The Clinton News-Record, 1911-10-12, Page 9Cilateit Nommoltimited t^ "g7 -4•-z:, 11449.14•49 04004/440 04.041 010410414100110111 IWO* oesiromposoil Stoves Steir 44. p Now le the time toprepare for the Cold Weather—andwe beep a good Stock of Ranges in mice troll' . $24.00 to $50.00. heaters for Weod or Coal from $0.00 to $50.00 Also ;tome Secondhand Stoves, and one good Second hand Coal or Wood Pornace—Lots of leve pipes—Stove Boards and, -Oil Cloth, Square.. 1-1.A.P.MD 231t08.. STOVES and HARDWARE ..,...................................... NEW MA1NTLES 1 SEE OUR MO SPECIAL 0.30POSOE op . OXPERIENCE in past years has taught us that this is the very pop - 1 ,11-4 War price with a great many ladies when purchasing their new winter coat and accordingly we have made a +special study of garments at this price and have succeeded in getting together the finest assort- . Imerit of high class garments ever offered at this price. ,. These mantles come in black, navy, green and a number of mixed • tweed's and are well tailored of good dependable cloths and are excep. tional value ot Ten Dollars. Other mantles from $4.00, $8.00,.$12.0O and $1e.00. Children's mantles from $2.00 up. Special prices on ladies' and cbildren% Furs, men's and boy's Overcoats, Blankets, Underwear, Rubbers, etc. Make thio store headquarters fix your fall needs and you will find* you have had bigger values at smaller cost than ever before. SMALL PLUMSTEEL MORE PROFITS BROS; BUSINESS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t••••• • Wm.!' I YEARS OP ADHERING STRICTLY TO. THE, POLICY "The Best at Every Pricp Always" _tfasegfc ished for, us a reputation for good sho that is second to none. 1 Spend a half hour in our shop, rooking over the new Fall Styles and we will prove to you that buy- ing of us means a distinct advantage to you and a positive assurance of being correctly fitted with Shoes that sparkle with that superb style that mak- es them truly destinctive and exclusive. FRED JACkSON ismaaalreisimmaimearmamosismeminsimpos ' . . EN YOU TALK 'ABOUT GETTING, irolut srovr.a. PLACED FOR TUE WINTER VERY OFTEN A ROOM TO DECOR/TE IS COUPLED WITII IT. Ir MS BE SO IN 'tom WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR STOOK. WE OF- FER AN 'UNUSUALLY LARGE ASSORTMENT OP DESIGNS FROM WHICH r� WAKE YOUR ennenoiv AND EVERY PAPER IN THE STORE IS FAIR VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. W. D. FAIR. CO, Often Cheapest — Always the Best 11•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B Hoover Nelson Ball UNIQUE DESIGNS I I are in demand by those In house furnishings of artistic tastes. A visit nere *will disclose retett_dr7 UNIQUE FURNITURE I THAT IS DECORATIVE I but not ovally dear. Merit is what.wins these days, • and it's only merit that gives us our:liberal patronage NIEPIT IN FURNITURE MERITIN PRICE • The otienpent spot in Huron Creinty to buy all linin of furniture, - .,Hoover:& Bali m•••••••.4 • WM1141111111 Dr. Thompson was in Toronto ant tie week end. Mrs. Oliver Jchasou is .in Toronto this week visiting lee son. Mr. Oliver Johnston visited Zuelch frrnds a dvy or two last week. Mrs. Jas. Not:, bas returoad front a. somewhat lengthyt visit at Saalt Ste. Marie. Mrs. James Flynn returned Mon- day' of last week from a visit ' Seaforth. ,• Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock and Mrs. Frank Keegan of Bayfield were in. Clinton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mutch and family' visited the old homestead above Auburn over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Batiour of 'Galeriatownship spent Sunday with friends hi Clinton - Mr, Gordon Cuningliacme spent the week end th) guest ofl Mr. aril Mrs. Nattel ot the Lake Shore. Miss Gladyas Cantelon returned on Tuesday after a weeks' vielt with friends in Landon /township. Mrs; Broaernae 0/ ludremit& bits been visiting bets ,mother, Mrs. Tuner, during the past week. • Miss Amelia Hatand went down : to Toronto on itonclii.e„ where she in- teada visiting friends for' a few weeks. Mr. Wm. Pridham or Toronto. Was ill awn1st week visiting his brother- in-law, Mr. Artily Cook; and other friends. Mr. John Ransford was in Toronto this week attending a meeting or • the Canadian Manifatturers' As- spelation. Mr. and Mrs Washington. and child- ren a Arburn. spent Sunday the guests Of •the lades father, Mr. Thos.