HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-09-07, Page 5A
0"A"dw Irs, 1011
CU^t" Nriver("-R"Ord
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I TV" . #**""** I I q-.,WM:,AT It $AIX — TM _ - I _
I- I . I I .I At, NUM& . � �JWHII�. 0 - PARK FOR BALFIIAT, -Mos. M � ���t I
. .
.1 , , , I I
W, Z!UrAW quoutity scow ja good stat6 01 cuI*iy%tjQA 11 Irr -
i Tho M*Tri4p at Miss Ron* Miller of Iww ,
. 4 0t_ X04 A�hxdft OW seed wbut. Is SU4*y,, Sri con., a %DAh* from tot# * I*$
I �
noNews,=. . I &*4 Mr. ]�Aword Tbou*4 took 0000 This *01314 MoVs, X&n4id fte4 go Cjktoo, solml 49 rt*x � t. .. . � . 11
last ovwdug- . � '. I" acres The Vohertg Rxhlbl
. . . � Mr. J0114 it was fte" tJrQ= the Model Farm C14311raW, 40 acres altaitg, =
SLOASO A*' S con*00014eft , , � 01*rk Went to T�toato two "i —AT T114— .�
I .,� � , , . .KUWINUS 'a f from Urcs bush, Xest'bqT avA pasture., � . .
� , � r years age &tI4 I
I . . I 1 -04 MOOdAY. . I millet, prjc& U -w per; bushel. - Large C4#*4kX fttloftt OxMbItIon, Toronto, Aotust 26 to S"Ombor it "
" . of I
. '04a bou", two-pt"ey,
1 *"*d490**"0*"0*"**"00"#*"4 **too 1. Miss Le4 Clark OX4 Duraja Pbil- Loren Tyndall, Clinton P, 0. -94 state oD9f, cement tloor in cel,iar, —WIL14 DR A � — I I
,-�� O" lips have gone to Godarich. to attend - .'
Dra., Wb00, Salo and, Usy4en were' The Misses Douceigh leave vetuAmol the Collegiate. I I . . farnaco, wood -shod, cistern, tele- � ..
T 1011to 10t we* atte4ing tbo frou% thOr visit to Detroit Xr' Donald Clark has taken 'A I`* FARM FOR SALB.-THE phone. One bus 85x56, wjAd%ujlI, ReVelatlon to Plano Purobasere . A .
I ;% 0,4 TJN0Z1t- Pulnpev,, 'Waterworks, otabli4r, Ioj
6 Fir. I Mrs. (Dr.) Strang And Croft.
0 "104 04 the teWbing ,staff Of -ft dersiped offers fou sale his farm 0 head ca*le And 9 homes., Sec. . . - - I . 11 11 I .
)fr. Goo, -kigsinso; , bo� augb'" Goderich CollcWatla #t a rala.V 01 � ,of 147* aur I
. b"n in ter,, Mian Jessie, went down to mon- 0s, belog, lot Is 4.44 and baro $07.4o, 11
XidlaW 100 $t:=0 tl%'�y 1a the viu- treat last weak to meet Miss Strang,, one thousand dollars, I , _ay WA 5ox35.- Readers of The X40wb!-Record .gre speolally invited. '
. M, ' West halt Of lot 13, 'BayJW4 Road,' Apply to Malcolm XcEwea, Box . We Welcome all � invited.
. I plor Of the Dobyt Engine Co. who ba , the Old "06 Oretta and JenT,de We", Stanley. This Is a Arot-class farm 58, Clinton P� 0. -84 visitorsand- - a careful jus
. . -ka just returned from request
- ,
fix. Tbo,v- Sutton, who bPA been a countqN. 'Misses It. IQ-. And L. M. , Edna and Nina ,Woods, Annie R"A' With, pleAty of water aud'firs#_ . . tion' of our product.. . - . .
4Kftrer 44m alt Injury received at SVran% and Miss Claire Repnoj4s . erford And Chrissler'Miller And CA". 'Class buildings, all am within the. I . I . I
,tkQ MgPa fmtotil, left a short 'time compatLiod them t9, Toronto, who Ac' -Durnin have all 9040 to ftSham' to last ten yea � I ;
� ' - re :eotteud 1�0 Seboo I ra. Also lot 21, ,north PR4DV.EnTy., FOR SALV.__�UArdware, Our Plano$ are Salit 10,91ve I
, AeLjO for MAdOraL,y*A.1 'Where' his the3l visitedi several days at the Fair. � 1. boundary Of HAA COUSI'Ablug Of 119 buoiUess for sale in Bayfield. Two- Sat
..soq-jq1Aw-, Mr, Ward,, is located. The ftw.avaj ot ,rhq late Har" go- I The funeral of the late - johm Mc. , 181actIOU and they clo It; I
! . � Costle took .place to acres. The Village of Blake 48 ' story building, ,store, shop and
Mr. Sutton lilies .the west, and ra , ,
_ .1 . ," Rae took Plato on Wednesdays ' of Orem MPI 900- built on,the cor43r of this W we alone in Canada offer such values "
I , aterp on Monday, and was very farm. dwelling combined, also stable 26 Notice the
-remove his faualy there. laat wo* fa)ral the residonce lar" Church and School within halt A � X 86. Three lots superb deal ns the high-grade maierial, ihe unequall- -
Mr. X, H. V1119ttt, in A letter I Parents, Newgate street, Rey,of his gely , attended. - Deceased had. b with orchard and
. Mr. Oell ' wile, and - .miles from , the Munn fruits. Term. seaale--A" ,
. � and only 32A . ed tons and. finish. '.
I "tot* at ter some time In -tho west and his I � �
, , " s4r, thP,t"tbeL +
� I " trip .to $4SUP)t" ffa":11ton COU4�cted the services thriving, village of Zurich, ,Which , ply 1kiX Rouatt, Bayfield. -74 . ..
