HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-14, Page 8IA
M .
, . . Clinton News-Rcoarp I 1 7
Pocock - - 1.
� �W 14%, tell � .
� � . - I - _... --.-.-. , , I I ; .. ....., .. I , ;''.. _.,- i , , . I 11, � - I I I -P
� - - - - � � 11, ., �� � 1, �.., ___ _; 0 �___ , . ... _. , ." . I __ , ; "I i - . . .1. I . I ... �, � . is . . � . . I I
sP.6,;;;;;;;F;4_' - �� '' '' , , - . !'in sure bell disagree with them, for �%Aiss Ilyne -handed back the p '
G. D. XcTAQGAUT Two battli�A we 4� fought at Bell- s ,more contradictory Young gentle- oi cards. "Cut ,lad shuffle threi PotborVs 1� house arroracti, tir cal
�-, ..4azi and Dertia, the Italims repell- , , 111411), you never ,net ln� all your born filties jigain was her corriniand, uni Isidiefi-there weri- Mitts,- In all- Atl-o
. U. 1). rNIcTAGOART lug t? -le atpacks by. superior an0lery. I . dayiii. flieur,ant enough, though, what) Alni lJottort, now quite ai,mloils t( *QIL Weldou and Donna Chrlstla4
� I __ 13 a . he wasn't crossed, and 1111111y's LUXV know all she could, obe.�vd prompt- voere the youngest. the fornier betas
I Woo gad half cravril. as be's give Y. - oric and ,twenty, whIle thi- lust was
lue I , n I pot yet thirty yeirs of age, lit SpIta
A VALUASM AID IN THE I ����� I --- Lie, tltouKh I kept him st 4 tiNtance 'IT -here's coming and going, ant;
. . . times and again. 1 suppose When going and Qonllng,,, said Miss pylle of the I.Andlady's otateirtent. The
FIGHT AGAINST TUBEKULO!A$ 009 Weldon marries the Lieutenant, mysteriously. .rest hoiel,.grey.hair and -wrinkled fstee3,
WTaguart Bros. 01 . $hell go to "live In Lagos. which "Why not, when one keeps )oil,-. sn t7h.at an !atmosphert, of old ago
I .A sure Home Treatment ivoWt be pleasant 101th crocodiles ers?" retorted the ,laudladY "Blest pervaded -tibe ilace. And t1w two we%
. . I T_ Jae best way to ,fight tuberculosis, is and much lit's." I me, what ,do all them red. cardf illt--o completed -the nawbor -if lodw.
-E 'to r ea it. The whole basis -of the "Oh, oba'o, lived At Lagos for years plean?" ers, were ulso no Ionger pLung, as
. 1 aslonary confessnd to sixty.
S4 prov all over Nigger1rier I'The,dlatncind� mean money wid tilt thi. rat
natorlum treatment for the white I I ram . " sud, have been I V A�ells bearto go -will," said Miss Pyriere. five years, while Major Itenry Steel . .
plague is pure air -lots of it -good, ______.__ ___ with lror pit. The stories she Od
. wholesome food, and a rational amount ,--- __17- � I -would 1 . nake your hair stand on end, luctantly, sts It she was sorry to tel' was quite fifty-two, although - he
. of. exercise. a 've much, dear. bar client such pleasant news; 11yov looked younger beeausp of his fre.414
I CHAPTER I. - raise trie words on ,my III*, Jell'1111A 14;11311114-1110t a you cortifillexIon and erect Triltiary .fiz.
A GENERAL BANKING. BL7SI- It is nothing more t1isa aprocess of 1. looks thin. I never see anyone are all right with people bebavin�
. , 77RE BOARDING-110USE, But be never repeated. himself foi live. It wit,, rather dr�ary for- Mo
building up the system by diet. air and quite two 1"Inutes-', off as yotx've done, dear." well to you, Barbara, and I don't set youns; people to sit down to dinner �
CTED. exercise, combinec recon- Mrs. Bottort resembled Hamlet Im ' � a flo-A : VI, �
NOTES I with good S. L . -i "Military gentlemen liave I've kept my figure, anyhow,BAr- any chance of your losing money.' with such ancient folk especially -at
structive tonics to rebuild the tissue .more ways, than cue. _ Ike the Dan I know," ad-ruitted Mist , bara," said Miss Pyne tartly, forshe "I take care. of ,my money, and aii ,
" of -language, . the eveninga which f6llowed wer4
DISCOUNTED. DRAFT$ ISSUED ' You can have all this at home if you will, toll Prince, she was fat and scant Of i ,pyna,, in thought ul tones, "but lit 41d. not rollsh tht�$ ,plitill-speakIng; Im always .pleasant to people there'l
I . .
still, .you can .prevent tuber" breath, she clothed her tubby figurit rather be sworn f at b , y them, thall " . and as to pompa and vanities, I've every reason they should be pleasa even. more dismal.
.OWII�D ON DE- ,a fri funereal ,black, and both In and nj The presence of Alison -was ox. .
INTEREST ALI = by keeping up th bodily do. nagged at ,by ,their wives. given them up 'me," said Airs. Bottort, "not bu
. When I .1 elace I found my Ma-, to'�
fences against the disease. . ont Of season she was accustomed: was Mrs, Culpepper's maid, she wept ker. I'm converted, like Mrs. SWAT- what I'm pleased to bear what yell plained by the I -act that hei tathe,l
8, 3 NOTES PUR_ Take fresh air,,fresh milk fresh eggs to mprallt3e. The good lady's Stout- , a . r seal -skin Jacket say. You tell fortunes splendidly ch, -se to divell In. 111ro-im,.hury, Litt
POSIT, S,&LL . . , , And complains dful, I low, who sold 4 .
, 4 drea havin,
. and Other good food with wiiat.exercise - mainly due to the daily . , a joined the Salvation Army Jerrilma, Ali, you was always a clay. why a lively Young Sparilst; lady
CHASED. , you can stand without fatigue. ,Keep ness was something wrong with her Inside, when all .
consumption Of .porter, while. hat S . gave me notice, too, as she er gel," should come to such st.refmp� for the
. I
your windows wide open A night, take y ,garb dated from -the de- he's dead now, poor dear lady, And "You. believe, Barbara?" rged, could not be guessed. Cer-
1 -------- �_ Xryalls Cod Liver Compound, and you melarichol I . � though obe did.cArry on awtul,.and thought It wicked to have a lady's n
need not �, fear tuberculosis, even if you mmi,se of Bottort,. some ten years ear- asked her husband to. meet ber In maid.' Poor lady, I saw 'her dancing "Every word," said chip landlady tainly she had only ocetipled the bed- . .
- - - 11. T. RANCE. - - - are run down. . lier. As -to her platitudes about th4 heaven. He did promise, to. let .her in the street with a. tambourine, slu�.- stoutly. "Tell me more." mom over that of ,the Reyd. Alexart.
