HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-09-07, Page 6- - -
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0110TIRVIUD AND 01114"RY . rOUST WXALM OF CANADA. _ -11. ,-------*i. --1--- -_1-W-.._.__-- ...
- ,
*q I .%" Ckoeter!11"s , I I I I P i
. , - 1* I t ) -4 ,,, %III Yeature to sa.vo ju0101t*e11r;= Olt Omwpatlon Is dw The controa line of tho forest bolt :
; ! A,f1, 11, ,E FARM BEEF TNST RAO
! .r I 1:, gO4A taste, go" ,wrlUag and g4d toot of Inany forMS oj of the Domi44ptg .... 11
'-0 � tr f be dwriboti as A' rto
� I i siclim"s and, of sm � Ftro4ts of Bolto Isle and following a 11
Oratory xat brats
west-tiouthwestorly course till It pass- * DES THE TA IFF "ETE0 ON CANADA ,
. � , ,"! seaw starting viefulty Of the
�.' KIVJNEY,1�
, encUet VA 0 1
. thonea, the celebrated Greek orator, en to the mouth of James Bay, then I I I . ;
, K . oMt � f I
- I : I
thought It so absolutely necessary turning northwest it followo, this I �
to speak well, that though he uat- 'I.. . 1, I . 1.
hum= M40171 potirse all the way to the border of The Puty. on Flipic Nearly Wiped Out Its Tontiscl4a are ago", In, 1"oolpralcifty
orally stuttered, and bad weak I . ,4
�1148k04 opposite the. mouth of the Impatto But Multiplied the 1, Which ,Purposes to QIV* It Irr" I
lungs, he resolved, by application and Mackenzie River, the total distance I Axports .11 Access to., Our 4LIvo Stock :
car . X)re Morse** ,
o, to got the better of those 41a- ,,being a,'700 miles.
. I .
'141CH C #.?� �- . , advantages. Accordingly, he cured . The average breadth of this belt, I 01 - A Prominent paint Ina I' 'third rlxbo
E)ISPAr.LL'i; !, 11 his stammering by putting small 'on, the basis of measurements at ten manufacturer of rmaw-119a4ter, I warvot
• � 'I Indian � bow. the TISIMS live In the NeiV,
'V, I old You$
13 V_'� " 1'.T,;,.�. , , , 0 Montreal. speaking in Willuipeg. In First Fisherman., ,,why, as men 4o
lto I pebbles Into his mouth; and streng- ulmost equal Intervals, Is 700 miles, I .
thenad his lungs gradually, by using : � September, 1006, saJd: Our flaxseed a-loind. the great ones. eat up. the Uttlq ,
I giving. an approximate 4rA of , the I In. shut out of the American market on ones," I
. �himself every day to speak aloud and Root pillso northern, forests, in which the blacit Labatt's ' "Such whales have I heard on a' tb' .
diotinotirigly for a considerable time, and white, spruces are the prevailing I account of a duty of 25 cents per Ixhd; who never .leave gapinpr tra -
He 'likewise went often to the Be%" � trees, Of �,600,000 squsAre miles. Bear- WOW. Why do not our Canadian *110^0 swallowed the whole p1Lr$sbA
, F �. shore, in stormy weather, when the 0ioroughly textod by. Ing In mind that the great bulk of Lager farmers ask our Government to place church,, Xtcepl% bells and all"
, ,
. . sen made most noise, and, there spoke overf•. yft" of US% the paper consumed in the world Is a duty on 114X grown In Canada to )�.lke, Shakespeare's whale, the Moll',
0 In. Anticipation of war Beiguiur is a,, loud as lie, could, In order to Luse riade from opruce wood, Canada hail Now Peftto I give them the home market 'Which
ltzm�ftjug, and 4uX utier for- himself to the noise and murwurs ,*)f . bAve. been proved a I Ju the ,area mentioned the now ma.; : � ::: they are Justly entitled to. There is StrQUO Beet Trust of the United States I
,• gj� the fro. I . : -a million and a half to two mil. I
. the POP11lar aesembiles of the Atheu- Safe and ee4ta�lii CUre torial to enable her to become. the , l. , .. from will "never leave gaping." till U' b" I
. � tresses. . I , .. ThO bOOt ::". 110n bushels of flaxseed consumed, in, '
. slue, before whom he was to speak. ,ventre of the world's supply of paper. ` "swallowed the whole parlab," pro,
, I . ,peak . . This subject will be reverted to later. I . * I , Tided, of .course,, that Provide _
* .1 By such care, .joined to the cons'prit . for r,ons.tipdjon. and' - -I.- ..,.* Canada annually by our Ca
. I 111.1 I stnft, of the best authors, he became - . 'jrir the Inomeul, some figures tela- , -'-' on the M4400 ,. - , ' , Canadian Ilu- , nee,
... seed oil crushers, And why should a , . I
, I '� - ... , I doesn't send a Jonah, .
