HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-02, Page 5I y )
Wil,101_ :. -.k
00& 11 I I 0046rkh
fir• Rel 1d Stnitl+t of Taromtq
The orator oral li, iloipw•af t,+til have
Mrs. John anett r and. 1<lu3s. i'an-
. "to-o"T'haukigiviAg in town Wirth his ,,, made
the salt In Us Rio Arlo light
jitter havo (returned frotxi a pleasant
vpifl`►etc, Airs. 'Willmer S,uiith and Misa
. rates
w "* vex proporard a fete
visit to Montreal.
ago. A,O pro4mt alis users of
Mrs. Edwin Cliilord had 0o mis-
Tbo new rector of St. Geol�,e's
' f4ty
kflow'►tte or over retrive a
per osat. discount. (Hereafter,
tortuna t'a fall through a trap door
at ,lbe wi-Ruse recently and received
uburok gheists ftiated at Sunday's servioes-
Thaaksglving . t*W tho church
consumears using, over live kilo-
severe injuries.
Mrs. Peter Macfarlane spent Thanus-
• ' Was very' appropriately dacor0,d
- rjtlt guain and tlgwers. Tito char
' accoaled
MPA*watt; in anyMPA*'Kill
the caanie discount. The
giving in Detroit, the guest of Mr-
was in attendance and the rr►tisic
raise Agures out 'Ira• be about 8
cent's per kilowa't, which meets
and Mrs. Fraser.
Mrs. Copeland was accompanied on
Ywtuaf In keeteAd with the occasion.
general satisfaction.
1'ex retina to Chicago by Miss Al -
. MxP. Farr of Stratford was a fled-
Crich visit*r last tyvok.
lAlx- Jas: GordonA - -is• xetixtug trona I .
tfar.ad larIurChaG
cn, lately aocupied,bx Pdr. and Mrs : -
F voter .on Lighthouaii street. C°'p ts for PartSF Fiscal Record Im.
k yrs. I owxie . and Miss Helen spent Trade With Canada.
s . tho holiday ,With the lady's daugh-' -^--
t • fir, *r -Harry Harry' Baker of Niagara,, The customs business of the col- %'
e jails, lection district of Puget Sound. for b
Mary Clegg + the fiscal year ending June 30, broke
biza. Mar Ebexsts of Chat- ,all previous records, far imparts,(
hap' hasp( beFai. ; 't.he ,guest of her which reaohed a total, of :$36,654,676, d
' _Nead Miss McMahon, according to the report of the col- t
Vrs. Phelan was sumatipaed last lector of .customs. a
1 •reek. bo the, bedside of her molaoa,'' The exports amounted to $39,135,-•
571. The imports show a gain w
'•.. lira;, Sullivan of Stratford, over the- reviaus. ear of $7,774.184, w
i In lrbe last issue of Town Topiles, find the exports a gain of nuaily e
,11 ,.t '(Winnipeg, was a fine porbralt of $10,000,090. More than halt of the
: ,Donald Ernest McGaw, tsbe v,tnsoirp The
were received at Seattle, and C
litre. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. �E. .a third of the exports of the Ila lct, a
i whfoh consists of 18 shipping p I s,
isitcGay. , formerly, of Goderich. h
Mrs. (.Oapt.) Allen McLean has re` went from here. a
s Of the imports, $25,836,424 came j
turned from Buffalo, where she wa from 4apan, while the exports to that a
„ attending the funeral of- Jher, brother, country amounted to $9;783,000, leav- . f
,Professor Hopper. in; a balance In favor of Japan of
.. The new building on the Gundry $16,053,000: During the year, British if
Columbia was• the best patron of the
ptaapeTty is being veneered with rad n
1. • r' h . weather has rest-• district,. it having purchased ,goads
b sok. The fiat we h g valued at $13,406,1,90. Imports from
ly facilitated the won', of building British: Columbia reached $4,819,219.. o
a . this autumn. f
The exports to British Columbia yore u
i ` air. and Mrs: Chas. R, Saunders the largest in the history of the dis- - n
and Mr. Frank Saunders spent, trict, being an increase of more. than e
t Thanksgiving with Toronto friends. $4,000,09 over any other year, The n
Miss EUfa Macdonald, who leas lmports from° the Canadian province, s
however, showed, a decrease of $1,000,-
wrecktsd on the schooner - Azov, has ,000, t
�. ' now fully recovered from, the effects Alaska is an important factor in the t
I •sof b,er thrilling. expox4entt� on Lake business of Puget Sound, as, shown by t
Huron.. the report of the collector of customs. t
f , The Rebakahs held a very success- During the year the district shipped
i north . goods .valued at $12:000,000.
