HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-07, Page 7W I Z . , , . � � . vwaUrlthot 101 VW04 Nevis.!Wwro __ - . I 0_1 ''.. 111-1 -1 .1. 1. � ­­­ __40��,V_ � --.--.----.. � I . .__ -1 . 7 . - ., =1 ., ,I I I — _.- ____ - - ___­_1�_��_­­_'_­­,._, " , - I I wr�.,,, _ . --i�,�—.;�,�.,.,,�..-,,;:�;;�--�:;.,��,, - I -­_Is��t ....... � _____ __ ___ � . Q. D. XcrAQGART -­­*—­ -_ .. - - r � ..., I I Oil "is I remember; -remember, too, neatit Qui of th*4'fouit In which Uslipt I mountitins. and, trAverFea th�il *V4#1V , 9. D. VcTA0QART DM YOUR. STOMAC" , D r 0 F -bearing a epy lic,-hind me, With ,tl , lat ,ke sure that I had not dreamed silent Collett that fall away, to tkvp NEW "ELP OCCAMNALLY r , I . my recolleetlicia of the struggle blurs it out. For tho-evetit savored of a 101110 P4011c. 1301ton had gilded Ow � 1 T H E L A N . I completely. bolt front a clear ik � Palm at the iludson's I . - I Nootorell anod Artiflolool Mitioll loveotiom4ed . I . . y. I could searce- r lay ( %)m pasly * kv 3*4010fistiti, I. war lying beside the fire, Jessie IY believe that only a few licturd back his search for me, and ow thvy. vilopt. . You've often noticed how ravenously etralloi of its ,rapped I CrIft MS. he*ltby children clamor for their Meals I .. Jleu of water, when I again became accomplishment; how Dolton had It, r I - MeTag rt Bi 0 R E A T 3 0R,R0 WL rUbbIllir My forehead with snow , In I bad listened. to the a miderately 4 . their fetid *J*_ I .. .. � . I I I" -- . . I Barreau--at least there wait on, wwro I . and how car.11y they dir . - 'est 11101 .tl. ' $ that ' . cogn.lzant'of my surroun(lings. Var, the fillIclesS at time re<,.clved both my j shooting at dogs. nor any effort ,.1,t,* would r,ve ood many 9f ,us "grolvillm 1. I reatit stood on ,the other Wole of the letters, how he had traced 11le, stL�p recover tile money, that vo8t Mo;g*j*t�l horr� lbf i . —BANKERS— %"j 0 a a attack ig indigestion, . BY THOMAS LENNON - I _ . Now you continue to get occasional at* I . fire, putting on fresix wood. by step, trota blacLeod north, and his life. Or perhaps they Judged .,'t . . . tacks of indigestion without,trying to I "I'm vorry� sorry, Bob." rile whis- how he had only locatet) nit. on the unwise to meddle with a Party Vlkl* locate the real cause of the trouble. . 00 pored, and her eyes were moist. "But SioanalLs ItIver, through. the aid or tile I ours. In the case *fthealthy, romping child- - . .. _ -,-- _. __ . - . .. __ YOU know I Couldn't stals.4 by and see Ulldsous' Day (;quopany. tj 0 1 A GENERAL BANKING �BUSI. tea through the fresh air and the cease. thel offered me, Well, I dare say they Ipg to do. Either In camp or �on trail, , e was , a, SO. by IhIs wide d0tour, we came Al� a . I Jew; activity, rain or oldisc, the solivary I You— It woulol have been murder!" his way to the po�)st. Our inpeting, was i last to St. Louis. There Barreau XA4, NESU TRANSACTED. NOTES processes are constantly exolted-to ahigh felt that it would nott be locig--­ Ile It"' 11 -U64 -N -S. to Bar nothing of our. I Sat up at that. Across the top of , purely Accidental. And sr.. I . I r , i Jessie. -were inarried, aikil depisotf%�tA , ol il 0111 � . . . activity. They haven't an greater broke off., with a shrug of Ills Shoul- selves, were at the melocy of that my head 4 great welt was new risen. the tent. I saw % lo.jje secot,luel *plying tbpove upon their holleyalou". WRe* I DISCOMTED, DRAFTS ISSUED dig6stivilt Capacity than we la'$* but ders. Then lie put the package away bi,4den marksman. So wil kept our My face, I could feet, was puffed and the (Lre. I .slippect on nature properly Irepares the food for In a pocket under his parka. Jessle way, praying only for a sight at, him, bruised. I looked at Barreau more ; I had ta the few clothes - their train bad pulled out, I wt,nt Wkk INTWW,,ST ALI.OWXD ON DE- easy _ . . That's the way Nature watched him closely,. but said tiottiltig. I ar for A thick swirl at snow to '-Ode Closely; his features kAy, Off, an(j *at dowil besl(te Doltoll bac-li to Ills office In (lie hawif, intends it to be (lone, and if we lived . were battered , the c4eery crackle of the - blaxei to I Ile $(,,it- f blinselt Its. the very rhair %rip. I . POSITS, ,SALE N, 0 T 4, r; PUR- right we would crave and enjoy our foicod A puzzled Ierolo� replaced her former i the betraying tracks we ma4e. We even worse than mine. ' inpolitate upon the miracle, I Was Ilml ov,jjied the do I just as touch as any child, ,y t canse atild I=g-. lx . apathy. 