HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-14, Page 6.94 highest marks, The medals are dopa- stalled, enabling` Mr. Hanna t»'� wa- T tett yearly by Victor 'Lauristizid • of pp 4.�y r j r t K Clinton, aged 31 years. Chatham, a fo•c'.nor (1oderich boy.. Mondaig'$ 8146ctlens. 0uzlett Towooh1p WHY DO YOU FARM ? The result of Monday`s elections John Fatrgrthar, Win. Fear and Win IS it juste to put its the time or °or '.'t)ght to be satlsfac�ary to the t5tffens were in Stratford on Tues. profit. No doubts you will say for -%overnment, 82 Conservatives, 22 day' profit. In that ("Be' you should 'take a weekly paper that look;t after the I-rberals and 1 Independent being eI-, tills. G nrantths. business ,end of the farm. That paper v('Wd, If Sir' James WMiney askedis Auburn ,rle Weekly Sun. Its market rflt- t,lt re he- wanted too much. ports are without an equal. They .. Mrs. It. A. Roberton, who haj bo.'sn have made many dollars. for Sun .• `• he Liberal 'Centre critically ilk .for some clays i5 im_ ' readers. They say so. When renew- gains were : Biruce, GrIongarry, Hast Middlesex, ,• prof ring nicely lug your subseripttlan 'do not forget l4lonck, North Norfolk, South Ontario y Mrs. Joseph Carter is visiting rela. The Sun, the farmerW business paper, Prescott, Sturgeon Falls, East Wil- tives in Toronto. :oath. They are not allowed, to.1.11 i' blagton, North Went'wortli,. Rast hent. Conserve Cves : Mr. Clarence Symington is in charge of R. A. Robts:ton's livery barn. ,I.I?rIaS ON THE' DI.ATIf OF MRS'. gained J.'ast 01tawa, South Perth, East Srrncoe, Joe Carter and Krim Dawson are JOHN ALE.XA-NDEIi.. :+tormont, WesF Willington, • South bull!, engaged pruning app!( or-, Again Mite Grim Reaper has called 1•'�v.tttworth and North Renfrew, chard.w They are working at at- I'llis way Butcher's. lace ring's orchard this week, •fundsior•this institu. ,'dr. Musgrove carried North. Huron DA. B• C. Weir is on a few days And gathered the sheaf that we bP the magnificent majority of 256, visit to London. thought might yet stay, a' gain of 85, and t1his, nottwithstand- Mr. C. F.. Asquith w'as ail Scaforth And our hearts are in sorrow and Ing, the still grunt and pathotio person- on Monday. anguish and woe, al appeals of his opponent. brforc being put riot of misery. Siure That you; our char mother, was – , • called to go. :n Nic South Mr. Ellber had a maj- Milkers and ,Springers, For three score odd years thy kind Ort -V of 285. The only. thing that pre- be overlooked.- For apirft. has stayed-; w -feted it being 400 was the ,over con- M�• T, C. Rogerson, who has been Than hast been a loved wife, a iidenoe and consequent carelessness of lin Manitoba for thtt past couple or clear mother, a maid. many of his supporters. They have months, has returned !tome. ')ate corge to regard the "People's Harry" The :Niwmill is living thorough,, In each fa beloved, and che*shed as invincible and so laid back on overhau,ad and Hill be in excellent and kind, their oars. Still 287- is not so bad shape when finished. And, we still love the mother anti It shows the osteettt in which Mr, Oitto Finkbeiner has retornod though we're left behin3. Mfr. Eilber is held tin the constituency, after a vr3l,' with 14:•dllverton friends. O how sad tt;tatt ail lionvi, ;j-d.:t'I _-- Mr. John McAllister of West Waw- hearts have to t ioilru , Mr. Elliott math: an Honest fight in anori`i rozently dug' up a turdv which When our clearly belave�l t:r,as lfwi'd i t:r.ntre Huron, but although in latw tteasurod foray -six oiobcs in clrculi' •passed o'er the , t'•,t xn form alill"ity.lic ire head and shoiclders Terence and weighed over eigWi.tva4t Rut how grand and how' Izxinu.