The Clinton News-Record, 1911-10-05, Page 1N
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Halt# 100-4 'Yo11
u. +CLINTON, ONTARIO, '?'HURS�i�iY, OCTO OER' 15th►, 1811 "� I OSM P
'' N�ws,.Racorda► asldr,ea Canada to II' #+r cute.
. T' x CI• URCIi.
it dApplication has been made . tone n Tko Mnif ton, 0overautemt has an- he Lea ue moetiug on Maida eR ��
Lilt Ever# R 1p
I vvto�r_`rw T The euatams car11Ni0tiana f;llaton' Tite voting on the Ry-llgtts .
, . r r I I r ' I
/ ch$rter for the Clinton Mtirttir Car apuioed Mendes, October s(1t14i as ,,on+ing was the inonithl con$ecray►tion torr the- aaiia znonttlr$ codling hep#
4r, l
C takes pla0e on (��tobet? 16th,
i; ; .I 9 psp whth s�. caq�iUal gtiQO,QD6. ThaT>kks&�vingI+. The age irAzn meebirs and was in cl>errts of hf7ss 36th ware ;34,201.d7i r4 icnase. o't o�;�
Y given such Floro m Cuxi:n !*st + The ,, . b. of both By 1.arrY
1'he rovisiorial directors will Tii+lrsday >ta- Monde . ,rise
JW4 Craig,, E. D. Clegborn and J.ohA satfsfao5ion tbtat it dyer ww be cmn- Ret•. M;r: Ford, gave a balk an, ''. Com,- er tAra corresponding road7ng period of
ghame. The attar, year of $974,19. .s the bettarmeutR of,., volae
V ' MoLamblan, Toronto,. aatd W. Jack_ side;iod established. secm;tatlov" ane! there was the urr• to" ,. '
. spn'afad T, Jacksoo Jr.; Clinton. u*l' rail tail. Lirttle Miss Dorothy WA
E'R RrAfI'Ef>. verp good cltizen Worsts to •
`Tie' triose pleasing presents are ,among the Sr Mer. MMI E THE LOCAL MARKET Itaker lien@i a solo very sweetl � sea the ipwat ga. ahead ,; there'at
p TrHE C4 TTE y� Water rates a now dna and; in lint Ane w3�a vtouid fnteratt ter -
gtrare, ` ut Glass .offo Bride
f ass' and China. ever reCci�ed Wheat 85G. the .h�gfnning o+# the prngnarw. - order fro oocurg the discount xuNst ally place anp� obsst+acla is tla7
t04 titisG%l O)Feit either. At the recent meettr� Ihie Oats 3sG. THRPE HUNDRED SERVICES, be pall Were the 19th, ' In; case.. the way.-
esaecutive of the cDiooese of rFlurotrii the Fees 75G. '`
. . We are sholving a tient choice assofftefit ,of new, following were . ,among bboof elected, Huron
ale Fees 630. The 5 wn GOUnci occount has been, lost a call on the+ ;It $,l possible that tllero may '
9s in. rhei»es mcnfi+ones.
to l on Monday dight town Yieasurer , w.iil So# things be a stray clause is one 0, the
C, ends about tQ enter tie ha metiers of the mission comm4ttere . Butter '18c Uo loc. granted' Mr; Reuben Graham a sit li&t, i J3 ' '
,Lbose �iaving pio . ate, Nudge Holt, Mr. John Ruastord a,nd Eggs 230 to 240. - moutbi license for the h,Dwling a'llep in"
to- which - exception ,
. sliQrilat .iris Ott~ sfoCk. '• g " her sand there be taken,
Rev. (7. R. Gonne. Ilia i ono~ sad I+iv , 'Hos ;6,35. for wbich be paya thfrfy�five dollars. BAPTIST CHURCI ..
tali that is lil nninoir matter
f10. eftOtxtLt"cfC hh'e the differeftt $f'ttCCSt.. Yr. RaQisiord. were also plated -WONT D The ti=n of the waterworks sirs , t �.•~' f
,�flt $sf�lle t0 d IT A4ATiN, La. Su day Mr, i lip pre
acted special con a} y p ached comilirad with, the, ixapcRternae
2bey ffl, -st be seeA to �e appreccatefl� , commnaibtee reported 29.7 service$ in- both marialing azyd eveziiiag �a good o whole By-law.