r �w I at laf A Idildred troubleal tive to the present value* bt canaaws 1. " . mill I send � . . I I , , it the greatest orator of his own, J . 4 I .ion bushels or more of fore gn , ' The Reciprocity Agreement, ox,
lzamcm ,.: *"
.1 I or any other age or .country, thoush foreat crop are Vortb3r QJ notice. 1.1 seed be used Instead. of buying
- .
i LIJIZIUM Try them, I ;.: .I.. I -Grown in Canada'
� . 11110 , he was born wJthoutJdWJy one ) atur.,.1 � . 4 As Done Ili* krall.m - anada' flaxseed, and grown : -,speaker "Joe", Cannon Of the U
. I 1. I 1A1111111111111 3 I . , AIte4* ,
. .7 T . ' ff . ,Tight bere In the West, the best that
I . talent for It', Adieu! Co ' .... � .11
I I . � Copy Demos- - 25c. a b= . "Some years ago," writes swell- .. ... . ,States Congress, says, Is "'a mRohJ*
. ... .. � ca .
., . . TMOU0.19 "PULLMAN TOURIST theses.. . I ..,. , ... _n be produced?. -I? , I I
known. motorist, "I was being driven . � ... 94 t1QA of the trusts. And wh,eA I
. . I. SLEgPINO CARS SEFT. 19TH, I 0 1 � � ,*, , . . f4 I wish to point out to the intelligent, , ,t I#
. . . I I by a )French friend of my acquaint- , rmers of -the West that th6 Awed! ,considered that this trade pact pro-
, - I 11 , I CARNEGIE AND DRINK I ance . , He 14 as careful over his per- .
Vill, lea 0 . 11 Mr. Andrew Carnegie, whose own' . I -.1 . - 0 1 .can farmers find flax more profitable. :Poses to feed such -huge octopuses "M
,gave ,Toronto 11 p. ra. . sonal expenditure as he to reckless, . to grow than whiat, and I hope that, ',"the Big Six'! meat Packing companies .
L ' ', $W. 19th, for Winnipeg and . points experience fits him to speak With on his Panhard. I did not like, the John Labatt' when revision of the tariff takes, place -
. I L I . I , I? way authority as to the elements t FARM WAGES . combination, but It Is best to be tol- - 4.1 I . on # 110 Chicago,
l . ou. the Grand.Trunk Pacific 'I? , that , LIMITED .9 - . , there ,will be a duty placed flax- � 0, with "free" natural pro,
ibetften Winnipeg and 4dinionton. Cars make for a successful business, 1,areer, I . erant to foreigners. Passing through ___ I seed for the benefit of the farmer and .ducts from Canada, one to Inclined to
says In his book "The Empire .of ' a village near St, Albans we en- . . .
will via Grand Trunk R, High4r, In Canada than In Other Agri. that all flaxseed used In Canada will ,,believe "Joe" Cannon, is right. ijavlog
, . , 11 ,ruA - Railway Business": . countered a hen, She was stalking ' " 'almost swallowed the, American
,�;yqte,4 to ChlOago, thence con", cultural. Countries i Acrozs the road like a conspirotor 40ND014 be 'Grown in Canada." , pat� .
. '. , 1 actfing Tho first and most seductive peril, . Up to 1907 flaxseed entered Canada Ish, this whale now 'japes for the uw .
dines In connection with "Homeseek, and the destroyer of most young men, one -mouient, and dead the,ndxt. Slip MT, ;exploited fair districts of Canada.
. I . . . . , free of duty and the figures, Imports a.
�.,. . The average wages paid on t 1 0
I call, ekoursionsi, The ratj.,s to West- I,, thb drinking of liquor I am no ,be never knew what strucit her. Adolphe . .Shall C'
countries , my. friend's, name, pulled .► and exports, tot, the two years Imme, ,$s anadians be. conoldered am �
Ora Canada are very low ; Winxilpog temperance lecturer in disguise, but farme of the following COUU over which Is - I ON" "I diatelY Preceding show that we were little ones" and. be. eaUnup or shall
.1 ..", avil return, S83.00'- Edmontpn and a man who knows and tells you what periods as nearly co -Incident as pos- UP. I . an Importing country:- :they throw the Reciprocity Jonah
.1 � - i I I observation has proved to him and, I Bible are. as follows:- 11 'It Is useless to go to her as- .. ____ _.. . . .. ,they
and i atiume their . 'nation , al
, . rat I* 60 . . sistance," said I. . L I _ ININ101 al I :0
. In , $41.00. Ticketi, good for say to you that you are more lik6l, to Canada $24.60 a week, . ." Fiscal voyage to greatness on an untroubled
, , I ,::..,:.,::, Y.ell� Iln 'ts' rX tS C ' '
aten. t4y Other fall In Your career from acquiring the - 24,00 11 "But Adolphe .jumped; out of t , sash. h. �
A . I United 4i;;�w -he . . i =s'h Vallt� !sea? . I .
