good sound foo ors will now be able changes which will to the show and pr attraction to the pe ing country than it us this year were last. The vaude- , however, enable mance in the after- igh wind prevail - Society has been but year will put ing, and the direct - bring about some ive added interest ve even a ,greater le of the surround - as been in the past. The concert in t Friday evening was ized, and was no don tertainnient of its formance was altos duration for the and about an hour and a believe be better to more substautial in t tainment for a fair ni that which was give Art Bondo troupe of very highly recomm directors of the Societ held accountable for at vide suitable entertain doubt see to it that so on hand for next year' ttractfons at fall o are appreciated the numbers of ound the platform tions in cooking, olin Campbell of ess of the prepara- eness of the dainty to the spectators, rds of praise. Opera House on airly well patron - t a very good en• ind, but the per - Sher of too short nee, lasting only 1f, It would, we ut in something way of outer - ht concert than this year. The tertainers came nded, and the can hardly be failure to pro- ent, but will no ething better is concert. The list of prize found on page 2. inners will be DRESS MARINO DEPARTMENT—Is now open order the management of Miss Slade of, Galt, with a competent staff of experienced hands. Any work entrusted to us, will be turned out satisfactorily. ALEX. RITCHIE. Not up to t The Trains is in rec a prominent firm of it one of the principal t complaining of the shipped to them by district. We have al ple of the apples, and are astonished that a sent out from Wingh of first-olass or eve This kind of work on shippers, if continue giving our apples an tion lit the commuui sent, and in ultima market for fruit fro is not the first time t had ground for compl very inferior quality o from this distriot, an ' wondered at that they annoyed. In the cours- they say of the apples : - rubbish, and our opinio puts them in the barr nothing less than a ti express regret x rthat sac p has been done, and as b the welfare of the co, protecting honest trad of unscrupulous dealer duty to utter a word of engaged in this busine that dealers will he m future and that the right men engaged in not be made to suffer the craftiness of ilio have not the interest trade at heart. The performance of the mounted troopers was a plea: ng and instructive feature, and was m ch appreciated. Keen interest w: = taken in the trials of speed. The g: tleman's road race and the 2.30 class ere finished on Fri day afternoon, but two heats in the 2.15 class had to be left over until Saturday morning. The fol owing is a summary of the different ev nts:— Gentlemau's R. ad Race -- Joe, Beattie Bros., Wingham 1 1 1 Ritty F, J. A Kt ly, Listowel2 3 2 Miller, Jas. H. l )ler, Belgrave3 2 3 2,30 class— ' Don 3, Kelly, Be ttie Bros., Wang - ham w 1 22111 Bessie B„ A. assard Listo- wel 1 1 2 2 2 Swarts, J. E'.warts, Wing - ham 3 4 3 3 4 Eddie Fergus() •, Tim Corbett, Teoswater . 5 8 4 8 6 Starlight, D, e. McDonald4 6 5 4 8 2.15 class— Harry D., J. _ . Swarts Wing - ham 3 I I 1 Debby 0., T. ' . Cain, Luoknow 1 2 3 2 Marjory Wilke , W. H. McLean, 2 Luoknow 3 2 8 The double toting race proved to be very interesti g. Ib this event there were five conte tants, the winner being John Kelly, vii h J. B. Tyetnian second, and R. Scott 5' rd. The Wingh m citizens' band, dis- coursed expeller t music throughout the afternoon, whie addedmuch to the en- joyment of the • y. The oflleers an director§ of the So- ciety have reasb . to eongratulate them- selves on the m; ::tyre of success which has crowned thei efforts this yaar, and we understand t at further changes and improvements 1• many ways are Con. templatod Whits, will put the annul fall exhibition in "Ingham in the front e Mark. pt of a letter from neral merchants in was in Manitoba, quality of apples sackers from this o received a sum - oat say that we h stuff should be m under the name third•olass fruit. the part of local can only result in nenviable repute - to which they are ly destroying the this soctiou. This salvo firm have int regarding the apples sent them it is not to be feel very much of their letter "They are poor of the man who s is that he is ief." We must fraudulent work d ing interested in tenuity, and iu from the devices we feel it our warning to those Itis to be hoped e careful in the norable and up - the business may iu consequence of e who apparently nd welfare of the • 11 11 A Story From Real Life: —A wet day —Datnp feet —A cold --A cough —Quite ill. —A happy thought ; Bloodroot ;Cough Cure 25c a brie. Au'IaMcCalI' &Co, iiwr D. DruggistsLzanrd Op !dans W INGHAM, - ONT, = LARGEST AND BEST IN WESTERN ONTARIO So far as we can learn no Business College in Canada graduates so many and at the same time snch a large percentage of its students as does the CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Our courses are up-to-date, in- structors experienced and facilities unsurpassed. Students may enter at any time, Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McIACHUN PRINCIPALS. Baseness Change, "Having .Field my Real Estate and Fite Insurance business to Mr. o Abner Cosens. I desire my en.t mars to extend to hint the sums liberal petrouage they have given mein the pant. S. YOUHILL. In accordance with the above I may say that"Mr, Youbiil's patrons will receive from roe the same care - Sul attention he has always given theirs. Parties w ishieg to sell or boy prop- erty would do well to see me before deciding. ABNER OOSENSC Wingham's Leading Shoe Store fel Here's a Messae: Now We're Ready To show or sell our new Footwear for the coming seasons. Our display of Fall and Winter Footery for Men, Women and Children is, without doubt, The Best the Town Ever Saw Remember, our business is selling Shoes, and our entire energies are devoted to supplying you with 'rut )list that the shoe world produces. We atk special attention to our lines of $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes for Men and Women. We know that they are away ahead of any Shoes that can be bought elsewhere at the price. Everybody says so. We have Shoes, also, fOr the customer who is looping for Sxat Lt;xuRv, $I.25, $1.50, up to $2.00 and $2.5o. Everything in Shoes for everybody, and we hope to receive a call from you. Headquarters for Trunks and Valises. W. J. CIREER Sheer to the People.