A PLEASANT TEA, rhe Grand T�pnk freight q�nduator, stalled and 3 more to ,go . this audiences. Services neve yuudap. ay �^
• who, recently obstructed the London week. I•le also stated that needed usual, 5tiangere invited. The Walter�ttorks By�,lant' will
,; $ • • • Mrs. Jw*. Rice gave .a very. enjoy- ;Rox;1 crossing and againsP who in w t. the plant was abotut aoQn The; Ladido' Mispkou' Circle ire .hav- pla"a the syMem under * ,
_ . - alk encu
' able little thianble tee on Tuesday ai- ewrsequeuoa, action was taken . a plated.
. p ing a 'special Thasik-olering tnw.tirt; management- of a Conitmission -
parnoon' last week in homer of her peared b"'-'b¢�e the beak 'bete Ilia
sfsl�r, Mrs, T, A. Rutherford andMxs. other day and was flnedone dollar. and A TREAT IN STORE. tonight in the church a�' 8 o'cicok.' cliches been found advisable
1. I 1. " . W�
0• Wt � - A good program will be -ru'i'n , �.lso where. , 1
, . Jack Rutherford of Galt who' as- ,casts. lit wont do A aigaisn—that is Tto Ghoiv of. Ontario street chup,,h —
a co11et7Uiaa. oaken i n aid of F'ot
• agitated hot -in ,receiving, -Mrs. H, B. dally on the crossing, aro snaking colnsideriatbl , preparation sign Missions: The Motor Car B11 -law, will
Qe+iwelet+ and titian - .. - (, ' t hamt poured teat assisii d by Miss' for their concert, which takes place The Rrsb meeting of the Baptist, coati's tli: ,town to sell tfra .
, tnfon Marfan Harland and .Miss Willa WILLIS. CHURCH,
in the tower hall tai the 19th, Ap- young People's Ungtoa was braid on Thresher COmPany buildings
.,% . , ... . - . . . . Fad, The :opening nVeting of the Young tammas, The King of Harpists , Mondap evening, 'Mr, J, Tucker in-: and plaint ane to selCuno . air.
People's' Guild will be On Monday Miss Chace Merry, well known enter- traduced the topic, "Lessonv From *idust+ry that, will enhai>I ,
___ _ �� _ ext, at meeting; for fiinal ar- telae~, and Miss. Alexandra~ Brad- Gx3at Lives,", and an intere5f�ing din. he general prosperity of
evening n much $
71dr, James Walkingshaw has. leased rangeli=. ts, -being held can Wed -.ley', soprano, are a ong the Statists cussion followed, Thi subject to lie the whole •town.
his, fine brick house on street aesday+: Rev. Mr, Grant will who will furnish the prog,ramRnre and tl�kcai up. next Monday evening will Supporters -of out fine fine sys-0
.. ?" I I to Mr. Jahn Cram, Toronto l, . .
i , presi give a lecture neat Monday on whielb promises tb .he a rare treat, be, "+New Work. Our Socioiay Migtn. tem of schools in which every
- �. �
Tie oto al 8an►1 .�
dent of iii►e Qlintou Motor ;Car Coin The Wit and Humour of the Bible," Do:" All are cordially, invited to citizen takes pride are patrti- .
pexis and is teeing lit thorough -15% All •phe Y+sung people; of the coir e - 'ITT the meetih s. cularl interested in the;
g LE LOCALS. g r ' pass~
. Qh CANADA, renovated, He us,alsO instailinrg the altldh 'and others are cordially. invit- C, C: I. Field Dap tomiioxxaw. There > ing of bh`+s Bylaw. ,
'' waterworks sbrt*fce, batQis, aft, eta.; d, will be basketball and football corm- BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. .
