HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-07, Page 51 Vecember 7th, fell opiailaummiwinomaimernmomm Gocierich. Mr. and Mrs. Ss R. Reed ail Isom/ eakeupyin5 the house OA Stanley street owned thy Mrs. Siseetn.i. • Mrs. J. B, Whitely has rettainied :Senn as visit" in Toronto. Cliatoa News.Reeord The Wonten's Institute will hOld :their regulaa meeting at Ellthergezt# tbe hoiste of M. Bedford, this after - soon. The president, Mrs, Young, wzJI giVe a report of the ree,en.t -e0A- 11;1141011 held in Toroatia. 1jrs..31aedona14 ,of Dundonaldwas in Toren* the greater part of last swath, • the guest of Mrs. Nordlteirner o Gleneiyth." On Tuesday evening last Counoillor W E. Kelly entertained the Mayors •toencillors, town officials and the .press to a.dinner at his resides= on Church street. Rev. George E. Ross, coal ha e been erected at the rear of pasilsr of Knox church, was also the pump house and has proved to be a satasiactlary addition. '.• A Downey single action pump • has. been, placed on the east Well, .also a substantial derrick .and iron covered pump house. The followingis a• desc'eption of the pump : • Paw -head, Downey No. 42 s size of head, stands 8 It. high ; weight, 3620 lbs; tubing, 325 5 ins' workin$ barrdl, 41- inside dia-ms power, electric.; maker, Fairbank Morse ; -10. N. P. 770 R.P.M.. ; Pumping capacity, 60 gals. • per minuss. ; cost of mitat, $700.• _ ' 141 services have been put..in during the 'year Making a total of 307 in- stallations -to date. All- the aPPliGas times were 7- filled with -.1,e csceptiot, of a'• few on strests veh.lre mains era ilea yet laid . and. one which was • re- ceived too. lato. • While it Ss. Smpo•sslile to sive a complete financial statement _for the yeas: at thepreseat time, Ivo here- with subinit .what has been already A Favorable Report. 31r. A. T. Cooper, chairman of the waterworks corarnititee presented the 'following report of. the year's busieess at the connell tweting Monday even - The system has been extended. dur- ing tbe year On the following streets James St. 792 ft 4 inch pipe. Mill St. 75 It 4 inch pipe. Maria St. 330 It 4 Inch pipe. Illapte $t. 750 It 4 inch pipe. Whalzhead St 890 rt 1 inch pipe. . Albert St. 528 It 1 inch pipe. Albert St. 72 le 1 inch pipe. Ontario SS; 750 it 1 inch pipe. Ong hydrant was set on Maple St. which makes 56 now in use. A coal shed built of content and cap- able of holding a year's supply of present. The Mothers' meeting in connection with the W. C. T. 1.1. was hsld on Friday eveninlg laet with a large slumber of members present. • , About three-quartees of a million bushala, of grail& arritved in this harbor the beginning of last week. The 1Vaconda, cleared, for Windsor last week to load for the -upper lakes after tin:oat:fug seven thousand bushels of wheat at the eleaator here. Tweaty-thrte carloads of flax left here on Wednesday foe Parkdale. Tuesday last being the first atm - versary of the organization of the Boy Scouts in Goderich, the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. Met'. A, gave them a tea, when a very enjoyable time was spent. About thirty -fie msenbers were present, and all seemed to enjoy the games, music and supper provided. Af tee supper the regular meeting of the scouts was held. A number of improvement's have been nsade in Me Y. M. C. A. hall and -a 1, accounted for and Include,. se eStis ateinber of new magazines 4tave been mate 01 the receipts - and :exet noitoi, added to the :iss of reading• matter. -es for • the balance. of. '.'the year. /Miss Goldthorpe, wlio was connected Revenue for 1911 • Troia consumers with • tho Singer Company here, ' has s1250.00, • street . •••waserieg 3150_011, now accepted a position as. bookkccas Macadam- roada•$5•.00e hydrant ,rental er with the risme firm in • London.., $2240.00-sTonal $3690:00., Rev. Albert T. Moore, secretary ol Ekpenclitere for 1911 : Engineet's nemperance and moral- refosin, preach- salark .