HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-09-29, Page 6Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
A. billiard and pool room is being
opened in Clinton by W. L, Galbraith,
]*Maly of Kincardine.
'They are agitating for a night watch-
man at Exeter, owing to several attempts.
at theft from the merchants,
'There is no form of kidney trouble,
Brom a backache down to Th ight's dis-
ease, that Doan's Kidney Pills will not
Teliove or care,
If you are trnnhled with any kind of
kidney complaint, give Doau's Sidney
Fills a trial.
Thursday was the coldest Sept. 22nd
in years iu Nova Scotia. Snow flurries
occurred at several places in the Pro -
The Mooney Biscuit and Candy Co
'kava received letters patent increasing
their authorized capital from $100,000 to
BearetheTho Kind You Have Ahvays Bought
The Oddfellom s, of Goderich, are in
consultation over the institution of a
Rebecca Degree, in connection with
their order, and its institution is prac-
tically assured.
Before the sumriier comes. Dr.
'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers
Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness,
Bronnhitis, and all Diseases of the Throat
and Lungs.
'There are seven schools in the in-
spectorate of West Brace now without
teachers. The lowest salary offered by
any of them is $300.
Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant—is strongly
'reoommended by the medical profession as
mnafeguard against infectious diseases. 22
Mr. Ed. Dinsley, of Chicago, who re-
cently visited his parents at Clinton, is
now vice-president of the Millers' Insur-
ance Company there, from which he
draws a salary of $15,000 a year.
Tey Make Yon Feel Good.
The pleasant pnrgative effect exper-
ienced by all who use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the
healthy condition of the body and mind
which they create makes one feel joyful.
Tor sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
The Ontario Gazette announces the
appointment of Andrew F. Hess, of
' ,nrich, clerk of the tenth division
court of Huron, and John P. Newman,
of Wiarton, license commissioner for
'North Brace, in the stead of John D.
Irwin, resigned.
It's not the weather that's a fault. It's
your system, clogged with poisonous
materials, that makes you fell dull,
drowsy, weak and miserable. Let Bur-
dock Blood Bitters clear away all the
poisons, purify and enrich your blood,
snake you feel bright and vigorous.
Miss Jena Grant, second daughter of
the late Geo. Grant, a ono time well
mown merchant of Goderich, died at the
residence of her sister, Mrs. G. H. Wood -
Yard at, Cannington, recently, after an
illness of two months duration, aged 25
DR. A. We CHASE'S 25c.
It sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blows..
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and prrmanantly cures
Catarrh and HayFever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
On September 20, 1854,Miss Doyle and
lS2r. James Douglas were united in
matrimony at Hamilton, Ont. Tuesday
,of last week their six grand children
gathered at their home in Stratford and
presented them with a purse of gold, to
celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniver-
sary. Mr. Douglas is 71 years of age,
his wife is 66.
Speaks for itse'.f
Va' ►�g Ceres Sick Headache
to.iikki„,,scAt Cures Nervous Headache
Cures Neuralgic Headache
; Cures Summer Headache
a►���t Cures Dinette headache
X.Ntk- Cures any headache
'Mkt. Ts Pleasant to 'Take
11‘404.„4.0.t. Ts Absolutely Safe
►�L'tt Gives Speedy Relief
Itilkikkik Sethi for 250 a box
Sample box Sent free
'1'II1Z illtuA ti R7lbtltillf'<WNW, s *outwit 1
George Cowling, a prominent Inde-
pendent Forester of Peterboro, started for
a doctors (face after sustaining a fall.
He became unconscious, and the police,
finding him lying on the street, took him
to the station. When hie condition was
discovered he was sent to the hospital,
where be died.
gen .s3£i''r'CO XT.
Bears the
of Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Frank Nelson, sporting editor of the
Toronto Globe, intends to retire from
that paper at the bt.gil:ning of the year
and go to Washington, D. C., where he
has contracted to judge turf races for
the next ten years, agreeing to judge 200
days per year at a salary of $50 per day
or $10,000 per year.
A Liver P111 that is small and sure, that
acts gently, quickly tied thoroughly,
teat does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills
possess these qualities, and are a sure
cure for Liver Complaint. Constipation,
Sick Headache, etc.
So H. B. Cowan, of the Ontario Agri
cultural Department is going to stop
the trials of speed at the fairs. is he?
