HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-09-07, Page 3� - -,� I � Tr , -, -,.- �, ,W -,.%;v , 'r irk — - - , ,
. . . I X 1 4 Aa-A�14�11 �, 1, *
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.1 -% " ?�.q -, "r. W, ... � J� p,-, wT.a, , � ". 7, - 7 I I
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- ~* 0 ___ . 0. - 1. I _. === NO __ . 0-9 _ . �.- � I _ I . ,.
, , , Pik, A7F*f WfjnC---- "M -0 �_ ,r. Z-g;;:;-.�;;; ;'.6 4- P%40- �- iz, 4 � '. � -"-,- 11 1"W-0 I I 9 .
I _Z.� ft*.. _ 435,110al. W -, � L . . , "- - - - 9 __'_ _9 _., __ , 0; w - , _ I I .1 _ -_ $
1 4 � .4 I _1U__ Itr Ulm " NO — I . W � ���_
11 I W U -1 ---.-9.-- .. _
91*41 Ot A IAb*W *4 by Ir" - 4"W Wi" "Mo _40"_ "Itow re" ft""s , ftbose 1"&%W 440 0"W"A OWS-11040t V" Abrmk -rimm. 00in, 0_2____Az,C.�L_=
' " t, � , 1,41010" 1111"04t000t at ba* tu M*Aaft tw Q%"" to*mld is* 1W 10,00M. hall 1__WWWffiWk4F%WW" .
L I'll U" the onse ot 440tor"Ity VbAah, � . �Z:7 � Pa"x&d a blow at 01141144,
I Z 00,0. "It *0 oil, WUW Lauritr "Ad, oonteat w" the, mamerew ppogreas Considor tk* tnvootet4wt of Pettish fir"'it loft the President to 66111,W J whoo, ", nwk**,m - -,.-- .
'. W, ~ Jbr Xw Yew$ ve tb* 004-1 � WO now Plot all Q1W hopes Ulm tb4i AlrWr NaowW. � ia" W11*111 ke did # 1
I t D ,_ - RX1044"d -
0AOA0Y that bAs be" $elag on sig", -94 aot,walit, to 414.111m, Only, "
- . I I ***&A Ic W94 ToPokled. Tboo = *ad4'" the policy at noes] IW -lot, Laurw mish HIS. Wort" AM as an effect, of tkat d#CW—
, 04461149 b" Its "Qual in a vs* sm"ont "Lot the Gov Wr JOR
.1 Tit Ww' Mwff . - ML was, happily eadorood at the P Y, p
11 I . 1100rial CbWOMO* I* LOW= by Sir engine, designed to estaligii that W Me .project wliUb ornwout oomplots, Ot Sir Wilfrid Laurier. ILrrousament with *Tom I X T. www* .
. Is inten4ed to ten- The British Tr� Oombiboitonor for I I Which had opiratod for air. ' .,
. ne. Wutrid Luriar. 'Who, said: I 40"40anow-tize National TwWouts. larco and consolidate trade between CARIWI& Mr. RkUroi 40r*& in 0 ro. "ea yearn AS RUL ooquOxor of tbp, MAg, In 00 W Of
11 1111�# L4" of R000lproft In 1W "ThWW44 & time 'WW We Were U*Zt*l Ullwny—WhichiS to be 0 Tito. two
� #� SU140 Ih 04 Creation ol Prolltato I "r. the provinces Aid trade with Great rt, imuod Apra let, 1911, stat" that, ��Aonfte��jad 'by tho UnlW Stat000l Went,tb Ottxws, from W4Shib4ten "W
I - r I# i wautlas reciprocity, With the 'United AtOd by the Orand Troll* 1*0elfic RW- Brltoolft�u In tb* live yotorsond . irmuftoturors on account of -,thslv
Industriom for'Canoodst OtAtION, but our *aorta V'siro Way, to WbIch the. b4c)doox at thoopill). . 0000rX04 With the Dowlason G000*'
put Aside, r "14t Well enough Alone meons,"Lot 4ve4tQr0 "at ,,,,,4,i,u,,S,,I�,,"',],Dr,tt'.1 W$4 k'0"0 Proximity tA tb,4 Canadian mp4,. went with a
.. L ! We. have solid goo4.byo to that trade Jig trensury we* liberally given. as act turn aside train the dsvolop. rrospective at the millions brought by *At- A% 4 blow against Br 'view to, makibs * R0011pow r I
. . or.4011111f V. 1104104 " i 1114# We now put all'alij hop the I Tba i Itiou Pro. .
I �02 Upon, general Olooct1011o Of 1904 was went of Canada *Ar the llueg that have titers *u# Priyooter IndIvi4ne,l$. 'farafte on thin, continent, city Asroament. Wb*A the year WA
I 1 9 1 1 'L I coup"
111tr to be In too the wide-spreed distrib 191 of . Mr. Patoroot
9 British trade.,, , loUg"t on the window Of t-110 QM4 provett our 01 _41spondent . utio ]04' L.;dayleed 4 w%XIMUrA tariff which the turned, Mr. Ineldliog &ad ..
I � X U t ro that both ,political Parties, __."� Trull1k Pacific au4 National .Transm .at the United Statoo; and wbiou are base bi'vestmeatit.- . "Went must enforQ11, W 19
LL Ova*" formerly, deolroil amonsuroo POINTO AMOV.T THE DEAL. continental bargain. which VrAti, tbo tbp best guarantool that our expelodl. Appe . I 14944yer It paid a return v0sit "d M#da the apw
Ment,X L I' arod that Say country gwvor to It* mentill. Washington wituotit combw e
I, 11677
. :
'I I ,
Its I.,
11 I a6dPrOc.11i with th I Govern t onadtan Bank Share$ ...... $1,120'"o ,11166 49pin -
41 � Q United State* L method Of r
... thit viioi when trade generally (MR I It$ logical end th 9 a roopsaI _4WryJn& W. tilre Of $200.000,000 an a railway that Favextineat with Loan And, altodLq StOthing It did not #Iva to the, IL back te Ottawa to consult their 0-* .
t - . of, the pool. is to, $0040004 tbl# 1414LOV64dence mortgai . Wo cipinponjes, ...... 6)4710,77,4 ate#, I I I '0
. iqwAll; autt- do sod., aa4 before. am- PrOcItT offer, *ad at Ira eoguosx. .
