HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-12-07, Page 1Clinton ..,.N.OmrsowReeoid. No 1708-32ad Year 6101.11.1.111061mlii",,, CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEUBER 7th, 1911 THE HOME PAPER 04. The News -Record to any address in Canada to january 1912 for IO ,cents or to end of 1912 for $100 ..• YOU DO NOT KOWN W.FIAT You Are Missing By Not Calling in To See Our New Xmas Stock Now Dis- played ,f0 one need be forgotten by you Xmas time, A little money wilt go a long way in securing some useful presents at our store. WE Ha.'e Everything You Could Mink Of In An Up V, -date Jewellery store. 2ry and help out SANTA CLAUSE. warm 7.11 SEE OUR WINDOW VISPLAY. W. IL. YLeiiqar. feweler and Optician - Clinton 1 The Royal Bank OF CANADA. INCORPORATED 1869. Capital Paid Up Reserve and Undivided Profits Total Assets - • $6,200,000. $1,200,000. $loo,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL 190 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. .fl TULE COMMITTEE MET. The County Council committee of the /louse of Refuge met in Clinton • on Tuesday. As usual everything in oonneetilon with the House was found to bp in excellent condition.. 1• THE BEEKEEPER; The BeekeepersAssociaflon ot this county will hold a •nseeting in the council chamber at 10.30 a.. rd. on Thursday next. Addresses are ex- pectNI from Mr. Pettit% of the Agri- cultural College, provincial Apiarist, Iand others, i WESLEY CHURCH. Rev. J. E. Ford occupied his own pulpit on Sunday, preaching good ser- mons morning and evening. Tho League on Monday evening took the form of a "Question Match," the questions being taken front the first five chapters of Genesia. Rev. Mr, Game gave out the questions and the program proved to be an interest, ing one. • WILLIS CHURCH. The Library department had charge of the Guild meeting on Monday ev- ening. The subject discussed was IBurns, "The Cotter's Saturday Night." The• discussion was led by Rev. Mr, Grant and was taken, part • in by a number of tho young people. A special meeting of tho Presby- tery was held yesterday in. this church. i The Womea'.'S Association meet.in the lecture riioni this aftosnoon. 1 The MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855 • Capital Paid up . - $4.000,000 Rest Fund - $4,600,000 Hai 83 Branches in Canada' . and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities in the world. •. - A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. Clinton Branch. - C. E. Dowding, Manager on. ST. •OPURCII. Rev, T. II. Snowden prenhed titan, tug and evening on Sanday.the Can- tor being absent co'nductieg speeial ssrvices at Varna. •• Ndxt Tuesday evening the League in, tend• holding a• social, when •the mems bers of the 'Young Ladani" •'Mission Circle willhavo for sal'e a number oi arSkles suitable for Christi:me gil• Th61 e proceeds of the e will be • ap- plied to the •stipport of a native Chinese student. There wi 1 be ' a program and a silver cellection ' will be taken. AN •ACCIDENT. •, ' •. , • • Misn Skimings, the GOderich cerres- • *indent to The. News-Recoel, had the • misfortune to fall tho other day and • fracture . a limb .and the' lady is now a patients in Alexandra -hospital. Thu ' , . . ' ' • News-Recordsrosrets the accident to. • the ,menteer of its _Stall, as' will also the' Many subscribers who' . are •con- stant readers of her column. Some years. ago Mins' Skhmings was so. un-' fortunate as to. • - break both: wrists, frOm, the'effects of which. she bas al- most wholly redovered, and her many friends are trus'ing ilhat her recovery • • from. thepresent accident Win he both speedy and complete. •• • When • Puzzled About what to getfor lihn Remember that of all things Mensiiice best SOMETHING- TO WEAI Ileads the List. Something to wear will be doubly • appreciated if you get something he would buy for , himself, Everything that is Newest and Best for Men or Boys to wear is now here in Elegant Assortment for the Holiday Trade. 11111# NoI Give Him ? A Sweater 50c. to $5.00 A Shirt 50c. to $2.00 A Necktie 25c. to $1.00 A Suit $7.50 to $25,00 A House -Coat $4 tg, $10 00 A Hat $1,00 to. $5.00 & Muffler 25c, to $1.50 An Overcoat .