1'snoved slowly, the lugging of the dogs "Did YOU hit me with art axe. or wax sacto enough to shudder at what might died Ow burden of 'my affairs Z . CH-ASED. For years you perhaps, have beea That Right we slept with the (logs ' eked out by myself with a rope. Bar- � it a tree?" I aliked peevishly, "That is have Lmen. It Darreau, and I lia(l had 111111. U '. cocked his .feel tip. ont. glo�* � treating indigestion the vivrong way. . - 0 . , � , stiol"ch specialists have f6und out - - . I tied Inside our tent. and the tobogg;�.0 repin broke trot). Seattle brought up 7 the Way toy head, feels," a t0w lilinulftr longer. I desk, lighted a cigar, and lo-aned fmvX. I . . that the, trouble is Tiot always in the drawn up beside our bed. 1, did not the rear. : ."The rifle," she stammered. "I -It In All hOul' 411 tke Vamp was astir. "Well, Itobert," tip finally broke l.ipw - - - It. T. RANCE. - — istarnach itself, but in the improper sativa- ask B�arreau his reason for Lilt$. I At sundown, midway of a tiny open was -1 didn*t Went to hurt you, Bob, 13011.014's: cook prepared breakfast, and my inedlitittious, "how about wits tion and preparation of the food for . . I 240TARY PUBLIC., .CO'.4VF,Y- digestion. They now tteat indigestion , could hazard a fair guess, Whosoever apace In the woods, our two dogs were but the rifle was, so heavy. I couldn't we ate by canolle light Ili a tent *Warm- sebool question? Ila% , by producing proper conditions -before had deprived Morstell of hie dogs, allot down. Barman: whirled *In his � Make you stop any other way.; you ed by a. sbeet-fron ' - , ft yolo l,leciarg ANCER, . FINANCIAL, REAL food reaches the period of digestiou, just might now be 4weAtIng a Chance to do tracks, stood a - mom � wouldn't listen stove. flow Otte's wlic-re you're going to try ror a 0', ^� ­� . cut glaring �: to me, evest." point Of view shuffles, like tile needle -find when? What aboui It?" PSTATE AND FIRE IN,41JR- themay Nyal's Digestive Tonic sets, a like favor for us. I woold have furiously; then, with a fatalistic So that wets the way of, it! T got to or a (:qmpass! A tent IvIth a stove I , , , r !,.- It works on the preparatory salivatory . I shrug it "CJR AGENT. REF % process, excite; its activity, so that food talked to him of this, but there ,was a, Q! his shoulders, he 0 . n "I van Lake up college ally time." �.! . . , , poped, cut loose MY feet. Saying a dull ache In my it. wlierf- one could be thoroughly responded. "Just now --well, llxt� Va- SENTING 14 FIRE INSUR- digests n4turally-not artificially. restraint betiveen us that had never the.dea4 brptes, hi%rn;k4nd all acid head,and the smarting of ' 0 I ' , . my bruised comfortable, sef,,med to me the Ing to ,he r�such. A Kearoa lu thv tow JWCE. COMPANIES. This not only gives ydh comfort instead arisen befaro�. And so I held my laid hold of the rope wit"e. face, I felt equal to allYthing-and the pyra-told Point of luxury. . of pail], but gives you what is far better, � , eallips will it -itch me sollieLhing; ant DIVISEON COURT OFFICE, i'natural appetite for food that you Peace. . : That night we were not disturbed. physical Pain was as nothing to the After that there wax tile Confusion I would fike to run -tile bicsine6s Jait'-. digest and assimilate. That's what f fell asleep at last, for all the Silent - Jessie slept In the little round t I h rt of my _ I � cut. u pride. To be felled by a of tearing ill) varcip arid load i CLINTON. re5uilds the tissues and puts real flesh guest that lay by the toot of our bed. I Barreats and I burrowed wl woman-tbe woman , I , IOVqd! I d1A I Ing it half- as my. father did. I can't ralie, fi,.3� I . th our bed- I : dozen dog teallis. jessie Sat by th" i study again, AuyiVay tit(- schools fixr,gli . on your bolies. What time I wakened, I cannot say. ding under the snow besid love her. and therein lay the urt of grotat fir'e that was ,kept ill) ol$lable" � , 1. �1 It you try this remedy we know :�ou I , e the fire. h I no. monopoly or knowledgr; therpla ,a will be pleased, Nyal Remedies we Bill- The moon glarii fell on the canvas and I think Darreau was to a black her .Action. I could hardly understand and ties' 1`14ce wall trutibled, flarrPau ' . I W. BRYDONE,' c 0 - t medicine cast a hazy light Over the tent * mood. The girl sensed it, too. It, and yet I , 1 wonderfill lot of thlitgs, thot a rerflo- ' . aerely believo t ' be the b" . I - . She --- strange paradox -- I I notlCefj, drew Bolton it little way har, to teach himself-" . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . vatue4- effored. - , � 7 ' terlor. And as I lay there, lialf-ra . shrank f rom both - of us So to, the. did not trouble myself to try to nnder� off, where. flip, IWO tjf t1leni titood . . . ed to get up and -build a fire, Barr trail again, the weary drag of the ,-tend. My brain w" In no conflit',on talking i.-arfif-oitly logPt1wr, Boliml ex- u .,�itvncp a Cew Sold and GuaraftPOW by W. S_,R. . %l 1 Lie surveyed me I . I 1. - stirred beWe Ms.; and spoke. shoulder rope. . for solving problems 6f that sort. I Postulating, lidt-reaul ur in . Irectly mlituto"i. III$ cigar pollited. rakisbl,y NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. ficlicues, J. E. Hovey, -W. A. . . I 441ASt, I I 've," I At noon we ate the last of our W ' g g 0 .8 . . . . .. � � W,Connell, Clinton. I . . night was Christmas L I as not concerned with the why,; the after that I *,,Iw 130ef-all, W11,14 two Of lort, Ills eyes half shut. Tilml lie &e. I GFRIM- Sloracce Block -CLINTON. - _­ I he usuitered., "To -day -peace on earth ' ixioose meat, and whe next we le'rossed fact was enough. , . l3olton'Is inell t�(O bell) isinl, IQ,,(, oil � e or I HVered himself of tiths: * . . good will to men! Meriy Christmas, moose tracks in the snow Barreau .If I had been the Istitormed bor who Ilse tit) 1p , I "Quilt- a developmeot, Bob: v,,:;, lj�_ 7--_ . . . I . -_ � . ' 9 alins over aguin. Ife. led it , . . What a damned farce!" . ordered me in a surly tone to keep cowered beforellii.ose two. Italry-fir I deed. You Inri here last ,full*-, - ^,-.4. 