� Sadness, of life, In general and of hex .
Nyal's Cod Liver Compound is a do own an particular, these were prob- die easy, but no* he's, married AgnAn. Ing quite violent. Her husband, be- "There's a marriage here!" der for three months, so It was. pos , -
3LICo CONIVEY- , licious tonic. It' builds up the waste. and won't want'to come across her In$ a � stock -broker and heathenish, I!Lieutenant Carver alid Miss, All. rAble that In the end she would weary
I 1 otbly due to the fact that she kept a . Is sure to be married. f6n: of this back-aumb�er� boar0ing-house.
1 tissues--ptrt.4 on good, solid flesh ani anywhlarii," didn't like her goings-on, arid put son. She `-ho did her best to Improve rilatters
NANCIAL, REAL Mdo digestion. Every day this splendid - An observant Per- . ad sadly. ,bar away n an asylilm, saying she * this house before sh .
ANCER, Fl� boarding-hollov Mrs. Bottort I a starts if�r Rige
ESTATE AND FIRE IN'SI:R- tonic is putting on their feet people who son, so placed, sees Only too Plsin'll "So far as marrying again goes, I was off her head, And no 1vouder," geriTier with him." tv playing a gtiltar .arid singing gay .
,. I
I -b ' as
. _
would otheruise have drifted into a - the seamy olde of doubtful lives,and. don't, fear to meet -my -husband, wher- Cuished JemimA Irrelevantly, "since , "And Jealousy." D-erliul. dittle.s. ut as soo. , $he
ANCE AGENT, REPRF.'- I be'd like the ceased, the w�ight of -
dangerous condition. It will not dis, is apt to judge the world from 8 ever he Is, me .,befng his faithful he carries on dreadful with the gov� "Delta Christina; for s ,Iooni settled
_SU,` I appoint you. ID . on't w � flotsam and Jet- widow. But as to heaven?�rny dear, erneou." - Leftenant to herself." el(.wn rqg,�Iit Then Ocintia Chr!FiTi.113
SE\TING 14 FIRE IN I%- . sit till you are consideration of the . . "Your mlessus and master have been. Miss Pyne' fingered a card In, � ,would retire to hor ronni tc smoke .
NIES. all run d;wn and unfit for work. Ifyou earn of humanity. - Mrs, Bottiort car he -treated. me shameful, all along ol . I . i
. . and
are not feeling tip to your best and are taingy did so judge, and entertained I eked," said Mrs. Bottort, shudder- perplexed manner. sorreptitiou.i cigarettes � rpid
a red-headed housemsid. 1- hops wl � I Vr � ench novels, which slit, ,lid no -c
DIVISION COURT OFFICE, losing ground,' g6t a big dollar bottle g; mean l4ea of .,human nature lucaft- I Do rt's an angel, for his own cons. Ing. "Theres, a dark man coming * tc
. . , � tto , --re to sbnw to AIIq 8011letinios
. . at once. . . sequence. ' fort, but-" the good lady pursed "WItich Is thein.9" asked Miss Pyne this h(>use," site .murmured. d � 01, . �
CLINTON. . Nyal Remedies are the best value ever Bou House, Bun Square, Blooms- k ' "Dozens of dark men come," de. ,she wont to dip thea,r,- aild onne or . .. I
. offered to,the public. The Nyal people, bury, was -the alllterative'addresa of up her lips and again shook ll�rbeaIl polltely; "put a name to them, I beg, . Imlef, Iniblet-d 'ill(, eirl to ztecomistiny
__ 11, . . . when 4 4oubtfully. I Barbara, as many the master an4 ela-red'Mrs, Bottort, "fair suen, tOq ber, Flit Alison (fid ul)t ��lrp. much �
had to convince us of this first 6efore we tha ,b6arding-house, and . , "Whose red-headed women are &I- missus I've had." I I and drab, and ginger, and bru i� .1, and .
, I 4t "I -mean the whole lot," retorted Yellow, when - their liver$ are bad to 90
.would offer them to our customers, alld, name .of Barbara Bottort was ad ad, _ out, iviless Carver *%%as by her
, . st�B tile worst,".said Miss Pyne, ac. I .
W. BRYDONE, . this remedy we know to be All li�e� epting a seeon4l cup Of tea. lVell?"; . � , ,..!(Ie, and, lie had no 4ealre that the
, the alliteration was 60 COMPlet(i ftll� "There Mrs.. Bottort, -bluntly. III wouldn't . should foriii -,it. Irrcon- ,.a
claim for it. I defAgn, which might Of c e how, "This dark man will bring trouble ! SPZ'111101 lady
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, .. to suggest was (the Countess of Sevenoaks, have tbem fo;r Wgers her , no use and� to those v(-nient third, when lie showed hN .
. . ' itive been the case. Pao-, Who-$' . , Bun House being as respectable as and dismay to the ho . f.
Sold and atlaran" by W. S. R I might not "� eomm� upon, the In it within a short spacq of time,'. beloved tile sights of Loftdon. Ther.. -
* 1 ple so .often .ved "Oh, all red -bead -ain't wleked,"iu- if Is genteel. But don't quarrel, af-
NOTARY PUBLIC. ETC. Irolmes, J. E'..,Hovey, W. A. number oif "Vi,11 thAt Mrs. Bottort . who was ter. all these year% of separating, je. - said Miss, Pyne, laying out the cards Icre Donna CbristIna yawned - fre-
' '
� I I I liecarrie .quite proud of the -frequency . terposed.. Mrs. - Bottort, v r, "pli,- yes. lie's clever and ddugerous . o . uently, arid. several times expressed �
- Sloane B)oc)i -CLINTON. McOonnell, Clinton. rather tired Of her companion's or. m1ma: your temper's as hot as a a. �er Intention of el,ther re'turning to
OPFICE ----., . . _ i of the letter. �kli the same, she by U�Dcratic reminiscences ' "why there's I see." . . . � . and love has to do with It alongwitli
. I . .1 . no means approv,ed of a joculof Miss Weldon, whose, �atr Is 'carrotA "And your language Is .its .plain as a desire'for money. A large building Seville, or Peeking a rn-)rc lively
- . . . I -it might - I ,,, Come. .Yet, altbotiv.1i. site had arrived
. stranger referring to her establish- with inany peop e . be I I . . .
� . � 11 merit as "The Iflve!" and- -tekmlng as yolt ,might put it. Yet she's tho you are and always were, Barbara. court. ))angel, to you, l3arbara, of. . ' . * I .
CHARLES B. HALE . . 11 its occupants "The Busy Bees!" sweetest girl -as you ever exchanged Not that I ,want to quarrel, me be- Icss. or reputation, and s, (VONTINCELY NE'XT WEEK.) .
