HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-21, Page 1) r,• The' Clinton News -Record. No. 1710 --32nd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEl1'IIBER, 21st, 19I1 THE HOME PAPER The News -Record wishes its numerous readers. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMVMAS. and many of them. YOU DO NOT KOWN WHAT � ln Y-ou Missing Are By Not Calling I n To See Our New Xmas Stock Now Dis- played ? 0 one need be forgotten by your Xmas .time. A little money 2go a tong way in securing some useful presents at our store. E Hae Everything You Could .Think Of In An Up TO -date Jeweller store. 2 r and help out W y y -P SANTA CLAUSE. SEE OUR WINDOW `DISFLAY;.. W. IL Yei1qar, ,fe'weler and Optician - Clinton AIM i BankThe Royal 1 OF CANADA. INCORPORATED 1869.. Capital Paid Up Reserve and Undivided Profits Total Assets $6,2oo,000. • $7,2oo;oo0. $-oo,000,000, HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. 190 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton , Branch. K . �N . S BA • LS N O The MO Capital Paid up INCORPORATED 183.5.... - $4,000,000 Rest Fund $4,600;000 Has 83 Branches •In.:Canada SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities in the world. • A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS' TRANSACTED. AT ALL BRANCHES. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. `n �•Mana er Clinton Branch - C. E, Dowell, g smoisomismess 1 We Invite You all .. To come and see the Special Elec- trical Display in 1 : the interior of our . Store Oen each evening Open . � until Xmas See Special on page 3 THE MOORISH CLOTHING CIL Huron's Largest Clothiers A Square Deal for'. Every Mali TFIi`i SALVATIObi..tl.RMY. A Christmas 'Tree and entertain- ment will be given in the S. A. hall. tomorrow evening to which tie public are invited. WILL, RECEIVE. Mrs. C. J. Walls will receive on 1Uts., afternoon and evening of . Fri- day;. -''Dec, 29th. Mrs. W. S. Jen- kins of Coutts, Alta,, and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins of Toronto will receive with her. TIIE •INVITATIONS. ARE OUT. The invitations are out for the marriage age on Deo. 27th of M Luel- la A. Sterling, daughter of Mrs. Win. Sterling of Bayfield', to Mr. Ilerbert M. Wallis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jam- es Wallis alt') of Bayfield. Mr. Wales lis has been at Fisk, Sask., for the past five years but is returning home on. Saturday. • - ONTARIO• STREET CHURCH. The their will z. ender special -music or next Sunday. In the morning the anthem will be "The New Bor Icing" and in -the evening the ` can- tata, "The First Christmas"—Ir Bishop Wilson, will be given. The CantTail.a ' S in Pro- phecy., four pails,. Thu I ia- ., tee •Fulfilment, ! The P )ti the Stam .and the Song. and the World -Wide Christ- mas,' the music • consisting : of solos, duets, ladies' chorus, male quartette and full chorus. The sermons.. by the pgstor wi11 . also be in- keeping with the season. • CARPET BALLS. - Two court's of our Foresters have been trying their skill : at • carpet balls • during the past woak, .the plunk .going to the Independents. In a couple of games played the other evening, T. Cottle, N. Cole; T. Graeme lis and Wm, Walker of the I. 0. F. played J. Finch, M. McEwan, Thos. Britton and G. Cook: of tea C.: 0. F. the score standing 18' to 15 respec- tively. . And another Wain compos- ed of • 0. Cr•43h, .. F. Jackson; j."0. Hms e ,r and W. .J... Cook .:of tea• I. 0. F. eat four et. dile C. 0, F ,p]ayers;• namely .J. Sheppard, II.'. Fowland, W. Coat's and F. `Murch,. t, . the tune of Some lively . games• are expected during the coining wihter when ,tho different rinks got into their regular fighting trim. .. ,.