$3.50 to $25,00 Don't Wait Start Now! Only four weeks to Christmas THE MORMSH CLOTHING CO. Huron's Largest Clothiers "A Square Deal for Every Man" ST. • PATSL'S BAZAAR. • . . The Ladies' Guild Of. St. •Paul's •church held their, annual bazaar and tea in the town hall on "Thursday af- ternoon last, when; as usual, it was a great success. The inembera ofthe Guild are above all things energetic and enthusiastic. They, do not &loan to mind taking a great deal of bsouble in ,order to make a thing go • and the result is thas whatever. they, under- take usually des "go" with, a •will, and the bazaar this yeas wan no • ex- ception. The decoration comet:Mee, as a sort of a good .'art off, trans- formed•the old hall into a bower • of •beauty. Flags and bunting, plants:, flowers, ete., were freely and aslIstic- ally used in decoration. The bookis, • where all sorts of artials were expoS- ed for sale, Were also gaily decorated, and it • waa a busy and attractive place.• • Tea, coffee, cocoa and other /Ight refresSmosts were .dispensed all aftesi• noon at) small tables to all who des - trod them and at six O'clock a - more 'substantial menii was served, con- sisting of meats; salads, Bostoft bak- ed betaiss, liesides many other whole- some and well-prepared dishes, The ladies,. as they always are, were most attentive to their gutsitS and they were ably ' assisted by several young girls and young men. The proceeds of the day • amounted to considerably over $200, The ladies having chargo of • tha different booths were Vogetables—Mrs, C, Baker, Miss Thompson, Miss M. Holmes. Fancy Work—MiSs Hint, the Misses Doan, Mrs. J. E. Bovey and Mrs. Rattenbury, Handkerch'efs—Miss IViary •Hine,' Mrs. IL T. Rance and Miss Maggie Combe. • Home -math( Cooking — Mrs. •Mar- shall and Mrs. Murphy. Fish Pond—Mrs. J. Hartley and Miss. C. II. Pugh. ' Candy—Mrs. Appleby, Mise 'len..11ey and Misses Eva and Mabe S Cluit. A boob!' where small fancy articles, dells, ete., the work of the Juniors. were sold, was presided over by a number of small maidens , among When' were : Misses Lois II0eies,, Maida and Aileen Armour, Mary Brainfield, Cleta Dimford and Dokotahy Rattenbury, The booths did a brisk business dor- ing the afternoon and at closing time compara.V.vely few of the article off- ered wore left unsold. No entvetimment was given after tie supper ON year, bub the ' Guild Cs making preparations for a grand conceit to be given in the town hall pts the evening Of New Year Bay. THE LOCAL IKARkr. Whea' 90e, • '4 V Peas 90. Oalrs 42o. Barley 75e to 80e. Butter 23c tIo 240. Eggs 330 to 350. Beans, Prime white, $1,05 ba 1.05 Live hogs $6.00. BAPTIST CHURCH. There waa a missionauy inswing Monday evening when Rev. M. Scott, a rehrned missionary, gave a dis- course on "The Work in 'the Foreign Fiold." He was listened to with :close attention and his remarks can- not but arouse still greater • inforest in :We- depar tment of the eburch's aetivife.es. THE ANNUAL SHOW. The annual Show of the Huron Poultry Association will be held in Clint:M. on Jan. le, 17 and 18 next and pEparations are under' way for making it the best yet. Thee) is a lot of. work in connection with. these Shows and the management deserve Much erediS for carrying them to so auccessful a conclusion. Mr, T, J. McNeil is the active and tireless sec retary and Mr. II, E. Rorke presi- dent. )HAVE START El WORK. The superintendents anct foremen of the new Clintion Motor Truck Cm- pany have ars'ved la tpwu and trio works opened ,up on: Tuesday. Mr. ,Cleghorn,' one •ofthe sapernteadenis, has taken rooms in: the Ilotel Nor - pantile for the winfee and expects nis wife. to ROI him in a fa.....cs, Mr. .1e. Bui, who is 1n 'charge .. anotho: department, . and Mg, Hill are Jodated : for the 'present ab the Waverle, ad 'mt.. and Mrs. Lat r have taken up housekeeping in Mr. J. Walkinshaw's house .on :Maple street, The News-net:ord. heartily -Welcomes these new citizens to town aedbe- speaki for the Ceitipany."a, siieeiisful career.. . • • . THE LEAGUE -BZAAR. The League of Wesley churdli • held .their• annual .bazaar on Tuesday af- ternoon M the Sunday school room. The young people 'hail the room pron. thy decorated for the oecasMn * and had exposed for sale a number .of ar- t,ieles Of their own manufactuto auch as dolls, doll's clothes; fancy • and useful- articles of wasissandsfor decor- ation, et. The • afternoonwas an ideal •one and a good crowsl tended, The Juniors served aftornoda .tea with •sandwiches and cake • at. daintily al.:anged tables bnd did • . 