HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-16, Page 1r
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11 Thi Cli��o� Views-record.I
._ .. .. _
EN{•il,'!.{1KMENT ANhi(1<UNCZ�D:
I.....">ri MUO
01� � � �S �'.
_ _ ._
.........; _ ," -
; l L ,[ 1i+j L.g 4',
f Mt. and Mrs. 13yard iilI announce
: The. Women's Instituto will hold
Wheat 900.
Oats 48e.
Mr. Hiram,'Hill has bought the
Walker livors is in
! .
the engagement of lrlieir daughter,
their monthly aneeting.on
: ,
and .now posses
. - ." we dab! call 40ontion
Nel�rc t � F. W nd>I wnesda�
aPternbon next at• rho• hcim0 Qf Mas.
Peas 8bc to 90c.
Barley $20.
y '
laoii. 'Ile „�urposeS snaking chaugea
to ae and
` ' to. Olt1'' gradE 4f `c t3. i
to o
December 6t '•alto pI cufficiency
lb 'e n Wednesday,
wd'lerhave charge of program.
. .
nutter 210 to 22c.
will no doub0 do a good shar�x of
�' od mat'GCIatt fifne f nlsb
6c too
Eggs 2 27c.
Live Hogs 56:60.
thQtbwstness.a Thirty ars reare
h u y
in •C171iton has made Mr. 11'111 a wide-
and aCcut'ate a Stfnelit are
Mr. Joseph Gibson, )j►rasident 'of tale
Mr. oilver Jervis• racentlY deliv�tr•
Beans, Prime white, $1.70,
�o owls citizen, ,and a,popu�lar one,
„ alt combined in each watcb.
• Dominion Alliance, preached on% Sun
c y`
lavers T
. .�,a�t. `•,.
Our aim in the past, aq nom
day ever0g; and Master . Tddy. Wfa-
crate-falwa dy ehickens�iwh ch g
°, .f� w .• %Ice I not ,�ee11 a question o f
son ' of London sang,
t On Monday evening the'
ed 7 i -O .lbs. each, Mr. John C"xich
of Tuckeromith also delivered a ver .
msaso meeting for men was held
on Sunday afternoon is the. town
The Prrsbytemial, or annual meeting
r , - a rice but r�irat t .. QOd
,,p� N p,;
young pace-
plc .s meeting was led by Maoter Jain-
Ane bunch of 42'- barnyard chickens
hall. It was in the'in0a>�sts of.
of the auxiliaries. of the W, F.:M. S.
4� t ,
. .s. ,,
tt lace, like ESU Wn
a:s S, .Q,
as Wylie, and Mr. Thos, Watts read
which averaged G 1-3 lbs, Both. lots
temperance and was address b
1' ed y Mr«
of this - Freab ter was held in God-
y y►.
.. ' .
' • . �, tSt! tS t4tJa s ch. ea. st in
�% e y
an fnteresPing aper .on "'Saloons."
Annivers paper
will •:b held
I ld
were Barred Plymoutl► Rooke .and
were vpell starved ready for killing
Joseph Gibson, president of the T)q-
'minion Alliance, and Rev. Dr. Mc-
erich garl'uday and Wednesday, A
number attended from Willis church,
�` ,� �M
Jske IYltirer and Z%ACit
•. C 00 ••, the end.
'°�', �.a.. , .."'�- �. til be a Leasure r
an o e last Sunday oP>a mn,onth, when
when nve hed and ccs fn
tJa if ) xy legit
Tavi'sh the field ;seoretar "Teddy"
' y' ' y
Williamson Sang a couple di solpS
amongst them being.: i0ay. and Mrs.
Grano, Mrs. W, T, O'Neil, hies. Sohn
Dave CQOIi;.
ilS to ari0' b you t%t s
ersar Prof. wi 11 i sreacis. pf McMaster
Y p
upon who ratsac>a them.
which Were appreciated and the ad-
Torrance, Mrs. J, WA?Ainshaiv and
The figure,
gure, to the lett is that qI
4;1 atches#
will this be
tenet. Principal icHambley occupied the
Miss Kate McTaggart.
a Miller ''who departed this life
1. A happy event and one which will
Interest numerous of our readers will
npininatiom :year
o o the Friday before Christ
zn,as .and thus: candidates will have.
.chair. Considering the stormy wea-
that the meeting was well atbanded.