*. • A PItI. ,S. Z ,I That Principal Hartley is a pope- la.i teacher has long been conceded but the face, was abundantly demon strated on Friday morning last whom, at the close of the.work of Mc term, t'he Modelite '.class, who 'have been. under his tuition ..fo:s the past few rnbnths, presented •him wiea' an ad- dress expressing their high apprecia- Von of his efforts in' their behalf and ofthe. interest he had taken in U:ieir work,' and asking 'li:s accept- ante of a handsome ' Morris chair. The• addreisi was read...by Miss Mam- ie Lamont of Ilillsgreeii and 'the pre- septa;':on was trade '.by• Mr. Cyril Aches of St. Paul and Mr. Frank Tei- ofListowel, , ,Mr. Hartley was completely taken liy surprise, but he no,-ertheless made a s liable ,: u reply, thanking ,the young g people for the kind words • of apprec- iation as well ',as. foe the handsome gift. Ile•' al:ro gave them some good' advice long, t'he lines of ti:ieir future work and :related some of his own experiences • in the ' p•• tfession, The little 'incident)• made a fitting and very -pleasant ending for a happy and successful school term. Following is the. addressr "Dear Mr. Bartley : —Wo; the members of the 1:91.1 cla': of . the 'Clinton Model school, are ,about to separate!. • . For . several happy . months" we have been assemb- led here under, your careful'guidatrce and instruction, qualifying for the profession into which we are about to enter. Before taking our depar, ture, we, as a class) desire to r presstoyou in some tangible form our deep and sincere appreciat on of. the great and earnest efforts you• have put forth in our behalf and to assure you of elle, high rapid and esteem. in whichyou are held by .each and everyindit,:dual of our group,Firmly and judiciously and with infinite care and patione,• you have guided ui through the heavy course of_ study required by the . De- partment. You .have been generous with' advice and ever ready and eag• er.j,o aid us with kind and helpful suggestions. At all times have you ntanitest,' 1 a dorrp and abiding re- gard for outs pleasure and, welfare. Lander your guidance we leave come to view the profession before as in a new and a brightor lights. The magnificent opportunity that lies be- fore us to build character and citi- zenship has bean revealed to us by you as we never kn:',v it Wow. And your own 'beautiful personality, your thoroughly Christian character, your manlinesii and utte•► impartiality, wiL! ever influence u'i for good and inspire us to noble effort, and more exalted endeavor. As a token.of our esteem and as a mark of our apprecia- tion of what you have done for us, &s'.► ails you to accept this chair, and may God grant' you Inany vears to enjoy it. We join as a class in wishing you a very Merry ('hristtttas and a haptiy and p cisperotts New Telr.--Signed on behalf of the class Cyril Acheson, Mamie Lamont, Jessie Buchanan. 13w - art Blatchford, Frank Tttcry," ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook an- nounce the engagement] of their dau- ghter, ,Annie E., to 11r. W. S. Aet- kins of Toronto, the marriage to take place in. January,. A PRIZE WINNER. Mr.. A. J. Grigg is one of our most noted poultry fanciers. Ile is not parts.ualarly interested in Dorkings, Brha a teas or kindred birdsbut in the more aris0.)cratic Games and on the good points thereof he is thor- oughly at home.. His birds are al- ways prize winners and four he sent to the . big show at[ Guelph lasts week sc cured one first, two seconds and one third. The first • won the silver cup for leading in shape, color and all around excellence. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. The annual' Sunday Schoolfestival will be held this Thursday evening in the towzi hall. •Admis,ion 10c. Instead of the regular Sunday School next Sunday there will be a special Children's Carol service in the church at 3 o'clock: The Sun- day school choir' will sing a number. of Christmas ('arols and there will be a short address to. the chiidrt'j. Next. � Sunday evening g the service will be of a Christmas character. Special music will, be given by the choir and a ('h a.stmas s:,rmon by the rector. The services on Christ- mas morning.