HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-23, Page 5C ' 1.1w' I R lal4tel+a Now*-RAveo rd 4" ,, 0 4 alAgoo TFAC�II' R, WANTED FOR 6.8. NO. The Now4-Record will ba 'to . 7, Stanley,, duf.ok to oosnimeuce' G O LD ISH sw<>xy 3" to TJW alai of 1011 for loc. 8tf1, by Rev. "'1i.iobbe, Jules January 1st. State experienxar and 4'>Mk ROSS�RTV RS -•1u •h•xeter on, Nov. stilary. Personal application pre- ""- , ""-�'! May, oldest daullhtl c of Mr. and ferrel. --Geo. ole+nan, Secretary, 2 GOLD FI•S11- AND A. BOWL-- FARK, Fi?R SALE• -'Ills F4004tot of Mrs. %'m. 'Rivers, W David Johns 111llsgreen P.Q. 4 er --00 FOR 15c. FACKAOE FEUD the Southoalribe eatea,t+a ofabrs for Ross of Wl'ituipeg. loo„ sale 50 acres, being 'east ,self of births -••on sale- -- lot 28, con. '6, Rullett. This is NOTICE •-- TRESPASSING FOR' ;5rse•ciaos fatal, well watered and KING -In Wingham, Nov, loth to Mr. hunting or any other suppose FRIDAY A 6ATURDAY improved and with good buildings. and Mss• Thos. King, a dough- whatsoever on lots 12- and 18, con. Also dile underaigaed Ofxst: for sKalo ter. 9. Hullett, is hereby foitafdden. of this week " lot 29, con. 6. Hullety, consistipg of STOKES --1n Wingliam, (Nov. 1.2, to Trespassers -will bes.-„roseeuted.-,. 100 acres: Tbese farms may las Mr. aad Mrs. Wm: Stokes„ a son. John Hesselwood, Owner. --00 bought together or separately.T- G-,. l., 0001C Apply to R. J. Southcombe., Olio Dehtbg _ _.' ton P. tl, -8? • PROPRIETOR. ' WPR�RY,-In LondoAL on Nov. i9th Dox. MEETING OF THE HURC•N COUN- otshy Manning, ,wita of Mr. Thom.- 14y couil".--The council of the can .: � .- . -- as Werr former, of Exeti, FARM FOR SALE•-'1'iiE UNDER - Y• y potation of the County of Huron FARM roR SALE. -THE UNDER- dersigned offers foo sale his far>:p i MUNRO--In Goderich, on, Nov, loth, . will meet :in the council' chamber in .sigries( offers for sale his line farm of 14Z amos befog lot 2 Ellen Videau wife of Ja:alcss Mun the Town .off, iGodorich on Tuesday , e o l find . ) y of 135 acres adjoiniaa reel town. of west half of lot 13, Bayfield Road,. to, in her 76th year, the 5th day of December next, Pt Cftton. The farm is in a good Stanley. This is a first-class farm • I 3 o'clock. Parties, having accounts state cel wltivation and bas good, ' with plenty of water and firsth '. against the county should lace p buildings -brick house, bank barn, class buildi>lgs; all new within the THeRSDAY, DEC, ' 7TH, A CON- same with tirQ Clerk before this drWing house, pig on, etc., all last to pears s t 24 p as n tree Also to ,, north cent will -be given In Willis 6burch, dato,�4V.*Lane, Clork, Dated, Nov. compara%vely new, A first-class boundary of Hap, consisting of 110 under the direction of Mrs. McHar 20th, 1;911, young orchard cont ining all kinds acres. The villa cd Make is dy-Smith, assisted by Min's Minnie - .- I of fruits, also sm ll fruits. The built on the cora3r of this farm;. Fox, soprano, London, and Mr. S. farm "is well fenced and well dnralu:- ur and school within half L. Willgoose, Mus! B.,, A.R.C.O:; TEA'C'HER WANTED BY S. S. NO ed and is a very desirable home, igiie, and only 31 miles from the orgarsisb of St. Johns church, Lou- 3, S�anie , duties bo comanence a For further' particulars apply, on thrivingvillage of ZuT.ieh which don. Admission 25c. Tickets may ' the Now Year• ' App1j atfons stab- the pref4ises or address John makes ilt a er desirable pxopert ; In bo had from aaeimbers of the cli5fr ing• salary and •quali l tions•,, re- Torrance, 0,64,011 P. Q, . 91 —Foo Iurthea particulars apply to or at Frsir's bookstore. —06-- ceived by, the ceders see ,personal J. C Reid, Varna P. p �-9d applications prefe.a l..d W Reid 1 - M . sec. Troamrer, Varna P.Q. -05 PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Hardware , • WESLEY ClIURCH EPWORTH *%-, busi'nesq for sale in Bayfield. Two League intend holding a bazraar in ,------ . '-" story building, store, workshop and the school' room: ons isle afternoon FOR SALE.— 'j- SIDEBOARD'. dwelling combined, also stable 26 mm of Tuesday,Dec, 5th. ' % $6, - Three lots with orchard and GRAIN.' Dressed dolls couch, parlor 'table and chairs, , and fancy articles of a kinds will ' foal., fruits. terms seasonable-Ap- Singdr sewing. machine, coal range "'”' be on sale. A good place' to se- ply tb R. Rouatt, Bayfield.. -74 . . BEFORE SELLING and coal heater, chairs and many ' • cure Chrlsbmas gifts: -05-2 Other household articles, all nearly YOUR GRAIN CALL . "new, By private sale on the pre- US UP AND GET R.E,GULAF rrsrises on Vicrtorfa street south at ! • • •a • * • • ! a • • e* • 4 a • • �.' MARKET . FOR ,SAL•E.-1 GOOD PORTLAND the ranlway track, -Fred, Hay- • • PRICE, IT WILL PAY cutter, nearly as good as new, Will , ward. 03 • • YOU. sell cheap. -Apply to WeaaSey Walk- a 4 WE WANT WHEAT, ,er, Oup BBARLEY OATS, RYE, . -.p6 • , , ':• • , • PEAS BUCKWHEAT,- � . _ WANTED -AN INTEhLIGF.tiTT T30Y • i November . . BEANS,, ETC. i with fair educe?.on. as stn^.k keep- 0 • WE HAVE ON TiI3. CATS ADIAN JUBELEE SIN - ex. -The Doherty Piano c4c Organ ! 0 HAND A ' LARGE': ' gers will appear' under the auspices Co, : M • ' • STOCK OF . FLOUR ' of the EpwA3s;h League Of Wesley -! . • 1 church on. Saturday , evening, Dec, , • rU S • %, AND FSED AT REAS- , 9th. ,Many good things `auk said • • ONABLE PRICES. i • • SALT IN BAR- of -their concerts such as the toll- LOGS WANTED AT THE FAC`rO 3,Y • • . owing :'Dorchester, Me.' The Cauad- —All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft • u` •• RELS AND BAGS. ian Jubilee Singes, undei the aus- Elul , and Basswood prel.nred. 