He'd better get busy at some more use-
ful work. If he lived in a county like
Essex where they precinct) horses to go
as well as pull, he would rather encour-
age a trial of speed In preference to a
trial of pulling.—Amherstburg Echo.
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In-
fan€um, Clamps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dys-
entery and Summer Complaint, Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
a prompt, safe and sure cure that has
been a popular favorite for nearly 60
Another of the old pioneers of Huron
township passed away on Monday, Sept.
19th, in the persou of John Bowers, who
had reached his 81st year. The end
came very unexpectedly, the deceased
being ill only a few days. John Bowers
was taken in Huron as a kind old gentle-
man, a friend to the poor, and a consist-
ent member of the Methodist church.
iC SM. Ce XI. =A.
. Bears the _ The Kind You Have Always Bough
We regret to record the death of Ed-
ward Jenkins, of Colborne,which occur-
red at London. He was suffering from
appendicitis and went to London, inten-
ding to undergo an operation. While
preparing therefor so it is said, he expir-
ed. Mr. Jenkins was a life-long resident
of Colborne, a man very highly esteemed,
and leaves a wife and family, his wife
was formerly a Mise Cox, sister of John
Cox, of Goderich township.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
We understand that Rev. J. A. Hamil-
ton, for over twelve years the popular
pastor of Loudesboro and Burns Presby-
terian churches, has accepted a call to
Leamington, subject to the call of his
people and Presbytery. Mr. Hamilton
has been a most faithful and zealous
pastor, who is held in the highest es-
teem, and his removal will be universal-
ly regretted. He expects to leave Lon-
desboro in about four•weeks.
• no Quick,
C Not a minute should be lost after a
child shows symptoms of cholera infan-
tum. The first unusual looseness of the
bowels should be sufficient warning. If
immediate and prcper treatment is given
serious consequences will be averted.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy is the sole reliance of
thousands of mothers and by its aid they
have often saved their children's lives.
Every household should have a bottle at
hand. Get it to -day. It may save elite.
For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
A gruesome discovery was made at
Waterloo last week at the home of an
aged couple, Mr, and Mrs. Alexander
Janischoweki,When the corpse of the old
man was found in bed, he having been
dead for at least six days. The old Couple
had been in very straightened circumst-
ances for several years,and lately the old
Man bad been sick in bed. For the last
week or 90 the old woman who is slightly
demented, refused to admit anyone into
the old man's room. They had been sub
slating on charity for some time. The old
man was about 85 years old. The old
woman said she did not want to be part-
ed from her husband, so she refused to
inform her neighbors.
Trotworthy lady or gentleman to manage
anginas in thisgentleman county and adjoining territory
for wen and favemblyrknott-n hoose of solid
financial standing. POW straight tad ralery
and fixprneeee. paid each Monday by check
diteet from headtitiartere Expenees naOticy
advanced. Potation pernainent, Address,
Manager, 81O Como Block, Chicago Illinois
y.A .....,....,.........,
A pleasant event took place at St.
James' eburob, Seaforth, on Wednesday
Sept. 21st, at 6 p. m„ when Mr. J. W.
Duncan, of the Seaforth News, was
quietly married to Miss Marguerite Bell,
of Londou, formerly of Exeter, Rev.
Father Concoran perforated the
oeretnony, the bride beiug supported
by her sister, Mica. Helen Bell,wlhile Mr.
Will Duncan, brother of the groom,
doted as best uhau.
For Ouor Sixty Years,
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy Mrs
Winslow's SoothingS vrup hae been used
for over sixty years bymilliousof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the 'chile
softens the gains, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty. five cents abottle. Its
value is incalcnlahle. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Amid the musical strains of the Lo
hengrin and Meudelssohn wedding
marches, played by Prof. Hawkins, of
Brussels, Mies M. Mande Goodwin and
W. Genu Campbell bowed to the altar
of love on Wednesday. Sept. 21st, at high
noon, being united in the holy bonds of
matrimony by Rev. Dr Stewart. The
scene transpired at the hunte of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mre. A. H.
Good win, Rattenbnry street, Clinton.
the rooms being tastefully decorated in
green and white, asters being profusely
distributed throughout.
Winer yon do not re)iFh yonr food and
feel dull and stupid after eating, all yon
need is a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach
end Liver Tablets. They will make you
feel litre a new man end give you an
enpetite like n bear. For sale by A. I.
McCall & Co.