^, to over ITIS opponctnt, his orgatiizatiaii Was not up to bac mark, cou,i;quent- pounds. Mr it. Theme-,, galla of Ayr, has look past+ the yt :+tv, :v the full vote was noKL got out, but, been appointed station agent, here. . And to see them w1111. 1('>n,, tl;e ,his cloys not apply to CiinTtan which.' Mr, T. Moon, who Iia:! been in the MightyMighty tia :Sari. ,.....,•, gave Mr. Elliott a lead of .56. From west for .several months, returned rim herr We3'rf 'leave thea ova( all reasonable po€pt's of view itae contly and has gond to Scaforth, forever to rest, i@trig' t interests would have been where, lie 11as'secured it position. With , Jesus our Saviour. or. baa '.if -iter a.,rved by Joseph Ell€ort than �♦ • +�+ �T �i �` • YY.. l • , lr Li I L.a•♦ loving breast, by Williarp r'roudfootl.. -- And wiell strive to'1e .worlily to • .. � Constance. Constance - enter' that rest!. P . When he calls us each ho•na ' to A Pretty Wedding in Hullett. Mr. and XFC John Ilinchley of Sea- that land of tlhe Blest. forth spt!zt Sunday week'the guest -Martha C. Marquiri. •. very pretty woddi>ig took- place .of their nice, Mrs. Ed.Britton.. _ a' "Alton Grange," the home ,of Mr, Miss Della BAtton had a paity for •,_ t r with fruit t eel.- Apply to John 0 pPY V n, Stewart on Wednesday of last a number ..of her little frionds on LOW RATES FOR CHRISTMAS iw-t>k when his daughter Mae became Satxxlay- afternoon; AND NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS, :he bride of Mr. Thomas I.. Adams, • Mrs. N. T. Adapts visited Q'iends w Promptly at 4•o1clock ,vo the silradns in Scaforth. via Granit -Trunk i' i;ailway,5ystombe- of Lohegrin's bridal chorus played by 'IT11 -oween all s;atnons in. Canada, .also to 3liss Laura Stewart, sister of • tite �`"-"- Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. 1., bride, Phe bridal party took theirWilagllaM. wood header, 3 Roode Island. yetis. :;lira. iI till !retie 20. �--04 I p � fort Huron and.,Dettrelit, Mich. !)laces in an alcove pretttily dccorab;:d Heating.. At Single Fare (minimum char go in whito and green. Miss Margaret(. Robinson, dagglrii:r. 25c) good going Dec. 23, 24, 25 Ile - The brade entered ,:re parlor loaning 'of Mra. Margaret Robinson - of Nee- to 11 limit Dec.. 26, 1911. Also good on the arm of her father; The mat-. paws,- Man.., -formerly, of liiinghmn, going Dec,. X30, $1 and Jan, 1. lie- ri:.monial knot was securely tied by was marriedreeently:ta` 1Vir..73ruce I. turn hail v Jan. 2, 1912, Rev. Mr, Ost•erhoilt, pastor- of bite McColl of the same place. At - fdre and one-third (Ini'nfnium)' L(indesboro Met)liodist church of Mrs. Jaincs.Hislop hay rt~turned-to charge° 25c) good going Dec., 21 to uh1ch both young pt+�ple ajrc neem- her glome, in Stratford after a . few Jan, I. (inclusive: 'Ratu.rn limit Jan 3; tiers. weeks' visit with lien (jausin, Mrs, H. 1913• . Full particulars from any Tho bride looked, very beautiful In a B - Elliot,.. Grand T-cilik agent. ,awn of drain. silk t•rininied with Mr. Petr,�r Kelly, his ro*Axrncd Home Y.firee daps of each week. Iiiglt- High - Alk insertion and all-over