The Wingham Times, 1904-09-29, Page 8ummounirommi THE HOUSE OF QUALITYasinesmeassfamaszine ' Fall Dress Goods Three lots we offer for the balance of this week only at the following special price reductions 3 pieces Wool Dress Goods, in blue, brown and black, worth .$r.00, for - .69 8 pieces Scotch Suitings, 54 inches wide, regular $r, $1.15 and $1.25, for - .98 20 pieces nobby Shirt Waist Suitings, in a great variety of colorings ; ideal fabrics for Autumn and Winttr wear ; 45 inches wide, worth 6oc, 75c and 85c, fur - .49 BOBBY NEW FALL MANTLES. In all the new styles, in fawn, brown, grey and black. READY - TO - DON SKIRTS Large stock to pick from, ranging from $2.25 to $6.75 Our Dressmaking Department full swin. C ome and get your work done by up-to-date artists, Alex. Ritchie. BEAVER BLOCK. WINGHAM. OMMIEMERIMMOMETIMMUlanommOMMONNEMMIll i MINOR LOCALS. -Try the TmOiEs till the end of the -gear. Only 20 cents. -A big list of special attractions at "Wingham fall fair on Friday afternoon. -Wingham fall fair on Thursday and F'xiday of this week. Don't forget it. -,Meet your friends at the Wingham fall :kir on Friday afternoon of this -week. The TIMES has the correct styles iu wedding invitations and visiting cards. let us have your next order. -The regnlaii monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held on Monday 'livening next. - Better than ever. Wingham fall fair on Thursday and Friday of this week. -Turnberry Township Council will meet in the Clerk's office at Bluevale on Monday next. -Wingham fall fair on Thursday and Friday of this week, and don't forget the concert in the opera house on Friday evening. -Go to the opera house on Friday Bight and have a laugh. Art Bondo's Vaudeville Co. Plan of hall at McKib- bon's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dnlmrge were sum- moned to Clifford on Tuesday to the bed- side of the father of Mrs. Dalmage, Col. T. Smith, who is seriously ill. -Mr. Andrew Carruthers, of Turn - terry had good day's fishing on Wednes- day of last week. He captured a mullett, measuring 26N inches and weighing 8 pounds. -The rainfall on Saturday was the heaviest for this year, there being re- corded in Toronto a water fall of 1.91 inches. It was the heaviest since Au- gust 31, 1901, when 2.19 inches fell. -The Lncknow Baud boys were in ,town on Thursday on their way to Har- tiston, where they furnished music on fair days. Mr. R. Barrett of this town misted the band for the two days. -While cutting corn on Saturday livening, Mr. John Campbell received a Severe cut on one of his legs from the knife he was using. We hope Mr. Campbell may soon be able to be about ;again. --Thos. P. Kelley's Big Lady Min- strel Co. held the boards in the Wingham Opera House on Tuesday evening. As a minstrel performance the show was not st success, and the audience was not Urge. -Mr. Jas. Kelly received a severe shaking up, and will be laid aside from work for a few days as the result of a tall frons an apple tree at Mr. W. J. Henderson's, Wingham Junction, on Tuesday. -The West Bruce Teachers Institute .►sal be held at Kincardine on Thursday U ridgy, October 13th and 14. Dr. IP. W. Merchant, M. A., the Principal of the London Normal School, will *Wend. -A rather painful accident happened *belittle daughter of Mr. James Hen- �laittlw►ia, ert the Bluevale road, on Satur- hist. She WM playing .*timet the stove and upset a bowl of hot gleam on her arm, bnrntng the flesh on wry Oolniderox iy. -Hensall's rate of taxation , for the present year is fixed at 12 mills. -Mr, W. J. Greer will heat his shoe store with one of the Red [sot Huron furnaces, manufactured by the Western Foundry Co. Mr. Thos. Armstrong is putting the furnace in position, and is also putting in a Red Hot Huron in the Junction school house. -The young people of the Baptist Church held a very successful social gathering on Monday evening. The young people spent the evening in social chat and a program was rendered and refreshments served. This is a good way in which to get the young people of the congregation acquainted. PERSONAL. Dr. H. E. W. Tamlyn is visiting for a few weeks at New York City. Mr. Robt. Miller, County Councillor, was in town on Saturday, calling on his nu merons friends. Mrs. E. R. Swarts, of Goderich has been visiting with Mrs. J. E. Swarts for a