Agnes Mcllwaine, relict of the late
Samuel Johnston, died on Wednesday,
Sept. 21st, aged 74 years. The deceased
bad been seriously 111 but a few days,
and although well advanced in years,
her demise is deeplyregretted. The late
Mrs. Johnston leaves, six sons and two
daughters, all married and settled in the
neighborhood, except Samuel at the
home. The deceased was an Ashfield
pioneer, a noble woman of the Presby-
terian faith, and her memory will ever be
revered by those who knew her so well
and long.
Dysentery canses the death of more
people than smallpox and yellow fever
combined. In an army it is dreaded
more than a battle. It rennires prompt
and effective treatment. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
bee been used in nine epidemics of
dysentery in the United States with per-
fect success. and has cored the most
malignant cases, both of children and
adults.. anti under the most trying con-
ditions. Every hnnsehold should have a
bottle at hand Get it to -day. It may
save a life. Sold by A. I. McCall & Co.
On the evening of Saturday, the 17th
inst., about 7 o'clock, there passed away
James L. Titmus, who for the past 12
years has been a resident of Teeswater.
Deceased was 76 years old and for the
past five years had suffered a great deal
from kidney trouble. James Louis Titmus
was born in the year 1828 in England,
which country he left at the age of
seventeen to try his fortune in the New
World He spent a number of years in
the United States, later coming to this
coantry and locating near Hamilton,
where at the age of 28 he was married
to Miss Margaret Lewis. He soon after-
wards moved to Carrick, being one of
the pioneers of that township. He
settled on a farm on the 8th con. of
Carrick, about two miles out of Mild-
may. Mrs. Titmus died in 1872 and
four years later Mr. Titmus was again
married to Mrs. David McDougall of
Owen Sound. They left the farm in
1892, since which time they have lived in
IDunlop Ideal Horseshoe Pads I
keep a horse sound in the feet
Iand make his working life
longer. Good for navicular
Fee sale at hardware
.tans and bi.r80niiths
The Dunlop The fg)
Toronto, Ontario '
Faded Women
The double -tracking of the Grand
Trunk between Hamiltou and London
will be completed before winter sets it .
Need Richer Blood Detroitcursion papersteamsayser Tasthe Whitebmpo Star
It Stamps the Glow of Robust Health
on Cheeks anti Lips. How Blood
is Made Riob and Red Enough to
Beautify the Complexion.
A brigbt rosy complexion can easily be
acquired. All that is necessary is to
purify the blood and to supply it with an
Increased number of red corpuscles.
Tho simplest method of doing this is to
iotroduee more irou into the system
which is always lacking where the ooiu-
plexton is palliU or sallow.
Iron in a concentrated form, specially
adapted for internal use is c'outuiued
iu its most efficient state in Ferrozone
which is noted for marvellous blood
buildiug properties. No matter hew
weak or poor the blood may be, Ferro -
zone will enrich and nourish it. The
imiuediate result is a better color which
will steadily improve under Ferrozoue.
Every girl that takes pride iu herconr-
plexton will find Ferrozone of greater
value than cosmetics or face powders.
Its influence is lasting whereas artificial
beautifiers are but a temporary aid.
Thousands that have used Ferrozone are
Wad to endorse it strongly because it
certaiuly is the beat remedy for pimples,
blotches, skin eruptions and poor com-
plexions that wouuy can buy.
Mies Minnie r. Stirling of Lancaster,
writes, "I eau recommend Ferrozone
to everyone who needs something to
clear up their complexion, Beforeusiug
Ferre,z.,ue my akin was sallow and had
a very unhealthy color. After the first
box of Ferrozone there was a great im-
provement and when I had used three
boxes I telt much better and had a satie-
;a0tcry color iu wy cheeks."
Mrs. C. T. Warwick of Bradford says:
"My daughter was greatly benefitted by
using Ferrozone. She used to have a
sickly color and never looked as if she was
very strong. After using two boxes of
Ferrozone she felt better and her color
was wonderfully improved. This en-
couraged her to continue Ferrozone and
in a few weeks she looked like a different
person and had a clear rosy complexion.
Ferrozone accomplished wonders for my
Ferrozone is just what most girls and
women need. It builds up their system,
improves their looks, and makes them
feel what buoyant good health redly
mean. Price EOo per box or six boxes
for. $2.50 at all druggists. Beware of
substitutes, and get Ferrozone when you
ask for it. Mailed to your address by N.
