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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-07, Page 2
limmineamispousamossamousau C. N`T TRIFLE 1 with a Cough. or •Cold. It require:* your.-•iiumediate at- teininn, and it is simply slow suicide to allow a COX to, run its course.. HOLMES' Clanton News -Record atomises 7th 9U i Huron County for News Gathered ews-Record Readers LUNG 4 O N I01 From The News -Record o 1 eirl 1 firs. Dinsley, Sr., of Detroit' is vis- iting her sister. Mrs John McLean. Rev. C. E. Jeakins of Clinton ac- Wingham. is an excellent preparation. It) .loosens the phlegm, heals the irritated membrane and cures. a the Cough, and does not upset the stomach. The Best For Your Cough. , W. S. R. HOLMES DRUGGIST. BABY- CARRIAGES RE -TIRED WHILE YOU WAIT, AT S1MIA,LL COST. -2 NEW BICYCLES FOR SALE ;HEAP: WATERWORKS SERVICES INSTALLED. LET'S DO IT FOR YOU. A. TURIN e o0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 o. CI 0 0 0 • • 0 e • • e • • • • • • 0 • CENTRAL STRATI'ORD. ONT. Stands to the front .as. the best school of its kited of tie -ordinary business collage, This school has a continental repute - tion for high-grade wore;. We o have three„deeartmerlts, o Commercial, C� • Shorthand and.0 . Tclegiaphy '' ' o and the demand • for " trained • o. help ,greatly+ exceeds the supplyt. o Students acre entering each. week o. and tie, sooner -yea enter the • ce better for •3.;turself. Ciet our •6 fire ceetaloguc. at once.` • ..0 0 D. A.. MCL AC'HLAN, ' o principal o o' 9 0 0 a companied by M f tier Reginald, December 4th 189" v. town. recently, ° cd to his of Paul'schurch Milton, Dec. 41e, 1895. Religious services twill commence at the House of Refuge. next Sunday. Mr, W. Doheri'y placed in the House of Refuge, free of charge, ono of his fine organs for the offieal opening. Mr. Robt. Downs tool: an active pats;; in a concert at Hurondale last Friday week and asusual he was repeateeily encored. Mr. Geo, D. McTaggart was in Buffalo last week, Miss Dot Fair was a guest at the manse in Seaforth lasts week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Enunerson, who are but recently married and who live in Kincardine township, visited Mr. and Mie. R. J. Out( for a few', days recently. • Rattenbury street+ church will, cum mencing on Sunday, be lighted by in candescent instead of. arc lights, The Clinton. Public Library h just added one hundred dollars wp of books. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Manntg Mr. IL• E. Uodgens anended the ening of the new Mot'.iodist ch Exeter on Sunday and Monde The business men of Clinto expressed their 'willingness at nine o'clock on Saturd ings, and the new order into - effect on and . uary the first. The cou requested to have the to at that hour.... Mr, and, .Mrs. Thos. L led to Wingliam owing of the. lady's ` brother, gill. r` In addi `:on :'o amount of butte Cantelon Brothe week ',+'lipping sevcr The. council evade her evening in . r Of 'Councillors S to have the ve rth and op- urch in y. n have to c':.se ay even- vill coins after Jan- ncil will be wn bell rung avan were cal - to the . death Mr. John Car- animmense r . and ' eggs rs arc this al tons of poultry. a mi'staket the. ot- ejecting • the .motion eerie and McMurray teenicipal nonitnat'ions held at seven -thirty in the: evening. Meehartfcs and working 'amen who aro ,e the great majority, are then at liberty without a sacrifice of time, but if , they a.t.,Und the `nominations in the .morning a quarter of a. ' day at least will be lost and the inter- es'ti whi.r every• elector should take will not be as . great.The News -1 Record is firmly of the opinion that, in the• best interestsof the people, the time for nominations should• be changed* to. the evening and i.f each councillor will seriously consider the matter we, are. satisfied t,'ie same conclusion • will ee arrived at. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O' o 0 4 fLOUR ,�a FEED WITEN Y4)L.' NEED : ANY- THING IN THIS LINE WE WILL APPRECIATE Y('Uit ORDER. BRING YOUR GRAIN HERE WHEN MARKETING- VW)Ult • GRAIN BRING IT TO . US. • HIGHEST PRICES P.1 FORD&MoL EOD SHOE REP t+ AlliS Your shoes neatly and .prom ptly repaired Open STORE 01' B Every Evening, POSITE TIIE POSTOFFICE. oots made to order. TlieBe1 Coal IF YOU WANT TIME BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- .PLY FROM US, ORDERS 't,EFT AT DAVIS IlOWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT- ...TENDED TO. J. Vii`. Stevenson Holmerrille, Dec. 4,1n., 1895. •The wind storms' cif last week caus- ed considerable.. damage t'. ,property around 'here.. 11`t ss Bessie Murch has been engaged to teach Wyton school 'next year. Miss Shoaf yeas ' rote:teed' to her ,home at Birr.. . Mr. McDonald isnow occupying the Lobb hour,.. • the trustees of 'elle. Methodist. church have reengaBed Mr: ' Geo. Hut, year. ler to act. as sexton, for another '['he West Iluron Farmer's. Institute met here in convention on Thursday last. Good sessions were hold 'after- noon and.:' evening. Add:tosses 'were givt.a by representatives'from the 0.1 A. IL, and many practical hints and 1 much informa'ion was given the 'far- mers. A nurnbee of 'new mcmbe were enrolled.:' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOC' and •implements. -Me; Charles Bak- er has in!,':ucted the undersigned to sell: by public, auction ati lot 22, con. 16, 'at' 1 o'clock on 'Wednesday,, Drie: 13th the following. •mare 5 yrs. supposed to be in foal to ',Bar I V Tilly; el'sing 3 yeats by Bar 1 V, horse 9 yeau' old, gelding rising 2 years by Bar I V, spring, frl•Iy' by Bar I V, 2 cows duo to calve in Nov., 1 o)w due to calve . in March 2 cows due in May, 1 dry cow, hei ter rising'3 years, ht':fer rising years, 2 steers rising 2 years, sow duo to fame, middle of Feb., Calves, ., 0 bens, Massey binder, mower, tiled drill, .cultivator, Walking plow, rifling' plow, set harrows, 2 furrow plows, wagon, hay rack, fanning mill, buggy, set bobsleighs, cutter., cuttt:n'g box, root pulper, scanier, potaei digger, ex to rasion ladder, hay , sling, ear and. 155 feet row, gravel lfbx, wheel- barrow, grindstone, 2 sugar kettles, set double harness, set single harn- ess, milk can, horse blankets, robes, Melotte s.caarator, butter worker, NO. 5 Daisy churn, but'.er box, ice box, string of bells, grain bags, coals oil resorvoir, weigh scales, a quantity of shingles, a quantity 01i Mangles, forks, chains, shovels and numerous' other articles. There be no reserve as the proprietor Ii sold his farm. There will be plena of stabling for horses either on IA' premises or on the adjacent farm of R. •Thompson or T: Churchill's Terms -Alt sums of $10 and under cash ; on over that amount tf monthss' credit will be given on fur - Melting approved joint nonce, ar 6 percent per annum discount for cash, -(The. Baker, Proprietor, T: (sundry, Attei'►Oneer* 10, rs, Jeakins and Mas- spcnt a few days in Jeakins preach - congregation tie St. on Sunday week.. Mre. Carrack was called .to Walker villa last v. elc, by the serious illna>3 of her sisti r. Tho foundry bylaw passed by . ah overwhelming majority lasts week, Mrs. (Dr.) J. I. Tamblyn passed a- way lasts week. She was about sev- enty-nine years of age and had been a resident of .'•.W .iiighara for nearly fifty years. Her husband and one son, Dr. Ii, E. W. Tamblyn, survive. Mr, Thos. Ilenderson, formerly a residents of 'Morrie township, died last week. kite?'"Was eighty years of age. Tee is survived by his wife and a family of seven. Mr. John Gray of Toronto spent a few days last week with his son, Mr. W. G. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mitchell have returned attar spending son-;, thna in the west,. Mr. J. W..Tay.o•i has been .appoint- ed caretaker of the Public school in place of Mr. J. Taylor who resigned. The funeral of the rate J. IL Gren- nan of Toronto, a former resident of East Wawanosh, took place fro Winghani last week. NensaIl Miss : Bawdcn' of Clinton visited friends in IIensall last week. Louis Wolper Jr., who has been in Rae west for some !Imo, has returned. Mr: Peter Triggerson has moved in- to ono of Mr. George Pec'ty's houses on Brock 'street:: ,.:.. • Mrs Shim IIunter of I3rookdale, Man:, is visiting: her mother, • birs.. Lang.. M',. E. Rannie intends building . an- othee store in the spring. Mr. D. Urquhart has stinted his oat_teral trill again after its being idle for about four years. Bluth. . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCauughey of Clinton visited friends here recently. Mr. C. Tierney, who has been oper-'' ator on t'he G. T. R. at Toronto, has been visiting his pareaae in town. Miss Maud Ring has returfne* from Portland, Maine, where she has held the important post of hospi- tal superintendent. Mr. Charles •Cunning, an old resident of town, passed away Lasa Week aft a tedious illness. . The Epworth League gave a most delightful banquet in the lecture room of the church on Tuesday week; Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bentley of East Wawanor;i ceL.'irated tbctr silver. wedding .on Friday week, when they invited about eighee of their friends to make merry. with them. Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dickson have. gone to Toronto, where two ' sons and two d'aughtent reside, the latter University students, tostay during the winter months. . . Mr. Ii. Cudmore has purchased the residence of Mr. Jame'', Manley in Harpurhay. Mit. William McMichael has, leased, kis farms on the townlino of Iiullettt and McKillop to Mr. Taman of near Auburn. u urn. Mr. J. 4lcEibhon of Gayloi t, Mich., has been. visiting friends in this vicinity. . The anniversary services held (n the P.'relsbylerian church on Sacd iv' week were ' very "welt attended, Rev. Mir. • Woodn de of Owen Sound • preached both morning and evening: • A bane( quet was' given on the following even- ing The peeceeds of the banquet•and offerings. atnountted'to,.ebout $322: ,Rowell spoke at Barrie aiid Sir James Whitby at Guelph... ' • Mr. Henry Shaver was killed near Cainsville, being thrown le ,front of a railway.. engine when his horns . starlet. • • • A Popular Pastor. Rev. T. Wesley Cosens of Ontario Street Church has accepted a call to Empress ' Avenue Methodist Church, London Office of Physician of House of Refuge CLINTON, Ont., Dec: 1st, 1911. To the Warden and County Councillors. Gentlemen :_ 1 beg to submit for your .consideration the Report of the Physician for the House of Refuge ending Nov. 30th, 1911. We have been practically free from any epidemic of " a serious nature during the gat year. Every season seems to bring the' usual infectious troubles when nearly every in- mate contracts the prevailing disease, but no serious results have followed, mainly due tothe fact that control is, easily obtained and proper precautions carried out, better than conditions outside the house; -The death rate has beem as low as any year since the lnstitution'was opened, there be- ing six deaths of an average age of 80 years. One died of Apoplexy aged 79 One Pneumonia " 69 One Old Age " 92 One `t Epilepsy i" 80 One " Cystitis " 76 One " Embolus of Heart aged '84 I find the new regulation, adopted at your last ses- sion, works very advantageously for the success of the management of the House.. 1 have made 71 visits dispensed 763 bottles of med- icine ;'extracted 23 teeth; set a fractured hip, and made 9 examinations of applicants. All of ,which is respectfully submitted, J. W. SHAW, Physician H. of R. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the.Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the international Press Bible Question Club. (Copyright, 1910, by Rev. T. S. Ltnscott, p.p.) Dec. 10, 1911. (Copyright, 1910, by Rev. T. S. Lin- scott, D.D.). Niehemiah and His Enemies. Neh. vi. Golden Text -The Lord is the strength of my lite; of whom shall I be afraid? I's. xxvii:l. (1.) Verse 1 -2 --When God is bless- ing us with great success in our Work how does that generally affect those who are doing the same kind of work? (2.) Which are the worst enemies and why, those who outwardly declare their hostility, or those who pretend to be friends and are secretly Work- Ing our injury? (3.) Why instead of being annoyed, did not Sanballat and his company admire and praise Nehemiah for his wonderful success? (4.) In a race it is fair for each to try to win; but' what is the character at the one who puts out his Rootand trips up his .chief competitor? (50 What would yon say were the real motives or Sanballat, and his friends, in wanting to prevent the building of the wall of Jerusalem? (6.) When men have for years neg- lected, or failed to do a needed work, how do they generally feel when ethers do that work? (7.) Verse 3 -How would you char- acterize the answer of Nehemiah to the invitation to a conference with Sanballat? (8.) What maybe expectedof busi- ness or professional men who neglect their calling, and spend much time in playing ball or other pastimes? (8.) Verses 4 -8 -Why were they so anxious to have this