lace . -Mili 'bridal ,from the •.west where ire .spell? sever-' C�aal�itCy; ' is ITcre all right.: Call and sec us, Wo consider i4 uta and orange blossoms anti al, mpritits. Marriages carried a boquet of whito dainationq, .. Mr. Chas. A:..'R,'itoui has. sold the Miss Helen C'ttmming of BI A -h; • 'Gib:)an farni ,in Tuxilberry, which . li(t BALL-SAMPSONIn Clinton on owlsin of the bride, acted, as. bitides- recently purchased, 'to Mi. Wieler of Ded. 13th, 'by Rev., W. W. Wylie. maid and looked vary dainkly in a 13eIino>fa. t. Edil Mr Stimpson .to !:gins .13x11, all. gown of pale heliotrope silk and car- Mrs, Shillingt'on of. Windj, -)r visited .. of I-Iullett. rit-d the wedding rang. on a white sat- hbr parents, Her.,' Dr: and. Mrtt:• Rift- ift- 1DSV, i -S 1'I WA;ftT - At,"Al'an, 1 in ribbon. hfter • congratulations were over ledge, ritcently: Mr. J. Duncan has, .aga€n. been en- Grange.," tlie-residenee oC the bride's father: on D.ec. 6th by .Iter. ,the wedding party, lod..the way to the 'a gaged as, leader' of the band:. Mr.-.Osterliout, Mab, daughter of diningr room wheredainty wedding dinner was served to about eighty PROPERTY FOR SALE,-• I-lattlware 147x. Will. titervart; to Thomas I.- guests. The tables werci prettily .dt1�- Sixty=Four Years a Adains,., all of 1I•111lett. orated with pink and white chrysan-' .Memher Ilti4I1-LAUD-�1i.tlle'rc5idence of thentums and myrtle and were light- of the L. U. L ' . Mr. It. Medd, West Wawanosh, on H by candles. The Milver.'pn Sun had tellosv- De%- 5th by -Rev. V. Farr, Blytb, Tho remainder of the evening . was ;tile rug ;in a. recent ,asue :' b1.r;. Jane :Ladd to Jose ti Irwin p , p1c•asantly spent in music -and social ."Mr . Rob t. Ilanna of I�ll.ica on the both of Auburn.. converse. The young pauplo take tip !louse' 21:,t' hist; "celebrated his Nth birth-' ',and SI_ilaiRIk'h`- CUiAlIAM- n.:Biy-4n. 'on. keeping in the groom's beautiful new day left .last week. to •spend a Noy. 29th.; by Rcv. J 1;:. Sm.al.l, honit n o tIic ntntl o 1 C nCeSSLOrI. of. few days rabl.t:t hunting +villi 9tis Helen Graham of I.uckno}r . to . Ilu.11ctt. Co.. sGn-law-lair illi ,S: ; Coper .or,C'lui-° Jcilut Slteriff.of 11ing1iari>,' The many beautiful and costly errs- ton. Ma. Fianna. "tis still . all: acts ve '. ' - , T r t h1.1� 5 COLI, Cl.Tt-`-.1.K the •hoirte of tints which they. received tesi,'if to Y .and. i igorou i pian:. ilio 'day iiefore the bride's. ": father, T�cw.#,', ori .he high esteem Iii which, both young. Ills birthday hi score hacked erne! hers- Nov. 29th, by l�c.v". W. �1, Ainos; 1,,•. pi.. :: e he?d cd a, stick Of timber 38 feet in len- Ciel rge E.' I .cys of Brussels . to • t... r, the gticst•s were [xicnKl3�f•rom ,. th. has H( I as bee member i n a nc.ib r � C Of tYC: , t. Mar' I t eldest y cls xyhtct. of 1411: London, Seaforthb Clinton and ` Orange Order for rrxty-four years. Young C'oul,',•r. of Eluta •town4hlp. li't1+'t Mr. Ilanna• has rowntly overhauled . . hN cat.ile stables and- fittr:d them Births. REPAIRS OP ALL KINDS, ALL, Up r' in the, most • modern and tIP- for the little people, 130, Ooderichthe to -dater: maArior and is said to Have SCOTT -1 Cl6der€cli onl)ec, 3rd b n o Mr. ''Mrs. Harvey lit will sore be a 1V oIryd Christinas best equipped dairy stables' in incl ;zcott, a n interesting feature of t' io ices, the county of I'e.ttli. The flooring., 'eom-. daughter, 4 ' 'n€; of the