HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-07, Page 44.,="1"1".....111ENNamiffiwa"7--.1"."'""
Way have provided for all requirements and the
variety cy wa show in innumerable articlesisles of varying
r '
price makes the selection of appropriate gifts easy and
you can count on getting exactly the right thing.
Yon can get a choice Suede -
Leather Bag for $1.00 with cord
handles er almost any design
• you wish at any price up to $6.00.
Brush Sets, Pocket Books, Mus-
ic Rolls, Wallets and other leather
,goods suitable foie Presents,•
The Fourth watch (Cody) $1.25• The Singer of the knot enny
Mut her Carey* Chickens (Iinawlea)
• (MYigpitn.) 1.25 The New Machiavelli(Weils) 1 25
Batbatra Worth (Wright) 1 >i ° Kennedy'Square .(' uith) 1 1,15'
Life i:verlastifig ((Jnrejli) 1,2.1 • Opal Vire tPcaed)_ 115
The Jesuit •(l-iocking) 1,25Oarpet from Bagdad
•(MacgteLth) 1.25.
book you May 'want)if not i -n stock. ' •
ve us a few days time and we will send r au `any.
Leave us .your order for your Greeting Cards and the
Christmas Globe.
Clinton News -accord
Member ?th lith
Hol lnlesville.
'rbe cou'v;nucd missionary services
on ,.Sunday last were•citnducted very
acceptably by Mr. W. H. Johnston. of
Mr. G. Holland ha', gone to scowl)
another carload of eows. 11Mr. Hol-
land evidenty wishes the farmers to
be in a position. .1) take advantage.
of the .profits of the cheese factory
next season.
The fowl are coming in in large
numbro to the poultry station and
the sift are being kept on the jump.
The roads at time of writing are
in ,fine condition and the weather is
all that anyone could haleh, Mos'
people -are vvisltiug that t.as • foe
spell would last until Christmas at
The regular meet:ng of the Wontezt:'s
Institute will ,be Lein at the homo
of Mrs. Mulholland on Thursday af-
ternoon next at half past two. Two
papers will .be given. , The first one
will be on, '"Th,. Value of giving
Christmas Gifts," and the subject of,
the second •will be, "Work, wo.a to than
Worry." A short' dltseussion will fol-
low each paper. Visitors aro always
The following is Oa report of S.
S. No. 3, (lode' ch J)wns)lip, .for the
month of November :
Sr. 4th class-('la•,'nee C'optutll:
Jr. 4th-Gertie King, Roy Butt-
nings, Clifford holland, Harold ('ole,
Verna Jervis, Harold I.avis, Elva
Sr. 3rd7Alvin Leonard, :Milton Hol-
land, Stewart Alai:', Robert McLeod,
Daniel Gliddon, Leslie Jei is, Clifton
Jr. 3rd- 11'iiliani Alcock
Sr. 2nd --Entity Ford, Norman ?lair,
ARaiind llc('ar;'.my, • Fred Levis,
Barry Forel:
Jr. incl --Bruce Holland.
Part 2nd-\Till.':d Terris, Millie
Sr. ist-lintet. Miller, Charlie Pott -
ter, •Marion Alcock, 'Cyril • proctor •
Jr. Jervis,• Dorothy' .Jer-
vis, Willie Larder.. •
Jr. 1st (a) --Ted Smith, Albert Lar-
der, Harold Larder, Bert :4n p tl
-Lillias. llacVicar, '1 eaeher.
Today we ..announce our Annual December:
Sale of Ladies:. and Lhildren's. Coats commen-
cing Saturday December 2nd,
They-•are'wortb attention cf every lady with coat
bu3ing_to do. The coats we have for this special Dec.
• sale are all new garments no.
left overs to greet you here. The
Quality of,,, material in each is.
good. The prices are from $&.00
to $6 00less than the the regul-
ar price. Now is . your chance to
get a good. winter coat at 'a low
price. •
Millinery Clear -
in_.. AT.
� $2 25
The finish of the Millin-
ery season is drawing near
which males 'Els anxious ,
to, clear out -the bala.> ice ; of
our hats before our: miTlin- '•
ers leave we put on safe Sat-
urday 2 do en trimmed
'hats all new styles' reg. .$6
to $7. Your choice $2.25.
The aann.versary sorva^es in connec-
tion with the Methodist church will
be held on Sunday next, when
Rev, Mr. Lackland of Walton will
preach in the morning and evening.
A large number from tho village,
attended the fowl supper at Varna on
Monday evening, '
Rev, 11*r. Mule and .wife of
Windsor spent Sunday in the vIlage.
