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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-28, Page 9
LAST 111NUfE � # Sn"PPERS Sunday School Helps for 1912. Golden Tent Book At f I r Olafi of the YAW= Those Who have. at off dofug'their Xplaa sbopplog ilia the. lost. Arnold's Commentary r fear da s, wiitfind tb o store well ouppllod wit* far�ta ane} well assort- � e ° .. edvtoc� of Xmas aotionw We bays made epteciak prep rations for Tulcbell ft �`eachert q'Ouide +pe list few tdays. snit natruiy Harr, useful, stod attractive lines bavoa boonoddodthiscreek, Peevubeta'S Nates Look over thin list, it may help you to deoide. Or better still, Coma esu sad let its show yon the goodo. Of;IICe and 1I;owe Helps 1912. Men's Ties In fancy byes $Oes 25C and .50c. Men's B races in Chrtstitnas bones c 40G 75c Pocket Diaries, Office Diar Ladies' Fancy Coljors'25c and sQc, les,, Desk Calendar Fads Ladies; Felts 05c, ,SSc and 5uc Fancy Calendars, , FhucyTtinene, IlGendlcercbiefe, Gilaves, Tints; suppers, Muffles. Silk. & Wool scarves, sweotera and sweater conte and bonnets and rA I# C auany other nstiful and, acceptable gifts, , '—COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE—=" Often Cheapest - Always the Best: . We, Vk ish yap al a very Merry Xlnas, y SMALL PLUMSTEEL MORE IL Y PROFITS BROS BUSINESS , well t sl ` � ... spenroo#Chit t• ,. � -,one _A Miwa, Annie Rath , ARE' . leas under bhe par n al W�slln►g Vile r •., _�,..�.. _ _ .4 MfssCsLola, and Eileen hoover of < � - t.� Toronto are home for he hollda 0 _ y m and all the very, .` •Mr, and Mrs. Armour and family. Toe' 1l � �son t, „ wew in Goderich over the festive ; T • holiday. ' • best f ever' g r- be o ev r tin Miss AeImage of ,he : C. I, yta� is • .. ., ��' . is again at. hand an,!-. the same old questic>a arises : at hes home, in sti,.Mary'a for the' , ` - "What shall Z giviiSiston Brother, Mother .and Fath- holiday. r ig llllleteell hlllld�ed` and „ Miss Simpson of Brucefield was this: p y. p em .? guasO of Mrs.. Boles on Sunday er Here arena l'ewt f the many aticlEs that. y twelve y may las odsU9ok for and Monday, • Mrs. Trow•se was in Wo at Aux sxQr(', t holidays, the guests of her he son, Mr. L. Trow e, .. - Miss Ross Lavis to on Satur S RTES . SCISSORS day from Elora where she ., has u . HOCKEY $TICKS 8018BOR SETS_'.been during •the millinery season. ' SLEDS CARVING SETS Mr. and Mrs. F4. J. Jenkins spent BOG SHOVELS ' lakiBAD KNIVES Christmas hol'id'ays the guosts . of ' R POCKET-KNIVES NICKLE TEA & COFFEE POTS relatrives• in Clinton and vicflioy... RAZORS - NICKLE TRAYS Dr, John Cook of Goshen, I>idiana; / RAZOR STRAPS FIANGING LAMPS was a Christmas visitor with. td. ' CARPET SWEEPERS PARLOR LAMPS . WASHING MACHINES SILVER, CRUET TRAYS mother, Mrs. John Guest of, town,' o . MEAT CHOPPERS GRANITE WARE Mr: C. Ward of Orangevillo spent ., MRS. POTTS IRONS TABLE SILVERWARE Chrin!�mas in town with his stator, AND_141YUHROUS OT13ER ARTICLUS Miss B. Ward,. principal of fte ' oC.' `• 1 B. C. Mini,' L. Gibbings, stenographer 'for Corset Company, . .... the. Crompton C - .. _ [ireful presents are appreciated .by all., Wo invl to Toronto,. was home for the big out come gild look over our stock:. It holidg. �. Mr. M11iIdy Jackson wa"..home ¢torn r '<ti his i T monto. avor. Christmas a namerous friends were delighted . to _ ' see him poking so ; well =.,AN RM0 O Miss Tessio Crooks who has bean is STOVES _andiARDWARE` Cobden. during the millinery .seas-. -- . or., returned last week and is: at her -� -• hoirie on a+he. Base Line. xr .J. Knox : Mair, who -is .teaching -- k ton tri .