• Jenkins of Woodlands Farm. Mr, T. Jacksol, • Jr., returned on Monday from a trip to the Pacific Coast in the interests of the Jack- son Mfg. Co. He was away a lib tle over *a month. Mtn. David Cook, Sr., bad the anis felt/tine . to fall—feeentlyeineuring her wrist so that she has been !unable' to use ib since, The inured mem- ber is improving Miss Darisy Middleton, while visiting Miss McBride of Waterloo, was, taken ill. with eneumonte.. Her 1 mother went to her on Saturday and at last reports Miss hlindletfort was improving. Mrs. R. A. Bell and Master 'Willie Spent ai day) this week the guests of Mrs: James Holland of ties. air. on Road. The latter thinks the • the farm the plrice fox hoes aialatt- iorza his day in alit fields with . the team. Mr. D. C. Nixon, circulation Man. - ager of Canadian ' Foam, Tor- onto, was in town this week in the interests of :that agricultural week- ly, The Canadian Farm? Is young in. years but ts rapidly becoming big in cireulatiern,'. Its ambitieci is to be the top-notcher. Mr. Jas Stevens returned. Saturday froth Toronto after a, fortnight's sojourn. Ile had little la do but amuse hintielf while there, but leder sinridar ciroufmottandes ho would not care to go again. In truth, it :might! be said that he is not particularly' enamoured of life in that dry, However, be that as it may, 'We are all glad to have hitn in our midst as of Yore. Dr. Etna Gutrst is stieadis14 , few weeks' holiday with her fath.4„Mr. John Guest o town. Dr. qiiest has been engaged in hospital work hi New York for some time bull lex the east arienth has bean look- ing niter the practice of Dr. nucl- eon of Parkhill while die book a Vaoa- ation. We understarid the Dr. Guest intends taking up the ptac- tick of her profession in Onlan'o. Mr. Leonard Fait of the. Royal Bank, hat received word that he has been transferred, to Clinton, where he will be the acceuntant. He, leaves for that place on Thursday. As • secretary of the Shartnroak Lacrosse Club, aril as an active participant in hockey, rugby football aukd In- rossehe will be much ,missed the city, but Its mane friends will Wish iiiin continued success. The foregoing ,is from the Guelph Met - duty. Leonani Pair is a sort ot M. Jett, Pair, C. P. It. engineer, LADIES WINTER .COAT HALF PRICE We are laying out for quick selling on Saturday twenty Ladies Fall and Winter Coats in Black, Blue Brown and Beavers, Cheviots and Fancy tweeds close Semi fitting and full backs three quarter and full lengths self stropping, and braid trimmings, Don't be late In coming if you will need a coat this season thIsis a big bargain to start the coat season off Reg. $7,50 for $3.75 $1.0.00 for $5.00, $12.00 for $6.00, $12.54 for $6.25, $15.00 for $7.50 $18,00 for $9,09 ' Nett end Silk Waist -a Regular $3.75 and $4,00 for $2.50..? - Saturday we cleaning out,tbe balance of our Summer Stock of Taffeta Silk and Nett Waists in' Black, White and Navy all new styles daintily trimmed sizes 36 to 40 Regular $3.75 and $4.00 for $2.50, DRESS MAKING Mies smith is now ready to serve her patrons as in the past. Having enlarged our dress making departmeet Mise • Smith la bitter prepaired • . than ever to turn out the work more promptly end. solicits your patronage. • • NEW FALL DRESS GOODS • Rough tweeds in plain and mixed colorings proteise a great demand this season. We are showing an exceptionally large range in suit lengths no two alike from $100 up. Navy blue sizes in fine twill close shorn also promise to be very popular ask to see our range from 75c up to ' sL50. We would advise an early selection as the best colorings and patrons are sumac, go first. SATURDAY BARO&1N OF DRESS (MODS For Saturday selling we are laying out twenty pieces of Dress Goods in Box, Cloth, Pansana, Yenenians, tweeds, Lustries. etc, in Black, Blue, Green, Red and Brown Regular 50e values for 39c per yard. 