1.fol dance. iii •Odd Mrs. s.• k r . Hawaii is credited with $3,561,000.
t. Thursday, evening. Mrs. Frank Mar:
• i this district fro
T .coil ons n
The esti
tin pres;lcd at the piano during the all •sources during the year amounted
.� .dancing. .. to $1,7,52,163.. . •
, 'quos. James Wilson who sold her •
tieautliful' residence to Mr. Battahler, litotorcycie Touring.
motor- distance b m
Lon d j e
'1` c on C Y
he r � � resideai g n
• leas purchased t e e
i' York sOreeb belonging to the Misses cycle is attracting wide attention of t
, world
t •Tebbub. late, several trips around: the t t
' . Mrs. Wm. Thompson is raeoverin having been announced, as well as
p g• numerous tours of more 'than one t
"d from h r lois illness. i 1 e e of
sea Thr young Hien
P g thousand lies. Three Y ho m Y g
t s
k Mr. and Mrs. Phelan will again' oc- Philadelphia Lewis Stern, . Tulfus
q - •eupy their rasidenlre on Britannia Stern and Adam-Gimball are ;now
Road, Mr. Lymburner and faintly,. r4aking a 3,000 -mile trip Lhrough
who have had it rented furnishod,, ares Europe, to cover two months' time.
sidemce on the. `Frank. Troller,. of San Francisco, is
.removing to the rc traveling around the world on a '
corner of Bayfield and Britannia. motorcycle. taxi and Anchor -Sow.-n- -
Roads. son, of Racine, WIs., have just com-
9 Squire and Mrs. Morris left foil. pleted a 5,000 -mile ride through 'tbo
'e e+ west; and Captain Voisey E. Davis, of
iF. Toronto lasso week to visit Major the San Francisco .Motorcycle club,
and i1[ss. Jos. Beek. has just reached' New. ,fork, latviiig
The Temperance hall was re -opened ,established a new transcontinental
-on Friday night last and in, spite of' 'record• ;by riding from ocast to coast
k brad .
A ewer e
nt days. N
at r' ` . ii twe
r 1 disagreeable we he 1 Y Y
th ext sem
was well attended. An exe.11lent 'pro ,groom,, Mr. and Mrs. Edward .Mac-.
i .granas was puiF on, those taking part D'ougall,. are now enjoying a honey-
' being : Miss Heinicke, little iiTaxine moon. astride a motorcycle; and Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Bradner, of San
� .. ' "� Burdebt.e. Mrs. King Rev. Dr. Medd, Francisco, .recently .enjoyed a similar-
I: 1.Miss Belcher, 'Miss Laura: Price, :Miss: 'ly, novel honeymoon trip. '• -
, I Latta Mitchell and others, •
is • The funeral of the late Mrs. Potts .Prepitring Calgary Immigration Hull
f- • ,,of Saftford tlook<)lace fro it her.latie' Plans at Ottawa. .
reaside�c�.�o� ,�4t ss�a.sda ev: The official announcement has come
v side 74
Y } • nm wa that plans for
the new
1_ t,aaon H211 of ,:bgina bask., oihciai $85, 6>a4i' ration hall for Calgary
;y ted at th«3.services. The pallbearers t the ex-
.- aro . being p pa id, apd tba,
were Messrs. Wm. Maede?, R Syan,-
i eavations and construction of tiis,;build-
ends, qe& Fowles, Robt. Johnston, Ing will be -started without dd%& L.
,Geo. Fallconea and Jacob. Stokes. The new building will be; reacted on` ',
' "The son alad daughter of deceased, Flrst•street west,. opposite the pres,6nt
1. ,l+Lr. Abrah4an Potts of Dillon, � •Mon= Immigration hall, and : will accom-
tana, and 7�Irs. Zeeb of i)estr Lodge, modate over 100 persons. It will sup
ply a much-needed want, as with' the
came ,tato,' arrf ved home in time big rush . of immigration shat is' mo
for the funs al. rally certain to take place .next year,.
i Mrs. El. t tt and Mrs. Mcdonnell There will be plenty of families in .