$500.00, • Coal (20 Veit on hand) ed in North &greet church on Sunday.sys-032.se,s- amp repairs, etc.. $367.33., Mr: and Mrs. George Williams have' Guesne pi -�t of operation • for Ott, removed to St. Vincent street. Their s2490:00-.-Tettal :.$3699.00.• • son, Montague Wil?larns of the Lake Interest..and dobentares : Interest on superior Power Company, Michipoco. debentures $2430.00, . debentures due. sere is at present visiting. them.. 1911 ;1193.09s-0623:09- Less- •• • guess (7ouncillor Robert Elliott, who has profits of operation 32440.00, not de - been in Halton county packing apples licit for :1911 $1183-,09, . . • - for the past six weeks, has raturned Capital. ateciant : Investment ineluds borne. in.g 307 services $56,858..91„, mehe Sirs. J. A. Camel:is:1, who has been vestment .9100000, pipes, tools and visiting her sister, Bliss. (Bev- Dr.) stock • on hand $350-Totial expendi. Medd at Vic esria street parsonage, tore,- $58,208.91. has resurned to -her home at Wosts . Liabilities : Debentures issued $.59,- teld. 000.00, less • principal- paid $4-,700.0O-- On Saturday afternoon the I,adies' Total liability- $54,300.00. Auxiliary to the Y. M. C. A. held a Metres in use : 80. rs-reetreet- int.eting at the home of Mrs. Hayden , tn disgo;ss ways and means loa the earrking out of plans for the help _OS ornament. the Association. Hayden'* new. brick residence on meto think St. Vincent street is nearing corn- ple Sion. Master Thompson, eldeSr son of :Hr. William Thompson, arrived home -on the steamer Algonquin 'after -a pleasant season's sailing.- He is In she best of hea?th. Op Saturday Mrs. MelIaddie re- eeived word of the death in '&4:11Aand if Mrs. James McHaddie, wife of entperintendent Melladdie of she Pen-. insular and Oriental Navigation Com- pany at Bombay, India. The lady -had gone se Scotland for her health seat° Hats ago. The skating rink is now ready for setting .'into shape for the winter's skating" Gun Club .Tho Clintrin Gun Club they have a grievance' regards weather condi1'ion:4 at their - anaual shoo', whieh took place on Thursday. and • Friday of last week.. Though thel prev disagre. snow far. the 21st annua there was .4 strong. snatesially interfered withthe scores made. The Ne*S-Record would re- spectfully '•suggest- that this important annual event be held somewhat earlier Is the season. :The weather ihen might becounSsd on to be fairer and it would .also allow -of a larger number of Spectators, • though • it is an open question whether' the shooters .desire a larger. )ng weathes this year . was tean hie than last, there' .being no et on Thursday, when tournament opened, ale blowing which School Book Ptiees Lower. Pursuing the policy of one book in each subjece and eheapnes3 wiwrever possible, the Whitney Government/ has secured reduced prices for new, better', and in most cases larger books as follows Cops -Woks Arithmetic Grammar Geography Spelles History of Fortner Present Prices (5 nambers) 85o 25c 25e 75e 25c England and Canada History of Canada - - Physiology and Tem- perance or Hygiene Drawing boob (5 nuns - hers _ _ (one book) - Total 30e 50e 25c 25e 35e 25e 20e 5e -33.15 $1:85 ,88, Ambrose. Maguire •86, 0.V. Barge Harland 81, Mabel Marshall Ill, Frank Jr. Clasa.-Ha'rold Manning 87, 11S0dzirt Judd 107,' -Doreen Stephenson Willena Kees 83, Murray McNeil 74, Schrenk -80, -Elsie Graelis as, Wilissd ScelaS. 88-, Lyda , Livermore 87, Ethel Mackenzie 84. . • * • • .Andrews. 