1 1640 - I I I .. - I . r *1905 176887 I $14 $479 .
, - e $ :1 - car and went. I thought It very kind 1906 : " *1 ": 711:138 2,824 $3,32s � The examples to hand Of
,hewan habit of drlu from
Argentina ......... ::,:: I *
points in Man ,kat . king .'liquor, than Russia ............ . 12:8 - of him. He picked up the. dead bird . - the way
Manitoba, �qar i. _ - -_ . .
;an any or all the ,other temptations likely Hungary ............... 12.32 11 (After deducting exports of foreign). In which the Bee
r .. .4 Alberta. Tourist cars will be , f Trust. has operateii
Ilyt .equipped with bedding, � to assail You. You m4y- yield to al- Roumania ..., ... . ... I 12,32 I and came running back, L - - "' 'At the close of 1907 flaxseed . was alIdL IS operAtin& now In the United ,
" e fOU6flT WI 1H WI b D06S .
to . lug, dto., and, raost any other temptation and re- 'RulKnria and. Servia .... 12.82 11 'Relae! she Is not YoUng h . . I
... .
. , porter in chqrge.' Berths ,may � Sweden 19-60 11 panted. 'But she will do -well for ze . - , .. protected by a duty' of 10 cents a; States. should, alone, turn every q1ti.
- 11 bi form - may brace up, and if not re- . Denmar1C.'.'.%'.'.':-'.:::::. 19.04 ". . I . three I Zen of Can
. . . . Zc0Ure . . bushel, and during the following ads, and especially the _" . I
. L 4 at a low rate, rover lost ground, at least remain. in AL11 these figures are naturally ap_. soup, ze bouillon de voulet, tres,dell, Nurse Who Ministered to $Ick and .years, as will be. observed from - Western farmer, again
Ft PUrp L . cat., . .at a tariff re.
.111 particulars and tickets from the rttep, and secure and maintain a proximate, but for the oses -of " 'Good beavens, you're not going . Wounded In Two Continents . figures, our imports dwindled do arrangement which -
, .1 .1 I . bring . would tend to I I
k, ,- ." - any Grand T.runX Agent, or address respectable pos3tion. Put from the nearly accurate as necessary. Wages to take her home?' to practically nothing, while our ex- the ,country under the .direct ,. �.
A. V, , . Duff, District PassongerAj�nt� Insane thirst for liquor,, escape Is al, vary from YA , month to month. , In har- ,, L ,Mal$ Soldiers have lost a valuable friend ports' jumped from nothing up Into touch 'of this 9198ntle corporation.
. . I cortainementl Here sh( the L . I I I
Vorontiio, Out. , . niost impossible, I have known but vest time they are higher 4ball In . would te wasted. It is as we. do I in millions: . The .
, . exceptions � 11 Mrs. Janet Heleu King (Sister - I United States Beet Trust IS
. few e- ns to this rule, I springtime and in springtime they are , yrariee. Vive 1%. chassel'- � � . Helen), who lins Just died in England.' Fiscal ade up of the following, firms: Ar. .
. - . . . impIts, . Exp,ts, (can.) in .
. . much higher than In winter. More.. "I had beard that motorists were On two contm- I Year. Bush. . Bush. Value. moor & Co., Swift & CO., Morris & I
. CO„,
ents. Sister Janet bad 1* 154 .
As at Pearl of Great. Price .. . over, a differeixqe 10 made where the not popular In the French villages ten ' . 1908 _.. 495, 6 10,997 i5;o98 Including the Fairbanks Canning Cow, .
, , . farmers Include board In the contract. derly cared for sick and wounded *1909 . 28 468 3,779 #865 ,908 pony, the National Packing Cllmpgtly,
1i; ". . The Canadian Artillery Wam now I There Is. no power of love so hard" , F row that day, I have understood." ':344 11 7,648 $4;642,476 .
r . t But generally speaking the above soldiers, ..When only eighteen she I :: _ 4 909 . Under the Joint management of Ax. . I
in Witt important .,OUtcSjj. o get and keep as g kind voice.', A u � I old I e ., *(After deducting exports offoreign).
I ' -1 . .
il'i I.,.' I . . hind baud is and dumb. It may table Indicates the difference between . entered the Proteotaut Deaconesses' L And yet It Is: still'alleged on behalf moors, Swifts and Morris,; SLwarzebild I
1. � , . . � I;.. I . a . .
