HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-07, Page 88 Cliff ton News•R. er. ►rd. BEAR IN MIND THAT WE SELL QNI.Y P THE. BEST IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR Whether you want a pair of Boots..Arcties, Sock apd Rubber, Leather topped Rubbers, Alaskan, felts and Rub - hers, fight Rubbers, for over your shoes or anything else,in heavy or light 1tUIiBER FOOTWEAR. WE RAVE THEM IN THE: BEST QUALITIES ONLY Cheap Rubbersare not wort hwha t they cost.. BUY THE BEST, IT PAYS FRED. JACKSON 1 sou SALE. of GRANITEWARE .........................!...4......... FOP ALL NEXT WEEK SEE OUR BiG WINDOW OF GRANITEWARE AT HALF PRICE .• SLIGHTLY CHIPPED BUT BiG VALUE. imeramilmatutminnammemis STOVES and :HARDWARE. . 1 S • • ♦♦♦♦N♦N♦N♦N♦kN♦♦NN♦NN•••♦N•♦NN• M. . SEASONABL,E. GOODS MODERATELY PRICED MEN'S OVERCOATS $5.00 to $18.00. ♦' li IT WILL` R��ADE Y YOU' T •' PAY WITH .US. Our stock of overcoats never was more Complete ` than it is .at the present time. Many new lines were added last Week and early sold sizes replaced and it is. wive one of the largest and . best' assorted stocks ever -offered for your inspection. Several newnobby, lines to chootte from. at $10.00-$0y's Over- coats er- coats in all the latest styles at from •$3.50 to $10:00. • We:have also just added to our stoek•another large,_ shipment of Men's and Boy's Suits. Don't failtto see these before•bnying your new Fall Suit. . Rubbers -Are yoingoing to bnyany Rubbers this fall? Tf you are. save money 'm them by buying th'em.bere we have 'the: cheapest and we have the best. • • Men's, Women's and (;hildren's:fine Rubbers, Men's and Boy's lle.Lr y Face and Buckle Rubbers, ;Men's long Rubber Boots. Special prices -on Boots; 13Iapkets, Underwear, Hose, eta. SMALL PROFITS ♦ ***•♦♦•••i♦N♦♦N•M_* ♦♦••NN♦♦♦• LUMSTEELMORE BROS. BUSINESS •N♦•N♦N♦♦•Ni••Ni1NMN♦•N♦••♦N♦N•+• . ♦sill• Nelson Ball •J. B Hoover 1 1 1 Msl t jam" UNIQUE s DE SIGNS In house' furnishings •. are in demand by those • of artistic. tastes. A visit •.' nere will .disclose 34261 • i ♦. e UNI u E ' FURNITURE JI.3A'�' IS DECORATIVE AAAA .. I 'xi�`E f n : but not overly l dear. Merit is t wins these hese days, + and it's only merit that gives us our:liberal patronage MEI?IT iN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE The cheapest spot in Huron Ca kinds r,nty tb 1�uy all. of • . Ho�ver � it • 411N.•4.4• ••••♦•4••414 444.4•4•••♦r 4444040444.46.44/4 04 OUR STOCK OF FANCY COOLS CHINA NOVEL-. TIES AND BOOKS This is the time of all •t!:m?.s for snaking life brighter for Others. You no doubt have in mind such a senti- ment and associated with it some friend. The pleasure of giving is great, somer:mes there Cs less pleas- ure in dec:riing what to give. Pbr- haps we can help you some. We may not be able to meet ell your wants, few stores can for every person bu we are reasonably sure you will find something to suit, sonic, if not all, of your friends. In some department: our spook may not be the largest. We never overload so that evtcy year we have new goods and the latest novelties. IncidentiaPly we believe we can save you money on the goods. It may be mutually profitable if you come to our store. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best" 1111 t*i ,, aiiiimzEng u�nnununuhp dfr _�. �. HtlNllll7l'�li. rnnr.