Though this is merely the prepar-
a tory s nage, the getting ready, per
In Victoria, B. C.,. on Tuesday. Fol.
lowing on the death of his wife,
too °
� I -�
AO 11qar
take place in Way siuinlsten Pres. Y
j more days
o so many y to get in
aee le a
wjfiiali k Pi' ss than, a. for +
teriatt church,, Toronto; this afternoon,
t u h wlpn the electorate. The
Usod tthe C1iirEon Mofia>r Car Com-
mg>at ago, the crossing over of hiss:
Sews tel' and OptaCan - - f;rtintotl
nam oly the double wod&ng op Miss
change will be. appntaved of, inded if
bI.oth nemisnatfons
Tho. Knechtel Furniture - Company
are this week installing a !machine
pang is ,already accepting orders,
The first to be . booked was for a
old chum has caused Uncle Dave to
Christina Ross of Clinton to Mr. Faced
Stoneman of Montlank, Sask.,
and .elections were
taken out of the holiday season al:
ks own as.the .Linderanan which prom-
$3000thmotoGi truchere a1'big house
b almost •
a most discrtinsoIate,
to ath r ib Id b
i to be a great saver in labor and
lin ty h ceztainly
tat of Miss Margaret R, McEwaa B e woo a so much i+he
Miles - youngest d'au hter of Mr. and ' better, The season of "peace .and ma-P.3ria1 used, in addition to its fac every indication of a bright/ future s .
Malcolaa Mclwan of Staple No Mx. good will"' is not the, ideal period silty for turning out goods.. The ma- for Clinton's never. Industry. FTOMI(A[1A1N.
, -� y' for the average election: chine, which, is a Appen, jointer and I,
W. Spear if Higbgate, Ont. The care- RESIDENT CRAIG,
lupus in each 'case will be performed gleet, cost in the vicinity of $9�,i00, The hunting party, consisting. of Dr.
A MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER. but, considering; the work it does, . Reference has. been "'anode to the Fowler
Messrs. C. Clew an John
Ro al . Bank � by Rev' Dr, Neal, pastor of Westmm pronlaises to be a good investment alt presentiation cnida to l4lr. John M 1 oClinton, E Niams,
owlet and ssr d
ulhol and f Clin d, Wi
. star. Mr and Mrs, Stoneman, after A very pleasant evening• was spent that., The furgitureimaking ' business Craig, superintendent of the big HolMesville and Walter Cole of Sea-
` OF CANADA. °1* I a. fortnight's visit with the groom s. at the home of Miss E. Chidley. on. is certainl' noir what it wag tem or � forth, which has been in 'she hunts .
relatives in London, will proceed to Friday lust when the mombers of the Y Canada Foundry Company, Toronto, hunting.
„ fifteen. gears ago,-TTanover Post, on the patois on of his rt±siring from fiQlds of the north for !�ie pest coo-
their home at 'Mont�ach, Mr. and GYr1s Club of Willis Church meta
INCORPORATED x869, there and proceeded, its service to becoTno president of pie weeks, is expected hainp to., '
- Mrs.. Spear will take pp their .abode p to "shower" one MISS EDGE MARRIED, -
Capital Paid Up - $b,2o0,000. at Highgate, of ti#eur numbe:ii, Miss Christina Ross, the Clinton . Motor Car. Comtipany,and deer is re dried e of witln'ein my one '.
Reserve and Undivided Profits $ ,200,000, The brides are both well known and who ''today becotrias the -bride of Mr, The following, which appeared ,.,in a ,citizen of. C1•iriton. The souvenirs P. b g shot by » *•%",
7 .the Toronto Globe of Thursday lasts, he inedived eonq•sted of eighty-five Mr. Colo. ,,
Total Assets - . - $100,000,OOQ. hiably esteemed young ladiels and their Fred � Stoneman of Montlach Sask. y -
- will be of interest 'to many readers of Pieces of sterling silver and his t
natty friends herL boiut�s will join hear- The shower was of 'the inint.ellaneous FWTY YEARS INSPECTOR.
' . HEAD OFF10Ea MONTREAL. tily with The News�Record in wishing variety and the gifts were both -pretty The `Naves -Record,, fbhesgate Rov. Jos, good wife was made the recipient of - .