119HARLES B. HALE . I . . . He turned-9ver. We lay qulte still straight, south, and set on ' ) . I ited to ove *IdG, Ills snowshoes lying on I low, eiga - rette-ronoking Idol- -alk x1varr- , . .1 . I. with his I slave-drIvers aboard tile, 7\1(,,w �100n_ . Itle load. Theu he c,alnfl Over to I . Conveyancer, Notary Flu,bli, . . . . . I � . for a ton& time.;Then, .in that dead rifle. . " . I but I was not', I never (.1could be again. .D%sle. r,eaciling will1i age specimen ot .In ordinary IyDr- awt . 0 - � � I � , 11 his plarRa, youtil. Tile North suadc,-it tuary �ot . Cornmissionot, Etc. - . I ,FAWLY � hush, -a husky whined, and Baribau It Was slow work and b Pavy . to .? ug The Trouble Trail had hardened, more fit,, drr�w r(Arth. the Ii,m.11-,ag(1 lie had you." .. I ­ I . I sat "up, with a w I . that) my bone -and sinew.' Standing � taken off Lilocitell,s l)OQY, "Ild held it I � � I . , � Wspered oath his* thitt load alone. Jessie went ahead, � I - 11 0 wfte trembling, and struck Savagely but her weight wis not eu( ,ould , any an.%wf-r to tbwT, IREAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. 0 . I .1 . . . . ough to. there by the'tire, 1 c seo,- bow it uut to bpr.� I did not make , I . Issuer of MarriiLge Liceneas. . � .. I I at Ibe dog. The sudden spasm of rake crush the loose particles to any degree would be, I thought. Unless thp un.. "Uirl," he 4aid, anii thorp was that I was refleming, it trlfle bitterly, dwr .. , I It - . . . . . subtly communicated Itselt to me. 1 of firmness. Par every quarter Mile see" efteMY who 11OVered abOtit ulo,eitt In Ills vati.-ft wilich Par(- ine it slidden -ro penalties attaelted to M*.r � � . � � . . . ... .� � � i thpi-to wt 11 . HORON STREET, - CLINTO' N.. . I I . 0 F lay quivering, In the blankets. If 1 gained we sat down upon the load� to It short with his rifle, wp werp forr- Pang. mid xs,jit a rltl4br (Or .,;)l,1n) I I atlkillillg Of manhood --. tit tit!; (­�&s*, I I I I . . . I . 0 . . . . . . . � . had move,c], It would have been to turn rest, sweat,standfug In drops Upon my doomed to maddening wt,pk%, perhap.i. itty ' vlieek, 1,11o�ll,e is Your rarl(l�e'r's I at least. I . . . , . - ' . . . . . ___ . . and- strike .him, as be bail, struck the, face and freezing In pellets aft Itstood, months, of each other's consparty., mosioey, 1110,re is Ito tief,Wror in, to - . . . I . ..... I . . . . . I T I I I-,, END. I DRS. GUNN & GANIhER. . 100 " .GIRLS dog. It Passed presently,#nd left me4 And at one of these ha'Its I fp tako varri or it, no)w. 4,0()d -by." , I I . . . . . . . . . �l I to I Though .Shia had, Jeered at him acid ., . - . . - � , � ' . ; : I . , : . ' wondering. .. I got up then acid -studying the small oval ,face, framed .flaunted her contempt,for,blin at b)lh- Sho starful ill) at iiiin. lotaking . 101 � _� . . . I . . . ... ( -ft Dr. W. Quoit, L. R. . C_ P., I . dressed. So did Barreau.. We built In the Parka hood, beside me. .The' �IacLeod. and the. post, Jessie hat) ,put 1001`41 to fahe file Package, and ro wilth i LORE OF THE, Fl.N(4101 R(N m' I I . ' ,, . . ,a firb. and -sat by It, thawing meat, sad, tired look Of it cut me. There by that hostile, bitter spirit. To trip, a liLlIP glislulf: lie di * I From rmnolest . milquity. iiug�,_r . . . . L. R. C. S. Edin. . WANTED , . I . .. Opped it at lier . . I ­ . . � r . �. .melting snow for tea, �!Ooklng ban- w1s'a Stout, heart,'to b I e I surp, in that she seemed. -afraid of. Barman, Site rf�olf and turned Uway. And t3 lot, laid � Dr, J. C.' Gandie'r. B. A., III B. I , ,� , . I . . I a I ringi; linVe 1)1,)Yp(l iso many parts �r. I I $5, ( 0 p Week to kart A'Vitb tiock; i0l' in silence, like folk who I I . , the Varlolls ' I . small body. But I was * arrairs of ,,it,n ;u,A4 I - -L ,er, . I . I killing work' shrank fromblin, bot.h. his word and litild x)t the dug will She 'Prang I. , . . I - � . Office--Outario St., Clitittou.. Niglit, I for gir . I ­ . involuntarily. lowerAheIr voiees.ln a , for . men; and 'for I her -1 gritted ' . L P .5 01 wonlon, and have beon so c7o.!wsI#r . � CAst ar residence, Rafte Is ei ht I rid . ., . my look: And I must stand like -a- I)u:'?Pr !L(,r fpel and ran after illn,; I I ' nbury St. .. . g een yean ai . great empty church,' tile. depths -at a teeth at Elie snesll of clircum I . � . . . .- identifivil wills Ole Inoods, spiltillypiatA_ . I cor at Hospital. Over. Apply at once. . .. . . I . .. stance. , betwee , u., W�eeks pt. susplolour looks, "Oeorge, '.13qorge!" -:4,t. ever a cry I and aspirations of all clamms; *r. I . . . . . . mine, or Like preatince of death. Afraid "It you were .only' out - otilojeal I 'it - . I . Ous actions, of simmering hate Iminclod a tiote of pain, that (fid It' PPC)T)lf' List :1 ('0111101,9801II".1; 1101 'K*X' � ,. I , of thls,11 I . * , , . I reef. . — . . I I of this c -lass of jv%vollery .!is really a . I . I to speak? I -laughed at the faoc�, and- Murmured tenderly... . * . that would bubble' up in- hot w �rdtl Itiatle ine witice.