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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-23, Page 4
Pror 7 , ON ftolmosvuie } "I h • Greotialis to The Old WA of the school building# in the 4 11111110 M11111111111110 early � Y da # y, 7>dewrrsr. Nallocls, Stritaib, IONLY 25 BUIN DAYS TILL L Tbo 10i" aid in twawtion with SOU64 • Shaw, Fer9wil, Dewfv acid others; tlio' Methodist church are arrangyng ca" fu for s ial MOntion, A�:it. • They annual tneetin of the Huron T8i'i31S � through the bruste3e board to bavq the + ftrovuc Jurat bees eked to r+�•s•eive • Old Says` Association of Toronto pIRWINS' church lighted with the Rice -Knight his n�anusoript to be x nucleus for a � system of , asolinee. The, rlolliiiesville was held at Mie Prince Gorge hotel Huron and for the corroffin of of ASH on Friday evening last and was ,early .r.ttkttiieuit RL>� church people are always ori .wile look- largely attended. The report of lisle , � If: which. out foie the best things and :are peat a it tong :committee has been appoint- �"""""" coming slow to adoptp therXi when convinced. secretary, Aix. Ed. Floody., was in ed which will begin work at once. Quite number of the patrons of the paid; as follows: The annual ban uwt of the Asso- Porv.r' Hill Beef 'Ring toot in the "In predknting you with the secre- , Reminder , elation will be held a1i Willla!mis res- fowl supper, held in°connection with tory �a annual report, let rise con- everybody iehinin ratulate ou on the steady and xi courant sirs Friday evening December time, when Of the Glosing,of the season on Tuesday g y"' 1st, and the At 11;ome will takeplaee r Theward growth of owe Aws ciatio n in Vis Temple building on the third Thilt ChristmAts le Only a few weeks away l aiCinS• n evensong and all repor:aa, good ttme. lye have upwards of a 0 n las o . iVt(rs, (Capt.) Johnstoi3a .veno down FYday in February. and that numerous fines for that season are In. all grades '-Anil at all prices we cv tt 5upw our stn;; rlbership list, including some g � to, Port Colboxne to joili,thc Captain 'of the most prominent men. ice +,The officers of the Association. for beill passed into stock alm.tst every` day.. Veep ' ply you with. 'on his last trip of the season to Mon- the dinerent wa:`as of life in this t"te ensuing .year are as follows: e - your eye on this store for suitable things. The Nicest and most ,p,ppropti aite' Gifts treal by boat. city, The old adage, "Huron blood kion Presidents, CLQ. T� 131a k The poui,a-p departxirent is xunning „ stock, J. S. Wilitson, W. K. Me- Just Now for Littio' or big,. Rid all yaurlg, will tell is fairly borne out by the full blast these days. About twenty Naught, Major Jos. Beck, Thoi). ' as bus number of Huron Old Boys who area You need suitable thins to k, ee, out the ,.. _. ;hands orf; y as bees and the A. Runs>all, g average cutout is promuneut,in law, medicluo, the pul- ,about a ton a day, : President, Si , VF..``,laan. colts, or keep111 the heat, which ever way, ou. Ctrp h,NE SpuCHR SRECIA4 THE CFIRI; TMAS (ILOBE Soma) cf the head i,�presenta?.ves of pn.; the Press and in the educational , y ' Vi e, harry Clucas. manufacturing, wholasale and retail w)SsYIO put 1t, bile .Clinn-Langlois fir ry were here on , . Secretary, ,R. Floody. , t.nterests of Viis city. Treasurer, R. 13o1x s: sed with Flannels Just to get sou thinking4bout Will soon Its reatdy, a superior Friday and appea•ad well plea The .year just closed has been the inns.and ills lace to kruy, we nnuiher to any thRt have been tib!Y buswness ltiid.