HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-14, Page 11
• TheClinton News -
No. I709 --32nd Year
The News -Record to any address in" Canada to January 19I2, for IO cents or to end of I9I2 for $1.00..
B NotCalling In To
You Are Miss* g
See Our New Xmas Stock Now DisT
played ?
X0 one need be forgotten by you Xmas time. A
little money will go a long way in securing
some useful presents at our store..
E Ha'Le Everything You Could Think Of In An
Up Vo -date Jewellery store. 7 ry and help out
,jeweler and Optician - - Clinton
The Royal Bank
Capital Pard Up• - $6,2oo,000.
Reserve and Undivided Profits $7,2oo,000.'
Total Assets - - $loo,000,000.
190 Branches and Correspondents,throughout the World.
R. E. MANNING; Manager
Clinton Branch.
The operators down ail the tele-
phone Central had a busy time Mon-
day evening and though there was
a whole multitude of calla from all
over the district, each one received
p:.ampt attention and there wa:1 the
best of service. If Mrs. Rumball is
proud of hersttlff of young ladies
and of the obliging night clerk as
well, it is only wetat ought to be
Samplee of wheat, oats and flax
seed grown on t'he farm. of Mr. Lou
Peckitt of New Warren, Sask., have
been on exhibition on our table the
past week and many of our agricultt-
ural L. ends have tested ..iem,
"This wheat looks good to me," said
one of them, "but my oats are plump-
er. How, many bushel% of wheat did
you sayLou would have I700 I
am glad to hear tha'."
Mr. D. Cantelon, who is ale ays
shipping farm produce of one kind
- and another, has of late been sending
away carloads,of beans and in that
ittem alone has put a considerable
Isum of money into circulation. For
instance, to Mr..Roderick Mackenzie,
down near Brucefield, he paid $115
and Mr. Mackenzie as well kept fifty
dollars worthfor aced. This was
grown on twenty. acres so that the
average yield per acre had a value of
thirty-nine dollars.
If you want a city we':cly, daily
or monthly you'can, by clubbing with
The News -Record, secure it at he
price given in the following list :
Weekly Mail and Empire .50
Weekly Globe , :65
Family . Herald and Weekly Star .75
Weekly Witness' :75
Daily Mail and, Empire . 3.25
Daily Globe. .. . 3,25
Toeento StaA: 1.e0
Toronto News.1,30
Free Press,. moring 2.25.
Free Prere, evening . 1.75
Far additional papers see` list on
page 'six.
Clinton has had du.i:ng the 'past
Capital Paid up .. - $4,001,000 Rest Fund $4;600,000
Has 83 Branches in Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in till• the principal cities three months . a :..irplus ..population of
something' like fifty, all young people.
They have been an evadingly quiet very •acceptably the pulpit of (em-
end well-behaved edirtion to Leo : oral Methodist .church, Stratford;
town and at;ide Leen ehe fact ' that while the .pastor had holidays, and
groups of brightelooking,. alert young :later wok the: work of. Rev. J. Liv=
}u the world
interest allowed at Highest Current Rate.
Branch . C. E Dowding, Manager
We Invite
You .all.
To come andsee
the Special Elec-
trical trieal lisp ay in
interior of
our Store
Open each evening
untilma s
� a
See Special on page 3
Huron's Largest Clothiers
dd .•
A Square Deal for Every .Man"
The Guild topic on Monday evening
was "rhe .Elder Brother," and was
;Wren up by Miss Luella Walkinshaw.
The Sunday school is preparing for
a Christmas tree ;and entertainment
to be held on' Friday- of next week. •
At the close of the county •council
proceedings last week Mr. Owen
Geiger, reeve of H.!isall, who has fill-
ed the wardenship about as capably
as most' of his predecessors, was pre-
sented wild a gold headed cane by his
colleague:a, Reeve Glen of Sitanley
making the presentat€on. The cane
was suitably engraved and no doubt
will be treasured by Mr. Geiger aa.
one of his most valued possessions.
By y doingyour Christmas shopping
earlyyou can make a better choice
a let r
than if left' elf until the' last hour
for as Christmas approaches the
stocks naturally become depleted.
Early •shopping. also gives you a
better service, for no matter bow
willing the clerks may be, with
crowded stores each customer cannot
receive that individual attention that.
otherwise will be willingly given.
' Shop ea., .
