HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-14, Page 7., =, d I., 1' . 1 THE HIM". ' ' ' \. , Fr, 0 "'�,I I i - () 1) if 11_1., )A 1 -, , I,, I I WANT A FIXED Ij . _, i�II� ,"�"--�' - II'! FAMILIARITY CALR �I 0,:,// �-:`�, iliriot'nl; sesRou iirings Nueb l:njay. .ENDA Brit:'sb. Proposal 1'n F,yen•up The /'/K S ntetif. lint Dram It llkltisnres lire b. Vat its ?o file flap) Had Early Ea.ttro 1 oil lh.lrkaad for the Carelens s' Daart Specouilis ls, Now 1 PurlI)pT lel►crinis ,11 , lilintllers of The Ilifie, +?Jew and Leal) 011.r", 1 The shooting season is tipoll us Some novel proposals are contained ey back,, tgain, For a great many mets and in the Fixed Calendar Bill presented rsP,l in the Scottish :Highlands, for Toys It is going to mean a fr..\v' dt:vs by Sir Iienfiy Dalziel, and supported • t least of well-earned holiday rlud , by Mr. tiirllkie, 141r. Pringle, and 11r<r , _ j ' _..: p[{ ome genulne sport, carried on in a Munro Ferguson in the British house -- ' ,.inner becoming to true sportsmen. of Parliament. The bill purposes o a p P t '. I+i ',�'� t is going to mean wel'comc addlOons substitute for present irregular I 11o the larder at a time when the range ,the calendar a flxed calendar having re- �� If neat foods has become narrow anti gular periods, of which the week Is a _ _ n.Onotonous.. Roast wild ducit is not common measure. .111 appended tabic The 1•.tnitiad States Federal autbori- 0'k( despised at a Icing's table, F3up p shows that the months of Janrtary, r~iesi are on the train, of bba. then be- tntess It is remarkable unlike pre- February, April, May, July, August, biu(I the Mcttiamarad, ions seasons, this shootin ; season a. going to mean more than sport October, and November would each consist of 28 days, whilst the remain- . .. "-^-"'I nd good eating. It will mean death Ing months of Marell, ,Tune Steptember The quicker $I cold hr. go$- o a number -of people, sorrow in the •orres they leave, and and December would each have 35 "Now r"n vial of the less the dark- . passionate egret never to die out lit the heart clays, Year Day'" is set apart,. thus bringing the total of days up to ger from . pneumonia .and other f the man whose hand eallsed the the requisite number of 865, whilst for .I?rious diseases, Mr. B. li'. L. Ball "hooting aceldent"' of which we road ical> years a special day is set apart cif Waverly, Va., says +"I firmly. bo- 'tel near so Often that it scarcely as "Leap Day,'" which is to be inter- liev7e Chamberlain's Cough. Rt.Inedy msv`; a pang of pity or surpriste. One of tbese deaths are over caused calated between the last day of June and the first day of July, as rebon- to be absolutely the bestprcliUa= v malice, but nearly all or them are stituted by the bill. A clause of the -cion on the market for colds. I vo,dable if prolier care 14 taken. bill lays it down' that the New Year have, recommended it -0 my fri:slds ^al 'f)Imiliarlty with a gun l)reeds pay and leap Day Shltll neither of. and they all agrm with ale." For ,spect; it Is your youthful, • inex- tliem be accounted days of the week, tale by All Dealers. •. meed sportsman with a .desire not arid• shall -not, except u•ltere s��ggectally, wane you to substantiate thelit at ` ^]•peal' like. an •amateur who treats lnentinned ar provided. for, ltt*"ltedcl to 1 t 1, ,f r lr � t'• • , I .0 01 n, f t c IIs : weapon \vit11 dfln prods farnlliarif.y, be Included In any computation of candy, aro particularly prontllt and arl adds tare largest gaotu to the list day„ lint shall otherwise be p :L c -Tile King and Uuuen have left 130111- .' [tie slain. There art+ a „roup of Mani: Holidays. 1. bav for Dell:n. (t Ileh(Idle-aged Ilion now --- wh0 mssive lowf.nessi or other unlesir- able effects, `l'he • have a vv,r • luild } } I tweet• tar tartan invented. tar the I ,"Gordon llit;hiltmders" by Introducing 1 �mle deer hundsi to",ther'r T ory Why He Felt Heid . wits'1_whieh• they Co4leL fn costae.,,. s•: nn since the -.v were young N llow : "Football," riled. the old gentleman I,,,_,f„ !tcrc never wrs r•11 veeldent }n that in the "Red Lion" slnokeroom, "`is a .