. . . pros
� I . � . L � V16MOUtft the will not be prejudiced 00 Prttish Insurance Companies- The President felt Obliged
9L that"cAttoo! line PrOM101"41 41111ouncelltont to the, Im. ]Kew importstAt to ' Investments 0,7$ , . a" 1101"S Job had declared against any #nb#tX* �L
I I b ,11., been ilie thework by which t4unicipal Boudi,;4f$�;,��,t;, . 1,17J2 4111941 P1w IShMont on C to Inflict In Canada a Preponde - . .
t4zdtbbAw4 I . I"
It .-A
, . L , , . _ Can 1 raAce of opla 4
... 04153A, to'can.441saprom.erity, C000i!01100, that Canada WU r Wilfrid I wishes to be ly . I ...................... 10,000,000 ,a, P gave his to". by t1i - , . wites, sea* ,
1 9 , MONEY IN, THE BANKS W Aurler "CAnada would hal
� . d StRtes,. Can� =d to FAst-and-Wast trade , , � I concession to Tulted -
I � . by tbo Vulte , ,
. . . . . Judged -the work which arose illreo motrw - � 9 , T
. � wectiOn"w" won 'by thO, Gary' out of the 4bandourn I .404 444 Timber iuv-!�jt_ '
�, It" 1114 flourish as .44 exporter at The , tly no . investments 22,500.000 I few trifling concessions.
I X � ,80At Ur. Fleldiag, to , Albaur, p OOPA44 want. For Instance, Senator ft
, ad tA0 Odat-40, W.
I L 94 *1 wast pro4nots,oad, be 004BA- And Great Inore.oses, in Trade Have, 401`11111011t, And the rallwayLwoos be&Vb. out *f reelpm . mento ..................... 19,000,000 Preoldell. . - . Ross, the Liberal ex -prom
the T olty--may be Judged by the M Vwlace, was saved, , , 4
� 9
� I W17. ix4f�Deudwt, of J gtte4* Made Canada a Brighter Britain In 1008 the Government want to the at RILIIWA , YA' statement on MarXinistdr F-1ning Investments ........ 54#310#500 � lie. asked for a . ter at Ontario, tit a v . able s1wwso,
. . I . 1$11, AS to the, 03L cli, loth, ublfc Violations In London in., re, . cry I q
� istolt". I . I L . 11-" - country. AIR -40t On the W11140m of � oft of, the National ; (GQV-, AURAW4,V, etc.) ..... 48l.0$J,$$$ i . 11____� . Contended that Canada did not aa94 . ,
L There wAs'x geetproalty,TreAty lko� 707 JOHN V,1 111100,31M. the _ rgoin, b on the usce 9 - I 'a.roolprocity treaty, and declared tlosa'� I
, 9 ., . CO U I 441ty 9f Tra.4,scontlizente.1, w,hich to being built : Total ............ POINTS ABOUT TH4,011AL4. . I
I , . �oreozx 4q,twoo countries fr�m 1854 -to I Molotlos the Job. "Let Laurier from IdOuctOn, Now Branowicir, to. : I 0,458,852. , I Any proposals should be m4de "** -
which, anced , o price at Can, Sir Wilfrid Laurier's repudiations of. 'It b his Work,'$ WaSL the '710torl000$ Win IP00_1,804 Miles:_ . � ' � L'' ro L OPOWY 40 It, they were submitted t'a . *
� 9. 44Y , th 9 _4 URTEEN L . . ,�
.. LL 060. farm Pre4noe. But tAQVrIme4U 041 'POINTS ABOUT THE PEAL, __ . I , I
$4*AL .. .9 , Reciprocity with the Unttod States be. Slogan. . Parliament.,11 'I
� . Cost of work done to IDecam. . I
9 � I .... Weir ... in the, strit, halt fV the United 914 328: in 18 a and eontlioulng until The work Is 'act finished. Another I ...... L .,;$4.000,5Q0 9 ; TWLLVE . I 111111111111101111111. . The Utmost expected wa4 a low I'll
. I . I States.. Civil, War In- VtO second halt , 1907, as endorsed by Liberaji$ in 001111?00419n with It loss been 'be. Estima d cost of ,work re. ! rtaUt (,,haoigeo, �uftjoiebt to o � i
, . and . L t "
I j0fJb`99 ReQIpTr . , QuIreW . . ,P t a P I
. 1, QCitj SUP. � � o ope .. 50,769,200 . 1111�11111 , fOHEIP , RESIDENT TA ' resideuva face
, :p.erlod raloQd., PrICPS QUseo'V`AtJVeS. Auko. The country was . ff �Ouce M.ore, .
UL lafraor 11. . � � . 9 9 . . . I
I .
r *Varywb.�m T -lie, Canatlia. 9 hind lolon, The future was -before . . 51339,70 9 I—. Agreement was disclosed 01111044- I
. ' THE, DEAL. . $14 0 eotioly at Ottawa A to !I �1'1`
I � The. figures, -0111ch do no . m. To 1,
tome -to depend upon the United State% him. . POINTS ABOU,T URNED R116HT I . . na WAI�hlng
9 .1 � . �t include . — 'L . . . .
1. %9V -1413, Market. , " Remember the differeac Interest charges, during construct . 9 L _�;61�M: -I
, f JrJ,, ree . a between , EVEN I � ,-, 1.11011. I
'L the S IOU, .. I . , til �
.,qJVdd ;.L oevere 190,004 Who4 14 VAnada of that 4 - and the. �Ab_ 10,-W ' _ — ,
9, . S, 9 gy, work Out At $80,565 -per mile, At the � 1
neolpme Which Sir Wilfrid vainly thinks' I � I
.0 'being ruined, lie , ad 4 Moro . 9 � . I 7 ,, � I
I ' ' .,Itk. - was . withdrowti, * 11511t, In- � ' o arY, 1911, the total pez% '
; _tagd, Of � bps turned backo with hungry eyes to' fWARC TUE COM L
I : , -, IOU 'the Valley L I �
' L .. atalilq rest Britain, Which, . , be So patriotically Ab B PFIITOR CeAtage of work done on all contract8 Mhe Conversion of the ArnorlCa"L "
I .
