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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-21, Page 5
V. C, , F 0401 0 tnher Vet, f91I lilat4n News- -oral r . rue on January 14t, 1912• _ _ the stationing committee. Imperial, gang plow, Disc .liar + )w, Yours "Truly, Apply on the premises or addres0 Ba"fleld, Auburn Qo4crich Marriages ��ARAt FOR �A1.ta. Tata I7lv'DEtt" ? Miss Kate Ito$$ of Detm-4 arrived The entertainment to be held in I Mrs. E Im Sallows, ivho has been tiN 'Dl; t-IaOBB-At the residence,af 619tiod offers for sale his fine farm: . Twme on Wonda y evening to spehd the , the Temperance; hall on Friday of quite+ Ill, left las. week w0a her of 1351 acres.adjoillfoa tho town of the bride's paronts, on De+., 20t1h, Clinton. . � rr:vrrsar� services, on Sunday v M'k, when' 10v. ileo. V. llazcn of London C`hrwtmas holidays. this week, under the .auspices of the daughter, Mrs, ,1•.. D. bong, foo Lou- The farm is in; a and by Rev. , C. C. Couzens, MinnieI state li'>ornessi 2 sets double 11ai+,Css, 1 P oarrived Methodist Sunda School nemeses Sunday p •.' to don, #h- ham[+. of the latter. M'i cif octltivation and has g s. food Gertrude, eldest daught+:r of Mr. bualdings- -sick ` ort has and wilt bi-' Once Of ,tthe most enjoyable events �, r of Long has been uur•c ug her mother for pause , banlr barn, and Mrs. 1tinl. t.obb, C�ode�lch drl,ttng, house, f se a b ' th-akota, wintell I her mother, season. Among; mhos[ who will take some ti c. township, to Norman, Snyder pig pen, e all ('all ,or Write for •tiai•klculars' i+ifrs. i:llio,'c at the Albion. part in the program are Mivs Ida- A hockey club has been a•organized d' s i;a so Sask. t t n s of comparat'lvely new, A first-class' " The annual meeting of L.O,L. No. ., M. Cole of Ethel, Miss Ileiniclie) of with the following olllcexs . President b . �, ' , ,, young orelalso Contallfr ala. );lids iI7'LIc AIt-I UItII.R--In Clinton, on of fruits, • was held in the Orange hall re- : (i ,derfch noel file Ilensall Male Cuax- C. A. bairn Vice, C. II. I lumber, also small fruits. The' Dec. 20Th; by Rev. T, Wesley farm is well fenced - tc�iners ..a . Merry ..-_.,_ ntly, The auditor's report for the year showed a substantial balance on tette. The officers for the hong Circle Secretary, G. L. Parsons, Treasurer, H. 0. •Sturdy, Manager R. W. Craigie, and well .dl►ain- C'osens AI',T. I3arrfet Porter to ed and is a very desirable home. Ilelyar, ';and. The treasuret.+ was requested to for the ensuing year are as follows,. Executive Committee, Capt. Ed. Ro'b; Chas. both of Clinton. For further articulare p apply on HU-XTIaR-P1,,' K1NS_At the the !I[Ind donations tia the Hospital for filen %ild.t thl+ , Leader, noun Moto. ;nson, A. 1). McLean aw., ,')Lc ,ltllaa resid- re i p mCA or address Jahn once of b:�des parents,. 141sbarn[1 Torrance, CSnton P, tFi n and hospital for ,c rables, Toronto, and the Free Vice, M•i s, Jackson. SecrWarv, Mrs. Riddel, officer. -i-, Patrons, I:. �:, l,rwis, M. I . and IF. • Proudtoot, i I. P. P. .rhe .O. on "December 6th, by Rev. Mr. Yelland, Win. Ilunimr :' Hospital for Consumptives, Muskoka. T11e officers were elected by acclama- Treasurer Mrs. Andrews. , Club has regis*ared an intel.,niidi.3tn tram in t+ae 0. 17• A: to Flor- • , y g, F.4RAI FO � -' . -nee rs. only daughter of Mr. R S 1L) •,-,•TTII, LI�Db.R- ' tion as follows : Mast-:•, It. AlcMur- Phi. -Secretary, Mrs. Straughait. : Chaplain, Miss Y oungblut, The following are tkte newt g and Mrs, John N. Perkins. Signed offers for Salo his • s farm of y SCOTT--Ei,ING.