-. D in all tile. ypidr.; be;al,..e tae curse and a disgrace. Footbllll," lie - O r11' 1 r v ro :t w)t; , 11b e ulc \ as that 1 rl , rtile table with !1 .l aUC t thumping e continued, til 111 I t; : , hc:ot till hr* \vas :nor ill w: hat lie his fist, "is an abomination, and a sufr1cies, to the originta set to Pilot: Ic Alootilir. and no n)an was !o I blot ort civilisation. • The very' name folks .and dellent'i• (iersoim We call- 1.,;h1D, _ . not too . highly recottimend t6cul to d''.1,T a loaded grit tufo farp under , of football,' 'lie shouted, sweet}ng t1T ilial, been troubled with. tonstip- n .incl o attendant .o\'il .anon for two yt•.Lna, and. tried all the t tri t ]dt et, 1 I 1 IIs )l 1 , the 1t fl lint pot off ! u ' Ie9SF9. and I \v0 1 l - t g I f Uhenl tw t�;t• uul' :gtdinise 0C nin'ley "You'll find is „ 0 back • h( 11hey do not gi}•e' entire sat- C i�cn t. that til( rami fl, cd i 1) t a „ e i} , rs .ifemei t 1 y boMi,l in Ills C 3, I t.. "1'\wo packages•..0f Chanlberlatn's . Si(>t±iZclt' • and, I (ver �'ablatls cured `:'1 ` Pr to the guilty curt, Making,it i name of football is .enongh to. niakP at ub;1311ii ila'all Remedies .in ('linter T� 1 only. at etre stare,-='1'lle Itexall Store:, ?Ir 'ill ol'y' l0 hat i i . r"Ter }1CCnae' I i but decent, respoctable plan go and 'un, I . JJC�batt'S 1 W140's YM vd'thing, svpgf,� P. sportln, hdsself out of pure clisguatd" . .,t anvthin� \rd•r,►5 at ,,di)d enough esrn,n• fill- t riot low 1-+lay's.I b000000000C00000QOC)0000000 London tit .. i.l one of t,lc.r0iI lit.0as ,,hmflCl e an:\ nitro whn c,ln�rd an 2: . '� ,•• r n T3 t0 c'1 the . bentleinan S eil feet deeply the said u s��'ef. is and fruit .w ili the 1•e w. half- . A n:ally- or Indiana, Mr. Prpsto.n, ,ear Y -It with e► gull dur:ng the gain( rather on -subject," commercial .traveller. who had been of these. luxuries, the rnrltiets, r;•dtf,i posilor, _.was transferred across the '". ... La -11110x1. Il fend f`t ' n I Il age, C d rt and . h do#n -4o should, have Loth gun rind c i. 1 o r r 7 a taster away ft'oin hili t,Ie fist:entn� t0 his .ietnarks. _ i , fisc Cagliari. to 'soothe Litchi. ,I in the .Dooriulon, lire may fairly be ' . claimed a,. a _good soli of Conaada. ._. .for r,it .of the year, and aggravatrd c:Tsps . He do, tls9entctl one 0f 'natives. . . .\ . . tjLS COND1'11Uti Pto:;lon's ;mind rein on noiNspaper work:, and %,i!th a desire to 'know Now Perfected-* nv rything . o. g Pcrtt?nftlg to thd> b_u,inoss, r heedlessness should I;r pun shcd by fibs lie lost something at a nlatuh," ' r Best Bupahle ° i''1•fi�•o of. the Woocdmocl.' Senr"IlNI. -tis ,Ila or tinnrlsonwen!. i.I•S'.011 . ' . iu uhretl lite commercial. , ° I . t kid yn tltatl it nervous cr ons condition often ,a irfllrunr) , i •' ,r He ave so. Ada re1,It.\e.,1+,tlril results froin libluey trouble.. Whon,► - • I. ,. r rs a . r1 .ter gild •r o.rter, An t t, t ba d , , tiler, orad lariv. lied the o I r 1 at -one e TRY IT :rotasfn'� fi'0m lr,"nn io C'aalan-sur- J ,-What relative a w s it?" -ked the conics irritated i , W:,"."`:.. •,none together, cle.vhs'd. a novel sue- querist. t 1 JOHN LABATT hit i of )lashing ars iulprovokC4 act 1 Is Kifc"s flr;t husband d" \\'as the spells, fits of LIMITED 298 >', •r .-gression sty a .poilsailt who, Our - response, .. ' LONDON, ONTARIO -. iv` r ice • ►r• n rca•, f i_rr t ucL + a .,I.t m to ,t5 }l j 1: 1T,cit a ifirge stono', \\'kith struck _ --, ;ate 1.Ang :,d :i LttsteA '1 I rheurri`3�tio palwk, he;rrtist 011 the eln;st. •The ocerlvalits, She (wiose sliced brassie shot ha; i,upaiied eye, If 01P car imrsned and captured tbotr hit her partner, who has fallen,-- V ., sight, dull: tired • to alhlut, todic hila into the+ coir, gnhot. '"Oh,.l,t uric, dear—sneak; do speak." 'y dlve.,ted Jill. of hitt. coast, watch. (I{}asps him.) 