- will be as follows Holy Contncuiiion at 8••30•. Service ani; Holy ('ontmiinion with sermon - at ermonat' 10.30. All are .po-slially wel- comn. "Hark !, the Herald Angels sing Glory. to the new born King." WESLEY' C'IIC RCII. • Rev. I)r, Medd,. pastor of Victoria street chu,.h, Goderi'ch, preached to. good•congregations both morning and evening on Sunday last•. The : • ac 'casion . was the annual 1]ducational. survees, and in The morning _the Rev, Dr. made .reference to the dif- tercet ` educalkonal instCtuteons of the' Church ' and- •setrtl o t f yea; clearly arid.. ably their elainis 10 - the support' sof the membership, 'In the evening • he took for his subject. "Christian. Joy." Dr. Medd also re- fe:a•ed. Pa the excellent financial ar-. rangemunt' . of Wesley church which does away • Milli the necessity . of special'appeals for special funds.• At tete evening service Miss Marion Irwin took the :U ! l SUr • . • pa t to:theanthem ♦; ,J nicely and after the . sermon. Miss .Boles rendered the solo '`God • Shall Wipe Away All T tats in Lor usual charming manner. On Sunday next •spec,ial Christmas services will, be helix:' In the • evening special, music will Abe given by.'the choir and Mrs. E. ,J, Jenkins • of Toronto will assist by 'rendering n couple of solos, • • A special C hriettnes .service will be • held in connect, /n with Use Sunday school on • Sunday...afternoon next when a musical program will :be giv- en by the children and young •people of 'fee school. Parents and friends, arra 'cordially invited to attend thi•, s, .rvice. A SUDDEN CALL. It was 'with •a shock of surprise end sorrow that the rtetvs was..re- ceived on Saturday nto'rting, • last that Miss Jennie E. Redd 'had been called..suddenly away. Miss Rudd Was a daughter of N.ie late John Rfukt of G.oderich town- ship and of the . late -Mrs. P.udd of ' town, We fancily Having re del in Clinton .for several years. She was a lady field in; high teteenr by all. for heir many excellent qualities and and -'-was mucic 'beloved by the, inner ciro'e of friends who knew - ber.best. bliss Rudd..wc.; a Methoda.•t, hav-' ing been a member, of Wesley church in which she. was a willing and effici- ent. worker in connec:,m with the Ladies' Aid, Women's Win'iionar.y 'So- ciety and' all branches of church ac- t':vities. Her demise was a great shock to her friends as,- while never of a ve-,y robust constitutt:on, she had not been ill for any length of tine. For a low daysprevious to her. death she complained of not feeling we_t'i bu:' was going about all the time and it . was ttxpected that the slight indisposition would pass off. The • cause of death was heart failure. Three sisters survive, Mrs, Rutnba}l of Flint, Mich., Mrs, Evans of Mhnnedoza, Man,, and Miss Minnie Rudd of lawn. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved . ones in their. sudden sorrow,. The funeral took place on Wednes day af„ 'rnoon from the family resiw dantce, Mary stroet, to Maitland cemetery. The services ware conduct- ed by Rev. J. E. Fest and Rev, J, Greene. The pallbearers were Messrs. 0. J. Wallis, II. 1 . Rorke, J. . W. Moore, A. ,1. Tyndall, W.. J. [Nediger, and W. Picka i/ of Ilolmesville. Amongst the relatives and old frk nds who attended the funeral from out of town were Mrs. hunt: hall, and Miss Emily Ruinball . of Flint ; Mr. John Ituniball of Toron- to, Mr• It, Holmes, Toronto, and many old friends from (lodarich and Qoderich township. The floral tri- butes were very beautiful, among thele being a lovely ,wreath from the members cf tltts ,Ladies' Aid and W. M. 5. of Wesley church. and of Itev. Mr. Greene.'s morning eiass. Many personal friends also expressed their sympathy by sending flowers. THE'; LOCAL MARKET. Whe,..t 90c, Pea's 90e. oats 42e. Eggs ;35e. Butter 23e to 21e. Barley 60c to 75e. Beans, prime white, Live Hogs $6.00. MATRIMONIAL, A ve•i'! peasant social event took plana on- Wednesday evening' at the residence of the bride on Rattenbury street) whoa Mr. Charles J. Helyar and Mr,. Harriet M. Porter were united in • the holy bonds of Matn:- mon . The ca:enton a y y w s performed under a beautiful arch by. Rev.. T. Wesley Cosens in the presence of about thirty relat,:ves and friends. The- wedding march was played by Mrs. W. Glen Campbell. After'heait- r t,� congratulations and bast wishe'l all partook of a sumptuous wedding repast. The pres,..tts were valuable and useful. Me, and Mrs. Helyar will continue . to aside• in town. ST;CCES:FU'I, DR-I:QGISTS. The 'drug:business in Toront'.a seems to have special atm'action and pro- mise, judging from the number • of former Ile •on't r t e s who are engaged in it. i Will F. C antelon sat of Mr. Wm.. .'