--.1t the home th ray ; Deputy, John Parker ; Chap- Marshall, Mrs. Howatt. , elected officers of Maple Leaf of 100 acre.t in tl;1c township of Tuck - bride's mother, Mrs, J. King, ]rev` H..7. Co dell; • Warden, Mrs. Asquith. Lodge, A. 0. t'. W., for the en- ersmi'alL on the Huron Road, Turk - Goderich, on Decembo 13�a, b . 'miles tart, bin.-Secre- ; Cruard, Mrs. Aledd. sti n g year' --1 ast Master Workman, , , , I Y Cas, of C..t nton. The farm is Rev. Geo, E. Ross, Joseph Os- in - laky, Lorne King ; Treasurer, John W. Tipet U. of C Geo. Castle Sentinel Mrs, Robirn.san. Salkeld; Master Workman, Ii, P. a good state of cultivation with oar Scott of Toronto to Ada . , , , goad buildings, fraena house 11 . Lticturcr, �A. 1•:. Erwin :, Committee Physician, Dr. Weir. Morris ; foreman, li. Barton ; aver- cher, W. Goode ' recorder. W. Woods; , and two Zrene, daughter of Tale late Wil-. bank barns, .and well fenced and Ilam J. —Percy Tipet, w. J. Elliott, Wm. %.�'' Heard, Ei. Benison, Richard 1,. O. l., No. 932 ha• elcct,.d tha following_ officers for the coming financier, W. R. ltobcrt'.sati' treasurer i1'atson; .. King. well d'+lined'. p jyl„3T0:�-Jplily.�;TO:v -- t Ctodkr- For further artieu- tars on the ' Ilarrt „(,n, After the election lunch was year ; 'Robt. Ia R. guide, T. Hawkins; inside and outside watchmen, J. C. : ick mberDavi 13, by I#ev. ,, on DecRoss, 'Geo. .apply Premises or ad-' dress J. K. til +r., Cifnton P.O. --08 served ra the brethren' and Rov, Masbar, B. Snell. Laitillwaite and. Leonard McDonald E. Ii.oss, David 1Y(s:+an•. • . ,to . ; Emma Johnston, both of C�.od- �—^-� 3iessrs. t'ondrll and hind- gave Deputy, Will. Balnfot.+.l. represen&itive - to Grand Lodge, W. orich. ,bort addresses. The lodge closed to . Ree. -Secretary, Groo. Youngbult. Goode; 'altt+rnate rep. to Ci. L., W. FARM POR SALE, -TI -JE VNDER- ::,c et again on January 8th. k fn:-�Srcretari henry Sturdy. R; Robertson ; trustee, J. C'. Lai'tl: Births dersfgned offers foo sale farm Messrs. James and Wilson Eagle- Chaplain, henry Lawlor, wa#e, : .bis of ,1471 aaros, beflig lot 12 and . ;,e u are expe,'t•ed this bocci fa.)m Treasurer,, M. Armstrong, AIEDD-In Ilullett en, December 17th, "" west half of lot 13, Bayfield. Road, " k,berdo.n, South 'Dakota, to spend D. of C., Goo, .Snoll. ^-^-------- to Mr. and Mrs. .James Medd, a Stanley, This is a first-clasq: farm ` Christimas at the parental .home. . Lecturer, J. Q. Clark. Reward for 21 Plucky Woman son. Wilsh plenty of nater and"'ClrsU- The following lee-Qr, -was received Committee, John AT, Larty', IIINGIEAM--I1[ IChft+lasll, Montana, on class buildings, all netw within the 1i, (s. Z:. G'. enslado Secretor * of } Jame,[ Carter, B. C. Wvlr, . C'on- Cunadlans were, re resented aluon - p g Dec, 3rd, to ,Mr. and Mrs. James last ten Yr ars. Also lot 24, north - ('(turt Ro,o of Sharon, from Mr. J. rad Schulte:, .John Mole. st the wfnner:l� in the. but rind Bingham, a son. boundary of flay', consiabing of 119 „ +; Stanbury of Exeter :-- Dear .. cheese, de artinciLts at the National p B:1R1�1�LL--In Lower 1lingham, Dec.acres, The village g cif Blake is 'S:r : 1 should like to express to you Dairy .Show held at Chicago ;-,!cent- 10th to 'Air. and Mrs.. Barnell, a ' built on the coraar of *his farm. .(cel to Court Rose of Sharon, C. U. Go�dear�ich. ly- Ani enterprising Canadtlan -vo-w daughter, Church and school within half a lF . through you, my app.ucia0on of man made entries in these Hepar;- 11 F1ITE;.