HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-16, Page 21
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�► � i� faiiiwstt+sts.
Huron County News Gathered
for'NeHow.,owReo%'ord Readers
, I .
1;4,17iV _� �! Port Albert tarty dtw"Up
Witte i#l• Sou alt< of ice4eiviue, 3Siisa 'Algia iRozeil has sono to
Veto 1we fm 1"Wr your ', Mich. attended the f'uiiexal of blo ''Tozonda for st xrtanth'a visit,
u to A&fsolp valm #tae YIM A
bro0agr here last week. Xr. Peter 'alsbop, an old former'
UkfAlam, From, The Niawo-Record Qt .� Mr, WiR $ege of Toronto visited} resident, hoe been vfs,tiug relativdt
But I ave Would friends in the neighborhood ►tly. In *0 tlownshfp.
�g Novefx bob X3th 1$95. ! Mr. Will Suarows of Stratford at,- The fermi known as the Hay ldo>xle
x0nat to the Llai tide# t~liRtoa, a<lov. 16th, 1896. tended the funeral of his uncle, Xr, 'stead, 6th con,, has been puxvhaw:d:
Smiale on Sunday, week, 'by J• W. Morrtsou, .of Guelph.
*m 0115 10110
Tho ra
.AI Maar. sly
)�oxaiiistit is sxpt�bsd to d�efkdmlt ole i6s •
bond ix*rost, due crit Doembot I.
C+MatatsM � > 'l�r't�
Rev. Dr. •Workwaat was awswoted W saw sw itdk�3x riifMst+rat, 0 *+ate
Mr. JustWo Weir $3,W damWs a"• . taerm *f *r%Vtl**: #ant dd kiststrt tww
;gt tat the Homad of Governors ct *114 in t.ika Mottos. iamdiriesa,Ni 1W #sl-
!Wasleysai Thea. lagic$l Collis i at was, �' low of *#-
for disralfissal, from his profaltorsikip, IasGtdt; .ex z xi titout, y, witltet:t
esakkdat tAny 1praalcin�(' out,
on allepil grounds of boterodoxy. mar ars Rxpoliod a" tits sl%OR on-
D. MacKay resfKwd bit "at in ton" 11 �� #� "4
bTerlei Oxford, mmd Mx, N. W. Row-: fol 's S" ars gnat lla
uOkanat$on there. oat it today, #dial by all t end
sverywiure, ie6i t[aotdas Uiis DWiatr.
l: iii. Q. A16VIRE
A I�tt►raieaii >kount7 fi�r»id►t'rat
• A man of great personal magnetism,
of modest demeanor and tat most der
f t111 y" w, 1, mG woo fa ,, _ • wall ltsc Rztlarpwjt allr. r i*iasaese of riu
Gap Eros. played to A fair house oft llir. and Mrs, W. Gl• Murray .and Mr. Angus Caasxpball, who has been Nov.t ~�9 1
Alt Kind* tf � is s . 10 h, 1 1 .
lliaaday evening. son Claude of !Gsoderich titers iu the in fibs west slate last March, is ?tis bgt[ie county, vt•hexe, dur,iig moist {
Miss. Shallie McNaughton bas rrr- back to Grey. of his en a keen
years rasldenee, he
�t Dye t AIRYOU . Village on Sunday week. tor. . ght, aetd, t►v l +�r T. a-lrtaatc4et) have pro. has taken a keen #>aiterest in. Sunday
diixt.. fail I' o � of turned,homo aftor h visit with het , _, Mr. John Bateman batt told his ; 9sra's Journey to Jerusalem. Ezra schaot work, as a leading member of
*� y The Ladkea� 00d pant at the aati'�jil . en in* the Presbyterian Church, and be lta%
sister, Mrs• J.E. Johnston of Chat 100 acre farm, Lots 13, Con. 6, to vliitl6.34. a
ttriEttxlr barna of Mrs. Will D. Haavkins on taught a Sunday school class for the
ham• Robert J. Doherty, of the 14t1i con. golden To t---tho'h nal .of our God tending t o. try R4'tE est thirty years♦ lie has also. beefy
.cofaPlcictittlaaet td ctl okra Noxa Sunday in the absence of the Wednesday of last week. of Gxeyt who will take ossession at is u n .all hem for- good that' lieelr P
street church : jKrs. John CWpbell of Dungannon P � active a, the work of tenio a valuable pro-
;�itvirays ha .stpc%. • pastor of Qtitariq� g once. hire, Ecra viix:22, ASC? Tea for SG�� td1�G paganda, and has. proved a ualuable
Rev. Mr. Newcombe will con was in the.v�Ilage recently. 3%r, `Samuel Gormley, of Pickering, (1,) Verses !"O -•-Who, and what, .t • ,a man fox thane who seek to minimize
duct service in the ,trxning and Rev but #roxI fOrCe of 1�811t
Mrs. Cleo. Burrows and son, Jack has been visitl;ng at the home of was Ezra? the .effects of the drink evil. Nor has
Mr. Andrews of Hotmesvilia in the of Goderich were in the village re- his uncle, Mr, Jaynes Armstrong, (2,) If several generations of. the j•LBVe Just Kept oil using the doctor forgotten lditty as n
evening. neatly, having come to attend the 10th con: same famfiy are engaged in the same
.who realizes the valueof education.
