HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-09, Page 8ys ft* JW raAl^iP A"$ -tress ` ' "41 *lA4 /' �'i�r r.i1r! fJmrC 1f41"IIEit ..boo aOw'iild sti2olea, Sy raobb�rliiaes to erla,0000*W as "ON—Joys ia'raar t are alas rid ed snot irAoali shiptxklFpt of 00 .Boy'sIWWs. ' Daa"tfwidtoseet.h�ir Ittiytng your ueK .,Are yang pas to bray any Rubbers 04 fallf Tf you am ow" rrta*uw on 0%ow by buying them here we have the plaespost and we brsr'e!th1t boot. Man`s, Women`s and Obildren's floe Rubbers, Man's and •13aes Heavy Piroel*wd fluckls Rubbers, Men's toz4Rubborr moots. . SpWal priot}s on Boo'te, Blankets, Underwear, Rose etc. �tR�j.• i' 1w w" ~�'tT�. •�' ,wti„,,...•re •,d: ,-- _�'3 i. r' .'yti ,..k-�t�,,,,. y„ .. •,�� LAU IR YOUR .�[ ,y^ UT tI•?i,'TT`ING• ,{ V= rLACrV FOR. T�w W'll� VERY OrTLPN A. / ROM TO DF,'CORATE IS COUPLED WIxR' IT. IV � ff In the, Ne. Stylem ••.• RIS BE so YOUR CAS WE INVITE INSPECTION t '� or OUR STOOK. Wo or- FER. AN i,T$USUA ,I,X �UR stock of ladies and childrens� coats eompris a at;,tlatc very new' est styl,. LA RaE ASSORTMENT of , 'DESIGNSFR0111< WHICH TO them as -often as you like. Coning I.,tnn ho -Ina na... gate , nftz ,s _d on the market at prices that defy competition, Coxae, In. � - af � TCL? - iiM TR GLl.?T .T.'.,rwTTA•1.T f -i." : i'Yw..,► - (� /� "(" {� to Satiurd,�y we are placing on sale, 25 Astrachao and Bok&ln Coats, e$7es 34 to, 40, regulaa36a FUR, COATS '* �` S AT C "'�' ST 76o at cost and leave, Conic in and; look theme over. Overy one is a, louse bargain, NEW. FALL, DRESS GOODS Rough tweeds in plain and mixed colorings promise a great demand this messpu. We are ebo�vin ao eiccoptionally large range in suit lengths na two alike train $10.0 up Navy 'blue sixes in lime twill close Shorn also promise to be very popular ask , to see, our range from 7Cc lap Go $1,G0, We would advise an early Selection as' the best colorings and patrons are sure to go, first, a MurrayDraper and Ogle Million. eturned from the ,�� have SATURDAY B_AG _Mf N OF DRESS ,MODondon WHAT W Chiu: Wheatley wa in lre Saysellin weair iogouttweeypieeeh ofDress.loods S in iio$; Cloth,. Pa ansa, Venen`ians, tweeds,. Luatries, etc; in Remelt Blue . 4 official . business .o>rt Friday la;,G:' een, Red and Brown Regular ii0e values for 3ffc par yard. e:. Gr Mr; James Plyna has returned` home •, .fter spending several inronths at- , UND-ER'WEAR FOR MEN WOrtEN AND'C A UT OUR, S OSS YOU Wilkie, cask: HILDREN Mrs,. W, gook was the guest of Airs. Our now fati.,stock of underwear Is no complete for , w' p men, women ana chitdten, fleece lined, union and all wool ruade b the very be Rotit. Acheson of 4oderioh . town such ae Penman, 'L Defiance fdtanflel 's a vso ' p e y _ .mt •mills . H � n $r F,tc, #tom 2oQ up io X3:00, . WODU> -SURt Y�,8UY HERE _d ship over the week end: Mrs; 'Geo. Cai:twri ht" of Win ham g READY MAD CLOTHING -.:- has been visiting hev .,ststdr, . Mrs.' ..SEN $ . STORE , : , .. E .AT THE • John Foster, for the past week • . P , The men will get bargains hers 8attarday in ready mAde clothin newest st fes well i , ' r, ' thing, y e made and best trimmings, regular, s(R10 QOfor$7.50,. regular Dr., 'mons Guest left on ,Frida for X8,00 for $6,fi0, regular 12.00 for 9.75. 