+: the ah,s mi•inage- Committee C. e:, Rance, S. 1,, X. p ive n S tui•das Nov. 2; ill i�eue'd. Le;r,ve your order witki f Air. W. Trewartha. most successful one in our hi;;o:ry and Scott,. W, McElroy, W. O. Mc- Either by the yard: Or 1171 ready*t0 .wean~ gar, WL g o a Y moat o N - an cipportunty to get %a CO." us, Price ili Tubes 50,, Tho Holmesville 'Mouse, formerly the diff.; Yent functions which we.ie : Taggart, D -i .Stranbury, F. J. B. merits are here 1n variety., Never better equipped end saucer's. fair IOo, See the die. 7r1iE CHRISTMAS LADIES' oecupiod by Mr. G,,, Zoller; is again held have brought us more closely pp. lay in pin, window,, They will. fOgflther, Duncan, T. G. Soolo, lir. Belden, ,--I18v�Jx bigger sale' he itn:.st<le SattiidRv 25th, Rion, i-iOrIH JOURNAL- taken up, this time by Mr. B. Smlth. John Robertaon, F. T. W. Hodg- �(h day 27th .nilly, at this price, The annual banquet held at the — Keep ilk Touch `Via understand., he purposes world.ng son, 0. S. Macdonald, Dr. W. E. : pull of practical Suggestions for -• G.T.rince George last November was a ,. with Mr, Ladd au the, Cr1 R. �s••.t• S•tnathers, W. E. Groves, T. W. with our Underwear Department. Everything ' JAPANESE, ("btisttnas. , most enjoyable one. Messrs, ,John Scott, N. B. C'obbledick H, J, you' -need is here ill childrreas, girls, misses and', we sell the .Iotirnal a t l6c a calpy tion. g !CHI1vA, or $I $0 per year (called for) ar The merry jingle of the sleigh bells Hansford a Clinton, ThoT>; hi Er Cook, R. S. Ctrockez; � :�. Mc- - �. . per tt tnxli Haycts of Seaforth and Dr. Chisholm ladles in two-piece and combinations, IYiGE[.Y DEC�►RA'fED, $2.00 pe (Y )• -is heard onto niorp, but not many, of I.eod' Harold Stewaa., H. G. p M. P. of Winghatm were the . speakers ' tthii old-fashioned one -hors,, .open Morton, rl PS�e art, t, A, M. sleighs ara to bo seen. But a nice of the e+6ening and their addresses, lick's' Wonderful Two Favorite Books for ByS, which broughi� back'•to our 7nlemorieu lodd:, £"bellies Sewart. L1Si 1.�% tiily[Y]S. $,7 cu��lioned cutter is not a bad ;iib~t% How the men and boys are finding •out• that, it env of. thea cid-time residents of Ilur: - ------ --- -�---• , . Thi, Bays +r�ivfr�tn :Ann $ S $ tute, at least the boys are of this m 19 In their interests to et their k'Urnlshln s from on, were bristling throughout, with w g' g Why Not Books For Xvias�- SeeAhe NCV' dines. opinion. reminiscences. Varna, us,. Ties and Collars, Underwear and ,Braces, Next Sunday !missionary anniversary Our At Home in thv Temple build ► 111rt8 and NQS Handkerchiefs 8nd riQX6s, services w•.Il be held on the. Hoi'mes; � The anniversary services in conuee- r H S 111A5 AUTO- vine clzcu t, when $fir, W. t-1 'Butt ing in February last did crfalit to our 'tion with the Varna Methodist church Overalls slid Smocks, Shirting, Cottpr ode and DEPARTMEI"l'C C. RI Association in eve tj .aspect. Some , ' of London will- preach he's: morning will be held on Sunday, December 8rd. Denim.. choice dell to dress GRAPH- i.E'lTERS, 500 of our people w,en; present- arid' A and evening and at Bethel. i;n the af- nearly all thoso taking part in the ` This data was hung out some weeks Vete are Thankful is the livid Body doll, we m , torncon, were nate ves of Huron. ago , in order that, so far as tY.is ;r Very popultrr 1RaC year program hRVFLhem at, 2?C, 35a,�- sin confidence the -people c,. ac to d2 50, I)ras@ad and will be otic; ear. The quarterly =octmg held at,congre anion I:; concexn��3, tillers might TO notice the iYlcrelr g p Qp Dail c t to X10,00.. Y i be no conflicting with any; other an- j Uhuice lisle, boxed 6 let, ti'illiams' rert�aurant on March 17th nive;rsary in this district. On the fol, have in Our methods. One price far al (and that Dolls,' Slippers, Stock- / (_xoderi.ch Township lash was 'vt+:y well attended. A .good the. lowest pssible means protection for ever .