TE + S"`" and he has been shard-work#ng tnem�
S'. S. Cooper's new factory is being funeral of she lady's brother, Mr. Owing ika poor health J.I. Welsh busflnesa 0r profession, is the last ge#• r.t0,,11e>r tee. her of the Cornwall High Behoof
oration more expert at their calling
rapidly pushed. forward and with Smelts, is offering bks, fine 200 acre farm 6th gra the Habib board for many years.
. F QUAM '� YM favorable weather i's will Soon be than ther'iirat?
XIV Pearl Hawkins of Goderich ;000.. for sale. (3,) What'wasthe special .work of Born on a farm in Stormont County
r oloselt in, visitgd tin the village rec8ntly Thursday of last week, John Robb, �e 1.eviten� and buy Red ROS@ in 1863. Ar. Algulre, after a brdllia,rt
. a Mr. S. L. Scott; as intiznattsd in one of the few piOnoers of Morris course In the elementary schgolsi.
It was with !sfhceir, sorrow that ed at McGill Uulveralty, Montreal
W. these columns so"We tulle ago, .has• township, died at. the home of Mr. a. Row muck dost any organize• newt tilTie. studied
. -. O � �� fife flews of the sudden detach of Mr. Al- 'Wok his son-in-law' lit his tion depend for. its success upon mea from which he,graduated: M. D. iia-
'rs s, moved into town. He has purchased Wan, Work, , "
trod 49male .was received here, Mr• of rare ability at its head? 18d3.
from Mr. Chas. Coats his house and $3rd year. In 1&74 Ar. Alguire Hent to Corn-
and Mrs. Smale and their daughter (6.) What steps sh00% the present
lob on Queen street. • Mr. Scoilt is were returning bons freed attending day Church take to supply the gree# , wail, where is has since that time.
-.• a good citizen and we weleomte hits lack of ministers? { � � practised medicine. The ackgowledgesl
to the sale of seine• .land, when on
and Mrs. Scott to town.. ,,, 21-23 — Whore was this head of his prafeasiori ri g. his test.
(s:) Verses
comdng down 'the SalidOrd hili .hey � he baa- laund utile durinri• his resi-
Rev, J. F. Parke preached a spot r throw out and Mr, Satvale�as A compan3'trf devout men at this tire? 1 •.• deuce in Cornwall to, take his share
Y 16AR n 1� It w Is Clod tee'
nal sentnoir to the Canadian Order of a RLY (7.) Having the fit men for the wort, i of the public responsibility which
oxen Friends. in St, Paul's church instantly killed- The deceasol was what is the next neeesslty as suggest, 4
IIF. -TIRED WHILE YOU Ch one, of .aur oldest and most highly ed by this starY7 camas to the man of exceptional char
dvsvcre soi.o div eut.K utter and attainments. He has- been.
WAIT,: AT SMALL COST. on Sunday, afts•.noon,last: respected.citimus. The funeral toolt
(8.) VVltat results invariably dollovf twice mayor of Corrivrali, foie last
place on Sunday wet•: from his late when A company of Christiana spend Your Grocer W tl term being in 1399,
—$ NEW BICYCLES Z . residence, ba Christ church,:. thence -,doses `TIsely 'Were Shoes at the severadays together in fasting and ,'�eommend It s3
FOP. SALE CHEAP Stanley, Nov, 10th 1895 to Port . Albert cemetery. Mr. prayer?