1 rc g - •.:: ' � s u v of to take the dealer's word' for - i' g � $, 0 pe ant. off all boys suits Saturday, Money saved is.uione earned. DomeSatui a In buying. s3hae yo . have e !c Y xl $*, 6 You c nit et a t e inside' of the Shoe to see what it is made of. Toronto after a visit of a. few. �. y a ra f b,weeks with her father, Mir. Jobe Th, try s are, o vac sbok these dap—:blem: ' li g. >" a_ one y . , i nest of -own. WAIL lobes and weak spats saki' be covered up so that, SL Mr: W ,i. >roste�, who has been iia New ince oat that ka, attendance upon his father,, thei late on) .the. expert can discover them --little sub. y P John ; Foster for the past few e .t -les Weeks 'returned to .,Puesi'on on Tu We ares owing the Nattiest range of Men's. . Read ••to -Wes stitutions, are made here Anti there hat!_ Fn #. $ y rVeCCOat that rt, has eve,, day been our l asure to display. - p ,e ,Coats, that, haus Class frit and coimfrark.,. m de thelifeof#haShoeMaterially, n a a. by L1gaC1LllfaCtkpr s • AZr. a d Mrs. H rzy Gibson of. Sez el'S: that have had a _ ylears of ex silence and backed b tie utatXon. Al s s en `' lfn's ant the Thanks ivin holida s P p .. i _ xze for meft�. and bc>! s: In our Shoes you'avoid all this _w� are practical Shoo m P g g y W 'invite ora `t'o come >< Y y . COW osit's el ;what should be in a shoe at given rice and in..; in town the ueEi s of MVV and 4 y • n and los �Ct l>le$e coaCs!- the -. ar'e. Ssure to [ as w .p ._ av s p g P, y P e a You. Aske :see our. siston havia it. We:canuotafford to fool you. when We do eo,.Mrs.' '' • - .' `. ,. gg .. y .: T. Jackson, Sr,- 1V�7s. Gibson � l U,QQ speGi aL e fool.oursely s. Our ;shoepropda tion. is..well worth lookin : irita W. , p , $ is a niece of Mrs. Jacks,3n. -- a 110W.L .l9veryhk footwear. ,. Mr, J: A. -Irwin has been. in London . •. , ; ' _ _ • .. BUTTER' AND GGS TA N • . this week attendin the Missionary A S ' CASH. g E KE ?. Congress, in .:r ssion thore. the first " T. ("'"� (� three da .a of the week ih.. conn cr FRE . V A 'KSO y e : , v,ele.r n. 'Who .. toa LaySen,s Forward Bwith he Mra. SusanGinn; has i been .� , ..livo- ing- with. her dalighter, Mrs. ?oh • .. . r. r rI NO 1 He(n y in. Ida. b Sask. reimmod last,,'Friday ita make her honie with herL dau titer, Mrs. David Steep, She says others rrf!y talk L.as they i !. like but thexti Is no ?ace Ilke l - EffClinton for her,. % ,.A, L�� �e Mr: " .tel' h v ., . , FC Launont, t e res a of Hay • aownshiplwaS: in 'to•wn on1 J . Tuesday -iii. burl ne having va db 5 Tues s ss ' with 'the purchase+of a. choice bit of sive land a mile • oubh of this bwn.` ii e, There is: no. lit . o n about"' the P G''LINTON . reeve- buil he .'has on -inure dawn .one: - ,_. . , „ cern s ion "Out it oxer his op Pon - outs.. Ile is how . serving his For the neat two weeks we will giv�._."c4eh. 'a big reduc- twelfth year as sad of .:.-� y h Hay which t tion on the follOwiri O lQr ctuves4 f0. If in may be accepted as &st. rate evi- - ------------ , ' - • our 1 eB dance,. that he is a capablei business :' need' of a stove;caul and `get o pr cep.. About " :head mold as well .a good "kn xerc." Maple You. Knowe' The 'News FrOln L H'e has'frequently fre uentl been spoken of Happy Thought .Range.:. • , .. 