HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-16, Page 7,f7 I!a . I r�v�._ .. 21,1116110111. 1"t t * • ,� %% } 111111111111111- !W111152M _ __ 4 u 1. V. `�• t •�• ,••�---�•- recognize iu/r ItM IAelr Awt� 1tSPW1. IWl4e1 it1M8 bYf1i'1te11M+4 111t�1 lett.Mdfdl�l'L tlCtpolt," X. V. l r,TA(*Ala�T 'Q* TAM � tolerate hits Alt that aocouxt," believe that myesitf. !!weal. if I load !lits hid more of a alastery over tko f• """"'""`""" r n A day or two lifter this, Barreau bellered it, I should base been ` webbed boots Of tke North tkjm 4 is `' 1A Yt+Iwst V W"#W unv sou+ ( T HE g:1 A N D 0 F zi Mer�,i�a obis � gMd tip a dog team sod left the ashamed to aalatait Lr4xiltly to that :shortly traaaspilirefi. we wart apt .the --..w 04 to m tits liver at the odd -list bas ' lion. boUnd for a, point clown the river, gray.eYfd girl that I bed .run away river tt. =lie or two, eros�sed it, aM kro& rea font ai, prerWawtire alt wiliexv obey bad established two b had been different. He seem" u climb" to the toll of a Uig pont ilial r '�"�ea4ei salol ar, ve. ! 6 beAatuse I whir' straw. With Harr "` 1 Foral time itltasbeen flee'.g veil i R A T. 01R 0 W Frenctili l with same #radiad' goods, to Ii oliedlately ayp►etlad to tis a4 4ra :Woo understand, to dlrine. how and why 1 coastit »-*-1ANIERS • owalft R+er +moi was the eglioin4l value of OAd ; OIL- the Chance Of getting izatP touch. g p14Ga. To ate .vest towaralt aha the iii with A few IOU90 that 'hunted In that did such and .such a thing at such a the mountain range, robed In ermine , �t'eisaaxr >naiy itsett r time and rite, drxwbilec ti,s wands,- By TJIOXAS I+E�TNOR, territory. He took one main, a►nd. I plane% with 'but a meagre Uo,W Instead of summer purple. tabl , y taste of th . From the � tra>psipsd WNW miles with them. for explanation Froin me, Certain effects '"What insignifioaut creatures wa . - "" Aut export+1 have b trY�' the sake of the anowsboo practice,. of invariably led him. intuitively to first' art, after all t" The girl stopped sud- moasss f;* make it wors Used t*• "out" t 'which I woo seldly in need. It looked : Causes. denly, aftd looked back .at the white A GS•E.�NERAL 0MING BBI- . wuie-favor it with loiraon �--- venwattols. We ware atretOleett► ngon t'he fear %Ut �rtalks at the elbow of s G'sl` to go atalklaK •over the, dritts: on Moreover, with loot I seemed to bei pests, "tUey ysy t)stst men up 2tety sen h to get Rway from than #ibPmta- our Feppeotixe !aunts, I ifettni to those webbed ovals, but its was trying Put upon the defensive: d found my- alone often go A. I hardly wPmdes. 2�l>;5 TRANSACTED. D, NOTES ts+wste l too It i0 Fmu1- Bureau* tally of ldag-dead tradttrr Barradurausn Tee girl looked up 4t melt refle tl. e work for a novice, as T discovered a# o ng on what she. would do I don't think I like :the North," Iota qc neo la atxl ak ut , and itis the firs! in such a cess, and instantly .deciding "'19A You feet #ha4t way,'' I rejoined. I�ISt UNT i)r RAFTS ISSITE'17� cion #Pilot, xh�ch is nothing mare than .who bed undertaken to book the Huta. time there weld no curl to: her lip, no my first attempt, There was a, certain "churned" Ali--brokeis up -taut still free, swinging stride which I had yet that Miss Jessie 1►fontell would defy ' "I do, myself, at times," son,4 Boy Company, when some one scornful gleam in her eyes. only 4 IlV"TERF,,ST ' AI+ Ell ON DE- greasy, oily and a $train Wlin the digestion. tapped on the door; and, at Barreau's tstomentatry ;latah of interest. Then to master. So it happened that I did the devil and all his works, if she She nodded soberly. _ pectora bore blow to incl out than; l 1 liiontell - the listless im a not return to the post 'until that chi11 thought ,herself In the right. In ad- ""Perhaps we are. blessed or cursed,. PUSI'rS. SALE NOTES l'UR- the oil was s distinct drtwbaok to the t 'dome in,'" who but p taco$! expression ' hour between sundown and dark. clition thereto, I felt that she was un whichever It may be, with too much r . medicinal Principles contained in the himself should enter. He abut the door carne bock to her lace. She Walked h consciously a 4kIASEO•I. Wood liver, carefully behind him, and waddled to at her father's elbow lute one utterly The day's work was at an anti. Be- y PpraiI me and class- imagination, and ,give it overfree 1. Crude oil is quite indigestible, apid , ' Ing. me as, a weakling; and that, added reik.11 . will, 'i!n time, put the strongest: stomach a seat, Barreau ralsed up on elbow. worn out. The men branched off to sides myself, not a soul mored within out W,1 order, "You!" he said sharply, "Back here the bunk house. Mont4 soul his the frosty area of the" stockade. The to my own half -formed conviction "No," I returned, blunderl»•- -- In A . • - -''• H, T. RAN',C _I - A way has. now been discovered. to do already? What has happened now!" daughter went stralaht to, efts I door4 of exert' building were ,shut that In time of trial I was likely to an attempt to voice that which I had away with the VX WD and the smell, and „ the* cabin. ti ht prove so, made me' a most uncorn- often felt,. put could never express, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- y Montell tool[ off his hat and threw I think he is be nin to have 4 g against Ws sharp -toothed cold. �" yet: retain all the medicinal properties g Th fortable' Indtvidua$ Lot' a few moments, There 1w an atmosphere, a something ANGER, FINANCIAL,. REAL of the !~vet' This is done by removing It ,petulantly on the floor; proiatind respect for the company," ; is I noted almost meohanically. I I R- the fresh oil from the new livers. The "We couldn't make ft,' that's all," he Barreau told me that nigh , we, t was beginning :to develop the woods- Montell'$' entrance saved me from a about these immense splices that alts. . ESTATE AND FIRE NSU lire;r is then redUc to the, form . guests t, s oat MAU's faculty of observing detail with, rather unwelcome situation. ' There hard oa the nerves.. We don't have lgp raet. growled. It H. B. C.'e set- over our fire. "They have set hhr le no knowing h, w dee a tangle I . to Imagine thins they're here. A.NCk7' . AGENT. REPREP e>F an esictract like beef ting bus!*, ail at once. Anyhow, we thinkin It seems that none of his out conscious put se. It S1 rNTINQ 14 FIRE INSGR- Nyal.s Cod Liver Compound;,,is simply 8: PP Witb my mind 4 p g Inge; Y' I this liver extract combined with an exp gob beaded off," mtu, could get so much as a glll4pse busy about the prospect of getting A should have got myself Into — she It seems to me that any wlldemess ANCE COMPANIES. tract 4t malt and healing wild cherry. "Howl" Barreau demanded. of a mo4assln track. Still, their saddle fire started In We shortest passible was so uncompromisingly direct, untamed must have that same effec • DIVISX4N COURT OFFICE, It also contains the true hype h bites. ,. 4» space of time m , however, opened the door at Easiest Way fa the! wori ' he horses and pack mules were systems p Y gaze fora moment Montell it overawes one. And man hasn't This combination makes ply Coil rested on the Montell cabin, as I the crucial period, and she. turned to tow,,•; this yet. The North Is master • sputtered Wrathfully. ,,some feller atleally shot do Inver Coin d a delicious tonic— fie until the *topped at my own door. At that mo- him with a recital of the huskies#' out- and we feel it." ^-. CLINTON. y Were Wilde up the system, and makes you with .a good eye auat'tralled us up, and afoot again, After that they were went Jessie Montell stopped outside break, lighting a cluster of candles as We plodded a few yards farther, 0,1 strong, killed off our atocit -shot 'em one by �; not molested, He knows that his pp she talked. Duet at the ate of a stockade we - - Take it when you feel yourself losing one. Finally, we was afoot. So we whole a shawl thrown over her _head, car- g � your grip. Its a pleasure to take- party, could as easily have been �P• .BR'VDONI✓, h turned back. Couldn't walk clear to rying in one hand some object cover- "IL you don't allot up those ferocious _snot two men -two tall men, burdened eves gip. ;I:00perlarge pert out of We w>3y. What seems to ed with a white cloth, , brutes, or feed them a little oftener, with shoulder packs, I knew We idea ••----••-•a BARRISTER, SOLICITQIt, bottle. . MacLeod. Damn 'em, anyway!" have put the fear of God into the lot 11 ybu try this, remedy we linaw you "No one Aunt?'' Barreau asked of them, They can'# 'understand the' The dogs must have been lying at she concluded, "they'll devour some of every frontiersman in the pay .of -- will be pleased. Nyal Remedies the stn- ui the end of the cabin. The slam of the I body one of these days, and there Montell, but these were not of his fo i NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. cerely believe to be the best medicine quietly, Bay^ object, I don"t, myself, altogether. door had • barely sounded when she won't be so much as a moccasin left lowing, Yet, somewhere, some time, I watlues Piloted. 11 Barrtn' blistered feet—no,' Montell But I��cotrla Ihazard a close guess, I to tell the tale." At which extravag- had sgQn them. My memory inslstpd OFFICE-- Sloane •Block—CLINTON. snapepd, think." was confronted by one wolflike brute. Sold and Guaran" by W. S. R " He faced her !fold! � ant forecast we all three laughed, and upon this. But where or when I could "' - Holmes J. E. Bovey, W. A. "What ate you going to do, now; y, his nose point " Barreau •inquired next. Steadily the cold grew, and the sun CHARLES B. BALE ,.I.m inquiatively toward the thing she car- I felt myself equal to the occasion not instantly recall, 14, McConnell Clinton, rode lower on its diurnal passage. ried. She maAe a threateningonce more. They passed within a few feet of goia to take eight matt, by Save the pine,. and spruce, and seat- and a gesture The upshot of this dog episode was me, theli parka hoods drawn close . Gad, and. a string of Mules, and hit It tored cedars, the Poke sharp 'to him, whereat the that I stayed to supper" about their cheeks. 1 had only their Conveyancer, Notary Public , ., „ great woods shiver- husk y pper" with theme, Y , y in the mornin ,! . Montell exploded. I y retreated* a loot or two —and , Commnissionat, Etc. ain't' goia' to have that irla winter ed is their nakedness, lacking the was instantly redatorced by half a and went to my own cabin rather late profiles to spur my recollection. nut 8. winter robe that the North done at in the evening � that sabfficed. I stood watching. them . here, If I know it. And I ain't goia' dozen of his fellows.. The girl lifted bear away ' to the north, and ,as, REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. such season. And. presently that came, her. hand' a little higher and berated 1lLY to be headed off from noWin" by the also with the doe CHAPTER %y. Issuer of Marriuge Licenses: F p-Wroated whoop of her clear voice reproaching , , � mechanically, I shuffled'the cards of • Hudson Bay or any other damned them. . a northeast gale to herald its coming, them for Weir lack of manners. And . Strangers (Twain. memory, a picture flashed out clear ` ; HOROIII STREET, -- CLINTON. � outfit. I just Dome over here• to :let In one night the Si<sannie froze from • as the ace of. spades in a diamond suit. you know I was back, George, so s ,bank to bank. At daybreak the wind then,. of' a sudden, one. cock -eared The two men, were those who had - . you wouldn't be gettin' into the fore- brute sprang at the thing she carried. My arm was somewhat swollen and drove curling streamel;s of loose snow I. missed throbbed like an ulcerated tooth when come to the camp of Three Wolves "'j DRS. GUNN GANDIEIi. ground to-mororw mornin' ,when . we across its glassy surface, to pile in ,and. Pae pf t#te others had I got up the following morning, but I early in the fall, the same who :fad I we're fixin' to start you might just frosty windrows at the loot of the a try. She gave ground, holding above g' Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. C. P., 100 GIRLS as well be accommodatin'." her head what I now saw was a late; made shift to build a fire. When the eat upon the log with Barreau that • - L: R. C. S. Edin, Oh to be sure; As a favor from . south slope. p ley chill was banished from the room, morning and made overtures for A „ • During this and Immediately the snarling pack Dr, J. C. g period we of the post I dressed, and was -getting what com- peaceful capitulation. Once 1 had 1 Crandier, B. A'. M B.'WANTED one gentleman to another," Barreau was snapping at her skirts, and she + settled into a routine of minor tasks, fort I could out of a ' smoke when placed them, my interest flagged, I observed sarcastically, "AAYthing to Byes cut, off from We door: I could turned . and entered the stockade. Office--bntario St., Cliaaton. Night There were fires to -keep, against the Montell knocked at my door, bringing obligee But !f I were you I,.ghould hear the click of their white fangs as Jessie.had kept on to the store. Mon - calls an residence, Rattenbury St. , �5.0� e ' Week to start with cold. Barreau and I gravitated be- a cold gust of air when he entered, p not, try it again not till you can take I ran. She backed against the wall, I" cfr at Hospital. for girls a gllteen 3 eery and We outfit, lock. stock, and barrel, . tween our caD1a and the store: scolding. them in a voice that be "Oho," said , he, "stlrrin' . around, tell was standing • on the stoop, as I 7 You may find R only a waste of mules Montell sulkod:for a week after that frayed some alarm, eh? This ain't much like home, is it? reached the building, his hands thrust over. at O11Ce. , last failure to reach southward. Then I reached her on the .double-quick, How's the arm?" , deep In the pockets ,of his fur- coat- If not worse. Evidently the company he emerged from'his shell of silence, when I saw that the dogs meant mis I told him briefly, having little in BY the fixity of his gaze, as I turned DR. J. W. SHAW. -D. S. Perrin & Co. is minded to pen the lot of us here, I and teach us a lesson. and became ponderously genial, talks chief. The short-tempered devils Clinatkn to enlarge on that theme -- the corner, 1 guessed that he was OFFICE— Limited, London. "Just so the girl's out of St," Mon- ' tive—a !metamorphosis which. Barreau turned on me in a body with the first the pain was sufficient without the I watching the two men. A backward �.-` tell muttered' defiantly, "they've got regarded with .frank contempt: He blow !struck. One atter the othgr I aggravation of discussing fit: glance. showed them :just vanishing RATTENBURY ST. EAST, spoke to Montell no oftener than was Uh-huh, he grunted, Now, you into the belt of spruce that ran to my permission to go ahead with their knocked galley -west and crooked with f-CLINTON.- D. N, WATSON.. teachin', But I've got to get her necesedry, and when he did speak his the barrel 'of -my'rifle, and emerged just come along to the shack and have the brow of the hill. a clear. So I'm goln' to tackle it again." tongue was barbed. For the most part victorious from the m816e, with my Jess fix it up again. She's pretty near "Well,' i greeted, "you've had call - 1,, CLINTON..- - ONT. Montell took his sneering unmoved le as good as a doctor. -And, seem' she's ers to break the monotony, I see:" r Very well, Barreau said fndiffer- ggings ripped in divers places and R LICENSED AUCTIONEER eptly. "But you had better take a or grinned pacifictially, but there were the left sleeve of m " partly responsible, It's no more'n fair. "'That's what," he replied, "Queer • DR. C. W. THOMPSON. Y parka: alit as it There ain't no use you; makin' a fish,• too. Wouldn't stay no time at, ;� for the Count of Huron: Cortes- few tii»es 'when his red face went purple County pair o!. snowshoes. You may with a knife: From this last the blood permit of yourself." all. 'Claims$ to be free traders like PIII'SICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. QondenCe psomntly answered. Chars- need ' them." VIIfid his . puffy eyelids would droop streamed forth merrily, Plowing down . Special atilelation, given, to dis- est: moderate and satisfaction' 'guaran- "Maybe so," Montell returned. "But the pupils glinted through mere over my -mitten and 'drip ins redly on I attempted to dodge this. invitation ourselves, and wanted to know 1f -No w i eases of the Eye, Ear, 'Nose and tie'gd. Imlmediate arrangements for I bet I get •a scalp or two if the slits, like a cat about to pounce. -Then p d y that' savored of command. Montell's minded. 'em. tryin' to pick up a few � y go the trampled snow. Throat. `" solo dates may be. made by calling to settin' us afoot this trip." And It would be Barman% turn to smile, • "•p�hy� they've batten you]" the girl semi-jocoseness rather jarred on me. pelts around here in. the spring.. Got Byes carefully examined and suitable at 'The News -R ord Office or ori In his slow, ironic way. g For one thing; ,his heartiness didn't a stock of goods, they said, some- " 1 Y Frank ,Watson at Be & Smyth',, he gathered' up his hat and left the exclaimed, with a sharp intake oL her glasses prc�crtbed. y cabin. Of -the girl, who kept close to the .breath.. "Let . seer quite ring true. I got the impression . where between here and the Peace." grocery. „ cabin, she and her father shared, no "Come in and: let. me. tie that .up,"' that his solicitude was of the lip I pricked up my•ears at that, So- .tr Office and residence 2 doors west of I shouldn't be surprised it that rather than of the heart While I had one had fibbed properly. And when it the • Commercial Hotlel, Huron St. - was the way of it," remarked Barrean, word ever passed between the, two: she commanded peremptorily, and i'. 2 ` I looked over,at him, and, catching Nor did she meet Barreau or 'myself flung open the door, giving me.little passed a very pleasant evening .with Avas on the tip of my tongue to say THOMAS BROWN, LICENSED AUC-. gaze he went on: face to face for a matter of -three chance to debate whether I would"or them, I did. not contemplate making that ,hey were Hudson's Bay men, i,' my interrogative . tioneer for the counties . of, Huron •'I've simply been doing a alt of 1n weeks. In what way_Montell account- no. And 'I followed her in, as much myself at Home in the Montell: cabin. refrained: That information would 1 .1 I AR. F. A. AZO\. and Pertsh.. Co=resptindenc0 pramnt ed for our resence I,.did not know ` throw h a sudden d I had a vague feeling 'that it involved keep, I reflected. The more I thought a •- ductive reasoning. .Taking Wings as P , g eaire to, see a ly answered: Immediate arcangt>• nor .how 'he explained Barreau% as. little more"of .this very capable and disloyalty. to Barreau. Montell, how, of it; the less: I cared to make any as- a —DENTIST.-- menta can be, made fan'sale dates at they are in this country; what more p natural than that the Hudson's Bay sured position .about; the post. it may impulsive young lady as to have the ever, was quite insistent; and, as I I sertions. The men had done no harm, - The News -Record, Clinton, or by be. •th•at she did not notice this in- sharp sting of the wound elle ed:. had no .appstrent •reason for befog apparently, If they had lied to Mon- Specialist nn Cfown and Bridge calling phone 97, Seaforth. Charges Company should have become. arm- y ,; Work. Graduate of C. C. D.. S., ed les; we grow to a for idable corn 'congruity on, the part of a supposed She brought churlish, I ended by going with him. tell, he. was probably shrewd enough Siiodevate - and satisfaction guaran- g t water in a - basin', a Clhicago, , and R. C. D. S., Tor fugitive; it may be that Montell was Miss Alontell' came out c,. the other to know why. If Montell were lying . teed, . petitor, and have simply' made up sponge, and a piece of clean . linen, room; She nodded to me and. smiled to me, 'he likely had good reasons. I s1. • onto. their, minds that we -must be :dusted, ` a plausible ligrle -`t any rate, upon which she speedily reduced to strips; • Bayfield on Mondays from May to by hook or by crook? They have •a a greeting. She moved .about the, dropped the, matter forthwith. It was the . few Pecs lona. when we, three. and after helping me remove 'the room, ,getting a basin and warm water Barreau's affair more 'than mine. Ilacemb�W�D. T',`�joo j j��r� way of keeping posted, you know; came near enough to recognize each "parka". proceeded too dress the gash F;- TJ1U IIICKiIIOp .trlluttlal FIC[J 'And then, along in the winter, . th other, she appeared calmly indifferent and other first — or perhaps, L afresh I went r tf cabin ilrh built i fire. ey In my forearm with 'deft tenderness. r , r e� p might even go so far as to have • •the Barreau and .I . ate 'in the big cook During this ministering to my. need, say second — aids to the injured. The cheerful warmth of the cabin IASllTaIlCB COWan : house with the rest of the men. Mon- I And she washed and bandaged afresh was very restful after rhe exertion of mounted police pull one chestnut, out we were both silent, . When it, was.' ti rr s tell and his'daughter daughter had their, meals ! the laceration, with an impersonal anowshoeing, and sitting there in a t A i —Farm. and Isolated Town Property—of the fire for .them, by revealing my done, she tilted her head on one side ++ served in the cabin. So we --• at least absorption in the task that T hRlt state of mental passivity soon begot -Only Insured— • whereabouts, and surveyed her handl ork, .,for all "How. does it come," I asked, in I wl11 speak for myself, for Barreau the world like a small bird resented. drowsiness. I piled wood on life fire —TIME TABLE— - Perched ' ' OFFICERS— maintained a stony front and absolute When she had finished, breakfast; i some surprise, "haat they haven't,done i Y on a limb.'and' looking down. hot from the coon house, was, brought (TO BE CON'TINUED:* g Trains will arrive at an?1 depart J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth that before, if they know Wei George silence an the subject -- were saved I m really and truly. sorry I got Bram Clinton station as 'IAI.16wg :. • F', 0. ; Jas. ' Connolly, Vice-Presi- the embarrassment of meeting three � by .one of the breed . women, attd I Barreau, life fur trader, is Siowfbot g you into such a scrape,' she apo - BUFFALO AND CiODERIGH DIV : dtrnt, Gaderich P. 0. ; T. E: Hays, George of thio MacLeod country•?'' times daily. legized sweetly. . "L suppose I should .Miss Montell seated herself at. the trtary.Troasiirer Seaforth P. O: table and alrily waved her father and L fir. t Going East 7,35 .a. m, ' "For the very .good reason that they Montell himself became very Friend- have thrown the meat to those to places on her right and left.Sti➢iY1a r✓8t8Y'Li �1 •' -.. H „ -Directors-- -• Y 8.07. P, m. want no mounted policemen In this ' ly ,toward. me. Bit by bit, he drew ferocious things, . • But dear me, I'd ., _- WHOOPING COUGH CROUP That was how I came to break " I. t 5.15- p, m,. William Chesney, Seaforilh ; ' John net of the woods," he said decidedly. from me the story- of my wanderings,• .toiled Act over it,. getting it thawed and' BRONCHITIS _ C,DUGti9 COLDS Goias West 11.07 a. m. Grieve, 'Winthrop, Wilham Rinn, Con- �, bread with them a. 'second time, and . Going They ddn't want to establish a piece- and shook his hW3ad over it, assuring fined for papas supper, that I '+sled " " 1:2fi p. M. stancte ; .John Watt" Harinck ; Jahn d�ent. They have lorded It Sn the North me that .Missouri River stern -wheel 'to see it literally'•go to the dogs, You. [t was not the last .In the ensuing B g five or six days I wore a distinct path �� 6.40 p, in, .e¢iLlWJwi h Brodhageti ; James Eve. for generations, And•so long -as they mei were a hard lot'. Once he be- mustn't let the cold get into that cut - 99 11.2g m• a , Beechwood ; M. McEwen, Clin- between' my cabin and' theirs. Montell • p continue to 'do so the Canadian goy- came reminiscent and spoke of his you'll have a nasty a�re'ii you do" .1.0 """ fvONDON HURON & BRUCE "DIV : ton P. o' ernment will permit St, Once the dead wife and her people with spoor- "'Oh I'll see that the cold 'doesn't made it a point to descend upon me • a,rw■uaHaD 1470 ' Agents— police begin to come here, the com- ly concealed pride in the alliance. It have a.chance at it,"'I sured bei. at some hour, of the day,. and, after enAsimptro.saf�nndo eciveaeatmentfor tw'as r llo�ag South 7:50 a. m. IZobaxt Smith, Harloek E. Hinch- pang authority 18 at an end." seemed odd that a mau of his rugged "+ all, I wag not so loath. i am• con-, dru Used with success for thirty ycare. gged And you don t need to 'feel guilty on . z�i°e sir rendered strop ly antiseptic, inspired • - 4.23 p:' m,: ley, Seaforth ; Ja,nes Cuiinhriintgs, Egg- "Suppose—while we're, theorizing," type. a' :hard-headed business buc- my account: I'd rathor 1t was my arm 6 with every breath, makes breathia¢ easy, cccthc strained t0 admit that Jeanie Montell the throat, and stops the cough. a9sthers . Going North 11.00 a., m. mondvillo ; J. W. YW�. Hohnesville. I ventured, "that Montell had,'an idea , cancer, should have that fatuous over- + reetroinspnta. cresolnaciatnvalasbletomithera -" " 6.35 M. than yours, i m only too glad to pay was the one bright spot' in those with Young children and a boon to sufureta t s P. Any money to be paid in may bt. g a little interest nn my. debt." Brom Anthms. he could get alon without you — If estimation oL wealth . and so-called i .' r' paid to�lViorrish Clothing Co.y,.Clinton, „ , dreary, monotonous days. With Bar- 5eaduepostalforddaeriptirebaokict. eiu -- he wants to' settle. your :chances of blood.. But he had it .to the nth. ALL DRUGCI3TS or ab, Cult's grocery, (#oderfCh. She looked puzzled for 'a second. reau gone, I was a lonely mortal in- x shatng in the profits, as you think. degree. I dare say St was -his one ++ ++ ryt`reeolene`AnW• tg5 dee Oh, site said, then; "you mean deed. " Those evenings at Montel s septic Throat Tablets I" { OVER So YEARSI Parties desirous to effect insuranne Willy mightn't he give the pollge a weals spot. She wag a Charbonne g I` lorthe Irritated throat. � C or . transact other business will be that time on the Moon. There a' no assed away many a leaden -tooted They are simple, ef- ile EXPERiENC P tectiveandantiseptic. ,quiet hint, if he gets through?' of.the the old !view Orleans Charbouneg, debt. Those ruffians would have paid of your druggist or . . promp y attonded to on applicatnon „ !sour. After that; first time, Jessie tromus. iilsmatampa. • •' I' can very .well Imagine him doing originally a Huguenot family,• but for little heed to me. Mr, . Barreau—" ' • p , • t f!o any of the above officers addressed � never. challenged me In that 'im- M that," Barreau responded, thougekt- the last generation or two of St. Louis Vap Cresolese Co, ' i 4 klizato their respective p'ostolfices, Losses' She colored and broke off abruptly, parlous, judicial manner, anent niv , fully. "But he can't make It. go 'with- he• told me; and, In the telling, he Lerawa;-esu;' nl°�'*re inspected by the director tvhd lives with an impatient gesture. Benton escapade, We spoke of it, to. 62otdili-L 1 • nearest ilhd seane. out me at 35iiliat, not just yet. And shed his natural careloseness of •Papa has been\. telling me about be sure, but in terms dispassionate, • - �� •-- I do not think be will got through, for speech, and spoke in the stilted, exact- " o TRADE MARKS •.. `. ; " you, she chanted_ the s>abjoct. "An- uncrlticai, When Montell was abort, .� .-, ' ' W - -- otteloNs all his determination. ly phrased English In which he might other St. Louis unfortunate"—smi1- he and I played cribbage. When she CidPYR10HTs AiC. , I Rept Barreaa'a prophecy in mind. have addressed the aristocratic parent A horrible slaughter of innocent Anyoileoendinviteketebshddege l�tiontnay Ingly— anent you? As the Scotch say, •a*d I were alone, we talked, Of'Bar- a . • . *kick!f aseertatn�t r opinion freo wbetber an Cllnto' n Dews -Record lays of busy outfitting' slippeil by, .of his 'bride. I knew more or less of , Chinese was carried ou,1 in Nanking suventton le probaDlr at ntablo, . mmuniea- reau s part in the war for pelts, she . i tiousstrictlyoonadent�'aa.�IANOTiO KonPatents The days merged Into a week, and the St. Louis Charbonneo myself, and I feel °verra wee] aequentit. Your seemed profoundly ! Proof. %iSe by the Manchu soldiers, . sentiree. olae~ta�encyforaecu tx ateMO, CLINTON -- • ONT. e pr y gn Patents taken t au b Mynn Ji W o.sreaive one day at noon, while Barreau and I wondered that I had never heard of mother crud my hunt Lois were bre The Turks and Arabs made a tie- wecfaenoeic witbout0 srrxe,itttba Terms of subsCr! tion—S1 per ear, in name never passed her, lips. •s. y}� N P p y " I stood in the doorway of the .store, Montell or his daughter. Barreau QsG{i�#�`�� or less Intonate, 90 that I know you toritiined but unsuccessful assault on. 11 hfi A ` advance $1.50 ;slay .►so charged if once the swelling left my arm the r , ♦ wattihing a great multitude of damp smiled whoa .I spoke of this later. by proxy, in a way." the Italian lines. at Tripoli. , A handsomely niuetrated weekly: Laigest dr- not so paid. No paver discon`tin- „ torn place healed rapidly. Then I be- ewation of .any scientific, iour,..al. Terme for _ ,d un- snowflakes come eddying down "That's Montell all over, lie I don't recollect just What reply I The King and (ween depart Fra t, Canada. $a,"rs a year. poetese prop" sola by uod until all arreaai� aro paid, throu li the still air, Montell, his drawled; "Marrying a Charboune thought me o! my neglected snow- I:n land to -da for the Dunbar at &u newsdatiers.-. less at the option of the publish- g made. !! she were trying to put mo shoeing, and sallied forth on the track g y It, gala osew". V L daughter, and the eight men came stands out as one of the big things he at my ease, she made a woeful mass Delhi. ME. 0 o. New I�rA er. The claire to which every , soli- o! that Tree, 'effortless afrlde whish ME. oe,'s161r8e+wae6sauedn,D. plodding aloof to the gate of the has aacomttlighed, lie was a big, per- of it the verynext minute, for she i _.. s denoted on the sari tion is .aid i stockade. lectly formed, good-looking brute demanded to know, with embarrassing had so far eluded me. At the gate at P p ,.•-. . --'- label. ; - h t b d L ail Y the stockade t turned book, on the � . Adv Using rates -Transient silver- , - CRAI�Z$ CIV ""W+ when a me er, an tom direetiiessis Impulse of the moment, and Rent to tfsamehtg 10 Cents per nonpariel " lint• for I9rst insertion and 3 Cents tM` h t s - Interest on A beat, know !t was a case" of two strong natures brushing aside all obstacles. vyhy'in file world didn't you stand your ground at BentonY Whatever' the Montell eMin to ask Jessie If she per line for each Subsequent fnserf I've heard that the Charbonnes were possessed you to cross the lin®?" were a snowshoe expert, or Wished tip Y, M. G, A. BL17G., 1GONDON. ONT. ion. Small advortigmemts hot to "Lost," They filed pant the store, a weary- looking squad, Monteil'a ;bit furfou over what they conaidered mesalllance: .•-- "Well, you see-•••-I-it was - :' and become one. Thank Heaven for A Chance to see BUSINESS and SHORTfiAND 8130Jp:C1'S: Redistdred last season upwards oi; .Ott exceed onF' inch, such ail "Strayed," Pia "Stolen,'" gtc.,; in .Owl drawn Into sullen linos, tills men riot the rankest dont of but they were married, and so tar as there I halted lamely. muldn t dis flight the outdlde of this stockade wall Dace students and placed every graduate, Seven sCrted once for 3 Cents and ascii Wholly free of a certain furtive boar- ;know she. never discovered his very cuss the ethics of my with this self-sufficient young woman, . I more," she dried, in mock fervor, "will 'Ilea,' specially qualified regular teachers. Outs hundred and fifty London i'irms employ subsequent insertion 10 cent's. ins. Observing them, I could very oli. taus clay feet. She died In ahlld- couldn't explain the psychology of I go anowshoejing?. and verify. I detest tieing mewed up in , our trained help, College in session #rant Sept, 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Cnntantwiications Intended for publico- tion most, as a guarantee of d tS4o' well enter into. their, feelings. My brief experience between Benton and .birth m° file second child. The family has kept ftp a desultory lnterCourse the thing to lien when I couldtt t quite , grasp it myself, I ,couldn't honestly here, and T don't like to wander off abut. This big, desolate ry is cstAlosltir 1ryr+<: 8ttgn.,s Forest City � Copse fifth, be accompanied by the name MacLeod had taught me something of with him,` tort the girl's sake. They admit that I had refused to stay' and' 've Sgofthaed • of the write;`. face the consequeneda of Tuppsr'rs anowshoed so forbidding. ilea, >C guo* g' J. W. Waw•t'Eitvr•;t r, m. J. W.l N'asrersvrl rre -- W.. f., ,j. IvIlT `ji-Lp;u, it 11. t 01 t►tise +lVlntex lYi lite �Vfaeotlsiii Chli toted Aodtstntent. I'rlucloal. :Eeliteor and iPropridbor. TEE Kews-Record LEADS f0P TOWN AND I,U� OP NEWS WOO Aitd at.,mv riands b"Awle I vPrWcipak is. t 01111111 "'