-In Goderi'ch, on Dec. 13t+;i, mile, and only 3 ;Biles from the Ifie intent,''. which the members at Mr, - h, B. Smith, once a leading, ments than slid honor to herself and to Mr. and Mrs. John White,. thriving village of Zurich which, hayfield have exhibitkM in securing' busines+r man lin 'Goderich+but now of her country, Palmeraton street, a daughter, makes 1t a very desirable property+. �Lwh a prompt and witi'sfactary. set- Winnipeg, is, wftli; Mrs,, Smith visit- hlrry G.ec). I.aithwai;t., of +:olericll In Ilullett on Dec. 1411)1, -Fou furthea particulars apply bo t' /icon-nt of my mother's claim. I al- lug at the home of the lady's par- township, Huron county, as her hus to to Mr. and Mrs. John Iv'oblr, J. C. Reid, Varna i', O, --84 �, wish to acknowledge on behalf of -its, Mr. and Mrs. D. AIcl.eau, „ band puts it, had the audacity t Huron Road, Hallett, a son. ---•.- i Ink brother and sister as well as on behalf of myself, the wonderful kind- nt-ss the --- Passing of Mrs. John A; send cheese and buyer to tiff- Dation Al Dairy Show 1* complr;,s with. the Deaths FARM F OR SALE, --The Executor of of members ,o► the Bayfield Y -illness .• world." She, won tile. gold molal onClinton, RL'DI)-In Clinton . on -Dec. 10th, the Southcoali+ke estate offers. for I' Cowie. during the long of toy WilliaMS Of Zurich. the ehresc and a $4 prize and dip- Jennie E,. Rudd. sale 50 acres, being cast half of ' iuther and in connection with his dr.�th and funeral. 1 cannot part - q`l1tl funeral of Mrs. J. A. Williams )oma for .Il;i: butter: Mrtt Laith- 140MLTTlE—I11 bower Wingham, I)ec. lot► 28, con,, 6, IIulictt. This. is' a rrsf-class farm, lcularize here fo.i everyone seemed to on Sunday, '-was one of tiie large!>t waite's brother, Mr, B'ddie Williams, was her. itionuctor in making the 10th, Char?•s L. Ilomutb, in his 63rd yea% well watered and improved and with good buildings. be i icing while the other in the kind- ever held in. 7.urioh. The. church -vas 'nixed..*) f Ya cheese, 'laddie is an expert c11(�:se F RRi;I.-�In Turnbow on Dec. 2nd } Also Me undersigned Offers for sale ness shown. I am not a member of , utmost capacity and maker, having made cheese W a fac- Fanny Freeborn, relict+ of the . lot 29, con. 0, IIullety, consisting; of your order but I know somethingof, many . were turned away. The ser- for • in his count for three y Y. yea:M�. � late Kill.. Farrel, 100 .acres. These-. farms may be t1w loft p y p i nei les which it incul- vices were ver. Y splemn and most itn- � without a cull. . , _ bought together or separately.— e•atea and I cannot help feeling that :+`1e members of I3ayfleld Court have _Brown) P Lessive. The pastor,, pastor Rev.- G. F , conducted the a.rvices both . . Mr. Latthwafte begs to call atten- --1 -- 'Apply to R..J, Sputhcom'be, Clin- ton, P. 0„ shown that) they have learned well _ at the house and the church: The tion to the fact*;ia,' the prize cheese FOR S.1LI,.--> LARC,1, AIT SOi'- . -89 the lessons of the order and know. choir, t+1e W. Q. T. U.. and. a ladje,-Y was made out of Jnr:r�y milk., -Tar) venin heater. -A I i Pp y ba Mrs. h. --------- ,.,_ _ . )tow to put faenl in 'practico when the sad occatron a ses. In conchul.- quarette rendering beautiful J,ct- poi, ions The floral offerings were most and Daifry, x Whitheaci.--09-2. - . .••••�••.�•••••••♦•:•• ion I dealre to express the hope that beaut':ful.. Among them' were a • i ' December' a .t btrth individually and as a Court w-uat'h from the family,a wreath 'and' , To the Ele4etolrs of'. FOR S,LLI,.