HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-21, Page 7& �
0"Otakher Wat, fell
Clmtoltil Now*,Recars
Q. D. MeT40GART l8ir, Edward Ovey made an import- hnrou"Va we"Aa, gn,4� v,mmvitor - Cc 9r.
ant stgWrilent on Persian Affairs. Worker. Far thlit ro�,asou I came
'U. 1). 11cTAGGART I isere, aud have bten awattinsr Ills ar�
lira]. I '1111 glad he haii conle", (lid.
The King reviewed 50,000 troopsi Ift 0 ed Dona Chrb�tfaa, with anollier lit.
4i and held an Inv(- I iture at DOW t I && %01 . e ,-tll! vigil, "as I Want lo li;lve hll�i,thesj
cosifevXzg many bonors- ; i papers, auil uitu I can. go back tc,
my OwA land. I do find your Loudor;
McTauart Brost The Dominion, Millers' Association] X � :so very dull,"
mecting all (welph, passed a r(-.u)lu- "I ... . I . I MAKAft an "Now Mr. Xerli:pr bas .q.torived per.
tiou urging the 0overaineut vi take , , 114P5 ,you will find it more amiusing"
..*, ' BANKERS— . � Donna Chrlstillia laughed and .
over the terminal elevators at Port : na I'll( . rose
.1 . to her feet, urbaps," she said
r i Arthur and Fort William as soonas�l , .1 I _. � .. 11 . . . . . . its "...-I.... 4 llghtly� "I admire Mr. Aforher .Ant',
. . possible., __ ''..''. I I—— Mr. Merker admires me."
: . . I I IlUe has every remon to!"
A GENERAL BANK-ING BUSI- . —' in 7rebruary,.,nte still Illigered at Bun you '41ell- "r-AeY 90"A'ailloliw 00 ob. , "Ali," she shook her finger again
11011sO throughout )fmv. Pforhaps, stluate, as if men ' She shrugged � "the compliments you Isay, Soouo�
_uU, her graceful shou
NOTES : Ile? the London season had b" ldcr$ and showed 'Weil, that Is why I trespassed .0)3
. CANADIVS0 CHRISTMAS STAMP 11 - her white even tee , th in o merry y1cul Senor, so Dow I can take in�
. . the hcp(,d to eroJoy herself r.nore. Yet ,L
MWOUNTE'D. DRAFTS* ISSUED .1 I so far as could be seen, she Unew luugh. With true art she left the leavel" She turned to go, them bei
scar ely arryope. To the reRt of the cosieluslon. of the sentence. its Weldon,
The, Campalga for 4911 is on, itud c I , 'eyes were caught by a dull, blue
INTEREST ALLOWED ON D4- lodg6rr- she was voiluething ,,of a ill)s.! He finished it In a different ,way to istone, roughly Shaped like a beart
Needy Consumptives all over , I ,
I � tery; though neltherby word ,)r deed what -zbe expected. 'which acted as a paper-weil;ht
P(MT.S. s,uxl .NroTES PURr Canada itre Rejoicing . diodi %be give any one of Chem raason- . "As it men were not wav, tn the ,,.What is this, Air. Weldon?" '
� � A,i Archoleacon Cody ex pres,sea it At ',a to -suppose that there was .anything, hands of women," said -
�. . the mission- "A sacred stone, which I procUree
CHASED. Ineeting of the Citizens* ("bristlulls ,5talvp wrong, with her. AAd for all their ary, ,with twinkling eyes, and stroked � Ili Africa," said the mls.slonary
11 C0111111irtee ill TOrwitt),afew dai�sagoi, tho -curiosity- it WAS. the -ladles who in. bill -long, white beird. leisurely. i"Don't pick It up, Senora. It was
chri"n"als Stamp, llow imlied,irliv=lin quired most pariticularly-111ey o,ould "M fl, for a priest to talk like 'worshipped by A, certain tribe ane.
- - - 11. T. RANCE. - - - alit of ht- ,� ICAM nothing About her. � that',, Donna, Chrlstina. isbook a re- ,has, been washed again and again Ir
1,*ree III)SPital JOA, The Revd. Alexander Weldon rather proving finger. hut.non, blova."
NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- 11 _ Colinminiptim-, lolls NIPTOTed of Donna ChrJetloa, AS he "A priest Is a.man, my dear lady, ! IlUgh!" Donna Christina wIthdre
1. );0f.0ljle 0110 olf t);a W, L . "
I 'os a bright-tempared soil], who, liked , And has considerable experience ol � her 'fingers 'raigh,way, � " How car
. .
NANCIAL, REAL iljlititul,iojil� lot 1.4 1=115eulfInt, and even at -his age 4p- the seamy side of life. The truth is � you bear t have the nasty thing or
1, Ant,,ER, FU . 0
WTATE AND FIRE, IN�SVR- XMAS. - ('014110,jr, . prielated a pretty w,)Ujan. It might al,irays told to the priest." your table . ?"
I -o:, age I 0, - In his Jolly fash.
If T jtvv ye. Ile that, as he haid 9aseed 60 many Balsaz differs from you, Senor. . Weldon, laughed
. . . t1le mwenjent wils on s, the dainty. He says that the truth -the whole, : jout -us he went to bpen. the door fai
S4ENTING 14 FIRE TNSUR� - set oil fook)t ill CAI 111'abi. 1coks end dr2ss of a civilized lady .. truth- Is only told to doctors, and ;-- - �, _.— - — - - __ .
4-12- '"A, hy the National I'lloPeal0d to him the more str6n,gly. - portions to lawyers. People are ;ber. "I don't mind, as I have, i3ee-
ANCE COMPANIES. 2 I U-JAMA41 .`-unitu-itan Ai-soo-ia. but be this As It may, he certainly Triore atraid of tliel-i bodies thun of ;so much blood. But the story �i
11 I . . ,. � - - i .. 1.
DIVISION COURT - Or KLUE, � - - - - - -0 - � - - - tion, fc)jIejyjjjg thto showed the handsome strariger from I their souls." ;that stone would shook a lady likii
idea thitt. tir_%tc I I I SVvIlile a grcat deal of attention. Sh,j .
rigi. 11 ursolf; a civilised lady I m6li. I
Weldon shook his bead a�adly, ;01 -YO _ e
CLINTON. mated W Dellinark, .%vilivil wa-4 a %'Cut* later ,--,.*1uod grea,tly Interested in his 14- I f �
ear so; I fearsiol During my years 'got 'that stone at the risk of uiy life,
. tulteft Up in tile Ullited Kstates, tili'd qui0ily 'tormiaable talles Of 1111"MOVarY work 1 cf Ministry I ba�e been beating .the end it I took It back to .Nigeria in,,,
. I- I upitozid tu Canada. Ili Nigeria, and was so Attentive a vilisil. Self Is difficult to !life would again Ile in danger. Many
. I ( ,1,1onquer In j
. . . . 'file He.k itself is very sill)ple, thou""'It tile listener that the old gentlenign was one and all, as I have found.0- - He 'a Ju. -Ju priest wauts'lt.' �. .
W. BRYDONE, I-0-AhN sllotv how truoi it is tbut 11great quite flattered. Allsan liked her well I passed his hand Across hi's ' broad ! He placed such emphasis on the
)aIcs favill littlo a(twils gru)%", $11,W0.00 1 (qiough, but being ceeply In love, ..last word that Donua ,01irlsithia
1. f(jr,ehead and shook his head once I .1
BARRISTER, I SOLICITOR, 1"hig ienlizecl floin tilt) .�itle of sti�inps it, I could not be supposed to take much more, then smiled briskly. ,.Butibi, raised '�her *trojigly-marloed eye-.