1,90 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. • them abundant future happiness . and and useful: The girts spent a cur Edge having beep a ,most acceptable sixteen pieces of c+at glass. These _ Mr,. J. J, . Tilley, Toronto, is this
p y and well beloved pastor of ,the Ont- very tangible tokens . of esteem show week delivering' a course of •lectures .
INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. prosperity. jolly,. and enjoyable hour tpgetheia. , „ g
. atr,o street churl,,h -: The wedding • of in what regard ou l citizens -elect tb the students at the Model School..
,.. 1 WILLIS CHURCH DEATH OF GEORGE PICKETT. Miss: Dorothy 1+;dge, daughter: of , the are held by those who have known Fon half a.' century Mr. Tilley was
R E MANNING, Ms►na et' - Cli>nto>n Branch.. late Rev. Joseph Ed a and Mrs. them, for ears. an Inspector of schools b .
p . g Y p , beginning .
• g Rev. Dr. McTavish preached on It was with feelings of prwafound a formed
Sunda evens dge, y - of Owen Sound, and with the county. schools bu't in later
�: �� y. ng in the interests of shock and regret that thel news was A CURIOUS EGG.. '
Mr. Arnhur D. Le Pan,. B:, A,, Se., years hi -s 1 urisdiction extended over .;
temperanew, A. good congrega ;ion received pn'Tuesday morning that j
�° Tpronto,, was "spieinnized last. +.,fight Mr. J.' B. 'Miller Happened on quite, the Models'. • Two ydara ago he re-
" was present and a liberal response was ltfr, George Picks. o had .passed away, at the residence of the bride's moth- a curionit un the .shape of an a tired from active service and . ' -has
- made to the appeal for funds to carry It was known that he .had been very or, 24 Sydney street, Toronto, i0 the: ,: Y P egg only returned to '
+ on the work of the Alklance. "Toddy" ill with, pneumonia, having been sp. L+�s ice of the immediate' relatives the day, -It was a particul:�rly Y it temporarily at
e cello '
p e z large and healt iy looking egg,which ta:s the inquest of the Hon.. Mr. Pyne, •.
The MOLSONS BANK Williamson sang a solo at Igoe open-� sow .hat •for a tisms his life was N- only. Dir-. and Mrs, Le Pan will iMc+ good 'wife had boiled for his lunch With the oducationai matters . la * • '
INCORPORATED 1555 ng of the service. paired of, burr it was supposed that at home at 34 Traub avenue on and
1;ia c:osis M1va r passed and ha yras y . but on cutting into it he found a•. general of , t�hi�s province Mr. Tilley
`'Che Guild meeting .on Monday, even- after .DecdmbeP 1st.. Rev. W. J. Ford Blore. than usual resi'starice. On fur- has Tong been prominently idei►tified
Capital Paid up - $4,000,000 Rest Fund . $4,600,000 sag was well attended, . The sub'eot thought to be. recovering. ,i, though of T.eeswater. . performed the core- ,
] the investigation he fox)n4 than and file value of his services.Rs most
taken u was .°'Does it.Pa to be a slowly. But on Tuesday • morning 'he r !; ➢ d
Has 83 Branches fila Corrado christip wa ' y took a sudd'+s torn for the worse and many, within the . large outer `shell- there highly apprec atr3 by those .most
The -discussion was led was a perfectly foiw red smaller egg, faTniliar. . with them,
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principid cities byMv. Chas. Lindsay in a good.paper rapidly sank, the.end' c�img .about .WE;SLEY 'CHURCH•, Double yolked .ty s.are cwnmTon but
in the world. tha muddle of the mor y gg ,
1 and ,others also lead prepared thoughts gr LF.1' S 'HAND PICK THEM. ?y Rev. Dr. McTavish of. Toronto cc- double shelled' ones are not qa often
A GENERAL BANK'NG BUSINESS TRANSACTED. on the subjects alk of which, wenn to The deo:ased was sixty=three years copied the pulpa on. Sunda moHiin +met with and if hens could be in -11 I
warn making. an.interestiing and pro- of 'age. He was born in the town- y g , Clinton has. entered upon a period -
last, speaking 'in the interests of the duced .to lay !am regularly the pro.-
fitable meeting, Next ween lrhe liter- ship of Vaughan, Ydtk County, t+ a of progress and, what is almost
�•' ar de ant ant 1 family, moving to Huron when the Dofm;inion Alliance. FFAs talk .was its- blem of transportaigon- ..might.. be equally iimportan-.., appears• 'to 'rank
SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT y , p m wi 1 have charge and y te:wsting and in�tructiye along the somewhat siinplifi��.i. Still, on see
' ' .. AT ALL BRANOI3ES. the' discussion will cluster , about the were all small, and he has ever since high in the esteem of the neighbor- -
. 14line , of the work .accomplished- and and thoughts, the old-fasl� oned kind,
reading of fiction, Iheparts color lived in ox about Clinton. ' lug murr:cipaltieis. � ,
aimed at, A liberal response was `wi!Mi' plenty of Treat and a dearth
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. . work which will be dicimssed; ,Kill bo.. Besides his wife he.leaves a family '. It is an. important period .and so it -
' ++ " of six children : Wilfrid of to,<vri . Har- made to the appeal for help in of shell, would perhaps suit most of
Dickens The Crickets on the Iieaxth. s �, , is up to us, to as great an extent
I .111 . Clinton Branch -' C. E. Dowding, � Manager r trey of Toronto and Harold Irene carrying on the work. Teddy: Wil- us just as well, .