8 9 Y P p for Parlbamentar honors an on aro . Y d It Ys: Mr. P. R. • I�odgens-of Goderich was- Mr: <'John Ransfor was 'in . ., Pandora Ranke ..'. d Toronto •.• ' possible that at. some future da Tte Loadasboro E ' Y in, town ort Tuesday.. this week. Pworth . LgaguE7 A:.Brrssdon vyas a W is` . Canada Steel .Range be may be . called n _ to lead the entertained v itor at heir • Y p Mr. W., Jackson -vas . W Toronto this ev. T: - Wesley Cosens� as o _ n d the tri aribers . of .elle Lea. home he're.. ovew Sundla tde�al and rMirVel Ran $: atitempt to redeeirr'' SOuth Huron. R Y w A IJ n lie of Wesley eh a Y• .. g 4 week, doll tla:s . week attendiri .. trhe . Mis- g . Y urcla, Clinton, • on Miss lice of A 1>r. R. B. .Fora er, who carmr�, up from, w• g Wednesda ` . 'avenin Fordwich spent a ftn�r Ridlanto l'lolse with and without oxen sionar , Con rens. y.. g . The program da s w Toronto to amend the 4uneral of Albert Seeley was. in Lucknosv Y g Was supplied' t day . with friends• about here,. ROE[ l':Oak. Coal. Heater Dand : C.ealHeater; this. wee Installin a ' asoline en � _ PP by hu vis>tors and the Heater', y his father, the late John.- Foster g. Mr._-Chas..Donalds n, Wingham, rep, local soei f1• serve � All Canadian-- citizen have had,, k. : e Y d ,ref.�shmeiits and d ins: the bi J, I. Case , '••Fti Acme Jewel and Special Qalc Coal Heaters. left .today for Woodstock and after g .. ifesenttng,, g aver leasant tti' heir interest avaus rs. J. Finch and r au Coir an was in. town Tuesda y p the was spent .•by . ed in the. -veekn Y, Y W. young people. est 'as d ,day pr so with friends there X he ii ghter iP J, Past on mutters of. the A few 's ecotld`hand• Coal &arters and one - goes back- to' he city. ' . _ Elsie visited Slka'tford friends last ' s u P : Dom-' g t ty It is fit. Mrs. Robe. Ma on ret reed on Saiz Mh(ss Minx& Lyon sent Sunda freo . ii �►, P Y n People of the, rovince salal.l 88Con:(d hand fuiaaee .in ood order Cheap. teen years sirnce lick . left , Clin week. otomy after a ;Visit ofd, several with l31 � 1) are g. , yKi friends. Again deciding , ton but. it, - doesn't seean ore than. Miss Florence Guninghama spent; the 'weeks. wlibh her sister • Mrs, W. Wor- g who will fo'M,,'the; # Rlsl Mr., Jas• ie. was ,.> n London,on on government fpr the next, to as many 'months and there is no week end with Mrs. S., Gardiner null• of Gull bake,-.,Sask, and other of.. eta.: „ , Fr13ay last. e r c ,but the :issuer• : aoyv desnaind n •- •� ; ,. ' ' :. denial• evidence.. that he, feats any rr "Of Colborne, fxiend:r in the west. , • i g �N. McLennan' returned last Rev.: C. Q. C�ouzens of Hollmr�svi' o the consideration of• -Con " ail rt than that much older. As of 1 r.. Geo, • McL n .r r d l Mrs. tP, E. Andrews' .who haat, brr n m l gregational:- . 1�7. a::: r rni. h s will' preach lnimionar ser ons 'n th , lets, Methodists nd' Yore .he takes much interest in mus- . week after fo t g t s vi tit with Winnipeg With _ her daughters foz , . Y m t t a Presbytariana . t : .