HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-21, Page 8•Clinton Nem. Record. 1 LAST MINUTE I SHOPPERS. Those who have put off doing their Xmas shopping for the last few days, will find this store well supplied withfa large and well assort. ed stock of Xmas notions, We have made special preparations for these last few daysand many new, useful, and attractive lines have been added this week. Look over this list, it may help you to decide, Or better still, Come in and let us show yon the goods. Men's Ties in fancy boxes 25c and 50c. inen's Braces in Christmas boxes 50c 60c 75c Ladies' Fancy Collars 25c and 50c. Ladies' Belts 25c, 35c and, suc Fancy Linens, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mitts, Slippers, Muffles, Silk & Wool nerves, sweaters and sweater coats and Bonnets and many other nseful and acceptable gifts. —COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE— We v. ish you all a very tlerry Xmas. --"lcZta PROFITS SMALL PLUMSTEEL MORE BROS. BUSINESS • ••••4••••••••••••••••• ***4••••••••••••••••4 1 1•••••••••••... 11 The Holiday Season. is again at hand anesame the old questicn arises .4. "What shall I give. Sister, Brother, Mother and '.Fath- er ?" Why not let us help you solve the problem? Here are a few of the many articles that may be had at our store. SKATES HOCKEY STICKS SLEDS BOG SHOVELS POCKET. KNIVES RAZORS RAZOR STRAPS CARPET SWEEPERS WASHING MACHINES MEAT CHOPPERS MRS, POTTS IRONS SCISSORS SCISSOR SETS CARVING SETS • • HREAD KNIVES' • NIUKLE TEA & COFFEE POTS NICK LE TRAYS • HANGING LAMPS • PARLOR LAMPS SILVER CRUET TRAYS GRANITE WARE TABLE SILVERWARE AND NUMEROW OTHER ARTICLES.' Useful presents are appreciated by all.. We invite you to come and look over our stock. •• OUR STOCK OF FANCY CO ODS CHINA NOVEL- TIES AND BOOKS This is the time •of* alle*:einei fox. making life Irighter for others. You no- doubt have in mind such a senti- ment and associated with it some friend. The pleasure of giving is grteit, someelmes there is less pleas- ure in deeteling what to give. Pr - haps we eau help you some. We may not be able to meet° all your wants, few stores eau for every perean bu$ we are reasonably sure you will find Something to suit some, if not all, of your friends. In some departments our sock may not be the largest. We• never overload so that .evray year we have new goods and' the latest novelties. Incidentially we believe we can save you money on the geode. It •may be mutually profitable if you come to our store. .11111111111 1-1.A.TR,IJA.1TID 1312,08. STOVES and HARDWARE irsuisamsimenusinismi (w•ainsaffie imeis BEAR IN MIND THAT WE SELL ONLY THE BEST IN RUBE3ER FOOTWEAR Whether You want a pair of Boots, Arcties, Sock • and • Rubber, Leather topped Rubbers, Alaskaa, felts and Rub- *. hers, Light Rubbers, for; eye', your shoes or anything . else.in heavy or light RUBBER FOOTWEAR. . , . . WE HAVE. THEM IN THE 1 BEST QUALITIES ONLY Cheap Rubbers are not wort hwha t they cost. BUY THE BEST. IT .PAYS , - FRED. JACKSON. 1• 1 1111.mmsmimommouseimeinimiftelOINI1111154111111111110111111•11 NN **Non** NNNN *No *****N4o**NNHNNNN No. J." Hoover Nelson Ball UNIQUE DESIGNS In house turrxishings Jare in 'demand by those I l'1441:1_,_,:zMTZ44Tiv:4,-.. of artistic •tastes, A visit e. - nere will disclose .34161 UNIQUE FURNITURE I THAT IS DECORATIVE 1 2. but not overly dear. Merit is whatTwins these days, and it's only merit that gives us our:liberal patronage • MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE • The cnetipest spet in Huron County to buy ell kbUis ot furnituie. Hoover & Bali • 3/1t•l".1.Wt.T11,V akl/aD isiVittA.Z.1=n vcizio v, N4464411.444•••• **44.0444.444.*** *No 4.1410441***6440, W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best of17,1f r1!esiouirnineill1114 Mier; Edna Rodaway returned ' this week from the Macdonald Instituae Guelph. Mess Mabel Harland has returned. homa.after spending several weeks in Godericli. . . Mrs, '1'., McKenzie visited heal par- .entts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nesbit of 131y eh, last week. • Mr. and Mrs. T. Mason leave to- morrow to spend the Ch:estmas haidays with friends in Detroit. Mr, Robert Holmoi, Controller of Customs,- Toe..mta, was, in town yesterday, having come *up to at- tend 'the funeral of the late- Miss Jennie Rudd.. ` • : .' , Mr. E. W. Rodaway