. death took PIP -cc At Loirlibridgw, Alda,.,
� I
•ohowan hati, improved his. he%1*14ouse and smyeside. The Pallbearers. makes it a. very} deglrabta property,'. . . this 34th annual Doherty Exhibit will be .
irorY JAUCI . I. 116 reported tht� wheat were: Fred. Robertson, Edi&e DiadL..Ia-st week. -Voip furthers particulovrs a ly t _. in, . .
PP .0 — . . - , . ... i�harge of -General Manager D, 8. duff, assisted by ,
--still' j;reeA and paid that the W= rich, Thos. Kemp and BhAs. Thomas. I . J. C. Reid, Var4a P. 0. 1 -94 . . I I
.1 I
'Who had gone, to msisf in the harvest The llor4l. tributes were very hand -Eastern ROpresentatiVe 9. 0. Willis.
� .,
: were obliged fjo wait until the some, The parents have the. - sym. - I Goderich Miss Nth L. Couzens .. - �
. . . . I I M_ —_
. . I I --- ���
:ScailL ripened, before ge0ing work,. 'PP,&y of the Community, FOR SALE. -FRAME 'HOUSE AND' TEACHER OFAUS , .
I . � Xr , ,_ a lic of Engineer and, Mrs, Ladd .10 �
, and Mrs. irk And fe.,nAly,1 On Saturdap morning the barn 4 And Mi"4 * acre of land, situated on the 0 1 . W. D0her19.-0j&ftQ
I 11%we'xeturned to thoir town real4derice Mn.Bingham was sl0rud.c by lightnjur ,Irene Wigle of Windsor were visitors . 'Pd n &PIano Co. .
. . , 'over the lidliday of Dr. and London Road j mile south Clia- Pupil of Prot. Martin and student . . . idlinited - I
fiber a delightful- summer spent and burned. Ur. Bingham', was up � Mrs, ton. 7 rooms, � bard and soft water, a Alma College, is prepared to give 0 .
I . .vopping at Attrill's Point.. . tow,a with his horse an ,- Medd at VictiorJA parsonago. � , . I . I I
i ! Wehaveto thank ,Miss Madal-on -d, .14uggyo, and. . . .1 stone foundation &ad IaTge - cellar' lewous in piano and organ. Pupils Factories and Head office, ch, . .
I whatfaver animals were In 'the barn , prepared Western Bran I I
I , Small fruit). For furthg!r particulars . fox University, and Conser- CLINTON, CANADA . I
Straw, - 148 young dauo�ter of Dr. X ware saved. . . . . 200 Hargrave street . .
I I Apply to Fred. Hayward, Clinton.vAtOry exams, Thorough tultIOD . Winnipeg, Ma k
I 'X Shaw of Cliutm, for a very c(>ur- , Mrs. R. S. Williams and daughter, Marriages . . I �. Alan. , . I I I
I , I � 3 1 1 _9z guaranteed. The parsonage, Holmes- I
I -teous note of thanks and an,acam- who have the couple of - . I Ville. .
I � , . I . -91 I ..
� - IAnying git-11 for Addressing' a Nem years travelling on the continent, RUSSET,-ROBERTS-1n, the, English I . 0 , i I !_ F . I . I . . � --- . I
I .
. .to her. .. have returned looking very well, in.church, Calgary, on August lath, 1. . -_ . . . - . - , -_ 7 . ==! � 01 M."M I "I I . .
I.. I � . FARM FOR SALE -The Eaecutor of � I - . . 1. � I rm"" •I �
I � --------- —
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hddsens and deed. . . . A, H. Russel � of Red Deer to, the Southoomlw estate ohers for WE are here to do busin(les El 114 1 I
Miss Doris returned last week from. Wis. and Miss Coats arrived home . Kathleen Roberts, eldest daughter . ..
� sale 5Q Peres, , being east halt of
, ,
I 1>1 .,4 pleasant holiday Spent .at Lake -of- last week after thefir . visit 1r) , the of Mara. J. S. Roberts of Seaforth. loft 28 con. 6, IW%e.tt. Thi is , a. all day and every day I I
� I I . Biyo, Georgian Bay. . Old land, ROBINSON-HOWE-0.0 Au&. PlAth, and will pay the *
4 and family of Duart, Mrs. Malcolm Macdonald Jigs been at the home of the bride's father, - d - � . r
Mrs. Jonas fir owed
farm, well watered An supporttheA'ch
I , . improved and W?th good buildings. highest market I I . .
Out, wore the guests c4er Lab , . . . .. I �
Labor spending a fl holidays With her Mr. George Howe, by Rev, Mr. ; ,. � . I L I
� L . pr I If L,
. Also ite , undersigned offers for sale ice for wheat - L - . . . YOU .have C,flat_
� I . I K of L 0
' Day of the lad3;eg parents, Mr, and 6'AlIght6r, Mrs. Donald Marty, of Rip- Collis, Georgle Howe of Wroxeter lot, 29, con. 6, Hulletp, cousistin, and all 'coarse ' I � I
� lb3- Le Touzol. .. ler. � I . . 1. to Arthur W.'Robinsork of .Battle- , 100 . . . . I ji3O . L .," brok'n arch' . I
. M acres. These- farrins may be . foot . . . -
� .Y, Le Touzel, we are glad to re- One thousand souvenir posil oArds. ford, Sask, . . . . grain in any S. .� ,,"'�, . I
t, . I port, Is ao far recovered as to be on . which appeared 6 colore4 pons.tait WiND-KOHL-In Detroit .on , Aug. bought together � or Separately.- . . . quantity. I . N I I . . I � or weak ankles you .. :11
` , - f lumOls werv� , . ' Appl to R. J. Southmwbe, Olin- I I . should have.a pair
-able to walk up town. Mr. Harpy Le ,o the writer of• these- co L . 23 --rd, Clara S. Kohl to Charles y I . . . - I . I I
, I 'Touzel, who was called home on ac- sold ,WA, Season at, Sm ,th,q� art store. . I ton P. 0 . , . . . -89 ---!-.BUY YOUR FLOUR . . . . : . . . ,
� . . .0 , Wind, fomwly of Crediton. of our Arch Up-
� . . . . I. L . . I . I .