I , . L'. . . ., I . IL . - be. rough In flesh and blood, yet do � th& cost of labor to the Canadlau far� Shoe Shop of Japan. Institution to be trained as a nurse for � & Sulzberger, and Cudahy & .Co. The - I . .
, , 'r - . � . their . . .
1011"S . �t mer and what It costs his competitors Writing about the shop of the farmers: that a tariff on main interest,,"the Big Six" as - I .
I . the work ,of a soft heart, and do I L IL . shops Japan
.. . . L the sick and wound�d In war, and was products can be of little value to them. Six," they,
with a soft touch. But thert, is ro 'a the other great agrIcultural coun. a visitor to that country says that the are called, control 72 auVoldlary pack,
, thert e � ty L of I - , I
3dimeys Ove so much needr,'-a, I I . lug. Companies,, and these 72'teutaclos, .
_ Ate Yowl trigs, Of the world.. typical- shoe store makes a strange . o I .
. . . one thing that I - one Akr nine sent out to as- _. - . . . . .1
. I a' sweet voice to tell what it meaus, L ' ' . I . L . . impression on the 'foreign visitor, sl9t the troppe engaged In stretch over the ldrigth .
' , .
,p Workiug - Properly? 10, .5 hard to get I . "All the footwear, of 'the little brown ' 'A FRIEND Of. 1 and breadtil .
Win %paj Y.0 Well to.M&ke $ L ,,d Peels; and it I I and . . . L I.* . the- b0 n Russia and Turkey. I. . � . . . of the United States, feeding them-
It . oaft keep it In the righttotie. I . � . . . .1 . � I men are here In view. The funny . V. be. . . I . . 11 . selves on the fat of the land and crush- L .
�,'.-� - I Show la .
' There's been a lot of "guessinall about One must start'la youth, and b,) . . �y deep on the ground, the .
, tGR -IN IRRXTATION party lost Its way.Land the night was The Tariff is a'Practical Friend of the
':.. . . a on ' F SK . , wooden. clogs and straw sandals are Ing ont life wherever it. 18 convenient. I .
J, , , �
1 1. .; , rheumatism stud rheumatic pail gener- the .watch night and daF, at work and . I . indeed a faUcifUl exhibition. TlieV In 1903 Judge Grosscup, at Chicago .
, :P � I . silly, but You can be dead sure that little play, .,to get- and, keep -a voice that We Guarau . I 1. J line the, benches, the floors the passed In the open carts, bitter cold . 1. . Working Man L .
, ... o tue Relief. Your. Moncr ' and the howling of wolves effectively - . - � . granted an Injunction against the, Boot '
pain. across. your back
k came train de- shall speak at all times. the thoughts- shelves, They hang from -above, and', - Trust, holding that it an Illegal * L
, . creased kidgey'aCd u. L� . , As, the . resuit of some Inve
.,Bapk .If Not Satisfied: prev nthAg sleep. Arriving at Vardin I
", 'L ' . . so Bug&
.�,,�, . I 0 1 blood L of wkind heart. It Is often In youth . r emingly are everywhere, allowing they found L ' combination In the restraint of trade.
. .
'f. . I.. The kidnev?a duty is to filter the � thAt,one gets a voice or tone 'that is I . . -••-• . . the. seller just about enough room to their services sorely need- tions conducted by 'The Monetary I I
-take� out 'the impurities . col este by ed, and for months the Sistersworked 'Times (Toronto), It is known that at. was appealed, and - I
11r_-: - ossessilIg eV� squat on, his me L ., . . I . In the Supreme Court in 1905, Attor- I ..
I., I sharp, and Which sticks to him We have an aintment p t. The new Is night and day. preBerif time. at least 200 -United .
' the returning blood stream ---do it just through life, and stirs" up Ill -will and. 'traordinary POWC:0 to perniancritly re- at' once startl m uan-: the nei-Gener4l Moody sustained the de- I I
Eke absorbent cotton funnel I 'tity Of this simple footwear and the To Sister Janet's care were allotted States mantifiacturIng companies are .
.1 I L griefs, and. falls like a drop of, gal t on lieve all forms of exzeTm, skin err soma two hundred patients were
lay In ' clstOh : Of Judge Grossoup, showlilg . . .
the impurities from polluted water. UP' many places ,Where it is sold, bp.t -he . I opeiatifig'branch factories in Canada. I
L �
11, I . .
. the sweet_ of,home. Watch it ftv ti -ons, pimples, blotches, ringwolt-ri, .huts scattered here and there amongst . �egate investditent. that (1)' members of the Trust had . - -
I" L When the kidneys are not Working You by . I goo" finds a solution to his query the 'hills. Daily - as she representing an aggregate Rgreed.:not to bid against One another' I I .
