HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-16, Page 8OWE* Newsolaveord thorambiltr Nigie 1 SEASONABLE 00008 MODERATELY PRICED MEWS OVERCOATS MOO tO $ILOO Our Otoelt Of overceate never was more complete than it le at the present Uwe, .Many now linee Were added Wit week and early gold ewe replaced and it h now one of the largest and best assorted etooks ever offered for your inspection. Several new, nobby, lines to chow* from it $10.00 -Boy's Over- coats in all tate latest etylea it from $3.50 to cam We have also Pelt added to our stook another large shipment of Vienis and Boy's Suite, Don't fail to see taste before buying your new Fall Suit, Rubber--Areyou goingto buy any Rubbers this fall 11 you are. save money on them by buying them here we have the cheapest and we have the best. Men, Wornenae and. Children's fine Rubbers, 11,1en'a and Boy's Heavy Facefand Buckle Itulabere, Men' a long Rubber Boots. Special prime on Boots., Blankets s Underwear, Hose etc. IT WIL01. PAY you TO TRADE WITH t.S. SMALL pi, mSTEEL MME PROFITS ROS. BUSINESS *••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••••••••••• weatenanaimmiemerommoniamaimmummumil 1 IF YOU ONLY KNEW WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT OUR SHOES YOU • WOULD SURELY PUY HERE In buying Shoes you have got to take the dealer's word, for you can't Act, at the inside of the Shoe to see what it is made of.• Things ate done very eSliek" these days-blera- ishes and weak spots can be covered up so that only the expert can discover them -little Sub- stitutions are made here and there that lesson the life of fhe Shoe Materially. • , In our Shoes you avoidall th-we are peaetical Shoe men kcow positively what should be in a shoe at a given price and in- - sist on having it. We cannot afford to fool you for •when we do so. we fool ourselves. Our Shoe proposition is well worth looking into now. Every in footwear. . . • 1 I • FRED. JACKSON Illemeas It 'Bargain Sale in Stoves For the next two weeks. we will give a big reduc- tion on the following popular stoves for • cash, If in need of a stove Call and get our .prices. Happy Thought Range Pandora Range . Canada Steel Range Ideal and Marvel Range • Radiant Home with and without oven Royal Oak Coal Heater, Dandy Coal Heater Acme Jewel and. Special Oak Coal Heaters. A few second hand coal heaters • and one small Second hand.furnace in good order cheap. 231:RXDS.; STOVES and HARDWARE WHEN You TALK ABOUT GETTING YOUR STOVES PLACED FOR THE WINTER, VERY OPTEN A ROOM TO DECORATE Is COUPLED WITH IT. IP MS BE SO IN YOUR CASE WE INVITE INSPECTION OP OUR STOCK. PER AN UNUSUALLY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DESIGNS FROM WHICH TO MAKE YOUR sex,ricnox AND EVERY PAPER IN mg STORE IS ,FAIR VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best irri;•61:', ie....,,,,,,esisustue Miss Jennie Robertson. is spending holiday with Brantford friend% Miss Edna Pennabaker has return Iron) a fortnighVe visit, with Ciode ick friends, Mr, J. T. Reid, who has been in eh west for some months, return home 'Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wale Canteen are Toronto for a few days visit wi thole son, Mr. W. F. Cantelon, Mrs. G. L. Cook is spending a fe days in Seaforth with her =the Mrs. Wm. Hobbs, who is in po health. Rev. Dr. McTavish of Toronto w the guest while in town over 1 week;emit of Mr. and Mrs. W • Graham. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Chant of 'Olio villn aro sending a couple • weeks the guests of their so Mr. H. EC. Chant of town. Mr. Karl Wilken arrived home fro • Calgary, Ata.oni Thursday, 1i.zree for his mother's funeral ori Pr • day. He intends remaining for couple ef 'Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnwell Varna, were % town on Saturda, afternoon: , They have just r • turned from a very pleasant vis to New Ontario. Miss McTaggart went up to Godenic fart Tuesday to visit Mts. Wm Coates, and from there went Toronto Wednesday to attend tu big flower show. Miss McTaggar .a delegate Agent elte, cSoalieit here. • Mr. K. Erskine; accountant Molson Bank,is suffering from an attack o fever, his numerous 'Weeds wilt re ,grel to learn. Ie le hoped tha the attack. will not be a serious one arid that he may soon, be at hi post again. Mr. and Mrs. John Rice :led Maste • Lloyd have been % Bo ewe twine the former's old borne for the las fortnight, hiving been, called ther by the illness and death of Mr Rice's mother who had reached greke age and who passed away on • Sunday. week. Mr. Joseph Gibson, president of the Dominion Al'Aiarice, was while • in town over Sunday the guest' of 'Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Cosens. Mr. Gibson'n eloquence does not dimin- ialt as the years roll on and he continues to present the ease . of the Alliance .in the most illumina- tive way. Messrs. Thos. Cottle, George David and John Ouninghamit are in Tor- onto this week' flaking in the•meet- ings of the Horticultural Associa- tion and feasting ; thein eyes upon the splendid display of flowers. No doubts they will come back more en- thusetstic than ever in regard to flower culture. Thar Are represeet- ing the soda& here and ere Cottle Is also a director of the Provincial Assodiation. • a ed r- ed in th w or as he mi. of n, 5. nr a of y e- h t f t • s r 1, • a .• Professor Chant of Toronto tiniver- o••••••44***Iele44•••iiioletiiii•••••••••404141•••••••••••••iite say lectured 'tie the town of Mie - 3. B „Boover Nelson gall cholh oa Fpiday evening last, tak- ing "The sqtars" as hie text, a • subject to whioh he has 'given years of study. To hear the Professor U 1VS discuss 'his favorite theme makes ir even the busy business on wieh he had more time to dothta • UNIQUE Si WiLep.,..t il : r4 ..,,I So' , g" - ' ir I are in demand by those In house turnishinge ' l'''',INIZItzti4.3-,7,iss, of artistic tastes. A visit , n'z nere will disclose * 44261 a : UNIQUE FURNITURE THAT IS DECORATIVE : but not overly dear. Merit is what wins these days, and it's only merit that gives us our:liberal patronage • Meg° IT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE The tattooist spot in Huron County to buy iiii kinds of furniture. t Hoover St Bali 1 1 liva1411‘..Vrt:r1011 .AD avallItilttAX.) raREtnitZ)ItO i 4044 4444 444010.011.41411. 40.10.1H1414 4144.4444 44+0 *1144 444.11/44. otstar gazing." Professor Chant spent the week -end as the guest of his brother, Mr. R. B. Chant. Mrs. John Bayley of Hullete cine to Canada many years ago and owing to removals on both sides of the big pond she lost ieght of the family at home. As a last te- srt, in •order to get trace of them Mtn. Bayley some time ago inserted a notice ie the personal column of • Lloyd's Weekly which, to her greati ' joy located her brother, the only • rf;realring member of the old fair).- ily, whom she had not heard Of for twenty-three years. Mr. T. J. Reid returned last +Neck trim the Pacific Coast region at, ter an absence Of several months. Part of the time he was in Waelt, ington and Oregon and the re- mainder on the Canadian. side of the line. As a matter of Prete/r- •anee Mr. Beid would always • main north eir tjle 49th parallel but business interest; sometimes take' him among Cousins Jona- than. Prom the fad that he hag • gained ie avoiedupoisIb May be taken for granted that the trip was a healthful one. Wook End . • Specials • FRIDAY and SATURDAY xEEP the winter expense down by visiting this store Friday and Saturday. Read carefully the following list of deep cuts. Many other lines will be laid out for quick selling not men*. tinned on this page.