The Guild hay been ; having a series of s as .ever_ before, to' exercise cs>r� is
. l;amuson of London jsang�: a so2!o
initaresting and profitable. nee wings and Emimna, . and Efile at home. He is al- FUNERAL Q> 'MRS: 11TLKEN. rho se=lect+inn • of the snail who will
W acceptance at the 'beginning of
' those conneot�,41 with it would like, to so survived hy.three.brothers and four: resat. year -t i.arasont .us at Jlle couu
the service. The pastor preached i ' slate: 'Mia. Wile •
, see a greater number ,of young people Sisters, ills deals being the firsti..break . .. , P Tlxa funeral of the oil, bdard. .
of'!the icon regats:an take advanta a of in file ,family: `since, the pa i5ing of m the evening, kern took :place . on Friday _afternoon
. g g The. W..M,: S. held. -their annual f n Several . the p wasent council have
• fAe" oppor*unity of idents:Eying them :their parents...7ho , brothers . are . torn; her late ,residence,, .Albert b the rprogressiveness and ` thou
Edward of t1'rnni a Jog3 h of Pom-•crusade day on Thursday :afternoon n:reet. Tt wag largely attended by y• .
mmves with the society ..and so he,p a P g, p desire at a41 t:.mes to advance idle • '
long the cod •work. last, which proved to be a. vozy sup- friends of the . family in 'iiown and
-1 Ig g ora; Cal., and John of Seafotith. .The c��ssful and. pleasant+ one. They attend- Y town's.: int>rreats earned recognition:
P /� , Rev.: Mr. McLaren will ive bis faro- sisters : Mrs: Scott of . Londesboro, surrounding .country, The services .
V S O W S g once was good, te=n new aipembern ware conducted' by Revs: J. • :E. and if a couple of them -should del
,-r ous Missionary lecture .tomorrow ev- Mrs. F', -;her of Detroit, Mrs. Baird of sire, to advance. a s:wep that's all I
• ' ening, Parkhili . and Miss Alice Pickott of b 'received egood Ford . and J. Greene, The pall- the
sing recei. atitj after' a ..
- Winnipeg. .. program, was given by the lads re- b rella were : Messrs. H. B. Chant, credit. l
more to their '
. FUNERAL'.OF MRS TOWNSEND. a .-+ freshmiients were served. An offering j W. Moore, John Derry, J. S. Ev- . Taking for granted that his wor . • . ;,
The Suneral takes place this aft... was 'received for the .cause: ons,. Hrahtx'illI .and Henry Baker. ship, Mayoir Taylor, purposes reslr .
The funewal : of the late Mrs, Wil- noon fxolm the family residence, Al- NexU Sunday the pastor will. be Man beautiful floral tributes were ing after two successful teurna either' .
liam Townsend took place from the bort .strea4, At 2.30, to Clinton coin y
. Now is the season for Fur Coats. p absent, assiisting i:n nAssionary . ser- P• J.' Gibbings, or T. Jackson . Jr, .
Dice to residence of her son; ' Mr,' Amos .. tjr. . The service . comthpnees al sent ' by friends of the fan-
`' + r Y 2.Q0 _o'cieck, vices on the Varna circuit, Mr: W. t Armon Amongst those who ex ressed would be a capaliTe.suecessor.