4 nicelittle trade. • The preceeda of sale and teg, which amounted ea a snuglittle sum, will be 'used toswell the missionary •funcle of the Leagues, senior.. and junior... .. • WALES FOR A WAGER. • gr. Gordon C. Greelswood was in town Saturday last and spent tlie ev- ening with The News -Record whom he related sonie of ha very interesting experiencos. An American Iby birth, since his school days his life has been a roansfng one and he haS been engaged in newspaper Work in several cinie. Latterly he has been domiciled at Beriteley! California, where, on 6 wager of five thou.sand dollars, he resolved on a brip fenv • would have the hardihood to under- take.: Starting on May lse last+ at Vancouver, Wash.,. be is on a walking tour across Canada, and then through the British • Iles and the Shetland Islands, On his return to New York ha is to again walk -across the con- tiaent to the place of starting. The condisSons are thab be• complete the ',tip in two and a hall years and that he start Without ineney. To • meet necessary ekpeisses Mr: Greenwood has shovelled 'coal, engaged in ranching, done home) paintEng; taken subscripL tione for a inagazine or any odd job that has turned up in an emergeacy. if the weather remains open ho ex- peen' to. reach Halifax during, the winter ofherwise be will spend the season in Montreal and' go acsass tho big point in the spring. • • a A PRSENTATION, • t Mr„ Cleghorn, a. member of the Clinton Motor Truck ContpanY, on his sosering his connection with the Can- ada Foundry Conpany, Toroeto, was A presented by the employes of bio de- partment with a handsome club bag and an address expresfing the regret felt ab his dos.kure. Mrs. Clegliorn was also remembered by them in a• gift. Following is the address Mr. Cleghorn,—The .employes of the Screw and Nut Department, with which you have been associated for the past fifteen months have learned with deep regret of your resignation from the service of bile Canada Penn - dry Company, limited, and feel tliati they Could not let you have without eXpressing in some tangible manner their appreciation of your kindness! to theirs Your genial manner and un- failing eoure By to those eirsployed un- der you has been greatly appreciated, and we feel thattwe will loss not only a superintendent, but a friend when. you depart, 'We ask your accep- tance of *his dressing bhg as rotok- n of our regard. We also ask that a you accept this umbrella for Mrs. t Cleghorn, and we hope that you will be as successful in your new sphere, k and will not forget the emloyeet§ of t the Canada Foundry Cmpany, Limit- eds' to DOG; BIT BOY. Robin, the winsome RUM son of M. and Mrs. John Hunter, wat, bit- ten on the 1p. by a dog yesterday. Theanimal was. apparently dozing when the wee boy Ain over es) pat it and It sprang at him. The susgeon was ealled in to dress the wound and nohin will be around in a day or so. BUSY AND IIAPPY: . „ Mr. llarryts Rautledge of New Lis- keard, in renewing his suh. writes "We are having lovely weather up here in New Oiltfirlo and the coun- try is goingAhead hires New Liskeard can already knock the spobs oil many of elle towns in Older Ontario, :Ss for myself, I am busy, get The News - Record regularly and am. happy. What more epuld fellow want ?" • '• • IIIRFX s.IN A DAY. . - ....• • Mr, A. Hooper is a busy man 'but like everybody olse is some days busier than others. Take yesterday, for instance. In the a.m. hi, drove to Benmiller and wrote a life insurance and coming back to town ho went to Goderich and thence out to McGaw where he took anoner policy. Thee in the evening in Goderich he wrote a third. All three of the insurod men are broehetee this being the first timeihat IVIr.1Ipopr, in his fourteen iv years .'peietiSe, has written up - • so many rothrese in one dy. • WORKMEN OyFICERS. The. office, of Clinton •Lodge A. O. I.J. W. for' theensuing year are as tol- lows : •. . M 'sbn IV -Orkin -1m, J. Mlford, P st Maser, J. Torrance. oremae, J. IL Sne'll. Overseer, I, Dodd. • Recorder, W. Manning. . Ftrtancier and T7sjura, II, J. Chills Guide, F. 13awdefi. Inside W., ,R, P. Fisher. Auditors, R. J.