HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-23, Page 8• 9 Maks* Ninosoltestool 1 SEASONABLE 000DS MODERATELY TELY PRIG MEN'S OVERCOATS $5.00 to $111.00 1 Our stock of overrate never was more complete than it is at the present time. Many new lines were added last week and early sold MO. replaced and it la now one of the largest and beet .assorted stacks ever offered tor your inspection. Several new, nobby, lines to choose from at $10.00 -Boy's Over. wits in all the latei,l;; atylesat from $3 50 to -$10 00. Ilfe have ;deo just added to •ous stock another large shipment. of M•en. "and Boy's Suits, Don't fail to see these before buying your new Fall Suit Rubbers --Axe you going to buy any Rubbers this fall r If .you are. saveoneva nn them by buying them here we have the cheapest and We hale the heat. rv's;' deWomen's and Children's fine Rubbers, Men's and Boy's Heavy FacelandBuckle Rubbers, hien'' Tong Rubber Boots, •$Speck 1. prices on Boots, Blankets, Underwear, Hose etc. 4 "T 15/ILL P4Y fOU TO TRADE • WITH US.. 1 ti. $mALL PLUMSTEEL MORE 4ROFITS B R . S BUSiNESS *44••••••4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••$•• SOMETHING NEW AND COQH IN CHRISTMAS CARDS CALL AND SEE OUR SAM. PLES O1• CHRISMAS CARDS IN WINCH YOU MAY RAVE YOUR NAME PRINTED AS. WELL. AS IIAVE ANY ONE 00 A . LIB+ERAI, SELECT. " ION OF GREETINGS. THE DESIGNS ARE AIITISTIO AND THE PRICES ARE MODERATE.. W. Q. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest Always the Best .SPECIAL Dress Gdods • 93 yds dress goods olll ea1e Saturday on. ly, Panama, serge, venetian, roxaoas & poplin, colors, blue, bieck, brown, red, green, reg i10c and $5c. Saturday anis • It DAY S1oI Rcduclug SALE Savings at this store 1 • Fur Ruffs _..... and Muffs regular $2 and $3, ten. urs only in the lot. Come early In the morning for this huge bargain. Saturday ,choice 50c IF YOU ONLY KNEW. WHAT WE KNOW • ABOUT OUR SHOES vo WOULDr SURELY..PU: t' HERE .In buying Shoes you bave.get to teke the dealer's word, for you- can't :get at. the inside of the. Shoe to see what it is made of. Things are done very "Slick" these days-blem- • ishes and weak epees can he covered up so that • only the expert can ' eliscover. them -little Sub- stitutions are made here and there that lesson the life of fhe Shoe Materially. In our Shoesyou'avoid all • this -we are ,practical Shoe men know ,positively what should be in a shoe at• a given price and in-' Gist on having -it. We cannot affoid•Ao fool you for when we do so. wefool ourselves. Our Shoe proposition is well worth looking into noW. Eyery in footwear,' -• - FRED. ;JACKSQl i twq.. *10 A Bargain Sale Stoves For the next two weeks•we will give a big .reduc-.: tion on the following popular stoves for cash. If in need of a stove call and 'get our prices. Happy Thought .Range Pandora. Range Canada .Steel Range •. Ideal and Marvel. . Range • Radiant Howe with and without oven Royal Oak Coal Heater, • Dandy Coal Heater Acme Jewel and Special Oak CoaI Heaters: A few second`"ban.d,coal heaters and one small second hand furnace in good order cheap. HAP,1.4.D CROS STOVES and HARDWARE Ni4tNwNNNNNf!erNs•N•N4N•s•N••NNetN Ns'a $eison Ball 1 J. B Hoover • • ' t t 1 1 34361 UNIQUE � DESIGNS In house furnishings are in demand by .those• of artistic tastes. A visit nere will disclose . t UNIQUE FURNITTRE THAT IS DECORATIVE 1 but not overly dear. Merit is what wins' these'days, and it's only merit that gives us our. liberal patronage MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE The eneapeat spot In Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. • Hoover Sic Bali 33+`CJ•IL144•'"J:0C7` 213 ,&N FtrIss` 1 .A.T.Ec'i" 'C S 144/06 4,44.4 4444 4144444•144++11N411•44. VW, N ilh*** Miss Hattie Pickett returned to ;Tor- onto on•Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keegan of Bay. field were in Pawn on Wednesday. Rev, r, W. Cosens preached in Trin- ity church, Sttratford, •on Sunday last. Me. W, %M. Clark of Toronto is the guest of his daughter, Mrs.. J. E. Cantelon, i • Mrs, • Susan Ginn • and Mrs. David Steep were in Goderich on Thesday and Wednesday, ,t • Mr. Kari Wilkin, who came Milne to • attend the funeral of his knottier, left for Calgary on Tuesday, • Master Teddy Williamson, the boy singer. of London, was the guest . while in town recently of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Mrs. Samuel -McGee and her yon, James, of Port Townsend, Wash- ington, are aietiting. at thehome of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Wasmann. Mr. and