L. 0. L. No, 710 met on Tuesday
evening and: elected ,sae following of-
ficers foe theen•,.iing year
W. Master, R. J. Chili.
Deputy, C. Langley.
Chaplain, A. McCleary.
Rec,-Secretase, A. Clarkson.
Fin, -Secretary,. Thos, Monaghan.
Treasurer, W. S. R. Holmes.,
'' Lecturer,.,, J. W. Ford and O. S.
I). of. C;, 1):.N. Watson,
On Monday. last • Rev, J. Greene
celebrated his eighty-eight birthday,
when he and Miss Geeene entertained
Dr. and Mrs, Thompson and, family
and a few Intima',, friends to (Wi-
ner at six o c k
Loc . `
Anionget the :geese.; was . an old
brother-in-the-miniser_y, Rev. U. New-
combe. Mr. Greene, through consid-
erably .pass'the allotted life .o[ roan,
fs hale and hearty and is: neve: qu,:e
so happy.. • es when hard at work
During the -past •summer he .supplied
The marriage takes plae:a• next Wed-
nesday of Miss Minnie Gertrude Lobb,
eldest daughter of Mr. .and Mrs: Wni.
Lobb of Goderich township, to Mr.
Norman Snyder of Radisson, Sark.,
formerly of Cliinton..., The young
people will afterwards reside at Rad-
In renewing his subscription , Mr.
Ed. Johnston, formerly of Zurich,
but now of Grandin, No:sth Dakota,
writes : "Keep The News -Record
coming for it keeps us posted on the
happenings of - the old home county
as i o other medium could. By the
way, I am glad to see • tthe good old
Tories • again on top of the heap,"
A cer.'aain well-known local farmer
is wearing a beead smile le these days.
As a result of the elections on Sept
21c,tt,' together with judicious ad-
vertising in The News-Reco:rl, , he
has sold six hundred and thirty acres
of land, And the Weather since the
Provincial electioncs has been e) pro-
pitious that U.iday, •Dec. 14th, he
has three teams ploughing.
The general opinion 'e . etas Co be
that tees sort of Bering tike weather
is'.all right, saves co.L • snot run i the
winter, lets tis clown , asily, s) to
;.leak. But' give us tee good,
fashioned winter ''hat :used to . ;shut
down wieh a snap'. about Dec. lst
and .stay shut down, with the po ss'nie
exception of a January ehaw,. ui,til
about March • 15t'h. Sleighing . .ill
winter and skating for those v, h t
wanted it, • and no: pneivuonia , (•r
colds worth speaking of',
The officers of Clinton Camp W.0..
A coming ev;'.it is the concert to
be given in :the town hall on New
Year's: night when Miss May Rance
will give a series of readings of a
literary and humorous nas',zre. There
will -also be a short and witty play.
Wheat 90c, '
Peas 90e,
Oats 4•Le, •
Eggs 35e.
Butter 23c tet. 24e,
Barley 75c to 80c.
Beans, prime white, $1.85 to $1,95
Dive Hogs $6.25.
At the • meeting of elle Youpg,I?eo-
pites Union on Monday evening the
devotional pare .of• the effecting was
led by Master Willie l3laelcer and Mrs.
Pe ihabaker read • an exe, lent pa-
pee on ,'The. Source of a Wo i.rer's
Strength." Thee meeting are be-
coming more and more interesting
and helpful and the young people of
the -congregation are invited •at-
DIED IN 1'ITTS1311R(1.-
The Blue Tali:rnan is Ube
name of aur now story which
begins this week. It is a tale
Of adventure, myste'ay and es-
pecially a detective • story. At
the start you will find it good
and it w,il hold you with ab-
sorbing iuterest until the end.
Don't mss the opening chap-
ters today,. Its sere to please
w.c.'r.I:. MEETING.
,•-. The W.C.'r.U. wilI meet on Friday
af:1. rnoon• of this week at 3 o'elerefe
'at the home of Miss Washington. .
On Wednesday night of last . week
John A.Sheppard c ied in the }os
pital at Pittsburg, Penna. Ile was
the son of Captain- Wm, Sheppard
and was born tin keini,an thirty-nine
years ago. In 1883 'RIC family.. mov-
ed west and located at. Poreage la
Prai',te, Man., Where 'Captain Shepe
pard still lives. The subject of this
notice early learned the artof print-
ing at, which he -.wee, employed for
s.'.e;al years at Pittburg. He there
married .but his wife and their r one
delft •predeceased hint, The 'reniain:I
wee i interred at 1'ietsburg:
(.n Friday evening last aboue twen-
W.. for the ensuing term are as fol- ty of • the. relatives and in,'intate
lows .: • friends of • Mr, and .Mrs, •it'm. • Robert -
('.C., C. Witt.. son gathered et' their, home .and gave
P.C.C'., W:. Ladd...' 'atma iiNele surprise,; the. occasion
.1.1.:, 11-. A. Belt.