. 19111, it still, flittleient to carn for forty I intereLA da anyone' Save 'Un James brp.we. "It?" .
ETC. antivilt'; lit the Alu.,kol;-,� k,ree Iftii�pital fir I Rothsay Algernon Carver. i I-) sad conversation for a young lady., I That is wbat It 'is called tbroug4
. Certainly I you -.lid riett corae, here to hea:r me "
!(Y11-11111ptives. Thi-syetwitishoped"t): -he did nat negect her fa.*er, but . -
` - .tftt 1 , Ithe length and breath oi! Nigeria." �
OFFICE- Sloane Block -CLINTON, -,Z),0011) 00 lliii.v lie realize" tt) lk-"'lst Ill tl'ia ; be was unwilling tO spoil -th& golden I r1orMlse, I ELM allr'�." ,
. rua,r, lifu� �Iiovlll Work )%Iddl is ever be- � ]IOU Donna Christina smllcd to * gain ,� "Do the natives of Nigeria Speak
. ,English then, Senor?" ;
.1 011411k - . : rs of ,wooing, and Insisted that throe, a3 she wis not quite certa!n of I
— g Illore t4l"eAlt, - .
C� Ole should take every advantage of ' l- what I mean Is,
I . I I
. in fact, Strange, as, It was an extr i:that the native name of the stone ij
The mit. ill tile. corlier lof, t)tj.4 ailiele ' her )Oyer's stay In, London. bow to explain her errant). This was ' "Some do., But
'UHARI.ES B. HALX Aww,-t tho 414.8i"ll Cot tile .,�turlllj-41(11. 191,1 , �t' 4lik-10149 WRS Air-. Weldon to pie I eme)y stin- 1
� 11; s � -as) nest, How- ,too secret to be iiiade public. Some
' gianl islu direecolot I 1 Ills dall-ghter, that he gave white -=art spoke or the stone, know-
0wilgh the Uri 'T . ple enti, and perfectly ho
ColiveFancer, 'Notary Public ' I up the ever she smiled. ,Intl then
T111"i ."t.111111)(IOL-0, lil.lt,VUJV�v elly 1),,Lil. one . fIrst-floor drawilig-room to the use : thoughtfully, &Ianelng .laughed ' lug no better, as 'It,� and thenatives,
Commissioner, Etc. 03fit',N) V�UWIIII)Vr INS, tj,K,u,',jI, te ' c I round the .
� .j.jt Ilits ; .r -her and Jim, having turned his caught at the word. Spettic. to any
Aleell eiii,,ti,:tiiiitl;Lti(!,I�ll��., e�plesIovd, All", Mail I Udro.orn dntO � a Btu . dY for tile purpose . room in what appeared to negro, tn Nigeria. about 'It,' and he
' �
' sent -minded Manner. WeldOn gazed
REAL ESTATE and INTSIU-RANCE. 11:011-iturvit, 'riiaitik-tti.,il'(!L,i�,,t,i,,,(Jite'tou�e I coo h18 w9j,k it VNIas not a partlati. at tier witi, artisti.., e, for she ,ale Under his black sRia-.' * '
. - Donna Christina eyed the Stone
- Ili! ,talii*p hrLlieir 041TSIA lldcn�-u lletween j Itirly cheerful room, as the one w4n pleisur will turn p
Issuer of 'ilarri-aXe Licenses. 'I'M alld, tike elid Of t110 N't-11.1'. This, phut, : dow looked out oil to a narrow alley iyas . rea,Lly -very 4eautIful in it Juno- ,with repugnance, I'More . than - ever
It I li-ill -l.vve t1le two-f(Ild Illit jxl�e of lielp! ig �.and ,faced - An entirely blank wall esque style, Tail and la,rgely pro- (13 I wonder you use suell. it lierrid,
STREET, - - CL . - 1,crtioned, and s,tately, she looked
1IORON . INTON W reahze the S25j)(1).4,0: lor tile a .�d i which. belonged to the next house' tbing as a paper -weight," .4he Said,
We I - V volls.mil'tive", wal Nvill -liesitle.-'i The Indow was a French one Ana like an Empress, and the Imperious - "
I I air with which she spoko;, ,,,$ a ,rule� with a oblver; "do not 1:01 me. any
illi o -S-11 Itil Mitielaii.mitt vl.luo tilat, cut] I opened on to a narrow iron balcony, I ttl�out It. I )late Such suister
. miolly lie overestimawl, h W bet.-anto .WeK gre;1bIY.,,,jIer t�llee was rrore . . .
D1jiS. GUNN &--G,VKDIrR, . � . . ,eaven only kno 8 Why, As there. wall . .- stories,
. . .
I , . Tilt., �ttkinp§ are..')n .cah, to-dity Ill bool, i . ' ' oval afid' p1jvo6-t1nted;'iflth'1T1Ftle =� "The whole tiale of 'I to Is very
(" P.., S Ote, 11-1 I hIng to be seen, and the balcony
Dr. W. Gunn, L.. R. t . ,(it- "tores, jLl1f1,oi.,C,0.eIZ ill 101JILI.-I 1 not. I � (our in the cheeks, Although her llpd sinister indeed," Observed Weldon,
11".111.o, tamvtl Mid (!i�y ill ("tillitrill.. Chrory I aerved no purpose. ,Weldon, bow- I
Ilublio sellooll zf(jwrx, ,4 ,� being fond of flowers, had ,were extremely . 'red, The Walsh-' IV, I v ly. � I I �
T_ R. C. S. Edin, . .. 111,�111 iv. ��121 ,., -ver, - � - black hair to which ifrq. Bot-' "Tbpn ycu can relitte the sam,� to
it-lttml r.eakthers. - Bible, 11w.s 8%ork-er,,, :turned it into a little garden of pot- . I . -
Dr. J. C. Gaildier, B. A,., ) I B. 1�i'411� ted plants, which were taken 'Away -tort had referred .was coiled amooth I X.r. Merker,j )%,he ig foild of .such
. glaw."i of tile rilipire'. 1111d crgililixaliolls. . ly' in Lbe raphion of a coronet oin thJ thlugs. No .nwhile I Intentl to return
Office -Ontario St., Clinston. Nri-ght 'if ""illy tlillf`rel�� Ii-lials arot ji..,sistitig ill tll(. ind replaced every fortnight- by w I &top of 'her well -shaped liead. La I to the drawIng-room to tell ' youx
I I work of qjjj-o,tjdir) the.,kale of this littlo nursery -gardener, - This was the one rge� . .
calls ar residence, Rattenbury St. ,to,,,,,t. I., dark eyes, which could flash Into' (ja%Ighter thtit I arn perniUte4 to pre.-
.li,.jl ,qtl - �
0 . . hill) vw-ls PAN. cm. c,ent. luxury he allowed himself, as .his I .
Or at Hospital. I I "Ij t1lat, it bevtmws po�,,sfl:lo Jm,'0-o-i,yo:)m- to, Income was'sinall and his tastes were !udden writtli, or melt to soeuthern. sent Air. MerRer to her." .