'O .1. 0 ' is now On and for two c�` T'�"C piees of the Church of England Highest prices paid. --The Dohecty •• ! L V V 1 1 LC , CO hem, were most heartsily received Piano, L Organ Co. -05 • weeks we will sell. , L. . by an enthusiastic audiences, last ev- • .15 lbs Redpath's extra Stan- - �, Telephone 64 THE ELEVATOR ening. The repeated enc.ores. show- f 0 ,. dard Granulated Sugar $1.00 • ed the appreciation in which the. HOUSE TO RENT. A WELL • 100.lbsfor $6.O>i i 11 numbers were revived, .A most built house to rent, ,early posses- • • thoroughly enjoyable evening, was • Sion, moderate rent, good garden : 3 Ibs best cleaned Currants 9 •.25 .e ,� spent and wholesomre enUartaimilent with fruit trees: Apply ,to John • - ' given, ;and -I have pleasure in `re- • 31ba finest selected new ! Ttte eyes are . Ransford; MolsOris Bank building, -05. • Raisins 'M • wage e�2irnerS. r commending thtmi Uo any and all. •• • `4 lbs finest selected- old Anrei+rng` short of H, W.' Palmer, Church Warden. ppereect vision aloin . . _ • Raisins .20-. • ` isles, the',,ea.rntnQ . • •powers.- •' • WANTED, -A CAPABLE .•GIRL FOR • New imported candied Peels . i e t+ereat»yrsilght, . AUCTION SALE OF 5'..• general, housework.,Apply to Mrs, • lemon; orange; citron lb..15' • Our glasses as an in- ' 2 COWS T T. Jackson Jr. .-04 • • Brucefield on Tuesday, Nov, 2$th, ' . • ! subs substantial returns y New shelled Almonds 40 • 1 Ito ealye in • Dec,, 1, .in Jan., 2 in ' • • .,o �. ,�� q Feb. and balanaa in Mar. �;,itd Ap- • New shelled Walnuts ., .40 • �aa•G'�j 9 � ��� . ril. 4 brood sows. All cows nob TEACHER ,WANTED FOR SCHOOL 0 • S J n � section No. • 5 Stanle. duties • o • T 0 prove g in call -by 1st Jan. may be ) �', p . {�T , .T" returned and •money Mill be refutrd commnence Jan. 1st. State .exper- �' W. T. �ll\" L -' i �" ed.. $ months credit or 5 ercent. ienw. and salary. Personal app?ica- • • '~ . P ,. per annum' didoount for cash,—Geo. tiron p,►:•ferred—V, J, MtClinchey, ! ! Holland,, prop�ifebor, T. Brown, Secretary,' Varna P' O. • —04-3. : -The Rub l3rocery." . : ) 1 m C . aucb>aoneer. h • • 't. ��.. . . TWO TEAC>TERS -WANTED . FOR . • . TO.: H'ULLETT• TAXPAYERS.—MR. S.. S. ,NO. 4, Stanley, North ' ' and — - ( c I • r South duties to ca nee afteti "r ` ' t,m. H: Moon,' Tax Collector cf mane .. Hullettt will be at the' Cnimnercial the New Year's holidays. Stand Hotel, o iv ax qualifications and salary.—David H Clinton,.t receive taxes ,on 9 Y LIVE A. tl R/ Dec., 8th, Constance- : on the .lith,' Dewar; 'Secret;eiry; Bayfir�ld, P.O' • Auburn on 4the -13th and, at Lon -03-3 .i deshoao 'on the 30th Nov. and 14th - dewe�er *and Optician, Issuer 0'f 6 Dec, . Alter .that . delis 5 .per cent. �• • POULTR Marriage 'Licenses. . Will be adde _+to unpaid taxes • --06 PRIVATE SALE THE - UNDER- • , signed : will dispose of by private , . " . •.sale two' bedroom suites, chairs, : . . • tablets; carpets and other .house- TED • w C. C AUCTION SALE OF AL. CAR ),OAA P s COAL 1rOOD. C{.M�rD� of cae'ble.=-Mr. John Shannon; Jr: hold effecti, can be seen 'at our YAR�� . of Thaniesf ord, • Onti., will sell by flour and , feed Store any afternoon . . . public auction at the Graham Hous. -and evening. D. S. Cook, —04 Opposite the G. T. R. Station. . Clinton on Thursday, Nov. 30th The following, qualititr • of Co1. mmencing at 1.30. o:clock sharp,' live�poultryi is waned at the Just received • ' A carload of cattle, • consisting. of a HOUSE. TO . RENT — THAT GOOD 11c,lmesville . Poultrr Station t ` number. of ,Good Mach Cows, Vein- each week this season .: One carload Of y house :on Princess_ street latifly oc- Lump CO&1 . ; . Tar• .Milkers, and Cows due 4a lresh- oupied by Mrs. T. Kearns, Water- I00b chickens - en In the spring, also Young • Reif- works: Excellent garden with- vhr- 500 -hens for.. Threshers, err and Dry Cows. 1VIr: Shannon four kinds of 'fruit trees. -James' 300 ducks, ` The vre' - best Says• this is a good lob. A nuiaber -of Tucker, Albert street. -04,' -.•-r ,• • . them 'he has ltr:rn milking on his .8000 dozen new 'Paid eggs. -farm'. Terms : Six months: credit Tun'ceys and Geese later. ARTHUR F0 BES .R . will be given on furnishing •approv d FOR SALE. -1• COAL HEATER, , ' 1 �"'"� . dint notes. A discount at the tae Poultry, taken in the first Phone '52 joint ..wood heater,' 3 Aoode island Reds of s per cent. per annusii allowed three lasts Of each week. High- Successor to Jas. Hamilton. p P --Mrs. H, 'Hill, phone 120. -•04 for cash. John Shannon Jr., Prop.; est prices. paid in cash. Writefill— . or phone before you sell, u dr . Acct . • Thos G n y, _ .- bX P. 11 LIVE STOCK FOR S #LE -fi�i10 Plum ng, lot Wates `. `cow due to. caslve in Oct-, one cow • Lin S.TH'EWARTHA team and � Hot Air PUBLIC MEETINGS. dw, to calve in "Dec., three sp g . . calves, six pigs weighing about 100 ` / g + - .. I.I.-i Public Mee{efngs in the intemsts of pounds,. o'ne three -Smarr -ofd •,elding, Heating• • , Mr. Jos, 'Elliott, the' Liberal-Conser- one two-year-old fillyi.