INCORPORATED n860., • so that the place will be iih�oroughly The :Women's Assoclation umt- in. petttdons tihis year. in odditioa to tl,lp The usimess:- Ien' s cin ' n Another Important' industry'
. Y 4 B A s A sc do . ga+ve
malwn in all respects. fMr. and Mrs. f+he leaYure rdoin fbr their regular Other sports. a su er, in the •couna T chamber on mentos increased population' and
Capital Paid Up •• S6,2oo,odo.: PP thus mare people 1�c bel us
Craig - anti: their three bo expect to .wonthl tea esterda The ban-3ball team is plaping a Friday' ~;veining last to which about p
Reserve and Undivided Prgtits. $y,2oo,000. Ys P r yesterday,
Total Assets . - - ' • $Ioo,000,oao, take posaassion about .the firsts of - mtatoli, this atfternoun with the V,urfcb fouty+ sat down. After partaking of pays for our waterworks and: .
HEAD OFFICE, IVIONTREA[.. Noveoaiber. ,. . team on . Recreat+ion. Park. The .final the good things provided for • the nes, our sfdewatlkR
lighting services, ,
M W A- S mfatehr of the season street and general iaibbrove-
190 Branches and Correspondents thronghotut the World.'
lies bought . the
collage next Ont orf o• street ehuXch
113x: ,Ins. McMath has sold his house.
inner. man, reports were >! ad from
the secretary, and from the . chair-
meats, .the,salarfes of our nun;'
.Rev. G. W. Racep of Kirkton
occupied by the late Mrs. Swinbank,
said, grounds just norhh of town i,o
Mr. - 'Farquhar, `:and will
oleo Gd tkie .`di rerkt, ..comamdttees, thre,
is»al ,filter s Wad the main-
ten encs of our* schools, cHwr•
preached very acceptabl} on Sunday*
The . Misses Jackson, who have been:
Gi+�. M. .
president, Mr, C. E. Dowding pre id-
• cl)3s, etc.. . -
Ii. E. MANNING, ,Mana er . Clinton ,Branch..
while the rector conducted I%rvest
• m
Thallk vnng services at Kirkton
living on Ratteaibur s
nI y treet, have
moved across do Ontario street` hav-.
move into town in a couple
P t of weeks.
MV3. A. McRae wishes to thank
ing. Thein lYlessxs. Iloovw,.Brydone,
Macpherson' Oantelon, Dr. Shaws and
. .
A ' unanimous vote on both
Rev. C; E, Deakins was rn Wittg-
ing leased t1r, cottage which Mrs,
Court Maple Leat . fox %elf.', krnd<
Mayor Taylor: spoke on' the two by-
3t would show that our
. B -laws
baso ott Mondays _evening living• an
; g
$hlaely, has vacati+3. L4._Mr, John
ness, and also for paylmengt of $J 060
laws : which are wi w ' before tife
,citizens are of
, a d
which epnGerae
add.;ass at tl%Iarvest Tlvanksgfvdrig
Lanxan of Phe Hurciri Road has ur-
insurance and for sick and funeual
pea le of C1lziton. Eaah Anoka frodn
ouAtttown's interests aatid it
tea fn.. connection . with St. Pauli s
chased .the cotta . belonging to :Mrs,
b e>Ots. .
his own lic+ixpt of .view, acid each ex -
would atlso,. serve: fie encciura. si
Thi M 5* B
I A*
ohurcb there,. and on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Deakins bi..dore thie.Arch:
hard on Albr3rt attract . and illi,
1' _
Wilfrid Bi@gink, who bas been occupy+-
plainod. how the .matNar apPE'aled to
hien: The meeting was. unanimous In
the -e.,tablishment; of st'illmore. 0 -
': 1
I 11
• - .• • •. -
deacaonryr of Elgin at St.: Thoviiias.
in it ' -
g:. , _ has .rented. Ma• John SlAd-
Dear Siston,=0n behalf - of ' ;Olinton
the- op'r`iion tha►t the two. by!larws •are
industtries; , _
.1 j .
INCORPORAcTJgD 1856 . ...
The rector will occupy,, his 'own put-
er's house. on $uron ''street.
Lodge, No. 470, I, .O, F., we' desire to
the most important voted on in
Capital Pald up - 64,000,000 S .