---�-. S►xtvle leaves a wife and , a family, bf
Burning III* th bat In the Further (9,) What be#er•,, guat'aiitpp for P.
bfr: Jas.. Keys and wife of Mich- Bacl{ Feet'Were Covered safe. jota�ey have we if it preceded �.
WATERWORKS SERVICES igan are Waiting. friends oil the ,Baby.- three sone and idhree daughtersi for Other Reasons. with devout prayer?
INSTALLED. LET'S . DQ IT Ion Line this week. Williahm, Albert and cf3'arald, and Mrsi(; (10,) �I/1kat had Ezra told the. ping Employs''fitily One•`Gea:;ed .lion.
FOR YolT n Mrs. M Bra ne and family Fleming and 1VIrm McDonald, pf. Ile It cannot be stated with certainty which afterward made him ashaxmod Loss of a leg ra essoutia-1 to a job
Mr. and c y Y
• �--"
of Varna are visiting fora£ew days droit, and Victoria at h0nao. Th how, whon,or where; the wearing of .to ask for a company of soldiers on with a' Chicago firm. -,+ill but t%�•a of
►r�T �T �-+ anon sit Friends near London. filriexal was very largely attended. 'shoes began. It can only be surmised their journey? its 102 employes in the tartor3`:and •
•g that some 'contemporary of the stone (11.) Verse 23--Htiw did Ezra know #n the branch offices wear one. or two
A• ,L V 1 �lil Rev. k', G• Oaten of Ba field will The pallbearers were; Miesms. John ONTARIO
y age, finding 'his.' gray beset with atones that God had heard their prayer for a artificial lower limbs, and the• em-
Schoenhals, W-ii•1 RIchardain, Harry safe journey? P1'o'F✓ nci1� Y.oan of '
r • ��� ,� preach missionary sermons on Sun or strewn with tlsorns, thought to j y? ployes leave their work icy slto�v the
Ha den Harry Hawkins, Will B. y patients how %•ell tb(,y
a day next on Varna, c$rcuib; y � fasten about his feet the raw hide: (12,) now may we know when Glad•- ' newt fitted Q
obtn on t!f Brucefield, Hawkins and Nelson Pearson. Mrs. of the animal he 'had slalxt, _ and that hears and answers our prayers? can walk, run, send jump with , rhe or- $ I.yl d�aQtlO
0 a a o o q 4 0 0 0 , o c� q 1tr. -Jos. R, s Planing and ' iV1rs.. McDonald were "then was. born the germ of utility tiflcial article. il2akers doubt. SC there '
:�. (13:} Varese 24-80—How d0 you
o a who has boon, Y Y ill with fever, is g The Goverainent of Vie' Province D1.
' o t A. both bere for the funeral. that through the centuries has evolved justify the vast expenditure of money ever was. such ;a thing ids, a. "coriz' leg
` impgoving and able to be .0 a Jo into the moylera shoe. for carrying on. church and missionary in which cork entered in any Cots- Onbario, under the authority of.
Messrs." WiPI Fellow and septi y g
• gin' 'Go erich attended the tun- �� The earliest shoes -worn in the wgrlt7 siderable. ea:tent into;:tha snsikin of ,Chapter 4, of the Statueis of, Ontario.
Mr,. Samuel Johnstran of Goshen Wilson. of d northern part of Europe were un the limb. Some of them claim that 1911. inirites 'subscri tuons from, the
' eral of the late Mr. Smale. (14,) Why' ought money for church , it
Line has sold his farad to Mr. Mcg doubtedly ,shaped dike the moccasin the name wars derived from one :the
and missionary work to be as care- public 'fora loan of of- O.n ori .old
FAR . QNT.. i h and has purchased one on �,�, of the American Indian, and were . why funds .artificia# legs. early lu the bonds of the Province : af• Qntariti, of
STRA? D Cl nc ey p fully. accounted for as imoney in a ,
o fire Babylon Line. - nude of raw hide wltli, the hair out- bank? . last century in•14ew York. In the pre. „ „
e- sidg. They covered the` whole. foot sent day they are mantiracturetl troth Ontario GovcxnmenG Stpclt.