literary society of the Col- mangers and water troughs , are Deaths- ;egiatc on Friday evening vasthe exit,. the stalls and seanchions 61 ifhe ffO.N'tt1GU GIVIals; mfll,% Dt. presentabion of medals da.. two pupil.) cow - stable. are steel and were • put.fn McCLAC HERTYr-In .Clinton, on 1)e#, t,f the Public schools who made the ' by Beatty Bros. of Fergus•; The IN- 12th, "Atinic Jackson, Wife of Mr. highest aggregate markt, at the en; ler'.carriers are also of steel and -,Will John McC'lacherty, 'in her 71st trance examination last Jun( Miss be .a great convenience • . •The .ceittalt year., )furial Galt of Vfetora Ball received pig pens under i'lic strawshed' have dim.ansioris 40x40 will, hopul . 00 WALMSLB'Y iii Bayfield on. Dec, a gold medal for having received the highest number of marks of an can - y .and -pigs, proviidrig rootu for large 7th 14Irs, Jane �Valmsla '$3 yaa:rs and 5 mantbs. ' g d:date, of Krrat tiahool at the exaniina- chop bins anti :a. big water troggli. , :t:on while 1411rii Ruby Stoddart. re- The horse stibir.., is 22x50, the core; SHEPPARD-•-At Pittsburg, oo Dec; W ctived a silver modal as the . pupil' s,'.iblt» 50x58. • A • splendid wati.'.r tvs_-. Oth, John. A.. Shttppard, son of ..� 'rom Central school with ,`net' next feni wittli a huge dank has been in- Captain• t1 m%` Sheppard of Portage .94 highest marks, The medals are dopa- stalled, enabling` Mr. Hanna t»'� wa- ., 'forerly of la Prairie, Manm tett yearly by Victor 'Lauristizid • of ter th;+ stock fm a fere ininute4, .,. Clinton, aged 31 years. Chatham, a fo•c'.nor (1oderich boy.. STRONG,-At-Whit4ybread, Out,, - °on rove Mock Market. .November 30th, Mary J,, 'wiCo 'Robert SPOTTON of• J4I.t. Armstrong, formet- A Hard Time for the: Toronto, Dee. 111:11-1166dPts of live ly of, lt; aged 55 years and G .d • b ertch G�cni>ne. stock at the Union Ya'rils wore 2:3t;. tills. G nrantths. ..• .. • . -i • • cars, coniprisiilg 3192 'cattle, 2078 Stands for still drat is modern in �. Uoderich, Dee. 8th,-- The canin r Bogs, 3166 sheep and latubs, 63 cal- triba in Goderieh •Is. having'•a . ' 1ta:dis v , and 28 ha i lest, [.ET EVERYONE USE CHRISTMAS =amo,of it. The edict has.becn issued The, quality of cattle was good to Businees'Trainin . ''A Chaan of $ r _ ♦ 4t••veit Colleges in leading towns � by the Board of Healtih. that -alt clioiccl• generally, ' with the lanest STAMPS S' r9ogfi must be muzzled or kept, undo 'number of Christmas .stock ever seen - - .­ ck and key for a period of olio on a market in the Dominion. T}ie little Christmas Stamp, 44sued on :oath. They are not allowed, to.1.11 i' Exporters. 'behalf of the Muskoka Pree, Sospital for %t largo even when properly. inuxzied X'. L. Woodward .bought 150 export' Vousumptivew, to. )fell) care for needy :int; must+ be und,tr the control the. 'slier:!, -' 1175 to 125p lbs, +dolt, alt I)atients, serves, of eouesa;.+t very praet)eal .ot person accompanying €1t by being $6.15 to $6.20 per cwt. purpo in providing a m ans OF.:ieetlf trig at,tacited a propttt leash or chain, A!. Butcher's. ♦ Stud'y. last year, NV -(,train fro lit ; •fundsior•this institu. this is the result of -the vis€t which a Xmas cattle so?d from $0. to $7 ; r tion. But, the, e(ltt• -sad dog made this is3wn two week 1 food, $5.75 to $6 ; tnediuln $5.20 to • • rational value of a o when tt bit over a score of dos 6 R r t ei $5.70 • common 31.50 to $...1 , eorv,t r , �' a(lrltitt( <1 that C)tir' gtaclll(Ltes.et MERRY XMAS to ,a; millions of these stain ei / in sttL isn put brforc being put riot of misery. Siure $3 t+ri $5,25 ; canners, $1.75 to $2,2:i, – , • ,being Circulation fun t dint that time eleven dogs have been des- Milkers and ,Springers, dat'(l C7lilnnlatl'(1 SU�rat' 1 p) • t= (• ,r,R. be overlooked.