88,-• Edna West- 87, Etaalie. Fred. Wallis 92, Geo. MiddleS,m: 92, Wasmaa 87, Madelon Shaw 87, 'Alex. Mil 81, Flora Miller 77, Edith Jonea • • ' L. Stevens, 'feather. be" 77, 14t17.ini7t,:nR1114ases.....14Mojaosretntd.ipleifeil7INirsSiii:ne801 November,psen Gibbifigs 69 Aileen Armour 68, .Ina James. McCreary 68,' George Evane li2.• 77, Ettsa Argent 73, Merrit •Nediger Will .Fulford 01, Jim Walker 60.., Willis Cooper 88,i Mildrdd Livermore 86, Frances .Yesbec 7S, Josepbine Ces. Jrs. -Bertha . Yates ' 1/18, Bessie Trowhill 67. - . • '• • ' • I.Svermore 93, Ernest,' Little op„ Itar; Ernest Hall 91 s Earle Steep 89, Rob. Sheeley 187, Erskine- Evans 182, sit' Chowen 108, Harold Mill 167, ShipSey 83, Sadie Waish 83, • Leota Marjorie Barge 86, Orville Murphy 84, ' Jr. 3rd, -Jessie Jackson 89, -Marian 70, Lawrence West 05, Earle Crich 62, Hattie Livermore 89, . \Wile Bell 89; Kemp 190, Irene Cole 194, Lyda rip, Mildred Cook 178, Kathleen O'Neil. 142, Hattie Greig 140, Maida Cramer 1116. -' . • • Smith 77, Ruth MeMath 72, Marion Cecil . Pecfritt -73,,, Egst Cooper -op, iger 206, Mary Chidloy 206, Elenor Percy Ladd .182, Margaret Walker Dowzet 171, -,Winale. Draper 173, Bes- ry Lawrente 03, Bessie •• Harland ' 93, Mcirrish 192, Lois Holmes 188, Eugene liott 64, Arnold Glazier 64, ,Carman Turner GO. 61, Frank Pennebaker 61. Gerele Wahis 75, Austin Nediger 72, Chester Johnston 6:1, Albest -Shier 64, Charlie Thompson 03, Bernie Hall 70, Clinton Cook 70, Oliver Johnston 97, Jessie Watkins 65, Mervin . t'l 07, Foster Copp 6fi, Viola Cook 65 70,Nora Kearns's- 67, Clara TwitcluIS Harriet Canteion 71, Charlie Centel( a Sr. -Cla.s:i.=-Leighton Walker 92,. 4th Division. • • • Sr.."Class.-Aliee Peckitt 84, Melltie Sr. .3.rd.Cleta Dunford -9.3,. Ernest Total marks 225. Srs.-sLeona-Ned- .Jr.-Willie Bla.cker 73, Eva Carter . ard Division. . . . . . ,- .5th Division. •• cora Miller 77,, Evelyn Chat -M. E. Chitiley, Teacher. • • --3..Wilson, Teacher. 2nd Division. . -M. (1. Grahams Teacher. . Mr. Alfred •Saults has so far recov- audience. It, may be that -their best I erect Irom his recent illness that he scorea are made' when there are •bub 76, • Beryl coopep 75. • . n•ss removed to his home last week. •few to look • on. 'However; be. -that an Jr, Class.s-Agnes Walker 94, 'SteW- - Exeter Mrs. J. Stanbury is visiting her ester, Mrs. J. CloultIey of Toronto.. Mrs, T. J. lIawke of •Moncete N: has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Harvey and Waft friends in the 1' ini ty Mr. John Elliott has returned after .a visit in Marlette, Nach. Rev, C. W. Sanders of Beantiord vis Steil his parents in town reeently. "IL‘DDY'S GIRL." •• it may, .the weather seems to have a special grudge againsb. this partieular event. . . High' average the firs' day was won by Mr. It. J, Ernsliss of St. Thomas, 'While Fred. ,Kerr, Crediton s' P. Phil- lips, Toronto ; and J. E. • Cantelon, Clinton, tied for second place. • The fo1lowin4., are. • the scores : . art Mellrien on, Annie Lawrence 88, Mtha Graelis .86, Alice Flaker 86, George Shipley 85, Earle Johnson 85, George Walker 81, Bert .• Sidman 82, Alina STeCorvie 81, Charlie •Cole Mamie Cree 79, Beetha Gunn Helen .Crawford 73 .1 . Ernest Bradsha 71.. • s " • • Courtier, reacher. First event, 15 'II= bilis, 30 yard% •.• • ow Division. FS Kerr 121 G. McCall id, • G. Dimk .9, R. Emslic 15,11.. KYlen 9, R. Day E. Caatelon 11, P1iillips13, Stuart* 1240. ThOmp.son 13. Second. event; handicap, 10 birds -1S, Kerr . (29) 9, G. McCall, (27) •10, Dunk' (27) '109 11, Enislie (30) g, • IL kyles: (27) 8, 11 -Day (27) 9, ' 3. E. CantelOn (28)' 9, Phillips: :(89). Stuart (29) 9, Thompson (30). 7. 'r Third event, .10 live birds -F. :- Kerr (29). 