- logs, Furniture etc. / Ler, R envelopes for 25c. , i lowing evening th" fowl supper and p p y " �i > program.+was .►Jndcred,� Inc,ading'spicy' Special values in Dolls The item in 11st weeks issue, re- program will be gived. Suffice to say, body. Heads.. CHISTMAS CARDS, lating its oats grown by, Mr.�, Charles afidxesseas: by (poi, Iiugh Clark, Col, .both will be good and thertt iri every Belcher and others: p: t, We will Endeavor CHRISTMAS GREET-; / BOOKLETS. and POST- Cook inst,sad of reading bushels vlorle of another of those mons;. r Our 'annual home -going• excursion in CARDS. '� % shoriid havo read pounds each time. 1 as+t to Godtlrieh and Kincaid- crowds which have bereboforo always TO keep our Premium Department eomphete. . INCA R / / AL CARDS M;'!. Cook started with pounds but July 1 attended. these suppers. during the bus season so that our attune may ine was as usual a big success, two , g y P 3' Supplied with your _ J expec:ii to have. a good many bushels well' -filled trains leasing, the city for Mr. D. Copeland, who has been pis- get any article they may require. n+une printed On theca A `tnmense verset of nex! year if they yield as well as U -icy icing his sistar, Mrs, (Rev.) D. John 1 W per dozen u or- _ n i y the old County, although the raistng Fell the next Five Weeks p p did'this season. ' If they, dont `a, ,viii -son, has returned .o his home in der early. subjects and designs. + of the r tes by tho raifway companies not be, his fault for he belie es, i n Toronto, Please come. fbr premiums in the forenoon, if careful cultivation and the limper ro- mi.blge More or less against if le Misses Susan nd Catharine Parpe • nnmberr otir 'crowd. �• o8S11)le, so that we may give you proper atter- ' tablon of crops..That s why he leas r have gone to New Yo:tc City where p g p p A novel feature. in connection with '� . •. -r got along so well. they ;i!ntend ' to resnde in future. tion in maka,ng your selections.. ,• the excursion this year was the auto Mr. Charles Baker of Vie 16th con.: Mt. 8• E. Harawtell, the genial Vf5lt Our Chin wear and Cult Glass depart trip. taken by .the raccutive around leas disposed of his �86-acre farm fpr ;township clerk, has resigned his poi - 10 went. when in doubt about what to buy for something over $5;000 and gives tip the. country• Leaving. 1m brihn at ition as teacher of Section No, .13, Christmas. "° ` possession. the first of nex,,� March, The Seaforth, 'blare four autos .well: wain-; his resitnation to go into effect at . • ing and where we ive; joinfai by 41re EET,^ E AT purchaser is Mr; Robert Pearson who g the now year, 'He -and 'Mrs, Harn- a couple of weeks 'ago !old his 1.60- 1'i'• McLean 'and i;iper Ross, we visit-� we% .will probably.' bake W trip• we=st aid Bruceanrna, field d Vashort stops acre place on the 2nd of Stanley. The in the spring... being made• at both places. tayfield l co PER ' smaller .farm, means less work and a I Miss : Bertha Thomson spent Sunday IRWIN was reached at 4 p.. tri. and there we »rualler wage bill, which, • rather than a guest aft tire'. boccie of . Mr. and Mrs, were taken :in hand by the reeveiand • rftUiremftnt is what Mr. Pearson is ea- W. D, MCAsh, ' others and given a good reception, Coe tier, Mi!. Btiaker has owned this larm Miss Fannie Stewart, who has been g Bayfield at 5•O,and making for something like twenty-fivo ,years Leaving spending the summer. ab Kippers., .has -and having di•t'iosc4. of he purposes a short. stop at. the picnic and plbas- returned home. . �a /'� CLINTON.; ire grounds, known as The white Mrs, 'S. Rafliwell still continues THE PEO.