. haVe Su'lle 04"t it, thim grent'l atUe algaliu�t stimple.. lauguar, Suggested her . Andalitsian� I ."Certaluly! oil, �,ertalnry:. I shall
. . — 4-ollstilliptitill. . .. . . ..Ajost of the money went to. Wood. In her. plain, white; linen! be. very iiaeased." . . I
, . . � . � � I I . � I'llison. for. dreis;a and enjoyment, and, gown, with no jewellery And no adctrn�- Satisfied with .this cordial peralls-
DR. J. W. SHAW. , . We havb evcz,A', pleasure it% itiging our tier father' iyould never hear of Iter iment �6f ally. desorlp . �
� I , tion. the ladyl I Slon, thoo-visitor took it smiling lea%,Fi
- . readers to.make �ujj(!Ik ,,se, oi� i little '
. . . . . � . f ill h me.- ; curtailing her pleasures in ,any way, rrom Seville looked .9ingularly .weII4 Wliiae the inisslonary returned to his
.. � 1. osen4er� Is ruoans'aillo%N�ed, as he
� uf healitig fur the neit t1iii-ty day.s. so far as It
--QFFl( F- . I � . . . . lbred .and dignified. A close observe�, I. ,wcrk, Pot'before talc - e PINI
� __ I t� . . solored his daujhter�'-aud wished tier I in""uUh
� . . I - would - haTe guessed, from tfie baugbt.v,' he �nppetl-.flie, heart-shalied Stone In-
RATTENBURY ST. 1;.�AST, � , � . . .. . . . to have as happy a youtli as possIble., 'R M4 . to a sm&II dn�wer Ili the re I ig-
� . . � � So Alison, olisriningky dressed .*and exp�e,.;Ibn of the. mouth and .,d as I
. I .D. N. WAT.SON i slumbering fire Ja the, .eyes, thall table. The shiver ot.that lkt(ly had
' I . .- I . ivictirely happy, enjoyed Carver's som ,
. ._:!!CLINTON.�� I . . . . Donna Christina was po&sesied 02 Impreimsed him with the Idea that'
. .1 . � couNTON, - X 1'. .. ciety in We big, gloomy drawing-ro,orn I *
I 7 � I � . . . . � � . - - o, while her. father worked comfortably. I P. violent romper. B4t thIA3. was 11811� � -It". was really' grljesonl.�, and:.,dinuld
. . - . �N' �'D U," . al,ly. well under coatrotf, and. We7do I riot ,
. I I . LICE .-W AUCTIONL IR ellough Jn his bedroom, only qDniing .1 . be handled too freely. A s A.
DR. C. W. THOMPSON. . . . I ' could not renlember -ever havingse ". inatter of fact,. Mr, Weldon. lmd',only
. . a . . I en' ,
. . I for the County of Huron. Clorre. Dut for .rhealo, or to take'n cessary her ,in it passion. But then, to -be , -I * the
. pond . Art - exercise. I : . . . , ,.hken tile stone rroin Jilts de,,k1i
PMSICIANT, SURGEw\-, 1."Tc .eace psomptly answered. Cb - . sure, he bad not known '
. the. lady a1', drawin-r-rooin tcj descr;bf, it. in -detall
. . . - I I
Special attkintion given to . ea in-oderatii and aatWactioh z1farat.- Mi. W�Idonois -work had to do with her .life. ,. .. .. .. � -, I .as a feti-Ab. wolrshippe� by �. a certain
. �
d is- tee�d. Immediate -'arrahgelnci . i � ts . ftt . r rdissionary'soofe . ties And the . conver- . The milsslo'ruiry himself was ii, big- I native', tribe, and hold Forgotten to
" * I
' * ' . I v ,
aases of thel Eye. Ear, Nose *and iij dates'miy be made by '' callirt4 s;an of the ,Nigerian heathen. Ile ,ramed'man of thi) venerable Father :put It back. Hence Its us . e, ter the
Throiat. � . . . . sal I kr.ew so much about the countryund. ' I . . .
. '6j . (,,, h- -is a p, .
at Tile News -Record Office,- Christyras type, quite six feet lit I j. e being, t aper -00% cight, �
table Frank.. Watsou. At Beacoin & . SinyiVs ty;Icts, - - .1 Donna CbristIna found -tilt- y*un-
Eyes carefully e\amindd and sui .ad penetrated Into such wild dis height. His nose was ii.qt1iiine; 1�9'
glasses' prewserlbed. grocery. . . . . 11 : *. that his information was both lips were firm, and Ills grey eyes I people having Afternoon Lea, aud'lla�"
, . . . . . L. amurate And valuable. " ]-Ili wrote . looked * singularly , bright and pi . erd" . tt*ned' to excuse 1,,er introsiOT1. "A
Office and residence : 2 doors West of . I ,� .. 1. - . pamphlets on this tribe and that.-giv- *6nd ,)f mine, w1lot-14 ,,in Afticallex-
. � � . I fil.g. With his ,ample, square -out 1r. .
the Commercial Ilol[Ml. Huron St. . .. . . . . . . 7 . - Ing details' of native custortis, and t(-ard, and his white . lo.eks-Surpris- ,plorer, Ili coming to dinner," .site,
. I . . - s d's- 1�igly plentiful for a man of his age s ble snifle, "',III,]
.. � describing villages, I treanis,
. . . .aid, with her itinvitit
- . . . .i -tricts, Anil! the characters of various �
. I . T110,11A.13:13ROW9, LICENSED AU-( - lobiefs. He knew the 4104�Cti; and --he was as impressive In itils' own. vour father nas itivon iw� pertulis,lon
. . tione6r for � -the' counti0s of llur it way as Don.na Christina Was It h ti present him to .Veil. Miss W'eldtln.".
L Plble "'to And his kindly face. bore so oll 'i
� ti anslated portions. of tlic , ,,'e,, an,
Whil . ; "I ,diall be d0ighlud," said Allson,
. .0 li6niffly he itOble an. expression,. thatit did not rallier puzzled by ,ht).-stattlaout,"'bui
DR. F. A. ANON. and 1�crtoh. Correspondenco promij, � weird tongues, celdf I'
. I I . . e 1.
. ., -d. - IturnediAte arranv ga,ve lectures with lantern Slides, to I . .
* .. . : - ly inswerc ., . . r. -quire much ,)bservatioln tO..scc.ivhat J fear you.* triend will not caro t) be
-D EN T i st- - . . ' rr*%ts can bp anialle fcce sale dauis ., t�. thase . who were' Interested bi,foirelga ,A'. .tiiuly� 004". -Mall he- ma's." � Bellig troubled with,. a girl'-.0f.111y age."
. � I . - g__ . 11 .1, . i
11 . The Njews-Roc&d, Clinton., ' or ) I,,- wAssioris...-Now he was engaged on � yeung in spirit hnd ext , reniely human'. I!, Olt Yes,, 1 ,�,;siii,,- voi. hi� will., Air.
I -
Specialist in Crown and Bridge.' - calling phone 97, !��afnrtb, Cliargv, � I A. book, ,which concerned. itself wfth Mr. Weldon troiated -his cliarming .-I i I ,rker is a greii� adinirer of , bc�,--mty."
*radr � . . I . . - .1 � . . . . .
Woric. (I ,ate of C. (I. D. S. . Ills life In the wilds, and It was Ail- . . . 11 .
. I v;zltor in a fatherly, genin'l anner� "Mr. Merker!" eallood young cgi�
' W niodepate and.satishiption, goaran- .in, s I- .
Cbicagr_., nnd R � C. D. I-,,. , TQr- teed. : . I . ., . . I .. son's duty to type the written pages.. and looked at her with an amus6d, ver, with n ,Aam; "dr) you. Illeall th"
onto. � %, - . . I . . . . .. Dull th.b llfe� in Bull House - May have - !expl " ' .