. words w'lth� And the way she looks Ing a Christian,"- and Jorninia shoot; � I I
Conveyance -r, Notary Public I I I Busy they'assuredly were not, since after -her pa, is what I'd )Ike- myself, her little- head, while ,her sallow "Loss of reputafion," interruliited . . I � . I I
� . . � f4my ,%Ira, Bottort catered chlestly forthose supposing she was my child, which cbeeks became tlushed. . AlTs. Bottort, crimson with singer, ... I I I I
� . .,
Conianission0l, Etc. I FA who were able to live I .on their. a Isn't, my dear, we having brown For the moment Mrs, Hottort also "iet me see -who dares to takr.awo I AcTITAL STAR . VATION I .
. . I all , , . .. . �
. . a I . means. Certainly none of the guests looked' dangerous, but her gestuln'ti my character, as has .been spotlesk . . . � I I . � .
IREAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. - andiloquently call- hair when. I was a Young thing, if good orn. days. It's. rubbish you . . .
I . . I . . . I -ai they were gr I you remember, Jernisna." ' nature p.revalled, arid site burst all my b i N -' I
' * . .. . I were above ,, I Barbara In to a fit laugh. Don,t take,on 86, tare talking, Jeiulma." I Fact*_About, -lndigc,,;tiozi and Its RL
Issuer of Marri-al-e Licenses. _ ed -were rich, but all Lovely ringlets you had,, I ' "I Only read 'the cards," ,-,,aid UISE liet ,rhq,ti Should lnterc�
.. . \ __ - the necessity ot daily "toll. Thus curling beautifully from tinder the ,Tf.mima, I beg of You, but drink an- I ,t Y.ou.
FlGrROV STREET, - CLINTON. ,, . . � they were 4esil"table and Idle and pork -pie bat',as was then . fa&hion;, other cup of tea, and smile. I al. Pynb, doggedly, "arid you See --Oh!' Although Indigestion and Dyspeopsia
I . -
. . upon nded her face grew quite' bleak as she are so arevalbilt most people -do fio-,11 I .
. I .. I . . 1gen-teel and useless, 11001ving able. But this.young llidy now? Sheik wgys loved to see You flealt t . he painted oblongs of paste- I I
I I . Bun House as a select establishment, got a beau, I'll be bound,, for all bar . I 'Airs. Bottort pensively, "you.1i . dd so boArd. Mrs. Bottort clut.ch�d at her thoroughly understand lolicir cause ' . I
GIRLS ,where one could alwayB'be ,certain I red hair." . . . Wany of 'sm." . . - . I reason why' I I
. I
Df-cS. GUNN, 4.1L GANDIER. I 00 . of ineeting gentlefolk, It not million. I . � . . � "And I have'llow," stild Affiss Pyne, Ample b0som,: where her heart uilgh, alit[ ture.. . There ls� no. I
. . . . I . "She -have, and ,a,. nice'young man of '))a supposled to �e.'i."1)6n't make me .11,08 .1, People . should not cAt ally�-. - -
Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. 'C. P., I aires. Country cousins, visi-tors from he is, ready ,WLth smiles and money.. smiling widely, to prove the truth . ri�.ling Lhey desii:6- it they will. only . I
abroad, and Londoners with Jimited her assertion, "mostly xeAl, I do as- Jump, - Jernlyna,", ,,she said faintly,
. alt beneath this dignified Jim, she calls:htm, being his fiaAced, Barbara, But let's . be, 11'hat Is it?" .. . I . . . * cliew it, carefully pmd thorougilly, . .. . . .
L. R. C. S. Edin. WANT. -ED I Incomes d -w buit; Lieutenant .James Rothsay .Al-. in re yet], . . .1. ' . . ' .
. . . root, and as the landlady gave good - friends and tell me all: about � your I "Desith," -replied Jeml-ma solemnly, Ataily actually starve themselves, In- - -
At B, . . gerion Carver Is. his real name. lie's I . . I . It - list . . - 11 _. �
Dr. J. C. Gandier, B...A., ialue for the&r money, they apprect- I . lodgers.',' . .1 . �yltb the boom. 6t . bell Ili ,K) - sickness through fear of cating I .
$5-00 per week to start with an officer in some n.igger regiment I . - - . I . � . .
. .
Office-Ontari-o St., Clinton. Night I I . . ated the slihibby-genteel Bloomsbury in Afripa, .but he's home for enjoy� "I've told you all Y111 going tO tell v(d,ce, . � I every -good-looking, goad -smelling and . - . ..
for girls eighteen yearz, and. boarding-house, as did -the Israelites I merit just no akes. her out � you,- Jemi-ma, as I't don't cto to gossip' I .To wo. - You' �illy liar, when .I'm ood-tas,luing food,'because it doo. .
calls ar residence, Rattenbury St. .n . . . . I the Land of Goshen. Amongst ,the too much. There's ten of' theim, 'all rv) lic,t)tliy and-�-" . I . . . . 9
. � I th regular when her pa don't . want- her,* , . � ' -It's not you, Barbara. Itis some- n6t agree them. , : . .. � . . . I � .
cz at Hospital. - � � ovgr,' Apply at, Once. ... j.1i.r,t-enou�gb-tK)-put4bod-in-tbe-'m,Qu A lovely. couple they are, I do say," tiyIng regulas, and b6having as the. .
� I . . . I . .. .. . ass, Bun House had quite a repu- I Irdieg altd gentlemen they are.. I .one,lu this house." . - .. Thci best thing.Aci do. is ' - to fit. - . - I I .
- __ cI: 4A nigger, regiment,- repeated Je- be - -
� . . . . D. S., Perrin. & 00, tation, and Its bedrooms were rarely . Tnima, dra,win up �ber spare figure, keep two housemstIds, who also, act I'Lort" .Mrs. BottorVs inind ' ,Ing yourself to cligest any good -food. . . . .
� I . .. . I . I . . 9 1. lour � maid; a gel to help''Te set at rest regarding her ci�vn demise, We believe 'we can rolieve D�spep. .. .
I . . - I empty. . ,,if you'll excuse plain' speaking. Bar- as. -.Par, . . . .
DR. J. W. KIIAW. . . . Limited, London.. . . with the cooking, which.1 always see she could listen with equandwity -re-1. sia. We ,art, so obilhatelt-of thi I
i .
I. . �� . � . � On the whole, therefore, alth6ugh bara,' .tbat.sounda low -like. I never to myself; and a'.man -to valet the g,tvding the decease of tinother per- . I 0 .. I .. 1.
. - ti fied nature, Mrs. Boittort - Sl ce I
- . . 6 . .pie myself, n fa&i that - we guarantee and P�OmiSV
OFFICE .. .- . I . of a di.sea could itibide black peo .gentlemen, as .Bottort psed. to be be- acn. wkio , -is .it. - Man 'or woman: . I . . . . .. .