—Two 2 -YEAR- OLD • 0 . • it you may continue to prosper and be from Dr. Mrs. Cam pbel: a . co.its rising three years,' ri red. b a Y Y • • • k . blessed in the good work which .you art doing," , sheaf"• from Mrs. ' Sniltli of A)Isaar Craig'; ' g'; across front iter brother.. ClintonC1 I,—Apply •fo Robert Marshall, Bayfield ink, CGodertch lawnship. 0 • 0 • Our": • Bj '6 ,� �9 I n letter of appreciation was. also sister,' a sheaf, from 'Mr. Gall .,, � • . Ladles and Gentlemen —At; the. re- --09 0 1.-f rcceived from Mrs, Jane Stanbitry, late 5teinbaell London, and a, wreath from Zuriclr. Lodge F. , quests of a ilun►ber of my fitcods' I 0 • a•1'iow of the Dr. 5tanburv, .,1. anti A. M,: The paldboal.ers'were J. J,•Mer= have consen?,'d to stand for tho pos= FOR SALT:—' A itiIILI{ COW • i 0 nci, J. Prepte:a, . J, (:_=aybiel, f+ W. ,'.tion cif Ma or.. y .GOOD , 1) '! . D..Johnson. _ 0g Sp1 Fpult � Tuekersmith Township. Hess, Ed - Appcl;, and Chrit, I ether. t�:ott have cicciccl Hie to yrour co.un- _ - .. .V 6• : ' Tho 'interment took place' in the E,v G41 board for seven cousecuti� a years, - • �1r. Walter Layl,nn returned on angelical cemetery, on •Nile Bronson of them as, Itccvc.. During thatr FOR -SALP, A FIR,tir-(:L,>,tit: - - � - •• ' Saturday from thv went where he line'. '1876 .two time I •have' rndi+zvored to advance the -the. 'Towle,, . : -National Cxt ani Separator. it'tI.I be • i 5 now:on' and for two. � g eras engineer of a threshing, oullAt In slit was married to John interests of and also ,• sold cheap as I' have .,rv,.n .lip farm; � , luring tie past season. Mr. l:a}- A. Williams, .which union 'was biess- 'ses- protect you•t interest's as ratepayers, fig. - A. D. W'iltse, CY.nl,on. •-09 . ; � weeks we s 1 to el nn is .t•Irr}• that he cannot -port 14th childLen. During .the It is impossible Tilt uir to person- ♦ 1 -will Ill :avorably, but the fact is that a pastorate., of. Rev: H. Dierlalilm on ally:call on all. My seven years of 0 0 1.5It:s Redpath's extra Stan- : 0 •r _ t' eat poriton of the grain in Sask Iia C CU' Y fr lea 29 ; -ars ago she can; srrvfcc (s before you. If it) is . ,- . _ . BOAR- FOR SI..RVICL. ILiVI\C= dar•d ,.. Gn'(( ntllated'StrgaL X1,00 • hi atchewan and Alberta is still in secrot+ad hen Ilits to God and remain-. war -thy, I' respecifully .aA: for •you•t pttrc}lased a Aliorobred Tamworbh 0 : 1W lbs for - .'6.U0 • ' $It >>,ick or shock and covered with With favorablF winter. ed an earnest and faithful member1. of the Ltangelicai 011110-lt,' ' support+` `a11d I influence. - boar will keep the same, for wrvice , : l lbs b •r * I; • est cleaned Currants .now. a much of tris raiti may be saved ti .translation• g Y un +il her to.•tho. cluft-h above.' I( clectud . I shall' endeavor to ad- Bite at lot 2:3 on Vic T*sl, e 1 t SiU., I tllatt. 'Perms .._+, • • , 0 G 3 lbs finest �. :hc spring, but in the meantime the ,i„ S waw Williams was a consistent and vance i•nteresi' and prospc':t:ty. of .the citizens and serve the. people $1.00 at time of servfcey wi sh ; privilege of returning it necessary.— • selected 110" 0 v • Rltisills ;,r..i M :Honey it represents is not in cir- sincere Christian giving evidence .of: tvit•houi) favor to any class; to •the.. L. - Tyndall.: =08 y � '1 - � • 4 bs fine old Raisins .ulation and the efieut is .bound to her faitfa In God in'days of sunshine lic+;t,of ability...*" . • • • ,:3,, • Fl be fe7,t and far-reaching. as .tivell 'as,•adversit}', never doubting ,my. �:oiu (;brdie.'n(t 0, 19 mew itnprn'ted candied Penh • ha :1 very happy event took; place on that all -thins }work., together.' .' Toa g g .Servant .' .. . - i,, 1011, orange, cttr(in lb...i,i • a leti, g m,c. 6th, at the home of Mn. and good to t+hem that love . God.