'T)on't illy '1't'r: hnr' ` ad money; and then, after proeeofflag . you badly." (KIsse4 him again.) ••Qh' State of Ohio, City. of Tolydu, it, full speed for ove'0 "a tnhles, -sept are. -,-6u (lead Etre you dead?" (5h.owc.r Booth's Kidney Pills s0mgthen sick Tim clown on a lonely', roadsi(I( .to of khszes:) Lucas.C'ountir. valk. home Ili the hroilhsic F,t•1. Ir"c 1'e (to himself)—"'Tuu go' r1(;ht ov Frank . ,c .1. (Tient , alai cls at 1 fah I tI plates Tnd.oih?r prolia,rty they :•1„• t t 5'o).i can bet flour Iwirpias t'ln der. ' •', lis is- senior partner of, the firm' of i ,3 1 O T T f .t r 1, . u o .,F. *+� r. F. J. Cheney & CO., .doing business : _ ----.--------' in the City of Toledo, County; ,and dealers sell. 50c -box, or p.ostoaid ` S tan: aforesaid, and that: said firin froui 'Tire R. T.. 1i ooth's Co. Ltd., I -will par tlhe sant of Om 1.11ndred� iJullars hnr each and every c4se di i ® / {ti Catarrh; • that caurr-A be cu's •d iii ilia. ase of hall's Catarrh C'utc Fratic ..1 ,, / .1. Cheney: Sworn to before are and subscribed / / �' / , s • in nip presew!c, this 6th der. of:Dccv i"littlltltrit T/J IAnIC,lllli,ft Whr±n animals are struck -by it ht- emblh!•r, A. D. 1896. -" ning tilt• shock usually kills them In.; , stantly,but where they arc tnildly . A. 111. Gle.sion, struck and thoy continue to live, they •lppreatiro• printer, so,bsequoutly are in.tially In a partially paralyzed Notary Publiv . r.0ndition. 1"nralysis Is brouryht, ole .by where lie completed fits' to.rm," in the shock„ to the nervort, system and I lall's Catarrh Cure 'is taken inter -s ttley naturally lose control of certain drifted uptd editorial �worlc and in past's of the burly or limbs. s 'Ylrero Is lre'itt IIIA r of llwt, %ires rally, aml acts directly on tits BloodI fallileg from electric litres ore to wire thele rnen)ber of tete Press Gallery felices. 'I'll! twill t•hargo tho oaNre , 'rl the' llnnse•orf commolis, transfer- • :and mucous surfaces ofthe. svI li. inai (111-4 hi '0011fict with It, It 1, ' 11'11•1oll0y {vis irranaging Direetor-ond ostially 111:4Ialit death, The writer I amend for tesb'rmonials free.' ror.ently oblvr%oil is c'nF�r of fhl,l kind 41•n, brit purchased the Xxposltc)r in whirr tho, entire Peace 'surrounding F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo,, O. elle 5111))11 paddo0t was charged by a • • • rI 75c. - Sold II ac ld b a Druggist, 7 c. `.'.: i Throe cows terse killed in their tracks "ludo tll.T presidentship ref the ('at)Ill. whilo coining In contact with tills ,rake IIarll's Family Pills for cou- feller. A crit attentptin.9 to jump . through the renes was Instantly ki11s'd .Lioation. .. Wreck Commissioner Demers holds - . . . . ('aptaiu MacKay send MAW C!twipbell �.,.�.-�..:�... 1.or KISS EL1,r,N • [NOX1, . h . teh r a:a'te . „1. 5teaineir Cortrnna in bake Superior, . . i'oi: girls; none of te;lich' aro-trrot:. will have a tendorieY to tune Ill') the Candlan, woman ha %c, taught. sur- ftccessful, thati IIa\orgah (')t1.:R '• rive y lAxiltlul st0rutil:rt)t .t`:id ton}ts. i cessfully in such l•trr� nui6bers that � vliicli:'to a.`large (xtcnt oftt t;.p.rr: . TUE NEWS.RECORD. Bverry family has need of a good, `' �' reliable liniment. For spra,lusr the story' of the Cat:edlan' \\soman h s become -a •drum n clic `e, teacher a t c 1 ,Tess 'to• the resile ct in `rhir'T .\l'.' '%lieu Kuox, ,the principal, hs Boli' I—. This rdnledy contains no i:J1 1c111, or'n(t5lra. rheutraltic )rains there is no better l her narcotic and 1way be given. as: than Chalnbef'lain'a: Sold 1)y All eonfldetltly to a baby lia to aft adult, Healer;. • , , ) ,• - „• ;• No one apparently has, reconut�dd 1' . .rholars rind parent-,. 10tu hu ," rr`i p �Ii g. CLUDDINS LIST •• -what an. interestrrig'• gait }t.is brt+a' •aken. tit the developn•ent of Canaria, '.4it 1 i 'sh after •.