Mrs: Harry Falconer were in town yesterday on their way from Detroit 41) i1a Bayfield where they will visit aanong old . fniends. for, smile • tm1e; . Mr. Alfred Goodwin' and daughter, Miss Winnifred, returned home on Monday night, after spending the summer very pleasantly with the former's sons, Victor and Douglas, at McTaggart, ,Sisk. Mrs. Young leaves next week for Whitby, where she will spend a few , weeks with friends. • She inPand/ going be. to Montreal for tthe Christ- mas •feason and will spend the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. IV. P. 11fcInPosh of fiat • city. Cook had the misfortune Mrs.' W. • h . one day last week. to slip on an icy walk and fall, broaking.'`her arm. • She is now: being• nursed at the home of her brother, Mr. Peter Cantelon. , Her many, friends. hole the injury will not . lay her up very/ long. Mr. Dave Crawford has iiaturned from the •'west where he spent several • •months;, the greater paed o ' the time up around gdmonton.. Thi tail end of his stay was at Griswold, Man. Daveenjoyed himself fairly • well but not having taken his furs weast • he decided to comp back east . oefore he shdok out Of his shoes. Nose that he is here he - may bei sden in his shirt sleeves ,and' yon might,, almost fancy that he thoughe he was at a simmer resort... -• • London Road... The Epwortra League visited the House of Refuge on Tuesday . evening and gave a program; • and afterwards served refreshments. of ,app.as and candies. •• • - -Mrs. Will Stanbury has been :visiting at Heasall; • Mr t ;'George Stanbury spent a- few days last .week with her daughter, Mrs,- J. H. McEwen of Stanley; Mr. Billy Reid of Stanley has been over in this neighborhood with his bean' thresher. The . West End. Beef Ring wound up its season'soperation af" a riveting at S. S. • No. 4 on Monday, : evening. The season lasted thirty weeks ` and just so many beeves were sent to the block, As they averaged 450 pounds it will, be seen that •She Ring con- sume,d seven tons or over of beef, The • oiiicerts for the ensuing year are as, follows •: President, G. '13 'Hanley. Vice, J. G. Crich, Secre;.try, Ira W. Johne. Treasurer, G. W. Layiton. Committee, H. Crich, A. Stephen- • son, Thos. Livingstone. Inspectors; G. Crich, James Car- nochan, Fred. Nott. bespatcher, James Rivers. Constance The W. M. 5: of the Methodist church held a sewing bee on Thurs- day afternoon at Mrs. Robert Clarks, Friday evening is to be missionary rally. .Rev. Mr. rear of myth will be one of the 'speakers and lane choir wilt furnish the music. The Forestcyo held P.ieir annual ball! on Friday evening last. • Mrs. John Britton is not improving very tac,'t, we regret to report, Miss 'Nellie Chesney as staying with Mrs. William Britton and will prob- ably remain for the *sinter. 11%r. Charles Riley arrived bon* front the west fast week. i Ladies Winter Coats Less than Price 10 only ladies black beaver and fancy tweeds, mixture coats, semi fit., tink, convertiblecollars, sszes 34 to 38 only, reg. $10 and $12. Saturday special sale $5. Children's Coats $3.50 • Children's T w e e d coats, velvet collars and cuffs.; Those are splen - ,did coats for school wear, reg $5 and $6. Batty.. day special sale $3, 50, " • SPECIAL Worsted. Hose I 1 .Boys' heavy wor- eted Dose, black, all sizes. 'Splennid line for, children's over., stockings, Sat- urday .40 Ladies Lama cash- mere hose, all sizes, 8acurday x46 Flannelette Blankets White flannelette blankets with blue and pink al - may. w4 pped ends,laime 84 x 78, per pair special- ly priced 1.35 Wool Blankets 5 pair only wool blankets, large size, whipped ends; blue bor- der, specially marked for Friday belling at 1.68 Trimmed Hats 9$c We are clear- ing out the bal- a n c e of our trimmed hats. during sale days -These are not this fall's styles, but are styles carried over from last season and tor ordin- ary wear every day, just what lots of women want and think 'of getting a. $5. of $7 hat at the above price - Come early Saturday for this is the only day you can get one for- 98c, • , q Miilinery Hat Shapes 28c Saturday we giveyou choice of any hat shape for 28c. Wool .Lined Gauntlets w UNDER PRICED, Ladies and Misses. B1'.k Wool Gauntlets, Leather .palms, wool• lined, a . good warm hand coverinS for walking or driving. During this special sale, re;;. 00 for 35c, reg. 75 ' foa 50c, reg. $1.00 for 75e. Wool Tams`•25c. 'Women and Misses Wool Tams in Bl'k, White, Brown ' and Fancy Colors, --Round and Square Styles, Reg.