Townsend Isaac street on Tuesday H. . Johnn;on of Kipper will take 4 y`' g P Genial Reeve Smyth "having ins
14and make your selection while the stock is complete. afternoon. Mrs.: Townsend died at their sympathy' in this way were i
the -home" of her' daughter Mrs. J, PASSING. OF JACOB MILLEft.: charge of the m;,rning. service and the office, staff of the Jackson Com tiimai+ad that he desires the, honor t�
xV" Whits, Nes9it, Man:, with wham she Mr. John Hari�.ey of town will eon- pang and the m,eTTibeics oP the 1t/, O: Pass around; who would nipre . etiici�
Word was received here yesterday due? the evening. ently safeguard tree town's '*terestts
had bitan making ` her hgnW icer some W., besides many private friends.
of the' death in Visctoria • B.• C: on at the courtly council than A. T.
$12.00 Fur Collar Overcoats time, The relmains were octan an OlvTARhLI STREET CHURCH. h'mon sic relativeq who attended
P Tuesday of .Mr. Jacob Millen a foie- g Cooper, Il<. Cantelon, or Jas, A. Ford?
17 I Men's Fur'Cnllar Overcoat, with imitation fur linin with shawl Gad • bonne ,by her son, 11Ir: Joseph mer well-known and esteemed. Tess- the `funeral from, a ,distance we,r
collar of Russian F, Trmot, fastened with loops and biit Townsend, algo of Nesbit.: rAnniveomry services wiffl be held i�:te oldest son of deceased, Karl; � -- . I
p - dent of Clinton, on Sunda next when Rev. Walter
Dacca.lad had. passed her eightiet . y + . who came. from Calgary, Alta.
y •Mr. Midler had not enjoyed the best E. Millson, pastor of Trinity church . '
14 I tons. It has all the'appearance of a fur lined. float. Our Spec-
sal Price 812.Op year. For many, years she and her Mr. and Mrs. Parlmer, a• sister and Dates.
of health. for soiree tars., ' He had Stratford, will preach morning' and
husbandl:who died some ni'nete�en years, brother -ill -law,; froml diensaLl Mr.1. . .
• ` P ago, liv�•d oa lila 2nd -of Tuckersinith spent 'somie tiTne fn the Coast. Px3vin, evening. Alex. Tremare ' and son • of 1! uliar- TO-Niglit-C: L Cort mencement.
$20.00 Fur Cis •far Overcast . p�eviou y and as the chimatcw there Mr. Jos.ph Gibson president of • - Nov, 36th -St. Paul's Bazaar and -
where they reared' a . large family, ton, brother -in --law and ntTphew,
.:e' Men's Fur Collar O. -coat with fine imported blaek'beaver, I coming t that ' town hi he it seemed to quit him, and as he had the Dominion , Aillance, addressed . Arid a niece- and her husband; Mr. Supper. •
shell Persian Lamb cc it double breasted;p fastened with loos g o ' . p tt n two daughters in Viotoo:a, he and the congregation. =on. Sunday nijorn- _ i - ` ,,
+ was celmpaglti�ely new. Shortly af- . •„ and -Mrs.. Curtis; also of 'Fullerton.: DeO. Itis --fowl Supper, .Varna,•"
° and mohair buttons. Yat according to the latest style with ful,
.Mrs. Miller andl Miq� Delle decided bo ing on the subject of temperance..
<•: , roomy skirt and dee lent, back. It has the outward appear- 1'„ r the death of .. her husband she o out there and make thein home air congregation re- M. r. Wilkes , and family desire to Deer 7th -Willis .Choir Concert,
T P came into town to resider She had g +There was a fP. express thai'r s*ncere thanks •Po' the '
, arae of a $50.00 Fur . ',ed Coat. Our Special Prce2q.00. which they did in June last.. Mr. sent and the.' address was listened .
also been back and forth to the west}Uer stood the journe well and has +'_ + friends :bud nc�sghbors for the syn
' amort her childaon. It is over. two y bo 'with Interest. Teddy�.'l Will. .
I.g sfhce been. in fair, health untitshort- i y g paltry shown and the' assistance sen-.