>lc � g iii d, a aft a d nd:d rclucT:l, tion came to 2 ('finada to assirtm? till. +: by the Canadian. wouTan ,who 1►tis urinelpalshlp of 1'la'i;ergal wit r•h is du ht. b t ' hn <t , t'r tv ie; of tat t cti ,i ,� y g now on . o . ry e t the ' at i schools . 1in: FOR ��11_1� .i t• t \ i t• 0n:cn teachers t i c con t o t 11 in b :lie short history. of the`'F'o is h:ng: iiro- an .d C a a. Miss Knox comes• of a cleve f t•Il*,I 1 . etsion }n Canaada,'.Toronto's:pop)i;n- , her ',two 'brothers I) Ing tits Dr,'.E Much good i•�eadjng - ion Is collsideinbly ha rc a.od aboul middle Septombl`r Knox, 1.31shop of. 1lanchc;to.' and 3.r George Knox, uupre'n:o . for little m mey. .`te of 1 very ,vrar v the incoming of h1111dred, of girls of the Court Incild: ' .. . . . .. - . +.in all over ,C:`nada to •U°:'•:.one . � ' l�'Lse:KLli;g , - _ . . . - __ _.._ _` "" . - '- - - New. -Record and Mall and I::nplre............ .. $L>0 News -Record aL_11d Globe ... 1.00 . News -Record and Fainth- 1. Hevald and Star. with 7. Premium.. , .. ... 1'71 News-Record,and Witness 1,75 News -Record and Sun..... 1.75 ,Yews -Record and Free Press.. , ... .. 1.75' News -Record and Ache! 'riser..., .. 1.75' News -Record and c))"wito Saturday Night , .... , . 2.:30 News -Record and Farmer's 0,2,5 News -Record atld Farm and Dairy... .. 1.75 News -Record rand `C:aniL than Farm ........ , , 1, 75 11 News-Itecarel and YotitI C•oinpanion ........... 1,75 DAILI E(i 11 News -Record and Mall And Empire.. .. ..,. 4.25 News -Record and Globe... 4.255 News -Record and News , .. 2.30 News -Record and Star .... 2.80 ' News-RQcord and World , . 3.25 News-Becord and Morning Free Press... ....... 3.25 News-Rdcord and ravening Free Press ... ,........ 2.75 Nems -Record and Adver- tiser ........... ....... 3.00, News -Record and Lappin- W cots s Magizine .. , ° , .. :iz A news-neeord and Canada Al.onthly, `tVlnnipeg -. 1.40 -1.4 if what you *antis tint in this list let us know about it, , �Ve can, supply you at less than would ould cost yott to send direct: Postemitting )lease do sc. b oiee Ord Postal Notes;. Vx ress Order or Registered T efter and address, W. ,J 111 A tChell I NeW-g,0ItecgtdCLINTON Fv_- W.& .14 I * i � ... . ---O,. . -;? t7 e. -°Ire. e• 3�rJ v� dust CA7 0 r . T fws i. 40; . . l :d:t1.°ae f_�t Q. 1. 60A,L� . . .�T HI;; is, lint; a fras;met,t of a very interrathtig letter 1 retch red by the Zuni-fluic- Co. from Mrs. 1„� (osset't of 3n' in l:ritl •e, t)i l) 'Cao., N.y.' 11,'lie letter, eontinuos r . X 11 When the .soeea firat1wo a out I ealledbin a doarlr ; but him treatment did. , _ no goad. I tried salves and lotiunv and washes of all kinds, but the sores atill spread. The disease titially became 84) bac Ald the ehild's frce.And shoulder were completelyooverecl with sores, Imagine the pain the poor child - (not a year old) had to lioAble! y a • '`One day.a friend advi+tett ilia to try Zara -lluk. I (lid ilOt ba 111111"h faith at •that time that' Lain.gi%L- woltid be able to work it cure, hat an there could be Behar,nintrvingit,' obtaincelasupl)ly. At that tiinethe (Iiseaftehad defredall .rented}es I ltad triocl forover it ytar. Uy !lie time I had tried one box of Zam•liulr there eras a narked improvement, I continued the /.am Bilk treatment and day by day the sores showed signs of improvement, until the eorema was eanfined to the' child's shoulder, one sore on which had peen particularly dnelr. 13y dogrons this, also, 'wag healed, and finally `l.R I Bilk hantgleed every trace of the disease. '7I leave wattert several trlontlks before me"ntiontag this case tb you, in order to see if there was any rt -turn of the FREE NOX eczema, There has. not. Been any return; the cure .being gena thin cou• pernranopdt, and .there is no. solar or trace of the disease p n n and on r from which the rhild 90$'ered• an' long,. 