(`antelon, Clinton, has a well e:,' ablished drug business on Dover - $1.85 to $195. coos, Road; Bert Davis, son of Mr. Silas Davis, established a business on Queen - street, • East about two years .ago and is. doing well ; Ben Rout- ledge, at one • time clerk in the .store Of NIr; IL B. Combe, but latterly •wI,'it a large Drug Co., Toronto, has just bought out a .business - at Tor- onto ,Junction, and the first drug store in West Toronto. and. one of the fleet in tiae city is' conducted by Mr. Ii. Cl.' Horton, formerly of f,od- erich. CUR ISMIA S . MEATM. . Our local knights of the cleaver are making their usual' fine display of Christmas meats.. C a'5 lc, has t s four'- h!:fors+ fed "AT HOME." Mrs. J. E. Ford and her daughters will, be "At, hone", ' ar V c.,:,y Par, sonage, t',) their •friends on Friday, Dec. 29th, from three 1r:) six t;i -the aft!:noon and from dight - to tree in the evening. ONT. ST. C'IIL'RC'II• The Junior League held a very sueces'ful entertainment on Monday evening. Wn excellentraui was as p g given, the principal pail., ot which was an 'Interesting Christmas cantata in which all the Leaguers took parts. Rev. A. W. Barka: of Seaforth preached inspiring sermon:► on "Sun- day, it being the annual l.ducatsional Sunday. , C. M. B. A. OFFIC..I?RS.. At' the meeting of the • C. M. 13, A. las,' Thursday evening the following officers wer'e erected for the ensuing year ' Chancellor, P. 0, Reynolds. Presidents, I'at.rick Quigley. 1st, Vice, John (`arbert. 2nd .Vice, Jas. Levy. Treasurer, C. M. -Brown. Itec,-Secretaey, •Jos. P. Reynolds. Assistant, John Shanahan; • Fin.-Seereta_v, J, J,• McCaaghee . ottani, Wm. 112oxrisb n. 'Marshall, D. Flynn.. Trustees, .1). ('rawford,.Matt, Car - here, ('iris, O'Brien, Joe Blake and Frank Flannery, IIOCKEV• CLUB REOR(L NJ/,I:I). The Hockey ('I'uh was re -organized on 'Tuesday night with • the following officers ; . 'Patrons, Rev, .('. E. .Jt'.tkins 'end IlOn.-President, T, • Jackson,' Jr, Rev..Father: Dunn, ' Hone -.Vice, I)r, Shaw. • • lIon,-2nd .Vice, C. T,.. Dowding: Pesiddent, A. J. Morrish. 1st Vice, II. IlarL'.iT. - 2nd \'ice, Mayor McTaggart. Sec. -T11 asurcr,.-II. Twituaeli. :1Lanager, •1'2. Tasker. • -Committee, A. .:Clarkson, C. Draper,- , c and tiV: Johnson: SOn: A- team has been entered in• the • O. by Amos ('arttvright, IiulIett; .one ll... •.A; in. the district. comprising lteife', fed by Bert ,clef vartha, liol- Clintori, Seaforth, Mitchell, Goderich musvfJle f; four pigs fed by 5. (1. and St11ar$"s castle ; one pig fed by ,T. D. John- stun three' lambs fed .by .J: Mid- L31;I ICI.F.1J:IIb MEET' dleton, Jr., a .eaif fed by Fret Wald- • An . enthusiastic -n eetiug of the roe, London. Road,: and a, 1.1.4,.;e mien -(Huron Beekeepers' Associal:on was lity of -fowl. •R. i?itzsimony ie.. Son also have a tine cxhibiti amongst %tench are <iuc extra Mine heifer fed . by W. Meh,'w- on weighing 1260 lbs ;' one heifer fed by Grab ) 1m Eros:, .1310 ; Dile fed by Thomas McCloy, ..1120 ;, o n ;' by John McI'lroy, 1050 ; two fed by IL Fitzsiipons, 2119 ; One calf ..by 'Thos. Caldwell, • 280 ; flier salmis fed by Lou Tebtiett, 1311 • each ; 6 hogs fed by 5:.Oliddon,.• 230 ,,.telt ;" one hog fed •by W. Rowdcn, 250. In ad: dition • to this they 'have a; fine as, sortuient of t(rrkeys, gee o, ducks, chickens and outer kinds of meats. J. ,Scruton's display .includes tite following,: • two yeerinngs fed by, „lefties .Snell ,• ' Son, weighing 237.0 lbs. ti two hullers fel -by. John Knight, 2100,; one heifer fed• by ('• 1• indsay, 1050 ; : one calf, , four months old, 670 ; two :lambs, prize whiners:: at 1' and on and T ronin o fed by '11. Snell; besides a large quantity of high class poultry, . • i held in - t,:tt' council ,chamber on Thus - .day last. 'Representatives wore pre- .seet front -, alL• pare, . of the county c a 1 the 5. i • n c . Sit n.,, . ,::..�. were -t•`•• ' tit int t { CoJ fng..