�r_ Q eat Mr, W. J. Tozer was in., London and Toronto this week. Reeve Smyth is . in .Godertch this week attending county council.. Miss May Rance took' part hi a eon - cert in Seafort''i on Tuesday evert- ing: Mr, and Mrs. L• Levis and family of Wingham were in town over Sun-. day, Mrs. Jamru. Rapson of Constance was: a week end visitor with friends 'in town. Rev... E. Ford was laid oil several • days last week with an attack •of grippe. . . Miss, Belle Taylor of Leadbury `Agit- • ed with Mrs. John Watkins on Sat- • urday. • Mrs. John Brownlee of Goder}ch was the peat ,of Mrs; IL Bagler during • the past week. • Miss Jean Chidley left on Tuesday • for Toronto where she will spend a week with relatives. Mrs. Constantene of Zurich has been. • 'the guess' of her mother, Mrs, Chid - ley, during the past week. Mr. •John Cant'elon of.. the .Moloons Bank, Toronto, is spending' a bolt: •• day at his home in town. Mrs. ' L. Greig has returned• after spending a. fortnight with her son, Mr. J''.. C.. Greig of Seaforth: ' •Mrs. D. French of • Wetaskivoie„ Alta., formerly of Clinton, has •bchn re-. • newing old friendships in town the past week. Hon.. A:dain Beek was in town on •Tuesday and had •a little chat, 'with the fathers on• the question "of, electric power, • Mr. and Mrs. ''Chant of Unionv.iilel, who have been visiting their soh,' .Mr. 1I. B. Chant, • In town, leave •' for their home tomorrow. . Messrs J Ransford,.O. Johnson, W. J, PaisIey,T.• Cottle,. D; and l'. Cant'elon, II. Bili :and ,T. Stevens at- tended the non n t ' hi a i on. an Seaforth on :Monday. • Miss Helen Fair, who 'has been teach- . ing in Saskatehc•ivan• for the • .past • couple of• years, returned homo. on Tuesday* and 'will remain until -. af- ter the: Christmas holiday's. Misses • May :Rance' and Creto Ford and iflr. 1 e ' k Rabtenbur assisted y a sled. .Kith, the program at a concert in .'con nection with St, Andrew's church: Bayfield, on Thursday' -evening lash. Little a Miss IParrtc - t Ganteion,,daugn ter of. Mr. and Mrs. P, .Cantelon, wasuits .'. '.fox a a quite hll' few days dui- in.g • the • past • week, having been threatened with appendicitis. She is now improving, however. •Mr:. and Mrs. Fred: Hayward 'will leave' nett week for San Diego, Cal- •ifornia, where they expect'to• take • up their abode. 'They are esteemed and popular Citi -.ens :Of Clinton. and • while • everybody, is sorry to see them go they will wish them cess' in their new homo. Rev. Dr. McKay of •Toronto, Moder- .atm of the General Assembly, • and Rev. Dr. Grant, Supe -i ntendcnt of Home Mini ons in the Presbyterian Church in Canada, were in town (Vita week and addressed the special meeting. of the Presbytery of Hur- on uron in Willis church on Wednesday. ._ Mr. Ii. B, 'Evans, president! of the National' Land, Fruit and Packing Company, was in town lase week. Mr. 'Evans was the organizer of %he Company which is doing so amen for the betterment of the • )rehards ofn ..rio:The Company "o n U t'y is ex- tending its operations and in ''Jrder to keep its staff busy during the winter is- plaeing on the market the Nat+.onal I+ertilirer which by analyst• isand experience `- t c -has been found to be one of the very best fertilizers. Mr. Oliver Grigg, who is in town:this walk has returned from. Purves, Man., where he spent two years They were busy years and so quickly 'tlid .they spe ?d by that he looks scarcely a day older. 'Ile .ys that . in Manitoba a the craps wore good, but that the rain de- s h rlded too early, the winds blew and the snow came so that a large part of the grain yet remains in stoev or stook. Of that which has boon threshed a large percentage is of a .Iow grade, and owing to the difficulties under which. they labor the threshers have raised prices. MI in all, the lot of the average western tanner has not been a hear &omc one thep ast few months. Mr. Grigg expeets to ii turn to the prairies next spring. December 11b, I010 R=sT�As NOVELTIES Sateen, Regal Taffeta, Moreen and lteatherbloom PETTICOATS