5.'ou tray publish rerit etr,np to VAULt} is informRtion }f :you wish so, that every niother may Toto to Co.,e , J y Totnitto'rnd we , know tike V,Alue of %aul•I3uk," will moil jou an for 'cold sores chapped hands, Itoetr}Mbar, Zam•Kuk is. just g , pp . kilos, 1llbod•polson, 'ulcers, had leg, varicose ulcers, scalp sores, frost bite, bahy's chafnd places, etc. Also as an enibrocittion for rhettma- tisni, sciatica, ate. All druggists 6041 Stores, C40 boric Of VAIIII-Unk CO,, ' 6011tao, ' tar priae,, :.. O, Used in cani►du tali• THE HIM". over bal>f a calaft" . .-.� if they are to be trusted', revexi a distinct electromotive force csterelsed l -w-u>I�ed'iutsverycorA�11J1 jj� (� TARTA, 1 Of the world. Where In order to rid your scalp of filthy; sitive electrometer to note their In- le front DIstlnettre Colbrin of fire i'latl g Pip suffer Xdenlifled �xlih file llarbtau tl(• Constipation and its file flap) Had Early Ea.ttro 1 resulting troubles-- European Origin. y W. B, R. Mimes to eradicate d'and- it will interest others besides til,>ae I p� "anadians of Scots descent to learn re -d 4 's - .brit the term tartan Ip' not eel'^, ey back,, tar Is It claimed that it was f:rst If you have dandruff get a large 66 rsP,l in the Scottish :Highlands, for Q p 't Is a well authenticated f:(rt ohs' 't wa:r in lisp In Gaul, walos, anrt it. Remember that if dandruff ring 1� !ttwldncl before we have any reference • .' higher in o its use lit Oraeldom. Tartan cloth- it11►11d public rig,. however, has. been retained in I estilY a ion than. an y ',PhIc ;cotland long after It lisd lt�en , others, and their ever► ;Iven tip by all the other Celtic rationalities, and hence` It has. won increasing 'air itself the terns '"I•tigliland:' Tbo salesprOVA laelle teal for tartare is •"breaean." theirmerit. Physician tom hepar, spotted, at d in *hp old them. ;kel!c tale of Curio, 121ch Professor farkinnon assigns to the fourteenth prescribe 6 • 25c. box •entury, ill(. word "brecau" occurs.. 'n iII`; ""Remarks Dritlsh Ant'- ^ on iu filo;" (1776), llorthwicic pr',W.; the 1c nn1iFA1 Y01 1474 0f John, , Bishop of WAS, -0 iy, Treasurer r,0 ,T,a:r.(s IIL, Negro ;,fother--•-"who've ;been playing vhich contain a reference to "tartane" in tie nrnd again; you dfrty boy! Go 'Toth. It lim shire Leen d.lscov7+red and wash your face d'is instant. It's `:lit tile, to rm lurid i, "tartar," which quit¢ white.` '"�:l'enk ,Ili Eastorn ortgIn..and that.- Alcout, p:o}nt, out, the the ,rrst lh. • "pa .:ILle rcfelr+Iico to iilghland """'-"""- —"'•` '-'-' ' •ere n recur..; In tilt ••.Xec ount:; of the NO C'Al til•. '1'U DUujrr .ord high hrt,;I�tlf•r or Scotland in • ttls tiI, 1-1:K" I+ 1 "•r, rally admitted "'. 11,it 4:,11`(-r wrtAr, :,re.olrlr,r•t.han A State.aukit of Facts Backod by a ,•;a.n tartan i, ;Ind rt has, bona %shown . ' Strong (luaratiloe low c•ortaip inrrau, zu4sortatrrd with 11'p guarantee ilntnediatt� and pose- ..,•. •, •r , pa't.,nr„tt d.� i,x r: ha\r ties auno,vcd tit'e relief to all sufterers froui con= `;`. +lie (''an, ),r.":cu..,I),nt in inn4e slips#hun. In cyury Aasc” ttit. ' rnrrI tic " 1r ha hutcrosting to 'I')'.('rlk:t flute :, h:::for',..'\':flrllvo •,;. pl•,r,•,• the renlcd}• fai.1, to d0 this we Ivill re- .,XI re :ic•:� oI' r•ien +errand .is o rl}' ,is t• i r oto• its n s turn n t rc u t c paid F it '11rat s l } I � fh 1•: ) ,: , ,t t (1 .) t t of tilat year, ,cant- frank •air r. .t t facts, air([ w• a I sl ti n 1\ t r. 1, t r 1. r .Tn e r h ,a 1 ,t I I a t , ) i r, wane you to substantiate thelit at 11111oPl 11'r iss hit 1.11sty, Ilse [,,•'I -fluty is ,,our 1S , r' :k 1 t 1, ,f r lr � t'• • , I .0 01 n, f t c IIs - Rexall Orderlies are ea.',"n just.ihlce ' PIC - l 1' 7 . a tl c'1 \het?, b.acl+ pad gled.tl f. �• t,,.,. , t.0410111's,(h.d•li c serf. pond a the candy, aro particularly prontllt and hulo,i.4 turt.t.n of the liouao of Stuart. agrecabli, fn. a 1 ion; flay bt taken at 'I'll" evoirition or vortaib ciao t:triuns ariy lilac, ria}' or night-, ,+lu not + i, c:,t.rrlucly . 