- Ue ,xvilirlod oii* Ills I . . . . . . ,� ' . . . . . . . D. S. Perrin' & Co' looked up at the raucous sound of MY I looked .up iluickly at :I ertandbing and sudden blows; I did -hot like Lim' , hf`(% and tile dog whip fell u1siholeded, , sum"ll"g ul? of 1116st that is drs0*- .� . � . DR. J. W. SHAW. - I ' * . . . . � - . . I I . . . . I gujs�bpd. picturesquc, aml romariXfv '4r, . I .: Lim'it6d, LondO-n. own."voice to'find'Earreau sc6W:llzkg sound�,alld there Was Barromls, 'mpiy- prospect. I .11. . . In 1.114, . . .1 I . . . .. . . . � . - . . 11 � . f . . � I . $11OW. 1 . .. I history. .1 . .. . 4 � . . . . . -OFFICE- � � I . . � .� . .. blackly . �at the sound, I thought. .handed. I iltall never torg(-t th "I' haie a "mind �'to -settle it all. "Cob, oh,," she Panted, "I'(tan't tak 'tarlitig at the lli�fisboldor Tilstorr.. ' . � I . I — . .-. - . . I I � .. � .e .S .. - �L I.. - - - - - Before -long, J erl .� . . - or troe ast- . r � 11 . . . .. . . elss.le cattle .4111117 . �119 In Ills eves at slgh� tit me standing right here and ctw�!" - I thal.. it isn't sills ti: it's blood -Ino wo'.finil artio,rig the' rings . . . . RATTENBURY ST. EAST, '' . . . ' . . , to the rite. The rigors of the North there With one hand -resting lightly, on. I did not know t. . - . I . I ney. (,tent Fzylotians. O.X.1111100,5 whicre v,x- . � . � . . . Intil Elie words wo,rf�. . . � I ­ . . D, N. IVATSON - I _ ... I . . . I .1 .1 Aufl-acid if You.go by.your$elr, ,I , perfs-itgrep him -0 date rro'n x: I TON.- . . . .... . . I .b.reeff.h. wolfish, ,hunger, We ate huge -her shoulder. There w -d swdi, * . ' , .. � I P,rf*0- . � � . � . . . I .. as no woo out (hat I litiol 'spoktin alolif.l. As. a Ishall go,Wltli you." . . . � _ � . . I . I . . . . � I . .1 I .1 beroro.- Ow-Dohisir-. , . I � . I .. 1 : ('LIN'TO, N*. - - ONT. quantities of bannodk and moosid Ve, took up-�-hq rope'. witli TY101, - : ,,4park.Tal.ling Ili loose ijo��Ior, ro wa,, '1171th. me!," Ile beid bon. ,toy the. , - The (Arolsiis: -llg& foa )Rxl:� I I . I I .. . . . I . � I . �. � . I I . . NO a 11 q. a T � . . . That done, we '.aid Montoll's . "4here 'In -the aine of Heaven * Tnarls .y3r,o, I ' . I � . .. . LICENSED AUCTIONEE R meat, . . I.n .are the. effect of tba.t -seutOUQU 1; '" 1, A .shotilders, looking down. 111LO )If r. 11T)- 1-molled in ring'-, of all's* � - . . � . . body at the base of a spru * ' � mbapos. wid sizma, 4onir, of titera ,w.�k . . .1 � * ' DR. C. W. TH . . 94D r the County (if IT . . de, .and �iled you' heading forV s6mething Present. spirit as turbulent and cis' 3.):.:y triest litrited fuco. Never befdrp hiCol. I seen. . I OMPSON. . uron. Corrcr4,� Then ly. spu ' rred rne't* ask of him. . as Ills. I . . - � I I . exillilsitidy beililtiful thar nlQdV-1:k I . I . � . - . pondence pipilruptly answered:, Charg- upon It -a great.heap of-brusit. . . . . I . .1 �'sllell :a Variety -of expression oil A goldsmillis iinve'-extreine. diffiell-Iry 0'.L* . I I , I I . . . � PICYSICIAN, SURGFON,'i ETC. � .we puk the dogs to'. the � 'i . 11 -, uture, . . . . I . - . � 60 modcrat� sud oatisfaction guaran- . I - . - .Tq tile Peace," h.e snapped back. . . Settle it, then keltIV I I, "I [In rb%c- 111al"S-fe, .s, it) so.shorr .I sp,ast 'of Imitating Ille"). I . � . . - t(;r , , mn f . af Iiest 11iblent r1max 4'r � . I . Special attkintion given t -O dis- ticool. Im�edjate - arran'gements toboggan,, increasing the.. IO'ad of, food -rh weet, through tile mounta,ins, to. his feet and shouted ot tole. ­I'hprt� -tillle; hope, Lptodernes, puz5o.lenlelit, .a' , A', I., , ' . . .oil . . . I I . eases of tho Eye, E'ar, Nose and ga hi dgt4ea .may be: mad . .1 from Montell's supply, * and leavi, . I - - Is. your gull behi � nd yon,". .. . - .. ­_ panorarniv or . enlotiolos. "I'm. all � out- ring blis bren regard'vif :I,, a %!gig 4e, . ..t � . � . e by' callin . . 119: ' down 'tli.f. Frasier, toward (be Aeund .. , , . ' * . - * , , Office or - , ol, behind., our Aent *and some few' things . J- blurted an oath aud -row-lip(I foo r law. There's 1-i P-rl('F,l Oil ,lily lie d � '' I ' I itr , I.P4 . Throat. at The Kewd-Reco'rd . .. . couritry. Wye think I Intend to - I I 'alik pliol -,I %yalbrol V alotilcir' � Watso. ivalk - . . . a � tbft �q' ' of alf. (.17-1�t.jil�m - , , - Eyes carefully examined- and suitable Frank a a,t Beacom -& Smyth's we aould not hau'l. Barreau went' into the arms of -the Police?"., . , file rifle. and as my fingert; -,I s(,ft; you - know thut. .And You . -self . vvi,nilt ventury . . . . �, j . . I . . . * 0 . . . I I - . glasses pro-scribe4j.: . . 1 grocc,yy- . . . I ahead, bearinig straight south setting, "'YO6 might. . do -worse,�' soroije demo . r) (-,. . Your en) wt- fill(]- It'recoguizeil ro; to 'ardrok � . � . . . I I . . . - I I I . . a.bout it Jessie, filing h " esel f on nlo, have. stlid --- all, I won't' repoat the Pf ePioieopal dignity. Th f!iio. ecercer - . . :..-. , . . � . I . . l7is snowshoes down ll�el ic� t 't� I " 1.:�16, nb�-fior!" ebe screamed, I ys- thing.% Yon loave said! You. kli" .. ti(,:I.l rings .44-F.- Invariably ,;t,t O' . 41i ..a I .. . . . Office and residence : 2 doors west of . . ____ . _ . �. I . oe,, Ism of irrifaPility prodipted me to snarl. . . . .) , . � . . . - . I I I I . I ' �. --;I.