The Clinton News-Record, 1911-10-19, Page 1CLINTON, ONTA110, , OCTOUR ►, "Wit The News -Record to any address in Canada to January 1912 for 15 cents. ingo among the Sitver- Tride ever received a'asprtinent of • new enter 'the happy state he different articeS4 • 1 Clinton o . al co' CANADA,. CORPORATRD• i869. a .�- $6,200,00o. wiled Profits $7,200,090,`. • e°- $10o,000,0o0. D `OFFICE, :MONTREAL.. a Ct,rrespondents throughout the World. • ALLOVVED ON DEPOSITS. Manager. Clinton Branch. LSONS BANK •1 CORPORATE!) 1855 ,000,0001 Rest Fund. ' $4,600,000 ranches In nada rrespondents in all the rincipal'cities in the world, rNG BUSINESS RANSACTED. ALL BRANCHES. ed at Highest Clare Rate, C. IR. Dowding, Manager s ood hirts New Neck - Wear New Suits New Over - Coats • To look at the new fag Styles and get an idea J•as to what are . going to be the style leaderkrand ' begin to make up your mind in regard to the new "Togs" you will viant to buy soon. You'll find us, at. all times, glad to' show the new .goods. New ancP *distinetivf3 styles in everything. 1 'a man or boy wears are now. See Overcoat Display in Window NISH CLOTHINS COI Huroikt's Largest Clothiers "A Square Deal for Every Mau" TH'E LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 8$c. Getit 38c, , Peaaw '750. Barley • 65C. But& 20c to 21e. Eggs 24c to 25e. Apples culls 40c to 50c per cwt. Beads pritrrme whits $1.70. Malting Barley 004. • + , ' Linea Ifogs $5.75, WILL. RENT hIsORE TREES. m . The N. L, and F. P. Company has on13a shipped five carloads of appips• franc the district extending from Ex- eter to. above Clinton and, now are buying cull atpples to scud to their evaporatior • at Mimicr . 'lip in the Kincardine dist"cidt;°.tifough, Hyl ex - Peet to have 1500 barrels. But thVy have an abiding faith in thisgreed old county and as' scan as repre:nRtb- ative,: Me. Frank W. Evans, winds up his shipment's he will startout again to secure more leases and • will operate further from the fake shore, through Tuckersmdth and Hallett. C. C. I. FIELD DAY, Idem)! weather favored the pestponed Field Dan sports on Frialay alter - noes last and the result was a good attendance of both studentswho took part in ti» ;,;mor•?s • and of " pore eettss and friends wileevitneneed them,, An amaual Field' Day for the Col- Tegiates is a good idea and should be encouraged. The engagement) in manly sports, tends to Build up anel sttengthen manly, cha)ratetem, Moral and physical, and the Canadian method, which ' 'follows then Engliab method ofengaging in sport for sport's sake, rather than the proles reonah ling of ia as is so largeelr done : im* the United Staten, should' receive the - heartiest . approval front all gocd citizens who have the wel- fare of .the rising generation ' at' heart, That . at number do approve, is evidenced .each year by, their presenca on FieldDays, hut. more could attend who do not think their presence niecessary, bub it, would en-, courage both teaaehers and pupils. These was a good attendance of pupils from both Collegiate Wand Pub - fie school, as well as the staff of teachers, and eacli 'Went was ' keenly emettested and' much :. intectast. 'was shown by those present. • The pole "vaulting; wag perhaps the feature' of the afternoon, • being: exceptionally good. The •Senior :Chaznpionahip•was won by, L, Greig with a total of 18 points from a possible 27, ,CIarence Kaiser won the Junicir' Chanentemehip from 'a large number of contestants with the same total of 18 points. During the afternoon a basketball game was, pia'ied on the Collegiate grounds; two, Rearms, representing the C. C. I aril: the Clinton; Model School respectively, being t1 contestants. The Collegiate girls won easily but the game was a good one, Miss Baker.. was referee: ' ' The C. C.I. baseball ',,team was de- feated en .a 3 -inning game after : the sports: by the Model School .tteam by a score of 3, 2. Dr. Shaw was um- pire: Following .are the different events. with .the winners • Senior Championship, • Hop, step and , jump -•Greig, . Weir, Sturdy. . • Putting shoat -Weir, • Tarramtee, Stur- y:. Broad jump -Greig, Sturdy, Weir, 100 -yd dash -Greig,.., Wallis,:• -Sturdy. Hugh jump -Greig;. Weir;,. Sturdy! and Cooper. .1 -3 -anile race -Greig, Sloman, "Tame bl3m. • Pole• Vault eSturdye Weir,' Wallis. 