-Levi 't rick, H O L M E S V I L L F GALVANIZEIY- iRON WORK ROOF- • vative Candidate in Centre Huron, lot 35, oon, 16; Goderich township. • ING AND, EVETROU0HING: will be Held 'as follows : --09 PHONE 4--142: . We, have everyi+liing that is Winthrop, Monday, Nov. 27. • new and up-to-date.. in in the _ . Walton, Tuesday, Nov. 28. FORT RENT -A six- ROOMOD ""�"" plumbing and heating bus' ess. Wednesday, Nov. 29, house on Wfllfam street' Applyi D. tiiie,►iN•iN�NN Estimates given on all contract Work. ' Constance, Wed y, e S. Cluff. Phone 47, -1700. _. .Moleswoiath, Thursday, Nov.. 30, . f �'" Manley's Schoolhouse, Saturday, BYAI/l & SUTTER TE.R Dee. 2i:....._ � _ . _ FARM FOR SALE -CON, $; WEST 1TH HTY ' . SAN,ITAIIY PLUMBERS, `. half of lot 0, lI'u>le�bt tawns}iip, Our Seven Collekes have been . Mr. W. Pioudfoot, their Oppositsto'n containing 50' acres, There is on established during the past 30 CandidateI 11 , is invited to attend those t farm a frame house 20126 kit- ears. The largest trainers in • meetings. -°" chen° 18x14 and a summer kitchen On,nada. Owing to onr connect- u i ` tion all over Ontario, we do I TO THE PUBLIC - and woodshed 24x14, bank barn I butter for our graduates than ` GOD SAVR TE KING.,, 58x40 with stable underneath and g any other, School. lion may HAVING BOUGHT THE _ ._ _..._ ° . cement float with lien houses an11 d pig study all at home or partly at ORKSIiOP DEPARTMENT O ,use. Then land is cod els loam, home and finish at the College. W . h g y T14E ROWLAND HARD'WARti entirely clear of weeds, is well Affi.ilfated with The Clumercial " PUBLIC MEETINGS• • Educators' Association of Cath BUSINESS, WITH •WHICH I � drained with tile and in a good' oda. It would be well for you H'AVP, BEEN CONNECTED FOR' . st state of cultivation, fid- Waste land. to invests ate before choosing. SEVERAL 'YEARS. I AM PRE- Public Meetings in the inters sot investigate g � i E s one ere f dost crcchard aria of ,. Thor i o a a g Exclusive ri ht •for Ont I PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS Mr. %Tarry Lilbe+r, Liberal -Con orva a noveir failing well. Terms to the world-famous • Bliss Book-' • u o will and g y FOR THE I4ECLA 'FUILNACES, tiv Candidate in South 1-I r n, i which is un Proprietor tin- keepin Sy{tten , . suit the purchaser.p � . PLUMBING, 1rV>a�CR,OUGHINGt •,°i be Mild as Sa1POws equaled, It is Actual Businesa . tends to give ftp farming. Apply ci from Start t0 Finish, and the s PUTTING UP STOVES AND Holmesville, Tueftday, Nov. 28. on premises' or to John Riley, Sr. ' student kee�ia same books as * REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL -85. 'Whole- I Constance P. O. tlhartered >3anks And bF. • Vt�•IICIi WILL RECEIVE Orange Hall,.Con. 5, Godoifeh Tp. •. ,+ , . time. • gSale Houses, r.ntex ail 1VIY }PROMPT ATTENTION. A 'Wednesday, Nov, 29., ► Individualinstt'uctlon. CONTIRUANCE OV THE PAT-, Varna, Thursday', NOV. 30: FARM ,FOR SALE -Lot north half Aug 2$ RONAGN GIVEN THIS DM- • . Pail Teirl't11+J iron A g 1. 26 con. 12 ullett condistili of PARTMENT IS RF.SPACTFUL- Bayfield, F:w:day, Dec. r , H K , i{irktan, Tuesday, bee. a. + r portion Lei REQt7ESTEl?. t 50 acres. ' All seeded down ea+cdpt• Writ9, cert ar pilon, fo PROMPT ATTM-TIOM WILL11 • ._� 10 acres. matt orchard. Franne OLIN rON` 'house and batik barn with' stabling, BE GIVEN' TO ORDERS L19FT V , • Opposition n• , Mr. 19. e11�r, the Opp Ca Cin Gravel road 1 mile north of flusiness Colle 8 AT ROLAND S 1'ARi1WA]CIE - . r dilate, is invited to, attend these Landeabaro. •i retie frati� school, a�TORI✓. vottingS. , Apply' Ott the premises oy address Gl~o• S,POTTol�'. . ri+,ft�lEEalftft •--�- Rithattl Shaddick, Ltiadesboro P,O. Miss R. V. '�V''ard, Prinelpal �•'� T6 De'r JOHNSON'- GOD SAVE-Ti37✓ XII+ G. , -,ols 1"#44#"**"4"4 "04- �lr►+ti e> . . + Il ' 2 , IOU Codericb. Thoy Confit Pv4 Thermal HeEali Xr.:Asagua MoDonalti, who bar, Nessa' AW*Y Ilta1'Qallf, 61"A R•" • Rex. and 1�siir>s. F. Viol..Etta it- 4a FQrb, Arthur. during the imtroom, (Cealadian ep•rocer.) tended the meting of tea W. F. at. S. iia expected ;ft tlta close of navjpf$ * and' Prasbytery at .Goderich. 'i94! • . Air. 'John Ransford >awiltd in this Mr, Harry $Qldeu has roWrued J JKr,' D#u. b1'ackay and Mise Mair- country many years Ago tread lwng-' from Sas atoon, Sask., having dis- asie McKay of Toxouto have jus8 land, and became financially fnteresb• posed of bis business thea,-. retuilaed from a weater4 trip. ed n, the salt induutry at Clinton, Mr. J. MCDo tel . bas return0el;'irom fir, and Mrs. E• J. champion, and the west after having spent several ]lelx Edward Chas pion visik,d Mr. ,Ont, About the wane tinge C. C L. 1n+il- months there visii�ng midst of the Oar, Champfan of Belleville xecently,'.604, a Scotolimu, settled ab. Inger-'important cities. #'Iltt� also visited relatives in Brant- $v11, t►a pack hogs tori the British Mr. Douglaq Neelandsi, ,who has . ford and Toronto. market, bur cd ost for some uion�tb%,' bat 1p - ' ,. Mrs. ,Hagen$ S wranson And Mrs. 101114. Young aitmolcd the meeting of Mr. Rausford needed,. oust dn*rs, and it. was , not long untie he found Air, . Rev. Mr. lucks of Creditioil lax ';bv the l'rovducial Women's' Institut3s in Wilson.• He- paid several visits to been 'invited the lwaret to ► -Toronto, last week, Ingersoll, and finally got Mr. Wilson .comet" pastor of.i�be Methodua4 ebur: h Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Kelly were in interested in the products of the bora, subject to the approval of the station' •0etrOit last *eek. , Stap'1'aton Salt Works. A taw• days ng. comil4ittce. Xessrs. Davis and Nsfra have re- after his last visit In 1:888„ just' ov- turnedt4r ' hOM0 afspending several er 23 yearn ago, Mr. Ransford re - k ,3 eeks lir Saskatchewan, ceived his first order (Am Mr. WO, I Auburn ,Mr, Chas, Copp and family 'have xgoved fxoiq East 'St, into the homee, son. Froin, that day and without any interruption, and in spite of all Messrs. Geo. tun btu and G g eo, •din Market, street owned Mrs, J, ccOwelti{dgn, Mr. Ransford has held Beadle returned on Friday last, from ,by 0k that business. their two wed4s' hunting near Trout 11 W6 eWe ;egritt to report' the continued I . 