returned - last weekr'from Chteago, after spenef.ng - couple of • weeks "with his • daughter and seeing .the Sight.at the ., ,big • Live Stock' Show. . ' . . .. Mae S. G. Castle and. •family„ accom- panied by Mrs:. -.W. J. Coats, will spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. EneaS Crich of Brus- sels, . ' '. • Mr. -Cliff Levy 'is -able to tako drive out Allege fine 'days • after .several weeks illness. His 'manyj many friends are glad to see how 'rapidly ho is improving. .. - Mr, W. 0: Brown resumed charge. ot hiS section on. Monday " after being • off duty, for almost six months ow- ing. • - to : illness. The roadmareee Considers Mr. IPown one. of ti'le best foremen on his ..whole run and • is •well pleased Va have. hini in charge again. A. ain. Mrs. :.NleI2can and little daughter Melba arrived from the west •on Monday and are the guests of Mrs: Hiram Hill, Mrs. McLean . is a daughter of the late Theton War- laco• and it, is nine. years .sitice she left Clinton, so• she no's • many ehenges. - - •' • • • • .. • Rev, J. Greene will conduel, services . in Trinity Methodist -church, Strat- •-• ford; on Sunday -next in the ab- sence of_ the pastor: 'It has . been stated.. that Mr. Greene's ageis eight-eightJ This . was incorrect' for as a matter of fact he is. just ten years youn. ger, • • • .11irs. • E. D. Clegliorn • and her daugh- ter, little Miss Dfda, who had been: • visiting et Detroie, - arrived on Sat- urday to join. Mr; Elleghorn• and . Master Pat --who :•.have been here • for a fortnight. The family are at : the Normandie for - the wintea moneha. Mr, Oluehern is superin- tendent of the Clinton Motor Car , •dompank. . • . :. • . . Mr. and Mrs: W. S..3enieins et.Coutts. _ Alta., are spending the Christmas holiday(' with 'fiends in the vicin, 'fly. . Mr. • Jenkins is a son. of Mr. Theta. Jenkins of Woodland$ Faim, G.oderich township', and Mrs. . ' Jenkins was -formerly Miss Evans and has . visited in town on ditto. entt: Occasion, wherc. she has made 'many friends. Prof. • Fred. C. Elford, who '. has betel on the staff of Macdonald College Quebee, for the past cour'v o' years, has resigned% that positon to take charge of Vie educational dee pare -Anent of tie Cyprus Incubator Company.of Buffalo ata salary of three thousand dollars .per annum. The Professor's many friends in Clinton . and district are glad . to know that his merit is being 1.1J - cognized. Mr.' and Mrs. DaVid McLaughlin ar- rss-cd Monday from Aberdo3n, South ' Dakota, and, are guests • of the lady"s- sister, Miss Wiso, Iligh St. Whennhey left Aberdeen , what is known as the Clinton Colony wak. well and prospoiing. The inembet- ship of the Colony is about as as follows : Mr. and Mrs. McLaugh- • lin, Mr. arid Mrs. Will. EagIeser,. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ye -ling, Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson, Miss LMtic Ker. Wilson Eagleson, James Mac- kenzie. Miss. Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Anderson, W. T.,.':. Geo. T., and Dr. .7, W. 12.111iott, and their mother, Mrs. . Hobert. El- liott, Everyone of fleet e.onld have liked to come east to some another Christmas in the old home gown or township, but even ie they are' not heel in person they will have gladsome recollections of -Christmas past. Mr. and Mrs, Me- Latmhlin will remain for some rooks. for there are numerous friends throughout thei district who are looking forward to meeting them Again. . December Mt, IBIL Useful Xmas Presents For All Why not give useful Christmas presents, something the recipient can wear. You will find many dainty and useful gifts here at • reas- onable prices and within the reach of all. With all the emphasis of which type is capable we want to direct you attention to our Christ- mas profusion. Here we have attractive values, and suggestions are just about endless to make your holiday shopping easy whether it be for a lady, a man or a child, At the WOMEN'S STORE FURS COATS Handkerchiefs GLOVES HOSIERY* 11UFFL ERS COLLARS LINENS BELTS PARASOLS oP ETC. li %%wad- Zit'w AuNnviu.g. CAN, BUFFALO. At the MEN'S STORE Shirts Collars Ties Mufflers Fancy Sox Gloves Umbrellas Collar boxes Braces Etc, Special—Cleuring out the balance af our $5 and $6 Hats at $1.50. • . Gloves as (lifts. ' Gloves have' perhaps- the greatest demand as presents. Perrins are gauranteed. Yon will