• Suatheoinbo and IL. s•Plumsteel, , Representatives to Grand Lodge, II, J. Cluft and J. Torrance. . • A GOOD. WORK. Mr. Alfred Ali lie r of ToT )0 Ito,. Field SecreVary of . the Reading ('amp . As- soeiation, 'gave 'an interesting address in Vie town 'hall Tuesday .evening on the work . in which lid is engaged. Dustng the pOpt year fort -two Cd- versity. men lave .gone into; some of the most remote camps• la Canada where .laboring • by day, teaching the men in the .evenings- giving good common sone° addressed oit f.cutiday, not using their prerogative". to 1st ise- I lyte hut availing theinghlvoi of the opportunity to: better the eavironinent of •allolasses and creeds,: :they • are dog a work thaS is Cractical .and enduring, . A SHOWER. • • . • A -pleauant: eteningwas spent •hy the members • of . Wesley League' on Friday Iat when a • ntrtMer of them gatlieied at the horno•cif .Mr. and 'Mrs. Byard Hilt and in view of her, approaching marriage, which took place yesterday, gave Miss Nellie Hill a miseeIanesnis shower. The areicles presentisd varied according to tho taste of the donors and in the giving. and -sedeiving of them a' voss jolly hour van passed by the: young. posple. MiSSriJilI. has been a wt Mpg and successful worker • in League and Sunday school and it is matter: for congratulation that her marriage will not separate • hes from her home church and its interesee ?zur ET WEDDIG. A quiet wedding took place, at the mese on Monday evening,* wheitMiss Jennie •13ronin and Mr. Win, J, (B�x- er) Coats . were made Man and wife, Rev. ' •Stelva:4, performing .the Ceremony. AU tho conclusion of the ceremony Mr. and Mts. Coats 're - aired to the home 01 Mr. and Mrs. S. c+, CastSei where a well prepared wedding feae:t was 'Spread andwhich vas enjoyed by the. immediate friends' f vie newly-werided paii. The fol - owing •morning Mr, and Mrs. • Coats eft by the early train f�: i Toronto Where: the bride's .people reside, ' aed f ter a - short lioneynOon those ake up their residence in Clinton, rhe News-Reord joins with their fiends in congratelatr.ons and. good wishes. A pretty wedding took place at the ionic Of Mr. and Mrs. Byard Hill t high nolm yesterday when their nly daughter, Nellie, was united in narriage td Mr. 'Francis W. ' An. rews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer thdrew, also of twn. • The bride was given away by her ether and was daintily gowned in a preety and becoming fro& of white satin. Tho bridal pair were unattend- ed. The ceremony was .performed by Rev. J. E. Ford and was witseseed only by the members of the two families. After the ceremony the guest led, by the bride and groom, repaired to the homo of the brides brother next door, that • of Mr, Fed. J. Hill, whey, the wedding feast was spread. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews left, on the 3.01 brain fo. a honeyinoon trip nd on their retura)will ,talce up belr residence just nosth rir town. iloth bride and groom are Well nown and popular young people and heir many friends, whkh includes he News-Reeord, heartily wish, there' The Peoples' Power., Hon. ,Adnt Bsik, Minister of Power in the Whitney Government, was in Clinfon Tuesday and between trains addressed a meeting of eitfzens in the tawn halt, It was not known en til he last, •arinutis that he eceild stop oft here so that news of it eould not hecome general about tws, kub everybody who hear t ot it was prrs ent and the gatheringoras a ratio:Rep tative ove, . rr. Bec4 is the fathur -the. Hydro-Eleette scheme and has given yrars of his 1141n0 to working it out. That it has become such a. success is in a very large measure due to the energy and pereistisiwe with which et, hae labored against opposition whrch would have daunted most men, flu is brim full of information regarding IA and doubters are mado beLeveis af- tr lohey have heard him. Ile went into 'detail so' far 'as time would permit and showed Itiat Hydro- bleeirie where no ii use has made a b4g cut in the cost at light ad power. Het