. , _ inkrkot Ina . I FLA- I A.
, . " I . . . . .-roughiy, two. � � .
,has bersisteit to this OaY. Instead of .dOned. *1 , — ,. . thirds. . . . . I People, from Enarale i 1.
I , . . . . a ta� Friends, �
' .
_ Isandlam ,lit,% crops %orobs the border At the time of the JoYful'abalidon.' L Sir Wilfrid Saldi 44Heaven Grant That These figures do not in0adq a ce�at , . Of Reciprocity . r'_�� Z�Z� -
. I
� � , ., lie fed JI%e .a d and, went of the Idea that the Unitedl It Be Not Already Tog. W%6PF of the' GovernmenVo ob - ligations. for ' . I . . I I -
,, ,9 . in '
� .a the farm, retaine
1 .9 iprafie4 the fertility of the Sell, and'' States could be t e nia a p and 6 ay an k P . 8 . � I
. i 1. L . -lip h , I rop t . . am Wlunt- _y JOHN V, BOIXN)�). I I
. I . tir, Wittig .dairy.- produce And .e%ttle of Canadian p osperJtF- the Caaadiai%4 . � I
1 ,9 . .r By JOHN V. Nolmv. Peg to, Prince Rupert. ' I . ."..�� .e :r
, I , I 4 -
, I , � became more permanently prosperous People had $06,161,062 lit the banks.' . � L ab ' I �
, ::L. ,than � ly�' To -day the have $92�;000,000 A great deal has been said for And L .1 Nothing more remaric to in intero f ,0,.,�� __E� I �
', , w4k pool3lble ua;ler� a delusive] 7 I : against the. contention that ,in mo,king POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL. - national trade bars eVer - . I,::::::::::;, _� I
L . . a the.� . been seen thag � 6jlcl 1
, , pr4fit,;kb1o, warl�et a ' banks. Then their. trade beyond their a reciprocity agremixent, without con- . ! � -
piops the line. : �
I y , - -In time the -National Policy expand-' Own bQrddrE; was $304,476,736 a. year,' sulting the People the. Dow intan Gov- the complete change In regard to reel, � I I .
, . 1. - v - The,' NOW It to $649,060,000. TEN I I ' 4
9 , (I the fsrmer's houip Market L 1 orament reversed Its established pol- IIIIIIIIIII . I procity that has occurred lit Gaaad�. . i . K � . . I
gold he received for his produce, lu-1 Then the flow of British capital was� I, . , 9
, ,y. - . .. . and in the United. States. , i . r . I
Otea of oing out of'the countiv to so small that 'na returns Lwere avall-'� Those 'Who say the Liberai . � d to ask for,'reciprocity .
9 . L
�� . - I ure ko'e' goods, was kept in Canada' able. ' Last year $186,Qo0,Qoo Calbel 1. party THE 'EVE"161LANT L .ii � LIPTON'S TEA�-, . . I
I .' L , 9 Canada use '
� for those Who *had begun. to make from Britain 'to Canada, ex lusivo* Of! was always Committed to Iteelprociti, .CoMp[IITOR . and when she did -not got it, �she Veng . I
, t ... s that, formerly ha.4 been $in . -' individual am � C forget that the tranfAcolltinental rail. I , . her way rejoicing, slid the Prime Ulal . I 1, -
, , . 9 L . aunts 'for Invostments,f_ WAY Policy was b4sed'on the abeb- . .1 I later said, "Weliave turned our bacl�;ij I 0 1 . .
1. , . . d, and, who bought things of him and the money brought by 112,0001 donment at reciprocity, and that the , Now th 9 e Govern ant Spends Millions ! upon It," . 1 OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY ! . .
, " at * otU I PeOP10 who Caine from Britain tW general eleoition,of I The Uiiit,�d States grew accuitome W
I . . d, erwise would have gone � . L In, 4 I
� - L, 4 a This. meant better prices for Brighter Britain, . - , . , Qo4, won by the ' to Keep Him Out and Than : L I .
, I L . I GoVertinient, was the strorigest ,on- . , 1 . to answering Canadian seekers afteil _=�___j---_-_ __ . . I
. q producer, as It also wo.ant greater The 30aagntfiedut Point bt this oltuaa, 9 1 Brings .Hlfrk In 11 L . ____ .
- ,ounIfig.,and spending 'in th tion .1 darsementof the abandonment of Re, . . : reciprocity With"cold 'water And a fe ' L . I .
� 0 Is that. the turning -away from tile � - � V4 anfto I I -I----- -
. power . . �Ieill . .1 - - 9 .
9 61proetty the country could give; for. civil words, and continued to boll N�
..r I manufactailag towns. United States (which,for thirty, years; 9L By JOHN 'V. BORNE4 L . —
, . - I vinhi -h�._ .�. .�. I— .� .- + had +"..+-A fl� ... I It authorlied- the. -Government to anoud . . . I that Canada, being only il cou"ir . .. I . . . � I . I I
. . 9 .
I P�. . . -I r* YY . 0 R "
. : . '
r,, � I time - but Swift in ',tb,e reckoning of
, 0
. Aus, as a eommerciall
factor With
- . I
_ good-natured contempt),,
large $111US of, money, to boak� e new
channels of
.. xelLrAy iul.ereot, at four per cent.,
Dw the cost of the National Ttause I-'
I Woods and Wastes 4114 Waters, woU14
11 I I # , 'WAS ACCOM
. � .
I'� I "I I � noi OAS. � It Paroled by it
, . ,. 'COZISPIOUO.us,dlaadvantage-youno Can.
and.the new-found belief that n
. f abad4.
could March alonj the' road. to nation-
,East and trade,
Which Reciprocity Would bave.`ren.
. .
dental Railway will be $8,200 per e
. roughly, live and thre.e-qua "
rter million,
surely seek the .
i shelter of th4@7 United
States. .
I 't
t . I I
�1. I . �aaiaas left Canada'by,the t1lousauds
, ,' - for. ithd - United States, where Cahada,
..�, . , .
hood Without regard to the business;
P.,Qodwill. of the. . Unit I !
ed States" *ere.
dered- unnecessary. I
. . I
� Listen -to .