find every size wanted here.' from $11.00 up. • . . . • Belts as Gifts : - We are showing a splendid range of Xmas Belts in leather - and elastic and they make a • Very acceptable gift too,. from .25 up. Handkerchiefs as " Gifts • • A very pretty di.splay of •ilandkerchiefs is made on oui,. counters for easy buying. Hun- ' dreds of 'special Christmas* de- signs for ladies and children from .05 up to $.2.00 • Linens as Gifts Many a good. housekeeper or sister would appreciate a Lin- en -Luncheon Cloth. Doylie. Tray Cloth, Napkins, Towels, Table Linens and. Centre Plecee. We • • are showing a' broader rapge than ever before from the cheapest to the best. . Presents for the Home. • Wool Blankets, Comforters, . afatts, Curtains, Lied Spreads, Etc, .. Presents ;for Baby Infants KnittedCoats, Bear. Cloth Coate, Bonnets,' Bootees, Bibs, Mittens, Hose, etc. at mod - Furs as Gifts Muff, Ruffs,Stoles,- -Coats, • Caperettes, etc. in Mink, Lamb, Marmot, etc. 1 • • Silk Ties as Gifts II The Christmas Ties for men and boys come in a great variety of col°, ings to snit all tastes.. Four-in-banu, Bows, Ascots, Puffs, Tecks. Strings, ate, from .10 up to si.00 Braces as Gifts Men's and Boy,' fancywebh rtes,W eeed separately, in very pretty colorings from .25 up. Mufflers as Gifts' Bradley M ufflers in all colors for 'nen and women, boxed sep- arately, all sizes at .50 Gloves as Gifts Men's and Boys' Kid and 111 echa, Gloves, wool and fur lin- ings, all sizes, .50 up to $3. ••111111•1,,,IL Handkerc• hiefs as' Gifts • Men's, Boys' and Children's ' Harnikerchiefs, fancy colors and plain in silk, linen and cotton • from .05 up. Umbrellas as -Gi ts Men's Umbrellas 'in great variety,of handles and tops, Our ' Umbrella makes a splendid gift .to7asrettirpn.to .%$Veshave them from .Sweater Coats Meas and Boys' Sweater Coats in all colors and sizes from $1 to $15 Furs as Gifts . . ur (oats, Gauntlets, Caps and 'Collars at reasonable prices. All sizes. • 0. • ip CY.Z.LIVT • I r, ....• .inamortvii crearreranten Personals • •: Mr; itnd Mrs •J' :McLeod Will spend . ChriStmas in . • • • ' Mr.*0 J Wallis' returned on Friday from a• two-nionths' busine%s.. tkp to Saskatchewan. . : . r; •.• ••• WoOds• and twe . children • of Maple . Creek, Sask. , . are visi • the lady's mother,Mrs. Turnee. of Fr.L.leerck street. • Mr. and zMrs. S. Gardinerand ehi1- . dren have . been visiting (luring the past week with 1.11,1e lady 'S •.f ether, .Mr. Chas. Ilellyer, • Miss Garet! Chant, who hashad time, has returned home, having . position in 'Toronto for some engaged With.Clinton.he Clinton*Molar Cas Co., as liatrograp. her. Mr. E. 'Louis EvanS. of Louisvillo Kentucky, paid a -brief hit to his' old home in town, on Friday last,d Mr: filvaeir, as many of our readers' already know, es seceytary of the 1 Tobacco, Workers' Union, whose, operations arc largely confined- to the .Eastern and Southern Statesl and while he is a o'raunch beliove . He has been 'foe years one of the trusted chiefs . of organized . labor and while lie is a staunch believer in • eeruiliatory methods, his wide experience and knowledge' Of what /nigh,' he called nnwritten hiStary is not calculated to moderate ..otre's views. Numerous old friends •of ' Mr. Evans about town alwaya haves a warm • handclasp for hint on his all too few visits. • 1 ,016.716 Mr. Carpenter will speak on The News From Londesboro "Where.nre the dead ?!" • • S. W.. Carpenter, who . will speak in the •town hall, Clinton, on Sunday af to:noon next, at three o'clock. The subject of his address will • be, ''Where are the dead?' which is one of importance to everyone. Seats free, no collection. LOndon Road Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Itoviden at - teethe, the wedding of the formee's nol:ow in Brussels on Wednesday. The League will lievetheir oyater Hullett Township supper on Friday evening all the home of Mr. and Mr! • George Layton, Mr. John Odell of Toronto bas bought from his brother, Mr. 