` She' B. J: Gib.bi >kl B . g , `NOTICE — TRESaPA,'SIb,G FOR h1.unting ... ♦ . - '� New 'sl ell • i eel Alnnonds t0 Mrs. Wil. Elgle, i•t being the mar- was tt.u1 a' faithful: cons, }' pinion and I or g y -other' pu:+pose • ria a of their youngest g r } gest daughter, a devot d mother : taken • a deer ,• g 1 — -- — what+soever on lot's 12 alld .13 con. ,, • New ;belle S'' • d 1 z. nuts, .10. r' ''n I iz.ie o ,John A. McLachlan, t 1 McL ch an r' r r i to ( t 1n the welfare , a eivnt(. - i tel Le of cVOTE-- I7 file t tt is 'here fo ul b i a . do •, �. , � 1 F . ('romarty, son of Alex. McLachlan, %)i Boland, Sask., but formerly of ber 'of her family.. Two yeai.iJ ago she Passed through an operation Tot a ' - .. 0 UH - Trosliassera will bcii tosceuted.� John liessci[iood, Owner. --OG . . - . .. 0 B ) • Li W. T. O NEIL ('romarty.. To the strains of the wed- tumor, 'front . which sho never fully • ' ,ling march played Miss -Ethel Elgi,t, ralliaa.. 1lbotit. seven: weeks ago:. • a cousin, .the bride entered anotheir operation -vas performed, LOGSAVANT.ED AT .T1IE rACTO12Y : '.'The flub Clkocery." •. The orlon leaning on the' arm of her P gNCE which , tvas thought at firs;+ ao. All -)all kinds' o; . Iogs, ,Maple, ` ,So°it" 11 T father prettil p gowned in creak be successfid, but latc°r7 coni- ANy . Llm. and'.. Basswood '. pref••zred. 9 • • • • • • • • • • • "0 • • 0.0 • • • • - 1•'ronch volle with trimmings of satin plications set in which -sent- I7igheatt.pricrs 'paid. --The I)ohecty> and ball fringe and" wore. the cus- ually , caused lies. death, _ . In, 'all0 &. Organ Co. - 05 tamary veil and orange blossom`[, and ,'arried bouquet these trials, • she was patient tri,+) ii • signv.l t"•le "will of GA), ONE MORE E M RE T[ E.EK WEEK' a of white roses. .to revel hiss Hattie McKrller, a cousin of murmuring' against.• the •ny:yi•mous Respectfully solicit- for ITOU88- `r0 RE`'l'. - A-WE'L1. ,,he groom, a:s the biWesmaid,'•wore dealings of. Divine Providence, but built'house .to' rent, posses- AND Tt EN a lovely white embroidery dress and expressing her failili in 'elle +.tnerLl,ig; ,early sfon,.:modest-. 'renis .good. girder' •.1. • carried pink carnations. Mr. Robe. ]:•1 ie brother of the bride su or?ed leaves g , •• Pp to mourn her ctr arturi' lick P counsel of t+he fnviriible. Une. SheCOOP[H with fruit , •c L 1L CS.-- Apply 't(1 JOltr1 Ranst'ord; ti'lolsons Z3ank building, -Oa ,. Have � ou elecfded -tiliat to give For Cht►st'utas off?a vet.? Ili,., groom. Rev. ,I. Richardson, of husband; three i�lns,- Les unci 1(ubcrt , . Rr:ppen, t -,'d the nuptial knot in the 'ail homo 'ani) Calvin of . Buffalo, and4 i, , . I i -.I. �f a :ai e showing ;Ile choicest ' line pre:rllce of ona.hundre.d guests. Al- three daugnters, Ji,tliel and P1va:_ at ' • BO:SJt F'OTl S1SIlVIC'l.—)1 `J'I101tc)' of China we Have, ever,handl'ed and ?vt congratulations, .all sat down to home, ' and .Airs.. Whiteside of Kompt- For the position of Mayor. bred Berkshire boar is 'Ca'r service ice at'prices which -will spell :real gI ood J, sumptuous dinner. The gifts'were ville., V..tree brothers, David of l;uffalo,' . , . ati 'lot 22; Base Line. Terms; $1 value for evory •buyer. ' ,cautiful and costly, among Uheni be- y g Jacob of St. Paul and Dan -of Cara �I . . for 191:, nee In fact► the rice doesn't liarnnony:c P " ing a substantial cheque from . the Mich.,' and one sister, Mrs.' lines .of , • `- ` with pr.fvflegt+"af returning ff with the qualtity at all but "The bride's father. A number of young 7ur eth. ' essaiy. .