Rest Fund • - 4 400 000
pi's . 'on : Sunday; next nit both sex-'
*sea. ' '
•. �:
THE W. C T.,t.t.
convey, to you. our s$ caerel syfmplahih'y
because ` of the loss of our.
Clinton for some time .and. that+ ,in
the case of the: M6tor Car Works it
Bay field-
. Has 78 Branches In Canada . .
1 xarvest ThaAksgiving . services will
A 11 members and friends of the W. •
.. ,. . :
• •brother
and � y,Dur husband. We.. Will, ands., lim
would be ldegidedly. ;;n the ffritereat of
and Mrs• William t 1du.tard lei
and Agents an .
g d Correspondents in all the principal cities:
; .
be held in ibis church a week from
, :•
C. T, T1, axe invited ' a. attend' the
in the lodgerooaii, but our loss is no4
the to to give it a • taco sup- -
wn g $ g p
last week for a Port Humin.
the world
Sunday1... •
annual county co venticai to be held
to be comgrared to that which ::will
Port. were appointed in
ward isfepayors
and Detroit.
A C1rRioSI7•Y:
in. the tem erance ll 3oderioh
p hall, , °n
be- felt in" the home. -H a ;n-
each -Vo. st+D: the and
Mr,. and Mrs: Dann, who the,,
Tuesday ;and Wednesday. next. The
pabhp, .however strong,•' wn�ll "no# as
get' out as large a as possible.
.spent ..a
sum finer : is J ow+ttxs Grdve, have lef,C
: ,...
r. J Jervis
Ur. oho a vis of 4oderich tbwa> .
parli7ninar , meeting is 'helve Tues-
y, g . on.. .
linage mite grief of wife -and children
for their btDma at Detrpft, ,.
, • . ,,
-' - •, - 'DEPARTMENT' "'
stir while`•waiki a•Ion the.. 1
ship, ng g Bayfie a
days maining at ,ten thirty : but! Waitis
and. we , Herefore co-nmand y+Du to out,:
Rev. -r •John. Richardoon :of vi n`
, ., ;
River ,hhe otlev d_ap. Caame atcross
wtmt thin of. a cuxnosit im the
g Y •
will •carry+ delegatess,, up --in time for.
t4 aftiernoon . injecting,
a g. Rev; Mr.
Heavenly bather, who' •has. promised
to be a hii'
sband to thg widow and a
•^ Personals.
will occupy. the pulpit'of • ,St.. RAA"
Interest allowed at IIi$hest Current Rate.
phape ai:. a stone n semblin in Foran
Dewe . of London will lettere. n
'Tuesda ' o
father to the fa-0herless. Ma a
Mr. W,, Br pdone is. in Toronto this
drew s . chirch on Sunday+ .whoa the
pastor Rev.. Mr, McFarlane~ -goes to •
Clinton Branch C. E. Dowdln, Manager,,
.1. _,.
a, lion and a .sheep, sittingg► back tib
The stone would we's
ngn, nn
evenizr :' -. T
y'' g he local union of
Goderioh will lock, after delegates.
hove, • race accordfn your ,
a g g to y r dap is
'the p2ayea of our hetarts; Signed on
week, .
Miss I�eirtptx�n of L.aurlet is the guest
H ch anniversary
illsgreen to prza seryl nor-
neisghborhood of three ~hundred pounM,
Those intending Ma go from, Cli-Mn
behalf a4 the Lodge. . . Helyar, Re-
of her aunt, Mrs. War. Cooper.
Mr. Robert Beacom fs offerin •for
Several people viewol the curlou6
are requested to communicate. ..-with
cording Secretary.
T. ,
A. 1. Goape i;: who has'
'sale his bosh lots the 3rd . n:m: No
• -�' •. a
11 .Mrs.
.1. .. _
foranation, sZpme gfvfrrg it; as iihein
: , i
opinioir iihat it is an, ldob worshipped
Mrs. T... Wesley+ CbSens, or with �M=s:
:C. 4. Wallis, local pre.ndenst. . , , ,Ib
v. . .been
, her'
:visiting, ng nether ° and olihtir
'Chicago for
1,30 p;.m. PO .
be abld ori. Det. 7 thi at11
. I'
- ••
" _ ' . .
