HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-02, Page 8For a next two weeks we will give a big rBduc- ti+lnt on the following' popular :stoves for cash. If in need' of a stove call and get our prig. (appy 'TlQught Range. Pandora Range Canada Steel Range Ideal and Marvel Range Radiant 'Itomie with,and without oven Ray`al Oak Coal Heater, Dandy Coal Heater • Acute Jewel and $peelsal Oak Coal Heaters. .A few second hand coal beaters and one emali second hand furnace in good -order cheap. »om GETTING YOUR STOVES PLACED FOE THE WINTER VERY OFTEN A ROOM TO DECORATE IS COUPLED WITS I1,. Ik`. TutS BE SO IS TOUR. CASE WE INVITE INSPECTION, OF OUR STOCK. WtE OF. PER AN 'UNUSUALLY LARGE ;ASSORTMENT OF DESIGNS FROM mon To MAKE E YOUR SEh,EOTION AND EVERY PAPER IN .: Tim STORE IS FAIR VALUE AOR YOUR MONEY,. if You Have Had Feet roubles and Shoc 'Troubles:' We want.' to see you and induce yon to let us fit your feet•withh apair of our new shoes. • • We can Please the hard a d tQ please and Fit the hard to ft.. h .,,F Yon will find that our'shoes combine comfort. style and quality to a. more pleasing degree than any shoes youave .ever worn. . FRES. JACKSON E1N MANTLES SEE OUR $IO SPECIAL J,�,'XPERIENCE in past years has taught us that this is the very • .°-4 ular price with • a great many Ladies new •' winter coat and accordingly we have trade a special study of garments pyrciiasing 'thele new ., l► at this price and have succeeded in getting together the finest assort- ment of high class gaup eats ever .offeredatthis price. . " • These. mantles come in black, navy, greenernd a number of mixed tweeds and are well, tailored of good dependablcloths and are excep t tional value of Ten Dollars. Other mantles from b.00 $ ,gB.W 12. , � Wand �1r,00:.. Children's mantles from $2.00 up. Special prices on ladies' and children's Fur ' Overcoats, Blankets, Underwear, Rubbers ' s' men's and boy's ,etc. • Make tbiti store h • eadquarters for your fall needs and you w you have bad bigger values at smaller cost thanwill find ., ever. before. SMALL PLUM8TJJ17A;i7 PROFITS BROS.. BUSINESS �#Nr.N•NrsrNN r4MNNN1r'tNiHN �N +N 4Ni B +Hifi Hoover iNsw NN Neisoiu Ball .1 IiI '�i ITh 1 It In house ,'furnishings • are in demand by those of artistic tastes. A visit �' aero will disclose '4261 UNIQt12 PITILNITTI1111 IIATI DECORATIVE V fie./ .If+, it.�,� Y but not overly dear. Merit is what wine these days,• and it's only merit that gives us our:liberal patronage y MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE U'leapest spot in Uuron County to buy'all kinds of furniture. verali 4.iVP t i itt ''1�" T#1R • Zi Z t 4E ORi , �►#�+1��►�!i•!N1►lawr�►r..►�.c. Yom...... �. _ ,_ ... r"'yy"tr ttt'tmt raman'11.iut -_ bon Mx� S. C. Rathwelly Luck in *Ewa yesterday,: Mr. D. • A. Cantelon of Ir a few days in town last Mrs. John Elliott and Mr Johnson were in London day, • Mrs. Hugh Ross,, Brantford, guest of 'Mrs. Pinning o holiday. Mr: John Cantelon of Tort., a Thanksgiving visitor at in town. Miss Bertha McRae return day kora! a few days Detroit, Miss Reim Bowers of, Ingot's the guest. of Mrs. A. J„ past Miss Jean Bogie of Goderia 'l hanksgiving with her au H. Fennabaker, r. Cyril Acheson, Model student, spit the week -end home at St. 'pant, . T, D. Johnson has been to his home fora few day hack. of congestion. John Rumbatl of Toront holidays fn town ;the gue :+s aunts, line Misses Ru and Mrs,, John art Thanksgiving guests of th Me, 'John Ernymertaon >`f Berta Mro George Linfoot ,of Londe anksgiivipg week • ta;►e gu r cousin, Mo, Robert Pea • ROY Grigg of .the Bank ntseal, Goderfch, spent iving at the parental • h own.