1• mile race--Tamblyn, Siberian, Hurdle race --Greig, Weir. ' Junior 'Oha�npicnship Iresji, 'step and etemp-Guff, Keener, Beacom.. Putlting shot--Cluff, Katiser, E. Mill - .Bread jump eE.. Miller, 'Kaiser, Cleft 100;yn1 dash -Kaiser, C. Harland, Fleayry, High, juanp iKaiser, Shipley, Henry'.. 1-3 mile race --;Shipley, Kaiser, E. Mille. Pole Vault-Cluff, Kaiser, McTag- gart,'' 1 mile, race -Shipley, Evans; ' -Turdle race -Kaiser, •0. Ilerls,nd, Evans In t�m: 100 yd; race op n to schools of county; Terry was first, Greig second and Denalmolm' third. ''Terry and Denhohx , are etudents of Model School: • Gi•:rls' Events, E:gg. race -M. Davidson, G. Walker, J.- Middleton. Potato race -G. Draper, H. Middle- ton, G. Walker, Thread -the -needle -.i: Morrih, H. Turner, J. Wylie., Putting Slmo -P. 'Celine J. Moetid, J. Wyllie. Relay race -Wen by telift eonsist'ing of Misses D. Copp, L. Pord, 0. Draper and C. Peaccwni. . Owing to Taek of time the follow- ing events were not .held oris PridaY► but were poatpcmed to Monday • alter roan when they. tot& plaice en . the Collegiate lnstttute grotutrda. Sebcol Events. Sack raoen-P. Thoinpsot. Three-legged race -11. Porreeter and L. Cools,G. McTaggart and H. Bea- , Boys rase --E. Beai,. cxn G: M•o- 'raggsrt and W. McNaughton, H. Pet rest, W. McGregor and M. Cook. 100-yil rase (3 sous tsauita�ll. Ki try, J. Kent edy>i.. , , , , , WO i'S nisrrrura KEETfl G. The mail Matta:es of the Woevaies 1ntchl We will" be, betd on T'hersdaya aftereoesi ;ext at • the bine of Mira. C. 8. Mork& Mrs. Munroe . will have charge of . the program. PONERA.L , OF DR. CIHUTCII*LL. Tho funereal of Dr. T. Churchill, a forrnmer ;saddens - of Gci shaip► took plaice oat Mc amderieh fomaenoontown- mms We arrival of On train • born London. Interi1 ent was crude in Clitaton cemete y. Dr, Ctiarehill had been in the west for several years, but carne east some Menthe ago suf- fering from ant incurable disease. HTiaa death •occured• ifs ' tl>c hospital, Lon- don, on Satuxflayy, 'Deceased 'will be remembered bee Many in the surround- inge disih iet, Mrs. 'Pin. Jenkins of Goili4elletneenehip is a daughter. THE OHAR `ER.. i'EAN'x'E;D, The charter has been tg,riVie' „to the Clinton' Motor Car Company' arid 'ebbe first meeting of the Cct npanyx will be held.` at • the' Praire Oeorge'Hotel, Toronto, on• Friday of mid week to elect directors and officers one itis complete' arrangements forgeteeng to work as soon as possible. Mr. John. Croig, the president of. lie Company will arrive in a! . few daps and; at Ince get .the buildings and plant in readiness. Shortly at- terwards he will be iodised by Messrs. Cleglio.n and McLaughlan. All three halve up tin the prevent held respon- sible position with elm Camila Foun- dry Company, Toronto, The inten,eion of the Company is to have an exhibit of their Motor cars at the • automobile sbow in. Tomato in Januar;. ,A 'suoCss ur. $AZA AR The Women's Association cif Willis chugs ym•, which is. a live and progres- sive organization,' leeld a, very sue- ceassfhml baeaar and conce':t !in the town hall on Thursday afternoon and evenfiug. . The hall was tastefully de- coated with flags rand bunting and attractive boobhs.'were arranged a- round until? it could' hardly be : re- cognized! as the same old ball. Duro ing ,'fie attg`viotay' as brisk trade 'lues carried .on in the ancient booths when 'plain and fancy' articles, hon e Mai cooking, produce, homemade candy, etc. were offered for sale. Frown five-hirty, unitil • seven sipper wan served • to all •who. carne The nupper was:served 'on 'the Euanpean planand it was well -cooked, . `whole- some emir daintily served ,and many took advantage of the occesiomy to drop in and partake. of their evening meal down town. Thesale was also well patronized so that. very ::few ci the articles offered were left unsold. • The following , ladies hard charge' ' .of the different 'booths being assisted by others : Fameyvwork and plain sew ihlg, Mrs. King, Mrs. AJ'eeaartier °. and Mrs. A. J. Grigg. ITbime-n de, baking,. Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. ' Sav- ille and Mrs. J Elliott.'; Vegetab- le", Mas. Chambers. 