• Ladies Astrachan and Bokaran Coats at Cost. Full Stock of Underwear for ladies and children Flannetette'Blankets $1.35 25 only Flannelette blankets • . first quality, large size. whipped end. 04 by 78, pink and blue bor. here. worth $1 75.. Sale days 1.315 • 20:and 25c Satteen 15c 100 yds fancy art sateen. Paisley and-serowl designs, all colors. 17 and BO in. wide, reg 20 and 25c. Stile days .18 Doylies 5c each 3 doz assorted doylies in-. square, oval and round shapes, Just a„clearing up line, reg 10, 15 and 25c. Sale days .OS Millinery Cuts (Meaning uptbe millinery • department during sale days, spew will not permit of a de- scription. Come in and look them over. All shapes at one price .00. AU trimmed hats 1.50 • Men's Clothing During sale day e we will allow 10 percent. off all men's and hoys' c)othing-suits, over- coats and odd pants. Odd Lace Curtains 2s percent. off 100 pairs odd lace curtains, one and two pairs to pattern, some slightly soiled, all new tbis season in white, cream and acro reg to $5 per pair. Sale days 25 pereent. off. $1 Pan Velvets" 62c 50. yds Pan velvet. 18 in. • wide in gray, purple and blue on- ly. These are the balance of our millinery stock and would make • splendid coats for children, reg -$1. Sale days .62 Applique Linens 2 clon. applique linens for shams, runnere and table covers, • reg 20c. Sale days .19 25 percent,, off Rugs, Carpets, Etc During the sale days we will give MI5 percent, off all lugs, • carpets, tapestry, table covers, mats and uiatting. $1.25 Taffeta Silk 9c 100 yds Taffeta silk guaran- teed, every yd good weight, high, lv finished and will give splen. did wear for coats and dresses, reg $1.23. Sale days . 7 9 Men's Fur Coats • Men's coon, dog, calf, gello. way and inallaby coats, all sizes, during sale days 20 percent, off reg price, Bearskin Coats for Children Underpriced We are clearing out the bal- ance of.our bearekin coats dale. • lug sale days as follows: Regular 32.25 for $1,78 " .2.75 for 223 3.00 for 225 " 8.50 for 2.98 • " 4.25 for 3,39 4.50 for 3.50 Linen Table Cloths $1.50 1 doz only separate • table clothe, two, good new designs, size 2 x'2e yda, worth $2, Sale days 1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 flens • Shirts 79c • About 10 doz men's stiff front shirts in light and dirk colors, all sizes, rem $L25 apd $1.50. Sale days .79 • 75c Soft Shirts 59c Men's soft front shirts. all sizes, light and dark colors, reg 75c. Sale days .59 , 15c Towelling 12%c 500 yds; heavy crash towel - lug, red border - Reg 150 sale days 120 a* laic a a •1.0e if We " 5c Remnants 200 remnants- of dress goods, cottons, ehirtinge, eheeting, tow- eling, satteen, table linen, prints Gingharns etc. Sete days, hag price. Deep Cuts in Um.. brellas • . We have gone through our *dock of parasols and umbrellas and laid out for quick selling the following lines : Regular $1.25. for .78 1 50 " " 2,00 " 1.25 " 3.00 " ZOO Ladies' Coats Half - Price 15 oniy ladies Winter Coate Fay Tweed, Black, Green, Beav, er Keg $10.00, $12 00 and $15,00. Sale days 05.00 Children's Coats • $3.50 9 only Children's light Tweed Winter Coats all reg 3700 and 36.00. Sale 53.50 Grey sizes days. Let Your Next Suit be Tailor Made We are showing a splendid line of Fall Tweeds and Worsted for winter wear at prices that complete with Ready 1Viade Clothes. Why pay a high price for an uncertainty when you can have a Tailored suit to your measure, fit and workmanship guaranteed from $18.00 to $25,00. Try our Tailoring Department when in need of a suit. 