�LE' S� •STOR'E. retiriaig from the activity. that farm- re ground ,a' -lively run:alon thaelake s ing demands and with hi•r good • . wife y� hog* very ill,' we regret: to report. will_take up is.aiiode in Clin:'on. shore road- we reachod'Godei"ieh s., Miss' Carrie. AV -alters of °tho fivo• • 5 o'cicnc., riding around . the ly afte. pi staff Clinton, -was a guest at - — after ..5. to the music of the pipes. - We , t� - p p tht; pea;onage ,on Tuesday, �p spent ,a pleasant evening in':Goderich, The missionary services. held on she " Ki tL'n meetring many•old faces., On Sunday,.the Methodist eircuft oh. Sunday last at 10 'a -.:m. `wet .left 'for -bbe north. (Received too late for, last issue.) • . *ere very. suo�essful. The sery"ice BIG VALUE BIG VALUE calling. at Smith's 11111 and reaching :,,vas held, hexe in'tlre:evening, 'when Mx.' and Mrs Landers of -Sanilac' Dungannon at nolo.. a .good congregation• gathered' to hear County, •Michigan, .spenb a ,pleasxtifs After dinner we started -fou Luck: Rev, J. pr. For of ;Clinton, who gave - week with the lady's mother; Mrs. now where ive rritide a stay. of half an a yell},'clear acid well -thought-out ox= Anderson; and numerous; other friends hour, after which we proceeded a- position of • tih'e missionary . quesUion.' undar Line to.�ated C co• here, � long the cr,unty by y Mr. bard also .preached at. Gosh en oue He wa a donservative in politics. W'inghana 'ar>•ivirig there abouU 4.30_ and at I: lope#. The offening at 1 phis: funeral on' Saturday the ibh p• io. • In the. evening , we progeedt►a each appc> n.W)cnt was good: . — AT ins': ti+o Hensah Union cewtetf;ry was in a body ` to .•the+ Episcopal. Church - • 1 attended. His famil have wbem' a special serin,on was d'eiivered " large y d YPLET. *• THE STORE- F • the , sympathy ` 'of all in their, ell- to the' brangfsn� of the town. The 0 aitor. . 'and officials. of the Ghurch t1`� peen eavcinent: ' ' pTA 0i.: /'� a /� iMr. ,Waltei;-.•Osborne, who .held his gave 'us a spacial welcome, .and at -ter. Miss Trott of.` Grimsby. is' visiting . O I� F/ k$. H-' � Na . the . service we met Many ol'd _ time her friends the . Mimes Dinsdale.. MILL`. auction sale 'cf farm; stock etca�etta, f f . last;' week : aelU this week for " riends. Mr. Adfru6 Griggs of Exeter. has en - Alberta. Mrs. Osborne is' to remain We left.;lVingham on Monday. morn- gaged with. Mr. •Roberti Pamons..for All'klnds of Dogs will get I3ighest Prises. , �j- [� another month w=hile .'Nig, Osborne ing for the south, rrtxking a short a t;arm to help in the farms work, A•6 ✓ S builds ' a new house. stay at Bt�:grave and reaching 'Blyth NO. 1 BasSVFt)l?Cl .�eaChY]gr. 40 1Y1C11e5a Millinery about+ 11 o'clock. Here we w wi joined de 1i $3,76 cord yelled. Along the, line ,of improvement . the, by Mr. R. Holmes, Dr. Sloan and ►'�( , second concussion of . Stanle has per As the season cies s along, milliner must -. o which , Y' W. 1Via Elroy, A spe'gial dinner was The �ta1rClSe` l �rS • h g y g. done ;eons,+hing this year, two new,. t � in 'readiness' at �-the •Cominere;al , reason accounts for Saturdays.extraordinary prises. houses having been, bunco; one by lvlt. hotel where the prominent cifaizenz :re- If you. cannot Pasts It Your. Health The hats are some of the;smarfesti and newest shapes Morrison' and the. other by illi.. p • E.• Mo hotel us. After. dinn¢r sho'wt speech. is failingYou*- P( In our Owll WOrii.l'OOn1 and o9$Ps8` that all' W., f• ;Collins. Both are'large and es were deliveretd by some of our , ��`�� Custom World,. p commodisus and both.,.were built by nd *:t citizn:is. resent• ,. of distinctiveness and art that has made. ilia :xrame. of , John' Hoffman of Dashwood a mf+mb.ers a . e P When you suffer 'acute palpitation 1VE+ 51hW • . , Mi.