r enterbained (Tarty of clever Clinton, need•oE cheap lodging and, even where,
young people to a Hallowe'en •party possessed of savings, not in a position
on Thursday venins. A ver jolly to pay, say,' $2 a -piece at the hotels,
Y Y while to board at. 'the '•rostaui'snts
•eveaing waste• result. There were would, . in • their cases, . be equally im-
I • all, thei proper • allowe'en. games and, prudent, financially. , And these, of
ole that
of course, a watch to hell fortunes. 'course, are a class or pe p
The lunch was An keeping- with the Alberta desires to encourage in overy,
season and was imuch enjoyed: way, so that. it is pleasing. to an -
The funeral of the late Wihiams' pounce that,.by next spring, accord
Ing .to government promises,: there
lRe, took place on Sunday week to should be an immigration hall 'that
4laitland Cem�•5e y. The services at will be a credit to- this city, and that
house and gra ide were Zohduoted will give population elements of the
by Rev. Canon kill of Roe li. Tho Province• cheering first impresions'ot
Pallbearers wer all old .(',Mends of• CI ,Y.
deceased : Jud i Holt Capt WAlbert.
g .Huill-and IieignI
Sheppard, T. F. Lawrenaa, Thos. Au- The populace crowded around .
sobr•ok and Wil Tam Marlton. Those Caesar 'clamouring for 'their mighty
t nded
h a•t e
w o
frame out -of -tow hero.
•fur+ral were 2 sistea of deceased, "Caesar,". spoke up, the appointed
3ARss Lee of d ewcastle, , and *,Mr. one, "wilt thou be our king?"'
iuiid&etou of Clinton. - "Nay, my faithful followers, I can
•'I not," -answered the warrior.'
"Hall, ail hail, to Caesar," bellowed
I a voice .in the crowd, They all hailed..
Death of a C�od'erbih,ploneer "Lot us heseech of. you, C&esar,'
`___� ,_.I • take. the Frown," pressed the 'speaker.
ieatich,• Cett. hg.-•Henuy Hortoq, "My dear citizens and loyal Com-
as aged atm i&...Od', -of Goderich and' patriots; I cannot do this thing that
for snarly . ears engaged In/ tht! grow You ask of me; the time is not ripe."
Hail, ,all hail to Caesar," :i,gain
-err busi,dess hare, died, last :night. spoke up the voice- from the. crowd.
..� was among tYye nti¢nlbeY Who took .They all hailed as before.
part in the great goldrush to Cali. "Now, our Caesar," said the speak
founds and Australia. in the matddle or, "we have all hailed; it is up to.
-of 'thio last century. HO .Was:a ' you to reign." .. .
bravher of Iforace Horton, who re- "What Bustq"
-presented different ;tidings 'in Huron Dr. Bro,vn,, a dignified and 'some -
i Couaty in the Ijtomdn'san House of what portly gentleman, had been
Cona ona over foity yeasts ago. Mr. commissioned to- buy a shirtwaist at
Ifartou was abo eighty -night years a bargain sale which his wife. was
•f age and 'is s vived by hips wad- unable to 'attend: The, task was a
t novel and not wholly congenial one,
-ow,- his second t�ifa, but he finally got the attention of a
. .--.-�-,' " saleswoman and .made his wishes
' A Mother's raise "What bust?" she asked,
The doctor glanced around with
of Balm's Own Tablets. nervous apprehension.
. 4_.__ "Why -or•• -••I didn't hear anything!"
Mas. B. S. Backer, East Margaret- Halves, 1llfster.
':, -villa~, N. S., Writes, : !`No another ' Tt was at a theatre In Dublin. The
would reeoanrtttmd tfQr -het baby any king, aged and infirm, was blessed
an•txiicine of whl,r she was not ab- with two sons. He was pacing uta and
j solubelyy. sure. ,�, Vaby'+s life .is too down the stage with a wearied look,
retsloua�. A >itio�hei• i alway r exclaiming aloud: "On which of those
P r two• soma shall I bestow the crown?"
F plesieiial to reaoxhlaY►erid t0 othea I.mot- The .house WAO nearly brought down
berg aromiethin that has been Val- with laughter, when a little man in
'• Vable in rostol ing the health of her the gallery stood up and said; "Treat.
'", . •own child. 1J at• id Why I can. high- 'em fair, guv-nor. Can't yer .give
ley teoommend Baby''s Own Tablets, ` in half-a-crown apiece? _
' They ,aired nt baby, who waslsuifer» Some IPureapinex
' '. -.° ,,, ins froth cobs' ipatftfti and I feel that George Gould, at a dinner at door-
I aaunot 'p,also thetas( enough I . elan.00urt, said of a suspected gold
WOW* advise ,all .mothers with slok- mine: "Gold mines are -like Taman
t tioings --- they can't be judged by
1y rabic i to give tYieln a trial, well their appearance. You know what
knowing 'svlia t.the.resubt will bei Prank R. Stockton used to sat about
11 The Tablets % gree 'Hold by it ill judging by appearance: lion t s
deakta bt bi anatl abs 25 cenhs a- a man because he carries e, silk urn-
box from Tlxs1 Dry *illiatiss medicine brella �--• he may have left a cotton.
