HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-16, Page 6,�. 'T1`V1V'1._11I717VW17 � . , , ��, Jr 4.1 .1 . . � I I " ,Cvbfta W_ I I . 1 ,4" -11�117wlj I k . . I 't I 13 1 - . 1. . . I I 1 No"44-ft 066 UK - . AMIUC GM4 UNI A*%ftsI - - TUW%0*V1bq CNARACITZ19 IN HIM "Now nimy PoI owning or I, W"T CANAMN15 driving automobl'" realixe how touch wool* woUta 11 the mWato of to -day owes to the W it I?oopk Caftidde"A 404ri I - I I ARM DOING aitclent Greeks," said Charles split- In -sho pink of' Matt With fine, lisht hair are sipart, dort In & rooent interview. II'Tte opme, Coo . .: I I '! - 00000000000000000000000000 MR94et 48 WO kUQV It 111 C611JUANJOA d1*1004, conceited, and, If they do not mgtrry I A. L GOODBYE with the roagnoto date* back to tho until 14t* In lite, are apt to R,rgv � I :, � Thotr 31nplar curative.pro- cross and selfish. It a 9:rl w4'Fliv� 1 �.� 4 lith century coming from the 43reek , to select a husband, she jgqould 11"Arli . I I I 11 11 4 ,tItkou,%h horn In Guelph," Ont., Ur. ShoparJ Magner, wba, tenoling his � po.OW dWovarod by to Indian to read lit,* d1sposItiou by WIS 'JI Iff ahrep on the old , Goodeve Is more generally associated es of Mount Ida, I with, the far west, where he lies beet - often noticed the attraction of W tritpe-introducodtQc*tyilization Men with fine brown hair, 1,ght 0-. � I stones nearly ;t century ago—com� -ire quick, thoughtful "a I " . located for consIderable portion of :roc staff to cortalit large dark, make the best husbands; the;t 9 his life, And where for a tittle. 'he which we of the 20th century and . and less .-pt t;, I I filled the position -of Provincial Se- drivers of automobiles know as Joao- aded Once I 8 In the he 21I titc...1 the very light-baired . I . cretary In, the McBride Government, stones. "Titus from Ragnes the Greek POU V or very dar1k.ba!rvj1 brctber.3, thr,vc, - I I I Conn Laboratories at whose hair tUr-11S gray prc,naturel,, . I prior to coming east to represent ' and the 11th. century comes Magnet I are nearly always good JI -,ire I I . - � - __ . . , and magneto, known to every actolst Brockville. ontarlo, 7 I.ttle no�rvous, I ,TffFA , . .*,; "of the .00th century.'.' . . but brainy, sylplig. 'T ,. . I'll I . 1,110,10, and very honcrab:o. A lens I . I :;!:�!i;::!-:_ ]Dr. Mora IS .Iraluroly gray-lialred person is gon, . .:".:-:::: Not Up To Date. e P.raJly very- scrapulouo in W .: i:: ,,�-�:::!,:.�z.:,:!:;i::"i;�;�,�:: ,,0:3ey ma-, 1. � . I . ,: .;;,:; i:;�.!L:;Iiii:i;li:�1.1�.;;'.. Sir Patrick Spens, Loudou Surgeon, Indlau ' ters and In fr!eudsJ.z:ps, and viry.. 0 . praised at a. dinner in New York the tolerant of one's shortcoming hear - Moro .:.:::':i.::i:::��::���:j:�".��:: s. Nez - - , Moro than eleven bundred delegates �!i:i::­­ i*::::i.. abundant and Ilmoly r-aillag matter, I *y.all., red-haired persons are Smart, ... ... ­ . K..:.:.:..:, ....... .. L' . iegistered at the cu AM-% .:;'j'j:j I that American physigious . RootPilla , 11 I . �;.,;�:I:�;j:.::., . 9 , Is Missionary . **. ,:i'�'�'i'-::n :::;..:.,. have in I Whether the hair Is coarse or Cue, , - - -.1 .., Cue, I ­ ;-.-,*. ,:;:T;::,::::::::: their waiting -rooms. "The Hugli.;b. I I convartekon In RamiltoM !::�l:::.�:ii:;i!:;:;::�:::i;;;i;::;i:iz::.,.!*', but the flner,,the hair the fte� the I �:�i�:i.�.i�i:ii:iii�iiiiiiii:'.�* :;"..., 'j'a I I . ....... ­':.-.;...'.:...:. physician offers big patients reading have A re,markable record for smartness. Pale. blond -haired wo� I * ;:i�::i:i�,::.:.,::i:!.::i::!: matter, but I am afraid It Isn't,always I I .!.:f,4.;;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,:.!..�-.-��:.": c . ­ k_ I I I ­— ::,�.:";.�::::!,:�!::�,::i,;�.,:i. .,;.. . onsistently pililpg cona#p4_ men, of the ooloripos, ashen kind, are . YOU . �:.;;%::::!::�!:::�,::;%::: "o, . , - Were never too yooli� .>:,f,;<.:,:.:::..i*up to date." $�r Patrick smiled., mpulsive, loving, and Moklet; .x,)t to , ­.!......::;:;:;�:�:j�:�:�:.":."*.:::, .**I I - ,,�"One of your American millionaires tloa,.billousnew.ln*4ln4fgO3t,lon, , i -e de uPoui but usually YOU WW never be too old—toenjoy the - 1 4 - ,.:::;;.:�*::::,::::;:::::.! ' , good . . : : .. % . - . . ,:T COM,' III they like you. . .. " 1XX.