�. Afteli dinner we -proceeded aouth'and of the :heart,,. dizziness , or faintness ALL BE WELL bO r this stom famous for hlgli-class millinery careful anis .trustworthy contractor, ,made half an. ' hour's stay at Londes dyer ti!mie you go up stairs; when '� $ ._ : , � Mr, Morrisons is built of cement axeriyi'on of an kind leaves you bre- Hats from b.00 to 8.00 for ' 3 98 bore• We ranched . Clfnttoit at.2 30 i y y • with a flat roof, an innovation in Pre a phnsant timnB'was te>,'i iii- g, Come early. Saturday and have first. choice. •• � atliless and tremblin it is a warn- this • neighborhood but one that. may til the departure ' of the ,special train:• ing that your blood , is deft;dive-= gain in .popularity as •.the years 'go. Thus ended our auto -trip where many that you, :are aneamdc, `nIf these by. The itwide is finished in Geor- of us siw, bneemora 'the old spots warnings are ne&c.tad worse disori • Q gia pine, staine=d and varnished, aid where we atmanded .a le bees dances ' New Net _ waists at 2.98 pp ;des; will fo4loW--perhaps aeclinea 'and. - ►� is fitted up with all 'the rtiuodern can- .. d' b d 1 t Itis b%oxved partner, Mrs, lsell. viiice, -- , loll #ick peso le, and canna o ..; w 11Cr. Ilit:7 was 1VIr,,; W. h.• 6koves, prinelpil of the artrotigly urg othee weak girls: to f i faithtul 4netnbeit''RyoxSon school, iTelivered a very int of St: Andrew's church, Kippen, :And, : give thtent, a , rial, he will be greats troissed b a lar a 'terbstin and hutrtorous addrrss on F T �1Te�-�q��arC� �� ��� �� ��� • • , Sold by all • ;cine dealers all b • . who learned to love bin: tp1rolo of friends aiid o ill tkiiiti na ss he 0ait evhryo old-trmonpealagagu� n Edi At so ctmib ` °� •or six bolr��sr 10c, Nanebg 'lot' $2.51! irotnThe r. 'G{iiliiatns' a - ly Acture. thd'.'County' of Iruroftj with a descrlpw 1Vfedkino, Co., 18r0ekv1llN Ont, i e o a 1 . i Just to band this week five doz.. Nsw WAIsts al. veniences, Mr. Colli house i5 bu1't of 'also finished barn radstngs, bin ing ees, .an as but .not least --weddings. deadly ponsumiption, : • if. you ate in this conw;t'fnn you need the new,: ,•. r -new styles, Five different 6 iglns, silk lined, cream. brick, and , is in Georgia pine, , Ruined and varnisheli, It was a trip . "never to be forgot- ten -while' memory lasts.": good blood of health that has been iven 'bo thousands of sufferers by only, ail sizes, regular $5.00, for $2.98. 9$ It. has an imposing appearance from. Our tent, pit the'Exhibition rounds g r Dr, Williamis Pink' Pills, These pills its splendid sitz on the hill. during the greats FAI! was Imuch,appta• banish all the ailmenbs arising from Last Sunday the Methodist+; held ciab2d -by 'our friends from the old poor blood, tone up the systent and their anniversary services when the County, • and was well., patronized, but make weak men and womeiy well and . a Fups Rev, Mr. Barker of Seaforth preach- ed earnest, thoughttiul . and itelptul tie 'location "might; haver, been ver Y Bl=ush improved. I would suggest t ss 'Elizabeth CaYnpboll 'strong. i11Ii „ A•lmonte, Oiit., saps : 1 -'was liv, 0,urmons. Excellent tnusie'was pro- that a strong comm 'bee be appoint- in in Pembroke at •rhe itkukt ray. g vid d b ' he combined Pres torlan e y t by etin to Confer with ed at this me g health. failed nue. 1 kept growing and Methodist choirs. • . The liberal, 'the other societies on Society Row, weaker every day until I at last gimp •--a�. offerings ngs were in aid of the work ; of with a view to rc+questing the Yrs- so weak I c6ul�d not walk up stairs - the Church. dustrial Lxhibition