Ladies' Black Sateen, splendid glossy cloth, good wearing quality, two and three flounces, all sizes, Reg. 75c for 59e. Reg. $1,00 for 79e, Reg. $1.28 for 98c. Reg. $1.75 for $L29 Reg. $2.00 for $1.50. Regal Taffeta. Petticoats Reg. $2 25 for $1.75 Reg. $2.501 for $2 00 Reg. $3.00 for $2.25. Reatherbloom Petticoats Regular $2.50 for $2.00 Reg, $3.09 for $2.25 Reg. $4.00 for $3.25. Golf Coats $11.85 Ladies' and Misses' Golf Coats in all the pop- ular combination colors high and low eolars, reg $2.25 and $2,50 on sale during sale at $1,88 Fur Ruffs $7.75 10 only Fur Ruffs. Marmot, Timber Sable, abelbe Coon, furred ath sides, long length res. $1.00 and $10.00 Saturday $7.71 Belts, Jabots, Collors, Scarfs Fancy Linen,, Table Linen, Parasols etc. Knit Top Petticoats Ladies' Knitted Petticoats, black only. These are made with a knitted top, with two or three flounces at bottom with nust frill and make a very warru Underskirt. Priced at the following during this sale ; Reg. $1 75 for $1.21 Reg. $1 50 for $1.10 Reg, $2.5C for $2.00 Reg. $3 50 for $2.98 Reg. $5.00 for $3.90, Men's Fur Coats at Cost. We are Clearing out of Men's Fur Coats at Cost' and less. We do not intend keeping up this Departm't, hence the following deep cute: COON COATS. - regular $85 00, for $09.00 .. " 50.00 - 37,00 Brown CALF Coats " 20.00 Is 00' GALLOWAY Coats f° 35.00 . 29.00 "' " " 25.00 - 19.00 BLACK DOG Coats " 25.00' 19,00 Black, CURLY Coats • " c;F 00 29.00 1 Linen Collars 5c. Men's 4.ply Linen Col. lays, single and double bands, assort'd sizes and heights, reg. 206, each, Saturday5c or 50c doz, Ties 121'c. Man's iz'anev Ties in all the new shapes, reg. 25e, 35c. and 50e., some slightly soiled in win-. dow display, Sat'v laic. Men's Stiff Front Shirts 70c.' Men's stiff fronted Shirts in light and dark colors, some open at front others at back, all. sizes, reg: $L25 and $L50, Saturday 79c. Men's Flannel Shirts 50c. Men's dark striped Flannel Shirts, with col- lar attached, a good warm garment for winter wear, all sizes, reg. 75o,, Saturday 50c. Men's Ordered Clothing $25 for $21. We have laid' out ten Scotch Tweed and English , Wor3ted Suits. .all new colors and designs, for this sale at a saving of $4 par suit, Made to your measure, best trimmings well tailored, fit guaranteed. Don't miss this opportunity, Reg. $25.00 for $21.00. Men's Ordered Suits $20, $22 for $17. • Ten good patterns of Scotch and tlEnglish Tweed and Worsted Suitings to be cleared out during sale. See. these in window. Reg. $20 and $4, for $17.h0. Men's Soft and Stiff •Hats. We are Clearing up the balance of the Hat Depart- ment at Cost and less during thi Ten Day Sale at the fol- lowing •Prices : MEN'S Bl'k Stiff Hnts,$2.50 for $108 t1 „ 2 00.. ' 1.50 Br'k Soft •' • 2.50 1.08 " 2 00 1.50 " 1.50 L10 Odd Lot of Soft .Shirts.. 25c. Broken lines in Men's and Boys' Soft Shirts, 25c. • ..`171-1.- 731 timite tiesammemilia=e Personals Dr: Thompson willhe a candidate for the town council: Mr and Mrs, : W. II. Webb -have r.'- II .turned from Tofield; _1lberta.. Inspector Torrance attended country council at Goderick yesterday. • Mr, E. Townsend, formerly of town, is at prsent attending toe Holiness Moventcnt). College et Ottawa. Nurse : C1u1t was .called to Welland on Tuesday to assist in a very set - loan operation. Latest.'reports in- dicate ndicate that the patient, who, by the way, is a former Clintonian, Dire. S, Beattie; formerly Miss hluir,. is progressing' nicely. Mr. and Mrs. \\'. N. Manning of Lon- don visit. d with the Iiodgens lam- titcs, Goderich, and with old Clin- ton friends • last week. Pleasing. memories of a.