.Banker, 0. Cinch,
Escort, J. E. Cook.
Watchman, R. Tasker..
• Sentry, G. Hughes:.
Managers, ,l. Fail, J. S.
and N • Bali. '
Representattive to ii.ud (lamp., R.
A. Bell.
• • Alternate, 0. • Crich.
• Sergeant Welsh met with •an aeci-
Yesterday afternoon n a lazy tramp
who was begging and boozing 1,433
run in by Sergeant Welsh and in Lias
evening the p.m. sat in judgments
thereon. "1 have a notion to give
you three month, in :the county,
gaol'," said his worship, : and the
tramp smiled all over as he flung
back, "That's juse what I wane."
Ills desire was eta etvident that leeil
p.m. was about 10 make flit site
months in elle ('antral when he rel.•:tt-
ed and vv.i ite down "Two months. tie
five dollars and costa," The Ser-
geant, turned t'he tramp over to the
gaoler .'todey.
Let's Hand -Pick
• The town. council :of .,1911 .has d+i;tae
well, better ellen any of -its p.ede -
cessors for years,' For :;'.fat they. are
entitled to credit.
• Our duty now as rat eayersi is to
Ariake. an equally wise cho,xi for 19121
.and, we are pleased . to be able to say,
there appears .'a .be much available
'good timber: .
For the. mayoralty Mr. Toni Jac':,.
sof-was mentioned. Ile would have
being tihe •twenty fff,+h anniversary of•
$,heir marriage., 'l ho+ ev ,.ling was very
pleasantly .spent in . cards and. gam-
es and• before hi was 'gaited Me.. and
M.'>,'. Robertson were presented with
a 'handsome piece of •silver,. ,accom-
panied •by• many eeprc s ,ions of con-
g.t.ftulation and • of good wishi' for
the celebration of their golden wed-
ding twenty-five pert; hence.
mea and women •might' be encountered i'ngstonc of Mit'.+hell foe several'vveeks At elle evening service on Sunday dent on• Monday' night which might
on the• sieve es daily, .espe:+ially afte.t during that gen:teen-len s illness. Besid- the members .of'•the Jubilee • troupe have been i::' brnpanied by very serious
four in the afternoon, very little was es this. he is • being called upon con:atan- who weep. staying in. town. oser.' the results.. Ile 'vas assisting 1ngineer.
known by. the average citizen- of this tly .oto supply..odd Sundays during ithe• dee, ••assisted in the Service' of ` :Song, Ease at the waterworks power house
surplus population! Principal; .Hart- 'abseil -a' of pastors in the ;iurrounde
ley hascome into more in',ma& re-: tng district:
lationship. with them, tihe • b i+n Mr, Greeve .cot fainly. carries; .' his
teachers -in -t Benin in' the y O ii tog Years,•lightly, and takes .as much 'iii-
g 1 n
Model School, ' terest in. all' matters Which relate to
• The close of.'tilici term is drawingnear the public welfare . es men half his
however, and the Modelitos; as a fit age.' •
The News=Record • joins with
his, large
ircle of
friend i i a •(on -ting .wind-up to abeir stay in Citon
gave a soc,a1 in the town •'haon •gratilations and, in • wishing . hen
manyhappyreturnS.If daY eveninglast to which wed. in-
a number of the: Collegiate stn- oteE OF THE VERY I3k:ST.
dente and •members: of the Pastime . •
' Club' and also. a' few of Me young The concert In Willis , chu'.h• • on
people of town. The result was, .a Thursday last proved. to; be .a genuine
very jolly and ;enjoyable evei.ing, 'treat to music lovere . who attended.