Co., 13raouville� aCTu$ • • . . one In Its plate.
, +
..«., .
Tbelr Falling 11 Pointed Out. .
The Paris correspondent of the.
14lorning Leader" says that We
reach housewife, who has alwayls
held up as a model to her En-
tali sister in the hatter of house-
eeping, appears. to be not alt000ther ,
eserving of that honour. It is true
hat this is not always her fault, as
large proportion 'of the married.
omen in Paris have to go out to
oak during the day, the husband's
arising not being eufficient, in many
ases, to make both .ends meet.
Nevertheless, the remarks. of X.
harles Driessens, who, so long ago
s 1889, founded a free school for
ousewives at •lilt. Denis, come rather'
s a surprise. He says that the ma-
oritY of French housewives are ig-
orant of the nutritive value of Cite
event foods -- that they are imbued
with all • sorts of prejudices and be -
eve, for instance that meat Is,
e, r , at m a vary
ourishing, and vegetables not so.
He declares that they know nothing
f the art of preparing .tasty dishes
rom ordinary materials, or of using
p remainders, and especially they do
of know how to buy.'+-- either be-
ause, going out to work, they have
of the necessary time for intelligent
hopping and .the drawing up of a
menu, or because they do not possess
he rudiments of the culinary.ort to
he extent of enabling thein to make
asty.vegetable dishes. To save time
hey go out and buy chops and steaks
-- an uneconomical proceeding
a --
ad cook them in a hurry, all of
which, according to M., Driessens, is.:
The Second Be*t Pablie ..
gpaaker in Huron County.
Rev. Joseph. Elliott. `
l,grleuliare In Ontario 111g11 -'-spool
Agricultural instruction lit tla" ti. 0i '
tnd continuation schools of Oiir.•rto
s being reorganized and put on a
aermanent basis by the ^ departirwit
of education. Professor S. 11. Me -
,`ready, of the Ontario Agricultural
;lollege, has been appointed a� iii• '
ilActor of -special agricultural cl t,s-,w-i
:nd director of elementary i,,,,rl-
;ultural In the province.
?These special classes will be rail-
ructod not only in the hlgli eehool
,entreS where an agricultural rel=r+�
wntative Is stationed but at other
centres selected by the minister of
education, upon the -application of
t s .bowl
other high; or continuation c
boards within the county..
Agricultural departmea is law o stl-
ready been established at'tlio c•onti•
nuation schools at Carp awl Dl ir't-
ham high schools at D.tlon l ;i -
sett, Newmarket, Norwood, Orange-
ville, Petrolla, Port Hope, Sinlcon Roil
;'tiding; and the collegiate lastlt ib,
nt Collingwood, Gait, Lindsay, Mlic-
risburg, Perth, Picton and �i (tit,. ;•.
w I
__-__ I—
I, i ATk;R W.A.N'�Eil.�--
odce, to rent for trios win
mou,Ms, a good-sized o)al heat
without overt. Phone 65, •--" -I
ANN lftEE�'m OF Tim
Borticultural Slwietr will be Nald
In the Council C'lewbes on ThursR-
4031, Nov. 2n44 1911, at 8 o'clock. --
M. D. UcTagprt, President#; Jas.
Fair, Secretary. 01-2
parlor tabic and chairs,, Singer sew-
ing machine,, coal range and coal FOIA. 'SALE: FRANk. 11OUSE AND
]seater, chairs and many othor ar. js acro cif land, situated on the
ticles, all nearly new. By private London Road * mile south of Olin
sale at pretri,ses on Victoria St.. ton. 7 rooms, hard and soft water
south of railway track. -Fred. strone foundation and large cellar,
Hayward. -03 small fruit►. For further particulars
1.apply to Fred. Hayward, Clinton,
S. S..NO. 4, Stanley, North and
South, duties to coma wince afte-► I
the New Year's holidays. Statta
qualifications and salary. -David
Dewar; Secretary, Bayfield, P.O.
.. -- . X h .
Frederick street; hard and soft
water on the prcantses also fruit
trees and garden. Apply as Mrs. J.
Bean. -03
known as the Holmesville MW is
offereW for rental. Thena'a a hall in
ecain6etion which is, used bIi the
townships council and for public
meetings, A nice businesa would be
dopa in furnishing' meals for the
public and for the man there'is al-
ways wort Vo be obtained ire th3
vicinity. The rent is only three dol-
lar$ per month. -J. R. Ilolmey,.
Holidasville P.O. -bi
on Rattenbury street -Miss Bine.