. I .. 'was pleased with her progress from meeting Lady Derraway's ayahfram ' I "', - � . to .supll% the mudidine free of alt
. . . I I . � � .. . . . * fore he went tpAlls, long 'home in lady or gentleman. �1.1 . . . . . . ... .
RATTENBURY ST. E.A.-ST, . � . I being. a cook. in a suburban family 'India, when her husband was a gov i ' . ,Miss 11. .;! cost '*y One. Who* will use it, , . . I
. . I ' I Fensat GreN. .. Sib y6u.see, 1'vei dohe . ," * 1 don't UnQvi"! vn6 finger - toi evv,. .
I . . D. N. WATSON. - to -becoming the mistfeSs.Of sue.h.an ernor In, them .out-)Andisli parts., Sly . , . � .
. . .1 I .. . . . . tting away ed the ciikds 'nervously. It's mur- .' perfectly - ,i-Aisfied . . -
. �CJJNTON.- I I . as much, - ohe wets. and a sauce -7 A"ell for myself, itud am pit who I --) 60 . . . . ,.
I I . . oasis In London..' She said . vpiwul, a Cht . .. . . . . ns
� . � . . ... CLINT0.11C. ;- -'ONT. . ' xes -der!" .. ' . ith the results which it produce . . .
: . . 1. � . . . In a'grudging manner, to .ber frleAd, box, and an oily serpent, if ever tfi�rit money, in spite 'of- ta, .arid wages �I W1 I . �
i. L . ICENSED - AUCTIONEER. . Miss jemima Pyne, who had beell'a was,One. r)bn,t talk to rn� . about, P,nd-,rates and suchlike thitigs its llur�der! Hou., dare you? And In d put 'no - -
. I I � . - �ougbtn't . to be allowed In a Christian - Ibis house?". . . � We e,-,acU no promisesi. an - . . �
.. for the. County.of Huron. Correq- bridesmaid. when Bottort had led -his blacks, I beg of you, Barbara Bot . .. . I . . . . I � . "I don't .know if it's. lit this house, one uridcr any obligation whateviIr. . . I ..
DR. C. W. THOMPSON. k - � I � � The. lad tort, I shiver at the mere mention country.". , I ' Surely nothing. could be, fairer. Weare - ,
. I . . Barbara too 4 -he altar. . Y_ ..WgJA Vin glad �`ihlng 11 I I . .
- I p6ndence. pn,)rna.tly answered. Charg�- - . pure you!". and to as gs are . so oi- out of it.. But. there's murder - I . here. and 'our rel)UU- -
. she was dried-up, ,alddrls� ' and' pinch ,Of tbemi I do as 40 'a 1 here lo(i.ted .. . I
P'IYYSICIANI, -RURGEO.4, F�TC�i . ' . ,on lit.. . oinfortalile," said Mis4 flyne ill your .surrodndingz' Barbara. T iiglitt � . ..
� e% moderate. and satisfaction guaran- ed-lookilig-hod dropped from . the prove :,the Aruth of her assort , I . * I
atlt)ntion given . - n I
Special rrangeme ts , for -ends ,within tle MI' stately manner, " and I wish ,%,on well are.. tile cards, a violent., unexpected tio.. should be. sufficient assurance oX
. as Pyne. shivered violently thein , th.1) - ... - . .. I .
. s- t�cd. Immediate . a .4 circle' of Mrs. BottorVa fri f�i'Yont :.dea .
. . . . '11 have .to worls: . . ter. . : - .
a ' or . �Jnee� you Bt., , the genuineness of oitr.olll . . I .
cases of tho Eye. Far, Nose and sa,?d dates may be made by � calliri,,, 'the I st fifteen years, In ,e Or, lefiss and there, . . . . . . I ,hav6 �retlred on my peuMon -A,11, t1lem. - black, cards?" * - , . �- . toroublea, I.. . �
I � .. ' . � . Ining.. . . . I . ".We want .ev;ery One . .
Throat. . I : at� The NewsrRecord Officei or oli but bid at length' -managed to pay a "Well, I- don't know, Jerillips," said k' .
. . * i - In the - stout landl.ad �s - pri- the iandlady, comforfinbly. "I ba,vfi . and'eavings, Barb-,fra,'and live It c a . "Yes Clirbs ana spadcs! Someone -wi'th- . or. Dyspepsia :iA . . - ' I e.
Eyes carefully examined and suitable Fralik. Watson at Meacom . & Smyth!s - Wait , . 1. Y Ndy Ili. my native vIllswe. You "lust you -know Intimately will be murder. - ,indigestion. � .. I
. . . . . vate. .,, . . . - . - stbM
. . I room, the two were exchanging a dark lady In this' very house W � tiny forin to cofil� . to Our � -
glasses pmprlbed. grocery, . � I . .. . I . 1. cake'. renew -Ing th,la very moment, as has. the -bed- ccino down ,and s,�e me!" ed", , .. I . I .. 1 . . . ..
.. . �. I � .. . news over tea and ' I I III can't � 11 . * . ' M rs. a' it * buy., a box of Rex4ll Dyspcpsi,a . .
.. . . of - th eave -the lodgers." t� "Not a relative," gasped I ., - B6t- it . I .
.. ... .. . . , their youth by tailking a thus room over that of the. Revd. Alexan- . I, -got one." - - , ' 'Tablets. "e theill Iloillp. and give . - . .
Office . � . Ah. I only liop� as they Won't. jert, 'Jor J at It I .
- and residence '. 2 doors west.of - . in Tab " .
. -the Commercial 1104A. Ifur . . . . I.. . when tbey were what Mrs.. BOttOPt der. Weldon's, which lie, uses for a ve ko * . .ki. . ti,iem a reasonabfe trial, according t,-) . .
oil St. - - . yne, as a -lady's �study lik 10.1 u," sa,ld 'Xilss Ilyne, dat y. -lit's someone Ili your surround -i I
. � . called- "gels." Miss P ewhse; A kind of"hed-iRting- Mrs. Bottort"A good-naLured lace - litgii," 'pergisted Miss Pyne. "I ,can't . ns. -Thers, .if not saiX6110d. .
- .
. - . THOMAS BROW -,N1, LICENSED Al'(. `� maid, -had. retired on her savings to. room, -is. you might call it. Dorina - took on a look of blarik surprise, tell you `nicre,- except Viat tlie. death directio ' ' I .
. . . come to us and get your , mow,Y. , .
, tioneer for the counties 61 11u)".%, her nittive -village, and there was Christina Pinzon Is ber'name, -and ,. * . - . * . . . I
- . *
. �. . , . I I,,,,- . looked upon as a person of cobsider- she's . nearly black; thoukh she do I Why,- whatever wo ' uld they do that -is, closa at ]land." . . I" back, . They are very plew.,ant . to . . .