Mr.. John Hartley was appointed The catertainmen;i,was put'on by the
master of ceremonies and dttd the •choir,- undex the leadership of • `Mrs.
part well, displaying a', fine under -
as ,+sted by .Miss
standing of the young stridents who Minnie Synies 1 ox and hie, • P , L.
have been under his charge+ for 't'he pa. VFillgoose of ' London, . `The choir ex-
few rneniehs ani} a de.i.ro to•enter :
Wiled' .itself, every number bci:ng. Well
thoroughly into their pleasures and rendered. The- first'dumber was a
interests: elegies; "Triumphal .March," by . the
choir and .a
The mode of entertainment' was var- contralto solo by Mise
fed. A. program of promenades. was .
prepared with .subjects for conversa-
tion to mix up. the company' and break
the lice. These, proved vary popular
but whether: the prescribed subjects
were strictly adhered t'3 remains an
open question. •• However, the young
people seemed tie enjoy themselves
thoroughly and that was the main
object, Interspersed •witch .the pro-
menades 'Wipe was a very p1,'ising must- ,
cal program. Those taking part•. in Tea's',"was given by Dr. Gaudier,
the latter— were : Misses Buchanan whose fine baiitone never .fails to de -
and Braun,.. who coneributed an in- light those who hoar him. Mr: Will-
strumental 'duet ; M•,, le. Blatchford, goose alar) .contributed a solo in find
a vocal solo ; Miss Douglass, an in- v"oi•+a'and Messy.,. A. MIeehell, W.
strumental selection,.and Misses, Wil- Collyer, II. Alexande,, and Dr. . Dan-
son and Gilbert' and Mr, Geiger, : who dior sang a quartetaa. The choir
each gave a reading, Also a rice rendered three choruses each of
lunch was served. w•l.uch was difficult but each was well
The arrangements we made • and executed and well rec!lved. The con -
I a an
earrited out by eommtl{tim , appointed ' was brought rs a close by
for the purpose, the members of Cluj organ solo by Mr. Wiilgoose, which
ldifferent commit+toes being as follows. was Meal a masterpiece.
Refreshment : Misses—S; Copp and E, The. program was carried' through
Seinen, Messrs. F. Terry and C, without a break and each number was
Acheson. Reception : Misees 1VI, perfect •,z its way.
Taylor, Buchanan and Sheriff, and There was no interruption, Rev.
Messrs, E. I3latehford, R. Reid and Mr. Grant • requesting at the begin -
J. Watt. Program : Misses M. Meg that there be no applause..
Elliott and L: Martin, and elessis. Mrs. Mcliardy-Sntith presided at
lie thus new touch that will aid hint
F. I3ryans and R. Denholm. Before the piano and Mr, Willgoose at the
the entertainment was brought to a organ during. the choruses. in his work,
close, Mr. Roberti Irwin, on bchalt The lady members of the choir The Imperial League, an English
of the Collegiate steidentn, the ese.e- wore wh ,''o and the uniformity .. of organization, hearing that D.r, Woods
• 'bets of the Pastime (Sub and other
guests prsaent, moved a vote of
thanks to the Modeliten for their hos-
pitality, 'which was seconded +•iy '1�r.
l;, Harland and unanimously carried
Ah lit+tde dance was indulged in by
• thos,.4 present who are fond of dancing,
after the program.
I Miss Ilazel O'Neil very kindly and
efficiently furnished the finale for ;the
: promenades and also (luting the supper
1 and dance.
giving several selection:,. It had lieeti to start the est,+ine when thele • was.
announced -that they .would be pees- a gas explosiori. The Sergeant wwi have managed the towns affairs • this•
year. • They are progressive and .up- •
thade a great run
for the,
hearted service he has•rendered
recognized by ere cit'liens at large
and is greatly • Appreciated by • then.
•But Mr. Jackson has stood aside
others whose • claims,, in pcine of
,i'niority of service, inay be ge.)atc;i:
than his. ate has, however, signified
his willingness to again serve a.e
councillor and his • election will be rte
once conceded. '
- • For the mayoralty, therefore', the
ffgh' will in all probability 'ie: 1,e-
a,vcscie B. J. Gibbing!) and A. T.
Cooper. Both have given much eel
their time to council work and ace
'among the ve-'y best' :of those who
eiit and a large •cozigregat'ion .gathered in the direct line of it+ and had ;his
to bear teem. Te sing semis .to' be no eyebrows and nuistaclic badly' singed
t.ioublc'to these -people, .they, jus and ti:.' side of •h;s face .scorched
open thcfr mouths°and este Music roils. somewhat'. Oii.t of . his :hands was 0.17
forth. `All tf;.ieir sileotion, on• Sunday so burned 'and • he is' going •around
evening • were of the, most simple kind with: it bandaged. But • as the inj.ur-
and yet they. seemed tie get 'a • lot 01 les. might have been . much worse he
music out of.;te em, Itladam Dorsa; is thankful that, lie escaped so easily.
the leading soprano,', was 'ill ;and:could.