St. Helens. -
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Campbell of ' . house on. William street -Apply] 'D,
around St •
visited friends1700..
S. Cluff. Phone 47.
In the early days all the animals
ived together in ease but t one
g.. p
line the dos became hungry,and'
,flied home hares. They 'were alled
o account, .and though their excuse
d hunger was accepted, they were'.
of h henceforth h re to a
d that hencef t they we e
t Y t
1 ll animals, a license D fallen an ma a and ice se to
this effect was -given to them.
The sheep dog, as the most rentable,
carried the license, -but in.autumn 'he
was, so busy that he asked the. cat td
mind It, and the cat put It in. a cup-
board in his house, ,
One day the dogs found a.pony that
had fallen down, and 'before it could
get up they sprang *upon it, killed 14
and ate it. The. other. •animals com-
plained, but the dogs ;said they bad
simply, carried out the.. terms of the
1is aseThey were told that the per..'
missior<:was only to eat.fallen animals
that were dead, and they were asked
to. show. the license, but it could not
be found, for- the mice had Bated it.
This made the cat so• angry that ever
since cats have eaten mice, and..the
dog was. so angry that the cat had
lost the was.,
that ever since dogs
have been the enemies of cats:
But when one dog sees another In
the.street, or.anywhore else, it'always
runs up and asks if It has found the.'
Helens last week.
Miss Annie Rutherford spent
Thanksgiving holidays with friends
in Stratford. .
Elliottde trich n
v Joseph llTett of
ReN,. J
dusted services in Galvin.church, `3t.
Helens, last Sunday..
Mr, and Mrs. H. D. Woods spent
Thanksgiving with the latter's father,
M, Jobb. Wingham. 'n Win ham..
Mr, .
A meeting
o the shareholders of the
g £ ti
beefriag was held last ThursdiLy.even-
Ing. The .ring has closed for the
season.. '
Mr, J. H..Joynt; of Belmont,- was
home for Thanksaivfng.
The following were home for their
Thankegiving holidays from. Wiug-
ham HighSchool: Misses Jennie and•
Gretta ebb, Edna and Nina Woods,
Chrissy Miller and Case Durnin. ,
Miss Emma Woods was home'from
W ingbam Business College..
Messrs.. Donald 'Clark and ` Durnin
Phillip 1' s and Miss Le6a n (.lark are
home from. Gioderich: Collegiate.
• Marriages
HULL-DUNCANSON-At .the reel=
dense of the bride's sister, Orey
township, on October. 25th; by
Rev. A. C, Wishart, Chas. S. Hull
of Brueselsto Isabel Jane Duncan-
son. .
n . Oct. one cow
' t calve a
c due o r
ow , .
r' a
in tireo s i
due to calve Dec.,., p g
calves, slit pigs weighing ab fit 1110
pounds, one! Three-year-oid + eldine:
- d fill.,
-Lev . sick
e x-oI 1
one two ,
o a y
lot $0, eon.. 16, Goderich soon_lttp..'
signed offers fbr sale hisi"splendid
farm of 161• acres, on the 2nd con.
of Stanley, ..2k •miles . from Clinton,
miles from school. The farm is
in good„ statle of cultivation, and
-well watered. There are •10 acres of
hard .wood' bush. Frazile . house in
good, repair,. sutn,mer kfbehen and
woodshed, 1 barn' 76:x38, 1 barn
- 40x32 on .stone foundation, driving
shed, pig pens, and 2 acres of good
orchard. -Apply. to Robt. Pearson,
Box 231; Clinton F. O: " -93-8
siguad offers for sale his tine: farm
of 135 acres adjoiaioti the town of
OfInton. The farm is in a good
state ci oaltivation and has good
buildings 'brick house; Bank barn,
drioing house, pig pen, etc., -� all:
comparatively • new. A first-class
young, orchard containing all kinds:'
nt .fruits, also small fruits. The:
farm is well fenced. and well chain-
ed and is a very desirable .home.
For further partichlars apply on
the premises or address John
Torrance. Clinton P. O. 91
business for sale in Bayfioid. 'Two-
. story building, store, workshop and
dwelling combined, also stable 26
x 36. Three lots with orchard and
small fruits Terms reasonable-Ap
ply tb R. Rouatt, Bayfield. -74
0*0006•100••06.•0•0goof 0
«None Like It" - 'i.
"All Like It." •
• •
•. COFFE8 IS ' Is
:'THE CDi��i✓E
• •
• •
•' Flavor is unsurpassed, of
finest quality, pleasing to the •.