Mr. W. J. Elliott and Mrs. Richard
Elliott attended the funeral of the
tatter's sister at Mt. Clemens, Mich.,
on Thursday last.
jMlr, George Mti:'rangy, 11I.P,
{ ()
S sl o n Sa • •. visited is
a at sh11
M.'s. (1)r.) .Smith on Monday o
way home from Ottawa.
n his
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
church gave a concert in the town
hall on Titus day evening last, when
a fair audience assembled to listen to
an .e:,;CL*:tent program. Those taking
part includail both home and outside
talent. Miss May Rance, reader, of
Clinton, appea•tul before a Bayfield
audience for the first time. Miss
Ranee gav • several •selections. and
was most enthusiastically received.
Mr. Ike Ilattenbury, , also of Clinton.
gave a couple of solos in good voice.
One was "My Ain Folk," and the
other was "George, 1, 2,3, 4, 5,"
a n,',v English song which proved
very popular. ?diss Clete Foc'J. 'ac-
companied ?Ir. Hat:+'nbury . iVl't t. Me-
Ciuire of Seaforth al.!,t contributed a
couple of solos 'Very pleasingly. The
home talent cor,'cihuted was of a
high ord-er, Dr. Smiftic and Miss Roads
rende•i ng a couple of duets in excel-
lent stylc.,and Mi. Rob;. Bayley cdn-
-ti'ibuting a couple of solos in his
usual pleasing manner. Altogether the
enle, aimnent Was vary high class and
the Ladies' Md. are t'a • be congrat-
ulated upon its success. Rev.' Mr.
McFarlane, the pastor, occupied • tho
111r. and i41rs..1as. A:tille'r spent Sun-.
day .Vac, guest of Mr, }V ,1. Mellrien.
Mr. A. McLaughlin of • Seaforth
spent 5tosiclay at his home hire. _
• Mr. Chia Scarlett and Misses Mc-
Laughlin and Taylor of Leadbury
spent Sunday at ?Ir. (lee. '1'yner's.•
?Tr. A. 'Men -'en has returned home`
atter • spending a'couple of. mentos in'•
?he prairie country.:
' Miss M. Clifton spent last ' neck
the. guest of • het brother, Mr. C,
Messrs: James Willer . and .Ar.:zur.
Mc('rcary of Murphy •Iaidge, (Platen;
attended tip meting of No. 1)28 Mon
day evening. ..
Mr. and. Mrs. (4. Johnstone of W,
ti.a.wanosh c,:eut Sunday at lir C,
Lnteit's. • •
The Ladies' Guild met at the Ian.
nt Mrs. 'l'vnur•' ori iVed,teoviay ,Lft:er_
uiion. •
. Mr.. and Mrs. Jas.• Johnson 'of C'lin-.
• Mr. and • Mrs. .Wi(1 Piekard .'.f
llolinesville visit41 at,:ttie parsonage
and also at the home of Mrs.'Loe,an
during tate pa:rt vv'eek: '
Varna .Methodist church anniversary'.
is usually a success bo:l'h 'as rtegctrds
the'.ntunhcrs Who attend and the ev-
cellence of the services in connection.
Th'm year was no exception to - the
rule. The spatial•:•service:I on Sunday
last., wli:ch were conduct,'.1 • by liev..
T. Wesley C'osens of Clinton, were
welI'attonded and proved to be very
htapftil as wo11 is enjoyable. ' • The
sermons -were inspiring and lbs hole
rendered' speciallyprepared •rituals
both morning and''ev'cn:ng. . •
Ou Monday the usual (owe : supper
i was served in. the temperance ?tall.
To say that the supper. was good
would be putting it very mildly, It
was first ea swnll-cooked, well -ser
v ed• and abundant. .When the sap -1
per Was over' the crowd gathered , in
t:hq' town hall„ 'whero.;an .excellent
Program was gone t'h-s•tugh.. There
Wore addresses -by Rev. Mr, Miller ' of
Atyburn; Rev: Mr, ,.Iohnstortof Varna,
and .Rev. '11: .J. ('nndYll and Rev. A.
ton split Sunday- the'guest of ;Mgrs, Macfarlane of I3attield. • Murrical
I: Johnson Sr. nuurbcirs were. given -by .'the 'tannic
The National. Fertilizer
The. National Fertilizer, which is
placed on the market by the National
Land, Frith and Pasting Company,
shows the following, analysis compar-
ed with barnyard manure :
Nitrogen 3.50, equal to 1.0 am-
Phosphoric acid 5.75, opal to 13,0
soluble phosphates.