-not be present.
A little akwardncss was. caused jus!
D1 ATIi Ole MRS. elcC'1.ACl1ERTY,
. On. Tuesday Morning, after 'a short
as • thc'congregation was ' gathering 1 yi blit severe and painful illness,' Annie
the lights going out, the: r�esuif of .' al Jackson, wit. of Mr. John -McClach-
- 1 fuse: lir:. \edi � wl o
un t s
b r eao t r
t g , the spirit well' d:
ort assed into 5
went dawnfi
was 'teethe. congregation, ,
lied been a resi
I The deceased lady
to tete power house for wire and soon denti of town for about.. t':vcnty=five
had fete : natter adjusted. In ' , the
meantime the congregation patein':y
waited .while the organise dispensed i where tiny had "farmed previously..
,.fleet nee,'c.front .,'.te organ: , i Mrs: McClacherty was a member of
' The Liersery committee lied charge' t:Willie' church and being 'a woman of
of the League meeting on Monday ev- a kindly disposition, had a large
Barbara, weet ;, • who has a charm ening; when an interer,:.ing'; talk Was cir.ile•- of friends. Her husband .and
ingly sweet >oice and is always given by tho pastor on tdte subject of one soft, .Mr. James lalcC'laeherty of
heard: with pleasure. ' , Miss' Foe.,'Books and Reading." God:'r}ch survive. ~w^
who possesses a fie, well deemed so- Rev, •Dr. Medd pau,tor of Factorial The funeral, :which will be, private,
prang• voice, rendered two 'solos' and +street church .Goderich will occupy takes. lace tt ils afternoon from trate
iwok 'part • In . a duet w �:u 'Mr. .Will- the ' p' p
goose. A trio; "Prison Scene," from the pulpit morning and evening • on family ,residence en Joseph se:eel to
"Saul of Tarsus," was one,deliLful'ly, Sunday. • I'he-pastor will take t'.ie Maitlandbank cemetery: '
'rendered. by Miss cCervio and `, rvicee in Goderich, ON'1' 1l'. CIIL'12CII.
Messrs. Mitchell and •Gandic'r, The •DR, WOODS -HOME AGAIN:'e." ,...11
. el. no. peeler occupied his own pulpit
at both services on Sunday las'. In
the• thoriiiUig he took for his subjceit,
"lWurden. Bearing," and in the even-
ing gave an add,. es on, "Tire Hand
years, she and her husband having
moved ',in • froth Hullett township
Dr.. Woods of 13ay field, after' a vi•.:t
of some weeks :in .England' and Ire-
land,. reached home • .at 4.40 Monday
afternoon, just Sw.aty'minutes before
the close of• thee poll and was • thus . of God in the history of Method.
enabled to • cast anott:tre ballot for ism." • •••• •
his personal. friend, Mr. harry. hither. Next. Sunday Rev. Arthur,I3arker. of
The 1J1r. es:ieetns Me ballot as a prix- Seaforee will preach. educational ser -
,lege that should be extleised so mons • in thi t ehur.a`.t, Rev. Mr. Cos-
i�ci`sses no opportuit:ty of doing so. ens will conduct like servicesn San-
Hewould have remained longer in forth. •
tie Old Land had it not been for the 'Instead of ;'ae regular League meot+-
adv,'ati of the election and he made a .ing• on Monday evening next en enter -
fast trip' across, so arrived "just in tainnient.. will be given under the
time, . auspices of the Juniors; when a. good
Dr. Woods' attended lectures hi the program •�vitl rbe put ea. by the` boys
big' medici 1 schools of London and' an(l girls.
Dublin and witnessed matey interest- 'rite Mission Circle and League held
Ing operatiotfs which the advance . iii .asocial in. the lecture ,.coin of 'the
medical science have made possible. church on Monday evening, when a
very pi'easing program was given as
follow:a : Miss IVtcivor and M , A,
Mittel!, a duet ; Mrs. Cosen , a
reactng ; Miss Lay is, fins.'tutnental
solo ; Misna. Carrie Shipley, a reeita-
tion ; Miss Akam, 'a :f)lo Miss II.
