HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-09-07, Page 2--,m , ., " , 7#_r_7_ Noiq ",5-- .­7T7,;---,7Tr . wv�":7 �,107-.If -11 ­r�^71 n .,K I., , _7 7, 1 �, � , V� "� . _"r ppwr",4 78, . � , - " .., , �.^, 1i . I I - 7T�V�l Va -� . i- I f�w, � .1� �� I I � , ;t I r, ,., ,I , �,,v W � � . I ..,.. � _$ ,. � � I � � �. " ,� I . . ­ I I S f . .,I I , . . I I . I , �, ..!k ��;, , ,; , i . '. , , " C, -1 , , , I I . . , ,... . - ` — N X. � I � . �, I . " I I llvw' t'.A61 7% " I , � . .1 . , I 4 . .'*sl 111� I L - 1� 1. . � , .�, I . I , , _', . I . "i - � I 1 "'. 4i+. 4 " 0 . I I . �, � il, , . I I , ­ � f . i rj�f .1. - - - . ­ -1 _­ 1, - . _- � � � 1_1,v" Lim ����L� , Caw" ML ______ . - ___ - W"w "%,TI ____ ­­_ - AM" - I—- -1 ­­­ .- " , ­ V - � ;� , W r�7 I I . . : I �: ,� ­ - I I I , �14? I , - I . . -11 . I I A1 4k__#_C__ ft Im I . j" I I - , " � .1' ' III-- ­­ - -- . F � I . .4; I I . ­.- __ I 11 . i I -1 � � n U y At S (i t; - � raoft to " 0"Sm", I XIAW.�.Awml, .11,11, I . � � - � - . fored L . 7 � S , " r yr 11 , . I * -a U Al"k untvy 11 evff ath,,%ired . � . � I . I I 'It tbe "t m Itorses ds lkwolved - I . I$—I I . . . *rA Avuricgjk horses are al . 11 I I "Oft Irw wwilkl ino ." . I ' the" bOr"t can I a "I I I ... 11 11 I . � W boot in '00 soutbwextem $loteq W! , , . - I I I ""' $0 Afty dollars je#x a" a# 1� I 'r c" be - . I / � � for 1A OUWIQ,, vift Z Shorter EradimUs ScAiWa **d Sal . . . TV * 0 . , I . ­,, . for NelwsawReu," rd Retad e'r's M.= And lower frddbp to ,other humors, cures all tWr I 11 4 1 . 11. � book 11,� ,A . . 1. 11 ­� ­­ __"-W­� . SAY' It from We tb4t the Ontarl. �.. i I I" ------ * -------- ­11­�� � effects, makes the bloc4 lich I � I . I ____________________� l ftU A 4- 4. �4u��_ 1 . % . wtaxosal . aflxmyo 11 I , � I . . - . , I 9108 VIOMMO AilrfhesOu lot- B140yale Mr. Sko, ey Waip= camo bomo I � "I'll, .1111, . �� - ''I . I 'was the, from . � ........... 16* y 01 winner Of the prize ,Oven the wtlst, to g big father, who bgs 1�1. A18 by Mr. Dadlep Holmes to the Stud_ been veXj ill k, WjASUAM hoepi%j. I . L I ent of Wlnghj�n High, School ts:kingl ,Mr. ,jobn 4,40 � , aadrott war, I)rou-1it I . ft" rMa-;Op. Frow The'News-Req r of *0 Highest imarks lu m%tkemyjca at h=0 lAst Veek. lie is Able f ,Walk . . ��, . &Q*.4 OUt & ' - 80,pteMber 4th, I ... o 00 Entrance to Normw EX000. � 0, little. ,0 I I . I . . . �"_ It 700V Aco V.0"04 whu 0114ft, Sept. 0111 180. . On WttInO644Y Ot last week Mr. J. A flieudlyi game 9t baseball wi; is � V4nP1o@,%4otch"orr#sb? Poor . A s eav a. 80"r SO' Of Mr- aW 'Mrs. J- played hero. on Wodneeda)s evouing of 4qn4UQA of your b1004 wat I on $aturola, or of Wingbam, � I , y on A brief visit.. to the ; . Beerd I was marrie4 last Week, between WjAgbaArl an_41301. 1 . T_m_;] "", ... , 1P &IR �vory JeAso Di everl, borxo be has to the vital Orans,.- 4elss it reciproo-irl coMes ,into 01bot; - There Is no'T4t_xs-Xv*411 nukt1*14a. , _ And ftt Me$Mg tbrip3 VjI1194 olollorr, junlot 04,44vi$W UQWO, I _ .p*t it %qftr# 'tO the Outgri,Q farmers every. -year Of � I , , � I � 100- They C44 *eed borser, i� Atkan, ---_1_1__ . 4 s" And' 14 00 g04t4W00arA StAtto Ga4erkh tor much, long *an, we 044 ilk 014- . .Ada ; tbey can . gr#zo tbQM jor IftlIX3 The ,yoX V,44W jut Week bl,,W Months in the year, wbero t . � . . he most port 00 left aplA for ftsillwk.ey the Onl4ria fanner, cAn graze blij for anQtbor cargo, Ot ". . capf. horses is Ave or fex nwntba in tile, Amey. W" acccppanied by "his wito, . . . I � � C*WW%1I0"fa44dA0;U"qWAt,s .. Queen city, " w7j"w"y W Miss argareto W- grave, teams. The Sao*, was a vimpl (Copyr-Isht, 1010, by Rev. T. S. Lin. Year- 3COreQver, they M4 food - *eir WhO WAG fowueriy Mrs, 0. lKelver, , I Laird of 11. � I .... , A.