$i$.00�Fur Collar 'Overcoat earsz. since she went out tae last atnson the bo singer of London w,, iia .>�leld
Y 1 before the and came.. dared,, to them . in the ume of their
Men's Fur Collar Overcoi.. lth black fur linin Russian Mar . time. She had Yalways enjoy+rd fain y rendered a solo at the close of the
f g, y sad and udder betc�avamlent.
Mr. Miller was a native of Goder- service: ' The pastor . occupied his 14iesscs. David gid Geo ige I-aitch,of
` mot shell. collar. S teinael ire le j s and barrel buttons, ffne beaver- gid. health though of lato ich township, a brother, Mr, Elco. own pulpit iii ,the evening. • TURKEYS GALORE. Swift Durr at, Sask., are 'ham th
Special Rhe had suffered a couple of slight
staokses . and the doctor had warned Miller, now occupying the home- Instead, of having .the untiaT Lea- spend the winter months,
her fatm,li :ZaO the end would rq stead on the 7th con. He had liv- gee trisating on .Monday evening and I Turkeya�galore are pouring into Mr, Mr. Samuel Mc 'wan, who has
$20.00 Black China. Do# Coat y P P
bably came suddenly, The' triorning ed in Clinton foie a great matey years, thep m;id4L.y4eek serv,:.o on 'Wednesday ~McMurray s establishment these days 'spent *Tie summer in ' the went, ab-
Men's Black China Dog Coats, very close and heavy fur, good of her death she seemed to be in however, having been engaged in the a union mooting was ,held on Tues- .and Mr, A. Sage, London, represent- turned hohlo on Saturday.
appeariing coat, well lined and finished at **:M0.00. her usual i health and had been Sit- blackPirilthing and ,toplemtent busl- day evening, A good programs, Was ing .Flavelle s, who is reocdving thein
1. . tin reading. Her daughter. came neap for years: lie learned his't►rade presonte.d, the allied feature being a $tated tb The News -Record last Messrs, John Mcleod and' Alex:
. g gFerguson left on Monday for Port
Mens China Beaver Coats into the room and found her situ with the Late Mr. McTavish "any report of tha. Missionary 'Congress night that he expects to ship : out .
I • Stanley, to engage ` in fishing. •
lust asi llshe, had '-bit hog a short 'years ago. Ile also had charge of recently hold In 'London, given by nigh on to six tons this week, y'g
In seal brown with very heavy fur high shawl collar, good lin-ho street watering in Clinton long the pastor. There are several pickers at work Miss. Plorence Martin is spending a,'
ingo will stand a lot of hard wear.. We have them in two tome before but life had fled. Thus
g without pain on struggle, Al- before water works were seriously The Ontario street League will hold and the bird passes thaittgh tra=it few -weeks with friends in Toronto.
grades 822.00 and 825.00. quietly, P gg , y rapid: rate. It has hard- Mr. and Mrs: John Tough ora vis
ter a long . life of activity And ' uso- considett3d 'as a possibility for the a Missionary Parlianaenn niexllM Monday
be ly neeasad kicking in facet before it sting friends at Lobo this week.
fulness, she slippeds away into the town, He was a kindly mean and night when the following bi
$75.00 Coon coats rest and beauty of the others world. one who invariably won the ' re,�eet discussed and voted. on : is completely divested of its feathers Mr. Mauley Waal of Varna Iles
.,. n eeni of those who came. into Ru,olved, 'that, owing to 'the acute and ready for shipment. rented the blacksmith eiop formerly
Men's choice quality Canadian Raccoon F'iir. Boat made from A family of throe stns and three and est +
• , ate relations with him, conditions in our Western Provinces, , The rata for ,picking is live 0entr>' .a occupied by Mr, (leo, Erwin and the
selected prince furred Northern skins, best grade linings and " daughters survive, . Isaac of Algoma, clo fir. on intimi e
thoroughly finished at 4115.00, • and % was with deep feelings of re- as a result• of the great foreign im- bird and as an average Man can r[videned of the late George Parke
g y Joseph of Nesbit, Man., Annex of
I town,. and Mrs. J. White . of Nesbio, gret that the -news of his death was migration, the time has Conic that put up one hundred birds and as and is moving in this week.
an.. Mrs. r3ceived b big, many Clintonfriends. we should concentrate all out efforts expert half as many more the snake
M r W. H. Corey of Waw y Y 'jr'.issei Susan and Cathai1fnts. Parke
4 y wages daily. They have to hustle left thus work for Now York City, -
Wes�r Man,,, and Mrs. It.. M. Moore of Besides his 'Widow a tonsil of six in pnfVssion work to. out own. Colin- good wa as a often
-We can su t ou with thea er , .,ales but recom Winnipeg., i : . daughters and' two sons survive. try, and that, in order to do this through and they very where they intend in futureto, reside..