� I . . ,count of his father's illness, has re- *r. and Mrs. Burney and t4rec, ,: . . I . L ., � i .. . I . � 1 . . . I I -FEED . •
. .
. ' . . . � . . * L I . . .. . I . I L L . 1. I . j,�, . ports fitted to 1.
'turned to New Ycork. childron, Wilfred, Robbie, mid Rwxh, - , , Births . - - , ' ,� . .10 , . . . . ... . I . your .
.." � . . .
Mr. and Mrs. W.' J. Stewart Were spent the week end And holiday the . I FOR, 'SALE OR TO 1,,F,NT,-TffE -SALT IN . BA'RRF,LS AND . ,BAGS. -..A_ .. shoe$ . . - � . . I
� L . . - .. � '-A
� . JACKSON -7 -In Clinton on. Sept. Atli, Temperance 'Ho9el at 1,6nder'boro. - * 'oe -17 - . . L
gists last week of the tatter's aunt, guests, of the lady parents, Mr. . JackS6n,.jr., L . ffl!� Ictze
1W)c ,
L . " I . , and IJ3 •Mr, and Mrs. T. This Is a, splendid chance 'far' A � . . . i - ' J'S"WIR MY If.
,frs. (Rov.) Carrie. ,Mr. StewlarioWas Xfol. S. Knuckle, leaving for itheir , . . -- - I .., "
� . . a. Boll. . .
15xmerly manager of tho live. man. Possession can be given . L, SUITTER 000 ' - -.1111 . I I
' . .- . 1; 11 .
I StanAard homa in Woodstock Ora Tuesdaly. OLLIOTT-In Goderich . . "' . . .
. . . . I �
. 1,3ank at Parkhill. - . L .. . � . . . L township, on at once. For further pArtioulars Tel ne 61, THE ;SLBVAIO . --- .
I I . . epho � R I .1
� L
.!,.� L e .. . L. I Sept,h, to Mr, d Mrs. H. . apply �o - W. M. Hileo,. Londesboro, . . . I I %k I STEP IN D TUS Sli()Lw You[
. . Ift James Carrie of C. C. I,L61s . I I . an
:L. . 'L . . . .. . . . L � . . . I
. . or L. •T Clinton. 't. 1_85
. . I . ttaft has gone down to Detroit . for kn�,%ICAL CULTURE, . I . I Elliott, a. daughter. - .1 . . I L �. . ..
' . ;a holiday trip. He returned from . . . I . FINLAY-In Lv*er WingliAm, Aug. L ; . � . I I ' . These Arch- Supports, .
. I
f L, . I -27th, ,,to Mr. and Mrs.,Ho,Ward I I . .. I . I � . � . to, the Foot it when tarefully fitted
- y Miss. May Rance, who two year . nd:shoe,. strengthen I
"Toronto wift his troop of ' lio L Finlay, a ison. , - COAL WOOD CEMENTL gthen the weakened
. S * . . . . .
graduated With f L
-touts, all in the besb of spirits: . ago first
01OSS, h . -Muscles and bring gra , I I ��
I S ibs., FARM FOR.SALE-CON. 8. WEST YA-RDS . , . teful relief from pain and � I ,�
11 I honors GRANT=.Tn WJ09hara, . August 28th, halt � of lot LL 9; 1111NOM to,wn�hiv . : I
P ThoF Auxiliary of the Boy ,,j,,Outs atthehead of her year in the Tor -7 � . . I . I strain. . . .. . . . I
. intend holding a bazaPir some time, onto Co . nForvatory, School of .to -Mr. -and Mrs. Grant, a son. es. There is . on Opposite ite the 0. T. R. Station, I furnish -ed
L , . . . . I.
, I Litera ' - L . containing -.50 acr ' ,L � . . . I . . . . . i
" ' sines DEANS ftgham, August ., 25th, . - . . L . . . , . . we rnish-ed relief to many Feet and were . ,. - . ��,
) L.�' -this autumn.. tura And Expression',. and has , net I to: Mr. the farm a frame house 2Ox26 -kitf- - ' . � � I . ".
, ' ' .
..., : at tb e ver' ice. of OV�ry' . 11 I
..,. Mail and had charge of that; neh'ot' w . . � '. "' " J. t re ived - I . , 1.
A recent issue of The bra work and Mm. P.. Deans, Jr. j a oben 18XJI �Land aL aj=�mc� kitchen US ce. v . Man and -Womaji: 'suffering � 11: . . I
I L . .. . . I
. I..
Empire sand Of a respected - in . Lson. I . . . �, . � I Ilain ' one. carload � of ' ' . from fallen arch. . - ' ' . . . . .. ; . . . I
- L cted.Goderich - Moulton CblMge and other institur . and woodshed 24x:l4, bank L I
I . ' L I ' I
, . , .
I I -citizen: "An old. Torontoniaii'is vis- Volts in Tbronro, iS'L about to an I . ' ' - 6,8x40 with sta-blip I � . ' . - . �7 of, � I . .,A . �.'.' .. L. . . . : . .1
. . I j
'. ., I .