14, Creek, Parry Sound District.- Each of 111110,98 of Mrs. Bailey, wife of Reeve Service Held the Business., the, sportsiimoa seethed a deer. One of ,, Dailey. Ter daughter, Mia3, Mabel, At -rhe annual dinner, got the Can' the deer, a 200 pound brick, has been on exhibition' the k 3vba..has been teaching at Nile, is in •antendance upon adlan. Manufacturers' Association,*-, a. in butcher shop. s' p ince Saturday. P n her, Her •.many friends hope soon to hear of her re- short time ago, Mr. Ransford and Mr. Wilson fiat opposite each other Mr W. T. Riddell Spent. Thursday P y covert'• t . eirs. Chas. la'afrn has returned fropa at+ the table. 1Vlr, Wils _n opened a, P his pocket book and ,inti of ut and Friday last in Poronto. Mr. Joseph. Irwin has taken ovdr a visit with ri�latives at 'Galt.." pro. duced a postal card front Mr,Rans- Mr. -.George Y ungblut's butchering bun - A local option rally' will , be, held tool, accepting the first order and tress for the winb(rb in the b3mperance hall 04 Friday ev presenting it ,,'a the latter, In the ---.� --, ening. The Peerless Male Ouartet� conversation that followed Mr. Wil- - __,,, „ ` will be pea. met and sing. son stated that fib had been his pol- ,,, A VALVABLI ASSISTANT,. �` The non jury sitting of the High Court icy to st$ck loyally' to firms who I ' of justice for Huron is being had given good .service and who : had At thin Winter Fafr at. Guelph is Held todli.y fn they Court House, Hon, always shown themselves to be ab- given informal.,on along all lines of .°, ' Mn. ; Justice Teertzel is the presiding. judge, solutely reliable ; and Mr. Rnsford• . 1i've `stock production and drop cul- tivation ifs--valuallUi • The said that has policy had been to that to any tsar . steamer Wexford came, in on •Thuraday give . the very 'best service possible mer who desires to keep up-to-dana. evening with 01,500 bushels and. to endeavor iia do at all • tunics The Weekly Sun of, Dec. 19. , will .con of wheat for the W. Transit Co. more than h© had ever promised. tittle a carefully' prepared and easily b - Mrs. Frank Hodgens held .her first , .reception for the season nn .Tt. 1;,;ppened ethab i9r. •Rtankord'.s •the• underr,tood sumaraary o£ the chief 'paints brought out at the next fair. .Tuesday of last week, Little, Ned reat rival . E.G.�H'endorson, 9. ) manager -of the. Windsor Salt Works, If you are engaged in any .branch Sale, son of Dr.' Sale', is zl3eovering rapidly from an at- was seanad, on Mr. Wilson's ' right .of ferrite with a view to" ;nal;; >;g g money, you will find The i1)eekly. , ',tacit of, lever, The Callao' and he reivarked that ,now he un- derstood whq, sl{though he and Mr. Sun a (most valuable assistant. Do. i It Aid of the Baptist church held their November ber P meeting Wilson were, great friends, be e.Quld him a not miss the issue of ,pecembax lit. -- .1 I at the home of Mrs. John Challen never sell pound of, salt'.. ' ` • .last week. Business .Rivals as Friends. , Meeting of Presbytery. Mrs• N'awton Challen had her ankle ' f . A) sprained recently but is now ably ,.to be, about a atin. g There are two le.,Aons' for the young business man from this, exper� The ti>eeting of the •Pres t y by er -of Huron was held in Goderich The deaf took' lace inPittsburgfence P' Pittsbur • 'that are. well worth heeding- Otte is' the importance on Tues - da y and 'Wednesday of last week this itJonth Mrs. Edward James, mater of Mr, Leslie Currel' of 'town, • of giving a good' sezvice to .your customers, and; and in connection was held the con ' ventfon _tif, the W, F. M. S. There •' and of Mrs, 'W.' McCreath, at$. Robert Foley, Mrs. R. J, 14. 'DELong the ,thea. that you can be on friend,- ly if with you+a ce�mpetitors, A was.,a good attendance, not only of the• members of the Presbytery, but i •''• and Mrs. Crawford. • •'Mrs. James representative of The •Grooer who has also of the M'issionary.,Socioy, and ` E spent the su clan" in town the guest of her sisears. attended gatherings of manufacturers and `busine'ss men for miany ycaai halpful,. and interesting •sessions • were 'Dr, While working :in the new sewer has 'noticead : 'that. • those two. nen, held. . Rev. Stewart of Clinton was appointed moderator .for; ,the t the other day, Mr. Raymond Foley 'met with an accident which .might' Mosrs.. ' Ransford• and Heuderaln, are almost invariably together:. They . Ps3sbytery. After • the transa.ctioii of tK �viltine business a resolu;eion " 1 'have proved to be a fatal, one: A are deadly' . rivals in business and, ' was ,passed expressing P P g .apP;rec atiQn ' ahovel fefle from above striking him', chum p in ; private life. for the excellent work ' done by. Rev. r ; on the head and cutting a deep gash. The accompanying 'card shows Mr., Sawers; • who has resigned ! " , Mr, i ghd. S. ,Edward, of+ a.aulg.Stc.'. Mr. RanWoitd was. sompwhair of a .Just- tlW che gge ; ,at Bruggdiold, , and one , , ; Marie, Mich., nephew of Mr. D, Mo- huniorfst. ' ' ,Be Is still "quina as bad,' also for the ... zeal and helpfulness' of ' Lawn and of Mrs. ColNinson of town for during' the sheeting of the. Man- tae women -2n their work in endeav , �' "' was marrietd last wVek to Miss : Sees, ufacturers' Associa',:on' refer. -ed" bo, oring ;ta Steri the tide ' o� evil ` and. of Port Elgin. . he. to . lip. b. SlAser ptionAor:.a.we4- in'.sprea"g the' gospel: A, special s Mr. James . Johnston and faredly ding present. for the-redrring• presid-. meetixkg of the Presbytery will be held «w• have moved, into the -house, formerly cut, W. H. Rowley,., of the E. B'. Ed- in Clinton on December 6th. 1.occupied by. Mas. Duff on Spanluy dy . Co. . He approached Mr:., Rowley ' The ' election 'of office in the W. �°_''. street,. • with• a'•6heet -filled with names and F, M. S., was as follows : - The Presbytery of Huron held their said ;. 