Dan 81►faOD (15.) Why is it the duty, of every
o Stands to the front as the o, . S an partly enclosed the ankle, about English willow, cohered with a, thin The bonds will be dated 1st Nov- .
its ki of tYr o �~ which the were ,fusteited with thongs 'p parchment of enamel, or of wood and ecnibet+, 1911E and •payable on. the 1st
e best school of and Seafoxth, Nov. 13th, 1895. y arson to. feel as much obligation to
Miss Clara Sproul! is 't.sdling in give his proper. share for carrying on Novahber, 1941 do denominations of
a ordinal? business college. This o that laced through slits in the hide. leather. ,•
Goderich, tho guest of bar sistran Such were •the shoes worn by the God't? cause tits to feed and clothe him
o sefiaol bzs a continental xeputar o A bawling match was played on self and . those dependent upon him3 ' 1 ' - $1,OOD: each, siritli coupons attached
Mrs. Robert Wilson. ' ' ancient Germans and the Celts of for fnberest at the xat`� of four per
* titin for high-grade work;.. We o ttte .SeaforVi .bowling gtm on Wed- 1B. Verses 31.32-, Two 00 r:enBit•T. G. Aiden s evaporator has closed Brittliny ( ) g¢ cent. er annuzrn, .payable half•
e have' three do?artments,o nesday last between a.` rink from in sunnier re ions the first foot start on:a journey and are atttacked by P after a very �iceessfud season, 1;o Cdimmercial, c. Clinton composed of,. Messrs. Brewer, _ 1VIrs.StOt+aersof Woodstock, hasapparel was probably a .sandal_ of robbers, one being killed and the othertek ale, yearly on yhe 1st May 'and 1st No -
i t Shorthand and o Harland, Jackson and Forresto-1 and straw, palm, wood or hide fastened escaping without injury; which of vember in each year; at the Office of,
returned' home after a visit with re- the. Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, or
•. Telegraphy o .a SeafOrth rink composed of Messrs: .to the Poet by a.. thong passing lie- these men d>d . God love more, and _ ,
Iatives heret. tween the big and the .next toes and. why? '. (This is one of the questions ---^ at the officep Of bhe Bank"of 'Mon-
e atad the demand 'far trained o 'McMichael, Wilson, Rend and Morris The .croimer has closed_ after a .
he greatly exceeds the. su 1 0: aforth winning b a score Of',. 59L to y laced about the ankle. Sandals of .that: may be answered in writ$rtq by. AR.E, YGU'R STOCK IN THE tpeat, in Montreaai, Canada, and fu'
o help g P Pp 9i Se g Y very suceessfil season. this. kind -are not unlike those of the members :of the club.,)'
tr Students acre .entering path week:. a 11 v h s returned from .old Hebrews, the ancient .El Egyptians, New' 'York, I�: Y., at file hoIder's
„ _ n us S. Neves a gyp (17.) What rules would you say God DITI
o and tb) soarer ybu enter the o .As a wil-hil up to _ the 'season i. t and the Assyrians and Persians.. adopts in deliveriiag, or not delivering, REST CON ON FOR THE. option, Bonds wti 1 he made pay
o better for aurself. Get our o past Mr. Jameit McMichael,, the geld- London. The earilest mention of shoes in us from our enemies? able to beariis, but: on request w$11
P p Miss Maggie Disbar has returned WINTER;
�► fiae.ca�talague at once, 'o ial resident of >'ae. Seafoi:th Bowling , the 8cripturcys, Is in dile .]:4#h Chapter (13:) How far was It from. Babylon be •registered in the office of cher
0 P yrs at home aE.vr a visit. •with:'#riends in of Genesis, (about Y913 B C.),. rvhcre to Jerusalem, and how long did it take Provinojal Troaaurer and'endorsed as .
a - Club, entertained the aussmt► Goderioh.. Abram •tells tho King of Sodom he tbem. to make the journey? GEM
p D. A. McLACHLAN, o supper qn ;Tuesday drvening last. ,Mr. j ceded at court. +'wal not take (rani a thread even' 19, Verses 33 36 --There are a Payable only to the oder of certain
o Principal. o hyi ;` b`lann$gan,'. who is a valued Judge Doyle . px i (. ) pamons or corporatlons, and on xe� '
. • of revision in connectlian with ;'she to a slide lawhet,' lest the King, great many more Individual churches THEM AND KrEEP TII`EM
ds o member of ithe club, did the . cateriarg , claim lie mails Abram rich,. Again than -there are individual Banks; • but quest of holders will be. exchanged
West Wawanosh voters lists; held in ,s
s o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o p o and did it well. ' An exceedingly ek, (about 1491 13. C.>, _where 14loses i3 what is the proportion of defaulting._ PERFECT FOR LESS. THAN for Ontario Government Stock at
the Agricultural Hall `last zve church treasurers, compared with .de-. any time. .