8, IvIeCall '(30) 8, Dank (30)-.9, R. Fanslia (28) 8, .K"yler (28) .6, Day (28) ,8, Cantelon (28) 9, Phillips (27)i, 9, Stuart (28) .7; Thompson (28) 8.: ' . • On .Friday the program was target shooting. The principal event). was the Clab's fourth annual long-distance chaMpionship, which Was won by Mr, IT, L. Taylor 'of Morpeen: The .prize was a handsome cur glass: water set. .ITSgh average was won by Mr, It. Day of 'London. Messrs. .1. 1.1, Hovey of town, Wakefield of Toronto, and Stuart • of -Hamilton., tied for second high average. . A re you one of the hundreds who tare written to The Globe for a cop Asi "Daddy's Girl" ? This is probab- ;e, withoutea single excepeion, the Mbst popular picture ever published in Canada. A few years ago The Chris:Snits tilobe puhltslied a limited number of them. The demand was so great that every copy was ordered before it .was pat on the market. A sample copy of thia picture, which / from a photograph of a child witelt :he sweetsest and, most expressive face shall can be imagined, may be seen at this offiee. To see it Ils to want it. This beautiful picture still be given S'ret. with each new subscription or renewal ientr in for The Weekly Globe and Canada Fanner before Deeemhen list, 1911„ lienneiber the edition of this pie - sure is limited, and the first come the •erst served. The Weekly Globe and Canada Farms es has been enlarged, the staff, ss•ri ters i•ncreased, and many ne Jeatures have been added. Those. im- provements are in keeping with the progressive management • that has :made The Daily Globe one of the first half-dozen newspapers on the contin- tint. The 'Weekly Globe ••.• Arlit • Farmsr, wirh its Illustrated Mag - ?line Section, has Aiwa:its held a lefts *nog place among the tnebropelttan ilsseeklles in Canada. Ir will now be JIN'Ssatiff With the best on the contineats Mien • the Illustratsi Maga:Lino See.: tfon, w I Oh RN forty . or fifty pictures of current events every Welt, itakert Into Oecount, it is certably a Ott of reading to be given. for oily otic ,iar per )ear. GUARANTEE.' • W.,1 ay:, authorized by the publishers to guarantee that eyery prrson wlm during the month of December pays a year's Subscription to The Family Herald and Weekty Sear of Moetreal, will receive a tapy or their valuable premitim picture,. entitled "Home Again." The Family Herald and more 320, Albert Hewitt 328, -Prank Scram 319, Hilton Butt 319, Edgar Wiltise 306. • 2nd Class -Helen, • Ladd 160, Sadie Gibbs 155, lliata ie Blacker 153, Jaek IlrItion 131, Howard aould 131 Norman McNeil 1.24, Bert McGuire 128,• Jeanliord 119. • • . ' will have themselves to blame. The. 1st IttSa -1-Erie -.Reid 99,- Barry FaridlyMeraid alul Wee,Y13' Star 1 Code 08, Reginald Joakins 94, Nor - inch 'a beautiful picikire all Inc • one tkian Voulytpr I1, Evens pow, , dollar is • such tarp value that Aense..ceSsli& 87;' 'amen Deno 86: Person Mks abrd to ir400 :Jack Wigginton 84, Leo Reynolds 82, picture is given both to renewal and • Charlie Mennell 82, Elmer Miller 71, new subscribers. Careek 69, Class. -Dorothy Roqce- 255, Amy ttellyar 250, Fergus Reynolds 248,, Harry rafttante 242, Sara SMeCtirsarv• 210, Harry pall. 238, . Gordon Hall, .236, Willie Muth 230, Marjory . Beat- on 220, Hassel Britton 201, Jabez Rands 185'. , • • • 3-4. Class -Katie Wylie 257,, Alex. McRae 248, Amy (Sould 24-7, joe Yes - be 211,- Keneeth Carter 238,- George Carter .237, .John Yesbec 233, 'Fred. Elliott 220, Stevsart Taylor. 215; Iles- - . . . sic Moseish - 213, Amos' Osbaldenl on 208, Jean Erskine 203, Jessie 'Mc- Creary' 202, . Margaret, nfenuel 195, Nellie Ruteedge 183, Cecil Cook .183, • (!. Tiplady, Teacher. • lth Sr. • Class. -Total marks 250. - •Gladys lase 225, Pearl Reid 210, Margaret Cree 208, -Daisy Nodiger 201, Leona Taylor 203, Wilbur 'Deno 203, Henry Slorean 198, Douglas, Er- skine 197, Malcolm MeTaggara 195, Audrey Cellyer• 195, Alfred Glazier 190.. • Jr, Class. 