1' : • ami taking up a subscil°p•= President, Mrs. Larkin, Seaforth. . 11, Meeting in 'the Knox manse on Tues- tion. for a worthy cause,. I would 1st Vice,` Mrs.. Fletcher,' Thames ' da and Wednesday Y y of last week. In like you to give a .subscriotie n" Y g � 3 Road. ; �#" ,; connection was Held the convention o£ ,"; Gat is it far ?" Mr. ' Rowley aa'c- 2nd Vice, Mrs. Ilamaltan, Goderich.' C ,Fhe W. F. M. S., which was well at- ' ed. "Never mind whaE it is for," Sal Vice, Mrs. E, McL, Smith, tended. A special meeting of the e 1) he answered, ' What �do you want? Hrnsal1. Presbyter! will be held in .Clinton Mr. Rowley asked. 1j'$25," Mr., Row- , Treasurer, 1VIrs., Ellean'Scot2, 'Sea on Decemmber 6th. 10 put., his hand in his pocket, and forth. Mr. John Proadfoot, who has been paid' over the • $25 with a sigh. Roc.-SeereLary, .Miss Qrahazir, .Sea- in the lumber region near Little ' - forth. Y'; Current for some time past, ..return- Cor.-Sr:retary,.:Mrs: Curfis, Blytth. • ed home last week. , .The H040C' Ulturfil Society :.i3 Su0RJ7-,Sgcostary, . Miss 'Howson, Mr. Joseoh Doyle, late of the Star- 'Bank, Grovtringo Clinton, • ling i i the possessor c£ a Litarasture�Secretary,. Mi'Ss. Strang, fine deer, which was an exhibition The ,Ontario Horticultural A.ssocia- Goderich. in McLean's trseat 'market on Sabir- teion, which concluded its .sixth an- Mission Band -Secretary,. X ss Mc-' day. The fitAeral of the late Mrs, Me- nual convention in Toronto on ' Fri: day last, decided to ask the Ontario •Lean, Seaforth. �. Mrs. LwAin wah appointed dele-' Kinnon of Elora took place to Matt- Government'to increase thee` rant o g gate to, the annual ,meeting do Van. land, cemetery on Wednesday after- the Association •$10,00'0 to . $12,-. convey. .. noun. The lobe Mrs. .McKinnon was , 1. I 500.. The membership has. tincrea ol.. The delegation were Entertained :in' the snsothea of Mrs. Geo.. Williams of 2,500 .:since' the, last increase in the a most hospitable maitre' by the lad - town, who went to Elora and ac-I �ampanied tie rtjronains to town, The Government' grant was made, les', aid and 'others of Knox congre. services were conducted by Rev. Dr, +she following• officers, directors and delegates were elected:- gation 'both to' luncheon and' tea and Also to lunch after the, evening _ Medd. The pallbearers were Massrs. •Wing. Swaffi'eld, John H., Edwar3, . President,. n v i, a t) Rev, A, H. • Scott, •Per - session. ' y John, Wa'Iliam and David Clark. wSha ?h ; Pirst Vice President, J: P. Jaf- t tr was eighty-three years of age. • . ay halt •. Second Vice• President, W. Jeffers. Diamt,ond Belleville , Trea- The Eptwerth Leagur of Victoria I , Londesboro.. . . . '.. church held a. lunch and entertain- surer, H. B..Gowan, Peterboro ;• Sec- adient on Tuesday evening loot l 'clary., and Editor; J. Lockie Wil-. Mr. J. Q. Lounsbesy was in Blyth .. t of week. There was quite a, turnout son, Toronto. .on Tuesday. . and the new piano j u, t p 1 purchased b Y . Dian„ tors : District . No, 1 .I`.. B, . , "'' the League WAS used for the first Bowden, Vankleek'Hill,;, District No, •,1. Wingham. ° time. After a pleasing and varied 2, , W. •S. Moorecraft' Bowaruan,Clle , program a venison luncheon was ser- .Di0riot No. 3, J. 'H. Bennett„ Barrie, Mr, Robert Austin has purchased ved. and much enjoyed. Dfstri'ct No. 4� ' J. O. Mccullough, . the. cottage on North Ninnie street 01 On Wednesday. ,evening ' Ray. Mr, COSens of Clinton addressed the Hamilton;. Distrist No. 5,i T. Cottle, Clin, fon ;. D,istrict No. 6, G. W. Tebbs, . belonging to Mrs. Cosford for; $1000. g ` � ,I '' Bible Society in Victor' St. church, Hespelor ; .District No. 7, W. W. Gam- r ' We received an announcemient of the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Frances mage, London; District No. 8, 14. J. ,McKay Windsor. 'Honorary Dire- N What the Whitney GOvfC. '"'' Armstrong, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. hors W. B. Burgogna; St.: Cathay- Has Done. ,. Henry A14mstrong of Snowflake, Man,, ines,. W. T. Macoun, :Ottawa, H. •L, f ' formers of • Godes 1ch ' to Mr. Ralph Y i P Hutt, Guelph t; Major H. J. Snelgrove, Let us bear in mend what the R. Magee of St.. James,_. •. Man., °Toronto. ; and Mr, R. B. 