- For pa,!ahM to the ' happier hunting Milkers and springers said at ,13arlcy, Chop all, at rdasonable prices. .♦ _ , this renson sin urge, :rounds where they atit said' to know Steady prners at. $l(1 in $7;i (+ach, g i. t,dtus.L�inn pays. a; Liiy'ideutl Pvrry Whati.soerer. on •tots .l2. and 13, con. our re(ulert to pub rti rntibing of hydrophobia. More, of Veal 'Calves. one tent sitauip au. every letter and package that they yvtil be r., t slit t' - htnr number will Collo! tient > Veal calves s 1 _ fr Ent $ i tri $fi ca rs , ol( mailtalg Between now ,Luta the new year. ly'if the regulations nen not lived ttn per Ctr't. Seattov abroad the good news that three 't•n by the owners of 'lido dogs and if ;Sheep and Lamb:L €s hope for the twor eonRuftiptivti. With. r uspieious syrnpttatns develop in .tete. 'to Sheep sold front $3' to $3.751 wiih '; :$3,75, the stltmps eostlug (lnly one rent (:(tell, the door is open to everl'title to Lave Anine part animals that are known have Wen a few al' $4 lambs, at $) to in this }treat cgttrtpaigu of stamping, oul t•lttfin. IIogS. enrl4utrlptlolr, rn' a deva de the mortality .ti. r . c .5 �. 1e.1011, 0t•(Lt)�(. C.itt'V[I ]b. .tO. •.. • . , New Almond Ifogs, red and vvatored, wild at in -the 1'rovincoof()TTf^triofrointubervIlloFgi -All kinds. 61 logs, Maple, Sort $b.6p per cwt. has ncar't fort err cent. Fverr y y t - ' N strong deputation from ,the .. As- � y °• bill Ifu,;er of a C'Iiristlulla stump calf Itnll) t( furtllPP iffiprove the'4e t onflitions, A poo ,,tfeia9A Boards of Trade of Olttarlo T'ite lir€tlsh ittsur.artcc. passed rani to the ;3ec,•etaty of the N:tii.,uu; -Waited On t1.te (,ovC i.riitCnt at Ot- the third reading lit tine !louse of Httliitakil lu A�gOt intit)Il, :197 King t3trCet taws t)•h urge the itntnedfatt, enlar- Conlntons; and watt read a Ci'ilt' ilio+ 1b'ticb, 't`nrdntfr, will I %a all lfntiiaulatA. gp titstit of the Welland C"aniil. Yet the lords. tittrite Ittur to day', Chatam New*-Recoted THE SPOT'TON SCHOOL. Students receive the besir posi- tious and the demand for then% is many timer Zia aupplr. Thousands of ambitions young people, who work Owing llll . clay, are preparing for useful careers by studying i'n 'Che evening. Tile Winter Terni of tbla popu.ar school begins. Jan. 2nd, as Will be seen lit an advertisemeniJ on page-. :Spotton schools are located In the towns- of Wingham, Clinton, Walkerton, -and Orangeville and the eftieri of London, 1' vIlawd and Peter= boro• FOR SALT'.. --A LARGE AUX SOI'• venir heater. -Apply 'W Mrs, X. Whithead. FOR SALE. -Two 2-Yfi Alt- 0141) colts, rising three years, tired by Bar I. --Apply •Po Robert Marshall, Bayfield Line,, Godericlt ,dawnshfp, --09 FOR SALE-- A 000D MILK COW.` -4. 11. Johnson. -09 FOR ,SAL,F, A FIR.-; r -C Liv-!,:* National C clam Sepa.ator. Will i)e sold cheap as I have 41vim till farin- ing.--A. D. Ft:ltse, C:i:n.tau. .