- ing.a. p . for the -straining. dogs. , . I4e-._.lookW back. at ine over his t; - ('ill, olf for sappitirf- - - flip 0-noblent-of liopi,7%*,S&a� ­ I I . - the Commercial 11ofX-1. Huron St. . I . . .. . . 1. . atrh , ... . erically. "I Woli't lot you . Y011 klle'W YOU WVN-Stabbing tile ivailt- ... . I . , . . � I I I -P ve * ' . I . � Pierce work.1t was, ,that tra-ll-brea.k�' sboulder, zinekening. Speed., , For. a God's 'sake. lod inels, not nins-dering Only, Mica—,'' �. . .. ., .. . of thein ,it -ry.inastsive�aijd or givilo;t . ,. I . . I I . � . I . . I . , � I � . . I cI rell altv ren O -P -- which is acemmIZA ' . . . . . TIIOII..I,'3,BROW,14-,-.LICEN.SEI) Al:-(* ' ' : Ing. W y. turn at it came to due cour�e. - moment I thought he woiAd turn on brutf,,.q. Think of rile, .If yoll %vortpt . . "I know, I knowi' Av� 6rlp.d. ­( I'lit 1: for by the rae. � that' tImse rings -in,vim � tioneer for the coiinties of 11 I ,. . . . .. . . � .1 . I . I . . . . - I . Id . ul'­11 'Thus we forged'ahead, tile black surw ' ' think �uf you r. O' ­ ,I 11, Ob, yuu . . I . toll. 4 C . . . . I Me lheii and there, atsol lily shoulder \Ntf liv".. st9l) it, stop evAd those thiligs �ti)(.s ' I for .Svvera.l eplit.orifit; worn -00-4&x A . . . , I . � .. . . . � . � . . . MR. F. A'. AXON. . and Per ortesocildenca proinw-.. rounding .'fores.t and the white floor misseles stiffened. Th-ev; ,wa I . . . can't tell how 11'Jitil, , t lllfi.to 1.111611i tji . at toivf! all(A oil thc: thomb: . ... I . . . I * I - 's. It thrill. It! Put down'lit.o.se -guit­W! :.... , "." . I � .. ; , . .9 . I �­ ­ . . . IY anSwereil.- *. Immediate ar-rati.cf-lof it irradiated liy the nsobnBea ' , .. ­ . 11m, prova, -0 .,k�. . . -DENTIST.- 1. . lum- �� can be -made fcris Sale: daific,$ ,,1:4 -, At I - . . Ins.- Ill. flie thought. ,But lie .only usut_. Sh P clung � to rcip -di,,;Is(-y*lt..u,.1.y himr all thNAhne you had booll play, � . ­ 111tig Viligiolls serg.t.1114-fifit .. If I . . I . . . tng a . . I - I I noon" camp, a gun.snapped � - ..... P * lily fqirids� Ile voi0d - have': doubli . i part - fodlhi�. I .. . � of H'Ilropp during the Mffldk� Age-tv Zst, ' ,. � . . I X - � The News -Record, Cl 1, into . ov.r � tered:.' �. .- ., � '. . . . . ering .1 . . . I . . . lily rather and I n, . or I%%, ' . . ' . . 111wstruted ,.in Aho, nufliorous vruciVic . . - . �. , among the- tr�es - and a - dog Nit: ' * , mall." . . r.ould sen� Idlil. . . . Specialist in Crown and Bridge-, - �- Calling phone 19.7, ,Seaforth.. 1(lZiar.-os � si)ra , , . v . . .1 . . . '!Get -a gillp on yourself, ' kil-lo'd rilt'. .kvltll,:(�as�. I lilyspir. 13"t "'ON I kho , W. J linow the and' ,dt-a.tli'n ' hC',ld J.- , iII914: Wait, ne . I . . . ". .. � � willag.. .As we sprang to our feet, -just *Wt ii6"first lower acr ON( .. Is'snIT Avort! * I . . f C. C. D.'�S., cclodem�_te 'arid satisfacti - � . . Ing -61! Ailskl-. ' ' oss tile. fis�p, waltirig'. Iiii, ririe�' 'Whole �Vretclleil 6lisilloss; Ox ,-!fix r1rig, which ii � on piaran * . . - - . , . , at ].east, - . , I - - UhicaW., and It. C. D. S., Tor- "I I . . � . another biushy. doubled up.. .Barreaii in 'My' oerifig. ovor BArreal I aisqd, die fire-gxow -I1*-1kLil1g'u .e)IO11 it f0. It tl f1c I'S fill) d.; f..g , , .some parts of ItIlly"thi" tru're !IdI.4mg; ... . t,,,c;d I . --1 . * . . . . . . . I r lialt r. . I , . - . . . - . I .1 . 1) . 's I ' . I I is 9. � . of, In I 0- [its ' . . . I � . , . I � . . . . . . . � I . cait ng -der I spotted. Qie shoi,el antlers his face, willi its blazing (,yes a nil � I . t�) e �-%'I(. -'n"ie- - the eyes,. The, deatit's It'ad, of-, 'Ia4�;. outo. . :. I . . I �. , *.. . . ght',-the reMalzi. two. by' !.he shou'l pdpt4i ba0c' dif-ru Alto of � (lie band. brings -kin � al tar W-Yrn,-v . . 1. � . .. . . . .. . . . . 1. . . . I . . . . I . .. � . V. I ... �1_ - . I collars and flung. a .squar-s� of , .' . . . .' ' . , 'partod lips, Ac�iath set thill;","''tll,,tl.,-xiii;tz(l(I lile- '11telfto inorl"' rings - (lepict 3: nvgfc:kt� . flayfield on .Mondays front May - to, � , .� , , . '' ,0.nvas of'a, mootie beside, It CIAliall) of. yoUllp, . .11911L togetlier, . There W�re I I � a . . . . I . . . . 'Over them. . A third shot missed, lie, willow,s. I ArOP ed the rope, knatoli.ed Knot I. could iIat free lie moilfild :sentiment,. but. flic. r,1.0iforis 1+r I . , . 1. : . . I � . , Dmembotv- . ' ' . To . . . .itlyself of that . afite.r that. .1 stortned. ;JE 11116 (fit. . � . - . � � The MKI116p. fflutuM Fire Caught up his, rifle and'. pl,unged ini.o. 'for* YPy rifle, and !fired - ais :'Uarrelom ulluging, crying -tri. Not -it onf!p, told. me flip troth.. part or I W.earing them seei.ns to bave, W*"a - - , , I . .. ,� In . I ih'e tlmbo�r. An .hour or . 1. .1 . . .. * I . . . . � f. . Yolk, followed by such entittent T%6rsOrAq.V,4. - I.. � . I . . , � . � morts we turned N, see what l vvilis abou.t. I. Witl'011t hill -ting' her. Mail as- I w,,�, I . (�otit't.know.lifikv sorry I"Ailk roll tholq. lli�4 Martin. fluther, Jbim. Buityaril, aix-11 - . . . I I I . . . I . 11 . . '.1 , anU - waited. Wbev he retursied I had the�� had d . � Ila.