� .the Tndiaep .C1 long. ago, 'others
- Next Sunday; • Rev. ,T.. W. Cose sweeks'
friends in trhe past ,,few'
, returrriad home ai. Mendes'; :"
the premises,.
Mrs.' Stanbury-, - left os Saturday
. .:
L C]h_
. , r ,
! :
01, e
suggest . tbatf, it is .a proof ; of
lila fulfilment. of
.lion and the lamir Iyin�*
A uiet welt i to k' ce -Westfield
. u ding o pla at On
parva street parsquage carh� y�esher-
will pmach anniversary , sermons' ' at
and Re R. A.. Miller. of
Auburn will occupq� hfs pulpit here: *
Miss Gladys. Cantelon f in London:
townsh' in the • vicirrit� of 1 irr,
E g-
last for -Toronto . v -where she . ill .
o o w .prophesy,
spend V e, winter, 'On h,.+r wap • sh.e .tine
spettd week ati-EsettF
iNDwn tiogetbeii:, It is: ab least curl
days morning when.,Miss Sophia Stone-
- Sunday was the first. anniversary
the week, haviii'g+ gone down
will• a .
. . ' . .
ous and, �nOsresting,' •
houw. gf. , tows. was united in �marri-
the.operning of � the naw organ. ' Rev.
'•assist musically in somie'special
harvest Festival services.
Miss Estther. . Brydges of Belg rave is
. .,
age .With Mr: tHeirvey Johns of Tuck
ersmith'. The oeremonp vires perforriy-
Alfred Bkown of North street church;
Goderich, preached excellent seri.I '
'Mr. H, Macdonald, who has 'been.
t af.her.sils,4>; Mrs, Bran- ,
• • I
The funeral of the "late J. J, Mac-
�ed by, Rev. T. Wesley Cosens and
+ y
morning and evekin . The moxndn
g g g
acoountamt. at; a" •R�oygl•• $mink for
Mr: F. H. >Iratl! of London spent a:
Dona!Id, who died ori Thtirsda iiiroa`a-
was witnessed ify+ a few. intmeduarte
.cangregatfon �. was taymewha►t ' small:
the ,past . few months, hasp .beers
transferred to New. York leaves
few days in the village the past
E �tatiZ' f+w0
ing last, took place on. Salturdayr aP-
friends. The bride ware hes travel-
rwfr}g:xo the rain, but a .len a crowd.
ternocmr to Clinton . C ter .. It
ling suit of blde cloth w04i hat:. to
gathered in the evening. The" chbfx.
for that city. lir a few days.
,A quiet but pretty; wedding took
was under the auspices of the I. O..
match: Mr, and 1Mrs: Johns left , on
the train for Toronto, Ni'agar'a
rendered • several , selections at each:
Rt!v. W.' H. Dunbar of Bervie sPeait'a
days 'th,e gweat. ' his
p lata' at the hoarse of ^ha�rles, Brieg-
,� ,,. ;
. .very .
F. the local 6ourO. attendin in
, g, a
service and t'he •. everfng tri,_+- male
couple of of
gler, 69 %vaconsfield avenue, i.ondon, :.:.
, •/r
bodyl The rtiligious service . at house
and other points fora short hone
P y-
ua7ie-ttie gave a selectt:a:i which was
q _.
P ar hts acid Mra. Wien. ,Duna
Monday atfhernoon,' when his daughtel,: '
and abSOlutely :r'XcltrSl"bP.
graveside was conaracted b Rev,
mroon ,trip and on their .is.turn , . will
appreciated• ' : •
bar, Bayfield Line, this week,
, `3s Emil , was united •in .Marria`e'
M+ y`, a g
; . •
•Mr. Grant. - The pallbearers were'
take a housekeeping on the r
.. p P g g .00* is
.• The League held . their monthlyt con-
having come to C,fCiclate at tl;R=
to Kennedy Moorliouse, by, the Rev:
2t?fh CentatY. Brand
fellow"llibeks of the 1. O. 'F., be-
farm in Tuckersmith. ,: '
News -Record joins the
secrai►.on meu�'ng on Monday evening,
Rev. W: W. gave fn-
. Deeves;Burton .wedding ye iierdap.
