HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-09-22, Page 8TILE WIN GRAM: TINES SEPT1AIBEIt 221 1994 New arrivals in the Gloak Department The latest arrivals of note in the Cloak department are the new Fall Coats, fresh from our tailors. They are wade in that inimitable Ritchie manner that insures all the stylish effects. Prices, from. $5.00 to $25.00. Stylish and Gomfartable Goats for the Little Tots Even the most doting mother could not wish for more stylish or elegant coats for the little tots than these we tell you of to -day. EIDERDOWN COATS. ZIBELINE COATS. BEARSKIN COATS. Blankets and Flannels. The best that can be put into Blankets and Flan- nels you'll find at Ritchie's—all pure wool. Of course there are wools and WOOLS—some fine, some coarse. The finer it is the wanner, and the more it costs. See our assortment of new Dress Goods and Trimmings, Fur Ruffs, Muffs, Fur Coats,— at all prices. Alex. Ritchie. BEAVER BLOCK. WINGHAM. MINOR LOCALS. —Keep next Thursday and Friday for Wingham fall fair, —The Wroxeter Star staff is holiday ing this week. —Make your entries early for Wing - lam fall fair. —The best fall fair ever held in Wing- bam—next Thursday and Friday. —Entries are corning in for Wing - lam fall fair to be held on Sept. 29th and 30th. —The Daily Star till let of January, 1906, for Sl. Leave your order at the Times Office. —The voters' list court for the Town aif "Wingham will be held on Wednesday, October 12th. —If a coal supply arrives in Wingham this week the salt works will again be Tint in operation. —Workmen are here from Loudon this week putting the slate roof on Mr. Wm. Gannett's new residence. —Secure your seats and tickets at McKibbon's drug store for concert on last evening of fair , Sept. 30th. —Mr, Thos. Allen, teacher, has been -appointed Township Clerk of Ashfield in place of W. Stothers, deceased. —John Alexander Dowie, "Elijah III" has proclaimed himself the first apostle of the Christian Catholic Church. —The local Camp of the Sons of Scot- land will hold the annual Scottish con- cert early in January. Date and full partieulars will be given later. —The new pipe organ for the Wing - ham Presbyterian Church has arrived from Woodstock, and workmen are now busy placing it in position. —The voters' list court for the Town- ship of Turnberry will be held in the Foresters' Hall at Binevale, on Tuesday, 11th of October, at 10 o'clock a. m. —Mr. E. Willson, aformerwell known townsman and former local manager of the Bank of Hamilton, has been appoint- ed chief inspector for the Bank of Ham- ilton. —The friends of Percy Gifford, of Milwaukee, (son of Rev. Dr. Gifford, formerly of town) will congratulate him on his marriage to a young lady of that city. —Mr. A. Taylor has just finished build- ing a cement wall under Mr. J. B. Cum- mings' frame building on Victoria street. The wall is a good one and shows that Mr. Taylor is a good workman. —The Presbytery of Maitland and the `Young People's Society of the Presby- tery' held meetings in the WroxeterPres- byterlan chnrch on Tuesday. Official reports of the proceedings will appear in our next issue. —Mr. A. 33E1111 -lege has made arrange- ments to have an auction sale in the Dent block every Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dry goods, clothing, ladies' wear, etc., will be sold. Look np the Bdvet't?Hellwut elsewhere in this paper. Seaman U, Laird, a former resident of Kincardine, atld it,j yn to many of our readers, was arrested at St. Thomas on Tuesday on a charge of robbery. Mr. Laird is now landlord of 1 4he 1<Iutchison Bonen at St. Thomas, H. 11. Chisholm, jeweler, 19 re. skink troll). business in Wingham and is now holding a clearing sale of watches, clocks and all kinds of jewelery, Mr. Chisholm: has to vacate his store in a fear weeks. See his large advt. in an. Other column of this issue, —Mr. Wm. 