'Fetal marks 200S-4lelen Grigg 177, Gertrude Fowler 176, MT. bert lIoltshauer 17.5, Leila McCartiley 170, Helen Roberton 161, Lucy Levy 101, Ruth -Evans 160,Nisbet Cook 150, Untold Lawson- 156. -M. Wiltse, Teaeher. 8th Division. Sal Class -Eleanor McTaggart 361, Frank Muteh 349, %Simile MeMath 346, Antra Hill 311, Robert Middleton - 339, Switzer Oraelis 331, Roe Liver - London Road • Mis campben and Miss Henderson of Seaforth visited Miss Jennie Grant, the- past#, wee*. Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wiltse moved t10 Clinton this week and will take U p their abode on Ontario, street. They are old and respecifed re44019j of this part and while the whole community is sorry to loSe them 9 wishes elieni many happy' year of town life. The League on Tuesday evening cleated its officers for the enstt:ng year as follows : President, Arthur Steprras 1st Vico, Mrs. G. W. Layton. 2nd Vre, HaLry Livermore. 3rd Vice, Mrs, 0. Hanley. Treasurer, Wm. Falconer. Secretary, 0. W. Laytoa. Treasurer Systematic Giving, Mrs J. McKnight. The League will have an oyster supper on the evening of Dem -el -Ale 19th. ••••••.A. Bruoefield, The Canadian jubilee Singers will appear in the Presbyterian church here on Monday evening next. The no.it division in Me new House of Comsnons gave the Government a majority of .41. Marriages ANDREWS-HILL-Irr . SCIttiton; .tik• Dos. 6th,by Rev, 3. E. Ferds daughtes of Mr, and Mrs. Byard • Hill, to Francis W: An- drews, son or Mr. and Mrs. Homer Andrews, 'all. of Clinton. • COATS -BROWN -In Clinton On Dec. . 4th, by Rev, Dr Stewart4 Jeenie Broa c'ff' Tozonto to Willia.ts • Coats, Clinton '111cGOWENs-HENDE,R5ON-- At Kel field, Sask„ . on . November, 22nd, by •Rev.'"N..H. Munroe, Harvey F. 3IeGowen -Le Elizabeth Maud, eld- eat daughter of Oeorge Hend- erson of Morris township: , • .Births SWANN--In Goderieh township, on. Nov. 10th, to Mr. .and 'Mrs, Jos: -Swann, a daughrer. • . YOUNG -In Goderich on November 281th, to Mr. and Mrs. • James Young, twin. daughter,. COOPER -In. Codorich on -November 29th, to Mr, and ,Mrs. -A. J. Coop- er, a daughter. PORTER -At Porter's emben 27411, to Mr. ard Portia, a son. LYNN -In Goderich 23rd, to Mr, and . Lynn, a son. Deaths Hill on • No - and Mrs. Mrs. Rich- • On NoOntber idrs..3dwitt • CUMING-In Blyth on • November' 200.h, ('tuning, aged •79•years and .6 months.. • HENDERSON-In Wingnans on N•ov- ember: 23rd, Thomas Henderaon, ' aged 80. yearts. McbAULY-On October 23rd at. the. .. residence of her son• at. Ranfontein, • Tsinsvaal, South Africa,, Swab. ,Itobinsonlavidow of he late Thorns- ' as:McCa.uly; mother of „tarries .a.nct • WiLliam• McCauly of •Seaforth. TAMBLYN-In Whigham • on 'Ntivembi er 231'd, Louisa • ;Tents, wife of Dr. Jen. Tamblyn, aged 73 years. PALMER-In Grey township on Nov- . emboli 21th, Worden M., only son • 0' Mr. and Mrs. WS11iam Palms, aged 8 years and 6 months. , • RYAN -1n Goderich„ on Nov. 25t1i, • Minnie Rowlands'. wife :el Ryan, aged 31 years. • , • Weekly Star's subscription receipts in November were 60 per cont. over November, 1910, almost , entirely ow- iiig to the ri?•.ture which Is admitted .hk all who have seen 0 ;1'3 be the best; iirenium ever given with a riewspap; or. Those who fail to SOOUI( t eopy • • A I. • ITOSICr•MADE. COOKING. -• THE members of the. Women's Institute purpose . bolding a sale oE Homes Made Cooking in the store next to W. R. • Cotinter's•: jewelnry store on • Saturday, Dec. 