- , the, Prime Minister Ju4,t1-
dollars a Year. . I I
I _Tav I � .
I lag been In business tb Lirtk
I But, presently,
I . the Woods . an
wastes and waters changed their aal
I . . .
, . 11: w",tegarded as a poor relation.
.. . .
I � �
followedby .an expansto
. a of buslaossi
the great. Scheme,- . .
I . .. , .
the Canadian Pacific Rail way, after:
L , jr
pecti And began to show all so to 01
, 1. " . . .
-1 I � , 1. I �', L. . I I . �., * .
�� I � . , I . .
I . . ..
that the firmest believer Ju. her deB . tinyi
would not have dared to prophesy In.1
A railway t extend from the shores
of the Atlantic Oeean to the shores Of
I .
meeting operating expenses, has to
find $901'per mile for fixe char
money -mak g possibilitte I
Is. The
migrAtIO from Cauad
. had been an lm n I
I , I . .
,; �L . . . I : i Iwo , . - i
I �
L 1. . .1
the days when Reopmelty Was" an(
Articlo'ef -Paith and a yeiltable Pr6.1
MISS Of HOPe to. ;
the Pacific Ocean, and to be, 6v
Of L 1t, on CanadjarL L Boll, Is a cry inch
as a. well as a C . Ommercial' natAo'n4l
That such a ro ad mustbe built,
before It can. pay dividends. On '
-,sveftge of 65 per cent. at Its earnings,
to .the ,United States.. GrAdually I
dawned uPLQn discerning people, th
the incoming Canadians were fewel '
.1� :
-1 1� I - I I
� ,.
sq.many people,
. . �
I I I 9 -i'
that it
10, -the language whiah *1 h
in 1.0 Us d,
are by operating expenses.)
the National Transcontinental cani
and -fewer, and. that. -manufacturer4
' . , 0
,� r, L
. .. ___
. � ' . �
I .1
a- natibrial and a commercial X*vs ,e
that it to a corollary of our .. e.g. ty
tatu. .,
a nation, that.
.It .
begig,wIth an equally good proportion
were beginning to talk thell
brane h plants In Canada.. And, in
" L
'L I
,.�'qL: I V R
I'll I HAW PAR, Ffi
. . .. . . . ,
. . . . .
HVE I � i
It is a requis to of our
. I
00mmorclil 4eveloment, Is a proposi-
tion to -which - +_ -4u,
Dt earnings to expenses, it Will z ee
to earni In order to P I di
aY Its fixed;
g .
little While, good farmers,began to g
- 4. .
I I I , -_ _ I I
� - '. . . I I � a moment. A ,Charges, $16000,000 a Year, � -4 11PB at led them. to 861 -_ - . I . . P,
�',;,. . I .11111011 I . .. :1 . I have heard no dissont, , L 1. '. .. . � I q I . I � .. I 11 ..
:,, , .: - . . .1 . W6'conslder that it is the duty o I f all . , , In ab: their garms and take'earloade of stoei . . . .. . . . L I I L .
1. _. , . � . , . I . those who -sit ,Within theow. walig by Dmpty country, which Is being Openedi and implements away up to the Sam I , I I . I I I � I 1. . . ,
, ' � The JFqur Re4soni Which Prod d. THE fARMfR . . lip enttrel3r to enlarge east and w4stJ, katchevan eountry. . .. . . . I . .
. ,�. . J the will of the Peo I . '
I I __ -ple, to provide Im- trade dnottrade With Great BrLtafoo.� - . ,
. ,% 1. Contineritallets Have Died No*.. . niedlate'm6ans whereby the products . I �lt set People thinking, -Canada wai I . I
- .
�,� . L � of those new settlefis may find an exit This to exclusive of the earnings oil, I SOUVENIR FURNACE
I . .
� . . I I .._ . .
. I -1 .Rfcflvfs MORE' a Teal. COU1lt17 and not a. wilderneed L : . I .
� 11 LUral Deaths I I . to the -ocean at-the.16ast possible cost, the Grand.Ttunk Pacific beyond Win -f ., I . �
_ . I I � �f*. , . . _ . . . L . - , and whereb3F, like -Wise; a market 1. . . . ' .
,. . I '.. .1 . : I . . � I � . L I
. ___.�. . . . I . . . .1 , ftbe found in this, new region for t)Toasy tolpeg,, L . , . I other pebble on the beach after a I L ' . . . I � I (INew.1dea Series) .. L . ..
- ' '. .1 , .. . I � ; 01 611OW-Covered rock: There was at) .L. I
I . �
� . . I . L . . . . . .,
_ - '. . Prices Per Which He Sells -Have I I 'Who toll In. the forests, In the fleloo, in There- are two dominan tllq
L-,�":-`. I ' , By JOHN V. BOI�NW ' I � I I . it reasons, And.. While 1� L
'L. t . . n, the. MifieS. L . . . I . , L I ... I
. . . . ' I . . In the dhops of.the old Pro- why the Gove.rumentIg iftedlettonel Unfiedatrangety enough, . . use warm: .-and � co�y in the 'severest � winter .'L: I I I
, I 'rfie , Creas0d Mori RApidly' than the' * ." vintem Such. I s our duty: it. is imme- ebout.its great railway Should be rea,! States had been expanding. In, . I . ; I . . .. .
?", � drain of popialation from Can- . I . . .. d�ate, and Imperative, It is n for,to- weather and heats all rooms equally well. _. .
L ' , . . ' - Cost of ' dUstriAlly, L Canadians had also beeii I I I I
L I I , I � .
" ada to the Unitall States Was"the -lub- L I ,Wbat'H4� BuyN I ., �, morrow, but of, this day, of MIS hour, lized, both df whielf woke the-earbing! -'building factories I . L . it is very simple to 6 '
. I .