- : wn. : Frei. Chant returned to: on, Pa., • the beginning, of eek after spending. a fortni s .home in town. -and 'Mrs;: James: Webster of sboro were the guest+. of ughter, Mn;, E. Saville of Tfaanksgiving Day, s•'Iiatrtie Piolte9t of Toronto n . home during tthe past acing come up to see her' o has been very •iii.. and Mrs, John J'• Ward sten Douglas ;of. Woodstock guests of the Chief and eatiey oven the holiday. Samuel ht. Mercer and 1 ghter Sylvia. of Woodstock the'' lady's brother, Mr. 1Ie, .from Saturday until ay. Kate .Ford of . St Th, anted' by ones • kiss Fick nksgiving the . guestts . • of 'er's .parents at Wesley: ae' g. F. Johne, ' principal of wood Public school, vis old honed in •Tuckers with his sister, -Mrs. Soo own over the Richardson of town alone, r y her cousin; . Mrs. Ja son' Of Grey. ieownship, res. ds i!n Goderich during tiheb and also 'spent some id their- ' aunt,, 141lrs Jas. R► n of Nohnesville. • m. Colelough. and Mrs. Ro of ' (loder#ch townsh iss Mee.. Colclough of . Cli pent from Friday- until ye is daughter guests of the first me a . daughter, Mrs. 'A. well of Woodstock. W. Irwin of London,, foiiniea town, was the gues0 y of Mr, and Mrs. J. Cu e. Many of the Clinto of Mir: iawin were glad o portunfty of meeting hien! an n shaking his hand, F. Egg' of Mont:+iaab vvas th ant week of Mr. anal Mrs olmes of the Il uron 'Road Egg" is geniality personifie 'ng a considerable trazeile tends from the Atlantic Po acifc Who are always glad to O, I•lenry, son of Mr, and Retry of the North Gravel who took his dogreain arts ne and who is nory taking. WI work in connection he Toronto" university, "spent and Monday as the parent- .ihainp$on, 13. A. L. L. B., Of . tae Collegiate Instz 'ilton, which by they way now, 'was Ire spent Week, a. Oliver on. Satin was: the ver the fitra was his hems d Tues. holiday in. oil' was' Grigg the h - spelt) nt, Mrs. School ab his sentinel s by. an to, spent St of Rud M Mr •a Mr Mr Th lte Mr Mo �.t Mr .t hi Me. de da on Mie bee h wh Mr. Ma the Wh Mrs. den sited Save nesd Miss Comp Tha form son Mr. A Rock tt`ze and lot to Miss ie db Pear -' frien days • with ardso Mrs. W E. and M tan s today Vented Black Mr, . J. 1y of Ronda Ingham friends the op bf agai Mr4 W. guest 1 John i=l Mr. and be hes fro the P meet hi 41r, W. . Mrs. W. Road, . last Ju up surg With :e Sunday al home Mr. R. A. principal tide, I'am 18 the larguat Collegiate in 'Can- ada, •was the guest of his brother, Dr. Thompson, overr the week end. MI's was ainpaniedby his son, Mast* Vet, r. delivered by several farm.irs, • on were air son, e. n spent est of rson. of Thanks one in Scran- the ght at ,ton - 'their fawn, has week,, father, a;; d were itt1u vis - Ed. Wed ae- ,v pent the ar P +he ited mfth l,y ail mes tad Uwe- rh obt. n s- 1. r- on n d e t! r PA 203 In all the Newest Styles I2 stock of ladies and :dhiidreus coats compriseall ,the very on the market at prices that defy�p�l etltlo>�r. newest a>��l», Them as:often as you like. Qomlpa;,rl;eun helps � :Come in and lns�iect pa our sales. " prices run from $3.50 to $18.op FUR COATS AT COST For Saturday we are placing on sale 25 Astrachan and Rokain Coate, sizes Il 75e at coat and leas, Come in and look these over. Every g ry orto isle huge bargaFn�, regular 0.543 NEW .FALL DR SS Rough tweed n plain and hired eofor�n s promise a great -demand Shorn season. GOODS no twoalike from i 00 u p We would advisewised ".. early _election as the best colorino and Patrons' aro sore to go tint. Nam bd colors in Raw i...:,. _,___ We ..