C. Poison & Co., Hartforn, Conn., U. S.
A., and Kingston, Ont.
The Brussels Post was pleased to have
a call from Alfred Town, of Winnipeg, a
former well-known Brnsselite of years
ago, who went to Manitoba metropolis
22 years ago. He is manager of the
Hoover Manufacturing Co., of that city,
who employ from 75 to 100 hands in
their factory in turning out shirts, over-
alls, tweed pants, etc. Mr. Town has
prospered in the West and looks as if the
people were good to him. He went from
Brussels to Buffalo, N.Y., to visit bis fa-
ther, Thos. Town, an old resident of
Brussels in the bygones.
Wherever there are sickly people with
weak hearts and deranged nerves, Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be
found an effectual medicine. They re-
store enfeebled. enervated, exhausted,
devitalized or over-worked men and wo-
men to vigorous health.
During the past season Edward Gar-
vin, of Brussels, who is quite a gardener,
made an experimental test of planting
potatoes in hills and on the level. 14
feet square were given to each plot, the
seed was planted on May 22nd and the
potatoes lifted Sept. 16. Early Empire
State was the variety. The following is
the result which will be of interest:—
On the level 65 sets grew, yielding 70
lbs. and 2IA lbs. were under lea inches.
In the hill 66 sets grow, returning 68 lbs.
with 13‘, lbs. under 1% inches. The de-
onstration is in favor of the level plant-
ing as 10i2 lbs. of rotten potatoes were
taken from the hills and 5 lbs. from the
level cultivation. Mr. Garvin attributed
the decay to the water being retained in
the hills.
The Proper Treatment For a Sprained
As a rule a man will feel well satisfied
if he can hobble around on crutches two
or three weeks after spraining his ankle,
and it is usually two or three months
before he has felly recovered. This is
an unnecessary lose of time, for in many
cases in which Chamberlain's Pain Balm
has been promptly and freely applied, a
complete cure has been effected in less
than a week's time, and in some cases
within three days. For sale by A. I.
McCall & Co.
The death occurred on Wednesday
morning, Sept. 21st, after a short illness,
of Bridget Ann Costello, beloved wife
of A. W. Brandenberger, of the Mason
House, Clinton. The deceased was en-
joying good health to within ten days
of her death, and anyone seeing her
would have thought she was the picture
of health. The inward trouble which a
few days ago made itself manifest, must
have been of years' standing, and yet
was not known eyen to herself. About
two weeks ago elle was compelled to
give up her domestic duties, and, despite
all that medical skill could do, she ra-
pidly grew worse. As a final chance of
saving her life, an operation Web per-
formed en Monday when it was found
that a large ruptured pus abeese lay its
the region of the right kidney, extending
in various directions and involving
vital parts, some two quarts. of fluid was
drawn away. Wt. Brandenberger was
boat and raised in Logan township, and
was thirtyeight years and five months
ended a season of prohperity in which
she carried a grand total of 224.162 pas-
li ngers. This has never been equalled
by any other excursion steamer. The
business of the Tusttnioo was 82 per
cent. better than iu the season of 1903.
The number of passengers earned by the
Tashutoo during the pest season would
fill 2,647 passenger ooaohee, which,
placed one behind the other, would cover
a line of track 36 miles loug. The pas-
sengers standing oue behind the other,
would extend over a line 42 miles long,
The Baltimore Sun gives the following
example of a physician refusing to Luke
his own medicine :—A noted surgeon of
this city was recently attacked by ap-
pendicitis. The surgeon performed 500
operations lust year and lost but two;
but /hell told that he would have to bo
operated upon, he objected, although
the operators were also poted surgeons
and iptimate friends. "Not on your
life," said the patient. Urging was of
no avail, and finally remedies una000m-
pauied by the knife were used. The
surgeon was sick some weeks, but he
finally recovered, and only recently has
been chronicled as having perforined an
operation for the disease with which, he
too, was afflicted, and for which he would
not undergo a siege at fellow -profess-
ional hands.
Deafness Cannot be Cared.
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by au inflamed con-
dition of the mutons ' lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire-
ly closed, Deafness is, the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken out
and this twee restored to its normal con-
dition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine cases oat of ten are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam-
ed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for oiraulars free.
F. J. CHENEY R Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 750.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Reflections of a Bachelor.
Settling down from the honeymoon is
mighty like shooting the chutes.