'Abe; Odell, the old homestead in West End Tuckersinite rThe acceage is oho Hundred and the price six thousand dollars, Mr. Fred . Henry exhibited his yearling Clyde colt at the 'Winter Fair in Guelph last week, Sixteen colts competed for the seven prices offered and Fred's won fourth place. That means it is a colt to be proud of. Mr. John Allen has rented his farm on the ninth concession to Mr. Addison and will in all probabiliey move' into Londeshoro and live re- tired. MA. and Mrs. Allen have , been much respected, residents oltlus Coderich (mall fire occured in the cooper p of Mr. -Chem Bailey on .Thurs- ' last. The firemea loon bas townslfp for years, Previously they were lotated in Seeforth, and still enguist1 and before' much damage Maher back, in the west. was done. Mr. e Carter, . . Y ir -, Mr. D: Wiggins, who hae tbeen for . King" of Huron, 'had an exhibit ot severe', weeks in the west, has re-: his- fowl at the big fair at - • Guelph turned to town. bit week. • The exact number of the ! Mr. Frank Saunders attended . the prizes won v are not able to stow, wedding . of Mr. Herb Teknpleton and but we fancy it will al, lea0 equal Miss Marjorie Anglin in Toronet his entries last Week. : Rev. 11. Osterhout and. farnily leave' on Satueday• for Chatiliath; \Ihere they will • spend. Christmas with Mrs. Oste•nottt's parents, .Ms. • and MAL -Cionamage. • Mr. Clark of bunde.S. •Was a caller at the manse oii Tuesday. • Mrs: .las..‘Shobbrook iS very at pe eent.'' We hope . to ' hear • . her • speedy recovery... Mr.. John Ilrtinsdon spent Wednes- day with Myth friends. • • '1'1ie • Presbyterian • Sunday azhool will have an entertainment •on Fri- day evening of this week to which the adrn(ssion fel will he .fidteen and ten cents. " •There. wl1 he . a good peagrarn *and ;the night • will be 6f the most enjoyable.. . • Mr; -A. Manning of Pilot Mound - Man., is visiting. friends in the.. • ity. • • .••• Miss. My Brogiten spent- Mond,; with Clinton friends. - • , ' Grey Township .• . Alex. and Misses 'Windt' and Mag- gie .Carr were. visiting with. relaelves ' at Stratford and St. Paul recently. , Harry - Battey, Cif Moosajaw, home on a holiday . Mrs. Gregory, of Wenathhee. Wash- ington: State, and Mrs. Watber Baker, of . Grantee, Were visitling at the home of • .1. K. and Mrs, Baker; Oth Ari 6M resident in the person • 04: Daniel- Spillet, died at the advancee . age of 79 -year a ou December 5th . Goderick Mrs, 'Wm. Robinson. passed sway -last week after an illness of about a year. • -•. . Mrs, Hector McFadYeti has ro'hirn- ed from a trip to the Coast and is now the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.* Polio/. Mr. 3. • C. Craig, who wan sailing Oti the John C. Howe during the sea- son, has returned home. His boat is wintsJring. at Cl.rcago. • Wreck Commissioner Demers liot.f8 Captain MacKay and Mate Campbell responsible for the grounding of the steamer Costume in Lake Superior and suspended their •eci:tuificates. Lawson H. Moore was kilkd in the McCormick • biscuit waits at Londou by being caught in a shaft. Lieutenant -Governor • G-rhson opehoi eho new Childreri's Shelter at, Guelph Miss Minnie Lobb Becomes the Bride of Norman Snuder, 'Yesterday at high noon a quiet but V0'; Pietty wedding took place in Goderieli township the home of - the brido's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lobb, when eAeir eldest daugh- • ter, Minnie GertAade, was united in marriage with Mr, Norman Snyder of Ra.dsson, S•ask. The bride, who was given away by her' father, looked charming in • gown of ivory embroidered net over silk and carried a beautiful boqUet of white some and lily -of -the -valley. Little Miss Elsie Snyder, lido • of the g loom, made a very prate.' flow- er girl in It dainty white silk drese./ Miss MO Lobb, sister nt the bride, played the wedding march. The teretborty' was petOrmed ij Rev. V, C. Couzens of Hohnesville in ehe presence of only immediate friend:1 After the newly -wedded psi had reeeived the tongratuIations theassembled guests all repaired tho dinieg-room where a datntel wee. ding breakfast was partaken of. Many beautifel and eontly gift were received by the bride, ttriv groom's gift • was a beautiful sua- burst of pearls Aand to tho low& girt: a p.lety bracelet, The bride's father gave her a handanae Doherky piano. • Mr. and Mrs. Snyder loft of the five o'clock train from Clinton for e brief honeymoon trip to Guelph, atre Preston. Tho buide's going away. gown wite a suit of brown serge with hat to matehf On their ram tney y)11 visit friends in rho tti�to ity Inc , a f4w days Vol', leavine• about the first of the year, their 'home at, Hadloton, Sask. The many friends of the youne people join in wishing them long lye and prosperity.