HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-14, Page 44 ONLY BU SAW DAYS TILL ''''o ike 1 , Tlils rs to certify that 1 have personallt selected the stock of Cooper & Co. anti have seat them my best stock of toys, books and other choice• presents and 1 would advise you to see their stock ac once. Santa Claus A Dinner or Tea Set would make- a splendid present. See our new line of: uplift11 ' /iii il� wvANlgNTd China 1)inner Sets.at $115.00. perfect beauties Tea Sets at $5 and $0.50, semi -porcelain; Dinner Sets $110, $12 and $15. ( All Dinner Sets. have 97 pieces and. Tea • Sets 40 pieces:). COOPER & _-4111111411=111111=RVIIIIIIMME.Numniongleiwee CLINTON. BIG VALUE canommonswaseaumassaimisaWisgiUmBraor • BIG VALUE 1 ouc MAKE THIS STORE YOUR tri .•' . • .. . . ui�tutttlrl. 1),111111TERS FOR w�ne►oioirti�rr 1 ;:••••� 1; now beg to announce that our .stocks of ap VV 1 ropriate articles for Xmas gifts are poli .com- • •• ::::::: plete and in excellent taste, variety and dual- it}'. The displa}' surpasses anything we,:have piA\.L ow -1y. shown. Here are a few suggestions r Linens Comforters Collars. Handkerchiefs Blankets . Belts Umbrellas Furs ; Fancy Bags Parasols . • flantles Golf Jackets Select while our stocks are at their best -"NOW" FRS MAKE SUITABE X IFTS •. HERE is nothing more acceptable or more practi a 1 as a Xmas • Gift than athandscme set of Furs. Our styles are exclusive and out' values the best known to the trade.; We are showing : Sable Mink Marmot .. Mink .Belgium Hare • ,: Persian Lamb Isabella Fox Grey Lamb Po,cerine Two Speeials for Saturdays MLLINERV We put on sale Saturday two doz. Trimmed 'Hats. reg. $6 00 and $7.00, your choice $1.98 MANTLES Two dozen Mantles, all new'styles in Black and. Tweeds, $5.00 and $6 00 less than reg. price'. Come early Saturday and get first choice. Children's Coity Malf :Pre.. Clinton News -Record December I4th j181i Eilber's Majority is 287. Iiensall Hayfield Stephen rshorne Ilay Tuckersrui1h Stanley (=oderieh Tp• Exeter Silber 2t 118 222 9'i 2'2 1D5 1111 (101 Zeller }+ Majo•ity far Pithier 287 2(17 401 Musgrove Notts Up 256. 'M1lusgrowe :lslltie:.l W. Wawanosh E. \V'awanosh ,Morris 'ftu'nb(er'ry 1Jowick VIfl11ant lllyth !Wroxeter 1,7 2115 136 Kerr ] tl 1 51 2(1 12 23. :368. • 132 1lajor•ity for Musgrove 256. The Result in.Centre Huron. Centre Iluron i•:lhott Prondfoot • 37 .(Tinton (1uder'iel Seaforth Brussels • lie h illvp (trey l lulte'tt Colborne 1.2 15 68 . 131 611- 1 1 3u 11 03 309 Majo:Ity for PrortdfOot 216 Holmesville hlr. 11red.- Mulholland •returned •1.tst week' froul..the .ryes -,t bringing %viol him ' three valnali.'e • horses. Two '. n( Ore animals took n ele on the way anti. hats .since been causing Fred a good. deal of -anxiety, but they Seem to bo fniproving' and we trust will soon be all '.right again. • To lose a-.hor't' as present prices • rule is no spilt cuss. During • the P851. week -ansa the wee,i.lec .hits been so Illild that sonut of our fanners semi to imagine it is • sp'r';tli;, anyway. they have started pluwui ' The b Sundat ,'oot •r s eontoniplat Mg the-.holdirty; of a tea • and sleigh Ade instead -of :a ('bristmas..tree this year. • 1f present roru) tions •contra uo wheels Iittiy •be in;,order., hilt -w,.,. NS' '1 11 then} a good titer anyw.ay. 'On Friday' event ug the stilt of the' pout •estal)hishinent( had a `tutus pull, when a very •'pica.,int tinter was. 'pent by the young people. Mr. 1 A. 