A man ought to be as afraid of a girl's
wink as of a prize-fighter's upper -cut.
It's astonishing how a white-haired
man always takes to a young blonde
A woman elects to believe lots of
things she calls anybody else a fool for
It's funny that taking your liquor
straight should make you feel all the
more crooked.
If a man invested all the money he
spends in educating his children in lot-
tery tickets he might win something.—
New York Press.
& Minister of the Gospel Recommends
"For several years I have been in very poet
health. Last Fall Iwas advised by Bev. J. 5. Allen,
of Murray Harbor, P.B.L, to try 'Oxygenator.'
Before trying it I had no faith in it, but last Octo-
ber I began its nss sad can truly say that before
using one jug I had wonderfully improved in my
ceneral health. since then I have used several
cgs an a result have never spent such a healthy
inter or Springas I did this year. 'Oxygenator'
for Throat Troule, Catarrh, Purifying the Blood
and for Buildingup the System, I believe is not
to-day y any other remedy.
Several of my congregation have alert used 11
with blessed results. I take great interest in
'Oxygenator,' having given jugs of it away, and
must say it i. A WONDSRFUL REMEDY.
In regard to my eyes, 'Oxygenator' bas done
them more good than the Oculists or the treatment
1 received in the Hospital.
For Earache, I think it peerless. For pains In
Hie chest, lungs or side, indeed anywhere, it
works wonders."
Mount Stewart, P,E.I.
For Salo loll—
lit Harbord St. ss Toronto
Ont., and surrounding territory,
to represent
'Canada's Gieatest Nurseries."
Newest varieties and specialties
in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits,
' Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses.
A permanent situation, and territory
reserved for the right man. Pay weekly.
handsome outfit free. Write forpartio-
ulars, and send 26 dents for Our Pocket
Microscope, just the thing to use in ex-
amining trees and plants for insects.
Oyer 800 Aered
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fam ;r remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est i':tm':dy with a long and successful record, to
c --r(; 'n•llgestlon, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
_o• ,Lipation, t .:'fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
It- tatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn-
,- ...its. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
1 -hwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
f ^ ,td sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
con .tent benefit from a regular use of Ripans
1'.tbl,fles, Your drt'ggist sells them. The flve-
c�nt packet is en. .,;h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottlt 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
THE OL 'y!t{ F D i T' ri
FAMILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners,
but they are not specialists. The sexual organs com-
prise the moct intricate and important system iu the
human body and require the most slciilful treatment.
You might as well expect a blacicsmith to repair your
watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints.
We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30
years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have
every facility ]mown to medical science to cure them.
Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of
1110 Cure—No Pay.
BLOOD POISON—Whether inherited or acquired,
is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from
the system so no danger of return. hundreds of cases
cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a
$• UVOII:3 DEBILITY—aud other complications,
curesuch. as emissions, drains in the urine, varicocele, sexual
weakness, etc., are cured by our New Method Treat.
meat under a positive guarantee—NO CURE --N0 PAY.
Consultation Free. Books Free. Write for question bian,r for
private home Treatment. Everything confidential.
Kix Kr,K < K .K tSi,K.:.K`'8t K,:.K ,3f41.C,
V1ARNiNG SIGNALS—Nervousness, bashfulness, poor mem-
ory, pimples on the face, aching back, cold feet and hands, no
ambition or energy, tired mornings, poor appetite, sympathetic
dreams at night, fits of depression, morose and sullen temper,
restless and suspicious, specks before the eyes, desire for soli-
tude, inability to fix the attentionetc., YOU HAVE NERVOUS
DEBILITY. Don't.ueglect it. It is only a step to paralysis or
complete loss of manhood. No matter the cause—whether indis-
creetness in youth, excesses in manhood or business worries—
Founder of
Dr. Sp;nnoy & Co.
We Cure Varicocele,Striotures, Blood and Skin Diseases, Proatatlo Trout).
les, Urinary.Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Consultation Free. Question hist Sent Free For Home Treatment.
The Times
Job Department
Our Job Department is up-to-date in
every particular ; and our work is
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Our Specialities.
is the best local paper in the County
of Huron. Subscription: $r.00 per
year in advance—sent to any address
in Canada or the United States.
advertisement in the Times brings good results
Address all oommunications to—
' RNhnhniN.tin, 9!, WINGIiAIs ONT.
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