'Whoe, Otta- = Whitney • it overnanent "has done. which took place on Nov: Nib. The wa, I Listed leas are a few things to its bride is well known in town. and hur Delegates bo the Ain eiiieafi Civic ' oredh : . many friends will waft. good wishe't, Wson,tl`orontoion at shingtan, J. Lockie Abolishetl''tie numbered ballot. ' and W. B. •Burgoyne, Taken the first step towards, the f..I. St..Catharfnes., , creation- of Agricultural Schools` by " WisggllalliD no .t♦o the Canadian Na-' appwintiing district representativas in tsional Exhibition, Major H. J.. Stiel- agribultu;e, and large?y increased the Rev. C. E,, Jeakins of Clinton will grove, Toronto. Expenditure for agricultural, purposes;C preach in So. Paul's church on Sun- I . , , Reconstructed the administaatfon day,..next and will address the, A. Y. and financial resecources of the Pro- _ P. A. meeting on Monday evening.' A Warning to Withers. vincial 'University s; - . Mrs. Ales. Young and son Gordon .r_. Revised the mining laws and bakem ' hav6 reburnol from Winnipeg, 'Arlo' a vother can bxp0t hen, little is Cab4net Minister from New Ontat• r Mr. Geo. Rankin has accepte'd.a,pos•- ont3 to eseapb all the fllw of child . . ; ition in Elora and. has gone to that+"hood, but every mother who accepts Res'larerl the ofd law 'relating to' ' hires. Rankin and children fair warning as to.the t`reatmeiit of County Councils.; ,,. .place. wl'Nl rehiovd theme shortly, these little ilia cats save her ' baby Itriposed taxation upon the tail- ' Tito anaoh'inery at the pumping much suffering. Thousand:I of moth- ways, one-half of which goes to the statrion has been examined 'by 'ate 'or- ers of young children Rales . Baby's muniolpalities ; d s • Found to be warn out. AEw thorn Tablets in the house•=all moth- Put an end to the tantin g >5 �t inaelitnery will have to be installed err should do so. The Tablet's ,are, mibutdibs to railways ' ,-perb at endo. , ::• s u'ever-failing cure for all the mtn- Create , a Railway and Municipal IV f: 1 %I, 0: Isard and 06, have purchased or ills of babyhood and ce`.illdhood. Board ; • school books Ro l x..., the store adjoining the dna they now oceu , and aro having it fittdd .up p7 Thdy can be given with peyfecl sal etly�-'ley always do good; ,never b e-h�lf, handtrof Y n o, , yed the School b • . � •fbr ..thein genie ,furnishing:: depart- harm. Constipation indigestion, 13¢ok Ring , ^ - _ w Meal- .. colic, simple fovero, 'colds, +etc., all . _ .:° .. ,- g';, .�..N ' { e fie; last game of baeeiball for the rapidFy dinapPaIr under treatment � • 1.oadod aI was played One day lasts week 'at5th the 'Tablets. The natllots, are sold FOR SALO.4•-1 COAL HHATER, betrrteen file clerks and the beakers. ,t s or f al r b true 1 at � by m, lft;ane dti e y d u size, only a few tit mcAum i e h m to y rna sin I • 'he rreault wt's a win • for the 25 cent's a box from, Tho 0J , Vitil� uw..Will sell 'rcamnable.�-•Apply at �,fyoyr�- c ,' 1 " s ! ! a , 1 1 1y t"�'�IGW LlJ lfatr' 1►Iedlcino Co., Drttekvilie, Ont. "i1V; Walker's Furn,tare store+. »SOC , Q m I R lal4tel+a Now*-RAveo rd 4" ,, 0 4 alAgoo TFAC�II' R, WANTED FOR 6.8. NO. The Now4-Record will ba 'to . 7, Stanley,, duf.ok to oosnimeuce' G O LD ISH sw<>xy 3" to TJW alai of 1011 for loc. 8tf1, by Rev. "'1i.iobbe, Jules January 1st. State experienxar and 4'>Mk ROSS�RTV RS -•1u •h•xeter on, Nov. stilary. Personal application pre- ""- , ""-�'! May, oldest daullhtl c of Mr. and ferrel. --Geo. ole+nan, Secretary, 2 GOLD FI•S11- AND A. BOWL-- FARK, Fi?R SALE• -'Ills F4004tot of Mrs. %'m. 'Rivers, W David Johns 111llsgreen P.Q. 4 er --00 FOR 15c. FACKAOE FEUD the Southoalribe eatea,t+a ofabrs for Ross of Wl'ituipeg. loo„ sale 50 acres, being 'east ,self of births -••on sale- -- lot 28, con. '6, Rullett. This is NOTICE •-- TRESPASSING FOR' ;5rse•ciaos fatal, well watered and KING -In Wingham, Nov, loth to Mr. hunting or any other suppose FRIDAY A 6ATURDAY improved and with good buildings. and Mss• Thos. King, a dough- whatsoever on lots 12- and 18, con. Also dile underaigaed Ofxst: for sKalo ter. 9. Hullett, is hereby foitafdden. of this week " lot 29, con. 6. Hullety, consistipg of STOKES --1n Wingliam, (Nov. 1.2, to Trespassers -will bes.-„roseeuted.-,. 100 acres: Tbese farms may las Mr. aad Mrs. Wm: Stokes„ a son. John Hesselwood, Owner. --00 bought together or separately.T- G-,. l., 0001C Apply to R. J. Southcombe., Olio Dehtbg _ _.' ton P. tl, -8? • PROPRIETOR. ' WPR�RY,-In LondoAL on Nov. i9th Dox. MEETING OF THE HURC•N COUN- otshy Manning, ,wita of Mr. Thom.- 14y couil".--The council of the can .: � .- . -- as Werr former, of Exeti, FARM FOR SALE•-'1'iiE UNDER - Y• y potation of the County of Huron FARM roR SALE. -THE UNDER- dersigned offers foo sale his far>:p i MUNRO--In Goderich, on, Nov, loth, . will meet :in the council' chamber in .sigries( offers for sale his line farm of 14Z amos befog lot 2 Ellen Videau wife of Ja:alcss Mun the Town .off, iGodorich on Tuesday , e o l find . ) y of 135 acres adjoiniaa reel town. of west half of lot 13, Bayfield Road,. to, in her 76th year, the 5th day of December next, Pt Cftton. The farm is in a good Stanley. This is a first-class farm • I 3 o'clock. Parties, having accounts state cel wltivation and bas good, ' with plenty of water and firsth '. against the county should lace p buildings -brick house, bank barn, class buildi>lgs; all new within the THeRSDAY, DEC, ' 7TH, A CON- same with tirQ Clerk before this drWing house, pig on, etc., all last to pears s t 24 p as n tree Also to ,, north cent will -be given In Willis 6burch, dato,�4V.*Lane, Clork, Dated, Nov. compara%vely new, A first-class boundary of Hap, consisting of 110 under the direction of Mrs. McHar 20th, 1;911, young orchard cont ining all kinds acres. The villa cd Make is dy-Smith, assisted by Min's Minnie - .- I of fruits, also sm ll fruits. The built on the cora3r of this farm;. Fox, soprano, London, and Mr. S. farm "is well fenced and well dnralu:- ur and school within half L. Willgoose, Mus! B.,, A.R.C.O:; TEA'C'HER WANTED BY S. S. NO ed and is a very desirable home, igiie, and only 31 miles from the orgarsisb of St. Johns church, Lou- 3, S�anie , duties bo comanence a For further' particulars apply, on thrivingvillage of ZuT.ieh which don. Admission 25c. Tickets may ' the Now Year• ' App1j atfons stab- the pref4ises or address John makes ilt a er desirable pxopert ; In bo had from aaeimbers of the cli5fr ing• salary and •quali l tions•,, re- Torrance, 0,64,011 P. Q, . 