'I6th, commencing at 2 p.m. • .. •• -08 • AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and sfildementse-s•• The undursigned has received inStruetions ••te sell by public auction en the London Road, -011 Wedneida,k, Dee. 20th, at 1 p.m.,. the : 1 draft mare_ 13 yrs 'old supposed te be in, foal to Viking, 1 ganeral 'purpose -mare, 1 drale conArig 2 yrs, 1 draiS ifoal 1 cow supposed to be due in ;March, 1 tor.. supposed to he due in April, 1 pow remposed tobe. due in May, 0 wing calves, 6 good fmding steers' 2, yrs old, 8 pigs abouS 125 lbs. each, 1 Deteing- bin- der, 1. prose& Wood inewer, 1 Success manure spreader nearly new, 1 Masseksllarris sulky rake, 1 Massey -Harris rolier, 1 bean harvest- er, 1 disc harrow,. 1 Maaiey-Ilarris • dill, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 -wagon with iron -and also wooden wheels, 1 light wagon with iron axle, 1 set bob Yeighs, 1 set 4 sieetion har- rows, I Perrin sulky plow, 2 walk- ing plows, 1 :Wheel -barrow, 1 fan- ning mill, 1 hay rack, I seraw cutter, 1 s'61.or trough, It hay • fork, tar, rope and slings complete, . 1. root puIper, 1. seuiller, 1 bag truck, 1 extension ladder, 1 fence pulley, se.! double harness, a quantity oi turnips, a quantity of sorghum, I. Favorlte churn, a number of forkse. scythes, Joggling chains and other STRAY STEER. -THERE STRAY - ed la the premises of the -under- signed on con. 7„ •Ooderich town- ship, Oneyoung steer. Will owner .call, pay Mews's . And take the animal away. -W. -Walhatiason Porter's Hill 1'. O. -08 FARM FOR SALE.-TI1E- UNDER - Signed. offers for sale his farm of 100 aerea in trae township' of Tuck- ersmith on the Huron Road, three milos eassi of (-Luton. The farm is in a good gate of cultivation, with - good buildings, frame houseand two bank barns„ and well fenced, and well chained. For further particu- lars apply on the premises or ad- dress J. K. Wort,- Clinton P.O. -08 BOAR FOR SERVIOE.-ILAVING purchased a thorobred. 'Farnworth boar will koep tbe ,same, for norviee at lot 23 on, ane .3s1 von., Ilullott. Terms 31.00 at time of services wila privilege of returning if 'necessary. - L. •Tyndall. -08 a THURSDAY, DEC. 7TI-T, A CON - colt will be given. xn Willis church under the direction of- Mrs. MelIar- 4-Smith; assisted by -Mies .Minnie Vox, soprano, London, and Mr, S. L. Willgoose, Alas: orgaLlistt of St. John's church, Lon-• don. Admission 25e. TicketS may be had from members .01 the choir or at Fair's bookstore. • , -00- •.. . THE CANADIAN JUBEL EE .SIN- • gors will appear under the auspices of the Epwos-11 League of Wesley .church on Saturday evening, Dec, 9th. Many good things alo said of their concerts such as the loll - owing.: Dorche:der, Me, The Canad- ian Jubilee Singe*, under the aus- pices •of - the Church ot England haus, were most heartily received by an eathttSiastie audience, last ev- ening. The repeated enc.oros show- ed the appreciattiOnsisin -.which the numbers werei reosiVed. 'A • most thoroughiy • enjoyable evenirig was spent and wholesome entertainment given, and I have pleasure in re- coragending Ahem tio any and all, II. W. Palmer,- Church Warden., Plan of hall opens et Far's, book- store at • 8 o'clock on the 'mottling oi Nov. 80th. ItoserVed seats. 35eS • • FOR SALE. -I • GOOD. PORTLAND cutter, nearly as ..goed as .new. \yin ,sell cheap. -Apply to Wesley Walk- er. • , . • -06 FOR SALE. -1 • COAL .HEATER, medium size, only a few months in use Will sell rewionable„-Apply at - \V : Walker's Furniture storo. 'e-06' • • WANTED AT • ONCE ' AN ISP -TO - date house to buy as 1 am moving in* town.--Wrn. W. Gssnt, Bo X 93, Clinton P.0. • -07-2. •. NoirIcE - TRESPASSING • FOR hunting • • or • any other • puspose whatsoever on lots 12 ands 13, c.on. • 9,- ..Hullett, is hereby forbidden. tresPassera • will bo stroseented.- • John Ilesseliveod, Owner. • -06 TEACHER ,WANTED • BY Ss S. • NO. • • 3,•S'Sah1ey, duties _to commence at• . the New Year. Applications, stat-- • . . ing; salary and qualifications, ..re- . ceived 'by! Jibe undersSpod, personal applications prefe'srad.-j. W. fleid, • sec.