-tttt HOME-MADE; CyOOKING. - members of. t0ie Women's Institute' purpose holding a sale of Home - Made Cooking in the store next to W. It. C'ounter's jewelnry store on Saturday, Dec. 16th, commencing at 2 p.m. --08 AUCT'ID , SALE ON DE'C. 21ST AT Holniesville of cows, young cattle and %beep - -as follows : 4 grade Ayrshire cows,. -2 grade I-Iolstoins, 15 grade Durhanrs, 1 4 yr old far- row cow, a good milker, 6 steers rising 2 y m, 3 Heifers rising 2, '1 fat heifer. 1 of ;the cows is due iu Jan., 2 in Feb., and 18 lin Mar, or Aprit; Ouarautce-Any cow proving not to be in calf by Fab: Tisk, 1912, can. be returned and cash or note will be refunded, Tommy Gundry' will be found To pass the cows around.- ' • If you want big cheques next.year, 'Buy the good stuff while it+'s here, Terms :-8 :months will be given on approved joint notes .or a discount of 5 perctznt. p6r anmun off for cash,�Gaa. I1611and, proprietor ; T. Gundry,. auctioneer, BOAR FOR. .S1.ItV101..-1IAti'I1Cy. purchased a• thorobred Tamworth FARM' FOR SALE -Lot north halt 20, con. 12, Ifuliett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down except 10 acres. Aman orchard. Via we bouse aria bank barn with stabling. On !Gravel road 1 toile north of Londesboro. mile from scltool. Apply on the premises or address Richard Sha.ddlck, Loudesboro P.Q. 1 -•76 FARM FOR SALE. --TITS UNDER- signed offers for sale his fine "farm of 135 acres adjoiniow tbo.. town of 0inton. The farm is in .a good state cif oultivation and has �,00d buildings --brick house, bank barn, dristing house,: pig pen, etc., -- •11. comparatively new. A first-class young orchard containing all kinds Of fruits, also small fruits. The farm is well fenced aadwell drain ed and is a very desirable home.' For further particulars apply on the pren'riscs • or address John Torrance, CXntoxi P. O. 91 1 r'atsm. r'un -iAf,lr.: TfI11r TINDER - Signed offers for sale his, farm of - 100 acres in it:1e township of Tuck ersmikh on the Huron Road, three miles ens,# of C:c'nton. Tile farm is in a good state of cultivation ,with good buildings, frame house and two bank barns, slid well fenced and -well d•ttxfned. For further particu- lars apply on the premises or ad- dress J. K. W-41" Clinton. P.O, --08 VARM FOR SAL&-wI> UND> R- dersigired offers foti sale his farm of 1471' acres, being lot 12 and west half of �t 13, Bayfield Road, Stanley, This is a fust -class farm witdr plenty of- water and first- class buildings, all new within the last ten ,tears; Also lot 21, north boundary of IIayl, consiatling' of 119 acres. The village of Blake is built' on the cor.wr 'o£ tlhis ' , farm. C'lturch fxud sellaol within half a mile, and only 3-7 miles from the thriving village of Zurich which makes it a very,, desirable property+. -Fop furthes particulars apply to. J. C. Read, Varna P, 0: -94 FARM FOR SALT; -The Extic9tor of the Southoom'he estate otters ' for sale 50 acres, being cast 115,11 .-of Job -18, con. 6, Mullett. This•.as a firs"lass farm, well watered and improved and with good ' builleings, Also trite undersigned offal's for .sale ' lot 29, con. 6, Ilulletr, consisting ref -100 acres, • These _ farms ..rnhy be boughti together or sepamteiy.•- Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin ton 11. 0. boar will keep the Sante, for 1`rvfcc •0'••••••.•r•,••0••••.••0• at.lot 23 Ont tblc 3ti1 con,, Hulloitt. Terms $1.00 at tittle+ of service -wi m 1, ; • ' December' ..: � , ;.,.,,... ♦,,,+ .,,.