-• . Me hodi.,� church here on Sunday of the Dominion is he r , - 0 11E1 HARDWARE,teal matters and is a member of friend• :at: the scop sortrae time, has raturnad , 113 town n 3 t great ,question; ar ST YES d , t'ie Stevenson Maley: ar, tte abou Bliss Harriet lPlckett returned 'to Tor- � next: of Church;''Unfon.: Rev '. x, Ru is t and Wi11 bo the guest of her daugh I , M. Pearcy which '•the musical :cri c ' of onto on �Saturda after s endin' a ;,� • during M'r . 'David 1Vlountain returned on of the Pxe.rSyteriari chore he t7 s the Y p g t r, }yrs. 13, J. Gibbing , u iag. h re xba ftal cit i, ii, s fortni'hir at hell home in t,awn. <. Monday from, h we planning to have 1'140 vote. p y $o nt facies at g . the wznttr : months: Y t e . st. lie. says.taken a ` ,lie end tkmes. his ,tette •s to pax Mro, Reed retiriaied to her home in i , that while 'the west' ' is ail • r' h L, f the regent ear, T i app Aft. Flank Keegan of Bayfield . was in ig t, P y , Old Ontario is Basi announced the follo in course of in Ciinfi6n; oder the auspices of Owen Sound on lUtonday after spend- town on Monday 'and 'inade a sale good enough„for..hin,,, �' g b Wi1Iis choir .;at a date not too (at f ahead, so a treat is do sfare,, in a. week in $own the goes#' Of g hilt father, Mr. David. Cook. '' of. baa to o d &McLeod. Th xl y F r e quality of'the grain was so super ev. J', O R Il steihout spent a coo pie of days in London the lieginnin sermons eating on the ue:ihion, - 9 ' first to be delifvered,next 'Sabbathoiti;` Mr, end'. Mrs, Eli McLauglilin , and Miss D. Pfrieli returned lasts Saturday for, so • exceedingly r,5; that : the of this week attending the Mission „I:;The Cfiibf_ End 01, ;the Chutoh:” Tlta • ' ' _ g ',`Which itaarii$y. and In town the gueryts `, of after visiting five, weeks with firm felt that to say all sorts of ' ary Congress. - second, :Church Should i Mrs and Mrs. �V; .;1:'iitker., harvixig,re- Stratford frirads. .• nice things to .the gro•tver, was on- lilies :souls L�opelancl spent Sunday ten it d, low." The third, Why heli ' ,f turned: from Saskatoon, Sash. where Mir: Edward Pickett of Winnipeg had. ly doing pini Simple justice. The visiting her friend ,Miss M Bro den. ` g r, Preihyt�ettan. lib''fdUrtS„�4Urionli Varietty”) "Organic they. were ldomfoided-; for several been ,in town, for the past week, for to the .genial Frank. does n't put .oa .any' ply Jr R Gdv%lbek� of ,Seafdrth. Thet.fiith, Union?.• The strath, loThe 'LIixion years. They' won abundant pros- having- been sent owing airs art a" farnn +r, but Ile gets good °gosulta shipped a car of straw one day this Proposed' The perity. . in Tae west. but, as is serious illness of hes brotherr, Mr:. just alae saiho. r week from, this station. urse ougher to be interesting and a table, +: generally the case, when there Goo. -,Pickett,' -T pr wines a surfeitof besiness and a Mr., Sig, Steven:i -rent down to Lori unore than slifflOieney of cash, the natives dntario i to tee -don on Satuaiay and expeAS to re- in the city thea major of Would he IN Credit to' Centre. Mullett T. ownshi p• ; of retuw mann garb Htlroif. pp. ,' Old province to niake ,thea a'bidivir the. week as the guest of Mr, and. en- -- Mr. and Mrs, .iohn .Reynolds ,roved Mr. Hugh Mcn�uttmAd has .a home. They seriously thought of locating, in Clinton` but could not' Mrs. Yawael Taylor. They al;Ways tertain littn with such abounding hos-. .. this week is Stra"tfoal. This is puroltased`� p