«....e._� wing an *exceptionally large range in suit I: SATURDAY BARGAIN OF U _ ' For Saturdayselling we are laying� out twenty pieces of Dress Goods in Box, Cloth, tiOaDS ._ �r ' Red and own Regular Savlues or e per yard. uth, I"ananna. Yeizenians, tweeds, Luetries, etc, in .Black, Blue; UNDERWEAR. FOR MEN wor�EN AND .0 .. . Our new fall stock of underwear is. now'cogoplete for men; women and children,.'fteece lined, IYII,DRBN such as penzuan'a, cof un Defiance,i now co id l Remotes, e, , women a nue upto . $x.00, unibn and proof made by the very .9' best mills • READY MADLY CLOTHING AT THE MEN'S STORE The tz►en will: get bargains here Sat y $g.00 for $8.60. regulaz+ $In.00 i`or 9,9&.ordfn ready mads clothing, ° newest styles, well made money trrned. iCo, m Star IO 10yMoney y _..g S Qi1-for Percent, off all boys . saved $7.60, regular is wore" earned. Latae Saturday, ilea's New rater Coats titatWee a .:Jiave �' showing the Nattiest range of Men's Read .- oOvercoat to display. Coats that have "Class", fit and comfort, o t, a made • t t it nh . ers that have had. years of experience and backed' byre omforta$ ever We invite come in and inspect reputation. All'sizes ' foil # menand boys. We in special, •ars, they are sure to pleastb . and boy:> • these co. you. Ask to see our BUTTER ANS EGGS TAKEN AS CASK... To. Rev, J. E. Ford preached anniver- sary sermons at Thorndale, an old circuit, • on' Sunday- last.' Mr, John Craig H•Qnored.. The`f'ollrowing appeared in the Mail' and Eintpi, of today and . refers to the president os. the Clinton Motor Car Company 'who' will #n. f' ew. days take up his abode In this town. • `'.Yesterday afternoon, a'b the Can- ada. • Foundry, a presentation was made by the foreman and- .employes to Mr.. J 0 hn Craig, az g,. who his connection is severing with that 'compantk The gift was a cabinet • of slaver, Mrs. Craig was. also prey nted with a pet t of cut t 1 s. B e,s The ��• seen to t p co n was followed in the staving by a banquet, at which- about 60 employes were present:: 'Toasts to' the King, the guest, visitors, and the ladies were drunk, after • which a musical programime was provided. Mr. Craig has been for Rome tine general superintendent of the Cansdda' Foundry." Colclougri A,rmstron The manage of Miss' Adelaide May Armstrong, daughter of Mo. Robert Armstrong, •I o Rev. J. R, Colel•eue,si; B.A., incumbent of the Parish of Lloydtown, took lace' P yesterday . in St. swore her t a veli g'!t sui t 'The f navy bI'ae, with ban to n•taich. The cdiremony . Waa performed by ; he Venerable Arclideaeon Cody., After a shonl�t honeymoon trip Mr. an.i Mr:. Coleleugh will be at house.10 their friends at, the rectory, 1.1.,1 drown. 'The groom is a son of Mr, anu i11rt. Joseph Colclough of the Base 1, ne. A company has been orrtnlchd fo work the peat: beds nsa, t'f.tav:i, and •the (3•overn'meent wi:1 v,ii•bdzaw (rem the enterprise. E. P. Parker, weightnaster at. rugae plant near Cha'thain, :s "(h (Wog - ed with :giving false weights of beets LONE; ODDS FOlt HIM., J. W. Colt, .the horseman, had iookey who was sick. He told the bo to go to town. to a certain doctor to some medicine. • When they Jockey' got back Colt asked • him. Did you .go to that doc- tor?" "No; •si'r. Wizen 1 got there 1 found it said,' 'Flours,. one td', two,' on his door," "Well," what 'difference did that make?" • ` "Why, Mr. 'Colt Just across the stre et there 'lad on Zeis door ,a Hous, twelve that one; and•1 took the long odds." Not Too Healthy.- Client—"Before ealthy.• Ghent—" Before we .decide on house, iny: hasrtnd asked me the to in- quire if the district • is at all un- healthy." House Agent--"Ex-..,.what is your husband's.profession, madame?" Client—Ile ,... •s to Physician." p sari y an. House Agent•• "Ilam--er--well. I'm afraid truth compels .me to admit that the district is not too healthy." What's a Poor. *Husband to• Del Mrs. Exe.