91 —Foo Iurthea particulars apply to or at Frsir's bookstore. —06-- ceived by, the ceders see ,personal J. C Reid, Varna P. p �-9d applications prefe.a l..d W Reid 1 - M . sec. Troamrer, Varna P.Q. -05 PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Hardware , • WESLEY ClIURCH EPWORTH *%-, busi'nesq for sale in Bayfield. Two League intend holding a bazraar in ,------ . '-" story building, store, workshop and the school' room: ons isle afternoon FOR SALE.— 'j- SIDEBOARD'. dwelling combined, also stable 26 mm of Tuesday,Dec, 5th. ' % $6, - Three lots with orchard and GRAIN.' Dressed dolls couch, parlor 'table and chairs, , and fancy articles of a kinds will ' foal., fruits. terms seasonable-Ap- Singdr sewing. machine, coal range "'”' be on sale. A good place' to se- ply tb R. Rouatt, Bayfield.. -74 . . BEFORE SELLING and coal heater, chairs and many ' • cure Chrlsbmas gifts: -05-2 Other household articles, all nearly YOUR GRAIN CALL . "new, By private sale on the pre- US UP AND GET R.E,GULAF rrsrises on Vicrtorfa street south at ! • • •a • * • • ! a • • e* • 4 a • • �.' MARKET . FOR ,SAL•E.-1 GOOD PORTLAND the ranlway track, -Fred, Hay- • • PRICE, IT WILL PAY cutter, nearly as good as new, Will , ward. 03 • • YOU. sell cheap. -Apply to WeaaSey Walk- a 4 WE WANT WHEAT, ,er, Oup BBARLEY OATS, RYE, . -.p6 • , , ':• • , • PEAS BUCKWHEAT,- � . _ WANTED -AN INTEhLIGF.tiTT T30Y • i November . . BEANS,, ETC. i with fair educe?.on. as stn^.k keep- 0 • WE HAVE ON TiI3. CATS ADIAN JUBELEE SIN - ex. -The Doherty Piano c4c Organ ! 0 HAND A ' LARGE': ' gers will appear' under the auspices Co, : M • ' • STOCK OF . FLOUR ' of the EpwA3s;h League Of Wesley -! . • 1 church on. Saturday , evening, Dec, , • rU S • %, AND FSED AT REAS- , 9th. ,Many good things `auk said • • ONABLE PRICES. i • • SALT IN BAR- of -their concerts such as the toll- LOGS WANTED AT THE FAC`rO 3,Y • • . owing :'Dorchester, Me.' The Cauad- —All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft • u` •• RELS AND BAGS. ian Jubilee Singes, undei the aus- Elul , and Basswood prel.nred. 'O .1. 0 ' is now On and for two c�` T'�"C piees of the Church of England Highest prices paid. --The Dohecty •• ! L V V 1 1 LC , CO hem, were most heartsily received Piano, L Organ Co. -05 • weeks we will sell. , L. . by an enthusiastic audiences, last ev- • .15 lbs Redpath's extra Stan- - �, Telephone 64 THE ELEVATOR ening. The repeated enc.ores. show- f 0 ,. dard Granulated Sugar $1.00 • ed the appreciation in which the. HOUSE TO RENT. A WELL • 100.lbsfor $6.O>i i 11 numbers were revived, .A most built house to rent, ,early posses- • • thoroughly enjoyable evening, was • Sion, moderate rent, good garden : 3 Ibs best cleaned Currants 9 •.25 .e ,� spent and wholesomre enUartaimilent with fruit trees: Apply ,to John • - ' given, ;and -I have pleasure in `re- • 31ba finest selected new ! Ttte eyes are . Ransford; MolsOris Bank building, -05. • Raisins 'M • wage e�2irnerS. r commending thtmi Uo any and all. •• • `4 lbs finest selected- old Anrei+rng` short of H, W.' Palmer, Church Warden. ppereect vision aloin . . _ • Raisins .20-. • ` isles, the',,ea.rntnQ . • •powers.- •' • WANTED, -A CAPABLE .•GIRL FOR • New imported candied Peels . i e t+ereat»yrsilght, . AUCTION SALE OF 5'..• general, housework.,Apply to Mrs, • lemon; orange; citron lb..15' • Our glasses as an in- ' 2 COWS T T. Jackson Jr. .-04 • • Brucefield on Tuesday, Nov, 2$th, ' . • ! subs substantial returns y New shelled Almonds 40 • 1 Ito ealye in • Dec,, 1, .in Jan., 2 in ' • • .,o �. ,�� q Feb. and balanaa in Mar. �;,itd Ap- • New shelled Walnuts ., .40 • �aa•G'�j 9 � ��� . ril. 4 brood sows. All cows nob TEACHER ,WANTED FOR SCHOOL 0 • S J n � section No. • 5 Stanle. duties • o • T 0 prove g in call -by 1st Jan. may be ) �', p . {�T , .T" returned and •money Mill be refutrd commnence Jan. 1st. State .exper- �' W. T. �ll\" L -' i �" ed.. $ months credit or 5 ercent. ienw. and salary. Personal app?ica- • • '~ . P ,. per annum' didoount for cash,—Geo. tiron p,►:•ferred—V, J, MtClinchey, ! ! Holland,, prop�ifebor, T. Brown, Secretary,' Varna P' O. • —04-3. : -The Rub l3rocery." . : ) 1 m C . aucb>aoneer. h • • 't. ��.. . . TWO TEAC>TERS -WANTED . FOR . • . TO.: H'ULLETT• TAXPAYERS.—MR. S.. S. ,NO. 4, Stanley, North ' ' and — - ( c I • r South duties to ca nee afteti "r ` ' t,m. H: Moon,' Tax Collector cf mane .. Hullettt will be at the' Cnimnercial the New Year's holidays. Stand Hotel, o iv ax qualifications and salary.—David H Clinton,.t receive taxes ,on 9 Y LIVE A. tl R/ Dec., 8th, Constance- : on the .lith,' Dewar; 'Secret;eiry; Bayfir�ld, P.O' • Auburn on 4the -13th and, at Lon -03-3 .i deshoao 'on the 30th Nov. and 14th - dewe�er *and Optician, Issuer 0'f 6 Dec, . Alter .that . delis 5 .per cent. �• • POULTR Marriage 'Licenses. . Will be adde _+to unpaid taxes • --06 PRIVATE SALE THE - UNDER- • , signed : will dispose of by private , . " . •.sale two' bedroom suites, chairs, : . . • tablets; carpets and other .house- TED • w C. C AUCTION SALE OF AL. CAR ),OAA P s COAL 1rOOD. C{.M�rD� of cae'ble.