-Albe•.t Townwrid. Clualirty , is .Ilene " 'all. right. ' people gathered in th:' evening ra do honour to the .. ►fir 1 o Electors � Call sand sce. ifs: W'o .cousider it - a plbas�ure. `eta asst>t fn I young couple and a most enjoyable time was spin!. Thn 11L;CTEU.N t':neir SAhE OF Z+'a1It1 4'!'C)C'ii the of n Clinton : I+'•Ui#, IiE:�Z—:t1' SIY ROOiILD house on William street Apply) D. you malting your sclect•fons. Here is list bes0 wishes of many friends and implenleh.'•1,=Mr. .John► L. Al- . : a. partial -which niay ,rill fallow them to their new home len .has instructed .fife-vndarsigned S: Cluff. Phone 47. . --1700. be .,suggestively helpful " near .Cromarty. tor sell b ublie auction at Lo' 16 Ladies and G'entlemeni•-At the re- . ' . .' Dinner sotx, Tea sets, Berry sets, ,• _ ,, Con 9, Hullcbt at 1 (:)'clock p.m. quusil of a .Largo 'delega:1rion of citfz- . • ` , Salads, ' Clhoel0a pots, Bake plates; ' sharp on Thursday, Dec. 28th, tiro ens I. have consented to allow. PROPERTY FOR: SALE,=Plardware Pitclt►+rs, Cups and saucers, tion -ban Exeter following,:. Live Stock -1 general name to appear: before. you tor' the businesq for sale in Baiyfleld, Two- trays, :etc. etc. purpose parse; black, 7 yrs,'1 genet, position o f Reeve ,;-e .for the ensuing S tory 'building, _store, workshop and Please I2elli nl '. 5 .e ber also that. our lalr.;. James Smith and children left at pur wi, horse, brown, 10 yrs, � y'ar I have' lead several, ynars cit- dwellin combined, also stable 26 � � s1'ook oC GROCE.1tiE.S, FRUITS, :ast week for Iianot•er to join het ] eneral ur ose 1 g p P +, y`rs,: 1 perienee as Count Councillov under Y x 36. Three lots with orchard and ETC. '_ is all tttrietly fresh, No. 1. Husband. .lions,t blood colt 7 Aron;+.its, I. brood snare the old Acts and also, for one year small fruits, Terms reasonable-�-�Ap- goods, Wo car.4i no No, 2 stoc& Mrs. Thos. IIanclford was 1n S1. standard bred, a number of young a.s Reeve and for the, past year have . ply ro R. ROuatt, BaYflold. -74 though the price might seem to in- n-'fhomas 'Thomasrecently visiting her -daugh- cattle, about 60 wall' b -1x1 Leceist- ' Iled .a sax;) a.' our council' board, I t dicate it.,. ;.•r, Miss LaBelle, who in a utadent er ewes 2 thorobi)tcl Shro shire �lntploin-itts—Alac,.w have always faithfully.- ..served tie' Oil, yes.' we've barreltt .'tend bar,uls. at Alma College. rails: �-iCarrit; best interest.,; of our town ;End t[;Il PARVt I+"OTE SALE -•Lot north of Candles, Nut+,, Oranges., ,etc. etc. Rev. Goo. W. Dewey, pastor of li,'m. conlbinud Seed drill ,and cultivator, ran;';nue to do so it you elect 1:1e.1s. .half 2G, con, 12, 11ullett, consisting of for the 'tittle people, rao. - 'h press avenue chu•t:h, London, has 13 -hoe, now, Mas,ey-llarrls illower, your Iteevr, As I canno . r..d 00011 50 acres. All seeded down except Ili will 'sur- be a Me -try Christmas been invited to become pastor or 0 -ft -tet nearly now, Frost & You, all personally I will appreci.}UW 1:0 .a -res. Small orchard. Frame it you buy from us, You'll wonder .tames Street. church at the, begin- Wood hinder , 6 -ft cut nea-r'y t[ew, I'., if Volt will give nee. your g,e, rc t1a house and bank barn' with stabling. 110-v You ever gay' so mUeh stuff for n:ng of next confe+iincc year and huts Frost ,L Wood hay rake, Maxwell support and Mark your ballots for On Gravel road 1 toile north of the+ luouey. accepted teiblect to the approval of . hay loader, C'uLl',vator, Riding. plow,' rue on January 14t, 1912• I.ondesboro, lr mile from. school. the stationing committee. Imperial, gang plow, Disc .liar + )w, Yours "Truly, Apply on the premises or addres0 ` Min; Carrie f)yre retu'r•1ed last weak to Brantford Diamond harrows, 2 21-•i,leury walk- 'ing D. Cantelon,' Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P,O. from a visit and plow, Land . ro;,eit, Lumber about . • •-•75 Guelph. wagon, Set trucks and hay rack, 2 '-- . • •Jame; street church held their an- cutters, li'.•Lni►ing in111 ttftli screens %amount aodd to spend the winte at OA*Itro, ( sal. it is bloodthati th- Chan e•'ou►rl g i " discoutit` frit Casli'oh 'etCrlit amount% -:i» elm L. Allele, Proprfc- . � rr:vrrsar� services, on Sunday v M'k, when' 10v. ileo. V. llazcn of London . ,end wive.,, 3 buggi.+s, 2 s(;;v s ngie r�t ` l o .the �eCtbl`s Of iT v SANTA LAOS STORE : . will b0ft0fi.a 11Ir. Bowden'$ bftltii, •'• li'>ornessi 2 sets double 11ai+,Css, 1 ' ` d 'preached morning and evening• set light, driving harness, . Forks, . t t Clinton Educalion preys a dividend every .©' That new organ just installcid 11' Tho rapes and other articles too numer-, I�ttI b �. , , :,t i . ' C'OIVIT: IN TO TILE, I)I OPLT-,"S GROCER` Ar H, BEATON Phone Irl. , Phone orders earefutly tilled. J'resllyt'-Tian church wilt be formally r"algid by at recitxt on .Jan. 5th. ous to mention, There will b no rr�gorve as the proprietor has rhnted I,aclics and •tip-z►llelilen,--I beg to We have man articles in our Y ' iV17`� wish (��.� Patrons. ' The t`,ilf11f38 Gu11ci held 'a:suecesstol , his fariri• Tonins -All stuns of $5 annoutice that I 'am a Candidate for thin Ileeveship for another :store that �vitl pleas- flea children. Chrlstmas .. A Merr 0-hristmas. ba7.aar .sod- tea in t+he o erq- house p 'tn Friday woelc, and undar, Cash ; on over that year :and resptetfully request the, support of time about 1.-1. y Mr. �and.Agrs. ;,, C. %wdaft have 10 months' credit on ap• . ptoved• joint.,nr 5. percent, p(rr an- the ratepayms- of the• lawn of. C1i n . } . , w o' As *� A TT� %amount aodd to spend the winte at OA*Itro, ( sal. it is bloodthati th- Chan e•'ou►rl g i " discoutit` frit Casli'oh 'etCrlit amount% -:i» elm L. Allele, Proprfc- ton. • . .. Truly, for'thelu i ,,: - „ seven times .the . rini ry,W -, O ,.G , ' . , : . will b0ft0fi.a 11Ir. Bowden'$ bftltii, •'• tor' 1, Cilioft Avetionerr. ' f) • ' +:.. r 1..�`►i>l,'1,'ytlr ` .. • ` WV�O 11AlY`A{A o �dl't $1'. . i 4 , . . - Educalion preys a dividend every .©' . r ±'•g I�ttI b �. , , :,t i . . .. , . 0 t, 1, tom..... t 0 u YourChristmaYS triits ----� FROM �,..-.. , A* Je Jeweler an Optic�ialn., _. _."_---f;t-••.--•- We Carry one of the Largest"land'Vest c4ssorted Stocks of Watches, Clocks and �eUele in the County, x < F. f -r: _ GOLD. RINGS A Minh makes u, very aceel,ttLble WATCHES I ES €gift fi)r ettller•l,t(ly ox geiitlerxlart,. 5tA w(th I)fanlorlds, Pearls, Ru- I.adies:•a and Gent's Gold, Filled 1*1.,, Lnternlds, ()pals, 8aphires Ctas(:, stein wind, with a good, - rellab1etlnovernorlt fully. Sigliet Ri1198 i.%5 to $i.Q Guaranteed . . . .......... $10 (ethers from $12. to $40 . A special line of single pearl, 14k rings $3and $5. Boys' Watches _$I.OQ. Weddingin CLOCKS Rings B Clocks of all descriptions , ROACHES from .... , , •.. • $ t to $25 Broaches of all "idbscrip— Special Values for tions and prices. We Christmas carry a beautiful -line of Pearl 14k Gold Broaches Umbrellas with gold,at.......;.. $4 to $2ia silvtr and gun metal.- • . •' - handles. - Lockets ' Net:klets .bracelets Chains Ebony Goods Cuff Links . Scarf Pins . SILVERWARE Is always popuilar"for presents, Itis Artistic and Useful. .11 We ;hut :all articles of Jewelery iii nice boxes and engra;�e initials free of,charge. • Our Prices are.Right•aad Gpods are just as we Represent Them. We t,'ill be pleased.to see you and will treat you well. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICE'NESS , . - . (No' Witnesses Recluir.edl -- . . ' - . UK - L . .Y!'111!)1--_—_ 1;_i;'.!.. I. IVe have all 'the , leading lines of gh grade patent and family flours el10USe• from S n r ni : tl Roses ' Fire Ro. Royal otisehold - Puritan ; Ilarvwi Queen, lenora, Three Stars, Jewel.,: .Iar - y evs Model, .1V r l r c' c I l e Pert tion' , y and innehaha,. ` Choice Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Orallam our acid Wheat G vrnt al[vay) . on nd, . . , . 1. . FE 1. D. .1 Bran " ,'ports a i 5 Sug 13eet Meal, Cell Corn, �tCtO; Feed, .oatr (;'hop, B. Chop, all at raxsonable prices. useed Oil Cake, Pure Linseed Meal. L: WITTER est - eleph'one 64 TI1n,ELEVATOR' LIVE � . 1. " 'I " I 'I ' LT.RI PO [Y . NNATED. . . . I . I - I I _. _ . I _ . . I . . me following . gLar►tityt of live' poultry'. is. wanPod at the Ilolnicsville Poultry' Station each week this sea%on : - . '1000 chickens 500 • hen a . 300 ducks 3000 dozen new Faid eggs. . Tu-eceys and. C,eeso later. Poultry taken in the first three days of each week. T}igli- est prices paid in cash. `i... -- or plione before you sell, t W1 . THEWARTH� HOLMESVILLE 10•NA 9`•'•1.112, OAL WOOD. CEMENT YARDS Opposite the G. T. R. Station. All kinds df coal .On hand : CESTNIIT SOF" C COAL, 11 I .S,70VE, C'ANNF,L COAL F URNAC E, - CORE ARTHUR FORBES Phitao 5L tob"04146 .,136. 111ttallt". ,W -- �. 1 *♦11• **" ♦♦♦ #N♦ ♦N♦♦♦ O♦' +.# S POTTON-1 I ..I ' - - ♦ 2 . -I I � - I f ,Stands for all that, is modern in• . Z Business Training. Chain . )ct' AL zui i ♦ .Seven Colleges in leading towns - and pities. � 1'wo. Thousands stn- PARED TO RECEIVE ORI)ERf • dents in our Colleges and Ilonle. I �tli(I 1 tl -•• LI' � ', •: ♦. y last year. l e train from ♦ ten tc) twenty students for every ♦♦ one trained' by host schools. } . Theee', LL reason. It is frcel • adlnitted.that our gra.(luates.get - • " . . ., best positions, and the :den►and . :.. for'thelu i ,,: - „ seven times .the . ♦. a.upgnl�.l+,xclusfvoright for On- . .tat to of the fainous Bliss Book- 1. • c' ke )in i.System. ) Ycuma may study b. J ' i at, panic, or partly -at pini- and' finish at'the College. A Business 4 , . . - Educalion preys a dividend every .©' . da of •our'. life. y 3 • ' VVIN't'ER TEIN . . Z FROM JAN:. � I912.. s 2 . . ...' .° . .1. ('all ,or Write for •tiai•klculars' . . t S otton Business ♦ . I ♦. ♦ Celle e . : g . . .♦ . I Z . CLINTON - ONT,' iYlh. I r' , Miss 3 T. '4t aid . Fri . nctpal • .1 NH♦♦♦♦i♦♦♦N N♦fir♦► • W6 l wi Sit �,1 1 oni cus- .. . - tc�iners ..a . Merry ..-_.,_ . Christmas and ' Happy New Year. i'Y ER AM SU & TT SANITARY PLUMBERS. TO THE P I EIC HAVING BOUGHT THE • LC()RICSE'IOP DI✓PARTM)✓lv'T OF' THE, HOWLAND HARDWAELT ` BUSINESS, WITH WEHCI.1 1 TIAti +' Bx,EN CONNECTED FOR SNV1-;RAL YJI,ARS, I AM -PRFe PARED TO RECEIVE ORI)ERf • ' FOR THP. IIt,CLA VURNACF,S, PI.UMBIING, E:VLTROUGIIINGs . PUTTING UP .STOVES AND REPAIRS OF ALI, KINDS, ALL OP MUCH . WIi,L RECEIVE '• MY PROMPT ATTT,NTION. A • COA1T1N'UANCI. OF ' UP1 .PAT- ' RONAGL GIVEN THIS DE- ' PARTSTI-I V`T V4 RE.1511E,C'T VTJ(,- i; ' LY REQULSTE".D. ;. • PROMPT ATTENTION ' Wft,t, ° BR, VYIVPt,NL. TO OnDT;RS LIFT - . AT ROLAND'S 1fA1 UWAR% " S•C0 0.. ' . T I J0 ' 11 r