Cottrtiee, a reading. The pastier,
Rev. Mr. Cosens, occupied the chair
and made a few encouraging :remarks.
At ehe conclusion of 'the program re-
freshment:l were served. Dir,ing the
evening a bazaar was held in the par.
Manage, . when a number of articles
which were manufactured by • the
members of the Mission. Circle, Wel'
dispen.'i of. The proceeds atnounted
to. about twenty-five dollars and go
towards the support of a native
Chinese :student.
The school closes next week .inti
atter the New Year many, If not all,
of the Modalites will be engaged in
teaching. .
apparel was most pleasing.
Mrs, Mcilardy-Smith and the mem-
bers of the chrir are to be congrat-
tila;'ed upon the splendid success of
their undertaking, Thursday's con- other in North WalM, and we' can
cert having been one of the best put well beli vie Aat the audience in
Oil by , local talent for' a long time. each place heard a forcible exposition
Th,o weather throughout the evening of Impe i alism as we here in. Canada
was anything but pleasant and many understand Ft and ,:Melt' was demon -
who had bought tdekots diti riot strafr,d in the e:!'. tion in :Septtamber
brave the elements to attend, and it last.
is now matte for ra+;ret as they During his stay 'in the, Old Land
thus rr.:ssed a musical treat. tate Ter. was asked for `information
The proceeds of the eoncttt o to. aloe) Canada repeatedly and :,ay.)
wards a fund for the pu chase o;' a that the interest taken in the Dom -
water motor for hlie organ. inion is very great, indeed.
was in the eouh!:•y requested hint to
address a seit'es of nice,'.ngs. As
hf:y eitne was limited he could only
take on two, one at Buxton and the
to -date .and* either. will Bial.(, a..crirp
able mayor.
Mr. Cihbings has given special: • at
teref:onto the . finan:sial end :and. his
knowledge of debentures • maturing,
lioiv 'much and, when, is probably` un -
celled I' has therefore, fol'to'ed, as
a .matter 'of course, that he has been.
cbairman of the finance • committee
e:,rough whose hands •all payments
.must, pass: Being a native .•of•Olive
ton, a grandson ' of,. one of t'ae first :
:.'ttler:a, the ambition '.i fill the
'able one.
a land
mayor's r chair is
I 0 S C
In ,regard to Mr. Cooper, it is only;
fair to say tat many citizens,
consider les • se'+yices its chair-
man of waterworks deserving, tae
recognition and in • order to rets of .
him :fin the coundil .and at the sain
time. as water commissioner will vote
for life as mayor:
Mayor Tay lo,. has tilled the chair
well and Will always be, able: to ;look ,
beek-upon ,the; twot teems; he,,presideel > t
q's two of the Most progressive
years •,this town has ,yet 'experienced,,
Much has been accomplished •during '
his tenure of. office..
Like unto, the mayoralty, the reeve -
ship will in all probability pass
around and the naives of Coancilloee
Ford and Cantelon are being discuss •
ed:. Beth have .had year:' of expel.
'fence and understand 'thoroughly Ube
9iawn's requirements. Clinton's in-
terests at the county .council Wilt not
suffer in the hands of either..
For the council the only new nava*
suggest'ud is that of .Dr. Thompso(},•,
For Water commissioner Mr. H. It.
Chant ,receives first consideration.
Pis knowledge of motive power and
the waterworks systc+ut in general is •
such as to commend hint t) every,
A bylaw to raise ' $1,000 to coin•
pietc' tihe system of good roads will
also be submitted to tihe taxpayers.
This will be expended on Oneerla
;street and that portion of Albert
st.+,et ndt yet completed. As eiti?.t!as
we are in honor bound to finish aids
work, with as little delay as poser-
ible, and if the bylaw gocsg through
without any opposition fit will etre.
phasize the good spirit prevt;iling.
A hydro -Electric bylaw Will also
be voted on. • 'This doe% not cotu la
til:r .•town to any Con't'ract, but is
merely • an express•ran of opinion. I+f
•.we .say No the Hydro-li:lectric will
pass us by, but of we say Yes, as all•
progressivo places do, the -COMMIS.
will havo plans prepared, show.
ing the cost, etc., which the • 'tax-
payers can ao^opt or rejecti, just a:t
they please. But there should be ' rite
opposition to the bylaw on tote "dealt.
of January.