-d consulted me In Harley Street last . purifying the blood, banidi!n Wo- I ".....,04 - about . .g 0 ... ... ::...1.,. ,mouth. He was, kept waltin , viery dark brown hair are . .. % 0 MoU with I nL I . ... : * au hour. When he finally -entered he;kdache and clearing the loyal I ­. ,� -nonog _,$ 1 ... .,11 * sYmPathetic, and usually of ". . my Inner, office he looked very milc- . Vrejovs p--tienca w4ere 016Y love,, I I ..111;,"..." b. Ed r . I .1 I ,: :, 20 . ricin. 25c, ; box.everywhero. .raph I. . . . I . .. 011MV I : , . ': bored. 'I see by your papers, doctor,' . tl10Y are full of sentiment, er,noI . _%W . * . I .he 13314 with a yavn,�Itbat It Is rumor- I � � 011110Y keenly and suffer in like 1)110.� The 941son Phonograph is 2110t render it -as. true . . , ts , I . ed that two Dayton men, Orville and , %., . . ­ ­ W portron., are �easllF touched by the only the , to Ufa so the - . Wilbur Wright, can actually fly.)14 . __ ­ . - woes of others, and are to •be trd*t�d, I . I greatest musloaft of all original. I. .. the agco-it Wall tho greatxIousle- - . . .L- - ,4 1. Isino The Edison tone is ,pure# smooth ... _-� A I4FXXRN-V or 01D QUEBEC Women with fine black hair, too hod of the present day -playing all of . _ . � w-,th brown, are - high-strung, the t . . subdued and true, because of the I I IL . � trung, ioyal, greatest lumate ever written. rounded, button -shaped sapphire I I DE IF IT FAILS, . . The Chien D'or - . and 'brainy. Those with yery bla, k . - You select your Program to suit Producing,point, which gives exacUy I FRE . , . hair, If it is coarse are usually mean your audience h Own An the right volume of sound for the' . I . . . I . .1 — On tho R�e suspicious. 'Ali women with very , nce w en you . 'a Buade. a s(rep,t com- au'a r, . Edison Phonograph. Thesoopyou home. Andthesaylphlrepointisper4 Your Money Back if You ire, not memorative of the gallant Fro--itenac dark hair are olulck tempered, and love ftst, BUOK -by the singers who m4neutI­lasts for�,jer. No I I . � . whore dark eyes -and dark compiex. � � changing-....- •_ I . , .. .. I Satisfied with the Medicine We Re- � says Kirby, In his, Romance of sing them t*Bt-Vour kind of music, noodles, no scratching or wearing . Fho Dayk of Louis Quinze in Quebec" ions go with the dar. hair, they lave I . conunend. , I . t . rendered as only the Edison can records. of . I —stood the large imposing e.riif,api BtTDtg fI The dark,b-ure4t wn- � ___ . . I 11 We are . .aeWly built by the Bourgeois Phlil- hear the Edison Phouqgraph play both F,dison Standard and a�d�,. _. bert, as the people -of the colon just - I � 1. men are more faithful than the I;e%t-' There are F,dloon des everywhere Go to the nearest "d I .. . - SO Positive tba,11 our rem. p y fond- haired, . and It finely org=lz3i, . 'f,� 711- , ­­­ 4WW­.WCL CGUIPICT.0 Catalogs nI your e ej I 1, edy will permanently 'relieve cOIISVP- IY call6d : Nicholas Jaqutn Phliftert bubble over with Sentiment.. t ea er or from uL Edison, Phonographs si Is so to 1240.00. rob . . . . . .... i S. G60I)EVE, a�lon, no ,matter how IcI it may I r . , � Edison Standard Records, 40c. F41son Ai6ber;i Record,(Iiloo Lak,wale A,Muo I I I - A Western rolit' .CIA . the great and wealthy merchant! c; I . . twicesSlI EdisonGrgudoperago.-rde,ga;c.to$&59.. Orium". N. J., U. I .. u be, than we oiler to furnish the me Quebec, and their champion . . s. A. � � d- n against . ' I . ... 11.1 . . . . . . 11 , I . I . . . . . . . I loldip at our expense should it fail the odious monopolies of the Grmid . . . A--PI-t-U-O-tEd*-Pb--w-pU..dR.mt&wMb.i�.=a,dt Kootenay, B.C., In the Federal 11pust to produce satisfactolry results. Company favored by. the Intendant . CAUSE FOR ALARM, . . . I I . .. Hasthe '1Jala;kKu1g1xVl . In 1908, . v The edifice was of stone, Spacious and � - . . . ,. : Educated at the Gunlpli Public •and -it 14 worse hart Useless to at- lofty; ft comprised the city resle-,,oncp loss 0 . . come to your home? , . . , f Appetite Wo WALUER �.. I . . . FlIgh Scheol�. he fnl?ol ... ?d on to'tht IRDI to Curb Constipation with cata- of tite Bourgeols; as well as suites of - or Distress' al . . . . Let . him show you the O�'tarlo collegof , of Pborm,.cY, ()i hartles. drugs. Laxatives and cathar- I offices and , wa're,r6ums connecterl Eating a SYMPtiont That Sboutd. . show � . . — I quick and easy way to shine which he Is 'a W40'01st, Find M all tics do. much harre, They cause with his Immense business. On jt.