� • Yrof. • .PeJ':tt, Provincial Apiarist, it S P ,nt and gavo most t stttc _ ire addresses on the Bare;and man- agement • of bees. Ale brought along a Hive with ` tho .iiiiferent appoint- ments thereof: 'and demons'.'tate tilt use of 'the various •contrivances for the bett'.r Handling of .bees to get the best - result with the least ex- penditure of labor. 1'hc, de- nIonstuatit'iti provc(1 to hu ve:,.• en- lightening. . The Secretary; •Mr..Jacob . IIaberer of "Zurich, was present and 'gave.. a . report of the cenvention ot, the i'10- vincials Association in Toronto, which. he at,';zuled;. • The Meeting was presided.over bys. rhe 'president, Mr. Green. . •. •There was a' sprink.i.ng of incites Present, who were as keenly interest- ed'' in . the proeeedinl,S .as were • elle Itt.eti.other , 'Meeting in et'ing ,will• tic held later iii the winter when arrangements will be made for .the holeiing of dti= monstrations: during nett'summer. IlURON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. . A meeting of the medical Hien.: of the county was held in' Clinton on Dec. 13th for the putpose:et' reviving and .:vorganiz,ig the ' Iiuron • Medical Association, Officers for the ensuing `year were elected and by-laws. adopt- ed. •Meetings will be held ' in Wing - ham, Seaforth, Clodcrich and Clinton once eve s; three months, alternately. The. next meeting will b.' held in iyinghani for whi.':h a good program is provided. a' The Association' has been inactive for about two years, but iit has a his,s.iry for Splendid work dating back nearly forty ya_irs. The programs included the presenting of 'rare or interesting cases, the '•s'adi:ng of papers, and discussions. on the lama. The by-laws of the last meeting provided for the adoption of a new schedule of fees based • on those of other counties in the province. The ' fee's for the County of Huron have remained the same, . although they have been raised for several years by other parr'. It was hilly realized that thee -price of drugs and the general up keep of stable, offee and hoose has nearly doubled- of late as. has also the p.M'ce of ort'tinary lab- or. It was therefore felt that for • a medical man when able to live by his profession alone it was absolutely necessary that the fees for the countyhes'• should be made to correspond in same measu•r' with ex, Iselin; colt-. ditionsC and the rates' prevailing else - WILLIS ('IIt'Re I I, On. Sunday last Rev. Dr, • Stewart. preach,r.l both •morning and evening; delivering ts,vo mast'erl'y ir,xncons. . -Before the ,lose of the morning serviee Dr. . ,Stewart formally re- signed ..the' pastorate. of . Willis con- gregation,. a . charge . which he has held for tsbirty-four ` years. IIe said ho considered the step necessary ow- ing -to• the state of his own health, whiclil would not allow of -his re- suming. again the labors devolving upon tlic paetor of a congregation so • large as that of Willis. The announcement of the resigna- Pion of b:teir 41ono•83d pastor was re- ceived wi th deep regret by the. con- gregation, The Sunday school intend holding their annual Christmas tree in the lecture room tomorrow evening. • Rev. Mr. Grant trill preach • on Sun- day, his scrmot in the evening 'will be in keeping with the season of Chris,'inas. The water motor for the organ, which Is bei tg installed. this week, will be used for the first time on Sunday. i'lie se vices will be (apply musical, as the to?lowing p gram will show Morning Service Hymn 26 Children's Chorus, "Bella of ('hn;t- masiade.'' Clark Hymn 558 Anthem "Unto 1's .a Child Is horn," Nichol Children's Chorus, "Star of Ths Morning," Clark. Solo by I]attip (1 rag. Hymn 30 Evening Service Hymn 34 Anthem "Come Near Ye Nations' Watson Soto "0 hest In 'rho Lord" Mendels soh» Miss Mel or Hymn 33 Solo "Ile Wipes the 'rear from I';vtiry l;ye" Lc':• Mr. A. Mit- chell. Anthem "'Into Us a Child Is Born" Nichol Solo by Miss Z. Meuse Hytrin 28 The News-R%eeor week go to pass will next n Friday, Bagfield Mr. and Mrs. Wigle aI Delhi are guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. A. Catlieu. - Mrs. Wigle is test known here as Miss .Annie Stur r,n. St, Andrew':► .church Sunday Scl1'o, aro making