. � . . � . . . . . I. . . I . - . - simile. All the, saine, he was wonder* . "Yor7t' nte .- . I Inn,
. . 1. . . ... . 1. . . 1:.(pn, but Mr. Weldon found it de Ir_g why she had sought him out In 1� es,' a,s� �, , Doliti.a. * .Chrl , Sin � 1,
. , , I
I . . . ' All
, I W,
Bayfield oil Mondays from .1fay to .- I . . . Ilkhtful. He .wanted h6thifig'. more 111'. !bvt , 'inxiclus look,
. I I. .. . - his Sanctum siuce It was well-known ' $* ' So eA
Deceinboo. . .- . . . . . - I. than to be left alolne with his be- 1rL the hous' �,,Va*yc yon, heard:, of hini.? Do You
� . e 'thkt he. never'liked to .. I
I I . .. , -McKillop. ' I leved 'book, and being. thus employed. be ,disturbed .during blis working I !know - hiin:."' . 1. . . I
Tfte . .
� fflotual-FIM be (II& not grudge Carver the griIater : lict,ro, . , Ptrhaph Dcnria� Christina 11joth! ffe di' -u.q tir'iue'.ls� k% lien
. . ,
- . , , of ' .1 l I ii( , t o
. . ,�. . part .of 'his - daughter's socJety. - guessed from his puzzled look Wat Ph Lag�-ml, and,told it,,; %Ne�rd ar.(j �ynrt-
, . I 103HUT-anna mpah cours6,. as be adnaitted, lie . would �,he wa,
1 I . . . M8 Go. U - , tr,�.spassing on.his thre, for 1';derful tale,; ot Ills jotirifoys into tho
� . . s her greatly when she *niarried . I 'of -. tile country; .., . I
I . nAe. .
it .ahe ap6logised Ili ter pretty,, foreign, .: nterior * .
0 yjt� -Parrn and, I.vlatcol To%�n Propeorty- and went with her .husband to Lagos.. I . . .1, . . I "You found bini.-In'te"ns'dag", Said
. 11 . I . . � : 13ut- a Journey to the. Niger! -as ,. way. . ..- . . I .. I
. I .. . _�011?y .Insured— . I ,,a. w "I Went to se'e If you ,vvere ; - .11-Lorina, Chr6;tina,%eare
-Tllll;, TABLE- .1. . I . . I . I I fLothing tp 'so practiced a trAveller - . I In your j. 11011, ver,y, He's a bttl'%�e ,nia - a and�
. I
I . . I I I � OFYICERS- - - 'drawIng-room, Senori`---sbe said, �,
� . . , . ns himself, and Wliesi.hiq book. was , a rad -ling good "fellow. .1 sball'. be
printed and published, lie .Intended -agbter and Mr , .
Train.,.; iviWarjive At' and depart . � . isirnilling, �Ibut`yoiur *da I .1 . ,glad to ' rneet Mill agaill", V . arver.
front Clinton statioln 'as * I oil ,J. B., McLean * Prcnitlah.tj Seaiarth t'�.j Carver lhavftig returned from lbeir ; , I.. �
ows _'.. . I I I , ) , Din the Young couple lit Lagos � " , 1)auseil? then looked .,:e,nr0iIn ' .. 6
. - -_ ,110 I .�
.. , Vice-illresi to spend his declining years In tho: . 3111e� lady. P'llavp 'YOU ally.41)("o.-I"111.1doin
. . P. a .;. �jas. , . Connally, wallc, were In t1rat ro'din, so . . - . y a
, . .
WFFA110 A%D GODERICII 'DIV - ' d t acidetich P. 0. I ,
11 . I . on. I � . .; T, F'. .11ays, 'ie-ountry for which .he bad done.. so shrugged I her graceful shouldp.rs�"I %,. presonfln.g hint to 'Alls-�; Weldon?"
Going East 7.35 a.. in.' Secrotary.Treasurer, .spafeirill I>. -O. m e, h,' w -t-a,s fidt cruel enough tG linger. Do ; . . .
, a Ana he would be welcomed . : I d.Dear me, no," exo1alniptl Donna
.4 11 . . 3,07 p, ln�, .. . ... . . I there'with joy, both by natives and yOu *blaine irc?'.' . L .1 I .
. - . "Oh, no." murmured M.r. i0hristiria in qujt(, ,a plouOuncedly
. I .. . . . Dirdotors- �
.A " � . . � .. . . 1 I ,,%�hite 'doni` I R 11
. . 5 I.5 p..M. . � I inen, for he was quite. Ail all- N�"(" 'ngliPh way,."bnt at; illy f lend comes,
, I William' Chesixey, Seafor0h ; J(.)hn t)joAty on many. matters 09ently; then as,iked an Irrelevant , "I'L
Goiikg 1yest, 11 07 ai in, Grieve, 'Winthro .. ,. .and was i.ui�gtforl. . 0111tm 1% -it that you epine !frooni'Nigerla, tint] Mr. N �ldoirl is * In-`
I . , , -ittly appieci�tcid 'by this Colonial . ,
,4 I I I . p, willoiam willn, Von� grc , It . , I ;ter8sled.in Nigeria, It'adtfurred to ine
. � 1.35 P ' "4' - I e. Altogo�th ak. English so we.111 that by, Introducip- them (0: onelt
.. stantie ;. John, Watt, 11arlac1c ; j(iltl' ('it C . er,. the Revd. Alex- to spe. , '
I& " 1 6.40 . ; 1;,� andor Weldon was a.lia,lij)y man: the "I was brought' UP in a Convent :
P' M' Banuenvies; -, Brodhagati I ".James � _ I ot1er, *, might rind Patertaininent for
44 It .. � 11.28 p. in. cc . -L . .. bad long since found his niche .tn life i bere several 'of the' * s1stors were I fbilth. .,.1LNZO - Miss 1 -Weldoll inight fiko
I . aiis� Be Ilwo . 6d ; � 1 *'at" I pyOutIed O talk about Lagpg to'soinio.ollf,, so
.. � "Nven * "ll- And filled' It adsuirably:., .It. !jS not. Engafqb * I Should not. bavf. v
I . �t
LONDON, I I URON & BRUCE DIV , ..,-. . � � tdh P. O.. . . everyone whb can say -As invigh, to London had I not hm,n' alMe to I c� nie.Jfi,ift to i " -V ill, 'Vir ',�ter�
. - 1� I I . . _,kg,ents- , , . '. �.. 'I'dwiLrds the Isilpak the, langtrage) Senor�. .1 came ;R *,Q h( at I .1-, � .
Going �'south 7.50. a. tit. , , - � . �end of May .Mr. Wel- er was cornirg." : I
. . l don was.correeting the -proofs of an � here to mee't a frietid -of iny fat-b-Wa, to .IMIqs Weldon ("In talk ubout I.ogas
It 4% . 1 4.23 p -, in. Roibert Seith, lla*lock : 'E, 1111101- -1 atcdy front Africa it) nie, �, said tli� young man, StIffly.
" . article, which was to ,appear in amlsaI who hiI2 itri.ved 1.
Going N(irth , 1 lj..00 a. rfil ley,, Seaiorth , .1a.nes Cunurh,�rs, Eg'* sionary magazlite--an article on the' I .Wish tO fttik You It Yon Will permit "Olt YOU ftlu�stn't lit.- a (Ing, Ili the
4-4 It J� W.. YOO- HOl111eSvill",'- Fulani' tribe, amd especially on the we to introduce him to you, ris Ile I " .
� � 9.35 �P. tn. inotiolvill(f ; 2 ,mailager, Mr, Cki&er," 101"ghold Donna
. � I
. I . . . Any money ,to be pAid in -may bit Sultan' Othman, who was quite a tcaning to dine this eve�uliig." . ,Christi,na, walkinjr.- towards ill(, .door.
. � ..---.,;- ' 11 -all way. The after- "I sball be delighted to* meet'any- "'Miss Weldon Ny'lli �
I .. paidtoffillorris 0jotljjljgCQ.,(�liUton, Nkpolpon In a sm find illy ft -lend.