Board to locate without hell , and I 'could not go p �.... ' 'While there are undoubtedly A Pioneer Done --Last Wednesday, Societ Row in a VIM, convenient the down street without siitUi dawn y ,Y the eighth in rt another of the old- spot on grounds, of and resting. Mymother got quite man other Good Furs to seldet est settlers in Scfibh Huron passed Another •question • whish should re- anxious about rtneh and book me to a y over to the great majority in the ceive trhe attention of then Assocla- doctor who said. -he was quire cure. from in Clinton, we honestly person of Mil. Andrew Bell, who ware tion is t=he matter of preparing 91119- he could restore my health. He gave one. of the fivi# chiildrenborn in the tory of the early settlement of the me a bottle of medic+ine, and I eon - believe the et;istorxier will find bQwnship, of TttekerstriithI :in the ydar County, If t,ho matter were taken tainued its use un6ll I had taken four 1$87. His father was the late up now, sufficient data could be pro- bottles buts !instead of getbing titre#-' f / mote real V'altye in our Furs Robert Pell, for many ydars the own- ,zurttl and a good hislary of the ger I was growing weaker all the l at of the X-1ppeft mills: -He was County could be Written Sip. Many timn, and was only a more shadow 111 I 1 than ColYlparisolrs Can Show �,1 r the youngest i'n a family of 'twelve .rf the old 1!and'tn,axks are dropping ou<< of my former su1f. 1VIy paretlts be- seven sons and hive daughters. Those- altd what would now be an easy task lieved I was it a decline and could v _ ©� ill. `. elbeivhElY'8. still alive a,.4e William of Honsatlk, Aiil be a much more difficult one• in not get bdttdr, My mother had heard and ban%el, Maul and John of' Ray, thea year& fro come, so much' about Dr. Williams. Pink = KI and Mrs, . Hunt - and Miss Margaret of Irensall.of his own family there And now permit me to thank you for tko confidence repoa�d in the dura pills that she decided I ought to try ,then#, I dad not notice 'much changes remain to mourn his loss, hi=s %ons ing the past year. I hope the ineom- until 1 had oaken five or six box Daniel of. Sostbn, Mass., Rpbert of trig year will be even ,more successful es, "when a decided improae*6nt sdt . NeW Ontario Andrew, 2nd Con., than thoa, that are last." in, and from thab on I grew strong �����,��.�� �ackerstrufr,� and John 'on the home• i 1VIr, •R,'R. Gamey M. P. P. delivered ' ger and stronger each day, until stead ' and daughtf*.s, Mrs.. Williams a very inturestring address on thb -4irough a continued use of the pills I of Satkatoon,- •Mrs, Walper of Miers- Itusourees of New .Ontario, giving a was back to MY oldl.blmo health and �� ; ' • C)) iE �d Sgt( calx, . 11lxs. Sinclair of , tljuckeromith a'hd Miss (laineron at' ljo ; besides fund of valuable inforMabfon conCatn-• ,ing that great seCticit of •the' Pro- btra3r►gth. Y belWV6 Dr. WilliaMs" Pink Pilis l eirbest remedy on earth Itis b%oxved partner, Mrs, lsell. viiice, -- , loll #ick peso le, and canna o ..; w 11Cr. Ilit:7 was 1VIr,,; W. h.• 6koves, prinelpil of the artrotigly urg othee weak girls: to f i faithtul 4netnbeit''RyoxSon school, iTelivered a very int of St: Andrew's church, Kippen, :And, : give thtent, a , rial, he will be greats troissed b a lar a 'terbstin and hutrtorous addrrss on F T �1Te�-�q��arC� �� ��� �� ��� • • , Sold by all • ;cine dealers all b • . who learned to love bin: tp1rolo of friends aiid o ill tkiiiti na ss he 0ait evhryo old-trmonpealagagu� n Edi At so ctmib ` °� •or six bolr��sr 10c, Nanebg 'lot' $2.51! irotnThe r. 'G{iiliiatns' a - ly Acture. thd'.'County' of Iruroftj with a descrlpw 1Vfedkino, Co., 18r0ekv1llN Ont, i e o a 1