� not Be Disregarded, __ . - I I . I the Stoves. I . early date thereafter, ir.1rrated to: a, reaction, irgitAtIcII. aud� weak Wads, blazing lit the sun' was the I ...� I Dr. X:"62`N'V 'QT1',,',- il�'L I . on the . ' . p I British .Columbla, tr1r',1g tip his re. - gilded soulpturo that so much ploluod Appetite to just a nw,fural dovire :� "Black, Knight" takes bowels and tend to =ke coustip . A Prescott Colin y politician ! sidence in the town of ,lossland, Here the curiosity of every selgalory.fri the . foi food. Loss ot appetrW or stom- I . 6 AtIOn more chronic, Besides, their land, Tb, . IT WAS STONE � all thebard work and dirty : lie soon begnn to tPlie in active in- tablet of the Chien d'Or esuel or FlIawkesbury Is not . I workout of stove of shin tPrest In mimlelval affairs and in. use. becomes a habit that is danger- � the CoWen Dog ---� with US. eat aph dilstiess ,after eating indicate -TI Dr. Qu , . .. . . . . ' . I thp session 1899-1,900 Was, In occu- Otis. . .. . I . atleal. inscrIpGon, looked dow I n gm� digestion or dyspepsia., OvIom-satin . X inexperienced In politics. lie .ran as . I . . de- an independo'nt candloiRte for the La . It's a paste—so thereis IN THE 000118 . .. r4ney of the mavoral chair. In ad- Constipation ja caused by a weak- flan'tly upon the busy street beneath, I% a habit very dangerous. to a por- Federal House In I-908, when be failed Vo watery mixture, to,be ""tion to the atmolutwent in as and muscles of Where It to still to be seen per- SOWS good general health. - - . I . 11 . , to get the ConservITit-a --port ex . I L I . - prepareot . . Provincial Sperotary' In the. MQRrido 010xing the beholder ,to g,,ess its - It is- not .what you pat but wha ng () . . . tha larva intestine or descending col- . 8 l. I I Government lit- w,qr .(�hc­en ProvinL . . . 60 meaning, and exbitlng our deompest it pected, but succeeded In innill 1, ,5 . I Just .a few rubs,withelothor . I YOper- brushI GIN PILLS PASSED .IT ,. and aislquilate. that .do- .. . I brings -like shine - . plat Forestry 'ComirIgslIon .r in 1909 on. To expect permanent relief you ;vmnathtes over the tragedy of which u digest votes. on the strength of his. . I , a mirror I , , IDS you good. Some of this i',vrong- sonality alone. "five years ago, I was taken down I tliiit 11,you &n see your face in",. . 5I Goodeve, 1% married, and the ioust therefore ,.tono, up and strong= , It remoans,the sole, sad memorial, - Born at St. Eugene, In June 6f 1867, with f . Ana'tfie shine lasts I . .1 . 1I circle Includes four boys and then these organs and them Alcoveandbeneath the figure- of a est, heaviest. and heaRblest persons . what the doctors called � . 0 - . - . I r . two daughters. . . . . . VOsalters... educated first at Alfred Village school matron of the bladdor--4nteu s I : Most dealers bandle and reconi. , I . I I to healthier a0tiviti: . uchant dog, gnawing the tb,lt-,'h bone are rApolerate ,. . and then at the Bourget College, in the back and loins, and . . � . I tuend� 4flilAck KulghV1 Stove Polish, 1 I . — ... . . We Want you to ity Rexall Order- ,of a man is gr�Lvefi the weird In. !'here is nothing 'that will cRuse, Rigaud, he graduated _ , in, . . .ated boebelor of' urinating, and the atthacks, I .. - 1 4 literature, science and arts from. became more frequent, amounted to . . 4 . () X 0 � " Thipy -f for .all fature- e[t.nerations to. 'read stomach, and many people daily p which . If Your des.ler .cannot supply it, ses ­ '. lies on oar reo6n;lMendattlon. scription; cut deeply the Stene. i1r, M*#, trouble than � a ( disordered roc. fpr 4 big 4u --sI postpaid. Dr. Ill, P..Rollt�s , I ,0..,- Laval University, 'Quebec, and then - -unbearable' agony. I became to � A . . . I I are exceedingly pleasant to takei be- and ponder over, lt4 meaning.