. �
. . or All, Cutt's grocery Cloderidli, . 11con wn$ hot, and Alison ,had gone one frilm Afrlea," said Weldo,,l coi- mrost entertalnin& I a".ure yon!"and'
) .
II.LIA"A OVER 66 VtARW * � . I out with Carver to get'a breath of di,,11.1y, I'As yo I know, 1. am devoted ,w1th a giiy tied site dergilotel I g
Partle.y. dmirous 'to efiect insuraure. . I I i btly.
-EXPERIE"Ot, . - ' a4rin the park. Afterwards Mr.- Car- to the Dark Continent. From what ,' When the door woil4 closed the )0v-
, or ,trausact o�her vialit * I �,." � will. be wer was coming. to dinner, and to , part doo�s this gelitlembli elloine?" ,*. ors lut)kod at 'oil(, otjethi-r ill astoll-
promp'My attolialled to On aPPIia&tl0u pilso the evening, as was his custOm. "Froln tit#., place, you have sooften 1,0nieiit. Al;son slinply shlg,�d liar
. . I?
1.1 I �o Any,of the * above ofrico,rs addres,)pd Weldon enjoyed the beat, as It re- Wked About.— 111roin Nigeria" � aloulders arld litughed, llut"i"leuton-
-to tfiLlir respe.ctive postoiffices. I,osseto, mindeA him. of ,Ills beloved .1,411gerla, "Ali. So thAt is way you bave ,)Ism ,unt, Carvor (trew 40irsetr up. �,qljrll and
inspected by the direoctor who, lives dnd in a white suit of drill, w .. kv;lvd
as tetied so patiently, to my, tales, :11ilitar, ill hh, 1,loks,, awl, frO
nearest' 1410 kevile.* . . . fancying himself,.bily6k on the beatiks Senorn. I shon-ld .know your friend so,veroilly, . . I I � �
TRADE MARKS " . I of the t3enue ItIver, when there came. It he hus' any Ofricia.1 post .';I the 'Altstm, I dmi't liki, 111,1t. w(milin",
DESIGNS , I . . .sharp i� . I id ,.!I, wid r ni
. COPVMGHTS &C. -.11 .. � — a , knock at the door. Amiable Celt-liv.11. he ,;a . arply I Oii pr%v.
Antono soorldinji a iskootch and deserl9tion May . . its he was, the nilssionary requested "Ae is .in explarer -,Intl his tx-amot "Oil, sdlo V * nuall'i \%ell." 1-1111,-11 the
41,xiekiy aseertain wir opiolon free W othat all the intruder to enter rather sharply, 1-4 Paul Xerker,' sald Donna% Chris. g-"I'l, '�">Otlllngly; "doll't, fils'.14, J111i",
laventionlisproilAbly Pat otlithloi. Corriluunica, 1.1 I
iinn% note confidetitial. VIA111111100K - Pawlta Clintion News -*cord 'as -he was 'too deeply interested in tma, and i;he looked iiearching)y at d%Aek-1 j)'?Oi)l0 V,lio ul,.w% �t,;11,11
I I t patAlIta. . his proof -correcting to take Inter- Weldor. while she slinks. . 9 .
sent rett. idoit Arency .or semxri,�ir - . r,,wrted Jim, still F,(,v(..r(t, tli,�y 111-p
Patento takc ft t lorilligh 31tilin C4 Co. ".'"elve . I "
-weloll notice, W11.1loilt Charlie, in this (ILIN11170"N . - ONT, ruption. easily. The nA.90oimr,y'xj Pire expr,,.oled g,\nerally tilol,z.e wl,c 1110w 1111seli4if,
op . . "(,011ie tn, -come In; Olt, come in,$) "Coll" .,I,lfl 11rink yowr tfni. dvall.
V A MeritaU. 're.rtns of subsci 1ption-$1 per year, In Av-Ay rijt-lasity a.0 I 1p,v,ir-o, .-.-otbiny
"KI'le"tific ji r ay I* chargod if or .e� Weldon, turning round from nivre, .and :3he heaved a sigh of re- Eln't (.1nn't worry, 4,11at polii'silljo mip.-
arnely Illustrated weekly. XArg"St Cie. advanee $1.50 tn. . the table which served him for a ehlof can Dounn. Cbrj�,tjlja &3.. Sill!
"'I'l,"A""." .f ... 4 sdentille jburisaj. Terom foe )let. ',Paul- Alorker." e?-hotod Air, �
r, ji,istage �xejooixld. Sold bY not so i)aId. No paver disr.ontin- desk, ,,what Is It?" IS qU501t, a .stf,llig r to 114 boill."
(largiolot, $1.75 R, 7ta . Woldon, "of voiirse f know 0- nallie, .,p
tilt jilowimellem , tied until a4l arrea*; are paid, �un- "I interrupt you, Senor," said a' . if not ,the inan, very well, Ile haa "I kno-vv." Carver toc)"t Ills vfsilt at
MUNN &go ulwoosi&xy- NeW Ytrk les;s at t1le optibil of tile publjsb�. Very charming voite, and the door explored a great ol(,al of the coulltr,.�,j Ili(? little ln.mboio tilble alid lievelitf-d
BtAnch Office. er, The dalk to which every sub. opened to Admit Donna . Christina, alul fronq what I n,,iv(. li�ard, knaw8 at cup of tea fill.) fionji., thirl hnnidand
�. � I . the smiling and vivacious, a's muell About 00, Ifiansit peoplo OF L -utter I'Llut Ale Inalies a gre"tt. lulis;
_ . scription is pald is denoted on "Oh, no, not at all " said Weldon, I do. " I alkali be dclig,bled tn ineet ever Y)q, deal,. 'Otte waul(l think
. I I . � � I . . 11 label. . Jumping to lit,% feet, , ",I am always 11 -hu. Is lie niqkInt; a long st.11y in that she wished to beeonle your bosom
. - i Adwrti,solng ratos—Transient adver- charmed to See you, Senora, I fail- tile city, Senorij?" ' ' friend." .
L . tNomentot" 10 cents i)er nonpariel efed it was Major Steel, who rather .11 V � "Silo wIver will then, Jim. I__.I._
litio' for 1% Iny temper N�'hen We L tal k of I link fio., It, 1C-0llu.11l1ill1-,;U1l 11) A,V oil, I mistrust hill-."
. arst jwwrtion and 3 cents tries letlurp, I I)CIjPVe Ily fiIiijer inel "Exavily wh-tt I do, It. c , -rioll � (.'at,vf%.r
UPPINCOTT's per lino lordach. subsequent inwrVi. Nigeria. He -was .there al so, and . hfin years ago in Arrile,n, aud r-tict (riumpliantly .. "Slit, lian vo �.Ieotllilfg
MONTHLY MAOAZINL !on. Stnall advert1sements riot to thinks4 be knows everything. 13ut 110 wilon be tanie toy i-;nglawl he ,antiped Vhleb, liwi, tco� do %%Ith bt�voining ymtr
,, only saw the country from it jullitary
S tot ("ll " t t art' of the natives.
I , ox I " ,tand-point and tild not get at the Us. Tber(,.. I Met lliln, all.1 '
A 1FAMILY L113AARY excevd one hich, such wi 111.0lit, , P at Gibraltar, to ttay in t4r,vifie with Wend." . .
The , eg t in ,",,frogt Uterat", "Strayed, Ao., Ill. we be- '1113son, sfirred h(r tr,a slo-My :11111
8 Vill . , be, Consk'(11INT11Y (-:me great frIelj4:;,, .-is 1w N a mosi rtflect,ad. Well, she has C, .rtainly
* serted once toil 4 emis and BaCls be is often wrong." charml , ng intin. V(jr .;ulie four yeare I -aid 11'e, .1 wreat I' 11 of 'Itt".,111,1011",
'� �7 1 1 1 T&I
ABC M41;0.13
OPVRlGi,.r8 A .