'Warnock, of Goderich, is attain to the front with mammoth squash - as. The gentleman has at least two very large squashes growing, and judged by Measurement and appearance one should even now, turn the scale at 400 pounds, tad the other should be a close second. Mr. Robt. Moorehead, whose serious illness was reported. in our last issue, ltd M his home in Milton on Monday, was a brother of Mrs. P. Tens - l" of this town and had been in poor health for some time. Mrs. Tansley left 1. t Milton on Tuesday to he present at the funeral. —The affairs in connection with the meat Sunday school excntaion tww l?tincardine were closed tint oft sash - After all expenses in oolan - ri h _.. the excursion were paid, e stew Wu divided among the Sun. oche* oti the OWL —East Wawanosh Township Council will meet at Marnoch to -day. —See advt. in another column for large list of attractions at Wingham fall f air. Western Excursions. On coconut of Thanksgiving Day not being held until Nov. 17th, this will be the only chance to Segura reduced rates,. before that date.etl.n tickets are on sale good going S t. 2, 23 and 24 at BBangle m gle fare for rou trip from Wingha to Port Huron, D" roit, Cleveland, Sagi. naw, I3ay City, Grand Rapids, Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and at X35 40 to St. Paul or Minneapolis via Chicago or North Bay or X3.5 90 via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Conpn,uv. Get your tickets at Grand Trunk offices. —The Canadian Panton Railway Com- pany is distributing 100,000 flower bulbs among the various agents and s.:otiou foremen on the system, 1N1RN. DINSLEY–In Wingham on September 12th, the wife of Mr. D. A. Dinsley; a daughter. DENNIs.—In Winghan,on September 15th,the wife of Mr. Ernest Dennis; a son. MOFFAT.-1n Turnberry, on Sept. 20th, the wife of John 3. Moffat; a son. EDwAltns—In Wroxeter, on Sept. Oth, the wife of Mr. Frank Edwards; a son. WE1R—On Beimore Road. Howiok, on Sept. Oth, the wife of Mr, David Weir ; a daughter. MILLER—At Jamestown, on Sept. 13th, the wife of Mr. Rich. T. Miller ; a daughter. MCDOUGAI.L•—In Morris, on Sept. 7th, the wife of Mr. Peter McDougall; a son. MARRIED • PROCTOR—NArLoR.—At the Methodist Par- sonage, Wingham, on September 14th, by Rev. Dr. Gundy,Mr. William John Proctor, of Morris to iss Elizabeth M. Naylor, of East Wawanosh. HAS1iINS—HAMILTON,—At the. •Methodist Parsonage. Wingham, on September 14th, by Rev. Dr. Gundy, Mr David Haskins to Miss Bertha Hamilton, both of Howick. LAING—OIAODoNAr,m—At the Presbyterian Church, Wingham. on September 21st, by' Rev. D. Perrin, assisted by Rev. A. A. Laing, of Copleston, brother of the groom Mr. Claude L. Laing, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Berlin, and son of the late Rev. Dr. Laing, of Dundas, to Miss Nellie Macdonald, youngest daughter of Dr. Macdonald, M.P., of Wingham. DIED LAWLoU—In West Wawanosh, on September loth, Thomas Lawlor, aged 84 years. McG1rd,—ln. East Wawanosh, on September 10th, James McGill, sr., aged. 60 years and 11 months. HOLMES—In Wingham. on September 17th, Thomas Holmes, aged 82 years and 5 months. FISHI.EIGH—Iu Wingham, on September 18th, W. T. A. Pishleigh, aged 20 years, 10 months and 28 days. PERSONAL. Mr. Fred. A. Lewis, piano tuner is at the Queen's hotel. Barrister Dudley Holmes was in Gode- rich for a few days during the week on legal business. Mrs. Helps of Wingham, is the guest of her cousin, Mr. Jno. Wilson.—Ford- wich Record, Dr. T. Chisholm attended Mr. R. L. Borden's meeting at Stratford on Wed- nesday evening. Mr. Jas. Langley, of Niagara Falls, was spending a few days with old friends in town during the week. Mr. D. A. Stewart, of the Bank of Hamilton, is relieving at the Gorrie branch for a few days. Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and children have returned home from a two months' visit with relatives in Manitoba. Mrs. A. E. Gibson, of Seaforth isvisit-• ing with Mrs. J. D. Barns for a few days. Mr. Gibson was also in town on Wednesday. Mr. Jas. Elliott, of Turnberry, has re- turned home from a two months visit with relatives and friends in Manitoba and British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen, of Wing - ham, were the guests of J. J. Elliott and wife on Sunday last.