�iiindin the .hol'f� at ..Oc. er , g days at his home 'in town, that of. / a Mr. and, Mrs: 'J: K. Mair. ' M i,s Ella Moser, who has' been visits- BEAR IN MiND• THAT W in g in Blyth and with her. sister; Mrs. John Gardner, town•, returns SELF.. ONLY to her homta in. Waterloo the fore_ < * • � iii � ® ' ; parI of the week.. .. f' Air. and • Mrs. R.. hi. Manning . and L'.1I1Y1'�� - �• THEB E ST' IN RUBBER Master Ha-uld w&re, lasts of 'Ale ormer's brothor,, _-Ur-; W N. Man- ning• of Londop for' : Chrastmas:. _ FOOTWEAR. - FOOT - Mr. Cifffo, ad 'f� ndr4ws'. of :the. 'Royal I3anlr Staff, Osixawa,, sprint the• hO i.� � ,. , .: .. A►bnut �e+apYe Y+ou Inc�W. ws' Front 'LoidOso>ro ... ' ` day season att the . parenfial . home ��**„ he lie ,:• . n .that.'...oi'P. R2. and. liras . Whetbar you want, a„pairof Boots, Arctirs, Sock ..tnd in e skas fe is -and Rub- eather to -d Rubbers, Ala ,. l Andrews: ` Rubber, PP r of Your Christian i .� " . Miss Lella•. Ford of near` .London'.. 'is 'Elobera Ltsivson, 'etiolia- an Ross . 1Vlisses L.,otin' and .,L. Bre ham Y life we have b. n here, ]:►�ht Itobiiens; for river year sheer: or' an' .. >Gljss Baker, -.who has- bceni on; •tile C. d+ WEAR.. t spent a f:ow days .this wr'ek with ably to . ivvo; better lives and see mark . else in heavy or liglit RUBBER FOOT. I. staff, for. the past year, .a r;Coni- homo for the holiday soa.ron. Forrester, ineeFsoll, were • •among. those who came. honia nr Christ- Miss. Agnew of Wngham: clearly 'the Christ'life. Your - genuine ne'relal toacbca, � .;bas'"accepteil r a .Master Fred Thompson as t.ed his Q k i HAVE , ,• ,• .. ,,,.,, Wm:: Armstrong- spent Sunday with piety,, courllaous: manner and •deep I'VE HAVE THEM IN THE position on Phe techin : sa€f. of grandfather at �c: pry �' stn mas P g lr his brother atl Fordwich'... solicitude'for ¢the, welfare'of`all with....: Whitby lliglx,School.>..y Xmas .,Day. N J. L. Johnston, vvho•ixas l :en 'Mr. John. ,Woodman. spent C rise- 'whom' you .cam6 in i6diltact has tvo,u Mess.-•. Hugh 13:. dri of the Molsons .Misses Mabel Clark and •Jean .Greig teaching at;. Freel.oa, • is •,pending :. P _� l g gS * - _ t mss hoXidays tn�ith. Corrie. and Harris- you ou : lasting gratitude.: `The . Bank sba:ff, jindoe,,.. anal•_ Roy: of g p , :ore holidays at li numa, n .. .,,;_,. . t the fes •, BEST VALITIES +ONLY the, Bank of Montrceal, C,oderiEh,' Mrs.�T nJacksonVJrtin thcur au howu ton friends. heathen_in his. ignorance and` The Christmas qtr:+d ,nn iYlonday" strangtir within out gates havo had:.;.& r.:`' +' spent Sunday and Christmas Day Miss Kathleen East, of Toxdnto spent Mtiss.' Delia Hearn is home from. ! Fonda : 'and Christmas'.Da .at her Stratford and is ci cling at•.,, the night. was well atitoncfedf •the receipts place very' near to your • -heart, at thein home in town. l' y b ers are not wortlawha t the 'cost. hoMo 'n _tiown: a;i3ntal home her. and. Nits, 1 . A. amountling to about, $56. _ Many of your self=denying acts are ' Cheap Rub ; Y Mr• T. R. Shepherd left on Tuesday i p e Tht• Orange - Lode 'will furnish a known only to ourself and t: '. i' Miss Claire Lindsa of