T .1
I U69 . subsequent; insertOon Ili cents. "ll.knol never will adinit it," retorted r have not PL -in Ilhit, ,us 1w r,!t%irnold wit, imirimir,tI, ,Is:,, ,s, �jljvj%y:,. a�,Qdnr,
MANY SHORT STORIES AND Convinunicatiolig. inteitided for pubhca- , Donna' Christina gaily, im sj,o� 8(.,Ited to Lagos. Then my flithor illod,and I 11
tntN ,it) go olbempillp ,Jfl) IlIll" �, MI. mfIf'
I PAPERS ON T111911tLY111,10011,06 at the chair, w1ilch Weldon ' ItAt some linportlivil papiltv 1701111ect. phys nwl, walk 11) ,.11� Irirk. I :191*11I .
`10 �j 'tion halst, .6 a gjj0r,,)jj.teiI ()f p(gil ljorself in '�
-1 $2.80 pertycAil; 2t OTS. A C60Y fkiJtb, be, aPeonipanled by tbf., namij T)jaee(l for libr ut,ar Ills ,qwji, ,,,,so� 11ho t.q.1L,Ith,AOrtjyrl1 .'X'Igfo�%. Xhich"".t. Icon Onef, or twipe, Ij!Z41 nat )at0V. .
. . I . ,i .
0140 CONTINUE10I STOMES of tbe writer. � _�_. � 1. Adww"A_ I � 1. . � _ qn. 0� 4 1, I ,. , A., _. t�_�� ,W ! I Doinu, Chr4it4m ahi-tlys gltotq tile tiie
10 11 31', I 7 . .
CVggy t;UtAbitlit 4,*MPUTit IN IT89L W. 11, AIXTC it" MCA of a tlgre-q� lh;a "is, .;Itu Is
. � . ri , L I
� 0___011-�_ I I... w, I 1.1,06 Ill I,;, J.- Editor anil Prrppriotor. ThNewe.ReOard LEADS for TOWN ARD TOWNSHIP NEWS trea(berolir." .. . - , - - -
, � /*__� Ij ,, � all /I . .
. T. I
. I
I. i: " ,� 1;� ______ __ 0 _ ______ —
'otn tual'O"I'tile 113. liall!"ca-4* at- � I. I I 1. 11 r P _��' I
ways are." MAT LITTLE PAIN f
I �
*13ttt f4lif- JK pur"IYASI.:-1.411"', IN T"f BACK I j
,No .li1v 1-,Ia*t. Ow, U.I.,1.711g, ulken L �
Am was unusally vollf1dwiz,al, File It Mole Not so very 4*01, but It I* 0 �30r,o
, i
� I
4;nrl,i-6'A illn, jivr ratijr il.vt, ;aj I 11010010111, of W00oloned KiOnells I
1311gliabWart. Also Ili it )r- ll:!oj, s4,111,q. l'ou pay life insurance even if yo4g � i
thing te 410 with Njgerl!� Illan", Thp 4on't eXpect to Jie rjot away—yoss aEo 11
�'Vung follow placed lill elbows all I it to make old age comfortable or top
0 P fighlo, ond his dwtbleAl f4its illitl(11 protect your family. .
14,3 Av.,11n. 1.1 -,rotnuvr If 111"t jN04 iLi'V. W114t-about that little pain ill yoaar
Ill-lixg to do will, her 1114111111; Will ruii. I . back? It's your kidneys call1lax ror 'I
Aing." health insuranc&—warning you th-A op
. � 5
"With tile?" a4h,,d All,nu, wonder.; I age will not be Pomfortable—that R11tw.
itig why lie troubw-�, abG;,t su w,I,:_l Iwiti.,,m or Mabetvs will liffilet yo�-j
a inatto 0 1
.r. ultimately.
'*Yei, &Intl. w;ot yolir falli-w, to You think you are strong and cwo
, afford to neglect it, au(j that y0tX will be
who,.n she Is unconinionly uttentivj. I ,
. ... - _. .. . I. . all right in a dar or so. PerliVs you
And now 0.1s evIllorer js comilng to will, and it it ne'ver recurs you are tiop
ll;nnt r Ant s4f- tstl�r* the trouble to worse off, ))tit tile kidneys have a wegf-
(olue ond wIl you about the matter, ' knowW habit of repeating. offenceS 41r,
( niplisisizing the fact of presentation that sort, * .
to .you. I tell you I dot . Why noij insure your loldneys
'It "to t1te future trouble by, takink, a good akTallatte4yC
',NoMiu," euded Carver, and rose it) -
titride up ar-t dovvn ihe long drawing- prescription like Nval's Stone Root
roolm. In a restless frame of mind. I Compound? That is*just as roasonatioge .1 -
"Dut, Jim, y6u. .-ort. not asuatly so as life Insurance.. Your freedom fro= .
I well-developed kidney trolubte in .1ii,ter - '
so , . ' .'11.1mis tit people?" years will bring your family more.litty.
No. Vin all ron.,%y-go4tig rejjo,,� as I piness and satisfaction thIN"recelving a
" "Ale- 'into -':")`-�'-`("�v, tile vP�'� tilst cbeqtle from your life policy.
ti - ix I -,-t eves or. Donint: Christina Nyatis, Stone Root Compound N a
I tookc a dislikt, to htr. ,She is too scientific, product with a recor4 ths,%,'
31 I
I 1114ble and too smiling and toc,anx- earns your respect.
,!owi to be frtl�%acb ilith voll and your 'The cost—& dollar a big bottle—Li .
father. As to Paul 1�14rker—" he trifling As an insurance against futuira
paused. trouble, A strong man hates, a bottle -
"You W14 h(.r Quit you liked him." of medicine, but the strong moont Arr.
"Yes," assented Jim dryly, "and lit- just as easy victims, of kidney trouw,o
t.,atictrially. It is Jus!t as lvell to as the weali; Ones.
give' this wornan no carek,ss s;peech, If you try this remedy we know. .�sjkq
tc. wake trouble over. But as amat, I 'will be pleased. Wyal Remedies. we sla. . I
ter of fact, .Merker, though clever ecrely believe to be the betit medielue 1. .
a., it plausible, and undoubtedly a I valuf.la -offered. - 6 . .
brave man, was not at air popular. ,,$Ol
. d and Guaratimad by W. s. V� *
Tli-re, ,ire qneor sturhns M;Out lilm'", 1 4 1101trIeS, J. I'L flovey, W. A. . I
"What kind of stories,,?"' - , .
glanced __,_.____ ..-' __ - .. .- .
"Db," Jim' frowned and McConnell, (Ninton.. .
1,1guVIy round tile room, ,'bf- is .904 . .. .
to go native 'Altugether when lit the I . . .
Interior, and knowii about Jtt,jwaf� . .1 I . .
. I I
fairs than is -hetlitily "or a white � . I . . � ,
man. Of course, Alison, I havkinoth- I . .. . . I I
Ing against Merker. ,,tit the same, , . . . ,FAM$Ly � . .
whers. we ,ire nial-rie(I �aud Ili Logos, . . . .
, � . .
clijill surrounded by niggers, I don't a I I . .
" �
'ivaut v3v to knt,w him. ,171v�t is %vby . . .
1. mu sorry Diroant., Chrls,Linik is forc� . - �
Ing Ills acquaint,a,nu(i 'oil yet,, Merker — � . I .
�nows queer thlit'g-S and has a great I I � . .