outside confer- ence with. Nehemiah? . . (10.) If a false report gets circui4t- ed about a man who is doing a good work, how much if any notice should he take of it? . (11.) . What probably •would have been the result if Nehemiah had gone to this conference in order to pro- tect his good naive? (12.) Why' do • people so often Me" pugn the motives of those. who are succeeding in doing a' good `work? (13.) How should we treat those who oppose us, or speak evil of us? (14.) What arguments did or. could Sanballat use to justify' the accusation which he said people were making against Nehemiah? .' (15.) Is slander of good people gen. erally pure fabrication, or is it a per- version . of actual• facts, as in .thi9• case? Tbolilibts fie Every °stay Some roosters do almoist ae much (,rowing as some men. The man who always follows the dictation of hes coneelenee must have pretty sharp ears. A fellow is generally broke when a girl drops 'him. There Is no lack of opporunitfiis to do the things we shouldn't. Almost any man is a match for the fellow who bits money to burrs. There are times when you don't have to be an acrobat to .take .a tumble to yourself. in tea may mean to you flavor or strength or fragrant richness, ' Red Rose Tea• is blended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit. Will you try a package. E.00ts k I Barks Herbs That have great medicinal power, are raised to their highest eifleiency, for Purifying and enriching the blood, nes they are combined in Hood's Berea- parilia. 40,369 testimonials received by actUna count in two years. Be sure to take , Hood's Sarsaparilla Get It today, Sold by all druggists everywhet e. 100 hoses One Dollar. MISS JANET (7,'AItaOCHA,N, Miss Janet Carnochan of Niagara. now retired from teaching and greatl,r interested .in the collecting of his- NLVCRSOLD IN BULK Your , Grocer Will Recommend It sl HIi*4 JANET (:.iiiNO('HAN ,resident Niagara Historical Society. ' torical material, is a native of then Niagara peninsula.' She is as keens, II interested in life to -day as she was when she began teaching. Her teach lebrought out the individuality of di'? pupils, ALBERTA'S'. Nearly everyone nowadays .:;low+; oniething about AN estcrn Canada. ;lost people who have not an in - :imam knowledge of the country think :hut the West'is all alike... So it is generally speaking; all except Central Alberta, Which Is radically. different `In many important respects. Most .people are •ready to admit that Western • Canada produces the - best . hard wheat that can be grown anywhere:. -But comparatively few have any, conception that a portion of Western • Canada not only grows hard wheat, but also has advantages over the high-priced .farm lands in the eastern provinces of Canada,•- or in the Central 'Western States, . in •their own kind or !'arming, that is to •say in the. raising "of cattle, berries and hogs in conjunction with the growing of various grains, and dairy- •ing. d . • ` (16.) Verse 9 -There is a 'natural tendency for us to be morel or less afraid of such devilish and persistent •enenttes •as these; what therefore is .our best method to keep up our eour; -age and succeed? • (17.). Verses 10 -14 -What would have happened if' Nehemiah had been tempted to fear, and had shut himself up in the temple, as. be was advised?. '(18.) In what class. would you place the. sin of moral cowardice? • (19.) Which are the more vile -and w hy, bad men in a pious garb, or out- and-out: sinners? (This Is one of -the questions that, may be answered in writing by members of the club.) (20.) How •.did Nehemiah discern the hypocrisy of Shemaiah? • • (21.) Verses. 15 -1.8 -Holy long did it take then' to complete the wall? • (22.) What qualities did Nehemiah -display that tire still essential for otic cess? Lesson for, Sunday, Dec, 1^etlt, 1911. Ezra Teaches the Law. Neh.. viii. Dr. Pelletier, Provincial. Ilealth Of- e-• fr'cer, says the whole- Province of 'Quebec Is threatened With a small- pox epidermic on account of the dis- regard of regulations: -{ ' The Turks,. 