few days during the week. Alex. and Mrs. Bird and little daughter Hazel, of Wingham spent Sunday with James Cooper. -Brussels Post. Mr. John Anderson, of Wareham is visiting with relatives and friends in Wingham and East Wawanosh. Mr Gilbert Simmio of Clovering was visiting with his cousin, Postmaster Fisher during the week. Chief Vann orman is away from town for a few holidays and Mr. Geo. Baby is acting as Chief. Miss B. McCracken has returned home after several weeks visit with her broth- er and sister in London. Mr. F. Paterson was home from Pe- trolia over Sunday. Mr. Paterson will bo engaged at Petrolia building sidewalks until the cold weather sets in. Mr. David McMannus, of Sycamus Junction, B. 0., has been visiting with Ms brother, Mr. James McMannus and with friends in Wingham and vicinity. Mrs. Ed. Faller, of Wingham, spent a few days in town last week the guest of Mrs. A. Bamford, Inkerman Street. - Listowel Banner. Mrs. C. N. Pealce, who has been visit- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis for several weeks, rota rned to her home in Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Linklater returned last week from a driving trip to Exeter and Mitchell, where they spent a few days visiting friends. Mr. Allan Caldwell, of Kalkaska, Mich., is visiting relatives and friends in Wingham and 'vicinity. This is Mr. Caldwell's first visit to his old home in eighteen years. Mr, J. D. Oa nieron, editor of the Hamilton Spectator, was the guest of Conductor Quirk for one night last week. Mr. Quirk and Mr. Cameron have been friends,for over thirty years. Mr. A, A. McLean, accountant in the Wingham branch of the Bank of Hamil. ton, was acting agent of the Blyth branch during the absence of Mr. T. W. Scott, who is on his vacation. Mr. W. J. Neil, C. P. n. section fore• roan, was in Brampton on Friday last attending a meeting of the International Brotherhood of Maintenanoe.of way employees. THE WINC$AM TIMES SEPTEMBER 29, 1904 Between SCO and 1,000 of the machin- ists and allied trades and blacksmiths op the C.P.R. between Fort William and Vancouver went on strike ou Saturday. >tfO13N. HART -In Wingham, on September 24th, the wife of Mr. Ezra B. Hart; a son. HAt8T-In Brussels, on Sept. 18th, the wife of Mrs. Henry Heist; a son. EmrAuns-In Wroxeter, on Sept. 9th the wife of Mrs. C. F. Edwards; a son. STltONE-In Fordwich, on Sept. Oth, the wife of Mr. S. Strome; a daughter. DIET) ALtENnr-In Wingham, on September 20th, Wesley D. Allenby, aged CO years, 3months and 0 days. TIT/rine-In Teeswater, on September 17th, Janes L. Titmus, aged 70 years. TAYLOR -In East Wawanosh, on September 17th, Mrs. Joseph. Taylor, aged 82 years. McAuTER-At Loi.don, on Sept. 20th, Oath - :trine, daughter of the late John and Margaret teArter, of Morris, in her 40th year. WRITE -ie Grey on Sept. 19112, Wni., son of John and Mrs. White, aged 33 years, 10 months and 1 day. MARRIED McCAtiE-FAtrsT-In Howiek on Sent. 21st, by the Rev...I Hussar, Mr. A McCabe of Wal- lace, to Miss Mary Faust. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St, or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald blook. t'C,CE. Notice is hereby given that . ourt will be held, pursuant to "The Onta 'o Voters' List Act," by His Honor, the .7u ; e of the County Court of the County of H on, on Wednesday, the 12th day of Octobe 904, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., at the Co - rt Room, Wingham, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Winghani for the year 1904. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated, Clerk's Office. Winglearn, Sept. 20th,1904. .1. 13 FERGUSON. Clerk of Wingham and Clerk of said Court, WALL PAPER SHOPPING is easy at this store • BECAUSE you don't have to " kick" to get your money's worth. BECAUSE we have the largest stock of new patterns to be found in town. BECAUSE we have studied your wants and have the styles you will like. BECAUSE we buy in large quantities, which means lower prices to you. BECAUSE we do everything in our power to make wall paper shop- ping easy for you. We are look- ing out for your permanent pat- ronage. Oar special September prices will help you to paper one more room than you intended to do. All Paper Trimmed Free COOPER & CO:, (Successors to Alex. Rosa.) SOWS FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale a number of thoroughbred Large English Berkshire t owe, from three to six months old, some of which have been already bred. Also a pair of young boars for sale. I also have for service, a young boar, which was a prize winner at Toronto. P. GIBBONS, Marnoch P. 0. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY VOTERS' LIST COURT. 1%.TOTICE is hereby given that the Judge of -LI the County Court of the County of Huron will hold a Court for the revision of the voters' List for the year 1904, in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Tuesday, 11th day of October, at 10 o'clock A. At. All parties interested will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By order. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk of Turnberry and Constituted Clerk of Court. Clerk's Office, Bluevale, Township of Turn - berry, Sept. 21st, 1904. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, No. 139 'H OLD their regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Friday in each month, iu Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAxwELL, C. C. R. H. CRowDER, Clerk. C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing 'done. OFFICE -In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. TEACHER Applications for the po. U. S. S. No. 7, Turnberry will be received by the no up to the 0th day of Oct( miles from Wingham. ferred ; state salary. Box ANTED. tion of teacher for for the year 1005, ersigaed secretary ,er next. School male teacher pre - VIN WILSON, 2, Wingliain P. 0. STRAY P Strayed from the pre ston, lot 28, concession about August 24th, a d mare, with white ctril knowing anything of the pony will be reward( with HUGH JOHN NY. ises of Adam John , Turnberry, on or k bay Indian Pony in face. Parties he whereabouts of by communicating ON, Wingham P. 0. sunset heft& nl<4219f7d' Ont(gootailatialinAr AtAntenhyrAmi 3 A Picture " Pretty as a picture " doesn't mean much sometimes, but our pictures are the pretty kind, and the kind that keep their prettiness. Try a photograph from ZURBRIGG'S STUDIO WINGHAM. Picture framing Neatly Done. Wm. Armour &• SHAW'S SCHOOL !] The eat9ft of Toronto Solicits the chance to send a copy of its prospectus to every young man and woman wbo would Iike a little place in life. Your name and address on postal. DO IT NOW and send it to W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge & Gerrard Sts, Toronto. DR. OVENS, of London, SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingham monthly. Glasses properly fitted. Neral Catarrh and Deafness treated. WinghainOfllee--W.MeKibbon's Drug Store. London Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours : 11 to 8 p.m. Dates of visits -Mondays, July 25, Sept. 5, Oct. 3. Oct. 81, Nov. 28. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 18, con. 7,Township of Turnberry,County Huron, containing 100 acres. This is a first- class farm; has been in grass for 20 years. A spring creek runs through the farm. Apply to, H. DAVIS, Wingham. FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers for sale his farm, east half of Lots 7 and 8, Concession 11, Turnberry. The farni contains 100 acres of good land; 80 acres cleared, 10 acres hardwood bush, 10 acres of cedar. On the premises are a good stone house, hank barn, stone pig -nen, etc. Also a spring creek and two wells; and is well fenced with cedar rails. Six miles from Wing - ham, and convenient to church, school, post office and blacksmith shop. Easy terns. For information apply to RICH. WALLACE. Glenannan P.O. RESULTS ALWAYS If you want to buy or sell, rent or insure property it will pay about you to see me it. ABNER COSENS, ons Owing to the large quaties of Dairy Batter now being offer:. for sale, and as the quality is not as good as I think our market dem: nd:, in order to encour. age the making f COO' BUTTER • I an prepared to pay from Three to Five cents per 116. of a difference in price as l: must have good Butter, Parties having good Butter to sell would do well to call at our Warehouse, as 'we are pre• pared at all times to pay cash prices for good Butter. WM. ARICOUl & SON. WINGEtAM O. COMINGS .DOMING COMING! T. P. SMITH, SCIENTIFIC YE SPECIALIST Graduate New York, Piffled .