() no wish -to do. that'. .At 'length, horriblo, untronianly,tliing;s I said to . . I . . sulance Tomo . .. rawn. a 'beao). (in m - e, browl . .side . I .. . King 'ChArlos I, of -Englaild'. . . I I . I . I I ... -tobqgga.n ready. for � the road. . . " Allied to -this class *ario, Vic, r(owtuit"Z, - . � I ; 9 9 it AMIXTErll . 1, I 1. I I . . . . �. I . of hills as be',made, tfit. Mrst plungo., I 46wever, I l000.qpned her clitiging arnig, You. How tould I knim? Up lied go . I k 111ful -Farm and Isolated To*n Proparty- 'iI. got his track" lie -ialdl 64 . . - . . . I .. I . . . in] and -mourn1ng,rIng.4,,�-wb1cIv Jjn(" . ,. IME =' M � it . . . I . . . . . wOen an(k lie,dropped. . , .. I 'I a6d. pushed liev away. But silo . ConsiMently *­ pveli�,aj ()to ls.4C he * *r I 0 . I . . . Was , . . '_ 7 1 . .. -�-Onl!y. Insurwl� . . mOuthfuls *of *the food .J hast kdpt ­Wfolf . , I . � .. , . I or) , , 4. � old )it . del;igns- of modumonts . and tirmhrl � � .. I -TIME TABLE- I . .. . . . . . � � 1_04-t's tZleal", liall��Am sal(.1. quick as an:' atbletf... site* caught tit,.- I� a .10 file 7 t . e that � I I.i.e., com- - 1.1,11, �.,Ofnetililes wbri4q), ill thr. IT'Irg. V,!' . . � ' . . . . I . I * . , . � . ans Camp,!' : . � TIP 1. . . . warm. ­etre� man - Ile strtmic strilglit "And it tile*, ' . - 'pa It y I ' n I ,ild tah-en..tbe tiost loy, Bur- the deaT departed Nvith sm-h 'o -,w- - � __ . -4) F P I c E Rs - . . . . . � barrel of lily i1fle. as I gwun it ap, .) . I . I Z� . . . I . . � Trains will ariire at and (kilart, - . i . .1 . I east whaja be saw me start. There llo drew the toboggatrup &gainsi Y to gel dway . i . . - orting mottoes as "Be yo*also rimit_r ­ : from Clinton station as follows : J. B McLea �. . t a -and before I could Wealc *her froinzied. .pr1so,_tljai',.%%,6 wero Itic�.- ' I f, . . .. Scalarth mu be.',moro, thoumb. It It not like stand ot.-sptu.ct_osto volce in'thoi dark with 6iir llvo.4. 1 . bf-Ilev' 'othal 'and weddlniz,i kxvq� , , Ili Progidolitit, � . lien vy , taking a' gr1p,a §econd tlm� a ed-I'llut, until Ile" - . . . . ' P. � 0. ; jas� - _Colluo4i . Vice-P.re&i- the clompally td plat. all its eggs in one : . � . . . . Is'. I wit . It -h � I Tboo I I pilegsanter assoclatiolls', 611(i sorap. or. I I . . snowshete shovel -Wise-, fell to' baring near by' broke in up9ii I -1. saw you fill(] I -it money. I . I I BUFFALO AND (7,ODLRICH DIV : dolut,, Gcderich P. O'. ; T": 1§1 . I . I . - ' . .. I ­ Use, alitlque.:Onesi are channing aiNM. Going East . . I r . . . . r", HUY8, barket,", . 1. . t6 1, . I 1.1iie (mrtli for a fire base. I took my t star0ing clearness. . . I .1 1. kn I ew that I . 1 7.1+5, a. ill. Soc� otwy.Tre�isurer, Scil!CZ*.th - P. 0. . � . . . . I . 'p ha(-`sQId- YOU 6tli - fiis curious '.in. forth, Aniotig fill? .V&;x#',4 . , . . I . . . , Wtxi Iblak the. coltoop;wy is."Iselifts:d . � A . �, . . -einarkable or the Illiptial . l�!Ilgs ix vl��r - . . - , -Direct , . I . � . �!. . . . . . . . . . . 'she I . ..' it . ' I little beast,'.� I . .. I -,� , . I . i - - I asked. . I � . Iho -, gaMer. .4 ."Ginimal",-or doubin 44 d, 3.07 P. 0� .� .. ors- .. � -6initing Jiblycland went to the Tallen 1,111.eljo, folks, b0ld", I partner. V�W baen a. ., . . Lbr . ,la? . .. osze, Jessie stlrii6d abouq .The sound Of Met !it thp cilsp snow', .., - Obbo-0. a d' I'V6 been arrald.: to . P �j .. . .. I I . . I . * . . . ,- ring , ovitli ,ix 5-14 P- M.- William Chesney, �Saafartllh - ' John "Who else?'.'.b(., -Jeoirfirl. "riiiin't tias ,111g , SVIrlb6lisin of the twill hOops, Vuhte.12% , ! � Gail% West * ., 11.07 a. m. . 19 . �. .�. , V- . . . I .1 . . #ry twigs to start a fire. � .Uie sclileakirag c-Purich of t6boggans; tell roll. Pit; you �doji't . know-AiatV . I . ' ' . I .Orieve. Wicst*eoil, Vilham. Rinn, Con- Money wortb s=6 tr ' . when cloxe4 appear as oup- . , . .4 If . . . I 011131"B? And who ' 11;4piuissig 10 'ilance camp jhigs� uprosis at inuch -1 wanted to tell you�'btit I was . � I . . . . . I . 1.95 P . in - StAnM ;. John Watt, ffarlook ,,. idin blt)t w;ird, I olther volces;'tlsese. tl ­ . 1, . � I . . . . 1. . . I . . .6 , I the company -in-an knov� of 1tV U -hand. I cea. gle with Jessl,e. If you- *1 . � . � . 6.40 p. nt.. Bentlew,ieg, 13rodhagen.: James' . I 's.zIW,.Iii- Ili fh%lfgbt, Barreau towerlu'g sed, to strogg afraid. ]'Ili riot afraid now-. � . I I . . 14 If .EY- "Why'..hotber with dW, ,it tit - I . i . . ., I . . ., � i . 11.28 P" M. alls; Beechwood , bf. Men' wen, Clift- ,BO?41 1 I- . . � . . .!tt 9 over Jessie, taliffim.. ls.fs-speeo�,h DuuC--.'.otL-Iy \�'hen a ulan stepped. Into 'the are going' to strike;6lit alolse� I slvall I I . I .--. ­ I . . . . . I .. . . . . I . . I . I . . ___- __ � ' . . . . , . . eplied. "I'lle. same bullets tuated by an ociemlona) gristure. -Ills .(Atcle Of-'flreliklit, 'with other,., tilmly, go,.too." .,� * . . .­ . . .- I I . � � I . . LONDON, 111;RON & KFUCE DIV i ' I . . . .. toll P.