Toronto was a Hearn s. g g ,. Y Y ° > int for:. Let{hbridg'e, Alta., after spend y. on ivew Yeats night who Beeth • alI ,thin s lam► ing a fortnight'at his home in visitor at the parenEal home -over: Miss Marjo>+:e L.appi'na snit Miss g°od'� pi•ograme g g , . s� jj E BESTS IT PAYS ,�, ,,, lire ChrisUmas hollda s. Glad s Lc of Lomion ,regi;; 'Its n Pfeffer s hall: ;._ 1_ '1We would thank also •your children$ BUY T� town. Chum looks well and Y y gg " t, rs .'Andy w Wea,shorwa ' : • ' 'town Wednesday, Xls•t s L. and R. Dung of .Brant¢. tvho hay© with. ; such' kfndne n^ anti',. 1 . : seems to be doing well -in. Sunny., M e x ef.Orillia.rs Y.; having..come.u.p tta ...� - Alberta,,, visiting. at .the. parental. homey Mi, . a, tend the dance. ford, Misses ?`. Lyon axed 1 . Matins of sacritice supported and• tsncoilra god ou • , , ' • List1owel 'Misses 141. and',S.. MoCool of In yowl I.le of :cliti.rrtian - service.: We ' r a Mrs J. R. J' illi. of Souris and M.+3.. David Can cion s.. Miss Ohco Harland. o :Toronto canto Ali. :and 4 .. , . , . � o M o pith Mrs.: Cameron of .Ghuel h wa a petit i u .'for ! Christmas Ua anct is Toronto and isS M. Jt Craivf r : ai are glad to haver. yott .wi us. IU is F1 c gait., arrived .on: Friday lash to .. P. s, ] p �Y 1 a �• JACKSON' '• ' " over. the . New Year. s: Niagara: Falls' all spent Sunday :and our: prayer that with Iong: life.• yup da visitor -at the a+; � spend the . Chrisimias holidays at Y c :inial home; remaining ,. * _ _ u r, a ': 11 nosy., at heir, ho may. satisfy Him and slioty Hiiu 'clot~. this aren.ml home of the latrter that. of Mr Thos. Jenlcans of Wood liol2day; ytlte .g est °f, M: nd Mrs. i'Mo t mss hepta: ,.. -' 'il : r Forest Rilc tlf�New orae - spoilt salvation. and drat .(!hose ;dear oris .. _ _._ w■.ala�...r.r,� that ofIr,..: and Mrs. Edward lands Farm. W. S. Harland. y Y. , Y P + Mr. and..Mrs.. • Geor a Pe4iins ali Air., ,; Chas. Rowson. late. of ;SOui+h •Christman at his,home here. His,; who have grown up .under 'You nay,. Rathwell of P + nces.i st. et. g d , .{..�...� +■ a son Mervin Uwcsn Sound wet Africa but who •has spent the many friends` were. glad to. welcome long 6e spa.(M-lo add t+a,your 14 t, and I13rs..W. F. -D, longi Tor i e ,r * - _ -him back after an absence of over. and' 00inforb. 136 pleased to accopt 'onto, 111r• and Mrs. D,. A. "�.antel- guests over ChriS�mas of Mi. and past six neon<ns or so in the Cart four earn. this chair'in memory of past assacia= ��NNN�NaaN��Ni�N�N�a s'NNi►��1►1�N��iN� NN Mrs..Wm.', Wm. Robb` . adian' west, .spent .,'Christmas in Y I on, .Hensally and Mr. an Nits. • J. Tuns- tions and -,idly idly regat'd I it as . a i„ Mfss:Edittlt Jennison a town the guest o 'iris tuothe� and idly. J, li Osterhoutreturned' J. B Htrover 'Nelson Ball E. ; Brooks M►, ^hell, with their .. , ocbmpanied by g t- t• -- --_— " {ht . holiday in Miss Alma Fletcher, returned' from slstor. day after spending •Xmas= witH Cha token of our desire that .. vv©t slay families, spent t. s. to +t,,h' r' ':: in town . witb •Mr, and Mrs', VVm. London Saturday to, spend the holt Mr. Tho Jenkins . of . Woodlands liana friends. Tong bo closely joined gt ty —�� — , . M1'+, NL' J. Crawford of Niagara 1 work of the society, in tthe work.. oti .' U„ Cantelon, days with the fort>er s scents Farm Huron Road was tiro head of i - :.. P > r ' Falls suei,t• th© Holiday