#ing the Exhitiltion anti renewing classes iu,01inton, - I . -displa the , L
I . I QP L Deaths. �' - - . & underneath'' and Lwm Coal - ., . See
." . - in such branches I . . celebrated -s . I .
' - I . . . . I .1 . cement floon-Vith hen hQuSej And pig - . I P choll, Aich L. ., I ,
I �
-Tired... -
'former friendships this wWk- in -!be as Phy,811cial culture for children and SWINBANK-la. Clirg�Djj •on ,: SkV 'j m, . . .izes carried in stock -
4 , I . I . t -hous6, .Th4 land is good.clay IpA L .. . , . for iis. . in, willdow. '-A,ft e*
. . . I 11.1 I ... I V L ' I 1. . . � . .1 All . 1 .. . � .
1 1
1 -S-tephenson, relict I entirely Clear Of -weeds, 46P, - . - _ . -�
. .
11, � person of Mr. John Knox, now turn- edulfji �' With night classes for tbdoo 5th, Elizabeth - e is well � , The er ,best
., r' ' of - . the I . Oeorge S ;a 8 . 00 � . . •
. .
bdaftned, dui- I . .
: L air in.g. L. , ate . . . 1. _.. I
,1_ . ' : state of cultivationj .no waste 1�nd , '' . L. . L � 9i - W1 . . I . .
the d tile L And in � . . . . J. T ''wkAdl ..
��' 4Y cd the County. gaol at'. Gdderich. whom duties keep, them winbank, ag-1 drained with A �
, Mr. Knox was a ruted amateur ay;. Ppivate Elocution; ,* ed 75 yiears,avd- 6 iimtli � � . I I me's . . ` . I . . . . . . ....
I ". - � , . L me's' 1. ; �. . �Ll I I 0. . . . I..
. �ete In the sixtie%. - He. I.i I tie r which includes a pTepara%6n "fore - FOSTIER-�-Iri Clinton 'On' . Se , ..-ist,
There is one Acre, of -good ,orZ;;i . '. ARTHUR FORBES- . . I . � --- I , . ... .... I.. ... . . 1, : I L , � _
� , . . proud . Lon - . . - . . . . .11 . . I ; . I , . .
i, possessor of a silver cup work ; L the inte*3itatioij of lit- and a 'uesior failixg. well. Terms to
. :doua,ted by Cer�t Wo . William, Foster, aged 73 ' ars.and', , ,
. L ihe� 11' ' L , t � .. . . . . ye .. . . ., -Phone 52 . . I . . L . . I I . . -_ . I . L . �
I . . . . . L 1. 'L �_ . I
Ithe late John HenryetiroL Came= crature, and the. d eV#_ ys, - . suit the pu in- '-- C ' L .. �
L 1, . PPm0at o '� the 12 ba _" . I rchp-c*z. Proprietor - . . ! . . . �� I
e'' ,Grand Master of the County 0114110 voiop in speakingi and rftding..-The AP J . � Su. to Jae. Hamilton. � .
.. N , I vVING-:411 - Clinton on.. Sept. . ,3trd, ' tends to. eve ,up farming. I Apply .. OeSsov. � I
.. L I
. . I � I
- L
. I . t, ' L . . I . : PARK.! FOR SALE -Lot - north', halt WAKTOD - '
0, I .
, Lodge, for a 30 yard rae.i. Whoh ..,n class .ikls* Prepares Rupill lor__tbo , n�'Iry - on premases or I o •Jolm Bliley, Sr., ' . . . . .. . . SAWING CO,NTR�,r_TS
, . . . 1. I Job in:g, aged, YOS313., . .' I I . . . I - . w 2LC,,, con. 12, Hullett, consisting... . I I 1;
. L , .
. I .1 L
.:� 'Toronto he was a member & - the Conservatory School,. oil Expression. BUTLER -In. Hullett 012 Sept. Constance P. O. . ., � . _85o - .g. of . by 'the 1000 feet, anywhere. . in�
I I . . . ist, . . . _ -
� . I ... I . . � � 50 Acres, �: All seeded down eveept eginning 35,eg=b*
; I � . Butler of Clinton, , . . .." I , es* Smak orebar' ' 'urou OU' t -�
� '
Royal Gozaadiers and ova's at one Dramutic Art, AvAuding .bhe r�heir*- , Jennie ton, agc4L L$� 'L' - � - I I ,0: Acr � . . � , b
kL: 111me a member of the fire brigide . . . . � . . I .i . I I I L L' . , ;1 d.. , Frame
.. I I Ing Of - -Plays and imoersonation. The .. � . I � P11.-!-!cUWeyL BIDS., Ba3rfiedd.
I . years. . .: I . . I I � . I �
t , . L .. .. .1 1. .
. I I . L . . _
I , , I I house and barn with 'stabling. � . . .
. I ..
The Woman's Institate jntj,tj;s this object of ishe ��ork is too awaken a ELLWOOD Iii 'Goderibb ioo*nshl� or, , -SALE.-THE UNDER- ' I ' I � I -40-7 , _*
Afternoon at the residence of - IN , . h man ws . FARM FOR - - . ,.On Gravel road I mile north' ' of ' . � 1. L . . 1. ... . �..
1. .tys. fuller appreciation .of u . I '. 11
I � - through. . powt . Sept. 2nd, Matilda, .M�jfe of Thom_ signed offers for..8ale, fils splendid . Londesboro. . j .adle froon- school. . . - I . -1 . I . � ..
. .