, , .
and inexplfeable power ovvr black roolin. * I - . � .
folk." . � Btit, strau,6o, to saF, If I-,,. 'Flo t_ . 'I
"Then take ii�ol to t1w thea.re rhis tort's utle _cif. Cie forrillit-o :Ut$".
evening," sula Allsoll prol),ptly, ,,In titlion in conjunetioh Nvith (!arvo!;'4
that way I clin elseave tilt., Introduc,' 0oubts v ollicern Ing -.1lorkur and t'l-
1 -4- 1 � I Spultish !atly, ra,,ber,idvjjrv.s;F(,Q Lt..
klon," . .
" No, dear. DoUlla Christina has 1 girl. Of course, sit(- imi-w it 14% A 4. I
" ,
prime idea Ili lit -or, licad sviien silo , 'Ibstird to feel une,isy, illiq ._p�pr�4'. � .
.Iv�ttlts thig mila to I -e Introduced td tintes told hertielf �vveroiy thni: sl�u- �
, Was as silly 4s the 1"Indlildy. Nvv",
your fatIler, ,ind Ive Must look afteri.
him." � theless, the f".Il�jg of glooln relituill?.1
.. . m . � I .
Alison . rillae, - vd 'ran. for%,,ard to� ',It( sie entered the drawing-rotav,i .
� 'I with the.weird !w,easatlon of pasisjug I I
vlace her 'ataidt, ul) lier lov(,r's Square' ' I .
i I Into a region of blaek to,-. Tlie slg�kt � .
' .shoulders. "flni, dear, aren't . yet; , 'of Aier father's olit-erful, rtidtly (,t,.,�,- .
'nialoing a mountain orat of u. inole, .
hill?" she asked serious . dispelled ber Uncomfortable fe(Airlgs .
I ly, "You 114ve for the. momouit., and sho wout w- . I I I
40 facts to go upon Ili thinicing thes4 1 with fler acenstoritted . I . 1.
� wurds hluj
1�001)40 wish to Injure father, o�r me." mile. - . . . . - . . . .. � . . �
. "011'. I doa,t sily thtit tboy wish tO S "Hasn't Jjnl arrive(], father!" Silo* I
Injure eitbet of.. . yOu. only -,I I . �
cart ', I
. I I -is-Iced, when Ar. Weldon. had- kl,,-.,,&d . .
scarcely explain=Some sixth "1180 i tier fondly; "he' said lie .would be 1. .
tells me diat .Donna Christina and 1 e�rly,, I . %. . . I . I . .
Morker .ire dtingerou,9. I ,shall WaI4 1. - . . . I . . . . .
. � I �d "It. 'is jil4t' it citi-artor t u - , se vela� _. � . .1 .
.!.It and...ineet him.11 , . . ear, so lie may enfer lit any IUQ.�' * . . .
"Yow. will be alulable2�' I . ' .
ol� � I inent. Meanwhile, I itill expectia"A. � . . ,
"Xosi: annfable. I don't ifit-oid - t I Donna 0hristina. and .Nit,. Merker. SjUd, - -
Place 1-16rker on Mi; guard it he I . .
does* hitend ,,illy devilry, Now 'I ,-hat I tQ)d',y6u Xbout him, did ,;he not, All-' . . � �
. . I � 86,14, . . . . I .. . I � � . . I.
go home' to, dress. Allsoll, and ye -a . ."Yes., Not much, though..''Wtio Ifil, . .
Can expect me. back to dinner. DOn1 Mr. Merker exa'atly, radlvp?" .. . . . . . . .
soY a word to yQur , father. t . . .
411,%picioils."� . I , 0 . in Y, � .--A famous explorer, wilo ku"AA I I - .
.. . 1 - the .wildest parts of .Xlgprjzt , illy de.4w, , .. I I . .
I I . .
"No I won't; espocially a-, youbave 1 -have heard a great deal 'Ibout,111'at . . .
no g�cunds f6r tlLem. -Dovinil Chr'ls � in .
. i Lagos and elsewhe.re, ,so 1. sLiali , - I .
I forilling an ,let O: be pleased to ineet. . hin,. I bo,"I'l.f.,we - .- - .
Una is only per,
cour0sy, and' its Mr.. Merke:- ' . .
-from Nigeri,j, co'ne" Ile Is a' most interesting ulan." I , .
is -it not natural tha j . - . . . .
lit, should N�!Ifih to . "Is Ills character gQud?". asjk,�4 � �
nieet illy father?' 1 Alison, remembering Ani's doubts. ' . . I
III "Yes," replied Carrer� hesitatingly,' Mr, Weldon. stared.. ".�Iy dear, f ,.*
Lxld ict--" lie shook his h4c.,ad,,4tilj .have heard nothing ag,11n,q 111,; ,chur_ I �
(loubtful. of - the ,,4paIjj.qIl 1.1dy's event I acter- Wily do you.ask - sit , . . . . I .
lxilvc-ring airdability. .. tioll?" . ., . . C-11 it qut..-i- . I
. I , . . .1 . '. .
. :. . _. .. , .1 Alison Saw- tlilit ,;Ill- 'llad made U ., I I � I .
. .. : CLUPI'Ell Ill. . , � inistake, as Otirver' Ii.ld* - wilriled lqex . . I . I
I �. A FAIN10t;S EXIILOR)�Jt. . not to ,say a word about his suspl- .
.� .
Allson wonderod why )ter, ]over I clons. Therefore Shp turned .Drr the I I
. I
troubled himself -,a grt�ai,ly r.11otu'thd I inquiry. with a gily 1.1r,gli. -041, 1 - . .
dc -Ings Of bonua Caristilla.% $0 fall I � Only wish .to IfIlOW, what kill([. oc it . . � .
, . mail I am- likely to jjle(�.t.-, � , I .1 .
. I I ..
Ole coulff ."eo the. sjw�alsh llad,v, '"I : Sel'ore lie.r. twher. eoula � ,:.� -1
411 ainlable perti,on, axious to liakil. iwk. trtor�.�, . . �
herself agr,vii.bliji. � And. a -s ,Nit-. 'Ve�t4 11W . door opened ,tzitl (4011111t 01141s-�- � . . �. . I I
� , , . Tina entered the- Motu rotlowed by a * I
wtis .a great nuthorfty'ojt..Vi'.geri,t af, %. . . � , - I
fairs, it wits natural Qim .-�O .Ive[14 Orin, fair mail, 1111111-avulutph', array- I -. �-
I . *
. - . ed lit evening drlc�§,J, "Jild . I . �. �
k.lown al� e%tilorer as Vaul , Merl ill . wearing, 441 . �., . I . I 1.
i � " 7 eYC-91fisso. His face wils cle,in ilhuy-' � , .
sbould N001 :to incet lilln. 111.k 0 ry 4 .
, ' to zl_ , .- . , . ;
thing apper.red be � - 'aboVe-bcard' en and impassive, and:he louked c,o I
I ''C - Rrver fuired . si<lerably �bored. No 6ne would hav,l) . I ..
3� pt atiol. woorled as I talcon him a ploneer or clvilb�&..; . . .
Dean. Christina and lier vNitor r.,er ,Or . -
plotting. She Was tilt- illore - S�r , 4 tion, as� lie. half tile, aspect or q.PA'V_y. , - ` I. ,
1, "li . fail-- datioly. Alls,on b0pii to tlji.mk _-.1 �
with- Jini's doubis 'alicalt thb-.eduple, that ,jjm,$ uspl,cl, � I
when slit, relliern'bered that aS it rulot lk . ons w.pre ,jjtpgetU-A,r. -, I
. I
misplaced "' . . . I � � -
' .
he �yas,ojulte indiffEirent to the, dollnj�.t �"I. have' brought 'Aliv' 'I . It . irker, Seati . - . . .. . .
of other people. . "thea that ' satild' -or," said Douna C stjug, In a -
evening - lit,tore Aferker - arrive, bri � ...I- . .