Potash 3.50,
How 9.)
100 per cent, more Prof
' wit:i less labor,. and no in
The National Iald g
Company, Limited, is not an itinera
ant vendor of fertilizers, here to -day
afid away to-mor:tiaw. Through. . the
prope'rt7cs which It oporatr,tn, .the
Company is a permanent "next clop
neighbor" to upwards of 2,000 farm-
ers, including a large umber in the
County of Huron, and even for this
reason alone,. it would not, and soul
not afford to place anything on • tli
market that it: was not.. prepared '
wholly endorse and back -up in ever
'rho' Company has. invest:gated prac-
tically every known fertilizer. IIa
sent an export i'.t Europe to examin
into -and report Upon the nature!, pro-
cess of manufae.brre, charne ,ristics
actions aiul result l'ot' fertilizers, and
by introducing t';e National Fertilizer
the •Coinpany is plying. neighbors
and others, a- fort ih'eL that is pre-
,parel"so as to he especially adapted
to the requirements of the Ontario
Alisit Etta 1MIcl3rzen s t ;'nn,l• Ladies' (luar•tettta. • of 'Zurieb, Rev.
• pa-
undc.w the. parental ,roof. .
iMlr,• Wur. •Jordan. spent a. coupie of,
days last week •Ibe guest c.f. Mr.
Bert Carter.
Mr. and: ills s.: J. Freeman spent tior, Rev: T. I1. Snowden. ' So great
Sunday at Mrs, 1''reentan's • . 'home
het i
L.O.L.928 met on Monday evening
and .elected . the following officers
.. Master, .1. •Watkins.
Deptity, R. J. .Watkins. •
C'haplain,. J. Rapson,
Rec.-Secretary, _ 1,.; Johnson.
Fin.-Sncretary, .('.• L. Tyner,
'fri,isurer, Wnt. Brown.
D.; of C'•., 1V. J• Mcl3rieti.
Lecturer, Jas. -Miller, .
Committee, .John Colborne," II. Bea-.
.com, 0. Hopson, A. Lansing, G.
'Johnson. • '
Mr. Alberts Nei has bought, -from
Mr. .Tancea Snell Nonpareil Chief
No: .71791, •got by Lord Mist',etoe,
clans Balmily • .Nonpareil • imported.
It is a .very fine' • animal • and - it
shows that • Mt. Neil has.good udg----
anent in'. selecting. Tills is ;he second-
jiurehase made , from • Mr: Snell; whose
stock its among the he'Pt in this prov-
ince.. •
Mr. Laws and fancily of Bayfteld,_and
Mr. .R. Bayley of Bayfield, while Miss
M. 'Mee of t•he -London ('onserva-
tory, - eont'tibuted 'several . readings;
The . chair was;.ably tilled by the pas-.
was. the Crowd which .gathered • .when
the supper was ovor that the hall
'weals( not accommodate' them and an
overflow ent'rtainntetit. was given in
the church, .the -performers going from
One place to. the other. Ret: 1Mlr..
Laws. and Rev. Mr. Miller wco-'. in
charge of the aua:'zi:',tcc.att the-ehurch,
Mr. Lorne Epps. brought along • his
gramophone and' gave 'several 'selec-
tions, greatly .to the enjoyment ot
the crowd which gat'lcer si in the hall
while' waiting •for • the program to
commence.. • .
The proceeds of. the supper and en-
tertainment and the Sunday offer-
ings amounted to something like $11(5
which will be applied to the. 'general
fund of .the church. The' (diktats and
all connected with, the church are :to
be congratulated upon , the splendid.
success itf .tho anniversary sere ices
and supper. .
Goderich Township
L. J. Sheppard of the -Bayfield
Line,' who has been ,in the west all
summer, has returned home, It la
Mr. Sheppard's , intention to move
est rn the spring.' •
• A number • of farmers' on the West
side of the township are haying ar-
tesian well;,. bored this fall so as to
make. sure ofan adequate supply of
water al all times, Anuing diem be-
ing the following : A. Waite], W..
liott, John.McClitre, Robit. pavidson,,
Thos. Amy, Chris Joltnaitone and IT'.
and H: Nettel, Some will use wind
mill power but • others are likely to
instal gaso ne engines latter on.
The following is the ,monthly report
for Novcirbcr of 5. 5, No. 9, '(loder-
ich township, the, names being in • or-
der of merit : •
5th class --Stella Netsott.