. , . ., .. _4..!, � L U L . . . . I
M., I . . f at i , and k L . perate-jmt tou6h the lever and vo ' -
,�� I �d, of this minute. Ileaven grant,that tailed L to the 40 . go eerin 'th' * � . I . . I .
be not already too .ecaued they he ' . , .
tiolis as . . . ..1. — . . , .- grant that whilst welarry and'dispute I -the book that had.beeb writ,, of Ille. firepoi; th6'ashes a ieadily removed, . . . .. . .
e , daniental reagoii for, such organis ' . eapacity of the railway a matter -of' ing, b ,d takellgil- I:a�j dump the ashes; there never cah. -be dead c roles
I the Cbntfioental Asi6clstibn , lir-;muiv V. Boamm. f late, heaven -lonpor _ s at the W
L"; n Smith L*"' _ * . L extraordinary ani �t oal
L� . of 4hich the late Goldwi was I . the trade of Canada Is. not devia dfan,p6dple.- I . Cut Of . I re . ,
. . ted to .
I � . "The Wise Inato OftenL changes his -other* channels ,an ever vlglm . I ten against them at-Washifigton , . . 1t is easy to Control *the, beat aiid'reo . I I
mr.�Soatth, In 'L ., I I d that an' .1 The fl6t is that the people,. Must, , -they, .. . .
I -Dresidency..'gave tWr-rea" e tool nev �a wayo Iaht competitor does not- tARb I . ,ate the fuel consumptioni which : . .
. preoloent. - a -letter ac- mi4d; th ,or" I I' to.ldm- .bad copted the tariff, and had.lu bfi* . meafis'a saving of 25% tO 50% in fuel . .. . . 11 . .
CePtliilg, the Ing that Say. L "If the trade that property b 'Pay the intiil6st OR the cost, whetherl bills.
4qlongs to , feet; lmposed.a resid . . . � .
11� . aons, for the propaganda of the Asso. the Political wisdom of,to-day those who %eknov,led Canada as the railway earm It or not, And theWt . I- ential qualifies, - * It is a clean and hoalthftd. furiiaqe� --gas and dust cannot get into th6 hot, � . . . I
. Is the D61itical f6olish,nees of to -mor; their. native or their aldr-plte �ft I tion f6f.leading blaceo in the MarkeL.' air chamber ind then into the . . . . I .
, I Nbthlng� ISL ," L I d land. '. I . tore, every . .. 1. � . . � . - livin% or sleepink rooms. It forces pure - - . . . . I
;� ciatl,on:- . . row. More valuable ',�4an I . . . . xpayer has a. direct re' I ' It did not seem right, 'and Senatot I'll . air t rough the whole hous . . . . I . . � .
� . .
1. ,The population was standing'still. . sponsibility for. making the line .
�1, � the teachings of history.. ___ - ____ __ - . . I . : . . . . I I pm Beveridge, Of Indiana, reflected faith. . . I - ,:. e . . .
, � 2. 'The backward condition at the L Nb.thlag'fs fitAble. . I .. i TfieSou�efiir Furnace is made lnHam-_ , . . ..
11 . * ..
50"'""' , iltou, the stove Centre of Canada, by , . ..
1, L more tuille than -Piling up Proofs that PO , INTO ABOUT THE DEAL. ' . fully the Mind of his - dboarvant Conn., ' G�d �Ih
. . I I "'y '"" 0
L ImanufacturIzAj Industries and the In-. I � � The Second Is that,if-the Trauscon-1 E f
many years L - I ' , ' . F4r-' " or�'eo �, a . .� I .. ,
e _Uce have changed' . .. . ' tinental cannot niake - both ends meet,,t .P, __ . . .
�., ferlority pt their production. I experle I EIGHT � I trymen About this thing:- , - . ko.16-4 -d k , _; I .
. I . - I I . I
., I - 614t Of earnings, and the. public trd There must be reciprocity with Can-, : I .
�,, I -.'i��e condition at agriculture, our the point of view of a man or w party� - , , . I I . r, kgo �,,� f.".,_ THE HAMILTON, STOVE &_
a , . . . � I . I , L � . . . . . 11� . a- . 4. Jr ", 6, . �, ..f ."y T. .
. - '
� , L I
. . � .
I - an world does not appi a '. . f � .
�" of men. . I . . , , En has to be, drawn on; ..Canadl : L ads. Our 'tariff With Lthe rest of the ", S X..0, HEATER COMPANY, Limited .
� . farmers bare y making a living, while � It'ie. nothing to show that Sir:,Yohfi,' E Credit will be Seriously Lpre .
. ; 'T, to 6iii I I .
'' ., tenant farmers were considered clever Macdonald was Serious or merely - CANADA'S IND rLENDENO . Bury . Judiced; be- neighbor. That po lby h06 " L 14 Sucamorg to Gumoy-Tilildn Co. � . .
�,: to make ends even meet. I as- . _'� cause, 'fof - the L first time in the i . o, already I . . I . I .
I . 4. The exodu of young Canadian tute In. advocating Reciprocity,'.1orty, . . ' .1 � . . Twert. driven American: manufacturers across , I � . . I . . .. I � �
* . � . .
, ' : Ueth Century (Which Sir. Wilfrid , the Canadian borders, built vt plants I . 141 . . I � . . . .
Canadea ,
I 11 Lto 8 11 thirty, . t s go H to .not) 'The FI'6ahC6L MI I' .with Amerlowa impltal on Lanadiftn ' 't, I . . . .
� manhood the United States. . a star Would .Have j�aurler proclaimed to be . . I I -C n 2_u I .
. . I bir-0116 ocil'.6mPloYing Canadian workingmen* - . . I I a R _n . t , � . . .
1. 11 There were two factors in Canadian With U now. We. have conditions to ' . I , BUIlt a, Thlrd Transcontinental' � Can great- new trhns , I .... � �
I .* . . I .
. . L , -, . . L . . I
, , which his ,1V ' . . $0 k as] 11 portatl6a, . to supp y tra e. That. capital - � .1 . � . . . � .. I .
. development Whidh the Continental- itterauces do .not Apply., rnph .Za It � . . I undertaking'in the Dominion Will jail be kept at home C6 Should - . . I . . . � I . I . L , , . �. I . 11 . ' . I .., . . � . .. I .
- ... . L4 br's position is dtt-� . r . _. . . . . workingmen to 8UPPlY Canadian do- I - I , � I . .
. terent . � . . '91: *fill obvious mand. . . - . . .
, . � .e ,and ' L Sir Wilfrid' , url L employ American * L . .