-. I , I . I . .. 9 . , Tig.- , Weak T=F.nDALLVY�CO., I I I werp%0*1 Son 4 the Farm ling eaten like candy, and are, ideal Jo, suis, tin elite tract serious maladies simply thro- took his medical ecurse at the College � that I could not - walk, across 'the flcar� I I ul"Ilzo I . Ono -of the pr.otpinent physicians .of � . n qui rouge llbs. ' of Physicians and Surgeons in To- . M ' , sissantan-olt. - .166, "n ]A rongeant Je preads men repos; it S 9 .'abuse of -I stoat- - . .. left . the for children, delicate pe-rions., . and ugh oll re ard or ' GI;7 wife read in the papers about I . . XAW* le a. ftww" .2 in r, 8*0; PO4 ,Ottawa., young Robinson . Un temAs viendra olul West pAs y�uu, aph. . . . . . ronto, graduating M,D. In 1896. . PILLS aind sent for a bbx, .. Vrom . I . , I . . .. I narpntal farm on the banks of the ,old 1I as welf. as for the -robust. The doctor started praetising In the very first, I felt that GIN F4FJ4$, . Rideau . Que Je mordral oijil I In Clinton Who suf- Rockland. and Sudbury,: and In 1901, " I Rideau in Leeds County, at an early They act dir6c.tly on the nerves and - . . niI morda. -We. urge al rere doing me -good. The pain was . I . . . . 1 17,26. 1. . . . ... I . . I I . . . . 111ge. profpssiorial )UP apposling more musclen of,tfie bowels, They iwpar- Or In English, 11 , ,- . for from any stomach derangement, he moved to Hawkeibury,* wlier-e he relieved At once, and the attacks were . I I . I ,� . dyspepsia, whether a- became so much of a useful man In , less frequent, .:- , agriculture. He have euVed adblon.on other I 9)n a dog that gnaws a brine. indigestion, or dyspe In six W 'the - .. atrohgly than that . of . . I I I . . . . educated Pt 7rinit public affairs, that in 11)07 the people . weeps, the Stone In was. coft's associate organs or glanda, � They V -couch and ghaw It..all alorie:.' cute wo ohr6ulo, to try. Rexall Dy.- Bladder, came away.. When I recall . Anthers C. P. R. - ute�por, the Pri. ' Universities. obtaining his medical . . . Ano, ; n-. ' do' nott . -purge, cause excessive loosc� -A time will come) which Is not yet, spopsia"I'ablets, with 1ho, distinct un- � chase him Reeve of the town .and In how I suffered.and how now I. -am . t, the latter .college. _ � , When I'll .1908,,1909 and 1910 elected him Mayor. . . geeas Sophia, has been. 1aunchod at About 22- years. s. lipss, nor create any � inconvenkmee . , bite hirn !3y wham I�m bit.. derstanding that we viol refund I)urin&; his � I healthy and able to 'work, I. cannot ! .. . ?aisle � I . . .11 . Ab go Dr. •-:Robinson whatever. . . I . . . 173B.. I - .. . money . without . . mayoralty terms, Dr. express 3nre1C1 strongly enough *ben W. . I I started practice at Carleton Place Un- . .They May .be taken at 11 . . �y . , ut quest,lon or formality Quesnel was.Justrumen.tal In putting t , . . I . . . . . I , � "any time, day or nigh -6. They *will 1. . if after reasonable use of MIS' raed= ; the town, in. It$..Presont excellent con- speakofw atGINPILIAbavedohefor 1. .. der the aegis of his uncle, Dr. R. F, - � 170, low Toirns in Cannaft ' tuell, JOHN HRRMAN, 11amiltoil,04 . . 'Preston, M.L.A. - . . jelne, - they are not perfectly satifi!_ clition: 'Under his guidance Hawkes- Regular size, Soc,'a box, 6 fnip.S4 . . . .. . , t. , I I I I I I , who]s now the, well positively ralieve chronic .or habI it. seem to be pretty well', #§sured b first took Its place . stbove the : . ' _ : . . . . . - known and highly est0emed chief whip co' tipatio , if .' . .average -of places off size. �� . . -at ill deders; You can try -them - . . � as surgi�!l ver- now. that by -the end, ,of the year. mond ,them to our customs by writing for a free sample to Nal4v . . . ITCHING SCALP. I constipation, ri not of fled with the r6allts. We jecom- Ary . - . ... . II Sir James, Wb4npY's ,Ontario gov- . iefty, and the inI of assoevilie, or there will be at least -one hundred . Dr. Quesnel Is -married, his good - Drug .1% . . Got, Rid of, in a Few fidaci. % ernirpnt. In about -o -vnir the doctor dependent chronic, allmenta,' 1 . f takbn 'and sevesty uew.to*.fis'Jn Canada, not day, and - hav6 yet to bear o . & Chemical Co. of. Canada, ' . "v�d to Ottawa mid-.Newifi to ;Orae . , � If an lady being formerly Mks, Jose.phlue � . 