'Inneeviemia, BUTTERANO EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. 13I0- 0AE3E1Sr1701R,M Personals. Hallett Township Mrs. Williamson -of Toronto, has been • the, guest during the past week of Mrs. J. Johnstone, • Mr.• Fred Stoneman of Montlach, Sask., was the guest of Misa Ross • of King street over the Weds end. Mrs. John Jackson has retuned • homeafter .a visit of. several weeke with. her daughter, Mrs. Steep of • Toronto. •••. , •• Mr. E.. N. Lewis of West Huron was the second member of tree new House of Commons to sign the roll yesterday. ' Mrs. ehristiani of London, formerly Miss Lily . Coats of Clinten, . was the guest of her aunt, Mre. C. G. • Middleton Jr., for a couple of days this .week, . •' Mr. E. Blatchford Jr. of Centralia • and • Mtss Blatchford of Exeter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke foe a fesv days bhe past week.- They visited the Houseof Refuge on Sunday and delighted the inmates by singing to them. Mr. and Mrs. T. li, Hardy and daughter moved • in frnmi bhe Base Line last week and are now resi- • dents of Clinton. The News-Ree- ord heartily bids them Welcome and hopes they may abide in our midst for many happy year% Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Agnew started for *air home at Parkrnan, last '''*eek after having been for some time guests of Mr,. Agnew's sisters, Mrs. John Snyder and Miss Agnew, bowie and Mrs. John Jer- vis of Stanley. They also visited friends at Guelph and Lucknow. London Road • Mr. Wm. Grant has Inst disposed of his farm to Mr. Byam Bev:elideOf Exetee for the gum of $6,500, Mr. Grant intends retiring from the farm and ;Will probably, though big plans are not fully matured, retrieve to ClintOn. The position of itae Meuchu Throne is now considered hopeless. Canton and other titles have Ejoiatid the., /e- volution. Mr.. N. Boller Lew will an Monday be proposed for the leadership of the Unionist party in *he Commons, sueeestdou to Mr. A. J. Balfour, re- • Are you a News -Record subscriber? Following 'is the schocil report for S. S. No. 5; for October. • Sr. 4t12 -;Elva McCool, Mary Vott- don: • •• Jr. •4th -Florence Voddeai, Etta Brown, Edna Lee, Keathia Way - mouth. . Sr. 3rd -Ira Rapaon. Jr. 3rd-Margey McCool, Fred Mc- Cool. . • Sr... 2nd -Annie Weymouth, Alice Vodden, Grace Vodden, Flossie Gib- bings. Jr. 2nd --Rose Gorbuti. . Sr. 1st -Rana Snell, Arthur Wey- Mouth, Percy Gibblngs, Sidney Lee: Jr. let -'-Wellington. McCeol, Mary Mair, Jennie Gorbute. The best krellers are Sr. 4th -.E. McCool. Jr. 4th -P. Vodden. • Jr. 3rd -M. MeCool. Sr. 2nd -A. Weymouth. let-alelnia Snell. IIE WAS KEPT WAITING• • Senator &in Sharp Williams was iniee made executor of a wealthy man's estate, all ' of which had been left to his Only goit. The father had kept title young man, win) was just turned 21, in pretty close leash during hie youth, and it was with eyes bulging with expeetancy of a good - far -flung fling that the son called On the executor a few days after the funeral to learn when he watt coining Into his kingdotn, Senator Williams -eiria.-1.....elaseemaienaseimemeemeemaiweeemae....sei.„....,„„„i„......................- • The News From Londesboro Wednenlay evening the League meting :was in charge of the nes- winery committee. A very interest- ingmeeting was held in the form of an evening with the Missiortr, kn. •• •Messr% Ford & McLeod of Clinton loaded a couple of cars of hay Wednesday of this week. Mr: James eed Miss •Delia McCool spent Sunday • last etviththt.4 s%ter, Mrs. J. L. Awde of Wingham. • Master chas. Erumbley left last week to take a position on the G.T.R. as • sectionman at Caledonia. • Miss • Ellis of Wawanosh spent •• a few days this week with hetr costs- . in, Miss A. Bell. Mrs, 'Wirt. IVforritt aftees spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrn. W. G. Coombs, returned to London Thursday of last week. • Wne. Oriffiitks naturried to work on the 0. T. IL • after spetiding a weak at his home here. Mrs. Nfogridge of Clinton is spend- ing a few days this week with itee daughter, Mrs. C. H. Manning. • On Monday of this weed at the; parsonage by the Rev. J. 0. Oster.