=-Mr. John Shannon; Jr: hold effecti, can be seen 'at our YAR�� . of Thaniesf ord, • Onti., will sell by flour and , feed Store any afternoon . . . public auction at the Graham Hous. -and evening. D. S. Cook, —04 Opposite the G. T. R. Station. . Clinton on Thursday, Nov. 30th The following, qualititr • of Co1. mmencing at 1.30. o:clock sharp,' live�poultryi is waned at the Just received • ' A carload of cattle, • consisting. of a HOUSE. TO . RENT — THAT GOOD 11c,lmesville . Poultrr Station t ` number. of ,Good Mach Cows, Vein- each week this season .: One carload Of y house :on Princess_ street latifly oc- Lump CO&1 . ; . Tar• .Milkers, and Cows due 4a lresh- oupied by Mrs. T. Kearns, Water- I00b chickens - en In the spring, also Young • Reif- works: Excellent garden with- vhr- 500 -hens for.. Threshers, err and Dry Cows. 1VIr: Shannon four kinds of 'fruit trees. -James' 300 ducks, ` The vre' - best Says• this is a good lob. A nuiaber -of Tucker, Albert street. -04,' -.•-r ,• • . them 'he has ltr:rn milking on his .8000 dozen new 'Paid eggs. -farm'. Terms : Six months: credit Tun'ceys and Geese later. ARTHUR F0 BES .R . will be given on furnishing •approv d FOR SALE. -1• COAL HEATER, , ' 1 �"'"� . dint notes. A discount at the tae Poultry, taken in the first Phone '52 joint ..wood heater,' 3 Aoode island Reds of s per cent. per annusii allowed three lasts Of each week. High- Successor to Jas. Hamilton. p P --Mrs. H, 'Hill, phone 120. -•04 for cash. John Shannon Jr., Prop.; est prices. paid in cash. Writefill— . or phone before you sell, u dr . Acct . • Thos G n y, _ .- bX P. 11 LIVE STOCK FOR S #LE -fi�i10 Plum ng, lot Wates `. `cow due to. caslve in Oct-, one cow • Lin S.TH'EWARTHA team and � Hot Air PUBLIC MEETINGS. dw, to calve in "Dec., three sp g . . calves, six pigs weighing about 100 ` / g + - .. I.I.-i Public Mee{efngs in the intemsts of pounds,. o'ne three -Smarr -ofd •,elding, Heating• • , Mr. Jos, 'Elliott, the' Liberal-Conser- one two-year-old fillyi.-Levi 't rick, H O L M E S V I L L F GALVANIZEIY- iRON WORK ROOF- • vative Candidate in Centre Huron, lot 35, oon, 16; Goderich township. • ING AND, EVETROU0HING: will be Held 'as follows : --09 PHONE 4--142: . We, have everyi+liing that is Winthrop, Monday, Nov. 27. • new and up-to-date.. in in the _ . Walton, Tuesday, Nov. 28. FORT RENT -A six- ROOMOD ""�"" plumbing and heating bus' ess. Wednesday, Nov. 29, house on Wfllfam street' Applyi D. tiiie,►iN•iN�NN Estimates given on all contract Work. ' Constance, Wed y, e S. Cluff. Phone 47, -1700. _. .Moleswoiath, Thursday, Nov.. 30, . f �'" Manley's Schoolhouse, Saturday, BYAI/l & SUTTER TE.R Dee. 2i:....._ � _ . _ FARM FOR SALE -CON, $; WEST 1TH HTY ' . SAN,ITAIIY PLUMBERS, `. half of lot 0, lI'u>le�bt tawns}iip, Our Seven Collekes have been . Mr. W. Pioudfoot, their Oppositsto'n containing 50' acres, There is on established during the past 30 CandidateI 11 , is invited to attend those t farm a frame house 20126 kit- ears. The largest trainers in • meetings. -°" chen° 18x14 and a summer kitchen On,nada. Owing to onr connect- u i ` tion all over Ontario, we do I TO THE PUBLIC - and woodshed 24x14, bank barn I butter for our graduates than ` GOD SAVR TE KING.,, 58x40 with stable underneath and g any other, School. lion may HAVING BOUGHT THE _ ._ _..._ ° . cement float with lien houses an11 d pig study all at home or partly at ORKSIiOP DEPARTMENT O ,use. Then land is cod els loam, home and finish at the College. W . h g y T14E ROWLAND HARD'WARti entirely clear of weeds, is well Affi.ilfated with The Clumercial " PUBLIC MEETINGS• • Educators' Association of Cath BUSINESS, WITH •WHICH I � drained with tile and in a good' oda. It would be well for you H'AVP, BEEN CONNECTED FOR' . st state of cultivation, fid- Waste land. to invests ate before choosing. SEVERAL 'YEARS. I AM PRE- Public Meetings in the inters sot investigate g � i E s one ere f dost crcchard aria of ,. Thor i o a a g Exclusive ri ht •for Ont I PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS Mr. %Tarry Lilbe+r, Liberal -Con orva a noveir failing well. Terms to the world-famous • Bliss Book-' • u o will and g y FOR THE I4ECLA 'FUILNACES, tiv Candidate in South 1-I r n, i which is un Proprietor tin- keepin Sy{tten , . suit the purchaser.p � . PLUMBING, 1rV>a�CR,OUGHINGt •,°i be Mild as Sa1POws equaled, It is Actual Businesa . tends to give ftp farming. Apply ci from Start t0 Finish, and the s PUTTING UP STOVES AND Holmesville, Tueftday, Nov. 28. on premises' or to John Riley, Sr. ' student kee�ia same books as * REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL -85. 'Whole- I Constance P. O. tlhartered >3anks And bF. • Vt�•IICIi WILL RECEIVE Orange Hall,.Con. 5, Godoifeh Tp. •. ,+ , . time. • gSale Houses, r.ntex ail 1VIY }PROMPT ATTENTION. A 'Wednesday, Nov, 29., ► Individualinstt'uctlon. CONTIRUANCE OV THE PAT-, Varna, Thursday', NOV. 30: FARM ,FOR SALE -Lot north half Aug 2$ RONAGN GIVEN THIS DM- • . Pail Teirl't11+J iron A g 1. 26 con. 12 ullett condistili of PARTMENT IS RF.SPACTFUL- Bayfield, F:w:day, Dec. r , H K , i{irktan, Tuesday, bee. a. + r portion Lei REQt7ESTEl?. t 50 acres. ' All seeded down ea+cdpt• Writ9, cert ar pilon, fo PROMPT ATTM-TIOM WILL11 • ._� 10 acres. matt orchard. Franne OLIN rON` 'house and batik barn with' stabling, BE GIVEN' TO ORDERS L19FT V , • Opposition n• , Mr. 19. e11�r, the Opp Ca Cin Gravel road 1 mile north of flusiness Colle 8 AT ROLAND S 1'ARi1WA]CIE - . r dilate, is invited to, attend these Landeabaro. •i retie frati� school, a�TORI✓. vottingS. , Apply' Ott the premises oy address Gl~o• S,POTTol�'. . ri+,ft�lEEalftft •--�- Rithattl Shaddick, Ltiadesboro P,O. Miss R. V. '�V''ard, Prinelpal �•'� T6 De'r JOHNSON'- GOD SAVE-Ti37✓ XII+ G. , -,ols 1"#44#"**"4"4 "04- �lr►+ti e> . . +