—I can _always telt who. My husband has been . drinking the moment he kisses me.' Mr's.. Wye --And 1 can always tell when mine has been drinking by bis not kissing me, The Nei/vs y. r e T'hanksgfving . supper on Mon- idaTylinightTa was " as usual Mr. Thos. `Scoot l a ,decided this `week for eft oa. Tuesday of • success. The supper was all thatr 7Jpositi where he hen. , could be desired both in quality and the offer of the position of sect" .quantity and 't?he: program oreinan, on, the G.T.R. tort of addresses byP g° consisted ' Rev. E. A. Fear of , Among thost who g en Blyth and Rev. W. T. Pearcy .'ling at'their.--spent Thanksglr . readings by Miss A ' y and , homres . here. woro ; any. Pearl Files of R. Watters, Misses "K, L nn E Kincardine and 'music by 'the 'Eying_ 1.7:id. ns and Mrs, ',G.e Y e, , hankb Male r e e u arg . quartette, which was. ex- 11 �. ati ;. Missed. l,, 'and R. Your •f° callers.: ; T,ho �•annlveraary collection l Buintlord.; Mr..- and'. ,Mr g y on Sunday and the reosipt of Mob- of St th and s s. !foody day eveningamounted to about !" y nd Mr. and 1kCrs. 'Geo... a27o 'Black of ‘Vin gham: • The:.Holimesvilie• poultr here' Tuesdaythis of , wagon Le wee with th a. . full load • but owning to fihe laid, quantities brought in that day they were obliged'' to leave a number Y o' cr a fes. here for the ` ne x t trip. While Iaying- flooring in dile stable - on Monday Mr. Chas, ,Watsoi ,had the. misfortune to 'WI through;, a• trap door striking his shquidex `•fn . the - concrete! wall belovlr. Constance ' Ahomer Accide ,1t�fss Nellie Sutherland of 11t pent a daySeafoash l'�tloCl'lIC11Iill�:. at, her home here h>. last Goderieh, .Oot. 6.t—For the seoon& . • eekMr. John Rri-t on • preached in time inside of two weeks the Salt-• [Blyth on Sunday: ford ti#li road, leading north. • • Rev. Mr. Fear' of •Blyth preached in town has been _ of this the Methodist church here on Sun- accident. trhe scene Of a fatal day. This evening 'Alfred Swale of Per*, Mr. Lorenzo Proctor of London Albert was driving hone in a heavy spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. wagon and when about half way Jas. Proctor. ' the hill he lost control of the' hors - Quarterly servicos' will be held " here es. on Sunday next. When they reached she bottom of Mrs. Albert Merman of Bayfield is the hill the turned short spending a few dayulie guest of into the fence. , Hanning her mother, Mrs. Milton. •t Smale and his wife and young• daughter, who were with hint', were Mrs. C. Crawford continues- ver 'low with but little h y hope for recov- ery. coo v ex y.. Mr. W. L..Peffers of BI th moved to the :',villa Y ma ed e g on Tuesday a and nd. will open up the Teta•Peiance .house. Mr Win., Jenitins spent ?Monday with Denfield. friends. IRafiowe'en • was celebrated by a few boys 'in the usual way., s The Incorruptible premier. Sir Imes n hitiiey'. th,ow � i n oatjmale received #>lur#ea about the d whish, resalted #n iii-• stanii dearth,• and his wife sok Idles D. Watkins spent the holidays daughter were seriously hurt, among friends here. Mr. and Mxs. J, Freeman ` spent Sunday ire the village. 1,, C. L. 628 will hold its monthly Constance mooting on Monday night. Mrs. • II'. Colclough and son spent Mr. Title •Scarlett of the Clinton Sunda > 13uninesa College spent the holidays Stratford. with #ho ladya sister Fac at Mr. Geo, Tyner's. Mr. •Joseph Ailey arrived home Mr. J. Johnson of Londesboro from the west on 3:'r.day.„ fte has, spent Sunday the guest of hist , just *covered trot n ,severe attack. mother, i of typhoid fever.