_ pleasant titre
ics was tent and bhk+ de commanded to remove his shoes be
Rev. Thos, Davidson, of
mount ltd o>" fore the burning bush, for the ground ONE CENT. PER HiEAD FtE'R
•termination was. ,expressed to elect � faulting bank presidents ,or, cashiers? _ The .issue price during the month:
est; preached in Erskine church Sun- upon which he stood. was- holy. The, . (20;) Which gets the greater happi of November, 1911, will be 102 "for
Mr. MbMitihael presideiita' again, on *. VVE.EK,dayw$, It is expected .hat Rev. shoes that the.:traveler. sees ;at,the areas,:tthe one whdhonestly discharges each'•$100,. and afiter the 80th day of
the understanding of: course; that. he d r fin "ci I fru t or the One who hav-
fL (J R AND. FEED R..1. Sinciarr, , of Teeswater,, will oc- , oo s Mosques and L'astern tem a+ an a, Q ,
would set it up in a sdmalar inapner Novetrtbor, 1911, the issue price . will
cupy the pulpit next: Sunday, and on ; ples point. back to this act of early Ing kept. a int of money, is Yet. not BITTER LICK IS NATURES ac
nexii year.. th Rev'. `E: II. Sawom reverence, its well as does the custom . round out? be 102 and interest, cured from the
VMEN YO NEED Ah:X Ndvetnber 26 , , R of removing the shoes in Ahe presence: OWN REMEDY ARID IS: Ist November, .1911: 1
of BxuaOfieid Lesson for Sunday, :Nov. 26th, 1911,
THING IN THIS LINI'� lPI: af' laastei n potentates.
Londesboro, Nov. 13th, 1895. _ .. -
Ne - Iz MADE OF EVERYTKI'NG the lsaid nAct are frtaL ds and from�_all Ortock f
• WILL APPRECIATE 'I(3L,R hemiah's Drayer, Nehetpial}
Miss Crisp- was via:ting in Bxus "'_ :No Chlneae Typewriters .
'fTORSES i CATTLE AND baric . Provincial Taxes, Charges.
ORDER. -• eels `Iasi week. Morris TownshipTypewriters are now• made for use A 4e:i'.titnttrpt►'►y - succession Duty •and ka positlion
an '' Cade left for <Michigan last in- nearly a hundred dlfPere,+it last- The fisbing water, ail'• tile. Caspian SITE! EP NEED TO KEEP whatsoever.
week... The. dwelling. of 1Vin. Rutledge; 3rd guages, and tb:ey are sold all over Sea are divided into gluts anti let out Purchasers. of Stnclt` or Bonds will
r nil the world; but there is still one greet by the government at auction. Two THEM -PERFECTLY . HEAL -
WHEN MARKETING YOUR itilr. .Ins. Cattipbell has bought the► line,' was deFt.royed by fire rete Y .nation which, for a very simple ren firms combined and, bid lit th.e right to
be xt.luired to,% send oertifWd tihequa ;
I•iill property and ''Messrs. Bell and lYirs. Rutledge was out milking at son has no t ewriter that writc•,ts' fish lit ti�,q-thirds of all the fish water. THAt'. 'NO- WASTE NO DOS with the appoPication, payable to tthe�
GRAIN BRING IT . TO US. typewriter
Lasham have bought. the .house let- the 'tiutie and nothing was -saved. tongue. 'that nation is C41na.. This croWdedi.'out the smaller fisher- order of the "Provincial Trd�asurer
HIgHE PRICES l A dly. , The 1,: glish alphabet has tweed. p of Ontario.
ely ;Occupled by Mrs. Govier. 3aiiies Bowman, li••P. loaves this ' •: + men and made a monopoly. Thus Zl`iG:. ABSQLUTEI.Y. FF_
present at the six letters, the Russian thirty-s#x• . both land.and and water rxre. being.=A- moa -
Mr, J. Bruns
don has returned home week for Ottavio This ,loan is raised upon rho tired
'..from .a tr:7 to 'Manitoba.; opening of •Parliament on the .15th 'The typewriter .produced for the Rus- opolized: PEGTTVE, .
sine market is the largest made; but it of the Consolidated Pevenue Fund
n Inst: ,Ontario,is c there
�' ' ` �►f and hanooabiei ter
no typewriter _ could be mode that ' if:tste in nrmnnden.