stted that when the Maitland has been harnessed .and ed up With Niagara every town 4n; village in this counts, can receive a 14411 else service and riie4 elssiper than prices which now prevail, • Mr. Beck went up ti.) Cioderich on the 1.20 train and met the county council with whoni he conferred on the Maitland power scheme and in the 0:ertieg he addressed a public meet- ing along the same lts. 1Jydro-Elo.iriers the people's pow • • • • Thats is it is :cheap and good: • It is furnished at wit, Just now it is a little eneaperv-at liainilton than Stratford, - • If Mr:•Saridereon living.at. Niagara Falls goes t� Ilami,ton Abe . railway fare will probably •lie fifty Cents but if: he .goes fttrier he will.. he charged Being a nnsible man -Mr. Sanderson will say .'"That"e ell right, I can't expeyti yea to haul one-hundrel miles a eheaply as yon.could • ,fer fift3.." a ri o o verttin eat owiis and operates a railway from North.Bay to• Cochrane, 300 miles. If the' fare between the •Iecal stations wasmade the same as for the wZiele run what would teat! people of. New Ontario say and itow 'lope could • the rattle:ay made pay its way. And. yet' Mr. Proudfoet is advent- ing jest Such .a "flat rate." If he is sieeeie in the :Matter the only in- ference is that( he doesn't really un-. derStand, the question, but it is probable he known beilt:or but does 1 not ea.re so tong as his remarks go. A Genial and Tactful Chairman. • • The meeting in the town hall on Friday evening last in the interests of• Mr. 'William, Proudfoot was 0.0:id- ed by a crowd.: which taxedthe cap aci ty of stele hall. Party ' stalwarts were preant from 'G0401401', Seaforth and the surrounding townships •• • an dozens of Consa:vaties were also in • rho cliairinait was Mr. Fred, Jack- son who presided neatly, capably and so inueli at ease that it might seeat a ,common oceurrenoa with him...As a matter' Of fact he seldore consents to bake • liae baton, but when • he dmis he does it • Wee! as •we say here . in Clsiton. • , • • Tlie first speaker Was :1 Ir. •D.- . A:. Forrester, This is Mr. Vorrestos of Clinton, be is.A. 'known, having mad, the rounds . of the partis is „again • a..t te. place of begin- ning. 121 hts • peregrinations he has had ample time to, acquire a compre- hensive knowledge of the •politiealis- sues of tho day, buil. does notappear to have profited by its his •rtenarks Friday evening being • almoSt wholly of a personal nature, Mr. Joseph Elliott, the Whitney candidate, -being the object of His attentions. • Mr, Proudfoot vent further afield' but at besn be only imputed to tise Whitney Ctovernmens .errora of judg- ment and Sina of °Mission. fie made no comparison of the record of the presasti administraSam withthat • ot its predecessor. lion. Mackenzie King was .ehe big gun- of the meeting and the magnet Which drew he crowd Ile is a fluent and attractive speaker, prob- able tete mor.ev effective of those cam- paigning against lin Whitney ' Gov- ernment, and was Honed to with close attention ,throughout. That he is given to exaggeration may be due to fore' of habit 'or to his anxiety ik) make the mos,, of a weak Cause. For instance : Ile said there are 2000 teiteliers in Ontario an permit whw- as the fact is there are scarcely more than half that number. le was of this gentlereatt that Toronto 'Cur - day\ Night, which is rather Liberal than otherwise, said "Hen, William Lyon 1Tadre-414h% Klee still follows the practOe of Outing whatever wines into his h'eaa wit411- out stopping to ask himself or any- body else witesliei his cotichtsioi%s Are justified or not." 0 • Dates. Tenight—Willis church choir concert. Saturday, The. Rh—Jubilee Singers in the town hall. Tuesday, Dee, itt Ontario happiness and prosperity. streeb chtireh. Where -the Interests oreanter Huron Are There were seventeen elections by acclamation on !ifonday, all pi sir porters of the 'Whitney Govern:lins. The povernment will have fifty, .041 wore of a majority. In North and South Huron the .eer.