♦♦,,.,,. .. riv l -- Ie f returning Cn utt f" a t necess r . Privilege i..:FLOUR 1:. ly'tictall, •. _08 fill. " • « tom• Our SPOTTON • 19. • We havdr �. all, the, leading 'tines , of , FOR ;SALIN,-1 ' (..10OD PORTLAND" i t D cutter, er, dearly 'as as new. V1'i1T ..• .. • . -i • • high giadc: patelli and #atoll, flours Ila, choose from : Five Roses-; Royal Stands for still drat is modern in �. good ' sol, cheap.—Apply to bVcsl:ey • • .• • ; : , Household I .ur [tan. • :I•iarr est!• Queen, I- , , Y Businees'Trainin . ''A Chaan of $ r _ ♦ 4t••veit Colleges in leading towns � • .SValk- er, ' -06 • • Glenora. Threct :Stars; Jewel, Har . and cities; Two Thousands stu- • • ' Model, Mvrttle Perfection and vcys o ,. , � +lents if) our Colleges and Horne • • Minnehaha. ♦ Stud'y. last year, NV -(,train fro lit ; Y • """ - • • Choice Oatmeal, . Cornmeal; Graham ten to twenty students for every FOR SALE.' -I' COAL- III'. ATER, 's mtadium size, only 'a fcrW niAntlis ' in • • � is 1dO;V On and for two..• • t mars on Flour and' Wheat ,ornt ' I • ' One trained by most schools. , , . i to • 's i to a reL s it.. � o It i• freely + s. ee y u'r.; 1R'iil lel[ 'yea;tonable:-11pp1 at y, . • • .hand, �' a(lrltitt( <1 that C)tir' gtaclll(Ltes.et , • W. Walker's I urntUure store• , --0it . _ , • • • * tv�41;S V4'e' iS'IIj St'lI .. • � iLLD, Best osttlons and. -the p , . delYtand fol'.theta Is "Seven', tittles- the – t� lt:s Rctl iatl ti extra' ;tan-• • . 1 � �• •' Btan Shorts '' .Su a't Bcet bled!, ' t g �:{ Sulrply. Exclusive tight for Oii= . ..tili'Id (tf the f(Lltl(i(IF tlSs- dat'(l C7lilnnlatl'(1 SU�rat' 1 p) • t= (• . v Vietor Feed Oat! Cho ' feed � Corn_' p, ,, .130C1k- keeping. =. S p #, ,stent. "5"ori rile', study . NOTICE! TRESPASSI\G FOR, • • • 100 iii -t -for $6.0A • ,13arlcy, Chop all, at rdasonable prices. .♦ _ . .it home; or 7)artly•at iicnne anti ' sh at tine College. A Business r_. hunttn o an other u.,thosc g y p , • _• � 31'I)s !)est cic>aned Uurrant5 � .� 1. ureLinsei+d`1Ical, Linseed C)t1 C a e P .. , g i. t,dtus.L�inn pays. a; Liiy'ideutl Pvrry Whati.soerer. on •tots .l2. and 13, con. • d . day nf. 'trnr safe. Y o • Hullcit; is: hereby Tot+bidderi...� ' •• • ,3-lt)s finest selected netts . Ito€sans :?5 - �,;■ S U I TTER CO. Z WINTER Trespasse,rty w€dl be jrosccuted.- • .TERM • ni john Ilrsselwood; Owner. -00 • , .l 11)s fire. old Raisins .2.) >~ Te'tephone G.1 -TIi,l ELEVATOR • ♦ FROM J,plN.. 2 I9I2. ._ 40 tie%L- tnpoYted,eandied I e(l.. • ['all orZvrttt tot particulars , � .r LOGI S'WANTED AT THE FACT011 .ti. r . c .5 �. 1e.1011, 0t•(Lt)�(. C.itt'V[I ]b. .tO. •.. • . , New Almond -. .. - -- .♦ • - � - - •• : Snnellen Business -All kinds. 61 logs, Maple, Sort '• shelled •10 • • Y ,•, I�Im and Basswood . prot-otred. • • _• h;ew.shelled NVulnuts .40 » 111VE...P€apo 1 College Iligheali .prices,paid.�The. Doiiect ' �@• Organ Co; •` ._ ft5 - �♦ • +�+ �T �i �` • YY.. l • , lr Li I L.a•♦ POULTRY, CLINTON, .ONT. Miss B. V. lvard,. Principal _ IIOU,ST. -T'0 'R'NNT. :1 • .. � ♦ •N•♦•••••♦♦,•t►•N�♦N! .• ,=- .'4VIJLL built !louse Ati, rent, early posses- The Hub Grocery." lion, •moderate rent, good. .garden • • ' •,_ t r with fruit t eel.