-Tim:surer, Varna P.O. . -05 articles. There will be some stab - ling for horses upon this day at . the following places : Grant, A. Stephenson, R. Hunter and 11. Pea- cock. Ternoi :-All stints of $10 and undo t, cash : on over that amount ' telt months credit will he given to purchasers on furnilshing 'approved joint nottss.. diseountt at the, rata of fite , per cent. :per _„„annum will bo allowed for mai. Sale withont reserve 59 proprietor has sold his farm. -Wm. -Grant, prieeor ; That, Gundry, Macaw!. WANTED -AN INTELLIGE,N r _BOY with fair educeNon as s6,94 kkm- er.The Doherty.. Piano- .Q.,1 Organ ' Co. . - 05 LOGS WANTED AT TriE PAcroqy -All kinds'. of -logs, Maple, Soft and Basswood preissred. Higheat prices' paid. -The • Donesty Plana & Digan Co. ' - 05 . . HOUSE. TO RENT. A WELL built hotrse to • . rent, early •imsses- sien, moderate relit, good garden with -fruit brees.- Apply to John Rausford, Molsons Bank buidirig,-05 FOR • SALE. -1 COAL HEATER, • 1 woe& heater, 3 Rood° Island .Reds. -.Mr 11. Hill,. phone 120: -704 FARM FOR SALE.--iTHE 'UNDER- dersigned offers fa*, sale his farm of 1,17b auto's, befog lot 12 and west ball of lot 13, Bayfield Road, Stanley. This is a fa:st-elass farm wil4,. plenty of water and first. class buildings, all new within the last ten years. • Also lot 21, ,north boundary of Hass, consiating of 119 acres. The village of . 'Blake is built on the correr" of *Ids farm. church 'and school within haft a mile, and only 31 miles from the thriving village of Zurich which makes it a very desirabk property. -Fon furthes particulars apply * C.. Reid, Varna P. O. 4,4 FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER- sipod, offers for sale his line farm . of 135 acres agljoiniog the town of Chilton. The farm is in a good state 'ot oultivation and has good buildings-hrick house, bank barn, Misting house, pig pen, etc., - all comparatively new. A first-class young orchard containiag all kind of fruits, atso small' fruits. The farm is well fenced and well dita.ia- ed and is a very desirable home. s For Surther particulars apply on • the • premises or address John Torrance. CInton P. 0.. 91 PROPERTY FOR SALE.-1-1a,rdware business for sale in Bayfield. Two- story building, store, workshop and dwellittg combined, also stable 26, x 36. Three lots with orchard anti' ` .Gold, Fish for Saturday Less than three -weeks until •Chrisit- miaa -and we h3v0 ainioat. everithitiow . our ,10yland. • iA NU Post VaraSt Chinaware, Can- - dies and many other :things suitable , for -Christmas gilts. We invio.) you to- call and exanaine our goods. •199,1',991.1,0' G-. C003K PROPRIETOR. CHRISTIA8 Gifts. We are well prepared for your wants as our stock is fil- led with articles suitable for ChriAmas presents. ••••••'.....••••••• .071LD AND GOLD-FIL- H LEO WATCES f. small mils. re erms asonable-Ap. CNI CLO. ply Po R. Rottatt, /3ayfield. -74 IcS NECKLETS LOCKETS BRACELETT ctituRFOFOGLIIINEKSS GEcIsItiTA'NsAND LAD1eS' FOB RINGS SET WITH DIAMONDS PEARLS AND 01 HER PRE.. CIOUs STONES CUT GLASS EBONY 0000s SILVERWARE and NOVELTIES •••••••••••••••••••••• • • Ou g • p e • • • • • : November• • • • • FruitSale • L. • • • • . • • • • • • • is nowon and for two • • weeks we will sell : • • la. lhs Refloath's oXtra Stan,- • • dard Graliolated Sager $1.00 • * • • se • 100 lbs $0.09 • • • • 3 Dis best (leaned Currants 3 e .25 • , • sg: 3 lir: finest, seleeted new • • • Raisins • , .25 • • ▪ 4. lbs finest selected .pld • • ItaishiS .25 • • • New imported, candied Peels • • leolon,'oratwe citron 11. i%• • : . t99 9 fr • New alielled•Alinonds . • 40 to • e • NeW shelled Walnuts .40 1 • • . . st• • • - . . - • • • • W4 T. • O'NEIL.: . .. . o • • • . • ‘,The Hub CirocerY.” * • • FOR RENT -A •s SIX • ROOMED: house on William street Apply( D, S. , C1ill, Phone 47. -1700. FARM FOR SALE -Lot north half 26, con. 1.2, Hallett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down extePt 10 acres. Smalli, orchard, Frame house aria bank barn with stabling, On Gravel road 1 mile north of Londesboro. mile front school. Apply on the premises or address Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. • FARM FOR SALE --The EXeetitor Of the Southeoznhe estate offers for sale 50 acres; being east hall of lot t 28, con. 6, Hullett. 