+oc at ion in bye - gone years.add,,' to the of the welcome tliat always awaits them here. Mr. Frank W. Evans was in Toron- to last week attending a meeting of the • management and superinten- dents of she N abional ; Land, Fruit and Packing Company which has so extensively engaged in the learhg of apple orchards throughout Kris pasta of the province, pare cularly in HIuron County. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Farquhar, after a week's visit among old friends in' Clinton and vicinity, returned .. to their homeair Hil sgre n onFriday last, Mr. and Mr Farquhar hay e lived aear that burg,for upwards of. twenty years, but now purpose giv- ing tip the farm to their son and will move into hlensall to take .life easier in future. . ' Rev, T. Clarence Johnson, • son of 11ir. and Mrs. T. D. Johnson. of town, who has had eharge of • the Edrans, Man., parish Inc the past u -. cook of years, has been t ra f.ns err cd to Br0ok alc, same p_ rovhnee. The good work he has beendoing has beefs much appreciaii'dand what t .drans will r I will a loss for be a corresponding gain for Brod,kdale.� Stanleg Township Mr. John Sparrow continuo; te, buy hors. -s at all -seasonsand now has several fine animals being .fit'ted ., for the market. The .latest purchase, is a .:nhperior 'mare from Mr, Walker .of the Brownson Pine. Mr.. Penlis,le lost a valuableyoung horse the other day. l Special. Meeting of Huron • Presbytery. The •?runs . ti;ry of Huron met in Willis chura'h yesterday for a special purpose. There were present Rev. pr, Stewart, Moderator, and •Iter. Mess.. IFletcher, Thames Road ; ` Ilo;a; . and Ilaihiilt<on, . tloderich ; Larltl,, Sea - forth.; Sharp, . Exeter Shaw, 1 g More Local News on Pa . lse. 5• Just Around the 'Corner. Copyr of adv(. for Jeweler C,otlnter came in too late for a change and other ads reached us too late for in- srhrtion at all if we are to get ii.h press on Thurelay. Mr. Counter, h who always has a 5 neat stock, announces an especially nice assortment' far Christmas, mondviile ;'--Mc}! arlane, • Bayfield Mann, Auburn Sniall, • 13lyth .; Pearcy, Londesboro ; Smith, I3ensall;' Johnston, Varna, and Caswell, Me - Rev', 0. 1:. Grant was also present, 'and there were shirty -five elders. from' .the different congrega tions,' the following of whom were representatives ; Messrs Grieve, Sea forth ;' Strang, Exeter, Ilrigden, Blyth ;, McKay., Kippens Young, Auburn.; :1' Icoat, Brueefield ; 1':ber- hart, Ilginondville. In addition there were present) Rev. Dr. • McKay, moder'a'tor of the Gener- al Assembly and secretary of Foreign Missions, and Rev, Dr, Grant, Super- intr;ihdent of Home Missions, each of whom 'addressed t+'he gathering.. The special meeting was called for the purpose' of considering what is known. air "The Million Dollar Dudget," and to receive--t'se-reports t f special committees appointed at the regular meeteng of t+:ie Presbytery, It is the thaire of the Church during the year of 1012 to raise one Iliillronadollars to cover the work of home and for- d ;n nein ions and other" schemes out- side foe usual clnirch expenses. The apportionment of fourteen tlaoustnd dollars of this amount was aceurt+•'d by the Pre:'lay tory and was re-apportionedp over the' iffrrentcoh - ggPresbytery. re ations of the Thr addre.r.es of Rev, Drs. McKay and, (;rant, ware interesting and inspiring. and then foto the ministers are gilt r going work of assisting in this grew rots• Watery ent''rprise with enthusiasm. • The . News. From :.Lon - desboro • We are glad to hear of the speedy recovery ef. ,atria. . 'Thos. I'abertlan. `• Mr. and Mrs. E. (.,car: Of Blyth vis - sited. at, the home of • M,i. Geo.