PP y y pafters
,Internnierit waive Sriado ilii iTlurnerls The are : Mrs. James Wattars, S.ss.t- we' refrain front sending more mis» have to work in draughty quarters Harley Attwood, who has spent the
mend buying the best in Coon Goats. a illi ter t, 'was smhth at tme rftcliria tie Nash; Mrs. Harr Currie Vk- sionaries and ,offerings to China, the :job, la not considered , much of,
� , y , g past few weeks in the west,: return~
y l where he had attended so 'long with torts; B. C., Airs, Louis. Eidit of Annendmea*-We Believe that rho.:a snap after alit he birds are ed home last week.
-.._. her family and beside the remains of Owen Sound, Mrs, God, it. Wathan time has not arrived, nor oveir will The pi0kers say t
(hot husband and •a sola wlio died soy- of Luseland, :Bask., Misses Inez stip arrive when we will be justified in. miiucli harder to cican now tha+i mt Rev. Mr. McFarlane attended fhb
i , _ , n the turkeys are troeting of Missionary
oral ears o. The se ices were Delle of Victoria, and ,Guy of iih0 refraining from sending nndra mss a dater date who the Women's
. ,,conducted b Rev. . l sit and J. l3. of town, � is also sioharies and money, to China, 47rboro more mature. There are *hen not s0 Son sty at {.- Ok o on Tueto, r
y T Wes ey Cosecs, wo Rev. C, 5; Oke of Toronto, re Yb
" 0
' s ITlre; allboairei7� wee 3 old aei hoots survived by two brothers and' three wb liavo; under God, bir4n so sig- many pili fealbers. , p
1,NG I p Tie finon And Y ! t rs: tleor Midler and Mrs. W. e'er n.ally blessed, but 'that Instead �c% Some of the drliveL+ies trade to senting the Dominion Alliance, ae- °
I in . - , M CIOsons 0f * c n womTen with sis a ! cupied ,,alt. Androw''s pulpit. on Sutt;- •
a o e In and a in b u of Goderich township, John 'Mil- re -double our efforts in si'i;en Asir Mr. 11InUurray were .
wham, she h d gone but ted e
I ! i .
CYY;1 i�tl s Lar e8t CilOthiet''$ earlier ears of her strength, And lfl of llarriston, Mrs. Jaaired Donald- tne►ney in that field, Alex. Leit3h, 33 birds, 860.83. day tch r ch in rid that of the Mtltho• ,#'1 ..
y , Albert Turner of town and t of Bayfield and Mrs. JAM" The speaker of the House will lar Warr;. Itunter, 30 birds at E42.tld. dist church in the evening. , �
3 l f prime , so y
.. r . 8 es Aro of St, . Androw"lt•.
A 5�i�a�re �ea� �o� Every �a� ...George Turner WhitfYold Crich 1rA Hunter tsf the west. A2r, C, I•Iawke, The• dvernmrent wall Jos. 14tann, 81 birds, $122,78. The Ladies'
. a:,�
' :Jahns, John ldfurray and. Ilarbart. The funeral takes place today at donbrnt 0f young mon whiles tho Mrs. hart, $7 birds, $71.90. church intend giving. a ooucert aril
I f ubkerstnniTi, Thus has a m sth• of, many young•ladies will "forlit fie apposition, Wm. Shipley, 38 birds,. 347,"14. the 30th, St, Andrew's flight. llKlatl
- , Crich, o T VletOria, mho y p y 1�
' "passed anoif."61 of H`urdn's sturdy oid frfettds will l0 out to thefam�I N'otetorts are being tiyared to maks ►'llgxs, lbi 20 bi, , birds, �4p,88. ton a end 1s. I. UIN, lot of ottk
I.r o ton and
";_...I • .. ... pldaers. ill. this amobt helpful Malting. id. YlalBy 25 til 1+1, X30.51. Mts. MCiluire. of Seafdtt ,,.
+ . 4
i ,
43 s