'Irwin •of Clint nn 'preach= ed in the, Me'e rodist church.. on. • Sun- day - evening last and delivered an earn(' ,- 'ani! impressive:sermon. (ruin* .8 eunnber •are contemplaeing a tisk: to •illi Fa' Stuck Show in week, flirrlph this . Air. W. • ('ouzens, who • has been 'vis- iting i5iting wi!:i his parents- 'at: ttie.. par sonage for a couple of weeks of the fact That his school at1 1 awfst()cic ivas closed ,lin account of dtphl heria• be- ins in the • neighborhood, 'returncrl, on Saturday, if being deemed.''safe It a- gain open the se110 ,l, Porter's' Hill 1'he Sunday school of ;30,tbri ''co,irch are having. a Christmas•trce and en- tertainnt.cna next Thursday evening. 1 Besides'oho (1hr,itma5 !roe • thew' will !.be a ,tine' Program consisting of i oc-. al' and instrumental music,. readings, etc., and a •"Mo:t:c Trial,'' A leas- t t p.. and Wine is expo ''.ed. • 0. The Si. No betf Sr, Summerhill, foilow'•rng in the ' report of ' S. . 12 for • the. mlitith of No,ve i.. 4tih-Alvin I'ownshend, .rifle Rath: • llct:'rieh, 't Ism ie Havey, Florence Forbes, Fa►iny e. • • Jr. •3rd-0live Wr)Mht), Jean 'Lind- say, ind-say, Wilson Rath, 1;1da Mair, Mervin Farquhar, Sr 2nd -Cora Jervis, >otoshy Mitt- quis, Fred. Johnston. • .Jr, 2nd -Johnny 'Townshend, Awry Mcl3rien; Mary Wright; 13rssie Lind- ,iy, ,Zanies Johnston, • Part 2nd -Mary . Aicl3rien, Nellie: Beacom, Hilda. 1' erh' i, Jean Fal3n- star, Edward Johnston. I'ar! DO -Norman Weilht.. The be', speller•t for the month are: Alvin Townshend, 4ecor(' Ale- Brion, May Saville, Olive Wright (`ora Jervis, 'Mary Wright, Mary Me-' Brien, Norman VWrrtht. 'l'ectr•hr:. Jr.-4th.•-Seeord Marquis, Mabel Lawson. • Sr.. 3rd -New .' Ie 1'401'(t t, May Savill Stanley Township Air; R. Vonhakc is expected home the latter part of this week from England, He in bringing a ritock horse. ('{tat he paid a big stun for anti also a hackney for Dr. Woods of tlayfi(tIrl. ' Both the liorsrs' are said good.. t xtra to be Itopbrt of S. S. No. 13 for Novem- ber :, 9tl:t class; -Lloyd Key's, Della Keys, Roy Xeys. .Jr. 3rd -1 fymore Keys, Plossir Hay ter. Sr. 2nd -Lloyd Hayter, Jr. 2nd -Russel Ii rratt, honors, Es Ater Hay ter, Wilbur K(iys, prontot- eci to J i. 2nd front Isla. 1st --Ruby Itrraittt, honors. Harnwell,. Teacher.. Bonfield Dr. Woods reached borne from leis. trip to England and Ireland on Mon- day last a few miiiata., before the. close of ."ae poll. Ile looks well and we understand tett trip was an enjoyable mw front every pot of view. With bis good wife he visited Toronto this week. Air. John \\ lithium and his. daugh- ter, Miss Ruby Whiddon, are this week in Buffalo. l''rotn there they go t).). Pennsylvania tr.i spend Christ- n)as with frr:nds and at the b . in - Mug of the New Year will sail from New Y ori: for Plymouth, England, to spend tii,t win,t; r w r'h A1r. Wlii(Jtlou' sisters: Mr. laddie Reid has rettarned from Owen round. 'i'he election passed off eery quiet's in Barfield. The vote polled wa ninety-three for Silber and 1.twenty- ive for 'eller',. a snajori,' for Eilber of sixty-eight. The teachers and officers of St. An- drew's church are staking prepara- tion.) for their Christmas To is to he held in the town hall the end of nex; week. Messrs. John Pollock, .John 'Toros and sons, •('bn r. and Malcolm Toms, and John McLeod, w'lm have been engaged in fishing' at Port Stanley. returned home last week. Air. Ilugll McKay vent Monday at Seafor We 18.4 called upon this week - to record the .death of one of our' oldest resident:, in the 1).'tsun of Mrs. Jane lWarnsley, aged eighty-two years and live. Inanihs, who. departed this life on Thursday last - at midnight. air's. W'aInklcy came' to hayfield from"iihte- vale twenty-ienn' years ago •lurid has resided in 'the village ever• since. Tier luisband, the late C'har'les i\'amts- ley, died thin;sy-four years ago.. The funeral took place Linn the' home 'of her. daughter, 1Ir•s.:W. .1. Elliott, to Hayfield c'.uetery on •Sunday after-. noon Iasi and was very largely at- tended, i,;ev. Mr. Pondell officiated at, house and gravesid.4. The pallbearers wel.! : Mo,srs: Thos, Cameron„John Pollock, ,lobe Falconer, -John Fergus• on, ('has. Parker. and Jaws Donald- son. • Three tions and lthr e daurut 'st survive. • They -are 111.44, Richard El- liott . 