.. 1, .1. are bound for one of two courses�Dis_ 4. day, ap. a,pearl of great price, for &one. Witter, scialy � scatp hi 'L 'all hears a Japanese ma . e trudged of $226,00.0,0100. For this: influx of . ..
I . . . ,
, , r ghL will be wort, to you Ili days - � . veg 1. when he b . . . n in the live stock. markets of the various ..
.. ." . .
hetes and Bri tls Disease or RheumA* t4) come'than the besV ea hid in the fCM=' of itching and, irritation, caused annually makes away with from eight through the snow from but to but on . , papital, with 411 the bevefits, accruing S'L 1.
. 4 . . . � . ed to the Dominion. therefrom#
heart by 'Insect .b to ten .Pairs," . I hex of mercy she. was. ekpos we must State (2) ,temporary increases .In .
(ism. Lumbago and Sciatiga. The for- sea, A kind- voice Is to the he :bites. H4 � prices were caused to Induce Bhippf L
mer course is usually fatal, and the' latter I . . . VOwer to ipothe * L I . . to' from wild dogs which in- thank a tariff which madeAt.wortli, ng
, .
I what light Is to the eye:. It is a light uletp.-,3, sereS; 'and WOUR& ' is very � tested Bulgaria, More than on L Of cattle to the Stock Yards, (3) prices 1.
. -always painful, but .ybu need not 7 I �. I once these while for those who hoped to Be
- have that sings as well as shines. ', , , probouna,,' . I . . Logical ReasorJug. . . 11, no for meat were
,either, as they both can be easily, {ire- � L � I . . . I .. d. . . I I . . I I I . . brutes dragged her.to the ground; but goods' to come to: this �side, of the I-Ine . set', through which ship- -
It . . ..
... .11. I vented. N ' L . - . .1 . . � . . . . L "'s difficult -to undorattiall the peo. her stick• and daggef protected her .to manufacture. Had that tariff not menta were cdntrolled,,- - (i) . Uniform, , .. . . .
The very, best prescription for ill ir " . ' ' Not Your'0*n Face � . We. are ,so -positive that Rexall]Cio- culler mental processes -of the rela- until her cries brought assistance. At . been a protective. onei� those United . rates of credit were adopted, I .
kids � .
, L � . and black -
. zems'.0int-in,mit 'is unexcelled for
,. "My boy," said a wise father who .. - tives of some of. the -offenders, who ap-r the close' the war she received ould probably' .
, . . iney troubles is Nyal's Stone. Root Com- . L I over . for, -States manufacturers..would wc lists were maintained, (5) Common., - -
stice W.4kin, her set -vices the Imperial Order of the h -factorle , .
, I : . ,, . - L OW coming 'these ailments that we sell . pear �befo.re me," said - Ju . . and finfak cartage charges weremAde,
, , . I
13oand. It is no "patent" . medicine, knew h to play Mid. be a "-,bn,W' � . .. 0 id and less th . I .
.1:%_ . . �;jth'L his tW . L'sonal promise that it ,as a starter for his story. . I ping, rates .
_ . " but a scientific prq�criptiou composed elveryear-old ]ad. ��rry b6N.N it with. our pei , Red. Cross of ave enlarged their home
� 3;'. . ,of Stoner6ot, Buchu, Juniper and ot� I - I . I . I In" An legal ship .
,.t��,�;, �, -er you do not own your own f-oe " Tho will not cost the user any*ing IVAIM ' "Oulk yesterday a boy wag charged She went Lout' too' to the Zutu'War, were. obtained, from railroads, they
* '
, . take care,,of. Can business- I fIL . . . . .stead of building on this side, In. *blob; . .
� . "'.. I " . iremedies 6f proved value. More. than boy Io6ked. puzzled.' e had come to ill' in 'every WW given pa,V1sfactjon,,W with 'stealing coal. He simply had and at Utrecht 3,20.0 sick,and wounded :restraining competition. .
,, L _, . 6, 'ease we -would now be -using goods,'
" . -
. that, it has been proved by thousands.been -told In his home r hands. There she At the time the.Beef Trust
. a 'th 11 rTOWnin& 'exact T*Q promifl,3 and .in -no wap ob- get. some coal. m4t"14 'is looking for additional supplies from
�. the breakfast Lt table W, go out and passed through he
"�, '. ; who have had glad relief from its use.. clotided ,count6nance, and h- o, I . He did,* and was %r- was Personally thanked by Sir Garnet made from .United' States '. . .