,64(ss Hester Johnson; who under- would begin to be. big, enough `for the Respite .all the peace movements of upon,
2urteh went a severe operatl.an• is, now .: im C`hinbse; language, which has no al- the day the expenditures of the na A. J. MA9}HES•ON,
provnng sat sfactor11 phabet, but .'is. represented by sign tions upon armaments !s to-daY, with Provincial Treasurer.
Mr. John and Miss Mary Gallmaa characters, of which there are about no ,great war in progress, greater in '�' Treasury Department, Par 'a
spend -
of fifty thousand, Of the great numbs>r,- the aggregate, according to a state-
rpturned„home last :week,, afterBuildings, Toronto,- 1st .Novendba>,
. Word$„ found In the •• English stent matte by the editor of the Tion
Ing some time in Mitchell. A NEW 7 OUNTAIN WORLD.... );zugua a onl a small proportion are don Statist, than they have ever been •1911'
SHOE REPAIRS -g y p p - sert►ing advertise- • .Miss, Ida Pa Ing ;of London arrived Newspapers
ar Caters ai•a received used fot the: ordinary purposes of in t,mes of war, • p Pers in Uiris
, As further t1
• in, town last woek for. a vIsiC ' ti. ith p .. idalieech, and the settle is4 true of the , : _.:. � . s :, . , ment without ..authority from the:
from the: exploAltibn party under cha`rabters used In the Chlntse lan- 4r11��!`ON11 • Department wiN not be'pMA for, it..
relativeh. l
Mr. Joseph Papineau has purchasedd'Mr. A. Or. Wheeler, Director of the gunge; bolt the number• of .Chinese
�Ol1l' t3l]oeii rteatl h t near St Joseph owned Canadian Alpine Club, regarding their char:►eters commonty.emptoyed is .stilt --- ^---- ^---------•••---
. y
and promptly
t e proper y
Y 1 ire.
recent. .expedition ,over Mit; Grand lar greater than could be put on airy.
the typewriter. Sothis nation of 400,000;
Pacific Rental
A4r.. and Mr§. Will. Ba ,
Harry', d Mit. Will.irB ssow and.son
McAdams and
Trunk .through
., � 000. people hoe no typewr$tet' In its
new Transnantinental Rax:way will l 'own tongue.
children, 'of 1•he Brionson Line, 'visited
be able •tri oiler to.' its patrons 1he
Leon. Sergent found new health in
Mr, FZnk Bassow and daughter :liar-.
fintrt, scenery of any of tie Trans- A 1"olilloaf Pim. yer.
Dodd's Kidney Pi•il'3..
`' �ie'
in Detroit recently:
continental Railways $n America' 'Harms a campaign ,which he non-
In the last report tl;teter- ducted in the Maritime Provi#rces,
- --
Suffered his, Kidneys,
lilaxbard met the 4nisfott6lo
.mccived the
with and . was
on. Saturday week of breaking her
ritory In. the vicinity of the head late Ilon, A. G. Blair stew how strongly
very feebly, - bub now he Is feeling .
Operi Every Evening,
log, while rekurning fromr a'visit•
Wabirs 0f>; the. Athabasca and Whirl- the party idea in politics rakes bold,
Mr. fllatr, slapped overnight at the
wti,h her daughter, 14LrS• 'llienry l utiv
pool• rivers is t!auched upon,, and are, house; of a Baptist. minister.
Saint t1 alburg, Sask., Nov 13
aid, Sbe invade a 'rnl cep in sante
way, with the above unfortunate to-
Sr. Wheeler states opekning. up •a "`yell have a word of prayer be.
flrld for exploration and research, fore retiring," said the. minister, 'oho
(Special). --one healthy, happy fam,
• 11Y in this neighborhood are always'
spit. She will be laidpp- (Ol $0.30
mountaineering and camping that+ is thereupoid offered 6 prayer that was
ready to spook a good work for
absolutely new, acid of which. pract• both long and prosy,
Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are Mr,
icall nothdn is known. 'This roil p Mr. Blah' Unci utmost g0ne.to
y g $
and Mrs. Leon Sergent, and betty is
, steep on his knees, the minister stmt-
of mountains is magnificent. Lit ria-
ed praying the elections.
the reason in Mr. Sergeit*'s own,'
Boots made to order.