1-liott. and Mrs• W. J. 1 lliott_ of Bay- field ; ltiirs. - ('row or Detroit. ; .lam- es and William of Atichlgan•and ( list 'les (1 — I 'Phomas.. The :oi.h.o;i.I8, from a .distance; attended the-'tineral: Air: and Mrs. Wamsley of Ntin)ieo ; airs. F.. (toff• I)et•t,it ; Miss Mamie VV'anlsley, Aht. ('Ionlens :.Mr. John Reid arra w ife and :!Miss !Ando llohin- son, Winghanl_; ('hail!.,•• R'antsley, St. fhnrnas %11 and . Mrs, ,fame's •Iliekey, Stephen ; M . acid 1vlrs. Robt. :11c(Tinehey• and ;tlr. and Airs. E. Rock of •Mc(iillivray. On Wednesday evening a number of the teachers and -.officers of St`. 'An- drew's .1n- dre w 's ' Sund ty sehoot 'filet at " the' 'bones of. M, John .11'liirl(ktn • an(l,• on. the:, eve of • bis depa't`ure-for a trip' to' (he -'01d .(•oun1ry,• presentrxl him witlr-rlitinilsoine club bay;• and an umbrella, • Following i , Jae a tdtess Mr. llhiddon,=-On.. the 'eve 'of your departure .for .1, well-earned holiday We: on _behalf of the v polars and teacher's of • St.:Andrett's Sunday school. •deSi•re to tales this opportun- ity. of wi thing you Godspeed and of expressing our high' admiration of your qualities is tt than and as sup- rrintenele111 of. ear .Sunday kilo( 1. For itlaily yam's• 'you lave faiitt((10(13 discharged 11181 office and even tinder great :personal 1,1.s1 anti sorrowyou hat $ cheerfully • given your time, and von labor • • in behalf of this cause. WV'ei.fecl that as a Sanday.School. 'We Owe yott'' t debt thus caitnol etisil} be repaid, tind as a .slight tokon 2 of rift esteem :and respect • we .•1(51(0 .you .yu).accept this club • bag anti: 1114)114- la.• -Its doing so.its Would* express the hope that tht boli lay you are taking roar bo the means, tinder. (rod, of brin3,ing to you and 113 Miss Ruby •renewVe(1-11881(11 of body and peace of mind and than• you. )nay corns back to take un ttttii tr.tar' vigor• the work yvhielt yon have So Long well done -Signed on behalf of :the scholar, and teachers of St. Andrew's- Sunday sclloua'. . • Mr. and lIrs, Wi✓:ant Sturgeon t'c- •11anr':1 ' P.) the villageoh Saturday last. ' . • On Fri.day evening last the mem- lams .of the congregation of .Be'ahttny church drove.' to the home .of . Mr. James Campbell and spent a... Very. piaasant (.t,enin•g• with their pastor, Itov. McFarlane. The ladies brpugh." along 'wet.'—,filled baskets and a r;cry, sociable ttine was' :spent and during; the evening Airs itilanfarlane was presented With a load of • • oats. The gift . Was )much appreciated ' and pastor and people . separated afto 'a few hours'• social intttrcaurse _ with mu dual expressions of good will and friendship. • The anniversary' services. itt the Met1Iodfdt church were held lasti Sun- day, when Bor.; A•Tr. Lackland of Wal- ton preached t'oguent sern}oiis bout morning and evening. Messrs. Kenny Moorhouse, Hunter and Morris, London, chine up Satur- day for a • day's lotnnIng and remain- ed over until Monday. Personals Mr. W. IL Tiernan of the Comet Oil Co., Toronto, .formerty of Sea - forth, was in town this week the guest of Arr. and Mrs. 'harry I3art- (1!!. • Georgo ,Senior, an ex -convict,. made :t murderous attack on iiib 0tnpl•)wer, Mr. John' W, fobortsan of N"rrh wood, declaring hie wa i ;.e'lranri 1'y infatuation for Mrs. (Robertson. Premier A. J. Matheson has; an- nounced his new Ministry for Prince. Edward. Island. A general election will be held next, month. 