1. : I - . Idurdock Macdonald. . ,ugh. , the developeneni,* of the ' as' Ellwood, aged. 46 31aars.- . ,' farm. of 1611 acres, on the 2nd con. . � . � .. . I . 7
. L : . . . 1. . 1 4: .. . : . ;
I . I I I 11 ,Apply.' on ,the .premises or address . . ,.. , . I �
I . Messrs. Fmank Allam and Jas, F. mind, body and - 'voice and to stimu- 1311198�-la- Seaforth on MAgustv 28th, of Stanley, 2h . miles - from Clinton, •- I 1. I . -W " - r i - I
� . . t I Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. . I C-4 . L�A ! I
t� �n6mson,have each inve'sted L ja an. late and develop every faculty An& . 'Ria, -Brine, fourth daughter of the I .. . I I -R-r�"- _ - - . . '.
, ,. . , 1. . -1 InileS fVdM 'school. The farm is . . .. , -75 .=j .. 1 97.-.) .04., L . �Iv -
, , . . . in good .S' L . . . I . . I .
� ... 4utonhobilp. Power, Classes - cdr�mL4nce. S64. ash. late j. P. Brine, � . I . tatle of cgltifttion,, and
,. I I .. I I 1 1. . �
SIM, L . . , I L, L
. . � L I
I;.. well. Wnt_
Mixa. D. Millar left this Week to, A limited number ' f I be ELLIOTTIn ,&U .red. The'r .1, . nd buy r Grdn;.te
. . 1. 0 � PUPIIS* - WIL I L Lower WinA * e, a re 10. acres of - . I . vou
L . I . . . . � . . . � I
SPOU4 some time at the capital. Accepted. •* . .. � . Thos. . I . I - L' . . I .1 ... . Aware,
. . I _. I . . . I . I . .2.8.th;, . 0' . Elliott, lio-tt, afgea .8& - ' , hard wood bush, .1pramb house , in: . . L I ` I . .China
. . . .. . I . . . 1 4 inwaiejO
;. I .11 . - .
. I -
1, ing tha L , . . — 1. . I 0 - . - n .yj 'Ete. � at th6 50'.
. - . PISL taken Con- L, , - . I �
D. A. McLaren b, � . � . .
q . . I . WILLIAMS-In. Parkhill ft ,August good repair, sunlWar. kibchq4 . and ...... . . 1. � P1011109, -0a d "
_ , , . IL I .1 . I L' IL I . .. � higi. IR t Water,. . I
I tract f6r rebuilding and eularg I . . . I. 28th, �,Iames.. Williams, aged. . 3,7 . . woodshed,, 'L , barnL J7643,8, 1 . . I . � .
� . . . . . � barn .1 ..� . ... �
1-1 L I �1: - . 40.v32 on Stone foundation,, . ,. " r � 0c; 15�, and 25C stor ' '
icb curling and skatizig ri AIVLOP TOWNSHIP.- * ypam and 7 si�ontlhs. L f' Steam and, . 0. L
' 'Goden nk.. � � ]k . . I . . dxiving ' L -E.R Hot Air �. I ' ..
. .I.. . .- L . HEREV .. I . I . . Sm
�L Mrs. (Rev.) Hamilton, we are Sorry L I L � . . . ,. . fi _ * 4 ,' I I . � . .
.�:. I . I I � . . I
..'' 11 . . I ... . ,,, ! - Shed, -Pig Pens, and 2 acres .of good : W . . . . 4 I . .. . ., � . . . .all pi6futS and, - quick
. --- . 11, . � L I . . I . .
11 . to alitiounaa, is not yet fully; recover- Miss -kabol'Daildaon and he�' sis. . � T T me is, meas -.i, . . Heating I I. :returns is our'ni"'
. I . .. orchard, -Apply to RQbt'L 'Pearson,. , , meas- I , '. .
.•. . . � . . Orchard, . . 40le . . .
- . . . . .
i .. . I." ed from, her indisposition. It will be ter, Mrs'. Avery! bf Cftrtwri@ht, . j,Ta n. i . WANTED. -2 . RELI , ABLE` B I L. .. .,BOjr 2.31, Clinton P.. 0.,-, 1 ' '-w-03-8 Ured .by minukes and. �. - I..... I . L . 1. . I . . . .. . ...., : � I........." Otto.
� . I . I OYS.TO . . . . q � I I L .. I - I . . GALVANIZED IRON. WORK Roog� � ' '
nedi that she' was taken ill in &r Vi ting at parental take up Pressing and Operatirig.!' * I . I . . , secofids i 0 - , I -
Tamembe 0 4
C . . . . . . I .. I . : s a . .
, I visit there. Munn Bros: ,came bear having : . .1 � � 9 i n tea d * Of - -, �.INO A" .EV ETROUGHING. .. . .
I aving Q Apply 'to.'J. McLeodi Supt. The I � � L . . . 1. . . .
. K
. . . . I � er .. .
1 Mrs. Kimmer and her another, big blaze at their sawmi I the . . hours—the HowAR,y is the co . . L We' have . every-Ailng that is , . . . P
. . � . . .
�.l . , G� L -' 000 . . I
I L . I L I other Jackson, Mft,. ,CO.. -95-2 REVISION OF VOTERIS, LIST. - I .. . .•
. I I 9 � 0
. � . . .• . . final appeal.- .. .1 .1 .1 I new ... I .
. . � . I
L Daivis, have returned to their home night, .and as it . was i4here - was seine . .- , . Notice is hereb�i given that 9, Court . '
I . ,
in Mitchell after a pleasant visit - . at dama done. L , Wa I . 0 � . . - I . I 11 . I . . I . The HOWARD Watch his * and.: up-to-date. in the *
. 90 . . . . . .. . . - . ch ilan. in .1 -plumbi . ug and.heAfing business.
. . . I I I ..will be hel& pursuant to the-Outiir- accuracy, design and finish it. shows the: - I , .
. . . . � I
L I .Hotel Ikq1tond, guests of the Mfisses Auctioneer Thos; Brown is' aeolftLa io Voter's'List,Act, _�y'bis Honor, I . . . �1,
. .