• taste. By being steadily, par, •
e have
• ocular about coffee; w •
nehed competition aside in that •
0' line, solely by force of . superdor-
• ity. •
0 Now after .you have eaten •
w- our Break fast Bacon, try a cup •
0 of our good coffee. •
• _ •
• •,
o None like it 0
All. like it : ,
• . •
•'� _.. •
i :�µ - i
•'W. T.. O,NEIL •
0:. •
0 • sethe Hub Grocery." . •
• •
• -t' � � •
limiT dirt estate, of ter la is Wit-•
a .'olclough of Qodorich town,•°
ship a requested la presents some
to W. Bryidone, Wan. D. V60011 or
Daniel Dutton, Executors, lretom
Nov. last. -�%-
'O RENT. -••••:t NICE HOME jj XILF
from Clinton consisting of 8 acres
of land, good house and bma, a
number of fruit trees and awall
I ruits.---Apply ,,o Geo. M. FargttYar,
Clinton P.O. •-•99
Par '"RAIN. o.
L SUIT 00,
Telephone 64 , THE ELEVATOR.11 I
The eyes are. �Y
I eatrr> t:t°s.rr
Anything short of - , t
perfect v ,ion •dS,sin- - -
ishes the earnlnd •
We perfect your eight., ,
Our ggasses as an in- 'A
vestment yield you
suhstantiul- return s. _ -
n ' a•>"r,
, ..
to .
M ,
�. C14
``ter . .
°� P
Ja.._ J ,
!L . ��,,�
\� . . . .
l� +�---I
.^,/ 1. .
�d .,
A. J. ON , IL
Jewderand Optician, Issueraf
:.Marriage Licenses.
. '_:'
license. .ARMSTRONG}=ALTON-InCoderich half - of lot 9, 140 MID towns V .
on Oct. 25th. by the Rev. Alfred. containing 50 acres. There is on _ _ ABLES US TO SELL
Motors ,list a hero • m Brown,' -Alfred . J. Armstrong to the farm a frame house 20x26, kit -E '
7 Florence E. Alton, TO GREATER AD-.
The value of the' motorcycle squad DILWORTH=KEYS-At Vacna, on then 18x14 and a . summer kitchen. .
of the Leavenworth, -Xan., police .'e- '•Oct: $1st, by Rev. T. J. -Snowden, and woodshed 24x14, bank .barn VANTAGE TO OUR
• n ebt daughter of Mr, derneath :and -
artment was given a . practk al fle-: Marthe, you g g 58x40 with stabling un �� PATfiONS.
maxwtration when one of the motors Thos. Keya, to Edwin Dilworth of . cement floats with henhouse and pig '
cycle officers was'.enabled 6 Savo a Orillia. house. Tho land is good clay loans,
boy from burning:to death by.being' satins( clear of weeds; Is well, POULTRY.
Gr- Z- 00Q� ..
able to reach the scene of the. accUent y ,
The' cit durii lin .around drained with tl,1. a and in a . good.
promptly.y .. P g ROP R.
had' been: smouldering for 7somb days, Births ... state of eultfvat1 ? no .waste land. ,L
and numerous holes had , -been. lup, In- on Oct: There is one acre of good. orchard .
SANDERS -In Grey township
an effort to. , reach` the. fire. While v failing well. -Terms to . .
to iVle, and Mrs. D._ danders, , and a nover a , g .
25th,WIN. .. �A
near one of these Frank
playing a $on. suit. the purchaser. Propxiebor Tin COAL WOOD CEMENT
Romain, eight years old, fell "into It SMALLDON--In Grey on Oct: 22nd, tends to give up farming.. Apply '
Other boys telephoned to police 'head- to Mr. and -'Mrs. W. Smalldon, a YARb�
quarten9 and Alotoreycle Officer Fitch pis premises ox to John Riiley, Sr. • .
daughter. -85, Opposite, ,the G. T. R. Station.
reached the place within • three min- COPELAND-In Wingham on Oct.. Constance P.: O. . Th3 following quaritf4i of: • ;
utes. He pulled .the suffering boy 19th, to Mr. and Mrs, Chester Cope- . five .poultry; is wanPed at the
from the. burning hole, placed 'aid on land,a son. ,(rust TeCa�1V$d
the handlebars of his machine; and CAMPBELL -At Grace Hospital, Tor- ' Ticdtnesviile PoultrN 'Station .