season ab Christ. and tha.' you unci, '°urs may. ., W Mr., John Gardner, who has �Pgon. Mr. and .14Irs. It.. Jennison'. a happy gathering tivhen all his the parental Home ' that of Mr. and be bound u employed at . St. Catharines fir Miss Lottie, I•lanna, t•+enographer for sons, and ,daughters. togetther ., tivith P . , .. . p with' us in °the ' .saints '(��j1 '�: �"�1 Mien. T:dmund Crawford-. bundle of life. and may ..Peach the .VLSi�7f some weeks, came home for Christ the i Dominion Express ,Company; 'thea`] familid's gataered aroujnd the f board n C ristma: a A very happy, ' event took place'. on sante heavenly_home, Signed' In. be» mas. anti • Ivvw Years. - lie good, Toronto, was the. guest of her sir festive tl h i D y. to Mi�,i. 5 S. ,.Gooier from 'Sat• ilii: Vrnest' Reynolds, who .recently Dec. 8th when a• large gat�houmg x half of this uociety.--Nisi ' P.earey, back nerxt Tuesday for a couple of + P , '13.1 urda until Tuesda afternoon. rt«turned $coin Isenetang, is spend-. P t-sentative of tae Woman's Foreign president; Mrs, Herrington, 1st+ vice; mon,hs..and will bt accompanied er y y -C , Mis•r'onar Society assembled atr the Mrs. Johnston, 2nd vier: ; Mrs. Allan, . • � •t; . • ..-fa:+ as Wattyrloo . b"q •Mrs• Gardner Misses CIive and- cons Cooper, the ing the Holidays at his home hfrt,.. Y • . former of whom - is teaching at IID leaves on Monda for Peter- g , r I == htlmo of N1rs: A nes Ilamilton a d at, 3rd vice ;i .Miss .Belle Slott seere�: ` ,, .•----�.=• ' ..i.• .and. Ruth 'who will visit hex 1?~ .. Y Ir �• "i t - rhi hin s d Mrs, John o. y SumntEi�trille. and i�he' latrter a stop bora where he 1,as aeec�ptdd the the clofr, of tba .meeting pre need' LarYAf ,and_. Mrs, :latrKes Campbell,' f _ I In . bOLlse to s'., parents, 111 r, an tlh M>r i Y r s den'i of b'aoulty, :1,ort)n!a, ,1111 position as teacher in &ic Business her wirh.an address an�ompanied kvith t'reasnrer .are iii demalh.d by thQsd for a time. • - s ' lidi6n the .hp Ida s at • home College of that' lace. a neautiful Morris chair -in recogni-' : Miss . Alberta fihappard, '14Ir: CbnCo of artistic tastes. ' A' visit t Mr. and Mr:r: �> ohn iluest l,aa a Pe , , . g , l y �theix g P a lien pf hex services as resident..and Miss Martha Crawford of Niagara .,.. pleasant family re -union tln Christ- in itawn. -. • .. Mrs. Wm. •Ea7� >dceivcd lire sail neiws P �, Here will <tlScloge' W. T�7rank Mett alis Toronto . o e fat- ono da las9 week that sev�+cal The address wa'e read- by Mrs, ilei- � Falls- are sliending tV6 holidays' at ti Mas Any. The part? included . I�x. r P . Y l8aev.n..,r s4z6i ' • - John Gook tll Goshen, Indiana, D:r, ink superintendent of the National. ' mombera of t+h4 family of her brp- `+'ngion and Mr:r. - J a»ilii Camp 11 the parental home of, tttixts l iter`. _ . _. • band. Fruit and Picking Company, then Mr, . Jaseph Brown of ..Vic- made"the presentation, The toll w- I' Nlfssc+3 Maggie and Scotts McCgol re- m Guest and Mr. Walter Guo Tt g P y, ' . `�`' of Toronto, Miss ,Reil 'Guest. of was in town Wednesday on business toric Mines, New`On�tario, were• Ing is the address � �turnedl,;to Toronto on Ttte:r3ay after UNI V X F R 4 with tote Com an "s district sup- down 'v:tith diphtheria and i'hat one To Mrs. Agnes Hamilto ,"We, the. spending Chil6ibs..; ate their it " _ � _ .. ;, Believrille and Mr. ,'Cineol anti Diiss p y