The Rev,1Ill. Hicks 1912 Almanac,
os approximately to 12,000 feet a- lie called dawn :anthemas on the
Before the great I)routh of 1.'001
bove sea level, and shows contours fm- +,canservatives for their corrupt prat-
"Y suffered with .my Kidrioye and I
t:�o Hicks Almanac gave timely
the. Wildest and boldest po {a tares. T do he ninde a naive
� � } apptsat
watt very feeble, My urine +vas
warning. Por over two Ybatd
formas. Immense snowfieids d huge to hen en for condenination of the
glaq'dtirn etre everywhere,.. Boldest Opposition, and asked pardon for the
thick and had a brick-duat sedltront,
As Dodd's Kidney Pills lead already
prion to 1911, the Iitiuts Almanac A.
gain to 1911 a e Hicks of dac A.
and most inaccessible rise the awful Liberals If they sliould find It .neces�
rary to fight the devil with fire."Now'
cut�d my wxfti I bought three bozos
dauget. Arid. so for forty years
black precipices of Mount Geikie, the,
my urine, non -nal and. .> fecdl
this earns friend of all the people
central point of the group. Again': '--
to south are an array It is the opinion of some to think
It is st
has steadfa0ty refused 1116 blO.s of:
ispootilatorg and continued p warn
s, pyramids, s. our lives are guided by what others
1>�ks, towers, pyraanads, doinaij, cgs• would slay of us, but thht is not so,
odd's K dnuch ins b le
the give Dodd's s. i ey Pills 'ia x
the, public of the catna"ngtngoxs of
tCes and ramparts fin bowiiidoring, for with the euro and .noble the ton"
poptilarity. They are no euro -all,
stoi�lira, and weather. Aq then should,
confusion. tcienee holds the reins of action.
They sj•itply eiire diseased; Kidneys
gRy StetIRE YOUR. S>.JP•
have done, the pd 306 have# nobly
An attempt was made, to ndent►ify
the ttnuch talked of giants, Colunl- 'There's
and the. ills that come from diseased
Kidneys. But no tnatte% what
stow by Ltrofes.tar hicks, ,their
faithful public %WvAut, who has
bia, Bryce, Lyall, Forbes, etc:, but ,
Sd.Now 'Yorit, -tit a recent dinner
neighborhood you vistO you find sonic
old in their servfte• Bond
in b",io chaotic ahtilaa it could noir be iii IVew' Yorle, .addle 0f Richard
roan or i woman wtUO lies Itta?tt sick
g .
only bre dollar to Word aYid Works
done W1.6i an cortainly• Strauss's music:
y "To '141eldra'
and in pain and bas been eured b
RbiNLANL)'S IlAtttfi4AFtE
publishing Ctiasipany, 8101 FrankIi,a
hear Strituss's or his
M . - j 'flomest'le Sympbotty' always luukes
Dodd's Pills. For a snore
• of years this work has been going
Avenue, St: Louis, Missouri, and get
his 1ue, S$ne and A}irranso both for
me think of the old Seoteh piper who
Lt, 11, Dennin, employed on a build- said: "'Ah there's ane' nt+��t. l anti
on and today in every part of Can-
Can -
w.'�E,i DZD TO.
one year. The Allivi too alone, a
ins hoar Hagersvilie, had his tzeek neer forget. 'There were niiie'teen
brokoa. by a fall. pipers besides my-sel' All in a wee
ada Dodd's Xidiicly Pills are known
as e' One stIM core for K'iinely Dis-
bite book of 150 lia:gi% is onlq
by trail, sL,etl everybody respond
The mill on -tie Damts mine, at :lilt parlor, nil Play'("! different tunes.
t5as*, '(l'rinary Troubles, Backache,
t•► t
and twelve the karningl of au♦+
1 Sr for tit® coining xettr.
Porcupine is otpeetcd to begin Opel- I Just thoucht I was in heavea ll,
ations on Jaiius><rlr is.
itheirwatism., llropay, WaWtos and
ili3glyt+'s disease.
iilshtiofia te