11t•`re.iting. :t Or ex - cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, cix- 1 anipli+, the .i.ordv.t:+, who for a time wore til( liunrly di$trIet tarlan, now mssive lowf.nessi or other unlesir- able effects, `l'he • have a vv,r • luild } } I tweet• tar tartan invented. tar the I ,"Gordon llit;hiltmders" by Introducing huts posificc actii)n upon fila, ort;atin a yellow ,tripe into the ;'td.lflck wits'1_whieh• they Co4leL fn costae.,,. Watch" pattern. In like inannor, the I , a{)paren 7 y acting as a ttrgu�ativc ton. (fan ForbesP\•olvl:d. atartan for ic. upon the relaxpri muscular cos v 1 thtent,olt tis, by adcdirr.g' •a white Iini: to of the bowel, 41,1us owes-unling weak- 1111 Ilhac'k Watch," ,or 42nd i.Lrtait. ess and aiding to restore he bow_ A , t; t .t'adet families, arnhld6us to possess:a l •thoir'ot\' . •,. �I else.to, more _\] cnou5•and hcailhhy ac •Irl°u of t. , L u„ •ereerally Ridded g I fow herr.; to the tar.tau at' tLe titin tivlG}. to ntnl;e a distin,^L:on, Wit always loft- Ro ell ' U s lerlio l arc uns(r q, )asstibl, sufr1cies, to the originta set to Pilot: and icde,al Fo'r l.he use of children, old the rplado!- folks .and dellent'i• (iersoim We call- 1.,;h1D, _ . not too . highly recottimend t6cul to • all. sufferers. front any form of con- t1T ilial, been troubled with. tonstip- n .incl o attendant .o\'il .anon for two yt•.Lna, and. tried all the That's Ili '1'lrat'S Lwh}"' JCP back OIIC faith tit l ,. b5, physicians tT ICianS n r . 1 I3 1Stol p Tenn. and I f Uhenl tw t�;t• uul' :gtdinise 0C nin'ley they could,do nothing,fpi� nee," writ - back • h( 11hey do not gi}•e' entire sat- cs Thos. I:. 11'illiatns, tiIiddleboro, isfaction. T'hreeeI;N'es 12 tablets .1,0 I t.. "1'\wo packages•..0f Chanlberlatn's cetits, 36 tabletti 25, cents and 80 tah- Si(>t±iZclt' • and, I (ver �'ablatls cured lets, 50 con;,, ''Aletnernber, you. can, „ ' nw . her sate.: b} all dealers. ub;1311ii ila'all Remedies .in ('linter ' only. at etre stare,-='1'lle Itexall Store:, 11'. ; . R, 1101iilcs. • I . -,', 1 W140's YM . l ,in fYa strike - . CANADA . .,t anvthin� \rd•r,►5 at ,,di)d enough esrn,n• fill- t riot low 1-+lay's.I b000000000C00000QOC)0000000 Convicts ill thl` =01 at ('a.t+ciids,'S,:r'- flhn}It `Wvr been In the b:lbit of blIvIng ; • TNO11AS If..i'lu.,siv.N"- s��'ef. is and fruit .w ili the 1•e w. half- pennies allowed by Ihu' aut}lorithi`s, A n:ally- or Indiana, Mr. Prpsto.n, ,rbe;�'endois hating put till the pi`)rrs now ptroprtator of the 13rantforrl Ex - of these. luxuries, the rnrltiets, r;•dtf,i posilor, _.was transferred across the • . f r,t 1 e• 'so tf err a ee , k b rtat it regi -11110x1. Il fend f`t ' n I Il age, C d rt and . h do#n ,tient oP flrtilleTv hart to.be seat from all Ilia ediwation and d.tfeti experience Cagliari. to 'soothe Litchi. ,I in the .Dooriulon, lire may fairly be ' . claimed a,. a _good soli of Conaada. tyle:Ir of the school. books, young . .\ . . tjLS COND1'11Uti Pto:;lon's ;mind rein on noiNspaper work:, and %,i!th a desire to 'know . .. ... - nv rything . o. g Pcrtt?nftlg to thd> b_u,inoss, Results fro' .Kidne • Trouble Y Ito .'wisely declded'to start at .the bot- ' tom of tit(.. ladrItir, and Went to the SIdk kidneys make you feel sick' i''1•fi�•o of. the Woocdmocl.' Senr"IlNI. -tis Ili a number of ways ariait is now I . t kid yn tltatl it nervous cr ons condition often — results froin libluey trouble.. Whon,► - • I. fife kidneys ar7 •ick the whole nee -i. ,D„ _ u, s ste n be vo s 1 Y "�+ conics irritated i , W:,"."`:.. i causing head- t . t 1 : actie, d i•z z y 1 .: spells, fits of >', c 7"blues" utal- . gic • attacks., '1 I rheurri`3�tio palwk, . i,upaiied eye, . . a1 <gget ' L s�\' V ., sight, dull: tired L'... . days a'adl a 7r.:nsYant ncltpat on.. to ,, ,. ;.I .no worry over trifles. ' .�;, Booth's Kidney Pills s0mgthen sick kidneys, cure MdIcache, regulate_ the I~ ;, urine and restorer to normal: condi-t tions ')'hey are guaranteed. All t dealers sell. 50c -box, or p.ostoaid ` < froui 'Tire R. T.. 1i ooth's Co. Ltd., I • ` i Fort I":Tfc, 'Ont. ' If you would Tike to test thein 'free writs;. for a briai I box. . . .. i"littlltltrit T/J IAnIC,lllli,ft Whr±n animals are struck -by it ht- 1')!03l.1ti It. 