." I d st,irlwl -
, I
Them's nothing quite. so miserable as llate ths :Iiiiszhaser. Y61. must ad- rested. case - Wolseley. She was awarded theme- m6. with United States labor, instead of.. I
� . - I ,L moodily to eat his fcA t',VPrybt10y L . I had to' his I# from Canadian material Canada. 'With the duties down.- our
of his Ill spirits, evi- i � . I
4,), the draggin results of 'sick kidneys.. felt the shadoW unit that.. we could not afford to and asked his. sister, who, was with dal for the war, and .received the goods made 4 livestock, -especiallY that from
' -the
I You are. trifling with yobr own , dent in' books, His father's unilx- makei such a broad Iiheral guaranteet, hirn, to appear at the second'.boaring. )oration ot the Royal Red Cross from. .with Canadian labor. , .1 West, would be taken for consumption , I
, . I . L ' ' -upon. thid! at Chico
L., I when you neglect so simple a precaution; moted. words brought him . back to except we ar6 ceTbdin we could "'What! Do. I have to come down the Queen for "the special devotion That our neighbors lookgo. The bonding privileges I
. . -
. I O'L . .� she asked. , ., and .( played la nursing ' a . from Armoars,.
as a pleai;ant home treatment with Nyal's life and 'he looked up with a half-, niabstantiaie 'again.0 I :... ,o%p�tency'dls movement as a, distinct loss to 'be' . now allow buyer
� I here ing
I L Stone Root Compound when results are - . UT CIRI-im. I L -L 11 'You'd better,' said 1. `for your duties -with her Majesty's troops.,, remedidd by Reciprocity with Canada � .
. . ,
-1 7 . . I I 1. gulity expression, but: did, not Ander - O�Utu I ient -is a. gray4 'brother may be senCaviray'for a..Iong � . . . I - _ , . ... . na a' Swifts, Morris' and the others to come - . .
,.�, ,w certain. . "You do not ,R�x.01 ExzekhR . . I I .... � - Is shown.in the following extract Brom, . . L,
'L . . It 1 -%. .. - stand what was meant. I . , L, , I . I . . I I . , aver buy cattle Lott the Canadian .. .
1, . gladder irritation; gives stand e4jZd, ish-ulNite, plelasant sm iling,, anti Lime.' -L ' . I L I I a speech recently delivered by:Sehai markets to ' I ..
",I I L your face," .his father. rep. I c . I to L I . . � . 'L , "ter r.their export trade to Brl-L'
I , 3rou rest and comfort At night, Rod ifiakeg. L Own , 'L . -But who going. pay the car' - .... I FORNALGH . .. I . Beveridgej of Indiana:- 4 taln. ' At the
.Union Stock
. I , . s ..- .. . . "There must be reciproc . with. . . Yards In* ... .
We once more enjoyable. L. "Do not , target that - it belongs to septic; cooling healing !Wve that ,is fare?' she said. .. - . L I . . L : , . Tdronto, the largest', Purchases are . I
' . othei people. They, not- you, have to Fitrougly germicidal. It destroy' � . . . •. - . reciprocity .. . .
� . I . �
� L .
I . The kidneys, -liver and bladder ari all I '. S the 11 'Why, I suppose Yourself! Whom . I .. Canada., Our tariff with the rest oZ made by these ..American buyers,who,
. . .
I ' I ' . . I ..
I . l right to ge*us that penetrate skin . Various .Methods . I
dependent upon one another, and N,alls ,look - at It,- You have . nc . I . . and do-you,expect to pay it?' . ods .by. Which* Nations the world does. not to our north- - . I
I -ompei thern to look.at a sour, gloomy i absorb as much Canadian stock jds
I Stone Root Compound is particularly ( -.
".1 . I bed, face." .' . I . � . cause . eczema and other tornion.2ling � '.1 Whyp the coal dealer who had L . , . Reward Great Bravery � I , ern neighbor. That policy already has% a greater I . .
designed to help them all.., . . .. and crab L I• . I . . � . . � .possible, In order to leave
. . crabbed, - , 0 I . . *4 - teinedf4nust d 'arrested!" said ane. . . . � . driveiq 5 number of cattle in the Sta . L .
.. - . . I skin affin -fits. -A 0 - Jimmy SL IS �_ . IL , drives;: American manufacturers - ' .
L , Sold ana Gutiran. V. S. R. ' . L - . I .1 "Why the coal dealer?' I asked. A well-known, Britain decorates, Across the Canadian borders, built, I tes for.the. . , . .
1. . 11ded by - - I . . that .to be effective, for in,no Other 11- domestic uses of the Beef Trust. Can- . . .
�Holines, J. E. Hovey, W. A. . I L .. . . . . I . . . . . 14 ')Because he has more .Money than her'-soldlers with the Victoria Cross . .vast,plints' with Am6rican, ,capital 64 ada�'at present Is being used to hold .
, . I '. . .1 - ,. way, can, such diseases be overcome. we have,'. 'she replied." - . L for. conspicuous. acts of I
" I , McConnell, Clinton.. . I .� . - I I . � I . . . I . . .bravery on the .Canadian soil, employing Canadian: a large Proportion of the Beef Trust's .