—Wroxeter Star. Mrs. Hugh Hamilton returned home on Saturday from a several week's visit with relatives and friends at different points in Manitoba. Mrs. W. J. Henderson, of the Bluevale road has returned home from a three weeks' visit to the World's Fair at St. Louis, and with friends in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, of Wroxeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Palmer, of St. Marys, were in town on Monday. We understand that Mr. Palmer is purchas- ing the Wroxeter Star from Mr. Town- send. Rev. Dr. Johnston, of Montreal, form- erly of St. Andrews Church, Loudon, spent a few hours with D. M. Gordon's family, on Tuesday of this week. He was on his way to Kincardine to be pres- ent at his father's funeral. Low Rates to the West via Great Northern Ry. Effective (daily) September 15th to October 15th, inclusive, 1904. Cheap one way second class colonist tickets will be on sale from all stations in Ont- ario to all points on the line of the Great Northern Railway in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, also Victoria, Van- couver, Westminster, Rossland, Nelson and other points in British Columbia. For fall particulars as to rates, time of trains, also berth rates in Tourist Sleeper, also literature on application to Chas. W. Graves, District Passenger Agent, 10 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. Married at London. The following £torts last Thursday's London Free Fleas refers to the near. riaf a of a former well-known pastor of the Wingham Baptist Church:—"At the residence of the bride's sister, ii Mc- Garvey Terrace, at high noon yesterday Miss Susie McKenna was united in mar- riage to the Rev. W. J. Freed, pastor of the Algonquin Baptist Church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, J. J. Ross, pastor of the Talbot Street Bap- tist Church. The bride was beautifully ,gowned in white cloth, garnished with silk and lace, and carried a bouquet of white asters. Her travelling gown was of bine broadcloth with hat to snatch. The spacious parlors were tastefully decorated with palms and eat flowers. After the ceremony the guests sat down to a' tasty wedding clejeuner. Mr. and Mrs. Freed left for the east by the G. T. R. They will visit Woodstock, Brantford and Kingston, and en route to their ne " home they will pass through the lakes° the Thousand Islands. The present were numerous and beautiful. Mi McKenna was one of Norfolk's most pop alar teachers and carries with he to her new borate the best wishes of man a Norfolk boy and Kitt'. Among th guests were Mr, and Mrli. ', N. Pickell of +Culross, BROS. & BUTTON I w s' : e$% WALKER UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calla at Button Block, or resi- I dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on J. . n street. Shop opposite Macdonald • oek. SOWS FOR S .. The undersigned has f sale a number of ; thoroughbred Large E . sir Berkshire Sows, from three to six mon s old, sonic of which have been already bred. Also a pair of young boars for sale. I also have for service, a young boar, which was a prize winner at Toronto, P. GIBBONS, Marnoch P. O. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY VOTERS' LIST C URI, NOTICE is hereby give that the Judge of the County Cour p of a Cotmty of Huron will hold a Court for jh avision of the Voters' List for the year 11 n the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Tnesd , 11th day of October, at 10 o'clock A. M. All parties interested will ' take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By order. JOHN BURGESS, • Clerk of Turnberry and ' Constituted Clerk of Court. Clerk's Office, Bluevale, Township of Turn - berry, Sept. 2lst, 1004. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Canip National, No. 130 LT OLD their regular meetings on the 2nd 1111 and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAxwELL, C. C. R. H. CRownElt, Clerk. C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts Rents and Notes Colh:cted. Con- veyancing cone. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock. TEACHER WANTED. Applications for the position of teacher for U. S. S. No. 7, Turnberry, for the year 1005, will be received by the undersigned secretary up to the Oth day of October next. School 3 miles from Wingham. Female teacher pre ferred ; state salary. GAVIN WILSON, Box 42, Wingham P. O. STRAY PONY, Strayed from the premises of Adam John ston, lot 23, concession 10, Turnberry, on or about August 24th, a dark bay Indian Pony mare, with white stripe in face. Parties knowing anything of the whereabouts of the pony will be rewarded by communicating with. HUGH JOHNSTON, Wingham P. O. ***kVA! w ubodn*Iv ibein aitt,�sciat7nte* 1 A Picture I, 'P ''Pretty as a picture " doesn't ea mean much sometimes, but our pictures are the pretty kind, and the kind that keep 1 their prettiness. Try a photograph from a. *. ZURBRIGG'S STUDIO WINGHAM, Picture Framing Neatly Dome. lt,gg:MfMt ttf ft3tft , PHOTOS!' $%We guarantee our work, in f SLYL'B, i' IAlISII Alr-I) ]nER ANE;r CY. g $, The latest styles of Mounts 1 66 always on hand. 1 Armstrong & Co's Studio WINf HAMit IT sTr fetes WALL PAPER SHOPPING is easy at this store BECAUSE you don't have to " kick" to get your money's worth. BECAUSE we have the largest stock of new patterns to be found in town. BECAUSE we have studied your wants and have the styles you will like. BECAUSE we buy in large quantities, which means lower prices to you. BECAUSE we do everything in our power to make wall paper shop. ping easy for you. We are look- ing out for your permanent pat- ronage. • Onr special September prices will help you to paper one more room than you intended to do. All Paper Trimmed Free COOPER & CO, (Successors to Alex. Ross.) SHAW'S SCHOOL ! The Ciselege of Toronto Solicits the chance to send a copy of its prospectus to every young man and woman who would like a little place in life. Your name and address on postal. DO IT NOW and send it to W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge & Gerrard Sts, Toronto. DR. OVENS, of London, SURGEON, DENTIST, iPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingham monthly. lasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Winglmnr Office—W. MoKibbon's Drug Store. London Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours 11 08p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays, July 25, Sept. 5, >et. 3. Oct. 81, Nov. 28. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 18, con. 7,Township of Turnberry,County iuron, containing 100 acres, This is a first - lass farm; has been in grass for 20 years. °spring creek runs through the farm. Apply H. DAVIS, Wingham. FARM FOR SAL THE undersigned offers f Ilsale his farm, east half of Los 7 ai 8, Concession 11. Turnberry. The fa m c tains 100 acres of good land; 10 acres ea •d, 10 acres hardwood bush, 10 acres of cec r On the premises are a good stone house, b barn, stone pig yen, etc. Also a spring creel nd two wells; and is well fenced with cedar rails. Six miles froni Wing- liani, and convenient to church, school, post office and blacksmith shop. Easy terns, For information apply to RICH. WALLACE, Glenannan P.O. RESULTS ALWAYS If you want to buy or sell, rent or insure property it will pay you to see me about it. ABN,ER COSENS, DOMINO! CO $NG COMIHGI T. P. SMITH, SOI Graduate New York, Opti HTIFIO EYE SPECIALIST 'hiladelphia, and Toronto d Colleges. Call early an avail yourself of hi; valuable sere' es, as this is a rare opportunity to , ave your eyes proper. ly tested, free f charge. No guess work but a sci: title certainty. I.11tii• cult cases ac. urately fitted. ALL WO141i GUARA ' TEED. ' Ca7-I neve call at private limiter. r, Viet: 'rNOL�I►rc►x Z, ALL 4e* ee .ISM --"*i SrnaII Space This is small space, indeed, iia which to tell of the many lines of new' Fall and Winter Goods gathered together fro n the best markets of the world and now ready for shoppers at the l3ee Hive, We can only lint at what we have for you, and ask that in your own interests you visit This Store before making your purchases. DRESS GOODS One of the most attraotive places iu Wingham just now is the Bee Hive Dress Goods department. Tilled as it is with the newest materials, weaves and designs, it affords every lady a real pleasure to make her selection here, In Colored Suitings we show —All -wool Broadoloths —All -wool Panama Canvas Cloths —AU -wool Venetians —All -wool Check Worsteds —All -wool' Fancy Tweeds —All -wool Pebble Clothe —Zibeline and Wool Cheviots —Valours, Serges, Pontine, Bedford Cords—not an up-to-date Fall or Winter color left out. We also show a splendid range of the latest in Black Dress Goods. Our prices save you from 10 to 25 per cent. on the