rushed hint to. a' .physician; ah aroby. onto oil Oct. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs: FOR SALE ' OR' TO RENT, -THE , each week this 'season •: . • one carload Of „
saving' 'his 'life. T. Campbell, a eon. Temperance. Hotel at Londesboro:. Coal
This is a splendid Chance for. a RY06 chickensLump' i-
' MEDICAL SCHOOI, IN CHINA live man. Possession can be given . 500 hens for ThTe's ayI'
The establishment oL a great ' - at once• For ,further particufars 300 ducks - . 1'11e- VTey b8yt.. �
medical school' in China, which w11I • , Deaths . 3000; dozen new Paid eggs.
h the Chinese. the modern Sys- apply to W. M. Ryles, Lendesbaro,.
teas MCKINNEY =In Morrie, Oct.. 24th, .or L.. Tyndall, Clinton. • -85• . Tutskeye and Cieesa later.
tems of medicine and hygiene, is Jos. McKinney, in his 80th year. ARTHUR FORBES
about to be 'accomplished, and next Be i;INGHAM -In Exeter, Oct. List. Poultry taken in the first .
college 1
February the dogrs of the big . g Samuel Buckingham; aged 8 - three•days of each week. Hi h- Phone 52'
will be thrown open in Shanghai'. The years and 7 months. .h FARM FOR SALE -The R4•recutor of
project is sponsored by the Harvard 130RTON-In Goderich,,on Oct. 27L outhconnEie' estate `offers. for est prices paid in cash. Wri Selecasso>•: to. Jas'. Hamilton,
rofessofel: Dr. Martin Russell Ed- Remy Horton, aged 88 years.. the . • f or phone before poo. sell.; "-
p sale $0 acres bele cast half o
wards;., Will head the new school.. He COOK -1n Clinton, on Oct. 30th., An • , ' g This 's a
will • have a corps of fifteen Harvard. nie Ryan, wife of•David Gook„'3 r. : loci 28, con. 6, . Hullett. Th i PIutllblll H0� �Va�Clr'
assistants. aged 74 yea.sar .firs# class farm,, well watered,. and g>
Dr. Edwards believes that :he ' et3- improved and with good buildings.
%S1 .
tablishment of, the school will: be the. - Also ithe undersigned, offers for sale ,all. �lld HO r
beginning t of the end of the. dreaded
Live +�tOCk Market. lot. 29; .con: 6, Hallett, consisting of 1 tEWTH •
bubonic plague As.well as chole a u
• 100 .acres. 'These farms may be - �r ; • Heating•
Leprosy. Toronto, Oct. 31. -The railroads re together or separately.- H O L M E S V I L L G ''
- ported fl4 carloads at the (pity Yards, . baughb g . _ GALVANIZED IRON WORK ROt}fj'-
IRISHMAN,AT BISLEY PERFORMED Apply to R. J. Southocmbe, Clin
cotnprdsfnR 1814 cattle, 862 hogs, -89 W TRf7UCyHINq•
14$8 PHONE 4-142. G ANb . EVE , .
GIREAT, FEAT' sheep and lambs and 99 calves, ton P. 0. . .1._Im e . have everything jtflat is
At the Bisley meeting jest con- Few good quality cattle, but many . ' .' new. and . up=to-date in the
,luded a . wonderful feat was per- of the common and medium, were on . plumbing and .heating business.
formed by 'Maurice Blood, of the sale. '
Trade was about steady for the good. F11RM FOR SALE -Lot north half. �Nt t NiNNN���N•NA�
Irishmens Rifle Association, • who but prices were •reported by the com• 26, con, 12, Hullett, consisting of Es4fmates given on-a•11•-oentract work,
won right off the .'reel the Bass, the mission then to be from 25c to 30c per 50 acres. All seeded• down except', I
Edge, -the Halford Memorial, and the ewt.lower for common, rough cattle, �..
Wimbledon Cup. No man has before a e at that. 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame ♦ .. t��+
carried . ofI all these trophies. He and slow s l 'house ana bank barn with stabling: YAM & S��'T! lig'
SI 'ti,
used throughout the. Canadian Ross ' Butchers' •Cattle , On Gravel road I mile north of �,,'
rifle and ammunition of the match Geo. Rowntree bon ht300 cattle on Londesboro. li. anile from school, Our Seven Colleges have been
. - _ est 30 • .
title attern. g cat- premises or address established curing the p ...-_ � .. {
r P this market on Saturday, and 1a0, Apply on the prem � -r- -T
-• or the Harris Abatoir ro P,p, years. The largest trainers in
fle to -dap f Richard Shaddick, Logdesbo
• .. A Religious Dlffieulty. Companv-steers and beifersat g5 to =75 Canada. Owing to our ,canes- . ��++.