.; vacious 'toile, "TnY friend, th'is ls,jilile .
found further food fbi reflection Ill.., Rev. AlwCander" * emon, I . . .
a few';Temarks inade by Alvs..,Bot, , I l; %�batn yousio. .
tort, .. I .. . . I I I greatly wished to inee �Now," added' . 1.
TI . lat. estirnable-woman vaind . to 'All- I ihe lady jally,. "yet, lclyo%v one aUotU,e,r . . . I . :
* . liersonally," . . 11 . . � 1.
.. . -
Son's be'drooln. to bring - sOuie lacq I' I -"Which IS 'all linproverrient of know I .1 .
� . . ,
which �.ihti had' eslilbetany washbol.,'tot, Ing one' another by repjitAt.;Otj,,, s&t,d . ' .
the girl.'- t�ittvtrig.lit�rfoi-iiied'lie'r. er"' ur.. Ner-'-.0r. In .h.-;.. Lir--I twipa...blit I . I � ..
I .
rat.ill She lurtied. to go, but sudiielilY . .. I , � I . - . I �
I I �
dropped, into it cliale iieur the door' . . . . �
' t, (CONTINCI-A) . .N N'XT W1,11�11(;.) .
declaring that the -stairs. Nvere to I I .� . .
. . . �
' . I .. � � . - I I
much for a wonian cir 1wr. age , to I I � - I . .
. . . .
climb, * I _ . 1. ,� . . I .
, . � , . � I . , . . I I
"And I Odn't, deily lint. What illy ----. - __ . .
. . .
Spirits iulgiRt lie, beft6r, cni�Iqd I Mrst ' Whoto ing tough� . 'I' I , .
Bottort, whot. .1oaked th'(- lik:t4re oi . I. P . " � �', .
I 1. . . � I . . - CIRC)UP . ASTHMA COU014S I . . �
wois." . I I , � ... . .
"Why, - what Is tile inattvr?" ,,I sk e (I � I
. .
I.t .
Afiss. Not, eldoll, -(.)u ' ,A-dature( i Ily,- ror stle 1 00� MW .
found: the, halitultdy',, o0not vrsat4oil , I
Amusing .It times.. , � . I " gqa .
"It's a friend`of, whio,". � py'a. C 04;
explained i , I -.92221111111111PAPI..-
I . I . 9L
MrA. Bottorl I '. tt o I tt t a i ly, - , 1, I L�Iu. I ula I I 11111111oloo `I11L
Pyne's tier naiiie, and she y L, s, t f � r c I it �.,� . . % EST^1111L,1511460 11111701. 1 .
At,'rnt)Te.mfamndeffet!tiv,streitmentf�rbrotr- I
told tily fortviw hy tilt! cardti, when idrugs. Vaporlitecict-Qw-
el,w trouti,im slooldlow
.., I 1�1)oi ottoplo the pilroxyms of WhOOPIn't Caugh
we Nvere having tk..I." . w1dMilavederoupatonCe. . It is a buou to Otis-
Allson , jtwgava (I is b (., lievingly.. f;�tvts from Asthma. Tito aft rindered itronply I I
Ueh sr*k%jo3ptlt, lolapired With every toreatho me ith
"Silrely voll iun,t bc:�,Lv.c ill , �- eacy. "tilaq,ttlo Bore tilrostgnd stop%
I I _Iltv,athitt �
. ,f
.1 I 3
rabbish? . I ' ""O-".q3."surtit,ijt.,eat'�uinlilvt,;. itisinvalu-
-.111. V,Wr,kWj younicclildwn. . .
"'IVel), I don't, 'an3 I do, .13 : YOU eznd'ao .
I us plsta &e lazacelptiva II0002t, - WJ .. I .
I I ____
. . I I
might put it, li.js,,:-" .., ItUGGISTS . �
. � I - ALL D, .015, tee 4
lot uad&stand, Allss Wif,ldoa uod- ' Vr eraloovann& Agitt- I V i
I I(, .J�'Uvoatoloab- 10
tied tit her-hunge lit the looking-glatis, I lf:at -too the frrittoted �
"like mast'poollyle,. you beheve tilt, tllmt� They are simple, I . � . I
. . . io(rdalva vAd antisciltiol. 0 . . I
good au4 doubt the bad." I I,Ujottv, driwit5t or '. 1%
"And bud etiough it Is wl lis, 100. iA atwhvj; �, 1, . I .
.1", We croolene Ce I . . .
"ItIlla ., I Lolumlng-loli" 1011d . . .
ininia tolit nie,". erlea the. 1.11, d'.
ignoring tb& firqt part, -of th(, sI)cc(!h,, I 11 " .
1,biaiek sorrow IS etiming to thil� I N,3N`htF.AL - . — .
hollse, .4c'.1ildal, and sudd(ol I . . _ . .
Olt, what havp I doine, inihs, thaLsUcIt �__�_., . . . .
things should fall ulion illy lit -ad, Sri . � . . � I �
respevitable as I bavk� alw.1y.,; liepi nio. War Office has offerea p ri ye.,
myself." . : for competition by military aeroplitoel- , ,
"What uolisensL�, Mrs..- 11olterl," tog tit(- contest to be opeli. to) tfiv .
corrected Allsou sluirtily, ,11lothing iii .''
the sort Is likely to oveur." world, ; 1. �. I . .
"But the va ' rds, miss----" - 16 � . . ..
" Rubbish! Tho cards are wroing . I .
n Ine tinles out of tell., 0111� . by (111.1110(t I
Is anything of,t1w future �it upon,'
IN701, iniss," groutied tilt, latiatudy, ?t I'ld-4e, mn::; V-441 V101"" � * I �
rlslul� wl'b a relleved -look, ir yor, . Y X 0. A. Ubil_ : *
do take that view, It C0111forts nl("
joinium i,.vnt� strowa be w,hitim-a t.' BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECM .
t6l iiiLi of sut-li InIngs, evnw to li;js,.:i Registered. last season Upwards of SZ40
Cioligil, �41!' .'!a,;11(i tlwy wouilL." students Andplaced every g1raduate. Seviun
'I'lli( ' -y v ' cri't, Mrs. Bottart, ,-o (10"' SPI�0181119` Qualified regular teacher.,;. One
, t ; hilildled'and fifty London Arms oniploy
,rtiitbli� your head. I wonder . t
v.,wilun-1 01" )4)tlr ugp bf4n;0 SO t1ilY. it. our trained hPip, College ill session from
, " � �
I V#1 In, Sll(,Il stuf , SCIA. 5 to Jjuio 30, Entor any Vm*�. ` I
,,, I i'l; ( f I
The Junillady wvnt down tlkt, wa!r - - I rin . Cataloijua proe, . . :
,,IliI I ,,,, , I Z ';.4 t)rf flit-titillp, .1 lid A I i -.,t)' I f, , . I" lege I
.)' i ,:-.
1, r' eLrProrl by .this Nlvw �(4` 5 'A virest city ,1,1,111N , Coll
"Ofth?t .
i(,u k I 0'.1 her Nvay to ill(! 'ara%%:T,j",.' 1 i W. 1Vl,.-sTf.r,VFI,T. if?. Ty. W.nl ".":ak rx ,o.
� -1
. (414ftProd 4relntAnk, Pn.,,:Ipu"�. .
Vito Ni4elpat. L3
. � 1.
I . ,