. �� - L I , L I I Rexal� Eozerna'Pintmeat'ji idt .11 for . fleld -of battle. - I I . -workingmen to supply' trade. That exiort trade. Th .1 I .
i�� ,;.,. . . I . ' -1, .. . I - . . . I . - P e 0 go magnates I .
� I I . - countries have stmt- capi 4 M." pool Wee.
I L A - mass meet' was hel& 111n Bar� the , treatin6ut 6' skiv. .1�ritatioas pte� Let no. man who only'pays'regard But most other ' . .6 t I shoul d lie kept at home to �e . . .
. .
. . . I
. . � .
� �_ L . tin bo proeest tervep . - success lir rewards for valor. ' . ploy 'American workingmen to -supplY' . regard their tion In the British
. . against int -tion cullar to. children, for barber's itch', to' the fruits Of cegs think that P market Jealously,' and In the face or , .
�f Britlan lea, Moroc(40., . L . I Franco .' confers - b�er distinctive Canadian der and: We should 44raft Ahe Argentine RepUblic's strong. cam- L
I . and for sore' itching,le.et, :. L be can bring forth.' the fruits of le
I . . Spirit. a : ' ' - . . badges. In the. fairly familiar form of Canadian NVr,od pulp and Canadiall . L
I of ' petition in Britain, the :American In- . S
11 . 1 CaVaIrl, has 'been. called out . to It is posMvelr the best remedy we . , , . � the Legion Honor. . . . I ! paper free' in return for Canada's ad- Lterests need all the y,,can get . "
5 I FAMILY q uell . the fQcea riots ill France. know -of, ,and -we urge -yiou to Ar? If you lov , e a bad man he will so: o' Germanyls proud.of her Iron Cross; . from . -
. . . I .
LI ad n I .mitting 'our agricultural implements: 'Canada. . . I I
� I � -�," 0 L ,. I I 'Montreal Police are to bavel it aP. our risk.' Two, sizes, 50c. and hats some of his ba-Iness, . while Austria confers her Ancient our engines, pumps, and other ma* It is evident, then, that the Beef
. .hate . . . . .. . ' Order of. Maria Theresa; on her heroes. chiner . . .
I 111treated Alphonse; Lefarge, a . ial-n $1.00. -The Ruxall .Store. W, S. R. I . I , y free. We should freely admit Trust has, its eye on this country, . Is
L . I L . . . Itussia, distributes her Cross -of St. Canadian 'lumber to American plan- It not better* to give its buyers our
I . L 7
'�� - IJNNFRX �, , . . I , who died shortly. after his ar.r@3t. Holmes, . L - I I , . , ,. . . .
. .. I � L VI
111111111111. . . I . L.. � . L . . I I . . tidimir sparingly,to her gallant soIr Ing mills In return for Canada's freely cattle60m our own markets for eli:- , .
- .
I . . . I I m 11 I . . I I . . . I . . . . . diers., . . L. � admitting other American "manufac- port, thus controlling our own pogi. .
. . I . . . I I . . Denmark has one of the,
most Illus. tured ducts td Canadiah.'markets." tion, than to have the live stock in
. . - . I . . . . IOUs 'orders of chival
I .
. - .
. . ir ry, the Order . In ttilB connection nection. it Is worthy of diistry undermined and enslaved ,by
' I
_. - of the Elephant, .which ranks as high mention the, certain wealthy United
::" I I L 6116wing the same powe that .
I I . I I . .. . . . . . . s �, . I as our own Order of the Garter. ' States couoeO s that recently, acquired smitten the United States to h .
- ,I= L, - I � . I I I - L •
Sweden has her Noble Order of the sites -In Cana'if a with a view to L the r ave.gres. .
. . ,-- , . L - L . I
111111111111ril I Seraph, founded In 1220. This order tway in Canada? - - .. - . .... . I . I
.Is immediate erect �011.- of extensive.shops I . .- . ,. . , I
111 � 111111111 I : i ,limited to 'twentyAhree natives and, have. 'suspended operations .pending
11 - , . - �-__�� I I 1111111 . �* �. � ll, I I eight 1breigners.'- - � , % ! the outcome.' c, Owe.. of L I . .. . .. Lq. I . . I . I .. .. .
. . . I "'. . . . ., . . L I I I I the present negotla.. I , I I . . . I .
. .. . . � i � . . Spainja justly .proud of her Order tioub, presumably In hopes that our I - I . - .... "I
. I
. .1. I . : Cf the Iden Fleece,tariff on the goods they` mauilfact=6 I . .
. . . 11 . . 99 , 0 Of i I I has always been, most sparingly ,be-, ' .