. .
:Davis. . . . I Estimates given . . all con I tra�twork;
. 1.
. buying a*441 tbie good hay.jn, aikli:C WANTED�KITOTIEN GIRL L AT . . Apitit Of the men who make it.- - I - OR .
. . . I
. L bully . I the Judge of the Count:31 Court . of I I . L TO THE PUBLIC
The Misses Barry have returned Messrs., Peter Gardiner ' and the Ratte House. -95 It traditions and a history.'that' . I .
I L John . . � . . n . I. . � . I the County of,Hliron at,thei. .flown- •
, * � .L
. . . I I I .. . ....
L I ( 1nom a mont'h's stay -in Winnipeg. qovelilockL are . �. I . I a � L .. 'American . . . . I . . . .. I . . � -TAVING 'BOUGHT L THM. ' '
. , . . also . in the hay" bus . '. I . — 4 -� -ail 'Saturday,, SepAl- s are proud of. . I . . . � I I .
` Miss Irene Barry of London and her IMF).. . . . . I . . . 1. . . . . L L .1 . �. ..ship h , Varna, bn . � L .. . I ,. I .
L embei.%h, 1911, at 11 cl'Oodk�l.m. , Every HOWIR'D is'adjpsted as a. At ' WORKSHOP DEPA,RTMFjNT Or
I . :3nother are the guests of the MISS& Akissrs. MeXay, Seigler 'Thornton TO RE:NT--,�--SIX ROOM HOUSE ON ; i1po L , watch—c . . . L
; I . I I � determine . ased :and timed in its. own . � - THID •.'.ROWLAND HARDWA-Re, . I'll
I V . I I INdat and QOMP%0isnt§ I . . . I ,- BYAM & SUTTER BUSIXESS'L WITH WHIM 1, . .
. . . . I � �
- re ' VA. - Oct. , lst.. of errors andomissionsI
Barr +. . ,PuvddS. and Hpbmes are gone ivy -ibe .'Huron 0 Ot. ,calav omisslons I in the Vo- case at the factory. I . I. I L ANI I ,� 1, I : . I
. I
I Printed ticket. fixes the price—$40' ' .. , . .11 � I I . ..
. , - d soft water, woodshed, ter's List of -the, Munici . palitoy of I HAVE BEEN CONNEWTED, FOR' � P , -
Rev. G. E. Ross Occupied, his , own west to help with havv"r, work, . Trardi an S TARY PLUMBERS.. .
I . .
pulpit on both occasions,�iou.Suhday. Mr. RobarlGiWy'L who Was ,here lar6 garden with, fruit-�,Nearkftg . to $1�0. Le . . � I . I I I . . ...
I . . the to Of Stanley for 1911. Let us show Y04 this clis. � , . . I.' - - L - SEVERAL YEARS. I AM - PRE-'.
. -_
Mrs. James Martyn prestdos ab t�je helPing with harvest, wnrk has re.Wati- trees: . k'.Johrj Snictem, Huron street., . . tinctivr watch.' ' L. Ll . . . . . . : . . � -PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS,
. .. I . L
I 1. . . . � . . Dated St.L Varna, VMS 28th- &&y .. _ - ,. L , . L
I �orgaa in a - ed his nome at Salepta L . " I � . . . . - ;
., . capable mariner in ,tile ab . .�, I .. .. . . I . . . . . I . . . . . I . . '. . . FOR THE 139CLA-� FURNACES,
- . ,sence of Prof.unter. � ' I . . . . 'b _J I ! _L '. . v*"**"*"#+*#4 **" .
y''. , Mr. J.' J. Inine I's Visitirjg �he � t, � %- I I . . . � I . . I I—! . . ,L . A, . . . PLUMBINGi 9-YETROUGHING,'.. . . . .. �
. . .1. . ,
. _ I 1, . . . I . I 1 "I-95 August; -, 1911. � .E. Harnwpll L .� . V � GRIG ''. - i
I L I , I Township Clerk.., .. . . - .A* . . 0 - ,0. .. 1. I . . Rs.. . ,
. . � . I .1 . � . . Y�y L STOVES
: , Mrs. Shannon and her solo, Father. hibition and taking in, the %ights of. � L . � .. .,: . I I . I. . . I PUMING. UP'S , I � �
I I I I I . . . . 11 . . I . . . � .; ,�
. Shannon of McEwan, Tenn., . are. Torontothis-'weak. - ' I. . I . .. .. -A num-W of household I . . I., . 0 - tleiuddr and Optician, IsWer Of : I I .. 'REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL . I I . �
. I � L . I . . . I . . I
j)aVk.,j�;.,)jj, i, . I I . . . .. q� ;
.1 Vi� ' I es. -
��t i
. " Clara. , I . I � I I OF WHICH WILL A)bCEjv_E . .'
. .guests of Miss Symonds. Mils 19 articles to be Sold priVately . . .1 . ... . .. ... Martiage U L L I .
with , ioens . I TH' I
. I L PL ., . �.. I
Mrs. Com and family have returned Toronto and the ,',xhibWki. ' , FOR '8ALF,A 14- H, P. PORTABLE , I . I . . - I 11 I ,
I . In the ne�t Um days.k Apply at . I , '- Working . .1 . ; � - " . , I XY PROMPT ATTENTION, A< L
. to thein home in Leamkngton after . . . . . . . I . . - . . steaeA engine.. n good I . . I � � I . ' r - I " I CONTINUANO15 'or THE .PAT-'
� . I — .residence of M Ball, Ouxon, silreet. - . I. . I I � I L Our. Seven ?Oolieges . ;
I . . I
:a very pleasant visit with the par- . - - . . . . . . L L L . . I order: Also set of sleighs for con- * . . : established. during the. past 80 I AONAOE GIVEN, THIS ,]Dr-' I I
. I
eats of the fornier, Mr. and I . . I I L . .. I veysuce in winter. 2 good drive . . . . . . . f . . . I
. Mrs," E. A Gent e Laxative - L . I � . 0. I years. The largest trainers in PARTMENT IS RESPECTPUI,, t .
'Downing. . . .11 �, I � . . .•, 1. . I . 0 Canada., Owing to Fur connec- .
i, I . I 1. . belts, I circular saw and frame. 41 - 'L 0 - we do LY REQUESTED..L � . "
Annis Green has mturned For the, fthy. LOST. - ON SATURIYA-Y -Ntmo" . •
A. snap -for, quick Sale. L -Seeley - & : The Preference.. for e tion all over Ontario,' , L . � *1
� , . I 11 last •POO vdth enamelled, buckle.. . - � . . :. I I . better for our graduates than PROMPT ATTENTION, WILL., , , - � . ,.I.
I .
.. home in betroit after spmdi West, Clinton. , . .1 1 -90 �* . . 0 1 an You ina BE 01V10 -N TO'OnDtRSL ' . 1. �'
. I lag his Stomach and bowel - troubles is the -Please return . I I ' . 0 eruct
other School# -LEFT . I[L
TAC Cuban Coat of Arms. - . . . •
ud g ;
. .. ,
vacation with his grandmothers, Mrs: rause - . . � I . . . . 4'. - - —THE— 0 y all -at home or, partly AT ROLANDIS HARDWARE
of, tnine-tentihs of the ailments to Mrs. M. D. MeTaggart, -94 •- - 1. & � . .
I .
.. ,W.. Oil -let, and Mrs.. J. Bedfaitd. L L L � a .1 11 . . I . 0 home and f1rdsh at the College, STORE.
from which littile on's suffer. Let the - � 3 OmM
� Miss Gertrude Da,Ks of Mitchell #49 littl.c, stomach. . gnd�bowelsL, , -10, . . I I a •
. . : •Afflillated with The . ercial
. 'the guest of the Messrs., Davis. 001 I .be , kqt . . FOR SALE, ON MARY STREET A. 0 ' , Rducators' Association Of Can-
. ' . .
Hoilat Bedford. X'ght and baby will 'h0al- HOUSE VOR -SALF,-SI)t ROOMED good dwelling' house, * containing
aining . . : ada. 'It would be well for you T. A JQHNSON.
.. IY, L :, .a well. . I . I
I thn and s0rong, The ons sure and rough cast house, on (?VAnge, Street seven rooms, with good cellar, cern,- A 11 0 to investigidta b or -,
. 4h i Rev. John Yeang, who re6ontly vis- . eat cistern and good well of Imrd •i 0 Exclusive right lor Ontario of
. I todGoderichandhisold home in, safe means olkeoping baby's st(p.mt- -attached is one halt AOL, 61 1 � •31 •H'rol I the world. -famous Bliss Book.
a0h and bo*els swee4 andi raggular .is ground and a barri.-Appiyi :to N. water on the lawn. Far further, in- •* . . :, keepih Syawn, whiq),i . , , I . . .
; �.L Colborne, has accepted a call to a. � forhmtiori inquire of, Mts. E. 1W . � _is qn� y ,CA , � . . I
' PreSbyiterian church in Pittsburg, :to give him an occasional dom of Colt, Eric street. . -94 • . - •
1, : ISXTRA ' I . : I equalel, - 'It is Actui-t -13iii§1n6ss L 9 I �
( . . Baby's Own Tablets. These TWbIets . . L Box' 220, Aylmer. . 87 a . from Start 'to Finish, 'and the � . CARRIAGES
. . 1.
Miss Charlotte Resume, who has are A'gefttle Ijxat1*Vo ,,, I , they sweeten . I . 0 URANULATED: student keeps same books 49 91 - - - ' ..,
I ,
I. . . been Spending soMo ?'me the gugs't Of. ,the Stoma L oh, Tdgufatep 1he - bowels, I � . ' . . . . . . �,Xbarteied Banks acid Whole- -RE-TIRED, WHILE YOU, I .
V . MISS B MAY HANCE,', A. T. C. M . .0 . . . . . 4
I the Misses Henry of Gi,LY,j Cliff, has . sale.Houses. Enter anytime. WAIT, AT SMALL COST, -1
`. expal Worms, breok. up 'colds and t has been created 1)y •la .
returned to her home in Windis4r. PrOVMt L . . Teatheil of Elocution, 'Flikisic M.
I � Individual instruction. . . . I I . � 11
. I I I .
L Or Cuts the dozens of ail- I e sugar itself 0 .
.1 Miss Nelson has returned - to hot meats that afllict the baby. Tito T, 'L b Culture and . Dramotle work. Stud- don Road, Otto iftiI6,9outh of I the di : Fall Torifts frorh Aug 28 . "'2 NOW BICYCLES .
I �
ndsov after a, Tub -
Wits prepared. for Consarvaloo � 0 1 . I .
honia in Wi town of .Clinton. A first , class 6 , •Manufactured by : I . FOIL SALE CHZAV.��.
. Pleasant lets are soldiby medicine d'A "' . 0" School of Literature and -Expres- farm of 132 acres *, a chold 0 , . . I
holiday at'Paitke House. Miss, Nelson �'y mail . at , 25 cents a box It The 0 uro- i Writs, c411 or phone for particulars. , -
thoroughly enjoFyiad the d,XjVjngL . pe*y. XuS9 be sold, as oWnOr has 0 THE-----�- 6 I — .