G. F: H'. Doherty of `St, Paul's Cath-
ing : Norman. Kennedys Ed-
.The with
Wy+lie a vera'
Miss Helen Ford,, who has been teach-
a rel: -
.. ,. . •
ward Hill, Will. Walker, ,S. Penne-
41any, lrfgends of bath bride and
teresting and ipipressive address and
ing.• n' Ruddell, $ask., dur'+-ig Ike
the cereanony ,a vvedd n bin - `
models. One is sbo4tln in
err 'Chas: Hellyer and Frank Ha11'.'
~con's iu con ratulabfoos and.
S . f; gaoui
Mt,: Woodward can g, a .solo. .
sVu*nev anw.Allhs, red,irned borne on
che'on ' was, . Scer `ed Conspdcuoug
The deceased,. who was still inlris
wishes. -
Next Mondayi ;evening the young
Tuesday and .'i; spenddng, .a' feW
artnongst the presettts`was a :hanid_�
Etre Cut: Ti�ie}t are bOfh ,
riMe, being' -in► hfs. for-sainth. ear
p y '.
was. horn iti Nova Scotia but spent+
• . •
people expect ai vfsit from the' Leap---
gue of Ilensall, Thu visitors. will
days with her parents at `i�Vesie y"
parsonage, befo,rn le0ving for King-
some cut gig�,'. tyarwl from `Mr. Moor-
house's fellst'mplopes at he GsaritI
. . .
radticall 1 • life. .lie in: C;F
lh y' si D 1. oleo,
Another :of- Clint n's .
a old .residents
Furnish he rarer:,
P €, .,..
sten to resume her studies at
Trunk, dwot �• Ahat city and a solid
C01TeCf fO a stitch, �i%te
having come here when . very y�bumig,
passed away on FvIdayt land in the
. ;'„
Que'en's-' ',
silver , udrlf dis�;�-: a jiifl! of `11�r:,
Hie bad not been enjoydng the best
personigff Mrs. Joseph Rider,. who
Mr. Howard Farquhar, son of 'Mr.
W, Mor.,:s, praptietoz iFP the -d� ,o, b
pt�omcnatate ovcrsack on
KA lbealtih ' for d yeax for amore but
was in :her shit ~seven . year and
y y.
HenryValent%n. Fisher eldest sen
p , .
George M. Farpu,har of Hulletb,
ti • ri..
buffet4 N,,
was only confined - to his bed' far
e death was the result cif heart
of Mr, , atnd Mrs. Sethi Fishar,. p•.tss-
rota*~.rad home Tuesday, night frorn
Mr. and 'Mrs. left on the
about -+hose weeka. He is survival
ed away,• ou Sunday • IA,�,t at tbo
.Bark's Falls wlt�re he was fn the
evening train far.. a month's trip to -
the left is styled beyond ,
by his wife, who was Miss Finch,
The .deceased, whose maiden name
home" of his parents ons Princttas
service of the RRoy+al Bank, :. Teri
Bayfield and other points,; alrrivitiK
and a family+ • of four,' .Laura, Ed-
was Rebecca Pierce; .was a native of
street, The deceased y+bung . •Nati was
came home because of next feeliivg
here that same, evening.
criticism and the COn-
ward, Ranaldi •aaad Stewart: Three
:Cornwall, England, whert,! she was
but in his twen-0y seversth War,
well and At is feared ha*hay be
.: Mr. Moorhouse is a Bayfield boy# and .
sisters and two brothers altin sur-,
bbris in ' 1843. She cantle with her
which ,makes his death seem all the
in for err attack of �yphCnd fever,
ig known bpi � everybody here and hero-
viva, namely : Rasnald aMacI)onaldI yrs.
fwamily ire this country, earl in life:
�to sad, 'He hard Dieer>f iti t1+. �vt!st
The manager at 13nv't's Falls ac-
aboutts ars' "Kenny." He has mariner:,
' '
iUerftble collar COsZt Ott
:lahn MacGregor arid~ i•Ilss Aiiriic+Maes
Mrs. Rider was :smarued to her .now
for about two ears returni�x have
y g..