p'*•parations ;or there Christmas tree and lritereeinment is the town hall on Friday evening ot next week. A grand .hop will be 'given in the towna h ll on the evcming of New Year's Day by the young people of the vihago• All who enjoy dancing arts cordially invited to be present. , Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donaldson of tele Soo are the guests of the toun- er's parents, Mr.. atut. Mrs. .James Donaldson of `hayfield. Mr. Abraham ]3rydges. of 13elgrave was the guest of h„ sister, Mrs, W. Brandon, on. Saturday •and Sun- day, • 111i'. Geo.. ('opeland and son, Masta'.r Allred, attended the wedding of his sister in 'lbront':t on Tuesday. Miss , Lulu Weston 'of Detroit rise turned Houle on Monday evening. The humorous comedy, "The'Magie 111i_s_,ar" will he - put on at the. St... Andrew's concert on -Friday .evcniag . of next week, in addition Lee} the o'aer program. , 11Ir• Ittibt. ] it ,t isle who left ' ,with 1)r Woods • in Sept. for the Old Country . to bring aver • a. heavy . draught horse, returin,l home. 'cat Monday evening.` On lib way -acro:* he ..had d • the ini:5fort'unc . to lose his • horse, Which Will. be a gr;'.ib less.: - Ile os .-- Ile brought with shill a •hackney for Dr. Woods, which' arrived safely, More 13ayficyld news .page 1ve. Dates. To-night—St. Paul's: S..5. .Xmas Tree and Enttcrtainnccnt in the town ' • /ia11, • . . Friday, . Dec. -22nd✓-Xmas Tree.. ed Willis S. 5. in the, lecture, room, Friday, Deo. 22nd—Entaerta!•nmentfin Londesboro .Presbyterian ohurcie Friday, Dec. ,22nd,—Entertafnincnt under atispices of Auburn Methodist '": . t S. S. ie Temperancestall, Christimas • Night—Ena,irt hireent in. Londesboro • Methodist church, . ,Friday,: Dec. 29th_ Christmas eu tertaininem', S!. Andrt+.v's.5. Town hall, Bayfield.' YE, SIO IT ONT0M[, A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE. • • In; Betlrl''hem's. tciwn long' years ag': \4'as aborti the Icin' 1 Child. gi l came ,,the Pas'ser's will to do,.. In manner meek and milk: outcast shepherds 'first` did lieu: The angel's Christmas song , 1"s Heaven it, -,elf descended. near. To haste 'the message on•. The Message was fo.r alt mankind With no respect. of. rs'.ate ; Cind t- Ungs ; 1' ell and free and kiitd 'l'o. still_ the harsh world's hate. Isis Life prot`•laimed the News Ile Lore; Ile web, round dtl:ng good. For needy; sick, hearts sad' and soler. 1 Ic was* true, Tf Life and Food. This message has rung down the years; A weary world's true cr.icd. A word of gladness; ;not of„ years, 0! Whorl mankind' hath .need Be ne'a, doth change. Tho' yet nit- sten: IIc's. W th. 1 fis .ser' ervane.; still•, And asks that emelt should share Iiis tet • Ily' y:gnielding. to Ills Wilt. ' His Will is that tLe poor,. the Sad, Th,a weary and distressed, The sick, the blind; and they. who iavd Should alt . itt Ilint bo blessed, His •Servants are Iiis place to tukt•, His messengers are we, To duJi,es high IIe bids u:5 wake, '1'O deeds of cha.t+ty. The world hath- need ot hands and • heart's I''ull filled with brothorly [eve, To give and work -a brot:te.,'s part For sons of IIim Who", Loi','. Thc' Christmas ca,'i conies strong end. clear "Go for,tt and do My Will"• Go brighten hearts sick, 'sad and drear, With peace their 'heai;t>'aches still. 0 ye that wend life's pathway smoo,s:t, Remember there's the rough So many troubled soul•, to soothe Not:: happiness enough. Ye children' of „ to Incarnate (xc•d, The spirit of Christmas show, In helping other's bear there load Of suffering and woe. Reward or thanks ? It matters not Whoe'er shall heat or ire, The deeds that prompting lover hath Wrought, III') :stys, "'They're done for Ml`:. "Ye.did it into MI::' lie cities Then let that] motive send tech one into the world's highways To seek Vim earl to end, The sick, the sad, the :sorrowful, The troubled, cheerless livers, The downcast, broken, pitiful. ; ITIS Itepresenta'iives. The sweet, sit joy that man doth know, None sweeter cannot be, Is Christ •theMaster whisp'ring )vase ""4t► did It unto, MI`'.," Jeakim, The News -Record thrives On 3t. Paul's Itee!'ary, e`lintiin. Co npari'isdn. Chris).nas 1911. •