- hout was solemnized the marriage of' Mr. J. Finch ' of Stiatford to Ass., Mary Lawson, daughter of -Mr. John. Lawson of this village. After the ceremony the happy' couple lett on. . the 4 train for Stratiord and other points met, After their return nom. • their honeymoon they wall make their: home in. Steatford viten. the satinet is engaged in the cabineinmeking. busixess. • Mr. J. L. Awde of Winghaeship•-• ped a car of potatoes • Thursday. Charles Crawford is eptindieg a few - days with friends • et • Brussels. We are sorry to record the death of the infant son of Mr. and .Mrs.', Harry Moon which occurred on Sun.-. day. The funeral was Held on Tues4 dey. Mr. and Mre. Moon have the sympathy of their many friends • in their sad bereaveanent. '• The Britia emier, Mr. Asquith, Was present at the annual Lord Mayor's banquet, and made an im- portant pronouncement? on foreign el - fairs. relates: "I haven't qualified* 48 exe- cutor yet, Bob," I told lane "but eonie around in a week or so and fon can get What you %alit" Promptly on the dot 13ob turned up. "The period of advertising for elaims against the estate will not explre for a fortnight yet," I told him this time, "so 'I cermet legally pay you anything until then. Drop in irt a eouple of weeks and 111 fix you Mit." Bob mellowed his disappointment and took his de- parture. .At the end of a fortelght he proniptly appeared again, "Sorry to disappoint you a third titne, Bob," I said, "bee there have been some purely formai claims filed against the estate that can not be disposed of until •tiext zenith's term of court. if you'll call after that you ean get val the cash. you Watt,. but 1 really don't see ray way clear to pay out anythirtg until Wee matters are dispesied of. Come both le a month and it will be all right them" Bob Moved elowly to the door. With hie heed ou the %non he turned, to me. "Mr, bo said, gadly, "do you know tome - times I'm right story the old man signed, •liedi" Hullett Happenings. When it comes to potato raisittg, The barn which Iffr: Pen, Churchill! Mr. John Bayley Of the Second con- has been putting up to replace the one destroyed by MO last September it now about cern/Acted and in few days he expects to have every- thing le shipshape. • Last week he drew a supply of lumber over from the -13aylleld Line where he . mad)) a purchase frons Mr. John Stewart. By the way, anyone nowadays who has becation to buy lumber wii whether or no compare present prices with those prevailing but a few yearn ago. The value . of this most moms- ary article has Certainly jumped UP. conelusion we may add that Mr. Churchill vee y !well appreciates the kindnesro manifested by friends ire a praetital way after his reeent heavy': mos; cession tan just. about beat anythrig bit's district and we proceed to prove it 14 t6it way.. On a piece of land where the wheat was killed last spring he planted the tubers and on one-third acre he grklered no less than ono hundred • and filby bushels, But the size of the potatoes ratrair than ,the quantity was what pleased Mr. Bayley. One tube: measured 18x22 inehes and weighed 84: pounds. A second was 18x19 an a third 1.2X 13i, each of the two latter tipping the scales at three pounds. any - •one hereabonts can equal tthis to say nobhing about lett)ring it we will be pleased to hear about it. • Of