Sandy M'Pherson, In a moment of '$0,85; cows,$3.,'to $5 bulls, $2.80' to tion all over Ontario, we do T,0 THE PUBLIC
abstraction, put. half a dollar In the $5 , canners and cutters at ,$1.50 to I better for our graduates than •
collection date last Sunday in min $2.75, :-any other School. You may . HAVING BOUGHT TFM
p But there was a class of light but- E UND] R- study till at home or partly at WORiiSIiOP' DEPARTMENT OF
take for a penny, and has ainco ex-, to lbs, each such as FARM FOR SAtE.. home and finish at t}io College. h as to the Ober cattle, 000 800 n sale his farm I g THE- RROWLAND ' HARDWAM
pended a deal of thought Mr. Rowntree does not bay, rough, dexsigned offers fo 0 Affliliated with The Cmmercial
beat wa••y.,of making up' for it light steers and heifers, that geld all of 147k nares, being lot IT and • Educators' Association of Can- 0 BUSINESS, WITH WHICH I
"Noo, I might stay awa' frae the' the way from $3.25 tip to $4.25. west half of lot 13, Bayfield Road, ado. It would lie, well for you I•TAVE ,BEE'N CONNECTED FOR
kirk till the sutra was made up, but, rst-clans .farm to investigate before choosing, ,SEVERAL YEARS. I AM P= -
On era. Stanley.. This, is a..,a g .
on the other ban, I wad be payia . Stockers and Feed st- I Exclusive.ri ht for Ontario of I PARED,TO RECEIVE°` ORDLAtS
-pew-rent a' the time an' getting nae Feeders 900 to 1000 lbs. each sold at, v'iith plenty of orator and flr g
P I' thtnkin' the world-£ainotts Bliss Boot:-
uid o it. Loshl but m 4.25 to $4,50 stockers, $3.25 to $4, c ss buildings, all now within the POR BIE , EV ROUGHINSG,
g , , $ Also lot 24 north leapingg System, which is un- PLUMBING, EVE1'ROUGH t
this -is what .the meenister cos a s . sl tan pears. , equaled. Itis Actual Business
1 't” Milkers and Springers. , eonsiabin of 1111 S rt to' b"inish and' the a PUTTING UP STOVES AND '
religious deeficu tY 'boundary of ITR} , g from to ,
11i11ters ands ringers sold at freta, la. - elf Blake to student kee , same books as REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL
p acres. The oil ga r'
un I , . Whole. WILL'RECEIVE The city boys go away to the co $40 to $70 each.. c ita3r of Tobi, farm• Chartered Banks and OF WHICH WILL
iry to fish. The girls don't bother., built on the o sale Houses, Enter any time.
Veal CILIV66 Church and school within half a 1, ; MY PROMPT ATTENTION. A
a Individual instruction.
They can stay at home and angle with w V Ch r a - s � x the . CONTINUANCE OF THE PAT-
r eyes. . calves of all classes And grades rang- mile, a,r+d only 31msde f om
thea Y � ed from 8:25 u" to 7.60, and in one a of Zurich wlhtch Au $ gONAGE GIVEN TI -119 DP,- • ` ' '
>r . thriving villas Fall Terms from g
fortune may turn r: or two instances $8 was reported, lie ro ext PARTMENT IS RErbPFCTVM.e-- ,
Just because t Y t Makes it a vtiry, desirable p p y'
aaan down that is real excuse for soma Sheep and Lambs'. .T. 'C. Reid, Varna P. O. ; x-•94 Write, call or phone for partfou LY REhfJESTED.
people to turn up their nose: p PROMPT ATTiTTtON aILr� `
P - Sheen sold, at $3.1.10 to $4 for ewes. $ 3-�•b'o'h' further particulars apply to . CLY N' fO
With Prince Lrdwlard Island shipping for rams : lambs sold •at $Ci,50 to $5:110 ..� .. - T•TARDWA'ltE
thousand oars so. p - s CO1110. 0 OLAND'S ,
lett and fifteen g for the bulk, and $u 70 was. ,rid fora I3u54l�eS �► AT R
• few. fi lected ewes and wethers. STORE.
Dually can you tiaras the lit�le prsr f w e Julia Buchanan was arrested star I' Clio. SpoxYrasrr, 1pp,,8gzinrta+ir '
,,vine for cackling sometin'eat .
)Flogs. Pembroke . on a charge of a teiritp'Ing Misa 13, v Ward, Principal.
r ..
rttd Rn eeta fed tin
orst seldom ha 'Mir. RILrr S 110, e l . , to person a neighbor. �j Ta, D. 4, - N' Oil
Cheer upr Thew p" watered, at $d.16 tend $0.16. a11►NNN�+►Nra►ti�Na1►
._m,, w.,�,,._ .: .