I into 69 that day did not apPre 'iAt6" � , , : I to be, self-supportin . 1, �
1: which, Inevitably. produced a third - - ... lie Was. an advocate of Reci., I . BYJOHN V,,BORNE. I effect on the further supply of capital . L I i I , I .. .. . . . . .
I . - — ' .
— 0 . . r Ca I . ... . .
e Commercial' condi -:Prime L NJ '�� L' - . .
. . I 1 . .
I 'pr9d'tY- On his expeilence he re-* I * . . . . . .1 to nadian development. ' ;JL PO'N'T INTERES I
:" which wrought considerable liarnk, a �
. . - THE: . 1, : .
'. the country. . - - Though the nister altrays The LPrlme Minister Was Strald the L ' L T
I L , 1. I
� I I .. I 11 I .
I .
� . for er. made his - . . . . . .,
I -the * prosperity. of Canada Without portande httaches to the- declarations 'too late� ag9just: the I Vas a young MAUL . , . ,, I
I In Jhs first plaCe the tions which caused him to re speaks for , the Government, great lin- NatiouM -Transcontinental might be . tune . *hezx . he I I � I
"� Continentallsts - . nounce It, , Fair Qlrl,,.-"MY , fath, I
I � did not "Zed that the exodus to thb. . . '%ver-vigi * . .
I I It -have become greatly accentuated of their Ministers, and . lant Wddld'YOUL like to know IJOW L : � 1% . I ,� . .1 . I . . .
. I . . .
��� , UnUe,d,,States would not continue, I I ,. where big ex- competitor to the soUth.11 Reciprocity it.?'. . I . .he dia - . I I 1. . . 1
. 1. . L pe . . . . L . . - . . � - .. . - .
L . . . . I I . - .11 . .. 11. . I . . . . .
I I �. I I I I � .L I . I I I t
. deflnfWl ' Gal ant Youthl�n�'Not particularly; . .
I y; rbedaiise the unadcup,le n' In every Particular. L " ` '. , ' penditures are coacerned,.et clally gives tho'cowpetitor,a three ,years, I' , .
�, , d. � The farmer particularly ,has Aour-, , Field- atart of the Transcontinental I . .
. .
1. landd -:,of: thai�Republlc would fill'up" to the Minister of F n&nCP,,LMLr I
1. T@ Ished. The Dominion G6,jerhment re-, In * . �1. . .: .1 Railway but I would like to knew If 110 still has I . , . I . . . .
'lanadies turn would come. . ItO . I
I and C I . 9� .. which .*as, to defeat him. . I .
* receive& . .1. . I . I I L � , , I Us . . � . . I
� , � the second place they did not reallyl gOrts Slid* that Iii 1909 prices Ill turnflig from the Ulifted. States , . � .1 11111 I I Pli I f ,). ir, L . I ; .
,- - farmei had risen over those of Mr. Vididing was �s thorough �0_1N`TS__ "�__:,___�,______ , '-�' 0 '-`—---- L , L : . . . . .
"", , Y the . ABOUT THE ORAL, ' , � - . � IL . . � . .
, L going -as I i . OINTS B UT THIZ D9AL* . . ,ill - as we . . -
, IL believe that Canada was a country of told ill . � . I . � I . . . ,.-, - . . -
theL ten Years before 1899, like, this:-, his chief. 'H �!* , . , L . .
praegc4ily unlimited prodficlug p6wer.l. - I . . . P I e House at co, . 11 . I . .
. . � M* : - - ' ': L - . I . . . I
11 . I . . I . I � r I . . .
.1 . .
These two things together Inevitio,j Grain and fodder, Including 'thirteen;. r . none I :- , . . . . . L , ELEVEN . , . � ... .. I , THIRTEEN . I . . I � aq ' a I I - L.' .. I .
, . . . . I , . I . . I - - . .
I selected standard, comniodities,.49,9 per , mosoft - . , 11111111111=111111 I .
� ,
'.", bly prevented - the Continentallots.,1 cent. - 11 I � .L IL I I I ; irabl Vh . OuId g . J*e . . - . . . . . . , I . . . , .. "� .P I . .
" .., . ' Cattle and cattle Jproducts hogs� arrd, It is des 0. that We I I fo I . . . I � . , . . . I .
," from ha ag. a gresit vision of the % I our',American brethren'to un . . P ,
".:r vt hog products, sheep, and that C .derstand WHO fINDS I M . .? ... . . . . . . . L., . - . I . �
"'. ture of"OtLiada, _*Th,�y ' ought ..-sh ;heep pro.,. _anads, Is resolved to Work, out . . HE -L tiBLOW AIM . ., . � . . . . .1.
, . ducts, fowl and turkeys, 49,6 per cefit., -, her, independence, In these things, - I . I .
�.` YEr b,o that '- I Ov . . . by Go . . . .. , I 1, I .
. .. would WW; .66jn�ier � ili develt, . Dalry products, 33 Per, cent. . . -� the present proposal will' promote, this I . - I I I I . � .. nrS . . . ... I . . .1. L. . .1
.1. f . I � .. I . .
.11 , Lanother 'OrltiahL lnve�tors Send Hund . I I .
.. ent bm� the � United 'State :. ThbY� sa And. that theL PrIcO. Of - jOOd9 the objelpt, and - that even If still, radio' a . . . N6 . 11 . I . . . .
I ko fu(orb in which Canadi lbould b9i- &&Y should be necessary.we. Shp.11. J . . . . . . .. . I . � I . . .
I , farmer hasto:buy have not risen to 7repared to construct'l .. . Millions of Dollars io da, .
" . I t. The attlm i ! .. , nadian I ! - I . . . . . , . . I . . . I I .. . .
I Ir the lyiell,pin, at an 19inpire radie'spa-,' an equal extent, as this list shows:- i tude* that. the Government. hits taken ,�, L . Enterpriseii . I .. . I � 1. I J. I -2 � .
� 4 CIOUS Aild � 1006: Splendid than * that ' . . 1. . urou this'subJect . . . has already i ':It - . . . .,Against Canada's Dealings WIthL '06 . . . .1 . �� 11 LL . . I I
. . � ,
! � I United Stateii. could ever be. T . heY, Woollen gobda . *. ; o ..... 23.3 pet A. cent.' I a tracted much attention across the ft".. L. L � , . talft Caused. President Taft to . 2 � . . . . lmvm� .- I K .. . . ,- ". . . . .. . .1 .
Cotton goods .....0 ... O.. 25 b rder, and there is a much keen r I ?qr JOHN .V. 1301tsit.2 - : . ...i- � 11 I -_ , I .. . ._�� . L
.1 said "Gor,to, let us Make thb nobst-ot Boots and shoes ..', - ... 25 L ' ' .. IL .1101pre ' a* I % ' r I .. L - -!'- I -1
I . Metalsand Implements._ 14. 11 . I .. � . 0 Approach Ottawa - . . I . . . .
I ' .1 . elation of CAnad S lndep6ndeli4eae - I I L . .
I our neighbpr." They did not know, 4 .L n fore., . 1. . . — 'the,'B lil - . � . 1. . ' I , ' " ' 11 , . . � - , . 1. L . , . . I . , . . . . .
I � I Imported goods--deoreaqe, I It 'is not .W611 to Insist that'theAg � i W: �
. .
�:); . . . 33T JOHN V., 1109KE. 0 r .. . I
how to'skay "Go to, let us make the . . � " YOU will 'At once be struck by. th,a - kish in 'in Canadian cute ris . �
1. , The, staple libes, which represent' �..�n-,. � . I � I., I . I
I C tL �- ii;�i; . - . .
1:. I most of ourselves." L : I . .. . ,vestor . 1 ,
11 L . .. � .
I ovor.90 per S, .rp � . I . . L . .
1L � . en . of the farmer's 6x- clearness of :th I it to -the de- to governed by political sentiment, or :i . e, .
I . I . h VV I I h I
: , pendituro have only increased 14.2 tier I I . f .A feW:years ago Canada began t6 W at u,l sad Ment . ..
POINTS ABOUT THE DEAL. , - strabilitY of achieving IndeDe I ndende jthat� there IS wme Implied. �bltgxtlon: :look like a Promised land to the peo., .' � , I 11 . . . . I ... . . . . . I . I I . .
A I . . ShOUI& ,y6u � . C . , . . . L .
,� . � I AgrIculturels,the basic Industry of -the United States In the speeches of ,and pay the liite6st on b1i borro*- Isay that the statesm4lighip, which firel ' . I 7 I . I I . . .1
'�L . , cellf-o While the'goodg lie sells have ln�� of the - United States.- why 'Oil the borroWer'4b 6 More thanegra ple across the border, Xeti begali L
'L . I i creased 35,7 per cent. .L . .1 '; 'there be this persistent appearance,of : . .
THREE / I , . . .. I i '
I I t,.n � I I Canada, 'If its prooperity, grows IA Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mr, Plelding, Ingo. . . I . m . . � I . 0 1 , . 1, I . �
1. to d . r statO - ost I . I . .
.. .1 14 ,greater . I 406 aAd then took away Itedtorocity, . . - L. I . I
ratio than that of other Indus- Insisting upon the building of a rail- . ' . . . . . I . � . I . � .
, tries, I, - � But there.is goatiment.in butilueos, ' . . . I . L . . .
11 SAID " 6OOD-'U2'1v � IsAn, the doubly happy pool- way that. waj� not to approach the . I !and then: aggradtsdthi�, taking away, . .. .1 . I I � .
�1' � I L We will be pleased to tell you, Our intimate' . . I .
I' I of) , .tion of flourishing Itself and enabitirg United States border -line? There all the, Same; and it has had a good I ' ' . . , connection with
I L . . . was not statesmansillp at, all -it Wag if YOU* Will furnish its with pArm- the HUr60 & Erie Loan aa4. ,
L� ! RECIPROCRY I others to flourish, � . I .. I 11 I I Was no 0013osal to build the line deiii L to do with the expansion of mod- � . . I ,a -L . . � . i .
� . I I . J This.h49 happened with a home porth,and south. Instead of east and ern 'Canada. - � , * * 7 1 1 I . 1dagogons' foolishness. Ndthing Uke . ticulars., lie charge. I Savings, Co. enables us o�tidn . .
, .L 1 1 . . , . .. market tliat is nothing like as big as It west, � . . . . See* how It works In lon Ithis had -ever been said, about the. We. will also supply,'you with numerous inIveotments - which . .
, .. . . .
L Sir Wilfrid. Laurleen Justif.16ktion of. will be, Canada has only really be- ' It could Wily. be b . OCAUSe Leonid Con- 11 Without . Which our 'land's w1gration, at d States state . . . Your Will in L COM . I . �
�' . the Defeat He Slietained and other � tb . smanship--i . n the .*ill forms and'plao:6 L L 6 under,the "Trustee ACV .. I
.. I gun her manufacturing career, if she, dition that formerly affected the re. natural rosoiIrcet availed,tia.little, and United States.. - koall aros ess a f fireproof *suits where it and of, which a private party - . I ..
�_, ! In 1891 . 113 permitted to retain her * fiscal in- lations Of 'Canada with the United the absence of ,which �had Much to do t6 Oanadao by" offerink Opnoom -access , coo , .
�_ � . . ' 1%, . dependence. . . . . . . 1. I , States. had undergon6 a Chan With theL . , � 40not got lost. - . would never hear. This enables . . . .
. I . !L I - . . k "" our Trust Funtip always .
P . By JOHN V. BOtLNE. ' 1� . I _ ,,, . ,,, I ge, What old-time desire tar Reelpro- to th� United Eftat6d,: by 9, return tq The CanAdaTrust Company is t
., I . , 1 was it? You May � Search. the records eltyt LIU 1910, over a hundred than, us to
, in I. ;* � - �_.. *�.'_ - , �. '. -w. , . . inVes ed, And ,tetates derive a
I . of I
'.. I . - the times in Vain for the slightest Send people Came -to Canada from the .
' The starting of industries, the build: L . toot that there bad .been any quas- British Iqlandg. A poll of them Would tar that will Manage your.estat:6 a Services Of F ily Solicitor .
i POIjNTS ASOU� THE DEAL. I the Reciprocal idea to I rmally abjured it trustworthy, -experienced ixecu- rger profit than otherwise.
SIX ' L ' P . I . � 4M
Ing at a railway across an empty Can. . tiou between the two countries wlifelo thaw that one of the chief reasons Iness of time this now song
L .
. tineat, left Canada loo.,a conditloa of . � why I In fu . . most economically, and imparti-, always tetAined. I I
- W - . - . . . could be a factor In-Canadals embafka- they. are here Is .that this is. a British ,,reached Washing n,, aV a, President I -0
. stralft. The lack of fidtfi, Of Which the . _tlon L on a, vast commercial enterprise, 'countm . to, ally can7 out the t6fMs of your Owespondenca invited '&A
�, . � fWhO ,Wl%S In tiore disitraffs becimso big L ., I . .. I
, 6 a .
601169011tal OrY Was a model oxpres. " LEI, LAURIER I . Wicept One -and that was 'the oluds- , � The connection between the Immi- Op 0 hate a tariff 'bill whi4h be will.. . . answered promptly.
.. don ' meant & lack Of Works. Pow .4f . .. � tion of reciprocity, I gratiou of British people and the Ion. I .
, � ,. the Millions of people who desired to, . 131V of Sir Wilfrid Lauder 1�ftd led -the Lib-, migration of British moneyt IS clear. d demrlbed as th6 boot ever, and I ,
. FINISH His WORA onDlained, like the children �af'lsraal,
I forsAo the Old'World learned of Cau. I . 00,19 who In 1891 desired unrestricted Money f6lloWs pecple, as trade follows Lot It Was getting hArder and harder
640- The POPUTEWOU Continued ate;. .
. , - reciprocity. Mr. Vielding when Pra- -the flag. * People will not continue to live,ajiil that they Must be relleved
. I. twnary.- Progfegd,waa Painfully, slow. Tht Grand Ttunk -Pacific Scheme Is it alter Of Nova Scotia had kept An open 'tome if their friends' Send bad so- t the afflictions Of* the trusts and
� . . B64 In due time, the movement Of dOOr for' his PZOVInte's Withdrawal �Ounta of how they -are getting along. Fombints.
. people Into 0abada began It Direct Result of the Abandon- im malt ma
i was pro. I from Cofifedere,flon, because It was �Ioney will not ' ontinue to Caine If I Tbe.Presldent turned to it . � .
. L. I
11 sentlY ace6blpithled by it Movement of Meht of Fkeclproclty , thought better to trade With the the - earning pow c hich has iwith Canada do "'Proelty . . I.. �. 11LONDON, ,ONTARIO. I
I or of that. W . a moans at relieving 11 LL
capital, Until, at last, everybody saw I Uhited States than with the zest of been sent 18'weakened, and 4LOspeolall 'everybody. It.would relieve I
. that the hoor of Cioade, had towe,. Ur JoHr'T ,V. bon%lg, ada. VApeelally to them, there, y 4 1 the PfeAl. ,
. . The flnkt Proof bf It Wad 'rouiahelifed 1 . — .Can �f there Is a failure In the under- �deftt of the worsevinglacubus of the THF. OFMAT r%XHIBITION OF fall L
I When the 06dulk from Canada to the Always when -a Coulory adopts a fore, the new transcontinental railway t4kilig which the GovOibaient Said to ayno-Aldrleb, Tariff Bill,. would rd. .L, 1. .
I I 'by Oil 6kodui front the United -Statft b s under- and their assertion of the pladal Intie. X!46SAIM4 AA4 it Would relieve Ohnada
I , . taken, which e t Policy and 10 even Partially attributable to the f the 'natural r6souttola Whose enor. T ' ' ' .
. 'United States iiiis pioft than balanced 'hew and definite line of policy, some Scheme was a 00ilfifthAtIbA of the oart Of the. fundamental tommeftial 004,gh,o, Consumer �f his Aelito of OP4
. L Pedal, tremen abandonment of the reciprocal. Idea,, VOlIcY of the nation, sad If, that failure L HE WE STERN. FAIR '
, to -Canada, bteomeo Its wbodleaotha pendenco of Canada was consequently �ubstltutlon of A foreign 0ou � - . .
. �JL19 up.t6 the time that "UadLa M611UMeTito 'LLThitt It FLA 'a definite and cloiitnt� ntry. for OUS Vdlue WAS Aoglabtag W be up- L . I
It, _ �.,___.�-- ... All the njor , tha,JAt01*%.%t)eU4�&I Atj_&&,OA� I
1h()VIt4bl6 9LA that day olibuld follow ft -111'j- I'', � 4xtUk.fthd� .0tkt6Jd.#1r.J".1Znitad ,Sta.bA s... MI'MOPTI, a TO 16
I Wotime kn6wU to the, people at nu. !light, It they be undertaken, by mom- � . � T'-.' " '.�_' � ".L. I.... �.t I � 1. I LONDON7 ONT, S ,
, I :topb tjiere was A hankering After Ito. bers bf thib Community, Whose efforts ' . - 2 . . I
I Lwolproolty, In 1801 a genorgI 1�16ttjob . . I . I � . . .
, ratil' dO$110800 In SevtralenterDrfseo,, or � I t O'.
I . 1#40; fought oil tbo question, and the thb, 0OV01iMent. Itself M$Ly I U .. NU . *1161ir 1, . 8 MAIN -PRIZE$ AND' AT11101RA"UnTIONS,
a neh ,
. . 40afte0d ReclDrocithd4us word beat-, �someschewo It the name. of the coll.b. The iNews-6,necord to . 'ExhibitionofLiveStnek. th(*Be8t;9vor seen In Canada. . � I
en, 'rho issue Was deAtIntd to keep try. , L ' . �. . I . MaroV.1t7tt Ud SPecial Attmetions. intludiapt
' .
. ; AW01 &OM the b4110061 for wbi�W � Canada furnishes ,iwo 6xitittandlug VWELL ENOU60 ALONE . � . 18MI: AL, UTAV4 AND HYDtto
' ' 6gleal 6utdowd A L dress in a 'L - -JUMPING AND 8PP,8D1NG COSUSTS-
. than twenty :Pejirs, , I 6%&MPle#'Of this The, I r 11- .111. .A I I RLHOTRIQ 'PRATUIM19-
. The 1,11beriLl'Party, In pursuance of - , y ad - ro
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