'Alia is a first‘elass farm, well watered and improved and with good' buildings, Also the undersigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 0, Ilulicte, eonsisthig of 100 acres. These larms inny • bought ctogdther Or separately. Apply to It. 3. Southeombe, Clin- ton. P. 0. -81) The News--Itteord Will bo sent to anv atidIckss.to the end of 1911 for M. • o' • •••!••••••••••••••••••• 1VE ULTRIT NTEll Tie following quantity. of . lire poultry is wanted at the Pouitrr station each week this season : „ 1000 chickens • 500-hena . • • • 390 ducks • . 3000 dozen new Said eggs. Twireys anti Geese later. • .• Poultry taken in the firSt • throe dayof aell week. High- ' est. prices pad • in caeli. • Write. . or phone before you sell. • ' • N1 L ifIEVIIIRTHII. .HOLIVIESVILLE PI -IO -NE -4-.142. • • 2 v•4•••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 awroiimimsis.momrrtmrmsmk i Stands. for atm ll hat is odem in • Busiiiess Training. A Chitin Lit 2 * Seven Colleges in leading tostus ; iand cities, Two Thousands stu. 1 dents in our Colleges and Horne • Study last, year. We train from . i• ten to twenty students for every . 0110 t rattled ' by 3 ttoSt schools. Ther&s a reason. It is freely . admitted that our gatdoates gat, f 1 hest positions, and the demand / for them is "seven" thnes the j sapply. Exclusive right for On,• 1 tatio of the Tarnow: Bliss Book- keeping System, You may study • . at home, or partly at honie and i finish at the College. A Business 1 lidueation .pOs it dividend evexy day of.yhurslife. Se i FRWolmN.T.IZARsi:.1‘.2Elltrow .1 „ , i, vett or Vri4to for partsettIdi4.. te: Spottoit.'llusWess i College . , itt, ,.--- . authrt*N.;.'ONIt. 1 .1.......U.1.4•1%;:ioto::P i, ..440.ritleip ...4at 1 • • • We will be pleased to " show you our goods. GRIGG Jeweler and Optician, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. GOAL IND CEMENT . . Olipnsite• the .G. T. R. Station. All kinds 01 coal. on hand : • CHESTNUT . son •cciAL sTovp; . f'AN.NEL .COAL • FURNACE ('OKE . • ARTHUR FORBES Phone 52 Successom to Jas. Hamilton. • NEM GRAIN ass BEFORE- SELLING. " - YOUR GRAIN CALL LS UP • f AND GET , ..REGULAP MARKET PRICE, IT WIL,L. PAY, WE WANT WHEAT , • • BARLEY,. OATS, RYE, • . PEAS,. BUCKWHEAT, • • BEANS, ETC.. • • WE -HAVE ON IIAND • ' LARGE. :STOCK OF FLOUR • AND FEED AT REAS- , ONABLE PRICES. • • • • SILT ' BAR- . RF,LS AND BAGS. . . • . . . SUITTER CO. telephone • 64 THE ELEVATOR Plumbing, Hot Water Steam and Hot Air Heating.. oirivAmzEb 'IRON WORK 'ROOF- ING AND. EVETROUGHING. We have everyrhing that is , / • nese and up-to-date in the . plumbing and. heating business. • Estintates given on.. 411 contract work. BYAM & SUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS.. TO TI -IE PUBLIC HAVING BOUGHT THE WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT 0.1 THE • ROWLAND HARDWARE BUSINESS, WITH WHICII HAVE BEleN CONNECTED FOR SEVERAL ynAns. I AM PRE- PARED TO RECEIVE onxtEns FOR THE ITECLA FURNACES, PLUMBING,EVETROUGIIING„ PUTTING ' UP STOVES AND REPAIRS 051 ALL KINDS, ALL Ole WHICH WILL RECEIVE'. ' MY PROMPT ATTENT/ON. A • CONTINUANCE Ot"rithl PAT. 7 ItONAG E GIVEN THIS PARTMENT 15 RESMOTF1.11r. 11.1.:QUKSTAD. • PROMPT ATTENTION WILT, B.E GIVEN TO 'ORDERS LEFT • AT ROLAND'S HARDWARE, ' STORE.. t� JOHNSON: