HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-09-22, Page 6THE WINGIIAII TIMES SEPTEMBER 22, 1904
erllels from the Sanctorn Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
"'Xeep on the eurny side of life"
Is good advice for all.
;But it suits the best the girl who has
A *dee new parasol."
Ili compliance with their pastor's re -
guest, the ladies who attend Southamp.
ton Methodist church remove their hats
'when they take their seats in church.
A Liver Pr11 that is small and sure, that
meta gently, quickly and thoroughly.
'that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills
posse .s these qualities, and are a sure
care for Liver Complaint, Constipation,
Sick Headache, etc.
The curfew bell rings at 8 o'clock in
Mount Forest, instead of 0 o'clock as
An excellent way of keeping growing
pigs in health when confined in pens is
to feed them once a week in their slop a
teaspoonful apiece of saltpetre and sul-
phur respectively.
It's not the weather that's a fault. It's
your system, clogged with poisonous
materials, that makes yon fell dull,
drowsy, weak and miserable. Let Bur-
dock Blood Bitters clear away all the
pekoes, purify and enrich your blood,
=lake you feel bright and vigorous.
Miss Nellie Lamont, B.A., daughter of
'Robert S. Lamont, has been engaged as
teacher of Moderns in Kincardine H. S.
• et au initial salary of 000.
A quiet but very pretty wedding took
place at the residence of Mrs. T. M.
'Carling on Thursday evening last when
leer eldest daughter, Maisie, was united
in marriage to Mr. J. L. Bather of Wins-
low, Arizona.
Bears the The Kind You HaveA{.,ayys Bough,
$]gnatnroof 1-,2�� /Z
A train is expected to create a record
:for speed for long distance between Paris
and Nice the coming winter, covering
1175 mites in 830 minutes, and enabliug
travellers to leave the capital at 9 a. m.,
lend arrive at the Riuiera the same
When you de not relish your fond and
'feel dull and stupid after eating, all you
need is a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach
-rand Liver Tablets. They will make you
feel lime a new man and give you an
appetite lilts a bear. For sale by A. I.
McCall & Co.
Mr. Thos. Collins, after an absence of
thirty-six years, has returned to Howick
and is visiting her sister, Miss Mary
Collies, on the 9th con. He hails from
,Louisiana and -will return in a few weeks.
Lever's Y–Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens
the 'water and disinfects. 38
"The Canadian Pacific Railway have
practically closed a contract with the
Oonsolidated Lake Superior Company
for the delivery of 40,000 tons of steel
rails, the first shipment to be made next
"Wherever there are sickly people with
weak heL.rts and deranged nerves, Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be
found au effectual medicine. They re-
store enfeebled. enervated, exhausted,
devitalized or over-worked men and wo-
men to vigorous health.
Miss Mary McLaggan, a former mem-
ter of the teaching staff of Chesley
ischool, has secured a public school
teacher's certificate in Chicago and be-
gan to teach in that city on Sept. 6th at
Ian initial salary of $65 a month.
CA ?5T4=117E2-XA.,>
Bears the The Kind You HaveeAA{havl Bougit
of OD►��CCri(/il.
The many friends of the family will
regret to learn of the death of Mrs. John
Treleaven, of Pilot Mound, Manitoba,
and formerly of Lucknow, which took
place on Saturday 10th inst. Deceased
was the mother of Mrs. W. H. Smith of
that village and was in her 90th year.
Speaks for it,leif
Ceres :lick Ileaclac:ie
�,Owp,. Cures Nervous headache
Cures Neuralgic lfeadache
V1/4006:0. Cures Sunituer headache
k io Cures I;i:ecus Headache
tiistAC Cures any Headache
&at Is
t�i Is
Pleasant to Take
Absolutely Safe
Speedy Relief
date Sella for 250 a box
Sample box sent free
+iClaloat''a Montreal
A New York girl coughed up a penny
which she swallowed fifteen years ago,
and es rapidly recovering from what was
supposed to be consumption, She may
coneider herself in luck. Most people
to have cough up several hundred dollars
to the doctorswhen they fancy they
have that disease.
Before the summer comes. Dr.
Word's Norway Pius Syrup conquers
Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness,
Bronchitis, and all Diseases cf the Throat
and Lungs.
On Monday evening, Sept. 12th, at the
hour of seven o'cloek a very pretty
wedding wag celebrated at the home .of
Donald, McDougall, Con. 2, Bruce Tp.
when his eldest daughter Sarah was
united in marriage to Mr. John McDon-
ald also of Bruce. Rev. H. McQuarrie
performed the ceremony.
Bears the The Kind You Hale Alvrayz Bough
Mrs. McKellar, the Remake centen-
arian, died at her home last week. Mrs.
McKellar was born on Aug, 12, 1802, and
was therefore 102 years of age. Her hus-
band predeceased her 28 years. In 1822
Mrs. McKellar came to Canada from Ar-
gyllshire, Scotland, and had resided in
the vicinity of Komoka ever since. She
was the mother of thirteen children.
They Make on Feel Good.
The pleasant purgative effect exper-
ienced by all who use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the
healthy condition of the body and mind
which they create makes one feel joyful.
For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
The merchant who sends to the cheap
John printing houses for his stationery
when he has a home paper working for
the interests of his town and trying
every way to iucrease the trade among
its business houses, deserves no protec-
tion against the encroachments of the
cheap John houses whose agents scour
the country and sell to the farmers.
For Infants and Children,.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
great many farmers and others who
have had stray animals come on their
premises, have been under the impres-
sion that they can claim costs from the
time they are advertised. A man up
west had four cattle on his premises two
months before he advertised them and
on claiming damages was ouly allowed
by law tho cost of advertising.
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera hi -
en um, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dys-
ente:y and Summer Complaint, Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
a prompt, safe and sure cure that has
been a popular favorite for nearly 60
Look out for counterfeit five -cent
pieces. There is every indication ac-
e ording to the Toronto Telegram, that a
gang of counterfeiters are at work in
t he city devotirg their attention to turn.
ing out bogus King Edward five cent
pieces of 1004. They have not the
weight of the genuine article and do not
ring true. The counterfeit coins can
easily be detected by dropping them on
the counter.
For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five eents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable, Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
The many friends of Mrs. James
Moore, Exeter North, will learn with
deep regret of his death which took
place at her home on Tuesday evening,
Sept. 13th, at the age of 68 years, 7
months and 18 days. Mrs. Moore was
an amiable old lady, hind hearted and
true and was much respected by all who
had the pleasure of her acquaintance.
She was a member of the Trivitt Me-
morial church and was a thorough and
consistent Christian. A native of Eng-
land, the deceased and her husband came
to Canada about 20 years ago and settled
at the North end of Exeter where she
has since resided.
Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage
business in this count7 and adioiuina territory
for well and favorably known house of solid
financial standing. $:OOO straight cash aM1ar
and 8xperssees, paid rash Monday by' cheeky
direet from huadgnartcra. Expcnces money
• adraneed. Pot+ition permanent. Addreeec.
Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago Ilhnofs
Under the criminal code of Canada
the finder of alost actio''.e mast take steps
to discover the owner if be wishee to
escape risk of indictment for theft. A
London young man has learned this
lesson at a somewhat heavy expeuso,
haying beezerequired to restore a purse
and money, slid pay seven dollars costs
of prosecution. Tho best way to re-
cover the owner is to advertise in a newe-
There is no form of kidney trouble,
from a backat'he down to Bright's dis-
ease, that Donn's Kidney Pills will not
relieve or cure.
If you are troubled with any kind of
kidney complaint, give Donn's Kidney
Pills a trial.
Paul Jarvis of the the loth Kincardine
Tp., died on Sunday, Sept. 11th. He
came to this section about twelve years
ago from Acton, where he was a mer-
chant. He bought the MnPhail farm
and built a brick cottage for himself
and wife where they lived a plain but
pleasant life. Mr. Jarvis was a thorough
gentleman. He was well educated and
of fine artistic tastes, fond of music, and
of nature, active in any good work. He
leaves a widow and a grown up family.
Be Quick,
Not a minute should be lost after a
child shows symptoms of cholera infan-
tum. The first unusual looseness of the
bowels should be sufficient warning. If
immediate and pr= per treatment is given
serious coestquenctis will be averted,
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy is the sole reliance of
thousands of mothers and by its aid they
have often saved their children's lives.
Every household should have a bottle at
hand. Get it today. It may save a life.
For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
The Grand Trunk Railway have issued
a circular stating that to facilitate the
prompt handling of freight in and
through railway warehouses and to pre-
vent the monopoly of warehouse space
after September 15 inwards and out-
wards, warehouse or shed freight will
be stored for the first 72 hours and after
that the rate per week or part of a week
will be two cents on a hundred pounds
per classes one, two, three and four, and
one cent on classes five, six, seven, eight,
nine and ten.
The Proper Treatinent Por a Sprained
A nide.
As a rule a man will feel well satisfied
if he can bobble around on crotches two
or three weeks after spraining his ankle,
and it is usually two or three months
before he has fully recovered. This is
an unnecessary lose of time, for in many
cases in which Chamberlain's Pain Balm
has been promptly and freely applied, a
complete cure has been effected in less
than a week's time, and iu some cases
within three days. For sale by A. I.
MCCaII & Co.
Mr. Paul Jarvis, of the 10th Kincar-
dine, passed away on Sunday evening,
Sept. llth, after a lingering illness, at
the advanced age of 81 years and 4
months. He leaves a sorrowing aged
partner, aged 81 years, and three daugh-
ters to grieve•for a dear husband and af-
fectionate father. The daughters names
are Mrs. (Rev.) H. Currie, of 'Tedford;
Mrs. Wm. Shaw, of Toronto; and Miss
Jarvis at home. The funeral was held
on Wednesday.
Dysentery causes the death of more
people than small pox and yellow fever
combined. In an army it is dreaded
more than a battle. It requires prompt
and effective treatment. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
has been used in nine epidemics of
dysentery in the United States with per-
fect success, and has cured the most
malignant cases, both of children and
adults, and under the most trying con-
ditions. Every household should have a
bottle at hand. Get it to -day. It inay
save a lite, Sold by A. I. McCall & Co,.
An old resident of Goderich died on
Tuesday in the person of Mary Haggard,
widow of the late Peter Shea. The
deceased, who had reached the good old
age of 75, was until recently a very
active woman, and was a well known
personage:for the last 40 sears, Of late
she suffered much from rhuematism,
which confined her to the hoose most
of the time for several years. Her re-
mains were interred in the R. C. cemet-
ery, Colborne, Thursday morning.
The estimates of the Ontario crops
compiled by the Outario department of
Agricuturo, show a falling off in the
total yield of wheat of 7,899,9755 bushels,
as compared with last year. There is a
decrease of over 50,000,000 bushels in
oats and a decrease of 870,810 bushels in
rye. The yield of barley shows an in.
crease of 737,808 bushels. There is an
immense increase in hay and clover, the
total yield being estimated at 5,239,189
tons as compared with 4,336,062 tons in
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con•
dition of the mucous lining of the
Enstachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire-
ly closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con-
dition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an intim-
ed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured. by Ball's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars free.
1 F. 3. 0nai anY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 75o.
J Take Ball's Family Pilin for constipa•
Human Body Has its
Equinoxial Storms.
In its March From the Cradle to the
Grave, the Body Has its Periods of
Change which are Associated With
Alarming Disturbances.
There are two great periods fn hen's
lives. About torty•flve every man
realizes that some new condition has
arisen, and if this time is happily passed
about sixty the health barometer takes
another dip and storms of great import
cloud the horizon of life.
These storms must be met, and wise
people will fortify the resisting power
of the body by Ferrozone, which builds
up bodily streugth, renews the blood,
strengthens the blood and viral organs,
Newtissues are formed by.Ferrozone,
whioh euables the Cody to resist iiseases
and prevent the organic changes so like-
ly to supervene at this critical time.
No matter what the ago or sex of the
iudividuel, as a nerve builder, a brain
strengthener and general body invigora-
tor, Ferrozone is the best medicine, It
pushes back ; he feeling and appearance of
old age,and puts the elasticity and vim of
youth into systems that ordinary reme-
dies fail to rebuild, This is not mere
theory, but a claim that is reinforced by
overwhelming evidence of the honest
merit of Ferrozone.
Unlike oily emulsions, and alcoholic
bitters whioh are no huger prescribed by
intelligeut phyicians, Ferrozone contains
the latest and best strengthening ele-
ments in tablet form. Its quality there-
fore is uniform, ite dose is small, just
one tablet at meal time. You can't fail
to be greatly benefitted by Ferrozone,
whioh is sold at druggists, price 500. per
box or six boxes for $2.50. Insist on
having only Ferrozone. Refuse all sub-
stitutes. By mail from N. C. Polson,
Kingston, Ont„ and Hartford, Conn., U.
S A.
Sir 'Willis m Mulock bas been advised
that a Canadian Club has been organized
in Mexico for the purpose of promoting
trade between the two countries, and
that he has been made an honorary
A case of interest to farmers was tried
at the Milverton division court before
Judge Barron. Mr. A. Babb, a mer-
chant at Milbank, sued a farmer named
Ferris for an account for binder twine,
and the latter counterclaimed for dam-
ages on account of a quantity of apples
which the merchant had contracted to
cull, pack and purchase at a price, but
which he failed to carry out. The ap-
pies were not culled or packed, and not-
withstanding that the farmer had taken
thenrinto his barn, many were frozen
and spoiled. Tho judge held the claim
good and awarded the defendant $22,
which allowed for deductions on account
of culls and haulage to Millbank.
To prove to you that Dr.
Chase's Ointment is acertain,
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itching,
bleeding and protruding phos,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Seo tee.
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh-
bors what they think of it. Yon can use it and
get your money back if not cared. 60c a box, at
all dealers or EnnIANSON,BATES & Co.,Tor'onto,
Dr Chase's Ointment
The farmers are expecting that hay
will be dear this winter, This belief is
based on the fact that straw will be sure
to be scarce. Owing to the very cold
winter, and later to the drought in the
summer there was no second cutting of
clover this year, either, and those who
intend to winter stock must, of course,
feed bay. The Ontario crop report
stated that there would be fully 1,000,000
tons more hay this year than last, but
the farmers declare that the shortage in
cornstalks, wheat and oat straw will
more than make up for this overplus.
They look for bay prices to range about
$9 a ton this winter.
Mr. J. E. Weise, of the Huron road,
Tnckersmith, is the inventor of an apple.
mice for opening and closing farm gates,
without leaving a rig, that is a marvel of
I simplicity and effectiveness. It can be
attached to any gate infive minutes, and
will open any gate that swings clear of
the ground. The attachment works
from the back post, and consists of a gas
pipe which extends sixteen feet on either
side. Within the pipe run wires which
are manipulated with a handle at each
end, and these control the mechanism
that opens the gate. He has secured a
patent for it, and purposes putting the
article on the market.
Miss Marion T. Young, who was one
of Ripley's most highly accomplished
and popular ladies, died at the home of
her uncle, D. B. McDonald, con. 0,
Huron, on Tuesday of last week. Over
a year ago owing to poor health she was
forced to resign her position as teacher
in the Ripley public school and notwitb.
standing that for some months she took
treatment at Gravenhurst, her friends
realized that death would eventually
reign supreme. 13y this death a gloom
has been cast upon the entire neighbor-
hood. The bereaved mother and fancily
have the sympathy of all in their end
affliction. The funeral took place on
Friday to the Ripley cemetery.
Crichton Lodge which Lord Dundon-
ald occupied daring his resitlenoe in
Ottawa, has been purchased in behalf
of His Lordship, and will hereafter 1•e
known as Cochrane Lodge. The pro-
perty comprises twenty acres of ground
mostly wooded, and additions and im-
provements to the residence will be pro-
ceeded with almost immediately. Lord
Dundonald is an ardent sportsman, but,
owing to his earnest and devoted atten-
tion to his work during his two years'
stay in Canada, he was unable to visit
the hunting grounds. It is within the
bounds of possibility, however, that he
may return to Canada this fall to have
some deer hunting.
—Tans and Weekly Globe till end of
1904 for 45 cents. Good chance for new
subscribers to get cheap reading matter.
The township of Ashfield has entered
suit against tl,e county for an injunc-
tion and damages, the case arising out
of the overflow of the nine mile river
and the damage to property said to be
caused by said overflow. The following
is the statement in the case: The
plaintiff township asks for au injunc-
tion restraining the defendant from
maintaining the present bridge across
the nine mile river at the village of
Port Albert, in said township, and for a
m andatory order of other process com-
manding and requiring the defendant
to build a proper and sufficient bridge
across the said stream at the said point.
Also for damages heretofore caused to
the plaintiff owing to the said bridge
being insufficient, whereby the plaintiff's
highway was injured. Wm. Proud -
foot, K. C., is acting for Ashfield. and
Messrs. Dickinson & Garrow for the ,
The death of Mrs. Duncan McKellar,
who was probably the oldest inhabitant
of Middlesex County, occurred at her
home in Komoka, on Tuesday of last
week. The remarkable old lady was in
her 102nd year, having been born on
August 12, 1802. In 1882, she came to
Canada from Argyleshire, Scotland, and
resided in the vicinity of Komoka ever
since. She was predeceased by her hus-
band, Mr. McKellar 28 years ago. Mrs.
McKellar was the mother of thirteen
children, of whom the following survive:
Duncan McKellar, of Michigan; Daniel
and Peter McKellar, and Mrs. Giles of
Manitoba; Mrs. Edmanson, of Chat-
ham, and Mrs. Sinclair, with whom she
resided iu Komoka.
Ont., and surrounding territory,
to represent
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
Newest varieties and specialties
in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits,
Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses.
A permanent situation, and territory
reserved for the right man. Pay weekly.
Handsome outfit free. Write for partic-
ulars, and send 25 cents for our Pocket
Microscope, just the thing to use in ex-
amining trees and plants for insects.
over S00 Acres
Shorthand, like all other inventions and discoveries,
is continually improving.
The latest, fastest to write and most easily transcribed
system is the Gregg—over 400 leading business schools
have adopted this system and discarded the older ones.
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
teaches Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting. And
every other department is up to the same high standard
of efficiency.
Students may enter any time during term. Booklet free.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal, Y.M.C.A.. 1uirding, London.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people --but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fam:.rremedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est 7 -nu -Ay .with a long and successful record, to
'n• llgestic,n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
..o' .,t,potion, t .7ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
-,tion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
i`• zatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
'- ,'-'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
i i"wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
_' . -.ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
con tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
`..e.ibti1es. Your druggist sells them. The five -
c. nt packet is en .d, -h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottk 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
THE RESULT ok Ignorance and folly inc youth, overexertion of mind and body
induced by lust acid exposure aro constantly wrecking the lives
and future happiness of thousands of promteing}oung men. Some fade and wither
at an early age, at the blossom of manhood, whsle others are forced to drag out a
weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach matri-
mony but find no solace or comfort there. The victims are found
in all stations of life—the farm, the office, the workshop, the
pulpit, the trades and the professions. nervous Debility and 3eminel
Weakness are guaranteed cured by our New Method Treatment er No
Pay. You run no risk T5 years in Detroit. Bank security.
CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. Na cameo used without written consent.
"I am 33 years of age and married. When young I led a gay
d life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me.
I became weak and nervous. My kldueye became affected and I
feared Bright's Disease. Married Life was unsatisfactory and
• my home uuhapPv. I tried everything—all failed till I took
treatment from Dre. Kennedy et Kergan. Their New Method
built inc up mentally, physically and aexaally. I feel and act
like a man in every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are honest,
skilful and responsible financially, 60 why patronize Quacks and Fakirs when you
can be cured by reliable doctors."—W. A. Belton.
CURES GUARANTIED OR NO PAY. Consultation Free -•Bogs Free--QuesIIon Blank Free for Rome Treatment.
a g j� 148 Shelby Street,
Drs. Kennedy VE Keegan, Detroit, Ptlich.
it4,4 .-4.X71►1a91�4ii,#0. 4sii.100.4 ►,0 04.010„a44 4,10.41 .
Cured To
Strictures, no matter where located, are apt to involve the .01
,. ,t.r ^ surrounding, structures. If neglected or improperly treated,
urethral stricture will produce distressing symptoms. Cut-
Alki,.,t;. ,, "'+.. ting, stretching and tearing are the old barbarous methods of
( r,. treating this dtseasc. The strictly modern and original meth-
,}, - ods employed by us are free from the horrors of surgery and
Ala* are absolutely safe and harmless. The abnormal stricture tis -
4.1,,k t,;1 sue is dissolved and leaves the channel free and clear. All ��„ un-
natural discharges cease, any irritation or burning sensation
' --':: (�: v, disappears, the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate Gland and other
Ali _.,� f . = surrounding organs are strengthened and the bliss of manhood
Al 2;,f lig returns. Our ABSORPTIVE TREATMENT will positively
We Cure Varf000ete, Blood and Skin Diseases.
Nervous Debility. Strictures, Bladder, Kidney and
Urinary Diseases.
CONSULTATION FREE. Question List For Home
Treatment Sant Free.
Founder of
Dr. Spinney & Co.
lb44444444444444444444444444444416444t1E64 444
• , Th
• Job
ep it1
tit 7t .'i.^.• ir.?,. ::`.Jr ,,:. �yy:•4t+: h . „, ..:., .. �•k,•a`•. s.� ',^,9FF
Our Job Department is up-to-date in
every particular ; and our work is
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Our Specialities.
is the best local paper in the County
S of Huron. Subscription: $I.00 per
year in advance—sent to any address
in Canada or the United States.
Alt advertise1ines1t in the Times brings good results
Address all tlolnmunications to—
(NiteePhone, Re, VVI GIIAlif ONT.
Residence Phone, No. 74. t