341mited, Dept. 'A ;;. , . : . , ,1- . . , wfth- . Iregulaifity tor, ,a iii +10 taking Into aciount those which come One who bas,not been benefiII by. *E- For.'Mor. of Ppr_SrrL, I . . Toronto. I ii . . • I.. 1. ., . . . . Cre., devoting rtiv,11 tl­v to: hnspitil 03, 10 cents- lut�� existence , . . . . . . . I . The -p Jis nothing Amada tha-111 gill ir -rigth of time, 121table gradually and, in ,the them-.' We honestly believe them ,to, I . . -1 - . � .. I . � rrl�. He - man`F,Pvf­1 .. ­n,0f1er.4b!P _I 11 . . . natural course. of 'evolution from be .0-thotit equal�,' They I .1 -so quickly rid the scalp of distr,sAingw An's'r-Ft ln.T)OItt4,­,. a -l" ­.m the first 36'tabLats, 2600ents ; 80, tatl�ts, 50 . give very, . . . 1. u .clusters of­hotmes Into hamlets, and prompt relief, aiding: too neutralim " . as P 'go U Ir. � Sold Ili Clinton only at our then into towns. Thedb new. towns . . 111"hiness. ArImlan Safe vi� �af 10witifled bir-olf W`, I'- 4mal Llb- cents, ' ' ' I 1. I . Pral:-Conserva Conservative r- ­n" � 7,n t',n.. A, . 'St gastric juices, strep then � dresser and beautifier. I .� . stor(--The Roxall omm, W. 8, R.. will all be to the west.. They will - tile � . it the dig- - - , . Vor-prirative'all ht� 1:6. Dr. Robinson u . .1 I . - . olmes. . . . . I I . , spring ln�to , being, wifit all modern. eptIve organs, to regulate .the. bow., B u tte .r -., Wrapeers .. W. S. R. Holmes gilaraAlfaw Paris- inherits hip r .. �as -an� - . . I I � I ,... . . probably inho ,olitl" .Jan Sage to Trestorer t4lilinghair orother ,uncle, Dr. r?. 7.1, Preston., also .I .,�.11 I Improvemena, - - - i , small railway . C13, and thus to, prornobe perfect . . . I � . 1. . . . - ­ I . : .• . money hack, and sells litfor ionly 50 representbd the rrvri}­ of Leeds In the I . . .. �. . . I � . stetson, a -mile Or so of sldlug_ vi6th nutrition, and'eradicaie 'all unheal- I . I . � - . ­ . 11. I I I . vast fertile lands about them, as ' thy sympto - . .. .. I I .1 . I � � . . . .. 111' con -ft a large bottle. It putts vijIl;jIJ.W legislature Lnr 18,YetirS., . . Vofiien Alid "Sk'treasull -, I . I , j.. I . . I . . . I . .. . . . I assets. for the future. ' . � ' For Good Butfer there is always a brisk demand at the top, - - I . -into the hair. and gives - it a -rad- I I I I . �- I . . . :_ A Milwaukee man tells at a" recent I The.Canaillan Paqlflc�Rtttlway will. We urge YOU to try it 25c, box- of I . price the market pays. . .. .. I , . . I I I . . . . . I ­ .. I , . . - - . . . . - them, . ,. . , . gtv�- . . . . , ::rant luster. I . . . . . 1. I . . �. . I experience while. motoring, Mustrat- be responsible for fifty of thd Rexall Dyspepsia. TaWats, which- . I . . . . . , I in ' Canadian No 15 gay -4 treabrnent., - At - Even Goud. Buiter looks best; when dnne up in a neat wrap.' Ipg the Sarcasm which a woman Is . Northern and G $he end . . . It Is tha favoritb baits dressing � cqaslon demands. Its a fair Of that •.01mo, your pf dairy. L ­ . 91 Stite.,of -Ohio � ,.City dr Toledo, Viapable of when o Pacific for the remainder: .trioney will lie I per with the maker's name, 00s.toiffice and ( . I I icefined 'women because i� so quickly , ' .. .. . . .. . . . This also advertises the maker and brings more I . . . scalp and �:hot being . . . Lucas, 00 I �'- . . 'We were going along'.* at an awfni Supposition that all W them will prove .return ' III you it you .are not sat- ..� . - , . I . I I . I I wrap ' re customers.. :refreshes the . . ulitol. , . . I speed,' lhelsald_ "I didn't see tt:e. parinanent, because of the fosterl ' I -If you are not fiovv using the print�d - -sticky or greasy is delightful to use. ., p . I .1 log,. but I heard � his ,ki_�i,, L30 . I or- care of the railways, and that 119 lsfie,d. � Of •course, hi, chronic cases , . appers, try one lot. . sticky .. SY I. delightful . . . rank,J. ,Cbenoly.: njaskos oath thall ,lered the 'chauffeur 'to stop. t Most length - ut -0reatment varies. . Fo.a . . � If You start; using'them, you will contiuu6 fo well pleased L . . . . I .1 $ ,.. � f0a "Isl St. -Goin� of them will pr�osper,bedause the .tJ)ne .. . . will you be. There a . . . . . . ....... ..... ,; . � senior pattlier' of L JI :'Of back, I . -.Goin I � ,e have two larger siz- :. Small.: L � . . L . . � tho rM , found an !rate lady standing has come for towns to succeed.farbis st-tch cag.,*3, W I I . '� a. ream in a pack .ge and the cost is•I .- . . . I .. . I I . I . dog'- L , . . I I .. . I . I I � I . F. J. . Cheney & CO., dDifig business aver ber deid . - one of the ugllest­ at -selected locations on. the prairlos,' 'es,' . . L which Nell ' for, 50c. .and $1.00. . . . I .. .. . �. .. . 1 1. . I . . I ' - , 1 he City of To lilt -p -�ogs:you ever saw. She met us with and the rtefiwaysarb In a better posi- Remembeiri you can * obWa , Rex . t, •. In t led . 40 . . . O,Cc t , ..and alp � A.,!% . '. u -v a. 'L . Statia- aforesaid, iirm��tirade Of Temarks telling -us 1� ;10 � tion to do the soleeUng that any othei Remedies 11n.tIft II Or. V - :SUPYf the'Of ice , bf and- thI . e nityL Only _ ' . . . I I Iill PO''t1he' sum cl ' Ona hundrol . . . I . '. all. - S�,I . . I . . . � ITNE . N[INS-RECORB , . tig and auto . I . . . . . . �iincortbdu terms what she thought of instrumentality, except land com- at our st'DroI Rex' 's.w, mobilists In general, lianles. - .. � . � . . I . . I . . . . I - . - I 1. .. . I Dollars feer "each and every ca%e at . . - . W. 8., R%. , Holmes. . , ­ . The Ne I I oc"*M7 r=00CAXi]DUN8 , 11 tRX DOING I I '11 I I'�i , 11;", I - ..Nmiulw ­ MA .r AdMlh� tkf. I I ul� L I 'L I I I ­ - - Has the e to your t. ill III , �rl 'r:P7, Catarrh 'InIsbing Up by us the murder- . . :- _-_-----7- I L. 1. . I . . WS, Record.. 11 � ' - .. . I . I .���- I ' " that eamot be cumd biCsthe ars .of her dog. It was then that I . I "Trintbiloil for the Ili ' buy," . .!!I!A`-_- . . I - L . ___ . . � L. . . I . -use OE Hall's Catarrh Cute, Fray& :bought 1. would * 7 - 13, her*. 'Madaxn " . I. . . . . I — �� -OffAkEMMUN� __ . . . . I . 'A de,tachntent of British so L . . I . . . �- . I � _-- J. , - CLUBBING T . J. Cheney,.. , " . . . I said 1 will replace your dot.' 'Sir:'., . . Idlers' , � . . m I . I 1. ­ •. I '. .. . I L . . . . I . Sworn to before, Tn . c and subscribed .'she s��Iol, .In a freezing tone of -voice', was ab6ut-it-6-attack. a -band of rebel . I I L . . . . Iyou flatter. yourself! " L . ftiollan. tribesmen, who awaited them . M-­�, . I . pi�i presence,. this Gth day Of Dec- ' � . .1. . I drawn. ' up In battle- order, . A 'seasoned .1 is . . � I I . � . I I I I .. I I 0 .- I . I - *1 . in . . 06ergeant noticed a -Young FORI -2.. ember, A. -D. 1896. . ... New,Vlew- Of all 61d play . Id . soldier. "I. 1 `L . � . .1 , A. . fresh from,,horne, visibly. affected liy ' &%9%IA. W. GleaI .-Uncle Tom ,got his usual r . Th�' Woman -oft. MudhX . I severe . . wood reading' - � L ,� . I I . .. . .the nearness of e -­ f; ,,- ry- "WAR j.,? .1 I L .. . . ft r, . . ;. �, - �, . I . L Votary Publio flogging on the platform here.. on fh6e Wag pile, his, teeth cliattered," . - - . I ' . - . ' . T"'I'L, . for. little money. - I . . .11 . I ,.. . . L I . . � Fr;day,evenlrig� last, wh�n.a goodly and his -knees tried hard to knock I I � . . . . . . . JIMI'm Catarrh 'Cure I a thele L Tom'S LL :11.1 .. . .1.1-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' , L i 0 taken ;inter- crowd .turned: out to U each other out. It was sheer )aervous- � - e I _ L - I I A% , 17 I I .. . . . nally,, ark! Acts directly, on the '�abin, to see' 'Iarru�p the old . L I I . V I , . L Hess, but the sergeant thought It was . . . . . .,. .1 WEIEKLMS . L. . ind: mucous surfaces of the Systerij. alIgger. " The pleture of that brute ' " . I'll.., M�al ` D - " . . WO 'L I • . I Ord L . I I .. . with a Vv is ud - downright funk. "Callaghan, he whis- .. . I : .. . I ­ . . L Jy I . -. News -Record and Mail and Send testimoni free,. hip Ili. hl ha beating the' pered .. I ,. . I 11 is It trlmb!IW ye are fora . I �. . . I . . 1. Empire � ........ * ... i.... $1.50 F. 'T. Chene3A & CI " negro, ca skin?" ,"W -ho, ,sergint," , I L I . . .. C ' L Toledo, Oi n ,the history 'of the world,' 'Three own '�;rty , I - This. is the ' . . used the most terrible war MXe*s-Record and Globe.: 1.60 � replied Callaghan, making a brave at- I - . . 4 probleth . . I.. - . Sold by#. all Druggist. 75c. , non flew it. ea.ch otherPs I I , . . , . I I NevIrST1100ord said V�inilv . -Itillbons. of �f .tompt to still hisi.thaking limbs, 1101-Im . . . . I . I . Wij_h., L . Take Hall"m Panillp Pills. for ow- .r.hroats itnd for four year L , I tonfrond' the average .. . Herald and Star with..:. ,. . I . . 1. , I I . I . . ... I I I 8- � f6aght trimblin' for the Itilmy. They dottl.f ..".I " . p , I . . . I tn.... . .1.4 ... ... situation. - - I ; I " , �� ike deMoils. �& 'million mon and six know Cal4ghauls here." . I , housewife—a problem of ... . L Pkentill . 1..75 .9 Iulkt . 1. . . �� .. ­ . . I L � I � L .1 - I I L ­ I News -Record And Witness 1,75' .� . 1, . I aillions of dollars worth of propexty., . . . - . . .. . " I- ' . I . I � __ . . . destroyed. Although peace has . . . I vital impprtance to th' I , News-Record'&ncl Suii.;.... L75 . . � were I . . . I .L Mews -Record. and Pree ' _.­.!,...­ . - . .% long since been declared and slavery . . Polly WAS a Tell -Tale. , L. - . 0 1. I . I I . . . � L . I still licking ' All is not . . ; home, and otie best solved . . . Press .... 11 ....... ­ 1.75 VIM .%bollsbed, Yet they are I paradis6 aboard ship, .1� I . .. L . . . . . . , Neves-Redord' and AaveI - . . 0 an , L !he old. nigger on thb Various stages first., because ,nobody Is armorplate t ... I by a trip t6our store �LnA the L tisev. : ................. 1.79 . . .. n the country and In between times . . tit' seasickness; asickness; old sea , . 10 times proof again I I .. News-Ptecord and Toronto I . ... . . . . Little Eva Is being sent to Heaven. .captains have been known to succumb . . . . I : purchase Of . I I L . 4 , r . Saturday N% ht - - - I . 1. 2,30 - . I'll rhe company came here- lit their own to a cross sea 'fig Biscay Bay: There I . - I . . News -Record aind -Farmer's � . L private car, and we understand the Is a -malicious• story of it captain who . I 1. . . . � -L . . . . . . .L . . ; Aolvocato .... 1. _ Line,. ';ii6coeft of the evening amounted to brought home* a parrot as a gift ,to a ... . . . , I . I se e ___ . about' $70,00. .. . lady friehol,'WhdLeomplalned that the . - . . . . Ws.'I cOrd *11d 'Farm' I . . . , , and � Airy- 6,.�­, 1.115 i I It I'll' . � . , . I . .,bird kiieWL nothing but the phrases of � I . . . I ric I lieW orol . � . . . , I - ". L L L . .1 I the forecastle. i The captain promised . . . S -n Varro and Oona- Single fare between all stations in I . TV . I dice ,. 4'... q .: .. 1.7� . L . to bring, on his next voyage, a bird I L ,,, I . URNEY OR . -1 . Canards, ,also to Niagara' Falls; and * i, A BAID '* L BACK, CX. I Iwhich had never been allowed to ge . . . I . DAILIES 14tffaloi X. Y.l Porb Ourda ant Der , outside his own cabin. Polly, how- . 1 1 . . taws-Reaord and Mail and troit, Mich. Good Going October 27 - is a1warning lha� Kidneys ate ever, proved.verr reserved, and never . 4.% 28, 29,80,Retu,11ILimit NonemberL I Sick. - said a word, until one dhy'Whou-the Xows.26cord and. Olobe.., 4.25 lat, 1911, party, . . I .. .lady Was giving a lunch party'Land I For, the Woman (QUeStion M not only Gurney -Oxfords are thei o I 'N6*,s.9ecot,d and News ... 2.30 . .6� ­ . . Ili,, Soup was Served, there descended I I � . . Nevvs-Record Arid Star .... 2.80 A badr baok turn,4 every twouliy- from the cage of the bird the agon- what to eat, but h0tv 46 Cook it, and you find. licensed to Sell With this •wotiderful patent. h 1. ..... I HUNTERS11-REITURN TIOXn-TS, AT four hours 'ntOL Ono doll round Of .Ized remark, "Steward,, brIA; mea t , . I L . Mews -Rocord 'and. World :..5,25 &25 L. I SINOLE FARE. DAILY pain and anisery-you are lame ,in the basin! " , . "thei answer in. Guru -0x -on y to be set at a, proper angle to . News-Becord and Morning � L . in coil- needs . I . . . Vtoe Pres 3,25 L to P,,,t, UNTIL NOV. 11. Mat I 11101111.1ing, nagged all day . by a drill . 