- test is merely for the sake of appear- ances. It Is not a queseion of majority, but the size of it. Any constitueney's intereSts. eaa be • bet'ar servei. by a strcing sup- porter of a stsong Government time b'y a weak- member of- a weak Opposy ton. •••••••••-••••••• In other words, Centre Huron will have regard for its own welfare by electing .rseph Elciott in preference to William -Proudroot. Mr. Proudfoot's duties att the 114t4. 'stature are but an annex to his Toronto law office. Ilis legal work down &)wn eotnes first, his al);,end— ance at the sittings of the House be ing Merely so:much • ielaxation • and recreation, but ha draws $1400 'for the six weeks, 'all tlie same • The Duties of Ootoci • Citienship. • " Tile political meeting Monday 'evens Ing was all hat could be desired that .is the' aptendaiire.,..was large watt tag speaking: -01 a high ordetr with cloe- attention 'throughout. ' ,,....4r. John Ransford presided in his uital happy.manner. NO meeting ion- • •tt1itee: yawn Mr, --- Ransford occupies . ,. She nletir and as, well he •possesseP the happy faculty of sending ' home . . forcible truths . in a sugar-coated mannes. Those to Whons ho paid his reSpeeta clif not -grima'ce any tiaan might heexpeekd of them, • but whether they will .orwill,. not. profit • by them. remains to be. seen. Mr,- Walter 'Mills K....., of ' Ridge- town, in anaddress ot ninety minu- tes deals with the work of the Whit- ney Government, Ile spoke of • tie : - good ro wits- of Prison Reform .i.a • . which 'Ontario has taken t1� meat ad- Vaneed position of any .country in the • ' world. Foreign Governments" • have sent their expo.ts to investigate What bas been aecomplished ny he: Iliiii.. Mr. Hanna's Departmen, Een. • if • there wo& no other . reasons, ' sid. - • ' 5.1i... Mills, the working out of .tht.sir ... Policy . 'en this great qaestioa • should receive for Sit James Whitney' and his . colleagues the. con&nuation . of ' the suppost - ef all broad-minded • citizeas. Mr: AIMS also spoke on Hydro -Eke- - trio and the general policy pf tbe (4 v- eminen, and. cneruded with' an. elie .tinent: Peroration on the. duties•ot Gbod Citizenship. • • Mr.. Joseph Elliott, who was ' •the 1 second and last. • speaker, slidin part: - I: am the candidata,: of the ' Whitney '. Governineet" ivhielt. is certain to be ' sustained by a .large _ I ani e supporter ofthe Whitaymajority. Governinent because it has been honest and progresSive. • • • It ha:e'redueed.trae cost of • school' books. • 11'-hasinereapd the giants for edit- • caelon. It has by itt; Hydro -Electric policy rescued Niagara power trom hands if the Trusts, preserved .!t all trine tor the people of Ontario, • • and . will distribute it throughout the Province at cost.- IlydroeFllectrie rola Niagara will be linked :up Wish vdrirets Ideal' power'th' tio• deeloped,. thus :covering the Province with a network of cheap power: . • Hdro-Eleetrie has already reached ISealorth- •.ad, the' Maitlandto111, be. harnessed. • At tel Isms:inter, whn th• e Maitlandruns IOW, Niagasa energy. , • will be turned On and chow power, t.hus ensured withoutaay .brak. • In a fov: years the farmers wil1 be using Ilydro-Electrie to light, their houses and hams and do their pump- ing arid chopping. . I am and alwaye have been a peranee inan and wilt support wise legistatien alongthose lines. With the three-fifths clause I ani.tu accord,. and believe even the mos1 affianced ot Temperance advocatss will come around to that way oi thinking. aSk your support he one who has the time, the inclinaKon, and, I hope, tbe ability, to Serve Vie best inter- est; of the • people of t'entre Huron, ,,•• • • Pianos Go Up. A wed.or so. ago The Dohrty. Piano and Organ Compaq Shipped a carload of pianos to Winnipeg for Pho Christmas trade. In order to pas - serve the fine tone for which the pianos turned out by Ws Company are noted a coal oil a tive was phteed In the eau to keep an even tempera- ture, but en route, at Burk's Falls, 03 be more definitz, fire broke out and ear and pianos wont up in smke. tt is supposed beaVy shunt- ing toppled Orethe beater, but whatever the cause the inskumeats haVe disappeared. They were insurtri in lite Weacirn, io&rfly replesented hy Mr. (1. 1.1, Hal, but even at tetat the Company is a 'loser both 6reouly and Andirectly, that is la dollars and thcI muivalttit ifl adverthing iai every piano turned out 1»' our teal people gat; another.