'Hoene-inaade candy, Misses Amy Hoarsen, Jennie Robertson and Margaret McLennan. The teal was looked .after: b31 Mrs. Milne, Mrs. W, D. Fair atn:i Mrs. Hall. •At eight ,o'clock the lrtll, was clear- ed, the chairs had 'been riturn.'i . au4 a. large crowd lied already, gathered it» befit • the ten. eerier concert wellch had been announced amid which proved to be a' pleasant surprise in regard 'td the quality' of the performance. It would be . cons',1ered , a sign of child- ish credull ,, to expect ,much of a treat in the wary - of a concert for 10 cents, but Mies' Rance had < been Mentioned in . connection with . this' entertainment and mane people went for t'he sole purpose of hearing her and, an we remarked before, the re - Milt was a genifltiea surprise. Mr. Bryslone filled the position of chair- man in his usua: graceful styleand inerodwced the performers of the ' ev- ening,. The lint number was an in strurnental bap: Miss Helen Dchertya which was well execrated and well received. Miss Rance gave several' numbers, the first, being an excerpt from. "Merely, Mary Ansa," in which ie personated 'three char'aeters. -Ann other very laughable one was one of her own composition and portray- al a Friday afterncon concert . in a rural school, Others were : "When Kelly's at the Bat," Mrs. O'Toole. takes a° Car," and one or two other ?ittIe skiffs given as encores. Miss Radee held the undivided a? enticak of the audience, which was quick and generous its showing appreciatt'scin of her clever portrayal of. the different cli'aractors represented, atnd each mel- ba wan loudly' applauded! Miss Ranee is am artint in her line ante will be, heard again with pleasure. Miss - Barbara Meteor contributed shlo in a very; sweet attire and re- ceived hearty applause ; Miss . Hattie Greig anade her debut as a singer and did it . very nicely ; the male quartette of Ontario street church rends' lad a ss_deetion in - good -voice whoh 'was Weill received, ATtogethelr the program was goad and proved an encellent wind' -up to a successful lay'. The Women's Assooieution realized about $175 from the premeds of sale, supper and concert and they wish to thank the amein'bcrs of the congrega- tion for their heamrty t,a-operation and iassistnmee' in connection with the bas- aar. After paying $100,, towards the building fund, as is their ennuM cus- tom, tie Association have on Nand balanctu of soanething over" $40. TO SELECT DELMA'TE's. A meeting sting will be heels in the tow*. lurtl oa Tuesdan evenii g cera at 7.30 to select delegates to attears the convention bo be held in Seafortb cam• Thursday. - THE N. R. MANES SALES. "The New:.Reeord brought me a purchaser for my fanny" sate Mr. Maloolut McEwen, of Stanley yester- day, "but i have decided new not to sell." He has lived upon the place for as lifetime and it i$ the birth- place of all the members of his family so that' many, sweet enemoriee cling about it and he found it hard to part. And !!Mare el as well the fact that hire son has flecided that the life of a Stanley 'farmer is. good enough for anyone and so will con- tinueita$rollcw in his worthy, father's footsteps. MAY LOCATE IN CLINTON. 'Minns Limited, Taronto and Mon - %sett are negotiatinn for the pure Chase 'flf the Standmel elevator awe a !risk demand. 'It ns aladersteod, tine, that they have in viewe*Zeitttolize etig their business over this r4etigtin of ' the province at Clintomi whit* will still furtener enhance the poespet-: itn of our town. Gunns Limited ore up-to-date, pro- gressiVe and wealthy and will cer- tainly be an important aecessient Ito our list of industries. The L. &litter Co. san that even in the event of a sale teing made teen will not lea.ve Clinton but will erect anoteor watehOuse and Continue pUSITIeSS here. WESLEY CHURCH. The League held its inerethla mks - tonere! meeting oa Monday evinteg, Which took the form of a social meet- ing. The program Consisted ' answering of questions relating, to misseonary enterprise, each pee3on havihg a list. ' Little kiss Amy Helm sang a pretty sate durtng the evening mile Miss F. Cuninghanie gave a :wading. Homemade candy/ was served and a silver cellection, was taken iti aid of the Mission eunde The eneeeing evae in eharge of Mise Tb'e ladies' Aid of Wesley church purpose giving a New England Sup- per in the town hall on Tuesday next._ . Think of all:. the best knawri. "old-fashiooed New England. • dishes, no double there will lbe aiso • some modern Zee as wen, A• ten cone ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Last Sunday, was observed as the annual Harvest FestaeM, Three eer- vices were .held, Holy, COmmunion commencing the day at ten past day would MR*0 evea *e leant thankful to