,.and PcrUh.. Corucsticn,clencs . pro] . I . fori �,When they're comfortable?" she -Is it tilt, � major who wears� or . . I .. , I - -
DR. F. A. A'%O\. . . . ",.- ation by t.hege who wa,ited to Wear come frout Seville_ wl.wre, the orangeg, . . . - . , sike ; -.they ,aid -I,)' soolliC the it7l;11- .1 .� . . .
I , .. ly ansN�er6d.. . Jinmqdiate 'arran, ' a , . I - 1� L(fteiiant Cz�rN;er, or INI,.Ss Adson, 0 . I t, I - . . . -
..uc:s,tioned, staring� .
. :_ � !'. . I' I .
. . 'sboes., Sbe rarely ca -me to Lon- I to I -
, I .
. . �Mants carl-be made fovsalc da . loas '.; T: her . grow; I've hothin& agalimt her, for MiWA , S e�r -pa?" , .' .. strengthein.and Ao- � .- ..,
. ., lytie replied rtithor ' lrrele� k. . . . ahle' 'L'OLn'sich, . � . . 1.
. - -DENTIST.- don, and was now quite -out Of. the nbe pays her TillOney. and kee�'s her- - S A Y', " relilled. %lk-3s-,v;go�atc.j,Ile cfigcsqve orgati.g, and to.'- " . I �.. .
� 11 I xly - "There was -Lady Cayner ' '--The*c.�rds (16WE .
.8 61B VW) I I . I .. .. I., . . .
. . The'. Kews-Rcicor.d, Clinton, ,. OF lb fashionable worid, although she at- self decent,*, and.it ain't'her fault it # . IV a . . .. . . . .
Specialist dn Crown and Bridge ' c . vho had all she m wantpd wid then INnq, sadly,. "but niurder. h, bere surei promote a health. nd natural h0will .. . . I
ailing phone 97,' Seaforth. Cliarays wav . a foreigner," .. : , �
� . .s took in Modern Society to'rea�d . . .
' . . broke a 14olking s0ass. �Vli.lch .sent her elfough, and'scandal .arid loss of'repu- ,1'011 't -di�v, Ao. pexiect, and - - � ..
Work. Graduate of C. C. D. 114., - -; But bar nailliew, who.' was 1110tridsome'T' Inquir6d Miss Pyne, i . lie .
11 abontAt. . .. . - .. ' . .. . .
.e. .. and satisfact;on* gutran . I iIjus, lea - I �
I.. I I
raodexiat greengrocer, . li,to a de4line after unikIng ber)ose tation to y.yu.and, - ' ' . I P . . .
r- . . . . . . 1* ' lie curlo-isly. * , - - . . .. of c.h I�eMthy � digest -ion and ws i
. I . . . . . .0
ChicaW.,, arid R. C. D. .', I To . . teed. .. . 1. . Bloomsbury ' Ing ' . . I r rnbneS,, and her niece who -mar-. - . Heref I've had enough , su . � I. nillat" 1. � it. - . I .
. . .. . 1. . - "-w -gentlexpen. wou.,I(r think .so le . )I . -1 g . tpop7- : . . . . :
. I � about t6i marr�, Miss Pyns had venai . ell.. . , .
onto. . . . the great. c1tv. I, Is out ides. rIed a niusle-m6ster, Nvli�vh could ruibl�tsh, Jemimal" interrupted .r,-. � '%i A 25C. pscka c. -of l3exall D% % - I . .
. . . I li'll, . I ; -
I . . tured back Ao , T 4 �bc-.ns taken in by women .9 . I abI is: furnish" 15 days' .1 , I -ea I - � .
. I - ,
. . . was ey a are too large to i4y fancy, *11 ,haven't broke .no looking-gliiss, Ing tile cards on I har . , - 6 . .
Bayfleld on Mondays from May t4o .. . . . . she settled in the *,comfortsible . lifer ' a ' ' .t,(,t be recQgaiEed." Bottort Ili -,a.hhrsli voice,, and. sweep- a It, c %4 x thi� . .
I I I I li,ttle sanct im of Mrs. Bottort, crowd4 and her.skIn too'dark, and ber;month . . . to the floor; "and ffient. . In ,ordi y, cas� - , . .
INV'embou. .� I � I. I . singld word. you're! - I . .
I land I don't dnt6nd to," s.,.'Icl ht�s...Vota I don't. b ' clieve -st �,�,Mciellt, to produce it 'cure.' In mort- . I
. . ai FjTo ad with- vba -1 I - too blu'e-black, . e .' ' . . .
TheffloK.11iop mutu . t Vdiriniturq 'Was 'not T`48 ,be rbd, and her 'hair . I
. . . 'ho'us�, . tort, rather ruffled. "Don.`. - proph 6Y ,,m) Ing." - n ', . . � . .
- . I � .. . : ' quired In. the rest of the - an4, - f,)''Say 'nothing of her tamper, being. orrors, 30itima. 11 � I ! . . .. . Aliss Py.nv ,,ttooped .-ind' picked: typ chronic eas2s., a.-Ioli 01! trVailment, nl' . . I .
__ __ . , She'.ss got money and dresses - . - I .S 110-essaq ,' and depell(LI. ull-- : . . �..
--- � , I I . . enjoyed . herselt thoroughly.. ToMrs. ! aWful. I. � . � � I , , . I . 1. I
--A; ,. , fokfance -compano - . ad, * I . � I 'the. cards rapkIlY. "It's as Lru.,. as C011V40, -1 .
. . I : . � ., mlialbri thal beau-tiful, although she do,*mok6 cig- I , We - fiever know wI%t*%:-, lit store . . . .... . oil thp soverif of. file iroubl .' Filit : .
. . . . � . Bottort's gitsIging - her ' 'fe th* trae.", I I I 1. I y .4 . .1 .. I
I �. 0 . she was pleased wilth- :Position, , orettes. on the sly. as : Is the nasty r us," -Tephed e visitor, mystert- ,, I .. " � r _.
A k 11 _&A %vn Proporty- . � I -tell you I .IA)h't,beiIeveAn such .�l have . two larger . si. � -
I I . .. assented - In a: prim, Ary - liabit. of foreign ladles. I've' seen c,lfily,;-`bere,-Lo-day and gone to-.rror- . � such CISe' 'Ne . .
0 - - .. the. visitor ., . .v . ,"o-ved Airs. ' .BGbtort I 1011 �011 tot. ,rm: and $I-Wl. , . . .
W . RPM Mo.. I Farm and I 4plated To * . . W I
I -00y Irisured- . I I . I In -a rcew.. . I hope yon' a � bou I I � yourf �91'Zeu"'�" .. - .; . I
. . . I way; I � -her smile,on Lieutenant Carver gn �Iercel)% * '..'Ol, ulrl) li-ttIr_- creature es jg�:' ' you can. obtliin Rexalt'� .1.
. lid jla� s, (... p
. ,011-11 to � - .. I . . . .