* 011 � . woul-41 do foi- ut�­ . � . I . ' . . . I I . Whoo ing - l . I I . . I . I .. : . . Voice carried taintly: to me, I stood outlined behind hfu4_dId sim-ro I ease - : -1-16 bent slid k1sod ber gravotly. . . -1 1. -Agents , , . .."Y.1, Be ,I . . . I P . Cough * . . Geofng Nouth 7.5.0 a� no. , I . . ,.IVe ,r , Barreau'admitte4l, "hni; . lip Hud -%'Vatched., Iteason. bid its -head her 'hold Ou­m­v--9nI :'- Barrean Irad "I'lle Northwem ls,flo pIa c fol- Mo., 1. CROUP .1 ASTHm'% *C0UCJV5 I . l I �. . . . . At 1 44 � ii 4,28 p. ni.. Robert Smith, Hatiolock : E. flioch. there -in a Ue�yY debit against me� for -abarhed,. croW4edJaito the . Vailkground already let � the butt of . It Ia �d mp - to -his Jess," lie . said,."t . calin . ot erow,. It . in , BRONCHVIS 'CATAKRIt COUNS: . . . . , . Going North i'l'.00 a. M* lek, Seafo,rth ; Jn,'neS Curnlc�ings, Eg- thli hi�t Sour Years oif-`O6aIttng the . i;y a XwIft flood of ilass'lon. I could. feet. He stood Wokkijg from in le to .t,he. winter witiotit. I . 3eing sevii or I . 44 it ' 3 . INT, - . � I . P , M mondvilld , - Yoo, Ilolwesvillc. Htldgoltl's Bay� and thl.4). would be o ' ' 6.35 . . I � . I f ft flat 01611, collorentlY. I' could only the straliger, Ills hands resting on tile tralled,_ aild,*tliere" Is tic) getting* otit I . . � . . . . . . . . � Any Money to, -ise liaid in May his piece . with thc* " Black Factor's stand there, lAinking, furlous _- over triuZzlo.. I . . � .: of that jall-break, If I :lilt eaught. I I . . I . I � I . I . I � _. paid tb tMorrish .1,11othing Co.,,Cliston, mot..hodp, Thejr,wajo - his way is tile . wbAt .1 did not quite know, not pause � . "llow'-ile-do, evers'lioloy." .. , 1! must go ovbr the rrountain,4, . . I Ind. so to . . . . or ati, Cutt's g�oceifj Goderich. . . � . " . . q- C.Modwwaek, I . . . .policy of the ctimpAnY, __ to an owl is ,to Inquire.of.myseM .Par OhA nonce The Iniait stopped' -w, tho fire.and tile south, wlierp�tlierc are no police. ionentitorlitm- � . . . I . ESTANLtA"90. 141121 � . OVCR 68 YEARS' Partieg driqirous to effect inSu'ratint ,often oblique. 'Only by drivin'#,a ha)r- 'I . war . . I . . . d * � � ititigle imle. tind effective 4;'= . WIEMIC&A" I . 9xPr_R19:n40C . . ,, h,,, torjfcsiti�fs *In loy ellsotious a,q looked ng ovvr- Ile was sliort,'heavily You cannot. coing. - Bolton ay., --and chWtrouk4eA.SV0ld1n:VdrLW. VS I & flUnsfict *()thei butainess will he . iftopff mo p2mysitte of whoppilix cout� . . I I I . . - . gaAn could they, have taken The POVt - any na,k-c"d* qave.d*well�'r that. i?ypr".%tw built. L'n&-r (lie, c-lase-drawil, parka Bob. will see you. saft, to .St.' Louls., I._.d"1vAi0T+.6 (T*..%p at "Ce, T It io a-buou to on . . . . promptily attmoled to on lipplicablon . . . . . . � fereft froM Adthilm Tha air rendeft(I 6tK0*W,9r fio any o4 the above oftetrs add -- Aliont,011'esould have fought them it. I Ills mate, threatened by anwhor malo, b000l, we coald see little of Ills -fact-, If nothing bapppas, I shall be there. antmetie. inspir" with ove-Y trelath"MAllf-M . I rewd. Winter. r'Ne'n though- Awy bought . I , I. . . I I . l�M'AttUnit4laSY;V4*tbeBCb8*OVeit,rc,;�txT,(ratb-rx . I . I � * to th,ilr railiective postollices. I it . And who,ri I .saw her shrlisk'from him, tip was dif-s,.�(,d afier the roshion, 111ri .. . �. . ".. tha (1)(19h. AlIturiallm-atful lnig'hh. It is irvaki,- I I I .0s I . . I � - . . , . ... . ablewinothersi,i vvunirchjldr-ri� " I . . . inspected by tile director who .1irses5l cheap, I do not think they had'any in. saw film cateh at her arm, I plunged neeess'lly, nother, of ill(, North. flis - 141 .tile SI)1'109. 1. - .� . . � 4 � I szwl us p0aw for detialoura Wio,det_. MO. I . I I . . - .. I nearest #be s(,,nfA. . .. t1andon of 'letting hiln get away with .for the tire. � .. 1. . . . � eyes Suddenly lttleliffle PlVetpd Oil 1110. . She. laid her bead agaln.,;t his breast I ALL DRUGGISTS t"584 i . � TRAta MAWS . . . . � . � the moneY. Le Nair I.iald - itid' put "You daisinpol clIbi" Ile fivkhc.d� and "('Od `L�lp %,ory cortimplana Anti- . 's", n"'. "-cul I" . .11 . ., , Ito exclalillea, And sobbed, walling over blin tic -fore. I ng,u*-2hru*%V&b- . . DESM1,111111 — . . me .On thQ trall ,'at the same time tills, struck* At tile as I rushed I I ilm. I had Ile rc,ached hato It J)oekel. and took il.4.all. I bit my f1p Pit tile 'siglit, a ( .I,t,. for tha irsitatM . � . . 00"RUWM ft. �. � . . is 1, ctwmit. They aro shuple. Anyouto itiondiftif a sketeb and d=V . . I Pocket, went I erldetive und ant Ia. I . wrioiti asto bushwhaelrer breld Montall lint.,k. so n o I,' a pair -of gla',o,es %N rapped in a silk mittIng--iny-prJole In my , Of Se o to r tini= or �% ollillootily, noictortafts ,our oldnion rm etAtoraft (.-ry Wadnet Matt of. what I' w as OUt , I . � tavatatan I* iprooftbly, therwise, going to do . when I ran at hicn, (tieept handkert.-hief,' 'rile lenses, lie rubbed' ovor to thent.. , - 7 .0ZQ 19,�. im I � � . F * Ml C a INF.'Id I Yap Cresol. ZL 3i tou News.; i) ­Cord'' t1i't we overt,00li "n — - a * I - i to' 0 VI& . . sait Ire& Old-"t,rf doom. V=t. . . with two days'.gtart, h(; inight have � . . d � t ger for Weaumi I . or llflsfiV . "Bat'reau," I said, 111, on't, and I LechAna-11411 . �11� pa.f,tilits toilo(n t ovoUgh Numn &WIt'4146 that f would walm him leave Is I uftli the silk. and stuck Main I ' - ovMW nottes, witboat oolomvi% in Obs CLI"�T.01*4 , — . ONT. beatren 113-tO tile Polftv.a country,'Where ' ) r at e. P -flip 6ridge of Ills nose... I Colllkl probably- ,ne . ., I 16--r.A. . I L . I atorip, Out When I e smasbod in it on ver .Will, .understand ..a. rAONT - I � �,4._ fific j1ditficano Terms of sulircrilition—S! per"year, id we t:iluld tilot dare follow. .1,6 Noir Will, that, Nvolflil"e dpawing� apart of hear' Iiiiii lnlnnbihig'tb� Illmaelf, A halt I woman, yo I ^1911 u win, and I with you, . I . ' " I 8 '*V . � . � _R't .Xpr " "" C " If IIIT ' " '4. " ' '_ E ' B �15 , � E ,�.,��=���� m�� i I I I " 9'" r * ;�r C ,rAM&Ie' . . 