praise, arrd a pod awe- ber availed themselves of the oppor- tunity' for early worsldp by beingi present at the solemn morning vice. Th teethe •preached at eleven and again. at Seven, good congreea- -eider' being present each Mate, Oh& di- eting service beirig espial:illy well attended. The sermons were appro- priate, elexaint and inspiring. The church was very tastefully &- conned with grain, fe tit and flowers and presented a very attractive ap- The ohoie rendtred special and! ap- the morning Miss Rance gave a solo and in the eVening a quartette was added to the .regular , program of ,The receon had asked for a thatie- offering pf $300 foe general' church exPellses and She people(responded so generously that $350 wan* nearer the amount placed upon the "platee. Altegether it was one ot the meet, if not the most successful, haitvost festival. ever held in connecter' with at. Paul's, and rector and officials are' congratulating themselves and the Next Sunday will be 'Clfildren's bay in connectioa with Ste Patel's Sunday' School. let the morning be preached hi reference to The subject will be. "The Value of a Child." rn the afternoon at 3 o'-• vie.e in the church, with a shert ad- dress to the litele folk by tfie rece On Mil 84day evening the recto." is givilig a ftri08 of sermons on the Aposeles' Creed!. The adareesee are ea the funda.tneritals of the Chris - elan Faitte. The subject for text Sunday night will lie, "I beelete in Jeans Cbtriat, Ilia •roly Son, Oar Lord," or "tbe rtiviniba of • our Lord." Paul's church 'Will be giten in ' tnoit of this Week. by Mr. Ill. Xracorisch, consul for Belgium in Bradford, 'Ong - land. The Subjeati *Will he Coasters- titioplIe ant her people, Wit. Kritan- tied" has travelled exteneively mid Ts Maal,03 of his 'subject'. In vier of the war between Tunkey and Itlly the subject of the lecture otight to oig will be illustrated b limelight views and the admission ly 15c, MAY GET ANOTHER; INDUSTRY. Tyre le a probab .'•i?y that ere ltoaag, Clinton will secure another industry, a proposition from Mr. Paul Bawer xxtz of West Ta tents befdg now be- fore the eoita;il, indeed can agreement basalready been prepared, Mr. Benaiewitmz manufactures pianlo stool's, strings, ete. He^ doesn't preemies a great deal nor does he atsk much but thosaa who have considered his proposal t'buic well of it. Every industry oounts and we gleed all we carr get, MRS. 1'LUMSTEEL GOES NOME. Yesterday, at the residence of her `sou, Mr. 'Hearn P3:urm>asteel, Ontairio street, there passel peacefully tc, the tome hewed, Sarah Witten relict of `the late 'William, Plumsteel, who had Han Ap Both livol.fawp Carry. On Moseley lite ot C/intoli again dereenstrated their progreeetak /less by carrying the Motor. CU *Mil Water Commissioners bylaws. Ow Need, to the farmer only ten votes were recorded, thus making it prate., unateimous aa The tielierallecterd expreesed a desire for. And ble 04* substantial majority ot 125 our vete., payers san wa,tereyoa'es will be Most caPahilr managed by eommitssicrieriae Notoa Car. For Against St. -James 106 1 St. John 106 0 St. George 70 2 382. 10 Water Commissioners; For 79 61. 74 37 St. Andrew St. James St. John St. Oeorge Against 41 31 27, 24a 117 Who Will It Be ? servatives be held in fieofoeth next Thursday' to select a caned -late for the Legislature, The present member is ell/fr. Wm▪ . Proudfoote who will again ee cane inflate. He's a` weak one and woald, be easily trimened. if the pantie:di parties were at all evealy divieed. ien who worold miake him extend hem-, self hi a way he woujdnete enjan. or if it should happen eat Me.',Davift Cantelon of Clinton nvas the one . ehesen he mad be relied -upon. to up Centre 'Heron's interests Set tigablyi that 10 nvould almost if ttes riding was the whole Aide seern as dw evening boa its regular meeting. . The tome was; "The Spirit,/ Method and A.Iert of True Service," and was developed by meanri of question and anewer. ' At the 0903 'of the pm - gram the following oeficers and com- mittees were elected and •appointed! ; Vice; Chase Teindeao. SecaTreaenier; Miss Barbara Mee Hazel Miss Sadie Maleaffee, Miss Mabel Canteen; BESS Ida Wean Literary' Committee, • Miss L. Ohidler, Miss Wiree'e O'Neil, Miss Kate Rosi, . Misses Beene Watt, Luella Welkin - Program Comnitetee, Miss 9,1ailys Chorea • Miss Bessie Sitniine, Mr. H. Next IVIonday evening a