'UNDERWEAR POR.MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN • • Our new fall stock of underwear is now complete for men, women and children, fleece lined, union and all wool made by the very best mills " such as Penman's, Turnbull's, Defiance, Stanfield's Hewson's, Etc. from 25c up to $2.00. READY MADE CL,OTHING AT THE MEN'S STORE The men will get bargains here Saturday in ready made clothing, newest styles, well made and best tritnmings, regular $10 00 for $7.50, •regular $8,00 for $0.50, regular $12.00 for $9.75. 10 percent. off all boys suits Saturday. Money saved is money earned. Come Saturday. • • • . • BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. rEl-IM PIC+ C_&E.311 $rroiR•m 401w4s.-- L2IRP OACk:57 C.6171Y 'Intswew " • Varna. • Stanleg Township Miss Minnie Armstrong, who has been visiting ab tto. limiest:Jett on the Brown= Line, leaves this 'week ti3 resume her dirties ars traiiird nurse ab Cone,ord, New Hampshire. We /egret to report that' Mrs. Cun- ningham is not iseproeing+ m health. Mr. Jas. Allen's new residence is almest completed.. M. W. H. Talbot is about through With another seasoa's tireshing. Ho is mow busy filling Silos, . Our schools axe Closed a ouuple of da' u thin Week while th-i teachers attend the convert5ion at Exeaor. Mr, John Manson 4,•) having a new silo . built. John is a progressive farmer and keeps eVerything u? -bo - date. , - Several from ties vAtilt), attended the special service all Ilillegreen on Simian evening lest. Bean growers in this neiGifeorhooda are experiencing sortie trouble in bar- vestng their cnip ceving to the core Owed wet weather. - Preparations under • way" to have the Presbyterian church re -pap- ered. • The follewing is the report of S. S. No. 9, for the month of Sep:tr.-Wier : Mt—Pearl McBride, Orville mob.- olsca, Mary Meyits. dth—Lorne Manson, Katie Moyer Emanuel Moor. Sr. 3rd—Alberta Finlay, Clara Zapfe, Menmo Oesch. Jr. 3rd—Edgie Finlay, Clatence Parke, Abraham Vapie, Sr. 2nd—Lillie IVIeyirs, Lydia Gta- gerich, John Moyer. Jr. 2nd—Ada Meows, Lauta Oesch, flarvey M et Pt. 2nd—Eva Bo„rue, Herbie Moyer, • Gorden Zirk. .mroadoe Sr, Pt. 1st—John OescD, Mary'Gin- getich, Carl MeClinthey. Jr. Pt. 1st—Edna:Ma Bechler, Anna Pearl Dougas, Telddyi Moyer. —G. S. Howard, Teacher . The congregation of the Ptreslayter- ian. church purpose holding anniyer- saire services on Sunday next when Rev. Neil Mow of Egm'onlville wan itreaeh at 'eleven nx: And otivzin.p. m. The church has been undergoing repairs and has been -renevaitd inside, the congregatea worshiping mean- while in tto town ball, but it. will be ready for oecupancy oa • Sunday, wren good congregations and inter- esting and helpful services are antic- iPetin'd• A number from this vicinity attend- ed the Bayfield fair yesterday.. Inspecitor Tom Nilsited No. 13 on Monday and reported everything in. first-class shape. tirtrIM.Li'VC1143211 IPT.1112111t41.1.1 at*Zitillat'VCM tvad is wen ktiown • .44e 4404•11,41444.44.4414•414.444440.440. #4,01104,414 444440 glvtel Standard. ,,.. *4/ Mrs. W. L. Keyes, who has been very 111, is new. able to be up and about. ,114.c finally friends. rejoice tin her recovery. Service in the Methodist thircei Will be withdrawn on Sunday • even- ing on account of the auniversare services in the Presbyterian church. A comin,ittee of the council will moat on Saturday to Select jurone Miss Rita Keyes, who Is teaching at Graud Bend, spent Sunday trio guest'of lex parents, Mr. and. IVIaa. Jas. T. Keyes. Mr. Chas. Ward lit tin Saturday for the neighborhood of Tbedford. Charlie is a good fellow and while here woa many friends who were sown" be see him go. Ile will be CM. inissed in the Methedist church Cheri, whine he was leading taint. Many conolaints' aro being made al sheep being allowed to run ab large in our village, They are certainly be- coming a nuisance and should las kept confined. • Stanleg Township wir. Sol Mrs, Wm. Lamont o the Goshen Line visited Mrs. Eger on