'Tire • Canadian Olympic Comniitteo will ask the Dominion Government for ass(istancu in Sending a team to Stoel9tolm next surrttner. The National Fertilizer 11ETTI':i; THAN BARN YARD MAN - CRE. 'file National fertilizer, which is placed on the market by the National Land, Fruit. and I'aehiag Company, shows the following analysis compar- ed with barnyard manure : Nitrogua 3,50, equal to 4.0 am- monia: Phosphoric acid 5.711, mondto 12.0 soluble phosphate s. t5)0, flowl'ott?sh.s get.&.1110 per cent. more Profit with less. labor, and no in vestment. The National 14lud •f'rui't & 1'ackin Company,.Limited, is not an itiner- ant vendor of !eitili%ers, here to -day and away to mot.. )w'. ,Through the properties which it operat.w, the Company is a permanent "next (loo i neighbor" to upwards of 2,00(1 farm- ers, in41uding a large number in the County of 1 loron, and even for .'thi reason alone, i ! would not, and coal not atlurd to plate anything on th market that it was not prepared ,t wholly endorse and back up in ever respect. '1'11(1 (.'onrpuu) has laves,r:gatt•d prac- tically evert known fertilizer. Ha sent an export 1,1 Europe to examin into and report open the nature, pro - cuss 1)f man ufactr (t•e, ellaraasristic: ,atinns and result 1 of fertilizers, an by itt:rroducing )a' National Fertilizer the Company is t' 1. int; f!.; neighbors and others, a !erti(i,er that is pre- paro t so as to be especially adapted to the requirements of the Ontario farmers. FIRST GATHER 1.111: CROP- THEN 'ROP-- Tl ll':N P A Y • 'l'1(e Company is .1) conflde1l for all that it claims Lir` tho National Fer- tilizer,' that it i4 prepared to sell it to th(< ['armor and be paid for it only u 7': the crop • has been gathered. Think w•ha'' this uu•an:4 You increase the profits from your fields more than 100 • per mit., • and after the season's crop liar ba '11 .! flea in; 'and not he - 'ore, you pay, for the National Fer• tilizur, the wonderful handmaid of na- ture that causes . two bushels to be produced, wticre one busiiet grew- be- fore. National Land, Fruit & Packing co. Toronto Rept esentative for Huron C )unty, W, EVA N$, CLINTON. TOWN OF CLINTON 13g -Law No.14.for 1911. To take the tote of'the ratepayers. of the i 'Powe of ('liatan..u,ltit:e(1. to tote on . money by-laws,. on a ,glees - tion to be subnti•temi• whether .the said ratepayers , are in . favor of • a supply of electric power frim} the hydro-I:Icct•ic Power. ,Commission_ of ontarin. , ' . IVII ER f :15' flu(• Municipal ('oaineil of .the Corporation of the 'Town of C I .!tun .(ie (In t' 1 11 dol d IS hie • in submit t,) the •i,tepay (rs of the said Town of: Clinton .eni (fled to foto on 'money hi -laws a question 8s to whether ahs said fa+.'paters are :n favor of a.. Supply a electric 1)0,111 from the IIyclro-1',le(ti•ie , Pit woe •:C:olllntission of Ontario, - 0 • ''1'lliIiElOR11 triw. Council of ., the ('urpora ti(iti •01- ':,'.st! Town of ('lirttan enacts as follows I. T.IIA't' the following gius.!irilt be submitted ,t 0.- 1 h ratepayers :( 1 the ,!Municipal-l'ortknation of the Town of Clinton -entitled to. •yotu ' on • money by=laws :. . . .fro you•in favoi•of obt,aining from Me. hydro-Elertiin.Iow,r C.,tn•• .. tssion of Ontario tt supply of f 1(( .::e. pow - 2. T1TAT _ the 'veitus of -the said 1411'pay ers: shall • be taken on this question at the Baine hour, out the sansei dasy, at the same places and y b • the same deputy retuning officers 'raid: poll clerks as for 1118 annual el- ection- for the Muti,iuipah Council 'for the year 1'11'2.. ' • 3:' A true copy sof this "by-law shall be j)ublished in The News-lloenrd on the days hereinafter mentioned, that is 'to say Dec.. 7th,. 