Sr, 4th -Bert gaindlay-, 'W tiara
•Gray, Tellesille Mudie, Sadie ('ook,
Arnold Miller,
Jr, 4th Tlattie Ostrom,' Roy Con-
nell, tloyd Miller, OtPtie Colt', Ralph
;Sr, 3rd -Emily 'Connell, Lola. audio.
Jr, 3rd -Irene. Harrison, .'foto ifedic,
Charlie Cooper, Jean Cook, ° 'Earl
C'oopot, Edith ,Sterling, Biaxial* Net -
son, Bruce Grigg, ,
Sr. 2nd'-Winnifred NUh oft.
, .Jr, 2nd---Itota Harrison, John . Osn-
Part 2nd -Willie Sterling, Alfred
Ilutlfe'� (ladsti:ine Grigg, eweir, Carr•
Dell. •
Jr. 1)-y4ilbur Nelson, fia'C4tigg. 'I
-tdyth(i Peddles, .'reacher.
�rk.� ►. rw .` 'ice - t r'a�n►1 . tarttt�
.Stanley Township
.Sorry bo hear that Miss ;Annie Att t-.
strong is on the tisk list at present,
Messrs, :Hilton Amos and Thomas
Reid of McGilivary spent a few days
'air the home of Mr,' AndrewDunkin.
Mrs, David Armstrong of Pilot
•1•i'ound, Man., arrived yestu lay to
see-, her father, who is very i11.
•ML; ,.George 'teary Stephenson • • • is
very ]ow. at • time. of writing.
The fowl- supper in. Varna -'was a
grand success: The. proceeds amounted
to about one hundred and' seventy-five
' Mr. henry 'Talbot' is busy with hr.'s
new' gasoline engine tiveshintr - clover,
crushing feed, et'c.
A ft'W of:the party adherents at-
tended the convention in - lensall on
Monday, Political matters never
were tluiete•r• that in this t'lcction,
Those faJiners who went in ort beans
la it summer are rejoieing now over
the great financial returns they have
realized. Most of there delit'ered
their crop No ICippen this week where
a car was loaded: A greater acreage
Will be, under crop next season,
The following report shows the
standing of the 'pupils of t1.S.S. No.
0, , Stunley, for. November •
5th classy -•M. J. Meyers, 0. Nich-
olson, P. McB gide: .
4th Class- •••1.. Mattson, I;,• Moyer, J.
'A.' Mtyers.
St.•'srd-Ni. y3rettncnten;• A. Finlay,
M; Oeseh. '
Tr, 3rd --C, Parke, W. Manson, E.
Kt. 2ne144.-Lt Meyers,, .i*. :Mloyettl, L.
't'Itl \ PAY"
The Company iso as confident for all
that it claims •for: tho National . Fer-
tilizer, that it 14. prepared .to sell it
to the farmer and be paid for it only
at ±:r :('lie crop - .has been gathered.
Think whit;.' this ztiean:s • You increase
the profit's from your fields more than.
100 per cent., and after :the season's
crop hal bt'!n ;=tken in, and not be -
:ore, you pp.y for 'the National j?er*
tinker,' the wonderful handmaid of na-
ture that causes two bushels to be
produced, where one 'bushel: grew' be-
forr. •
National Land, Fruit
• &• Packing co. •
• • Toronto
Reptesentaative for tluroreC;'unty, '
Bw-Law No. 14 for toll
To take the vote of the ratepayers
of the Town of Clintan eat•i'tl:ed to
vote.• on money by-laws, on a ques-,.
Hon to be Submitted . whether the
said ratepayers are.. in ''favor of a
supply . of -electric power' `front • the
Ily dro-Islect•I'.e- Potver Commission of
Ontario. .
ii•i1l' RF;AS 'the Municipal..('ouncil
of the Corporation of the. Town • of
('! niton deeinci •it advisable to • •submit
to the t,tepayers of the said Town
of Clinton entitled to veto. on money.
by-laws • a question as to whether
-pile said raft_w ers' co in favor ot a
supply of c ect'Mie pewer.•from the
hydro -Electric i'owor Commission of
Ontario. . '
TIIEREFORM the Council •of the
Corporattioh 01 the Town of Clinton
enacts as follows :
1. T11.1T,the following ilitesaion 'be.
submitted .to the. ratcpay�rs 'f• the
Municipal -Corporation of the To',vn of
Clinton entitled to.. vote .on . Looney
bye-laws : .