- 50e, 75c. and $1.00. Clearing dur- ing this Special Sale at 25c1 Prints at 5c. per yard* During this Sale we will sell • • Light and Dark Prints. full width and heavy cloth sold. every day at 10e, per yard, English make at 5c. per yard • 50c. !toques 23c. • Boys and Girls' Soft Woollen Toques in all the popular combination Colors, half � Lora. and full length.: Regulet 50c • Sale days, choice rit 39c. Flannelette. Blankets $1.35 25 only Flannelette blankets• first quality. large size, whipped end. 64 by 78, pink and blue bor.. hers. worth $1.75. Sale days 1.35 $1 Pan Velvets 62c 50 yds Pan velvet, 18 • in. wide in grey, purple and blue on. W. These are the balance of our millinery stock and would snake splendid coats for children.. reg .. $1. Sale days .62 • `0 and 25c Satteen 15c a 100 yds fancy art satteen, Paisley and serowl designs, all colors. 17 and. '36 in. wide, reg 20 and 25c. " Sale days .15 Doylies 5c Each 3 doz assorted doylies in square, oval and round shapes. Just a clearing up line, reg, 10, 15: and 25e, Sale days .0• 5 O • dd Lace Curtains 25 percent." off- 100 pairs oddlace. curtains, • one and two pairs to pattern, some slightly soiled, all new this seasonit in white, cream and sero reg.$1 up. to $5 per pair. l Sale days 25 percent, off; Applique Linens • 2 doz applique linens for - shams, runners and table covers, reg 29e. Sale days .19 ". 25 percent. off- Rugs, Carpets. Etc•• - Diming the sale days we will give 25. percent, elf all rugs, carpets, tapestry, . table covers, mate and. matting. • $1.25. Taffeta Silk 79c 100 yds Taffeta silk guaran- teed, every yd good weight,high- ly finished and will give splen- did wear for coats and dresses, reg $1.25. Sale days .79 Bearskin Coats for Children Underpriced. - We are clearing out the bal- ance of our dur- ing rskin coatsa o• sale days as follows : Regular $2.25 for 81.78 " 2.75 for 2 23 3,00 for 22.5 " 3.50 for `'298 " • . 4.25 for' 3:39 4,50 for 3:50 Linen Table Cloths $1.50° 3 1 doz only separate` table cloths, two good new • designs, size 2 x 2t yds, worth $2. . Sale days 1.50 . 15c Towelling 12%c 500 yds heavy crash towel- ing, red border- Reg 15e sale days 121ic " 12ic " • 10e " 10c "' 5c Remnants 200 remnantsof dress goods,• cottons, skirtings, sheeting, tow- eling,'satteen, table linen, pritlts Ginghams etc, • Sale days, half 1J price. Deep Cuts .in Um-. 'brellas We have gone through our t ofparasolsgg stock, and and laid out for quick'selling the following lines ;• Regular 51.25 -for .78 " 150 " 1,10 .r 2.00. " 1,25 " 3.00 " 2.00 Men's. Fur Coats..at Cost. We are clearing 'out of Men's Fur Coats at Cost and less: We do not intend. keeping up this Departm't; hence the following deep cute: 0OON COATS, - . regular $8500; for $89.00 " - ., 50.00 :37,00 Brown C1AEF Coats " 25:00 1500 .• GALLOWAY Coats " 35,00 29.00 25.00:. • 19.00 Black CURLY Coats " • 25,00 29.00 ggW 00 :29.. ",{ • BL,ACK'DOG Costa ,, 'Linen. Collars 5c, Men's 4 -ply Linen Co, lar•s, single and dounle bands, assort'd sizes and heights, reg. 20�. each, Saturday 5c or 50c doz., 'Ties 121e. Men's Fancy Ties in all the new shapes,, reg. 25c, 35c. andl50c., some slightly soiled in win- dow display, Sat'y 1120: 1.: Men's Ordered Clothing $25 for $21. We have laid out ten Scotch Tweed apd English Wonted Suits. all new colors and designs, for this sale at a saving of $4 per suit, Made to your pleasure, best trimmings, well tailored, fit guaranteed, Don't miss this opportunity, Reg.' $25.00 for :$21.00.. Men's Ordered Suits $20, $22 for $17. Ten good patterns of Scotch and English Tweed and. Worsted Suitings to bb cleared out during sale. See these in window. Reg. $20 and $22, for $17.b0. Men's Stiff Front Shists 79c. Men's stiff fronted Shirts in light and dark colors, some open at front. others at . back, all sizes, reg. $1.25 avid $1.50, Saturday 79c. Men's Flannel Shirts 30c. Men's dark striped. Flannel Shirts, with col- lar attached, a good warm ,garment forwinter wear, all sizes,'reg. 75c, Saturday 50c, Men's Soft and Stiff Hats. 'Vee are Clearing up the balance of the Hat Depart., merit at Cost• and less during tlii Teri Day. Sale at the fol-. fowing, Prices MEN'S - - Bl'k Stiff Hats $2.50 for $1.98 •• „ 200. • 1,50 Bj'k Soft. •' 2.50 198 " " . 200 1.50 " "' 1.50 ,1.10 t• Odd Lot of -Soft Shirts 25c. Broken lines in Men's and Boys' Soft Shirts, odd sizes and patterns in light and dark `prints, to be • cleared out during sate at 25c. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. 'uoP __JEf (PGS' ✓%%_