'l'll),"4'1`()Y ning tilt• shock usually kills them In.; of the Brantford Expositor stantly,but where they arc tnildly struck and thoy continue to live, they •lppreatiro• printer, so,bsequoutly are in.tially In a partially paralyzed transferrhrig to' the Stratford i;eacon r.0ndition. 1"nralysis Is brouryht, ole .by where lie completed fits' to.rm," in the shock„ to the nervort, system and ('0111.90 of a few years 31r, 11r,i9ton ttley naturally lose control of certain drifted uptd editorial �worlc and in past's of the burly or limbs. 187.4 was appointed to iho',Ftaff of the ' 'Ylrero Is lre'itt IIIA r of llwt, %ires Ottawa }`'rev' lies, and was Yoe a fallileg from electric litres ore to wire thele rnen)ber of tete Press Gallery felices. 'I'll! twill t•hargo tho oaNre , 'rl the' llnnse•orf commolis, transfer- fonvil, with vloct.ricity, nud It an 11tH-• (r:'1vC to the. Globe In 188.1 and sub- inai (111-4 hi '0011fict with It, It 1, ' 11'11•1oll0y {vis irranaging Direetor-ond ostially 111:4Ialit death, The writer I "il rf aliar'r11011ler or the %'Vlrtn",T)p ror.ently oblvr%oil is c'nF�r of fhl,l kind 41•n, brit purchased the Xxposltc)r in whirr tho, entire Peace 'surrounding 1890 ah(1 moved to 13rAlItford, f all t%mri elle 5111))11 paddo0t was charged by a ro the Leg'lsla.turP In 1899, and in fallen wire during ail elretrieal storm, 00.' and 1904, his other hollor"ra. Ill - Throe cows terse killed in their tracks "ludo tll.T presidentship ref the ('at)Ill. whilo coining In contact with tills Harr 1'°resa Association,' Aud of ,the feller. A crit attentptin.9 to jump Brantford hoard of `Grade, through the renes was Instantly ki11s'd • •` • '•° ° and roasted while partly through the Wreck Commissioner Demers holds fence. ('aptaiu MacKay send MAW C!twipbell •' Where. a urtllltual has been shoelted responsible for the grounding of the by lightuing• or electricity, ant) has; ,lotbt`otl killtt(I, it is g ll t,) gas 5teaineir Cortrnna in bake Superior, ingro administer to It su(:lt ingrodis<nttr as and suspended their caw:Afffeates. , P will have a tendorieY to tune Ill') the nervous sy9teut, It Is ndvisabl( to '• rive y lAxiltlul st0rutil:rt)t .t`:id ton}ts. i When .you have a cold,get, a bottle .._ of ("hantberlafn's Coughs Remedy. It . Avill soon Cox you up all Bverry family has need of a good, right and will ward off reliable liniment. For spra,lusr any tendeney toward pnumo bruises, sorenem of flue pnuscles and This rdnledy contains no i:J1 1c111, or'n(t5lra. rheutraltic )rains there is no better l her narcotic and 1way be given. as: than Chalnbef'lain'a: Sold 1)y All eonfldetltly to a baby lia to aft adult, Healer;. • , , ) $old by All Dealers, DitlGel)tl►beit 14th '801f ElefIrleitT'froi• the st"' NO N0,,Rl DANDRUFF. __ " I:xlleriments conducted In Ireland, . .-.� if they are to be trusted', revexi a distinct electromotive force csterelsed W S. R. Ii41.blii;S KNOWS WII iT by the start;, lasing a reflecting ! IS bIAKI.vCr GI.IaAv SCALPS. • telescope .of two feet aperture to cors- I centrate the star rays, and a sen- t In order to rid your scalp of filthy; sitive electrometer to note their In- dandruff you must ]till the gerwo. fluence, the experimenters had. reason• There is a hair dressing called Pai to believe that ,they were able not only islan Sage ap yvhfch is now sold in elf - t t to measure, filo - to ti detect, but!electro- motire force of both .stars and planets, cry town in Canada. It is guarau- Ib To 't'cnus, for example, they .ascrib- y W. B, R. Mimes to eradicate d'and- ed .a force of about seventeen one-hun- (ruff, stop falling hal••, splitting bait+ dredtha' of a volt,1 to Jupiter and :scalp itch in ra'o. weekseeks or mon•. std a force ofa t ea three one ey back,, hundredths of a volt. In the case of If you have dandruff get a large 66 Jupiter only a part of the planet's light heti upon the electrometer, so ,cent bottle today and rid yourself of that the- experimenters inferred fila it. Remember that if dandruff ring 1� his: entire electric Influence .must fe are not desttm)yed in time, the hair much, greater than that stated. Sirius, will surely fall out and baldness vfill. which appe rn to us an the brightest follow, of fife fixe stare, showed a to" . Amounting to tw6 one -hundredths of - ---- - ..