'under Enver Bey, laaee gathered i•n . force at' Benghazi. Harry Atkinson was. struck by a train rear Whitby and ki11'ed. Newfoundland too' Sends Good News Of the Great Work Dodd's Kidney Pilee are doing. • J, C. Green,.' a sufferer from Alice- niatism• • and Lumbago for five years, finds quick relief and complete cure in Dodd's Ft'tlney PI Is. • . . Clain l3ank Cove, Bay 5t. George, Nfld., Dee. 4 Newfoundland coetlribut- es 13.; share of •t':ie splendid cures made by Dodd's Kidney Pills, There is a striking example 'at• this place. Mr. J. C. Green, a well known re- sident, suffered troth. Rheumatism and Lutnbago for five years. To -day he is a well 'elan and does hot hesi- tate to give Dodd's IS Edney Pills all the credie for the eure. "My trouble was caused by strain and cold," lir. Oven says, in telling It's story. And for five years I :M- itered from.R'iieumatisni and Lumbago. 1 wart always tired' and nervous, My sleep was . broken and anfreshing, and the pains of neuralgia added to my distress. "I was in very bad shape indeed when I started ti.) use Dodd's Kidney Pills, but they soon gave me relief. it Is ixicausc 1 found a cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills that' 1 rccoinw mend them to • my friend:.." Dodd'.s Kidney I'l'ls always euro kidney ilio no matter where it is found or in what stage it Ft in. litel' 'Lic .ARE YOint STOCK IN„T}IE BEST .CONDITION FOR 1T} E WINTER ? • ' GET, BITTER ' LICK FOR THEM 'AND KEEP THEM PERFECT FOR LESS THAN . ONE CENT PER .HEAD PER WEEK. ''WIER LICK, IS NATURE'S •: OWN REMEDY • AND IS MADE •09' 'EVERYTHING - . HORSES• • CATTLE • AND .SHEEP NEED •TO KEEP THEMI PERFECTLY REAL- TIIY:• NO WASTE NO DOS- ING. ABSOLUTELY I.'ECT1.V1 . • ICUNTON ONTARIO Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 The Government of the Province t R: Ontario, under-, tho authority •o:: Chapter 4, , of the Statues • of Ontario• 1911, invites subscriptions from •t'be public for a loan of $1`,001),000 es. bonds of the Province of•, Ontario:, or "Ontario Government Stock." • The bonds will be dated '1st Niru ember, 1911, and payable .on the lss November, 1941, tin. denominations of • 11,000 •each,. with coupons attach d.. .for interest at the rate of four pee cent. per, annum, ' . payable hsatf yearly on. Pho 1st May and let No-. •vcinber in each 'year,, at. the office ni. the Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, or at the ofrees of the Bank of Meet tsoai, in Montreal; Canada, ' .and. New • York, • N. Y., at the ' holder's option., • Bonds wa'1 • be :made par- able to bearer, but on request wilt be regis:'„7red in the office of .the Provincial Traa.urer and endorsed 4.-- payabl©' only to the order of ccrtai, , pal -ions or corporations, and on. re- quest of holders • )vill be exchanged., for "Ontario Government Stocic :at ' any: time.' The . • issue price during. the • mon .i, of November, 1011, will be 103 'h,:' each .$100, and after the 3.Oth day •u. Noveti-1bor, .1911•,... the issue price wilt' • be 102 and interest,. accured from tae: lst• November, 1911. " . Ali bonds and Inscribed .Stack: •.ii . the 'said 'Act' are free front all Ole-. trade -Provincial Taxes, :. C'liargee.. •succession Duty aiid. it}tposi:'i.r.t whatsoever. . Purchasers of Stock or Mond,, v be. re juiired , to send eertiftcd Cheque. with the' app?ication; payable to idle ordet of the "Provincial Tre'tsuzet • of Ontario. ' This loan is raised upon the cre i- it :of theConsolidated RFevenue urs of On:'ario, • and is ohargeablo tht ct-- npon. ' ; • A..I.' ATIlESON,• Provincial Treasure:_ • :Treasury • Dopartment, Parlimeat... Buildings, Toronto, 1st Novembe=r, 1911.' Newspapers inserting this adverti.•e ment without authority from tat Department will not be paid foto 1`.. 0 pogninimmar 1. Our !'lotto; This Year. is - The Best Year - It's the Name on the Movement that Counts DYING a watch by the ease is like buying a book by the cover., Book or watch, It is the inside that counts, In buying a watch give first consideration to the movement. If you want the best movement for your money -choose from our•assortment of \ ALTHAM WATCHES We have Waltham. Watches in all grades at a wide range of prices -each watch the beat value possible at its respective priee. And we can suit you with s watch case -plain or fancy, solid or gold filled. "It's Time You Owned a Waltham." Waltham Watches Bre the most dependable of timc.piecea. That is why we recomtnettd them. If you WApt to make your watch a Ills investment.0-let us sell you an adjusted Waltham. rW Jeweler ;• .i..l. COUNTER Issuer Marriage ,icenses 7. ..,AAN AAAAIVIAMWAiviANIMAAAAAW.ru4,0w' t,+w tl rw{ { (