I . about Dr Williams' Medicine Cc,, took- sloii,, Toronto. Classes coaftencing I I I •
6 CUN I . .
I Goderich, having brought along her ' . . Sept. ISt. Tebephond 87. -92 0her itto.rests to look, after. --i a IrON , I WATORWO111ts Sznvlovs I I
gap "ftfjfljflgC0 L& 19STALLED. L'VT'S DO IT . �
. own horse and carriagg. Ville, Onip., I I Apply to H. Plumstool Clinton. ' * I
I . . . I A I � : Canada So HU Business College , 6. .
. I . . �8 * . 6
Rev. and Aft -7. G. E. ROSS axe naw I 14 .. . 8 FOR' YML . t .
. eceafortably. settled in, their 7 Derv,. REVISIOX OF VOTERS' .1 --L .... I . � . . I 1, . . 6 . Limfign . 6 � G.UO. SPOTTO.N, - I . . I , 0
. 'occupied
I DRS' LIST.- . 0 * . . . �
manse, the'hou.a forn%srlyi oedup . led PUIXIC MENTING'St , Not0b is hereby. gived theta Court - . a - MONIT11HAL, - QVUBUO * X18813. 0, Ward, I ineipal I �. 'L T ' . "_.
* . I Ao 'URNER, .
. . by Mr. Win. Leo. WIN Ide held pursuant to the Ootar- VARM VOR SALM-THE UNMR- 0 . . I . 0 *4"4*"**" � 1
mise Edith Falconer of magens, Mr. t, N. Ldwis, the Ltbo*ral-Con. io "Voter's List Act, bj hisa *nor, slgfiol offers for Salo 1610 fine farm 0 •
-, , I - , . IL . ....'L..... lmillilill I . 11 , ISO , , !!t��
staff, has bien .Mending the holiday servative candidAte, for West Duron, the -Judge of the County Court
urt of of 186 acres adjoinlog tba town of 16 and -sold by . 0 1 � ------- �� I
. I Season at Meostijaw, Soak. 0 . 0 '
; wfll hold, ftliatings -at the following the County of Huron At the Clerrk's 'OPInton, The farm Is In a, good 0 11 .1.11
� - County, Cleitft and 9ft. Land ate p1g,dos, next Lit, . . •. I - - state cif aaltivutioh and has good 'O . . I".... �
V, . W- T, � 00NIBI 1 I I NATIONAL•
iL I *11i6pi %it Exhibition, hi, Office, Rayfield, on- Thursday, Sept 6 * .'. . '. I L. *I . .
-Toronto Clinton, town hall, ,Xonaay.- s6 *
.� pt. ii en�ber 21st, 1911, at 10 o'clock a4ra., . buildings -brick. house,. baiik barn, . I
this week. -*. LAW Was a, delegate Lohdesboro, township
bag"LSept. 11 lo bear sniff determine complaints. drhong house, pig .pen, etc., -'-q All I
` 6 ' - 4sTha flubLL0,rO0ry.,0$ '
! - - of artota olid timissions in the Vo- c"aratiVely new. A firstr4lass 0 .
. , to thew eonVontfoii tit 'the , Ontario Hatlock, sehcol house, Sept. 12. LL . - . .111, I .01
Munfolpal Amocfati6n. Constance, Wednesdap, Sept. Is. I t,4tls List o - of the Municipality of y 's .,�-_ 0 PORTLAND CEMENT'
f ": Iffrot Dohbrtp, ootd'iherCial speCialicl, . . oung orchard Containing 0,11 kinds ,* h . Of the . .
It ,Auburn, Thursday, Sept. 14" ii'r% 6 L
the Village of Balifiold for loll, 6f fruits, also- ornall fruits. The a 'the bands'
I in Stiattom, Commercial Institute, At tho- latter tout places Mr. ".R, lba,ted at Bay6ld, this 4th d#,:p of farm if; well fenced .and well duill- 6 above aug o been 6 � 1 .
04" .
I -
- : I , I
, ,
I .
� 4 the motto of out Success. •16 siVedl JVhio L
' j t . I
, ,' ' �ft lhtvq 6t 'Vaughan tout,
Sotembe_t, 1011. -It. W. Erwin, ed And is it very desirable home. * arjUs roe li, will be sold At rbitson0lo
. will ' # A Fresh c
i - i"j. Was A Visitor 4t the li�MO* 61' . " , . . .. J"Or further pArticUlArg ,apply 'on * 0'010 4
� ., brother, Mi. L. V. Dob#ttr, during gpeak in 6p�oliti6fi tw. Reeiptocit)"As "'Village olerk, - . pricos. Empty hage charged for as 1010 each the Inc to bo
� . h6f vaetotion. : . , 11 . W-111 Mr. A. MuAg�*)ve,, 1XX,.A.,, at ,,� I I I . '.. the prowsos- or oftess ,John � I L
L I . . —-. L, _ '' i- , I ".,hl, -,L . . I &-�W�04 0 , ,_ _4 . ....... I—, I . 4 - 0
� . 'w0t6t Brough, 0, P", ,1, , u repaid n th,g Totarn of the onlptY bags, i� order of fh(j -
. , 4 hotne for t, clintoft, spftkora in its; foof will Tort4nea, 01fiton P. 0. . 1
,411 a few dA$A ,with his lamily at %o strathroy Taftayer-1 v6tebl. $40,000
1 be givon aft hour at ca0b jA$ebibg.', (OT 4 'Ll. .1-11.1 . I I LL, 11, I . .. 10 . Are you . a News -Record Cement compa'ayb
liko". � I Vot Save tht, XjnZ. , I I ling"L new (Coll sate lbatitU93 w1a. I " " "'' . W Subscriber � .
� I . .1 ub Nows-Rocota to end C1 at 2k. I I I .1 I S-. J. iNDREWS -