-. a ..,.. IThe•+(german Chancellor replied to Stz Edward Gzey'eE �pcecll _. _ _ _ _ A I The test kn ea d of Chris � teas resent -- the greatest tuna present ' ski d gr e� Christmas a of >li_ n _ , tl�e 4 ' . . . . . Edison Ph r� . . a 'f o ALL h f l - t for. the am>t a fo A t r 81 ALL Y. the year, and for -ALL the years to come ' Think of the money that is theevtawaya on trifles at Christmas ti me—the candy that is eaten, the to that- are broken, a e , 1 e ys t 1 t br 1. n, the, Chrhatn as cards that are merely glancedat and thrown away, What have you to shote for last year's Christmas? . - Now think of the Edison Phonograph -•the gift of a lifetime, that brings to every member of your, family all of the very kind of tsrltettailtment each prefers - not merely for a day or a year, but for aftways. That's what makes the Edison the greatest. kind of gift. The Edison brinp you the four great advantages whichou should look for in a sound -re roducin instrument and which you :.iiwill find only And Edison—exactly the right volume of sound for your hoe; . the sapphire reproducing -point; which does not scratch or wear the records and lasts forever—no changing of needles; Aniberol Records, which play twice a4 . , long as the ordinary records; rendering each composition completely, the ability ' to make as d m e dee ro uce your its ourownho a 'us t p . y . , y home, I t as rue to life as 1 , • the records made in -our laboratory. That's what makes the Edison Phonograph : . the greatest gift of its kind. • There are Edison deuters everywhere. Co to rho neared antip a p^: hear the Edison Phonmraph play both Edison Sta,idard and 110MW WNNL. Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your txatlBPoxeTxD dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs,s16.50 to $240,00. 1110 Lakeside TZI) Edison Standard Records, 40c. Edison AmtierolRecords(play . twiceaslong)AU; EdisonGiand Opera Records,ti.5eto$2.50. Oranaln. N. L. U. S. A.. A epWplata lime of Ed6as Pha4otravh@ and Recons wiE be fouind-at .. _ t. 13 . . I Where is there an iy ndividual This Company cannot ,die, :get w'to is as 'capable. to act' as the. sick or take a holiday --always e,cecutor of.your will as this Can ready to faithfully petform its .p any, which Nvas or xnized ant! � trust.. d nveloped est: clally .'01 this pur- Charges are never rester .brit poo .. g, , This Compdr' ,will carr i'r>ut to usually less, than the retnunerwa%m `Cie last letter lite terrris'of your allowed individuals. will. 'It wi:l mannge the :estate - '. Services of F atnily Sulit:ilor . c icientty ami eco TojAicelly, and ailways retained. - u ^id legal enta,aq} :niaietI Correspondence receives prompt It will nut lie tempted, ac an and careful consideration..,' .(redividual. might, to. specu:ate • v;:th the funds ,held in trust.. It blanaged in connection with the. is debarred by •law from Epcf u- •Huron & Erie Loan and Savings ' . lation. Co. . ..11 \ 11 T11"', �. �� -7 _� j- \� \\•\\\ :�\ \\', \ ti\ -11 I. : t \•.1 el"I'llazz's R� \ \ .\,i \z. \ 'w\ .., �. - '' I \, :.: ' i1�� {r, .,. . LON1J0:d, (:l.NTARIO. ,� - - _ -I .r.�. THE DIVIDED Fain 'STRIP is the envy of all women who bake. It guides the beet ae:ptially along sides, book Mid front of the oven. Let am demonstrate these and other strong advantages of the atlwney. Oxford line, We hiive slovtls for every purpose) every furl, and a•variety of orices. ' I li k w,,, `9- 1W_ •` '.k. I