P • T .n�,,y. (/��,� /A� , TTT\ ,`wy■y Irmo .quest of Llginfia d. +1,ho or,- crif 6aident, Mr. F. W. Pva#�s. boy aged sixteen had suceumbdd be members of the Butwe . and Londes- bore. T AT IS I 0 V Tip \%.Y t a ,� g . I o has been c,n» . w Ty absentees' were pne. dauglitter, Mr..l3axry�liuni� w"as in town Friday the disease. At Lasa roportta the by 0 W.F'.M.S.. have ion felt .a debt illi. Wm. Snell, who, Miss Guest who is in the west, but on Saturday went to 'London othet pat,'encs wero exltecUatl-to ra• of gratitude, to you, and now as a gages In Mr. SMith for the pant i .but not overly dear. lllerlt is what,e wins 'these days, to meet his son Oswald. 'Together ' cover. The friends' of the family in soeietl, desire to express toy you our ; year, n spending the holidays at hi,; y �' > � and Mr. l:Ia.xry • Cpt)k pf Tren, on. . ., *Jib - heartfelt .a i , and Its Onlymerit that Ives us our. atrona e w Mr, and Mrs, George W., Hiu of'Tab- they went to Galt whew his second Clinton will sympatlxize. pch elation of sae devpted lomc. s g p, g . or, Alta., havt3fti'ecu. visiting friends. son resides. Passing gears touch Dr, J. Niabit 1lrupn and i11,rv. iltinn pi services which you have rcndew�d its � tzr, Chas, ilovfer, who is an ell In n and• i lullett 'the ast few Mr, Hunt very lightly. He hail been Calgary son'+r in tow{a an WO+lrirn outing fiha past number. Tit years, , polys of the fat his , home, also a MERIT IN PURNITURI MERIT IN PRICE i town p • ,,,, days, They foxmeley lived at Sum- spending the past 'few months' in say. Thpso of their ir'tOixcTs . '-,bo We triank you for your Help in all holiday vi,r;ttir at his liomiY, •~- • merhill where the family will al Gait.- had the privilegtt we glad to iiimt branches of mile rrlciety's work. In Mir,; Mary Weymouth of ltelgraot�• . The" .cnen est' s "ot 1 bis all kinds of furniture. • ways membered, indeed the Mr. Alf. Mackwell and Master Loxili�e them and only egraGtnd that the the devotional exercises we have felt � visited her lioi rfts here for a ft- a p b n Huron County to �+ a so y be to i of. Woodstock earnti up Satutday visit was no short. il'Ir'r, riurin God brought neater and ' the busi-'days. name, of the burg tvi`r: help li l per and Ont Sunda and Christmas came east a coup;o of months ago nesa wprlk we have fours ou a wise Nll ms Jelu,io, and Lily Govie . ,,t 'HO -" petuate it. Mr, and Min. Iii were p y fortunaW, in their location in Al- Day with Mrs. Will, Vokiough of and has been igniting her .parents., counselCor. Paris were home lo* tho-holiday.i; aover.*&. , hectic and 1,avO oracle good: � • ThOy GodericTi township. NIr. I31'ackvvoll Itcsv, snot l4lrq. Martin oI 1�pndoi� xp your int.rrest, persevtsra�ncra cvi- ThEa many ttiendg of 'htr±s. Mrm 1 are receiving a very eordial' wel- also had the pleasure of meeting' but the Dr,' limited hi, 4W tit orgy and trust in Jclipvah has been will be plmwd to l0aril that she zs 1t1.V Vb.1a."'t Tt30 JLX;1`" 3y't7 lei 3~C.A L :CI " I"I " "C t >`1, collas from their host of old friends namerous Ctitil�on' fritnas Saturday Tliitar.io to t► .tow days. wClielr re- sue a great rntfrslire of the :success of now on tine way do tocovery atlitt iw+t ��toµer�+►mor►lc w► o�►s 1�► 1i�c1►�+►o i► lid l �i+► here and, bereabouta, afternoon. turn to Calgary noxxt wok. the society. VG'r believe that hecausuMier recci,t fltnc�. `