h+�rme' iii Harpurh>ay and VDIto--, ; . secure a house. hero lust tr.fihvir. " pitality that, while • rather avorw to a their home township and thein. alum- move there shortly, He is having,.a. linin and the turned •E5 a town ' g y' leaving hams, hc, Always with pleas- erous frianda 'were sorry to see them , .sale next week,. of more imposi4ig Appearaxim .but ure entrains for London: While go, but wish thorn success sbd hapi,iµ last ver 'Sunday y �uecessfa i as-: , found stolen typboM and finally sol acted the royal city of 'Guel'ph. There in the city lie w.4 attend ''the Missionary Congress and when he ness.,;in their near abode. r . niversary ssrvlctrs rv4:a� held, in hev have bought a property and . he short enter lotto os.a,s.+:On. try p rcrturns ,will no doubt, e even ' pint of More ttnbued With the S Mr., livanphrey Snell o� the end con, dishes through the aaodiul of And~y,w's church, when' Bev. Mr.1�Ca-= , s . Mr. M Laughlin war not a little in fore the wpvemout then evbr be , and • The News-Recerd tam thank all those Leod of nei'wood prt+arrhed sttong,r, hrelpful, Sermons,.. flucniced in him choice by the, fact it fat Gualph Is a' n%unieipally-OWned thati is Saying a good deal, jar. Ww, Rutledge left a 'short time: who helped to save hi!� staelt itt fhe' �vangclistie �Ivhisli were, listened to wjth pleasuro Anal town, that is it owns its lighting ago for Modena; Nevi "iiork 'state; time of .oho iv4.sasterous faro, wbicit profit. . Kippcttr w►'1 always be and water systfts, -3S• street Pall- to assist Mr. Case with his eva- destroyed his 'bairn and most of . the pleased to welcomtl him, back. At way, etc., and the profit : porating plant mit that place. Mr. eontents on Suteday veek, entertainment was held an Monday therefrom. snake the koneral taxa- Case hah had many years expe'r-�._,.._ W1111 tg, Which Was well attended itt tion 1o*. These arc Im1portativ fend with our worttyy eltizen and apnea of tho disagroeable weather. ,'' , cOnsid�rations t3 every oltizen, oven eatt+erM his rugged intlegx tier • ;Sfi' Tho progru,m was aft ttxeel,cat out to1ho8e who hdve a high rating In highly that It,, when the revapdrat- and consisted of fnuMo and elubution. Brradstreell,. taut+ if Mr. lvletaugblin ing 'sMSafii eofiies arounii, jho ,'OOU ~dd tin Sunday week 12ev . oho Yticit-' ' Whose rtakiln part ward : 'Tw"krs, llrighil, , Hadn't . been In a hurry: to a°0ld noy wouni hin service he would' al- ardson -of the Presbyterian chuff eit Seafortlir,t' Mr. Bright, Xippen; Missy ` dowat, ure Nora in Clinton would niost'feel like aaitiring from business hens conduetbd anniversary servied.1 Etta ftiharason, Woodstoek,. and the have had Bose additional points himself. 141x. 'Butledgo expeets bI in the Ilonnybtook Urt odist church, JMisarb Arn®rA, Tavialoek, who colt - to ree0M1M0nd Our tOWft and theft return to thb Old hamb town a Rev. Mr. Millet df UGit Auburn circ tribated musical nutaibers, and Misa. iia All probability, *a Could have wook atwo before Me stocking~ ��V�i'Itl1d lxeiil>t �satt; cult 'took ,the *ivices In the Ptesby- •teriatt. Hazel .�rihith Of London, elocutionist- ftdded him to our roll of titizess. kangiatg serasott -again arrives, church here. Each nwmbe k was well t &ved. 0