'I- ' . structiotif as Well as conVenience; first in . I News-Rocord mid Rvening _ito 'Tomagamii, points - thtobbing; backache, can't rest in the . A�e� inw,an Heroes. I hold heat fo,r hours wilh6uf altentwi. No . . * ' *' , . . L . 9.75 tawa to TI%iska;mInrs and Xipawa, . ­ ­ .. ... 11 11, t1vening or slop During the stormy days of the first facilities. for control and readiness. The fuel is wasted—a saving of 20 per cent. � I xowg,liodord and Advor- �� I Quo., itielwive, 4180 to cettaill politta I A� "ll at night. Week In April of this year, a big . . DiVided OVen PlUe 00J,rip LassUres perfeCt' I . I I %., ........ 8.00 lit Quobee, Now Branswick, Nova I it hiiits to betid steamer called the Iroquois wenn . . . . Lserand MaI 11 over, Straighten down out on the Pacific coast. And ,baking because of its even heat -distribution, . XONTUL'y ; Scotia,11 L When the waves whre lashing the ill- ' The Grate is Reversible with strotig . OCTOBER 10th TO XOVMOEPq 11-th . . UPP get UP from fated Iroquois, and the fatal moment .and itt eveky detail the perfect Construction ' Grate I . I . I . .1 News -Record and Iallipla- to Muskoka Lakes, Penctang, Lake of . I I I A chalk, Of 110 came, and Men began to gently urge L , teeth that 'save accumulation of clinkers ', cott'Is Magizine .... o. , 9,25 gays, -Midland, Magaittawan. giver . ��J even , a light shrieking women Into fra,11 Iffa-boats, of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory' . , I ' .. .. ... Lakeliold, Madawaska to PaWty"Soutel 1. EUEJ, A *eight. All throe Iroquois Indiatis, William T;ou- cooking results, . . I and waste. - . . . . .11I I wommman. . twist, halem, Bob klutwitalorn, and Donnot . . I , I . Argy1le to Coboconk, Liadsa�t to Hall- I I M Sudden 01t4rItY launched their dug -out tit . . I : I '• . ion is In point of appearance—okkel trlw* I � I L IrwhatyOuwant is nob in .. button. - Points from SO-Vetfi $0 . turn 010 awk- the wild beach, and fought their way Another 'p6ft ()( the quest' . . . ; ifil's list let uta know about It, * M " . We dap suprly,yqu't�fi loaq thAn. North Bag iWIUSIVO, and cert ward ()Vftwtlt 96ad4 6 Biaxin to drowning Passengers. Tho stIory �.. points regetitiol ll�t NottC&Ii, xa�!FwL- of how. they rescued throe out of tho w6homy, and we itivite a visit to our store Wings, beauty of des' , etc. the Gurney- . . . lit Would youtosend dire6t, . twinge of pain through the weak 19" I .. I I I tiolt LCO" I stbrin cauldron, at groan -risk to their I � . ;, . In remitting plew* Colo 80 �y _ . spot. Own lives, *as told before the Juatle6s expressly'that �ou May •eXaMine the marvell- OXfOrd haS UOt a riVal. Coble to our Stpre 4' t, I ; All Vbkotg VAild lot Jotutu until. Booth's Xldnely Pills r6joh, 'the who are illvettigating the. I . . 1. - .1. I Poot.aftee order, Pbaw Row# , ThursdwyI, D60. 14th, 61,0I to points Wreck of *us -swirl device the . and 'find the best angwer to the Wo&att I szor, ess Order 9 at* Rogistoited' - weak. Spot, Vzotiddhoys, and quialy the isteamer Irooluols. no . fuel . Ir 11 I I - reached bys steamer lines, Tudsda.Yv restore kidney 'health and oormott, heroic bravely 0064 up In court And Oxford Fkaistomizer Qu6stion—a Gurney -Oxford stove, Uff4t and sAarbloi, . I - . . I .. . I . Xbvembor Wt. They are guaranteed. All dealers h6hrol the OtA106 of Mr. Juatice Martin . . I I pull particular:% from I. and ftiggistog, 50o,s ot postpaid upon their conduct. , , . L . _ n L_ . . . I full partitulats and. bIck6ts The It. T. . tooth 'Co. Ltd.s Vo g1bis . "Milk `M0*"7r3:i.).L_"NT' I I I I W. J. Mftdhell , ` For d ivo"t "We *111 fftftfhenol that thdY b# . L the Rumo&6 Socitty's mll a4 I - - I 1 NaftAftorif IN C'UN11.140IN Apply t6 the ag6fitA at Cliltl6it : Eflo, Ont. Send fol* [Preo 13OX & foUta of the &plitools,tion *hleh All . I . 1, ., _. . 1. . . I , L A. 0, Patti0of D096t Agent, , which will be gladly sent on apI must feel it such tn oxhlbitioa ,of . '.. .1 ­ . ........ .. .... ..... ­­­'­­­­­'­­ �. iplin 'Ra"ford, Town AZOU4.I atloyi. " hktviiI . . . . . I . . I I L 1 4 .I ) --L--- -,8888-- L— _�A i__ - .�L�--�-".,.......i.dollilh&limlkilllillLa- — -ik"di6u _.- - -.116"U"_�_1h&W__1k_