-Tl',%11;.' TABLE- . . -()FFICER,-- . "It's "a tZrat�thlng ,being your owil coating. kind -of 'way; when he ,came � grave- Barbara, 9 11 . � I �t,(,mirig here and telling tile., horfo ' Ronieni , ii�v- only lit I I .�
i . 1) I , I . rs I . I I I
. � . I . � it sh 1, Ili ,!,,,,. coniniun . . � . .
I . mistress, . ra, I Oon't deny. . to, dinner . But bless. you, his - taste g:ve you a dre.4sy.funeral. ' ,A*uhd c i�e�.. ejIle,( leS .
� .
Trains will arijve at and depart . . . ranging a fisuidkerchl Is Miss Allson''weldon, and he dou'l . I I ,.Well, I have, e,nd will be plarited .xv-11011 I Issiv . e given you te . . a - I --I - i1oxall"sto 4,.". NNI.. I- - , . ,� I .
.s . .J., 13. . "AcLeall, .11rmid.ont, . S�aforth remarked, ar � .. I I . . G, at * , , , four stort. . "lie .
from Clinton station as 10110M - � I Fa .. I nnolly., Viee-41resi . - ,fo receive the cake CT1111113.8 On hit r" -pond." . . i:*-xt to Bottort. , But.- ' . out of my house, � 1. .1 . I .. . . .. . .., . . I
. . 0, ; Jaq. Co I ' . � - - I !R, 1101111c,". . .. . . . .
I Jap, "to serve hpmah nAture Is to be' 'IDark, -handsome, dross" "Te'A .ill Very kvill saying IlInt".my I .1 .
-,()D1-1'R1CH DIV ', c1fint, -Gcder'ich -P.- 0. ; T. � F.- Ilays, . I . . . ,beauti. - Miss 'Pynr,- s!jppal the .iio%,, gati-her- . . I . � . .
' * ' � . . �
AND- ( . .. But supposing one moriting ag u nd walked _____ . .
B UFF A LO . 1 13. 0, �a, slave, since human nature loves . ful, and smokes, on, lbe sly. wjth� all dkar. . el caras Into her b g . __. t. . I . .
. � - . .
� - ..
� � 7.35 st� ni., Secretarf.Treasurer', . Seaforth'. - up with from L Y .4 --ye for si1j-.e young 'men," summed _u - vt is was to.wake up and find. t lie bu it- ,, I, ' .
Going Ea,st . � butbr. What I put 1. . p .1 niijestically, towards tho door. "You - .. . .
" 14 3.07 P. ni . . . . . . _Diroctors� Prances Herne, you'd ,never . believe, ,lentima. recalling mel6draxnaflc plays. JIT's In this bbii-eA,and, yottr lodgers are speaking to. a lady," she, suld with Williatil. Dingman, till apple buyer. I . � . ...
. I
11 " � 5 -'t5 P- tn. William Cliesney, Seafortsh ; . John And 4 it hadn't - been, for me;. ibe - sbe had. wItnessod. "It does sound jvr�e, arid' VxNl- to.4rink In e�onei6-, '(�!gnity. . . . was alr6sted 0riacharge of Iraud at I . . -
I . . .1 ..
I IL,Q7 . . would never -have Tnarried:.the Gen -4 like an adventirress, Barbars. Is quence." :. 1, 4,1,ln � q 1. 3 Tho qji'd. .. � . . . . 6
' . ly,,ak ing ti, - , fortiii,,e-tullor - .
I I . .
. .
Goifta West a.. M. Qrieve, Winth,rop, William Rinfi, Con- ' � 4 ain't going io Aa�ke�,t.o* drink," -And ... . .
� . era]'. I invented her tigure, her com, t:,,.ere a mystery a -bout -her?" . . . thaj:s, �gainst. -the. law," reri-ed ., . . . . .
. .
I. 11 . . 1,Z5 P. ul, stanoz,,� 1 Joh . Watt, Jlaxlock,; JWin plexion, her . hair,. -her dress, 'every-. - " No tbera ain't-,'! -fmappe,i litr , !T,1ed MTR. Bolt -Ort,; Violently. "and I . 1. I - . .
a . r, �v sh ' 111111 TS.- . BlAtOl't, .who trembled 'Witli * ' I I . . � I . . .1 I �
11 11 . 6.40 p.,. tn. - Benti les, Broilliagen : ja,nies H, v- � thing. She as a creation! " - ' , Botto;,t, �c yet, wouldn't say 'things may. I . .TV6 a. good, miud...tO give you I . . . .
� i (FW . . - w . . Tossly,; '"this is a ,,aspect. o happen. rage. . . . I .1 . I . . - ___ I . � .
It I I . 11.28 A.' la .- a6s, PA�echwood ; �1. bilcE,wers,. Clin7: ,Ipitv -you didir-W-Anvebt a � 9004 'able house, which don't -want no-mys., bappe;, .as- ain't likelY - t � uli to the ,police, -,.$,on linss,V .11, . .
. . , . � ine -of, its as live,s- - an 6arth 'knows ..y1t) ' . . I
� . . terwl�ar for ber," wheezed. Mrs. 'Bot4,. tortes, niale or fernale, Je i , . ,u -will have enough 40 do V10V %As"- a Catarrh : . �
.DIV " . . ton P., 0. . m1ma Don NO - . � kz Im �
'RON ,k ' . . 1. 1. . WHOOPING COUGH CROUP .
. I . . '
I I,ONRON, lit - BRUCE . . I . . .. tort pouring out the te.a, Which, Wa4 na ChristInWs a real lady' thbu.gb vt,...-, aud�what's L�a-t I yo.u've I Burba a .
I . . T' .r,4a, oroke. of".,. , . tbe police before ong, I.. Ire- .
. .. . -Agp.nts�- ' foreign-, and it shO's thirty' 31 �, _. BROUCHITIS COUGHS COLDS . .
'outh 1.50 a. us, ' � strong and as* black as -her dress# �as I'll 'Car;,, "- said -'sliss Pyne signifi- tcllteil - Jen.trnu, ill a: spiteful t011e, . . I . '. I"
I Going Iv � . "rril III . flinch-' -,Why, hedivorced her Within a Year, ' �ake, my Bible oath she is�and tries
,, As . 11 4.23 p. M. Robert ,S Ith, Flatslock : , . . . I win0y. and reclosing. the, little 1,-ag "the-vards al-wIlY.-I e011l(' true. M"r- , ,
. . ley, 1,13eaforth'; Ja,tics Qurmn"Ings, Egr didn't beV- . . to look'twenty. don't all women aci hich ell.e. der wi!] ,tak(�� place ,it flills house, I .