Suaiay. Seheol was closed yesterday after- noon 4.) permit, of the pupils attend- ing the at Hayfield. Potato digeng is the order of the day at Nis Vicinity,. The orop is a good ane but the tubers are vary dirty owing to the wet weather Mete Will be no service in Blake Prus- hyterian church on Sunday nettrow- ing to the feet thee artaiversnry vices are being Mild at Varna. Hullott Township Nt. Jimmy Reenekis is to cow gratulated thee hie already large family was increased by adding an- other lad to the list on Sunday. Messrs. A. o Y, P 111 Free- man and Silas Davis wereithe guests cg. Mr, and Mrs. George Carbezt on Sunday. The News From Londesboro 'Mrs. • Mogeldge of Cline= spent a few days this week • with her daugee ter, M. Chas. Manning of the va. Mr. john Brunsdon is hexing ins house repainted this *504. The Epwonlei Leppe intends holding a special Literary', mettles rtxt Wednesday evening. Mrs. Theana.s asti cliildren of • Lon. doh are visiting at the home nt Mr. J. 0: Louns'ierre. • . . , I The farmers are busty loading sugar-, • I beets. Between 25 -aed 30 cars will be shipped from this vicinity this' ,o04-1 Miss Mary tawas of Clinton -nett • Wedueodayi with her parents here. Mrs. 'Jas. Langley and two sons:: spent+ a few days at the. home of Mr, E. Crawford on t3J 8th eon. Mr. Longley also ' Spent Sunday' with 4 • them. Hullett Township. VanEgmond- Aikens. To replace the barn which was des- troyed in the disasteroue fire of a few weeks ago, Mr. Ben. Cherelfill bought one ef the barns on the Fair Wm.; It was 29 x 90 or there. abOats but . he had it moved across counter/ a distance ce. about a anile. It was quite a job • but under the dir- eCton cd the veteran William Riley and the assistance of the netighbeirs the moving was dote in four days. A wall will hc built •wider the barn and it is boped to have all complete before the COM weather sets in in earnest. thurehill'S entire stock, including four horses worth. 81200 being destroyed by the rite, he has had to bus.' a pair a workers which he did this week, One' front Thos. McMichael aid the other from Cbas. Lovett,. Mr. Thos. Repaold's drover "Ettrl Ca,pple" wcn firs a prize at the God races. • 4 ' • Mrs. Jas. Flynn and MisS COWeiti of Clinton • spent Sundae with Mullett . ' A very pretty event tcdc place oat ".• Wednesday) at high rioon at the resi- dente of Mr. and 'Mrs. *James •Yoh- Egmend, Gravel Read, Hallett; when: their eldest son, john Anthony Van- Egmond, was united in marriage to'. Miss Bertha Dell Aikens. The interesting ceremony was per- formed by Rev. T. Wesley Cosems in the presence , of aboutt fifty relaeivei and friends. The wedding mart* '• was.: ) played be Miss Merle Myra Molfiii; the groom's cousie. The bride was given aWaY by her father, Mr. Thomas II. Arcs ot Boise Ci'Ky, Idaho. She was dressed in a dainty white lingerie gown and' carried a boquet of white rosea. The • bridesmaid was Miss Elvelym C. 'lip.. lady' who write a handsonee frock of Copenhagen blue silk and tamiee pink Vises, tire grteirn was sup- ported by Mr, Robot Scott Haw- • thorne. After hearty tongsstulatlens all friends. partook of a sumptuous. wedding re... Misa Mianie Reynolds iS visiting in past. The presents were valuable and' beautiful, shawl% the high ostectri Which tbi bride and groom are 1,11r by their friends. The Ato.xn's to the bride was a geld tkok-lace. The happy young couple le5i on. the 4,23 train amid shwas of NAN • fetid for a two -months' honeymoon. trip thtough Idaho, Oregon and otb- e: western States. The bride's *ay - ening gift was of navy blue serge, with hat to match, On their return Mr. and 1VIrs. Van-. Egmaid • will ,Steide ii hunett• News-Iterord eters congtatulaillona, and geed *idol Godericb. Godericb. ' EnSt Werwanosii Miss IMiggie, Ting 'visited Suuday at the hos& of Miss Symington of Col- borne. Percy, Vineerit Sundayed tinder the parktatal roof at Westfield. Mr. and Mtn, •Samilel McBride Sr. of Stanley township visited in this deinity last week. Mr. Fred. Partly visited at the oome of Mt. Jo`an Doerr a feW dale ago. ,1 let 1