' oonitipanied Howard to Toronto where
• re b m ..
sus friends so ttie has ew a
rl ".•
Donald of Strathcoma, Alta., Dr, Pct
bereaved husband in November of
the latter part ' of August. Ida had
his father met bIart, ' I
regular chorus of congratulatioi.m and
, . �; .
the d
ex MacDonald of Warroad, MiAn.; and •
1&79 at, Cobourg, �vhwe Mr. Rider haat
been in ,failing health for some time
goo* wisht>>.
rcght intended for :,
.miss Calvin MacDonald ot', Clovre-
met+ hbr some time previously. They,
but .was abl le to , go atbaut ind rmw ny
The Bayfield Fall Fair t*os place
land;. Ohia. The latter was press.+,•it
iimii iatel,p eatrne Clinto:ti, where
were not aware that her was so seri-
A Dreadful Accid apt-
;6 • Tuesdays and .WMnesday� of next*
t'OttybCN av�afher +i tJEar.
alt tdfe funeral, she having nursed het
they .have' 1f rail ever since. She was
oust ill: He, was out tirivin about
s^ b
week. The mtanafgeiment Brava . ►asci}
brother through his illness.
a member of St. Paul's ohurdh' Wand
two: weeks ago, but tlare d'.^;erase
Just as .thi3 none-11aound train las
active in preparing fair ,t1ia ' even'# `
' '
.froth faultlessly bench-
Many~ handsome floral tributes were
laid ,thio.
was a kindly, quiet : wotnian, Tla3y4
which had fasteneiU itself upon ltnni
pulling- oat of , Blyth, Grand Truk
and the Fair ,promises 'to be one of
upon casket, amongst i;liem
had ria dhilaren, 'so that the husband
wag sttead'ily y4aining and :l+z end
utation on. Wednesday morniiWg; a
the best ypst hYr.d by the Soaietp. .
being a handsoptte wreath frbmn pie
is left itntirdip alodoe Mrs, ,Rider is
dame on Sunday, Ie is survived byi'
most painful atocid-ent occurreid•.
tailored ifl inp itl2 Ofr't
piano ,: e1 Orgaci Cognipanyt s+`aff ;' an
survived b: i one brasher.
two irro,',iexs and one siactir : 14rS.
Mr, Frank Roseau, Toronto, trav�
anchor from the I. n. F'. and a pilla>`
The funeral tour plata from Sit,
A&J'.►on of the Barye Line, Legife, ,n
eller for the Relindo Shoe Cottupany,
est. ' I1'1At11111i� h
, .. .
ed o2sercoafm s.
' g
trcrn the fireman. Tiierewere also
�nartiy and other fldwercai from
Pauls church on Monda,5� afternoon
Y 'Robert at tio<no,
t The a funeral took ;1IW-e o:tir Wctln•rs
tied . allgirrad fiaarym the t+raiaai cud Was
steppitiig onto the pla coin when he
Mrs, J. C, Stoltz 'Sr, of Waterloo~
.sprays . ,
friemis and relatives.
to Clintoneemeb;r . The service at
}louse and grave.aide was conducUzd
east afternoccr td Clftit n refWt,erys
missed his footiri d fewititi
county vistited the ,.past week Ott.Ybie
A�c►atgst tjhose tion► o)tt,of i�oiwn
by Rev, C', E. Jeakisns, The pall-
the services at house find Graveside
t of the
. both legs- directly in\ta,li'a,foot
hone of MA, and Mrs, J. 0.4 Stoltz.
- -
who attended the funeral were , Mr.
bearers were ; Messm. It, Viltzsirnr
being ecnducted bl» Rete. ', . W. t ^s-
moving wheels of the. Thej12r,
and Mrs. Joh7i 1}o'er>~ warier ire
and Mrs. 18. Spindler and son 1#en
London Mrs. Louise Greig, Fll�n4,
ons, R. •J. Guff, ,1. Scruton, J, I3un-
eps. Six young Linen, uaembexs of.
r� ,-ar..der
`Young 'Mens Claus to
w1'rels passed oveand
Seaforth ,last weekat the,
'Mt. •and
+ �;t �1 tt
1119 A Eg 1
cd ,
Mprali., Messrs. Jahn atnd Edweurd
ter, . A. Ford, and James Htaw.
the of nt
street Sunday; SA001, of which de••
over tlr; ether leg judb btdow the
knee; smashing both 'terribly.
h'oamo of kllrs: Ttietherlanct.