- Apply to John 0 pPY � �•a•i••� ' • tit Ransiord,. Molsons Bank bu•tlding. -05 - _ - w Plumbing, Hot Water FC)1t COAT. ITPATI�IR, 1 i- ONE,MORE WEEK 'IT11 Steam and Hot Air '. ,S4Lr:..1. following quaititity� of wood header, 3 Roode Island. yetis. :;lira. iI till !retie 20. �--04 I p � .. AND 'THEN � a ti've poultry is w inised at the , Station Heating.. • . ' . I�Ic•llttesville r dolt+,, .,. � each week This scq%on :, GALVANIZP.II IRON WORK RO0 k-... FOR RENT -:1' SI X, nowtILD Iiavo you decided what to give. for Christmas gift's yeti T 10 G chickens I\ AND EVETROUGIJING, we have . ever tttti4 that 'is g house on William street Applp D: . We are showing. the choicest., lane 50 he[ts+ 300 ducks 'y rte! .and up-to-date in the S'. C�luft. Phone 47..--1i0p. tx of China' we have ever harldleit and . 3000 dozen, new laid eggs. plumbing aril heating business; ' at prices 'which will .spell real "good , , , Tu;.eys and C.t,eso latex?. -Esbintatcs given on all Contract work. STRAY S'1.IILH.---TIINUI , STRAY- value for every buyer.. In ' fact( tite rice -doesn't harmon::e �• ' , i cult+, taken in the first . ••" • rtT. ire the xeiniseS of tlic under- p .signed on con, 7, Goderich town- with idle quality at all but "The ,t Y.firee daps of each week. Iiiglt- High - � A. Y M & SUTTE •\ ship, one young steer. Will owner C�aal�itCy; ' is ITcre all right.: Call and sec us, Wo consider i4 est pr€ccs pant in ca +h, Write SAN.ITAtt.'Y PLUMBERS, call, pay expen:ies anti take t11e animal away .-W'. 'l 9.lramson . a pleasure K'a assist you in making or phone before you sell. 1t Porter's 11111 'I'. 0. --08 , your selection,,. Here is it parttial list which may be ruggestivelly helpful ; PUBLIC—Dinner Tla-i HLi so;+3, Tea sets, Bcirry sets, NoWs PROPERTY FOR SALE,-• I-lattlware Salads, C'hocla,la pots, flake plates, 11A'VING BOUGHT Tl:i0 business for sale fn Hayfield. Two- Pitchcors, Cups and Saucers, Bon -bon WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT OF story building, store, workshop and 'trays, ctc; • etc.* �S L E it l,. +rr THE ROWLAND HARDWARE •dwelling combined, 0,1'so stable 96 . Please Remember also that outs BUSINESS, !VITA 'Wt-1ICII T t 30. Three lots with orchard and seock of_ CjROC11tI1'..4, Z:'ItI:ITS, PITONS 4--1.13, • . HAVE,BF.i'�N CONNECTED FOR small fruits. 'Perms seasonable -Ap- 11.'TC'.• Is all ntrictily ftesh, 'lv'o. i 8 SEVERAL YEARS. I AM I RE, ply • iflo R. Rouatt. Bayfield. x-71 ' goons, We cai iy no No, 2 sto(4c PARED. TO RECEIVE, O•R,DixRS - - . tlzbtigh The price nigh,, seoln to i WOOD CEMENT FOR TIi:1;, IIEIC'L A FUltNAC1:]S; PI,U;I7BIIvG, �. dicatoIt.COAL I.VL'1`ROUGI•iI1V'C,r, SANTA A CLAUS STORE Oh, ycs.' we ve •barrel.+ and bar 4s -YARDS PUTTING OF STOVES AND of C`andie.5, Nutt3, ' Oranges,. etc, etc, REPAIRS OP ALL KINDS, ALL, for the little people, 130, Opposite the Gr. T, R. Station. Willett WILL RECI:TVni lit will sore be a 1V oIryd Christinas All kinds of coal on hand : MY PROMPT ATTONT'ION. A it you buy from tis. You'll wonder "``" CONTINUAN{:,'1+: OP THE, PAT. w r 1r bast many articles m our lin- you ever go so much stuff for � Cfri�STNI'T' . �lt):tT COAL ffO.N'tt1GU GIVIals; mfll,% Dt. :(tore that Will please tire, tho money. STOVE CANN*1- , COAL F>ATt'1`I4'IINT IS RtS1'E�C'1't�'Ul.µ A RISt�UX.S'IIS ehildmu. about Christmas COMS. I?� yr C ItPROMPT t �;;1('1: COC'C1ICi T ATT! NXTIOX WILT, ' ';' titritY• 'I`iII': I)l:t)1)Li:'S CiROCy1.>1Y -�•-�v• BE: GIVEN 1.0 OHl)1':iiS Lig P11 A _ THV ['ll AT ROLAND'Sl , TTAUDWARU . r ��•,r D'f ��ATON.i1 i . L'7, 1 J4.I 1'ftCJl'#l%xt:(t't )t, Irhono 1.11. pdirtitle orders ,careCul'iy filled. Phond 69 �ttcoesso* to ,7as.• tlatnilt h. ►�+ 1 r D* JOHNSON ' i