. �. . . L What is flour gliden, Bud? . ., I L I will be so reduced as to make such a Mis:R Xetll� 1ALdevson,, (A )1)uW1W I .
I . .. , . \ . . .. . I stowed. ' . . I move on ,their part unneceisaty. " . ...
I "Ies what makw�' y;)ur- dough ris Italy decorates her � . is- a visitor it the home at Jams
-, I ... .1 I . ef . , most librole . - . .. � - . 1 .
I.. I . ft . warriors with her military Medal of . . Anderson, 5th kine. ' - I
L .
. . � 1. . Robe* fa I . . . . I I . 40 14 . Merit. , , L . . 'L � 1. I I . I . . I � I L I . L . . .
11 .0, . I . . - . .. I . . . -y %3t laborers *
. I. . . I i I I . Portugal has the Tower and Sword," . I . . . -_ - . I . Port thousand haDW
. "Yis"-she encour ede - ' ' .1 I . 1. . .. were taken into wast&u. Canada 1101. L '
I unto,
.� . a I I � I .. . Added ' , - I . . � . I & .'Very old order . . . , Lord James of I-lereford . is deacl� the L C. V. Pv. and 0. N. R. . . .
•. . .. L Rud very -tittgalyt : . . I . . . Sardinia has a mpdQ . for- ' distin- . I .. . . I I . . . . . I L .. .. .
. ..A gillandd conduct on the field of battle;
� ill 1. I ) I 'Makes it. rise fix the mixer and expand I '. . end a -special military decoration be-';
- . . . . I
I I I . :46 . &IL - � I sides for deeds of outstanding coot-
- 11 ! . I N � in the oven.. lea elastic part of ' � . I I I I .
1. I . . . . we . age I . . .
,,L'. i I . . � ' . I . I
. I �
" . . 1. . -A . . . "flour the water I . � I I
11 . . . . � .
�;.:.; I I 1i I . - I I L -absorbs A And ndlk, . . I I I I : � I I .
, . I
, . I . . . .. . . .
I . . "�-and things," . . I . � ... . . Ciaillonge 'the Audio. r,
. . 11 I . Rose- 0411w ifiWebttd, 1. . I 1 , It was a case in An I,rish court,
_ I I L VIVE ROSE% sitid Budl, Is exceeffingly r1cls' I grid, the prisoner seeming hard to . L
L I I., I I
i I I I .
% OL , . I Is 90ten. I epme hwause hos aft ,mads I ' SatlgO, J'ar7man after juryman was I .. .
e�v . I � . . . I I 11 L : I . af-ked to leave the box. 110*over, all. I
", I . . i . I "fritts Alanitaba wl4eat., TAos up At lot land, come to an endi even in Ire- . I .
" I . . . 46 d, and at last the sweating of the I �
. I
, '1
- ' - - "
s FA M11-
=-- , 411 I �1 I 1� � 111011 - I I �
I I 11 I 11 ill
i a
I * 11� 11 I I I 11 I!,,
I I i I 111
- J, 4�_ -
� . more water - nu&es'those at 'loaves - - Jurr was completed, And then the .
"... ... . . W � I I
, "luts'longer too." . Prlooner leaned over the dock and
. '.1 . .! . "Saves mooley, doesn't he asked Rose. . I I
I i "'Ihe Jury's 411 right now, X thialt," 11
I � . I � soilght the oar of his, counsel,
I . I :ll�r% , I Duct In a b4 voices 0 . I . 11
he whispered; "but Yo must challenge . .
"Tho fit loaf mAoa the fat potkotImmk.00.) 0 1111111�1 I 1� the Judge, I've been 06nVieted under . I 1.11 .
11180 FIVE ROSES always.. I . , hini siviral times already, And mayb
. Anil Rose " I YES. &J I he's begluninto have a prejudice." . . .
Prank 114 --ton. fire ranger, was drown
'ad tear Porcupine. .
. 2 e
'o 1i
11A1"a"4e*,4, A V410
Out trained lift Me& itsaesslort froth, I
Sept. 0 to June $0. Enter Viny k1wo.
0aA',t6As#. ! to*.
'r ��
J.W.Wwm, . , wor"MT,
ChArW*d A;�� r4odL*I,
vift , 0
*3"VL VULK)"
. I Is the Perfeedon in Shoe Polish. .
, Some preparations give a gloss but
defttoy the leather, 11 in 11" not only is hot
1,1 '
wJurious but Increases the Yaffe of the leather
keeping it always soft. It gives a brilliant,
. smooth andladting gloss that gives parfoft
� . agthdA.
, . It Is good for your shoes, I
, THE V* X DALMY CO -w LiMit6do 114,
ETON, (Mtj WPOALOt X. It. *W LOMON, ant.
. -
.1, .
W -11A . 6"161 �Ii