• pbia, and Toronto Optical cos •zca. Call early and ava' yourself of hi; minable services, - this is a rare opportunity to have y ( ur eyes proper- ly tested, free of cha e. No guess work but a scientific c tainty. Diffi- cult cases accuratel fitted. ALL NOICE GUARANTEED. :"I never call at art ite has also added a large a fleial eyes to his atoek. Will Walton Wilton' WINCH gek,'ONE DAV Thursday', Se to house& oorrt int of arta. Drug Store NIX "1001M t. 29th. A Steady- Gain Every week shows a steady gain in the lists of new customers at the Bee Hive, This is certainly encouraging, and yet it is only what we had looked for, High quality goods and best money values are at work for big business at This Store, If you have not yet visited us, we will be glad to welcome you this week. DRESS GOODS This department is filled with the very newest pro- ductions of the loom. Colored Broadcloths, Vene- tians, Heather 'Tweeds, Fancy Tweeds, Serges, Valours and Panama Canvas cloth aro a few of the lines shown and in Black Dress Goods we show pleasing values in, all the new weaves. Prices here save you from 10 to 25 per cent on the dollar. JACKETS. Our stock of Ladies and Misses Jackets are all made to our order by the manufacturers, We therefore show exceptional good values with a sav- ing to buyer of from $1.00 to $2.50 on each gar- ment. The latest styles and newest cloths with highest class make up linked to the many money saving prices are reasons why you should see what we are offering. Prices range at $2.25 $2.50 $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 and up to $14.00 • Bargains in Table Linens, Towellings, Table Napkins and Towels. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. -Overcoats, -Odd Vests, -Collars, -Hosiery, All at prices -Suits, --Odd Pants, -Rain Coats, -Shirts, -Gloves, --Silk Neckwear, -Underwear, -Hats and Caps. in favor of the buyer. LADIES' & MISSES' WEAR. Ready-to-wear Skirts, Golf Jackets, Fascinators, Underskirts, Silk Waists for evening wear, all - wool Waists, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawls, Collars, Belts, Camel Hair Tams, Handkerchiefs. Visit the Bee Hive this week. Big Grocery Values at This Store. IT PAYS TO DEAL WITH THE KEELER CO. THE BEE HIVE. Phone 96. WI)NGHAM, Ont,. Giving Up usiness ISIENRIZIENESSEffazofflamassaaw Having decided to go out of the Jewelry Business in Wingham, I will for the next few weeks hold a general CLEARIN SALE OF MY ENTIRE STOCK, CONSISTING OF Watches, Clocks, Rings, GENERAL JEWELRY, STORE FIXTURES, ETC. This is not a fake scheme for the disposal of cheap goods, but a bona fide sale of first-class Jewelry in all lines. The question of profits will not be considered. If you want anything in the line of Jewelry it will be to your adv2ntage to COME EARLY, as the sale WILL NOT LAST LONG. The store must be vacated in a few weeks. The sale is now on. Come and share in the genuine bargains. o" Nommosisimisionuor H. H. Chisholm. Vanstone Block --WINGHAM,. Ont. MILLINERY FALL, 1904 I wish to thank my numerous friends and customers for the very generous patronage which I have enjoyed at their band a in connection with my Millinery basin ees, and to assure thein that all order s entrusted to me will receive that careful attention that has characterized our e fforts in the past. Your esteemed orders for Fall and Winter Headgear will be promptly attended to. Soliciting your further patronage, and assuring you that the stock will be found up.to.date as usual. Yours truly, Miss Boyd. Fall Millinery 1904 I take pleasure in informing the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that there will be found here the latest up-to-date novelties in the line of Millinery. Special attention will be paid to early orders for FALL AND WINTER WEAR. 1 alio desire to express my thanks to the ladies for their at. tendance at my opening display. Your favors will, as heretofore, receive prompt and careful at; tentioa. Miss MacEberson1 MILLINERY ..®® Our Millinery Rooms are now ready for inspec- tion, and in calling at Mrs. Aley's you will find nothing but the most up- to-date fads in the millinery line. Thanking th la- dies of Wingham and vicinity for their very generous patronage in the past, we will still endeavor to do business with you as heretofore. Your orders re- spectfully solicited a n d satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. W. E. Aley i�.