. . ,
11�00 a Ill . . Y . . o , l'ice,�v1se?" � I I -ea. spare-witist. W
Going North ., , * rnbliih-illa; J. W.' oo i 110111lesville. Alls's Pyrie'eroiriked her little tinge; ' . . . zillni to h really believe, arld 016,11 , 211 �:our, III, . .
is Ili .. _ . . . I " . Lud opened. "t-beY �kflavr the future . . ..,
�.35 P, 1111 Any money � Io .be paid in ,tistay b,,' and drank half 4 .cup, of lea wlth . lVies Pyne. .Sall, that her hostess Let me. t,611 your fortune," she. sai� lndzers will hnlv'ob b"au,"e I'llb Vic- I - I . . .
. - rd she nodded mysterions- . . * I " I I I
� - - I tot, rellsh befo .was nettled. so to avoid trouble-foli - . . T,illl wlit hatint Vi pla �-t-� " . . .
. . paid toplorrish Clothing Coq. Clin . I at him, as abet . � , .1
I .1 . . .. � I . I . I I..,.. "She throw things I she knew Wro. Bottort's scathing � _wA-vilig.py. - �' . � Victinl.. INW-it I viculn?" bal.;1'10d . asTAMISH11D 18741 . ..
6 .. � .or at� Cutt's grocery, Goderich. arsi, and not beinq tongue ot 614-;-.9racet"1131 slipped $INo", il renil.iling still inore. A simple, misfe and effedlvet�extmontfor tron- .
. � � 1. did at me, Ba,rb _arr4.'.1,Vfm..T1ofto-rt nueasil) Mi,& Bottort t. ohisl trduble& without doeing'the otomacli wit" . � .
ea YEARS' Partie.9 detsirous to efinct insuranne me, be ivouldn't stand ,.having curl.? away from the sullij "I"! as wil'I Vc iriurd,ired, P drTFa. Used with sumesisl for thirtgeurs, ,
. - "it ain7t, riglrt,,. -.Mn't the Bible * sa[ . o , �� airrenderedetrovi yantibepte, Wpired
I . I act OfAlle span flin, or l.er,. 4
CRIE"Or or ,tpansact -other, bu*n4l.s9 will be Ing tongs.pitched at his fiesid.- Shei fall lady, arid reverted to the subjecl -,Sir w A lit be yourself, it---- witli ivery breath. makesTreathinsteany� ccubco �
. a tthoaldrOt ,6uFfer.,a. witch t. lid It mig h. asetring
. th --A � . I I Willi sueden ene! , re t*tc.Lthorall- I -
prointitry atiteaded to on application aevef got the other onel�-Misa Pyna of o lovers. � - . - . live?" t-gy tll� bindlad" the sofe throat. and stops the too
. r
zivful nights. bresolene ii Invaluab
I ?* any of the above ruenj the co-respondent - "lie hav-4 "Where Is Lieutenant Carver's n1g. ,'I'm a 0 an and 1,'Ot It witch,, rose, ,and bore doiwn oil the trall lit- t r(Lng thild.M-n and a boon to suairers � .
- . offic4)rs addresqed . -, rristi. . frism �tljzn,.l - vil i .
. I
11 � 4ID9 tWO w1vas already which nor ones Per regiment stationed?" she aske4 Ilym dryly-, . "plesol ti(ijigilre .41 the door. "(Act ont, got . sem as poaal fot docriptivo berAla. �
I to th,,,.r ril.,pective postoffiCes'.'Ll" . � . . snapped bliss P I � .h. of 1�,hndor� 'You liar I A!1 0.1tt.1=5TS . . S Slec I .
� s know ,k.bout, the some being contrary itily, I 0huffle tile "cards and tilt threi. . cut; ,1,011 Vsiit(. �'.
. inspected 13y the director who live ,to the Act. Of Parliament. .But as I "t,ti Nigge.-ArIPT," gasped Mrs, Ficit, , You Tillux, Ytyll" . . I
. Trr rnpolens Anti.
. t!m&J.11 I I .. tptwThroat TAblets
. ' . -to ,be *K making 'a !.irge i 6fiWW t. t , M". Bottort sttll hesitated, but w 'AfFP. Vlyno stir, k li(,r bearl-lo-iinniod orweirrititio(ithmit. i
. wa.B.odying, It's a great thing 11
. , nearest ithil ScicInfl. ll *0 11) (I f
TFmDlc MARKIK lst�ess. . Then you can **Jd, "It's Or, Vie %,�,,�t . 111"'y ate Almrie. ef-
I , mantle, and rapp:�.l 'he'r.shooA alterw
. one's "aArn m . . . ("Osist 01 bar etirlosity was .r,t"otl& sue finalb.. yok livo wid An V�ptio.. I
Deele"s .-I. _�.__� order people about," I f yotit oirngirliq ot, . I .
I _%;.- ,,, '10c.ar some town call',10 1AAgos.4 ,dId as %hp vas reom6ted. ' "Bti 1'.11tely il"N.m4t thp, wall. "I shakt,
a,-_. . � . 4 ,,� ,;, 11 M (I & " 4 III 1.
Co"MaNTS . . ,,Not much of that, Jem ma. . -MY L now," ex0aimed. Miss pynes . my, feet, Irom IA. lk Inst4m"J.", .. . ..
__ keteh And deffe"Ption may . Aon't t..II me 'horrors, Jentima"" sh, the ditst of -your house oCt
Anyon . ' Vape 11
. ittlicitly our opinion ft" wbether an ..h. ec - - � Dottayt, drew herself . vivaciously, and brushing die crumbs ,bezg d in an anxious ' toile, I'll':; littrisara." she said, oponing thodoor. . . I .. . I
11,1011111on 1611TOILb "Clinton News R ord guests-'-mrs, - Letwaj.143 I . . I
tionset.ri0t, I " (K on Patontg the habit . of e . I
I ---- I'ain't in from her kav(46. ".110W small the WorW as aln't'Wliat 111PY W(we-" "When You arb in gaol for murdering . .
U111111DItyxi,91HANWO Communim I up. proudly . Mery . I;d,
I .UrJn9rPAtAb11tA. I . I . -
110. V406trof hag orders. They ,,ill ,have. I
@alit fl -m [dolt agjpy for e0q* their PAONTA, A
ratents takcri t. ough hh"411. ti C . . . t , O\* . - . ONT. lak Is, anyhow, ftrbara. Lady Waleft, "I tell wit -at will be good or bad,' someonc:�, .,;,ind for nic, and I'll Cost- - _ I
wetattioW.W9110titeharge.int a I Of ` - own .Incomes and proper Opinion of Ldy"S maid Lie twenty years re�pjied ,lemlints severel-y, and dehl ic!e you, It you're a corpse youvself
1b."'t Te,Qs,'(')Tt subscription-$] per yetro ill themselves. so long as they pay as I was h . epbew called Mr. Pau' .the cards doliberately. I'Th<we's I 1,11, be bapp� to lay you' out. But . I .
Ale"Ofic Awicafto I it , thernstIve.9 . ago, -had it n ' cor to th4 what I say 4s tnts'. as yet% Oiall lfindV .