1. I I I I i - I' I (;P' TRo,' M I DnOA & E :�r a at. I A 11SM10"W1 lIIwm,ted'*,wM*. Itartmed dr- advance, si.50 tnity lw� chargod 0 knows flow fliod North %Vill deal With his firpi — I knew then. -1. war going dozen men edged ill) behind him. luck, Dip, IInIe090You hold a grudge . - -_ enwAp" of Still Wdelllilld )OZIENL Tworis W us. oslc�c %ve 'Ire r . . . . 11, % a 3rftf, Vistage Ow" G" by noV so paid? - No paper diseontita- , toluced to imirryink "God bleps' me," lie repeated,, "With- ' . nM&. $&, to kill .hlin, to take )I)$ head In my longor Lball..1 do, there's no need for The C. P. R. t4ea:Mor'Teei; litmak I 40111 Imes em ued until all arrca*i are paid, lilt- Our food ."d bedding oil out- back%. Lie hands and batt�)' It against one of out a 4coubt, it Is Bob Stininer.,Sorue- YOU tO WHY it lone hand, Lot the dead . . MON &CO 86161006-0. NOW YTk ICS8 at ,the' 'option of the publish- Ila$ baseAl bIs calculations oil thott. 1-i rock off thii Pacific cons'.1 and wAv' sm hs 11 bt� wambfimsou A tilose 1,Ough--baAell troes. I evaded whAt thik 'A'Os`90 for wear, but BObt Past bury Its dead. and we will all go . , was sent ,*,) her. ., BrOttoch ill I er. Tile dalic to which evary Sul)' - fact. These breeds' of his call bovo.r th o.nough. 14a, you �oung dog, I've over the mountains together. I have sii'stallce . . . . . . t4o, tirst,swilig of his fist by a quick all"e a I _ 1.11 L 1. . � I-.. I I ... scrillition 11; paid to denoted Oil tile . sit�out its and live, where we .4hatl turn of lay head. AfWr that I do not . ' . no wish to take a chance with the I I . , . : labol. ' . . . likoly Perish, T11'en fitepe wIll be no 11 f I . *..6 At oqv.�# _4h had a me.rby chatte aftep roll. &0'u"'t 12 I - � -___ AdveirtiN.ng. rates—T-Wmient adver-. tiroments, 10 Cents per nonpariel I I prinla-facie evidence of actual mtlr� der, and ilia company will have at- I puV M % W Oil ft . .. any dpgpep of cletirstess, exeopt that I gavp and took bIo%Vs wbile the forest eVen know xitei do you?" lie VuQied back 'the hood of his . I . . 130 ve asalu, myself, You and Bolton �. seem to fOP90 that I'm just as deep J in the mud k4hagela�_ litito for Qtk,t, insertion and 3 conts tainod its They parka. T It(- voice had only puzzloft as yoit are Ili tbO Infro." -, I per lint- for each subsequent i%setvk- . � nod. have dono Mir i � t6 others; we call hardly bo OXOMPt. reeled orulike0V &bOW M0. The sante. ragot, Ili * wfil,eh I bod fought that . Inc. But I recognized (lint elicerrul, Batreau stood.looking fixedly ,It me. Y IL 0. A. IfILDO.. I ion. Small advertistmetrits, not to excred on(, illfill, such wit "Lost, , , It we seem likely to reach tb(% outer red . I Ifist fight w,lfli Tuppo�r burned In my . Pub)eund votirstenatice with its bushy, for a few seconds. Then lie held out his hand, the hilgi&Our . LdWD01q. oriln MIMESS and 19HORTHAND SUBjW3%. "Strayed," a* 118tolon," ote., to world, It will be time enough thon .for killing, WAY, . heart. I wbulpi to yt,nd and destroy, black eye -brows: and the thing that favored me most in lily recollocting and old, , smile I that had been absent from his face i Registered last s6asoh upwalrds; t4,AO . I students and serted onee for 35 Canis and eaels insettillon 10 cents. -�"Ith" the 061111),111Y wilm - I wish to God It wotil(t allow. and .notbitilk, short of that would satisfy. Acid presently I had Batman was a lift)t-smaked, unlighted 0gar ' for many. a day once more wrl,nkleol placed every graduate. Stvan . � specially qualified'regular teaahev-�.. Ilix-A . subscol6tib . Communicatioci.,; intended for pub), 04 - �Ve uligh t-6111110 U16111 Oth 010n.'". � tiown III tlw.snow, Aninalillig Insanely tiliCked lo one eortiw of Ills month, It banker tht- corners of his Mouth. "Bob," he said, "I think thIlt Ifiluldrod and fifty London firms trwV4)y out trained help. 4NO)logo ilt session, fr�mj tion niugf; atis a guarantea of good � wo harnessed theo two remaining I ft 6 u at 111% japo witil ono h, not, th 'ki g was my gut.rollan, Bolton, of 15t, Louis, � 3�ou and I are hard men to lotit _ ,,, any. so 4 Ilt, I to June 11, Enter a V ol o,e* , , . faith, be PLecompatiled by the ntitnt'! , of the writer. dogs and pushed on. There was noth- � .1.1 ­ 11, � I - .1-11 -1 ... ­ I - ttle breatb out of blal With the othat, . I . ., Wakelling out of the,fil,jit do%(%, I IlAd game we Wsy.11 . . colitaloollud Pr##. � L I * AV.1� IFUSINS; I Forest tolly am - ;� 4 C A-V W, J, IN1111,1118LL, I . '_ _'__­­_'_­­­­__' _­_­__'_'__'__ ..---- � ­_____!�� I fallen Into through that long night, I . Tbat, to all. Intents axlu purposes. shismosid . I J. W, WLq=vtvr. its. J. NV. VI.,,mwft!0,ft1V. 1-4,dilior and Vroisrfitttor. TheNews.F,soord LEADS for TOWN A NO TOWNSHIP NEW str.alued to rise ,aud poka. my wos P`vw I , .. .�!,o d) cross thei 6�00 UJY stqrY d I . , A. 'hitritetod.Acmititoiakt. lltit.v4ti� I C IV" 0A.M. I 6- Jl� � 4 . . I I I . 21 4 .� t_-o� )