Owing to a, oompJAW 'blrvak-dower to
Daly~ and Miss Sairobel Daly W Sea-
fbrtkt ; Messrs. Jas.,. 'Warren• and E,
frtfor gave ed"gediomt . then~
respect for the deceased and sero-
was,.also iv member, vele
: Frank and la'eetl, i'yn3a;1,
• The Unfortunate mien was carried
his cuttlng box Mr. 'tl M, Itahoe had
to fir n few', dam
. ._ .._ .' """'... _� .. -,_
, and Fred• and Macon-
paPhyt with Mr. Rids+r >4y o%ding
flowers and thti casket was covatea,
Z.d. Pargalmr, Glen COrnis'ls, Ifo: 1401
Into the waiting -room of the stiw
ition, Dr. wine was s eean � euro-
P y
at* work -till
he sbeured another Aid halt a iii
xtell of Stratford and Fldwraf tl SUI,
• p'
pefirolia, •
with be tributes, Among thtima
Neil and Miltorn 'Wiitse,
died,, tlr, man 1� legs were bcvand
retuned work.
' Tian bereaved family. and 'friends
wend : a slab from tie Clinton (Ian
Club wreath, from Wire. Cooper,
Many beautiful flowers were laid
upon the Basket by syi»pattiizing
up ands he was taken to thn Wing.
ham, 'hrJspir:alwhere b,+th Ieg., bevel
Mr. and Mrs. ))act attendµ
ed the Seafotth Fair last Went.
0 1
the : the oMm
M'A-4. Dot In,
have syampatby of otilty
and famfly ; wreath, . from Amos
friends, arntong bout being a, wreath
been amtpnrtP43d at the
Mrs. Webar slid r were
in their sorrow.
Csistle;. broken circle, frail~~ Y1te Bliss-
f�i�m lila Young Men's Class.
Mr, Roseau, is one of ,the
Stratford a few dans -ago.
Hurons h ar'ast Clothiers
Mrs, MacDonald wishes Yo thank this
es : anxon ; pillow, from, Mr. and
illi'. and Mira, Fisher, whoa' deoplIA
mdat papular of ,the tine-
, r ,
I.O,F`., the tnremibers of the fire
+ s, R. h'ftzsimons ; pillow, Bliss S.
teal the loss sot their eldest sons,
ailing Mori v►ito cover this district,
. Lost.
tt yy ,
A. 8 Bare'Deal for Eve M110
eampny, ttie piano 8r« Orton Co. state
all friends, tone 1leir kirnd"ss
Sloniaai t,. splap, tifiss Dorothy Rat-
vary; ,ouch appreciate t'h� kividsess
theft dorm thll
was in/'Clintxrti Monday and slid bus-
Mr. 'Fred. Jack9m
and other
tenbut i s ra Bliss L, Cudmom
p ,
and s parry •shown g
nese with vbtt
The Baydofi l Fall Fan: r wt11 h� �•ielt�
to her late huebund during his ill-
spray,, Jack Bowden ; pillow, miss
time of their aar�rbw, brad desire to
is one of his oustolnerc and a per,-
(* Tuektay. a,o,y Weduesdapi of beta,
~,nags~, 6fite for tars kinds#& ma son
Fowler; pillow, Mrs. OtAmoll awed
take this op�iortunityr of expreasiltg
%veal frlorA 'He was on Us way W
week. 'This will & the las9 of th*
pearl ftietAed to the dpi In %6%
; Miss Kingston wtid a boq'uef ftotnt
til cir sincere •'tbatiko to t1oir frei O
Witnghaw 'whm the a&!4k11t took
Season and 'the md�t ''sur*
_ _ .. .._.
__. 'derexvem"tt. '
miss ftwetl,
for the Maur kindly wordo sAA acto'
prepibg tot one of tlry vbtpi liesY:
I f
. i a •
. . -1
I '1