Y. ts .
w6w 1p,ji, air. advance $1,50 may l�o chargrid. regularly and conduct Mletker, who went out to the very spovernment k,tter alug. .1
OD 'house." - ItfUrderl Murder!" ��flss. Payne re-
.& lmrdwmililY 11ludi*W Jou"'t, emis for *o paper diseoutin- serious, 1, say nothing," ' I
I . not so paid. N f6f, ..'Jur place you mention. A WLridsonibe V .Tile MoNainarst, brother% have been
(!iI%mds,, a . ge ptel�14; sold by I'Do you sit at th"', be,41 loll.raxes," said Mrs. llottort. "an( pcatod thp word � ,,,'Ii great relish al
su newidezlerL I ued until all arreaA4, are Paid un- . young man he was, but . wild and. t sent,enced at; Los Augc-los, for dyna- . .
rfiUNN A C0.8618ro Yuk less at the option of tile Pt'lbllsh� tablEv - Barbara� I . . way -ward, a great vexation to )Its 've,got the nion,ey to pay, I clon' EI,(..dIsappoared, Alurder! Sothere!" mite outls:Ages. I . I* I
I'Lor, no dear! I ncsvc- gbA4 sw, 1, . I Mrs, Vottnrt trip(I to follaw and
& er. The dallo . to which 'e%TrY Sub- them sinless they sink " pil� �-:t , AIJU4 or grey-heilde( have tbe-last word, but �er 11mbs
ArRuch ffl- = ir 2= -XI.C. , who loved misaiogaries." mind that."
scription is paid is denottil dilp t -be money or makes complaint-, tr".. "She'd have loved the Revel. Alox- "He's .a ginger -fair, � I ____�_ .
___� ander Weld -on' then," Commented tilt -man, who loves you," hAled to support ]ter -ind Ate sAnk
,.� I ti -ton, the., green In a chair, irsurn,,uring the ominous
� lrequ%vt. I vd] I
,.label. I _-.0", same not being : . 4 '511y.
te L landlady, "as he's a retired rnission- "It illust be Swirl. .
I - .. advet- Itls'tbo major as ZIU. Al the bead of ory and preacbet] 1he good -halred until 'lit pr-)p'heey, I I � 1 21
s-Trarisient tidingi grocor' lie NN't's red ;��
Advcirtlw`ng�l ra , �W/� .
. I fl.sinichts, 10. cernts per noripariel the table, and' bt 'Swears .awful a) to heathens; in Niggerlirier for y0are Itat grey after Ifuryltig ]its -third wife 'IM,irder! oil, I.or! Marder,"thco , , 'r I
a in.,p for Orst insertion 4nd 3 centq majors do, whether In real life 01 and years, as. you,,might. say" I T did think there was something; It ile' ended violently, "Ru4bisll!" I I
tn) gentlemar ar ' I a." his -eye as hinted .at wanting aL fourth' I Y. 9. C. A. 13IX4., . .
per line for each subsequent inqerO- ottity-telling- But 2, "Nigeria is the place, B fiar LONDOM, ONT,
UPPINGOTTS "' ter all th-at. The Revel. Alexandei "Niggerlioler is ray namIc for It, -Ile- : But It ain't love with him, 3emitna, . CHAPT�Nt Tt. . I DUSINESS arid SHORTRAND SUBIMCTS. .1,
I Weldon, who has the. front drawing, %h for me . �, menc . .
tort. Sinall advertisements not to it's the sy lise's after. .Not me I Registered last season upwards ot 301) .
0 MONT . 14LY -MA43AZINt exceed one inch, such a% "Lost", room, first -floor, and t,% -o bodrooral tiginill, and it's good elloul� I What I have I hold," ended Mrs. Dot LOVERS. i students atiel placed every graduate. Seven
A FAmmv UaRA111V 1,Strar � Ito As for Your Pilul Morkel'. he's been n,g I I
. ed", slo 118toldn", ete", along with his daughter, did speal , as If she wig quoti it tarl:1113 QuIt6 unxware of th� horrorS pro -
1, eaten -by Ibis time. I dare say, IOT tort specialty qualified regular teachers. 0110 I I
The Best In' cur(ent Mom bm � C41ted once toll 35 conts-and 'each to th4e major about swegirIng'i lie wat there's catinibles In them parts, along, motto; "go on, - Sominia , tell mi pbecled by MISS PYne, the Bun liousc hundred and, fifty London firms; employ
- ___ __ subseqtie0 Insefleon 10 cent's, 'better for -a time, I do say, until the with 1jungry tigers and erocodflo-'i q Mote." . oteupants came and Welit,'Vlle and our trained help. College in session front
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11 12 COMPLItTIC NOVCLS VtAOILV I pubIlea- , beef,- � being over -done, got on -hit owoll, Nir. go "There's a- �W61i :ill leaving youl drolik, read and talke,d, wrjrl((,d ani I
Imullicatl'onq intended 'for ,ricel, aIrl't been heard : Sept., 5 to June 30, Enter any Ctnv�.
MANY SHORT STORICS AND 'C011 I pood -yierves and he let bIMACIt 901" (lied very mlieh as- usual, le,kdlrip Catalojue Froe. I - ., .
I . I F0 � 111SWS1
pApF.RS ON TIMELY TOPICS tion nistr4t, a 1AA a 0hrlythin wool-fUt I coult n s f 1.40mi I&AV-1111ron. Ibil "Not a loilgor, b6wausn they're al ttjoir unoventful lives v,-Ith dogged VA d4 11VI&
- Ira. A root faith, be 90companied by tho lialn(I I ' �.. . . , b 1 o- fn.4idp a . bifto 0 L .*11W_ 1. � I.. � "tished. 'It'if Annie, the housemaid complacency, .Most of thoin bftp gust .1 Shorthiiiii Collegv .
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I 4�!.66 iNVER VtAn, 26 0 onles U tbe writer. -.0- r �_VtTnr 1_n - ' - t' 2'. i� �W� .� .nW_t��!!"__.___._, �.'_'___.._._,__. --..I-,-- I gave her notlee Yesterday, as A* vld6rly, liad More oil ln;ci (!Xp(,r.er-.c#rI I J. W. W vr,L,r, Jr. J. W. WEsTt.1tvt-,1.T,
#1,40 dONTINUM ST rMit-1111 .1 . 'I er tl,e atorim of lifol, aftel were thu,nkful Chaftetod Acmintittit, pritelpki.
,is a guarantee of I v Of for - Years, Barbsirgi. aci be mIgb4 holl'se." . 1. ,
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IgVixfty "Umelth cOMPLI:Tt IM 116tL0 h Vldi�or and Prolirldi'm I TheNdws-Rwrd LEADS for TOINN A TOWNSHIP NEWS sto grAcee, . L, Uftp),411 10 1ka Lolict a 1114,61tij .1'.. Arpo Nido PA01.11111. 13
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