Arc' yoti. in favor of obtaining from
tae -Hydro-I:Iertriu Power u,tnuttlssion
of Ontario a .supply of ogee;: c pot<: -
2 THAT' Lite Votes 01 the said.
ratepayers -shall be taken •on this
question at the write; hour, •' on the
same day, :at the 'same places 'and
by 'the same deputy' returtning officers
and poll clerks as for the annual el-
uetion for the Municipal Council for
the year. 1912, '•
3, A. true: copy of this by-law shall
be 'published, in The News-Rocord on
the days hereinafter mentioned, that
is to say r Dec. 7th, J:9,tth and :1st,
1911, and a copy- of this •by law shall
bo postied ' at the Post otiice,: Thc.
News -Record office, the . New `Era of
flee and the Town Cl'erk's office: -
•4'. On t'he 29th da -)r of December at
the Council Chamber in the Town of
Clinton at 11 o'dlock •a.m., the 'May-
r will in writing signed by .him
a oint two persons to attend at the
fin i - summing up of . the votes by
Clerk of this Corporation and
one person to attend each polling
place on behalf of the persons . inter-
ested in and desirou:•t of ehe answer-
ing of the sit.d question in the affir-
mative,' and a bike number en behalf
cifthe persons interested in and de-
sirous of the answering of the said
question in the negative rospectivcly.
5; The 2nd day of January at tthe•
said Council„ Chamber in Clinton atL
12 o'clock noon is hereby- appointbd
for the stinttning up by the Clerk of
WS Corporation of the number of
votes given in the almirna„'ive and in
the negative respectively.
thit, 5th day of Deeeutber, 1911, -
Jacob Taylor, Mayor. •
D. L. Macpherson, Cleslt:.
bi0T.1x'11 .
TAI(f NOTICE the' above is a true
copy of a by-law passed by bhc Man.
IcIpal :Council' of the. Town of Clinton
on the 5th day of _December, 1911..
. AND T''1:"RTI1.I0. TAKI..1 NOTIC1•,
that at the hour, day and places
therein 'fled to3taking the• votes of
the electors 'the polla will be held,
First publieatibn 7th day of Decent -
her, 1011.
D. L. MMlacphorson, Town C'tt'rk,
(11et1'.c's office 5th day of Thee. 1011,_
TeI'ms!F.:IT.'Sw� � igN�
announce nee big price reduction because
there as no necessity for doing soas our prices
are always low.
Reasons for cleaning out every thing it cur
millinery department this season so it is 'not a
question of price but of Stock Clearance. 'Cleats
why every thing is marked half price and un-
der. '.Chats also the reason that we are sending
out so many hats at this late date, -
Our special value in Ladies Coats at $6.00
$9.00, $10.00 and $12.00 up to $20.00. Have
you noticed how faultless they arein fit and
finish because they were modelled by experts.
Coats every one special value at $1.75, 2.50
;3.50, 4,50, 5.00 and 6,Qpp,
• 'Are l ere'too numerous to mention, It would
be wisdob o make an early selection, all goods
selected cana left here if necessary till you - re-
quire it. .
• We are making a special effort, to t;eAp our
'premium table 'are fully assorted from .nOw
untill after,Christmas. a.
ogs 'Wanted
-- AT
Ail kinds of 't.cs. a illget Highest Price's;
No. 1 -Basswood Heading, 40 inches..
• " $3.75 yer cord delivered.
14,6 ur
C to n. s}Work
You r�rill f nd soine- interesting prices. on
A few of the cluotationsLbelow will . suggest some
of the•values •
?tugs in good quality of Tapestry size 3x3 for $7.75.
.► ' , a best •3x4 reg. $19,0() for $10,00,
4 different patterns to choose from. If you want a rug this is your
chance, No better value ever shown in Clinton
Linoleum 4 yds wide, 150c per sq yd.- 0 patterns to choose from,
t'aa In the Furniture Department you will find the best selection' ever
shown in Clinton. If you want a parlor suite here are sotne prices that
will interest you : -
1. only :r piece suite reg $00.00 for $18.51)
1 ":3 •• 72,00 " 00.00
1 " ;; t t " 27.50 " 15.00 -
1 "' :3 '' 4. 23.60 a ` 21.00
1"' it rit r " 50,00 " 42.00
23,00 20.00
Iron Beds prices ranging £roan $3.00 to $30.00
or-tt Some special prices on matti'easesc
A' full line of small musical nuisicol instruments carried in stock.
This is aL new line I have added ;hong with the !Olson Phonograph,
The Store
at •uali
t , r
4 Y.
Phone 28
Put'niturte Dealer and Undertaker
TheNewS' + c - rd ' to earl of 10 I
for 10c.