HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-21, Page 44 :It r.• .Cliatoa News-Recor, Docentbes 21st IOU geraIaInx*tempr Iftaatraawgalni.ltsgIso- 1 The Last Vali For CHRISTMAS COME WITH THE CROWD TO Cooper's Variety Store Clinton. COOPER C CLINTON. COderich Township Holmes Mr. john Marshall is one of our Mr. James Ford has. retarned te -Wait residents, that is *he is well ! the old home. after spending Some over ninety but • he marked his bal-' years in • Vancouver and other parts lot 10.40 week for Harry Either. They I at the Coast. - couldn't have kept hint a.t home if : Mr. l're d Mulholland, who came Vey had tried but they didn't itly. 1 over from the Missitisippi Valley re - He i, looking forward to .a few gen- ,cent1y with a. car of .effecas,' has era' elections yet. It r; remarkable gone to Chicag0 for the winter. now, spry lie Itas .kept • notwitha'and-1 Mrs. A. J. •Courtice and Mrs. S. T. mg advancing years. Why last liar -I Walters and children are speriiing vest • he was actually out helping to the Christmastrie with Mrs. F. C. load. Ford at St. Anne de Bellevue, near Mr. and Mrs. -Chas. Cook attond- Mon.3eai. • ed the big Win! r Fair in Guelph last week. Mr. Cook paid most' at- tention to the cattle, but the poul- 71122ROCCIDINNIMIO".111111111131701119117' • BIC VALUE Couch & Co. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEAD- QUARTERS FOR XMAS BUYING. L now beg to announce that our stocks of ap- •• V. V propriate articles for Xmas gifts a,re now com- •• • pieta and in excellent taste, variety and qual- ity; The dis*play surpasses anything we have previ-. ously shov4n. Here are a few suggestions Linens • Comforters Collars Handkerchiefs. .Blankets Belts • Umbrellas *Furs ' Fancy'Bags. Parasols rlantles Golf Jackets Select while our stocks are at their best --"NOW". rims MIKE SIIITIIIIIIMAS SIFTS THERE is nothing more acceptable or more' practical as a Xmas Gift than a handsome set of Furs.Our styles are exclusive and our values the best,known to the trade. , We are showing : . Sable Mink Persian Lamb Grey Lamb Mink Marmot Belgium Hare Isabella Fox - Foxerine Two Specials. for Saturdays MLLINERY • We put on sale Saturday two doz. Trimmed Eats. reg: ; $6 00 And $7.00, your. choice- SLOB , MANTLES Two dozen Mantles, all new styles in Black and Tweeds, $5.00 and $0O less than, reg. price. Come early Saturday and get first &oleo. Children's Coats Half Price. This community was sadly shock- ed to learn on Saturday of the sud- den passing of 117iss Joule E. Rudd try depalrenent proved the; most, at- of • .ClintonMisa Rudd was fo:; tractive for his good wife. yrars a, noble worker in church cir- They also spent a few hours cies at liointesville and was held in at the, Agli'euttural ' College ', the highest respeo:: by all. . . as tho guee, of their friend, Mr. 1 .It was lilted last week that tile. Moseby. They say ., they had a most !Sunday school of the Methodist enjoyablu -time and we can well be• lieve it. On Friday evening last the mem- be a; of Mr. IsItiNell Yee's Sunday Inas Tree and en ?attainment has been school class at 'Cole's church gateer-1 decided upon and preparations are being made for an enjoyable time. • -ed at his,- home on the Hayfield :ape ' and gave him a HAW surprise. Af, 1 On Sunday morning next special ter gtoeting-s. lad been exchanged and se...I:ices will be livid. in the Method- io ,' is.! church. In . 1,:ie morning the pas- • the young people had been made : ;:tor will .give an illusl:ated address, fe.i. at home, order was called aud which wiil be . intetesting,. and the Mr. Norman Miller, on behalf of the' choir prepai.feg a special song sex - class, read an. address expressing nhe is for the evening. There will al - high app.r.ciation ou Vac part of the i vIce p class of Mr. Yeo's services a.s tea- I s° lit' a short address On an • _ari- a ropraile :Vieille al .4:e .evening scir cher and asking him. ,.} accept as tangible token: 6f. their esteem and ' l''('• rega.rd a handsomely bound Teacher's I Bible. Mr. Bert • Coop!: Made the . presentation. ' Mr. Ye°. was taken Gocietich Township evening last a large . . ed in the whir., is in a few well - completely by surgise be!. he re-' . o„ Friday plied to the kind sontiments express.-ignatili.1:1"11..beei.:\,.(i aiotif: chosen words and thanked his pupils II.1:14:;ibel:11,°dIesi 1:it'd (ajitusilA:ilt;rni:te lag ilbt,1•1.: for the hind *.tioughts which 'had Silg- : , pn„,3„„ a heartily not only Inc the g:t, - but ital. evening . ' with tam pier to the gestea it. The elm inder,of the eV- I -N- irs`''.'''' - their 121.41es 4, ilaugh,?..r, - otitme, 'who leaves • at • the beginning ening was - given up 11,.; eitiovnielt and I was happily . spent in music, games. 44 theNewYear foa lier liew home in a isson, .Sask. The (treeing was and social chat. A dainty lunch was n1spout in socila : chat mid also served, the ladies. taking, care ,1,;1:124 During' the evening Miss Min, that plenty of gold things w..e1; pro- , -'e' ' vided. Altogethe A . the alit.a. ....,,.., i lie as the recipient of a very •• "'."'' . am rsome. shower of hien atel other one . Of unalloyed pleasure to all. Vol- i • uvaluable presents. She was quite •1cwing is the address,: To Mr. Nelson Y..) :-• --,.....,,, ''Dear Teachtt,,1 t 14 wi.th great (Clutch wee.; contemplating having a sleighride this year inslaid of a Christmas Tree, but tie usual Christ- Coderich Township: Mr. Roy Cantfelon. returned last Week after an absence in the -.WEgito Of seveizal znonths. .doesn't look any Hai worse for his jaunt but rather as if it had agreed with Inn. A •Christalas 'rree and ,entertain - mut be held in Ebenezer church next Wednenday evening. The enter- tainment is •Irt connection with the Sunday school and the proceeds will be used for the aid of the school. taken by surprise but . her. ...father -- made' a very suitable reply : and thanked the friends foe their Otte pleas ire- that your scholars ar,!,gath- unlooked ' for, but - much appreciated e ;it here tonight tla -offer you .-4 kindness. Miss Lobb • is a very ; pop - slight token of out; appreelaConand ular young :lady . andwik be 'much regard, and we know you will receiveit missed in the church and.' neighbor- kindly,•aed whenever our memory t:o* hood,. 1..1 she was always :a willing -calls ..the hours 'spent undel-your-• and .acti; e when needed, Miss teaching in the Sunday school our Lobb was married, yesterday -.1.6 Mr. •heartS will w.a.rm towa-; you. - We- Norman Snyder of. Radisson',. Sask. now ask you to accept this. Bible as Mrs. Wni. ('ook is ham from • a .siight t�ken of .our esteem and al- Brook, Sask., to ..spend part of Stanley, Township Mr. and. Mrs, Egleson Este)! oi Bigger, Sask., formerly Of t'.iis tomr ship, arc home for thu wlottar. 1.36•0 look well and speak favolribly of tie West, Thr daughter Jane, has beenmarried lattey. Mr. Alex. Sparks, one of our local horse buyers, is home from the rest for. another load of horses. Mr. II. Vainly has had several ploughing bees lately and now has a considerable por 1 .01 of his new farm turned aver. Mrs. Koss Johnoton has gone to Fullerton to visit hiir sisteli there. Miss Irene Douglas of Ilensall vis- ited Blake friends this week. We are pleased: to learn that site has se- cured a :ditto! near Bewail Inc next • 3 ear. Mr. R. McBride :40141 a horse tact R. Douglas and .1. A. IVIanson one to A. Aparks. •- - A Merry Xmas to all News -Record readot .s. Three cheers and a tiger :-for the People's Harry. Who'snext to. try conches -oils with him ? Election .day was rather disagreeable„but the. elettors' turn,41 ou! support *a gond cause -•-•au untarnished govern - meet. Mt. Harry • Zapte has bought • the farm at Blake ' lately vacated by . Mr. Thos. • Shetritt. Mr. .Chris , Schrag had the misfor tune to lose a. valuable' Jersey mileh cow last week, one that he paid in, the neighborhood of $90 tor a year. ago. - Mr: And Mrs. G. S. Howard were ctlIing on. frienda • • of the deceased Mrs, Mrs, .Wainsley in hayfield last Sat- urday. .. • : : Mr. Eroest Pollock, who went West. a row 'weeks .ago, has returned to his . The Mary :friends of Mrs. John Reid wil2-_be:L.pleased to. learn that she • is recovering- from her recent ill- , SO'SS. Rev. Mr. :JohnatonWas.' made fee recipient of two loa:ds of oafs, pet- a,toes etc. - . by the people of Blake - so our hes? wishes for a • Merry why( Cr ..w i 1 h her parents Air, : and Brimic;iiin of Goderich ' - • ism; _. congregation.' Cli 5 stifles aod a Happy \( S% Year. mrs... . . 3; her husband's -- Mai- ter . Lockhart .1a/install of Varna ned on behalf of the class." ha a also' been visitin ' • : • parents, •Mrs. and Mrs. Ches.. an . imfortunatfa accident cock met wile.). of 1110 West side Of the tiawnship. 1a.a; week- when .he hreke his arm. Summerhill. . . . , . . . • Miss F.,1.;11 Mel3tien spent •Sunday at her home here. Mr, • .1V, Vodden enaartained .. a . ' tl ar i vi t 11;.• ; in c il weariness of , The many friends of Mr. William Mr. Robb. • • P. Douglas of Saske- Qrooks ere glad to -hear, that. he • is Wok is now flame to.. spend the win. ter in a more again about •all light aftet severe . corigenial illness. • What hurt Mr. • ('rooks trio; :' number of the young people the: °the., his Woes.; Wes the .fact that he eveningAll..rep.orthaving had an _coulkIn't got out • - . vote, We are enjoyable fme. . , • • • not . aware if h.; missed - a Parlia- ,' miss . iletwooi is 11 fling menti,* etection .before• in fifty - or 1: ends in Clinton.' • • • • • • . myea ore rs,• Rev. Mr. Jeakins paid a pasio ;in visit .at Mr. Tyner's ,on Monday. Mr. Fred-. I,a.wson. attlaling Business -College in: L.O.L. No. 92.8 held a special nig '• on Mendaye; ening.' Mrs. Win. Lawson spun a few day* the -guest of her dauglwr, Jds Medd. -• . : • • • •• A Very happy . event took Otter on Friday evening last, when a - -largo lego and .took .:. a . Year's ' pos,I grad-' gathering repreSerdetive of the. wbole %late- work in I.;:dinbutg., Scotland, preVioes. to Ms 'setikment, at .131-ue:. ' vale. :. . • •, i : ' ' Mr. Hugh McGregor -metal: two ea- trit'i last week, in Oho , Toronto 11',0 Stock Show . in - fat • heifers:under one year, grade or cross-bred„ind : he • woe. both p'llos ilancluiiting_ to iv -Mr-, 1st of the church . The address. was .ty-five dollars. He then sold .lIs. read by Mt, Wm. Dunbar, and *It. heifers at ::eleren cents „per .pound W. J. Mel3rien inede , the. present: .ih:e weight. - . • ' . • .. Adm, : • . . • Mr... Utter' McBee -di has TT. t'11:111d Miss Tyner, who knew nothing after a three month's absence fa the whatever about the .matter, . and • weSt. :. . ., . who 5011110(1 : sewn ed t 3 Teel; t he 0001.2011 1('13 Mr. Wal tea blellea I h has returned keeply', •hea..r.ily -iasnice4 her 2111(1115 af ter a -210.;e months' abseece in th,.; for -Their beautiful gift , west. • .' ' ' . . During the evening, games or vat- Mrs. Thos. BoYee - and .11Irs. .Kernell lous..kieds were hearly. Indulged f.ni of Goderich via'ted • relatives ,and, and en -excellent tea, with cake, etc., friends around here for .,a couple of .was supplied by the ladies, The Com- weeks recently.. • , . pan y ..separa.0,:d at a Ia& hour, highly 111r. 1) 'ResS, Who is engaged build - pleased with 10e evenitigs enjoyment. jog the nbw. flax. mill at Drayton, The address was as follows -: . came home to vote last week, Dear Miss Tyner, -It becomoa my Miss May , 13eatZe of Pond Mills visited her aunt, Mrs. 'Wm. Scott plea, duty, in behalf of your fri- ,,_,..4.„: week. endsin connection • with St. Pet,Ws la cliurch, and who are assembled here Mr. Geo.. McCartney of the Mill tonight, to remind yau that we a'ra Road I a home after spending Seve:131 not forgett: ul of the fact, that for: five weeks in the ;coot, Mr. McCartney. years, you have beeit faithfully alw .much wheat whieh ' had- .been (Us' :destroyed. by frost! and wet and says charging the duties of organist, in. , . . can to our church. the farmers cannot. p.m= . I•11,1•1••••••• • Brucefield. Rey, W.: J. West,: M. A. 'Of Blue - vale Will conduct the services; Union. Preshyt-tian Church an Sunday neXt;• Mr. \Vest ha.' been the „Successful pastor: 'of Knox church, Bluevale, his, ,Tirst and only charge,' • Inc the , • past :fon ten years., r' • Ile is • a 'graduate of *faria() Universtle• and tinox- • Conimunity .*and comprising for the :most part the members ef St. Pet- er's cherch,-a,s.mnbled the Janne of Miss Maud Tyner -and presented her with an address, aoaompanied a gold watch and chain, ie re, - cognition : of her servie.44, aa organ - For . years it has. been our privilege ship elle grain already threolied. Mr, Alexander Ross, a pioneer of to be associated with you in all the b-sanches of our' churoli work. this Section, passed away at his. home here Test • Thursday evening The young have found in you a de- Trout pneumonia in leis 77.0 year. vollad 1,411011er, and :the Ladies Guild, t has benefited consideaably by your The. late Mr.. Ross was a farmer help, Your earnest devotion to duty for many years, but more recently: Um haerty in terestv you have was a builder and cont-oetor, M- 112(11IA-tough ohl in. years, he appeared as ever manifested in the welfare of our a much younger man, and had just church, are considerations worthy of the -highest praise, In the various returned from . Drayton a few weeks walks of neighbourly*, and soda' iti.- no' where be built a mill Inc the tercourse you have contributed CanadianFla . x.. Mills & Oil Compan- bundantly, iloward making life pleas- a- les, Ltd. Two yea•14 ago he was employed by the Government as in - moved, As a token ot our admit - ha" speetor of titer works being erected ant in the elrele in which we lotion and eateem for yoursoli, oat at Port 14tanley, Ont. Mr: Ross was the first white child of our MAIN& to-tiall Your labors in hornin the, 'township Of Tuckersmith, behalf of the church, for the glory (4. Iluron Cohnty, where he 'lived • all his God we ask your icceotance of the ' ae- Me,- With his father, he tut out coinpanying gold wilt* and chain what is known as the London road, praying that . you•may, be long 'part ivivich runs frotn, LOltdou, north to Ing that - yot 'May be tong • ,s0ared, Winghatt.,. net loaves, besides his ti carrY it in ,iiiio . w,rit in. Vih,10.11 VO'a Widow, a large family of sons and aro 'engaged. and blia. God's . 1 ndtesi daughters. hlessings,., may rOwn all .yettil,,, Cf-. .. 14 Neil Ross of Vancouver, II C., forts ilk 'opt behalf' for the, COI' Who ; has been absent 10, fifteen ,of Ilia Kingdom. Signed on behalf of the substrib- yea* ksa titori visiting at kilts parent- ers Wm. 4..1VIn1lniett,41t74:. VatAgita, ''Wtit Dunbar. hiime, **as home. IM time to sec his Nther, the late 4110 -sander floss, who sum, away las* week, SANTA'S ON HIS -WAY: • Santa Claus in on 'his way, . . Fortholy Chnistmas day. Ile shall ioon, yes .-5001, . bp hero, For the Chriaanaalime i* near. I'll be glad when Santa comes, To the manys. thousand home - Santa always gladness brings, • yor the happy ceilidien -sing, ' Lizzle Johnston, Londesboro. The National Fertilizer •• The National. Fertilizer., which is placed on the market by the National Land, Fruit: and. Conipany, shows ..the following. analysis, conipa.r- ed with harnyard..Inanare 1 Nitrogua 3.50., -Natal to 1.0 am- monia: . ' • • Ph6sp1ioric acid 575, &mat to MO soluble phosphat •s. • . . Potash 3.50.. . :How ?t get BM pen cent. more Prot\ ' with less labor, and . no • 'in vestment. . • • , The National Land Frei!! & Packin Company, -Limited, • is not • an 'Rinet ant vendor of fertilizers, here to -day and away' to-morow..Through the properties which it: oPoratns, the Company is a permanent "next ..doo neighbor"- to upwards or..2,000*. farm: ers, inchiding a. large number in :the County . of • Ilifircin, and even for thi' -reason alone, itt would not, and cool nErrim. THAN' BARN YARD MAN- ' • . URE. • • . - not afford .to place anything on th. Market that it was not prepared wholly -endorse and back up in ever respect. Tho Company has, investoigated. prac- tically eVory known fertilizer. " sent an expert tio Europe to .examim into and report upon the 'nature, pro- cess of manufacture, characlaristies actions and result,/ of fertilizers,, an by inSrOducing %lc National Fertilizer the Company is giving 1 neighbors and others, a fertilizer that- is pre - parcel so as to be especially adapted In the requirements of the Ontario farmers. FIRST GATHER THE CROP TI1EN PAY The Company is -.x) confident, for all that it .claims for the National Ver- tilizer, that it is prepared to sell it to the farmer and be paid for it only atm, the crop has been gathered. Think wha..ti this means. You increase the profits from your fields more than 100 per cent., and after the season's erop has been aken in, and not be- fore, you pay far the National rep tilizar, the wonderful handmaid of na- ture that causes . two bushola to be produced,. where one bushel grew be- fore. . . .„ . , . National Lando Fruit & Packing CO. Toronto ept imentStive for Hisitsin C Nasty . * ' OVANS,! CLINTON I . ..1.111111111111 Terms CASH "kir 9 ONE IN ;a PRICE ONLY Only Two working.days till the great festival is here and all the joys of family re -unions and- the giving and receiving of gifts, GET We have been busy for months plan- • BUSY ning for the business of' those eight days. IT WOULD to attempt descriptions or de - BE USELESS tails'of the' result 01 our ef- forts in the space at our disposal. • • THE Ais'brimful of useful, sensible and or STORE narnental things with price tickets at- tached that'would make you wonder how such things could be procured at so small a cost, . WE as many as possibly can to do REQUEST their shopping in the forenoon. 7;5 of fancy table ware have beet]. added PIECES to our premium stock this week. Ask for coupons.. OPEN each evening this week. MEET ME AT HE PEOPLE'S STORE 1 Logs Wanted STAPLETON SIN MILL AU kinds of Logs Nvillget Highest Prices. No..1 basswood Heading., 40 inches. $3.75 per cold delivered. Y'.2L'r Custom Work °- WILL BE -WELL T WALKER'S You will find some interesting prices on FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS A. few of the quotationsibelow will suggest some of the values : • Rugs in good quality of Tapestry size 3x3 for $7.75. " L best " " " 3x4 reg. $10.00 for $16.00. 4 different patterns to choose from. If you want a rug this is your chance, No better value ever shown in Clinton .. Linoleum& 4 yds wide, 500 per sq yd. 0 patterns to choose from. • In the Furniture Department you will find the best selection ever shown in Clinton. If you want a parlor suite here are some prices that will interest you : 1 only 3piece state reg $60.00 for $48.50 1 l I 3 " ' 72.00 " 00.0(1 1 " 3 " • " 27.50 " 15.00 1 1 ti 3 Ai " 23.'j() ' 21.00 1 " 5 " " 50.00 " 42.00 1 14 5 I. 4r Z.00 (s 20,00 Iron Beds prices ranging from $3.00 to $30.00 Some spe,chtt prices on mattresses. A full line Of small musical mosicol instruments carried in stock This is a, new line T have added along with the Edison Phonograph, or Phone 28 ' furniture DeaWier ardilinkdrrtiskiter Tice Store of Quoilty. Residence Phone 140 The News Record to end of 1912 for $1.00 . ,, •