dollar. ate has also need a large assortnleiit of arti- ficial eyes to his St , k. Will be at , Men's latest Silk Neckwear, including the new brown and green, and brown and green mixed. Men's Fine and Heavy Underwear. Men's and Boys' Fancy Sweaters. Men's and Boys' new Hats and Caps. Raincoats, Overcoats, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Shirts and Gloves, NEW LINES Walton Mc boon's Drug Store Na Ah DAY ONLY "1a, t, Sept. 20th. gar ox Thnrsd GROCERIES This department is filled with choice Groceries at money -saving values. We pay highest prices for Butter and Eggs. LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' FALL & WINTER •COATS The stock in this department is now all in and marked, for quick selling. We have a great range to choose from, and prices for Ladies' Jackets nicely lined and well made commence at, each $5.00. You will wonder when you see them how they were ever made for the money, Better lines still in all the newest cloths and styles at, each $5.75 $6.00 $6.25 $6.75 $8.50 $10.00 11.50 12,00 and up to 14.00. In Misses' and Children's Jackets we give you extra special values at each $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 $3.50 up to $5.75 They are very prettily made and the styles and cloths.. are sure to please. We ask you to see them, moat of our jackets are imported from Germany, the leading centre of the World's Jacket manufacturings made especially to our order and bought to sell at wonderfully money saving prices. We also show the leading snakes and styles of Can- adian manufacturings ; you cannot afford to pass this depart- ment. FOR EVENING WEAR. We have this week opened up a handsome range of Ladies' Shirt Waists for evening wear; they are made of silk and of all wool materials, and beautifully trimmed with shirring, insertion and Tenerriff wheels, All the lead- ing colors are here. Also black and white, Prices are from $1.40 to $3.75 IT PAYS TO DEAL WITH TIE KEEL CO. Phone 96. WINGHAM, Ont.. THE BEE HIVE. Giving U o.n.v.uime Business Having decided to go out of the Jewelry Business in Wingham, I will for the next few weeks hold a general 11 CLEAR! SALE 1 OF MY ENTIRE STOCK, CONSISTING OF Watches, Clock, Rings, GENERAL JEWELRY, STORE FIXTURES, ETC. This is not a fake scheme for the disposal of cheap goods, but a bona fide sale of first-class Jewelry in all lines. The question of profits will not be considered. If you want anything in the line of Jewelry it will be to your advantage to COME EARLY, as the sale WILL NOT LAST LONG. The store must be vacated in a few weeks. The sale is now on. Come and share in the genuine bargains. II •� Vanstone Block H. Chisholm. WINGHAM, Ont. Storage and Auction ROOMS. Commencing Saturday, Sept. 24 and every Saturday afternoo at 3 o'clock, an AUCTI ' ALE will be held ' e gent Block. There will be so d : Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hata, Neckties, Collars, Women's and Girls' Coats, Jackets and Capes, Hata, Ostrich Plumes and Tips, velveteens, Silk Velvets, Silks, Ribbons, White hand Colored Lace', Braids, Gimps—everything goes without reserve. Store will be open every afternoon for private sale. As these sales aro being well adver- tised, a good opportunity is afforded to sell year surplus stock. Nearly everyone has a stove or some article of furniture they don't need. Bring it here and get it turned into cash. An expert auction• eer will be itt attendance. A. DULMAGE, Proprietor, ?Attlee having furniture or other ar• tides to cell or store will do well to bring therm, here. Penn Esther Range a11111111111PM As shown, with the high closet and copper -lined reservoir, with corners richly carved, has met with every success. The Reservoir insures plenty of hot water for the kitchen, while the high shelf or high closet provides extra room while cooking and adds largely to the appearance 'of the Range. This is one of the best farmer's ranges we have seen; has large fire box, burns both coal and wood, has a good-sized oven, has six9-inch cooking holes --in fact a g first-class range in every particular. Price, complete with high shelf, only $37.00. WE INVITIi COMPARISON. • AI1eRE OPEN 9 A, M. Ever HAYI, FISHLEICH'S HARDWAREP CLotiA r e a Exeter