lit- erary' inneeting wOl be held, the subject being, "A Crete ical Study cif Graelsa Elegy." All young people Of, the iongregatioa are invited. • The annual teenk-offeriag meeting be held next Thursday evening when an address will be give" by Mrs. Cosens. Othere wile assist. MANY A' HEART IS SAD. On Monday; atoning, Irene, daugh- ter of Mr. T. Jack.son; Jr,, slipped away into the other world, For' aliont Six yaars, the result of Havergal College, Toroato, Irene has been iii delicate health. pveryedilavg; that love could suggest, or a thor- its workings, could devise, was done tha Itope of restoring her to healtb, but every effort proved un- availing, and it was largely due to her own dateneleas spirie thee, the. grim reaper was laeld at bay so long. Irene •was a girl gifted above the average ani it was indeed a grief to her ambitious spirit that her life's activities Were cut shert before they had well begun. She made a valiant, fight for life and health and al- though she realized! that it was a hieing battee she seldom, al- lowed herself to become downcast. For her friends the ever hod *a pleas- ant smile and a merry, word. Such was the winsomenees of her dis- 'wherever sill went and brainy a heart is sad eaday because of the uritimely passing of that blight, young personality'. The funeral, which was private, took plar,e yesterday afterineen from her father's residerice High ntreeet. The seoviees were. ecuidected 'by Rev.. Dr. Stewart, assisbecti Rev. Mr. Grant and by Rev. Mr. Outlet of /Jargon. The pallbeaters were Metears. J. Itatteneury,,,Fred. Jack - Jas. Pair, W. D. Pair, Major Rance and Dr. Shaw. • Relatives who came from autside points to be, present were a Mrs. C. Seaforth, and Mr. Will. Greig, Hx- eter. Many beautiful Ili:Avers were sent, the employes of Ito Jackson Company, tte ()Mee staff and several heads of departments expossed their sympathy in this way, as did also Pion, and many other Wends. Pre the ft.eitiy. is extended the sin- ing he is more coact... quality of saeb Ilia plants out than poliitical preferme field it would ensure a campaign worXd lie a memorable one, even Rev. Joseph Elliott of Goderich is would mean a feaet of 'oratory that tte electors do eioti 'often, ,have 'the opportunitei of -enjoying. the - Has Won Prizes Caton. " Mr. J. K. Wise of the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, has be.= doing ditto as an exhibitor at our cciuneyi Fairs -this fall, tbat is he hoe been winning prize es galore, thus- repeating his success of former years. To get the red ticket in the • different Classes in, grain or dairy produce his competit- ors have found is. a mighty, bland . thing if J. K. spenially wanbe ana it means that the entry' is not Linty fine but superfine. ' At Seafortle - Mr. Wise made seveneaen entries and won. seventena prizes. ,Ditto again „et everything thera was to be ept an Brus.'els all he eirsts in hie el while from Boy Id tor brought award tickets h a bask were to tack up on - his bare :the peize tickets h as on at one time and another than wouldn't, be so melee as equare limb of ,the . Rather Favors Thirteen.13 Base Line is noe' one of those • who are about Pridap mid positively &End el combitation Friday ana Thirteen, and to Prove it we merely Died state that he seethe ‘date of hie sale for Friday the, Thir- teenth day of the Month. Not a few of his aequailitances shock their bluets and prophesied a failure, but Mr. Hardy pooh-poohed. the ideo and as it so twined out the Weather was perfect, the crowd tig ana the prices good. For • a four -months old horee bolt $94 was obtained and three ederteene,„, month' old cattle sold ate ,$40 each, whtee a couple of W00 caletese they Were erily three months old, were, Icalockcd down at $36 for 'the Other items in the list went:propoi,-. were something like $250 tiara tliati he expected. • ParliapsoMr. Handy's partiality tor Thirteen is. due samenebe.t to the fad thab his good wife a birtilidap falls on the 13th end *nit winsomei little daughter's likewise. Sunday* Was' obeerved as PloWer SUInlar and the church was beanie - fully decorated. The Ladies' Aid will have tea fa the vestry+ on Friday, evening, On Monday evening B.Y.P. meeting was had. Miss Clara Walker lova an excellent paper on "WhY beliova the Bible." Then ai half hour was voted to steal and hooloolatle earely eare itympatlin of the conanunity. was served.