• : L. Lyon on ,Saturday. • Dr..MMleTaggar.0 of Blyth ,was in the). village. Monday. of this Took 1 11r. Bert I3runsdon .Iclt.Tuesday..for. Brantford where. he' has accepted •• ,a position in the G.T.R.freight • office. I Miss Minnie Snell of . Auburn spent' a' few day;, wrtix friends in the vis!. loge. • . - • Messrs. R Coldwell and Geo co M fi Rev. Mr. Usterhout will occupy •tut; pulpit' of Auburn Methodist • church: Sunday .next.. The :services here will; bo takea in the Morning by Mr. 'Wm, Lyon and in .the ening' by ; .:J Mr.en- kins. . • ie, • 'Mr s., (Dr.) Sloan loan leF t Saturday ay of last week for South 'Porcupines ,wher; •she i'r,'ll join her 'husband. • • uite a 4i u ngiber f.)iiih t evicine t s went, Vo Blyth- Tue.,lay : iv:ening to hear Rev. Mr. : Leckie address the..b;a:• deavor there. Mrs. T. S14oiie of Weston spent a shipped a carload of• potatoes} tbb.:s few days at the home •of Mr,• Jas. Teck.. Mullett Township M l`' r. (� Edda v S n sr new neighbors hors g on the' Gravel Road turned out 'Wed- nesday ednesday of this week and helped hint cut his a wntex 5•u b pply of wood, Needless to say he arpreciabed . itheir kindness. Miss Mary Patterson spent Satur- day and Sunday with her Collegiate friend,_Miss A. Leitch. Quite a large nuniber of the Hulictrt people took in the .Winthrop .supper last Monday evening. • The runeral of the late Mr:. Robert Armstrong took place from the homo of Kir. Matthew 'Armstrong on Tues- day of tornpon Le Maitland cemetery, Mrs. Armstrong formerly lived near Constance but moved to near Wal- laeeburg where her husband and son have 'been in business. The bereaved husband and son have the sympathy of the entice community. i,q .' Miss Mary .Jane Stewart and , a,�w, Adams were married .on Wednesday. Only .fie immediate relatives a.id friends were present. Mrs.' Wnl.. Hesk is improving some - ad to say. some- what, are L t we g Mr.� and Mrs. 5. Glidden, nt'ho have lived for some years on the 2nd con.; have moved to the Gravel Road and taken 'possession of the John Reynolds .farm which they have L;,s- ed for a t'.,rni 'of years. They will be much missed by their old neigh- bors for reasons which will be be'tttr understood by thus? among whom ;hey will reside as they know W tl C' bettor. Mr. and Mrs. CL.tdot are kindly and hospitable. le. The following is Vie report of A. 5. No. 5, names in order M went • • Sr. 4th -Elva Met"out, 5t.try Vol- 3r. o1- Jr. 40'--l01orence Vpride n. Kee tin n Waymouth, l+Ifta Brown (.•1w;.'r, t''ina Lee _ . Sr. 3rd -Ira ' Rap ntid ' .Jr. 3rd-Marjey MaCoei, r ,r. me. Cool.. r.2nd-Annie ` Wavm„!it,i, : ' I'., ..r.: (ribbings, Alice. Voddeii,. ;trace . \', +t 0:11, /inert Corbett. Sr, lst-Percy '(`ribbings,- Helmer Snell, Arthur Wgynouth, Sydney %Lee. Jr. lst-Wellington McCool, Joenie. Gorbubt. . Best spellers are Sr. 4th -E. McCOo1. Jr. 40--K. Weymouth. Jr. 3rd -m. McCool, Sr. •2nd-F..Gibbtngs.• Sr. 1st=II, Snell. Jr. 2nd -Roser Gotbu@t. • 010 Kippen N e n • The following is . the Novemb,tl: monthly report for S. S. No .%t:. Stanley. Names are in order of err e. it • 5th elass---Melvil}c McC1ymont, it. L. Mcelymont. ' . Sr. 4th .M. parsons, J. Collins. ,, Hoot, Jr. 4th --L. Wasmann, N. Hood,' Ross. Sr.'4I ., 3rd -L. � a ' d I .l a1 to nt and• i.i .I yA t Fisher, equal, Cecil Johnston. Jr. 2nd --W: Colh:ns, l ..Makins„ Il. Collins. Sr. 2nd PO --Gracie Cooper Notion. flood. ' Jr, 2nd Pt -W. J. }toss, ' W. „k Harvey, Ella It she.r . 1st elassi-i , R. Parsons, R. V. yI Ont r I C m AgnesNigh, i lh Y 1 The het, t ,1 , spelle;r't iq the month(; spelling matches tetra Sr, 4th and 5th --Anna May MoilJr. 4th -Nelson /food..` ,Sr. 3rd --C, Johnston. Jr. 2nd -W. Harvey Collins.