111rdi and. 21st, 1011, and copof this by-law shall. • bo posted'. • at the 'Post' Office, . The Neyws-Itceoi'd office, the New Era of- fice and the Town Clerk's. office. ' 4, On the 29th day of- December at tate Council Chamber •iii. the Town, of Clinton. at I1 o'clock a.m., the May- or will is writing Ogttedby • him appoint two persons its attend •at the final summing up of the, votes by, the Clerk of this Corporation and one 'person it,) attend each polling' place on behalf of the persons inter - OS it'd nter-OSted in and desiron;a of he answer- ing. of the sr(tl question in Met affir- mative, and a Bike number on behalf of the persons interested iu and de- sirous of the answering of the said qucstton in the negative rospeetively. :i. The 2nd day of January atthe said. Connell Chamber in Clinton alt 12 o'clock noon is hereby appointed for • the summing tip by the Clerk of this Corporation . of the number of votes given in the athrtna,t:t•e and in the negative r r5}tr Li t l y. 1VIAI)IM:, PASSED and I;NA("1'1':1) thirst 511 day of December, 1011. Jacob Taylor, Mayor. D. L. Macpherson, C'lea't:. NOTICE 'I'Aisl'; `0Tt('I'J thtr above is a true copy of a by-law passed by the Mun- icipal Connell of the Town of Clinton Ott Ow 5th day of feeember, 191 L. ANT) 1c1f1lTi1E1t TAKE NOTTCl that at the !iour, day and places therein filx011 fo'r taking the votes of the electors the polis will be held.' ' First publication 70 day of fec('tnw. ter, 1911, i). -f,: 1Vtactpherson, 'Gown riork. C le:1":'ss office 5th day of Thee. 1911, 1 TeriliS � QNE e JUVIN PINtGE ASH ON Lk' ' 0 working all the joys tn11 receiving days of Eight till the great festival is here and family re -unions and the giving of gifts, tET We have been busy for months plan - BUSY ning for the 'btminess of those eight lfts. IT WOULD to attempt descriptions or de - BE USELESS tails of the result of our ef- forts i11 the space at our disposal. THE is' brimful of useful, sensible and or - STORE ntlrnental things with price tickets at- tached that;would make you wonder how such thingscould be procured at so snialt a cost. WE as many as possibly can to do REQUEST their shopping in the forenoon. 7;5 'of fancy table ware have been added PIECES to out premium ' stock this week. Ask for coupons.. . OPEN 'EVENINGS NEXT WEEK. MEET ME AT 1RWIN'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE �u,rt�t��itttistw. u Logs Wanted ST.APL.ETOJ.S111111 MILL All ki 1:d; of Legs winger Highest -Prices No. 1 basswood Heading, 40 inches, $3, 75' peh.�ord delivered. 7[_(--3,4g. .Custom Work �'L'Tl,ta 13E WELL DONE. • '•4 ' NANININIMININ .).r au will findsome interesting prices e. .oh'. FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS A. few of the •(1uotationsibelow. will .suggest sorrte • of. the values : Rugs in good quality of Tapestry size 13x3' for. $7.75. • N best " 3,x4 reg. OW) for $111.00. ' • 1 different patterns to ('1100se from. Tryon want. a rug this is your chance No better value ever shown in Clinton l,inoleums 4 yds wide, tioe per s(1 yd. h pattern`: to•choose from. •�° 111 the Furniture Department you will find the hest selection ever shown i n Clinton. , if yon tvttht a parlor suite here are some prices that . will interest you t • 1 only 3 piece suite' reg $00,00 for $13.50 . 1 { t 3 " "2.00 " 00.00 1 " ' „ 27.Cn " 25,00 1 " 3 4,.' 93.50 91.00 1 ., 5 o • r0.on. ,. 42.00 1 n 20,00 '23.18) It08 Beds prices ranging from $3.00 to $30.1Ki. Some special prices on mattresses, full line of small musical mosicol instruments carrieJ ill stock. This is tri new line C have added along with the Edison Phonograph, The Store of Quality. Phone 28 Ormirmiumilimermisio W. Walker Furniture Dealer and llildrrtaker Residence Phone 140 t+• The News Record to end of 1912 for $1.00 .a..,i,.. _x • �trirws