$ SW sewn of tile yw, , A . I. Mr. Isreal i7AYlor returAe-1 4W, ,NIAA, I , O'WRA 6013104-i' Tbe'ftr0M1Onr. goods One and ,Was, 'Won by, our boys scott, 1). D.) . * -horses COrAt V1110 is ObCOper t�au 04 her 011, Who W4S Ill. The yotws ' , , I " 0 . , 11wol 'by - .the trip . I C"4 mo0olne for your blo" It0a on Tuesday 4-6. i0ok Place in the D"tid church, I by A soolre of 5 't6 - 6. 'Xorr and Mot- . I Oat-- "�--C- A. J. ums of Bum & Shgp� man was b(" I . Will floo y . Mr. And, Xre. Beemer will res an& , , ift in tat v our 0 -plaxion , , ere the Wjuoam As; 4 pardi Toroupbo, who 14 . I _. . � like , . , bat Daniel and His crompa;ljo t Year shipped was able to, return aRain. I vault, I terY, *1111'4 Temperanco. Lesson. Dan, I -ga. about a. TrOrion, ars wo, . 0 . l . I . I Miss. Clara Wisewn6b I* visiting ber TemagavU. Geddea, send KoCullum, vmrsk t11A Rol. � . 8 dolls rth ca We have tolho"k X- , Wt - I � I � Of *0 VAA�, blood rgx%ax cou-A Ww'sylorence 110riopt of St. Mr. Tbog. ]DIIjOt I 'la, ' Q den Text -lip is 03d nelfhorto herses to Western canada. I -W "14 OXW ... - . -- � I '110oxaU 81a � I t, an old a4d .ra - grave, -Wipary, street choirs for kInot romembrwg". . ., we aa Qct 744. lwary,-V., � oat Jlesh, nor to drink wine, V %. . '.. 4 . #Ato �mm. nn4oqht�dly tbo post I . Pf,0zd TeRldeAt of the district Pasliod . . or 41%141 J' JR' Tigert 'has been ,appoiAteil, . I , . � � Mrs. W, H. Cook and Mrs. Sea, away Ott, S�44rd4y wm.)� at, the home, "'. . ,, �, . P.. . JpW04 whereby Vhy4. brothwo stun-AMtth, She (Canada) cannot (Atten cattle aUdito's in the Place 4q A. , � I.. 11 40eadve. wMaroAnaluisrippith . Colo, b*vo returned from,* visit to. of Me dgugh*r in WfUghwil. tjo was Rom, xiv:21 . VA t11107 are fattened in tb-.. United who resfgalpil � .,Pattor, ,� 11 .11 . .. I ft formglstof this rMedy and relativea in YllsiIatift, ')" , . .. 1, , � , Age4 eighty-three yeArs, gj�oi leav Miller's Grip Powders Cure. For (1) Verse $-'Who was 1) 8*4108, and thbrefore, it, has beem . , .. ,Anew. Wu4tAW1UdQ- Itpud- . A son. -of Mr. , I . CS ft - . aniol, and � . e - Messrs. Robin -son and Grumpiott I .. � jto4t. jD11jott ot Ono AON and ova ft*hter. a � ;go* *bd jurIchos the q le by J- E. HOVeY, Deu$gjst-. how �4id be get to Babylon ? verY AtOfflable for American farmpera Wer amanip those - ho went L, � . h100, , :*144 . . Phtla4*61a 'WAS Oil 4 visit via hia-li.air- Mrs. :Toba Finlay, vi -tower wing- . (2) W#0 did Daniel propme, W ,,wept on , I A Lup. the en*6.*,v*,tqm optl - , -_ - . for to import young cattle from Cabq4a, the recent excursions. . . . .. I . , I ­ I . , . . - I I . panit boOthycolortor-boclo I ent�# and returned lant week. ham died, co Thursday week I%Viug a .11 . his food ? , L . . . .oven 'With the duty 04 tbem:k,alld! to Mrs. (Rev.) Elhott 444 hor , scls, , I . � . , ? fatten 'them for the . Ciijeago, marj�ot. wto, wont . . . 40MO TOWAShip. L .1 . -110 I 1 4Mj$.90 . I I � with,tbe R"*U Week family of �five young chijoiren. Mr. . -) What A -re the advAntaR,-s And � , . . ­ , L Vr� F. I . , W. Wi%tts was last � � . (3 oyer for ttd, i.QOr0j)Ati0jA I , � ,.. .., ant"o � Pr P949904 50C. 4)(f2ted .by t46 High. Oquitat0bolph Finlay -was in the west and bad to disadvantages (1) of .a Meat diet The 'Uniteal SPAtes eKPDX1t-% toCCan.d% And Who have traveled In gdrope ... � .. . � I . I !.. I " . I a *District oblet Hanger for ,Hu,rOb be. calltol bow. . Miss 31hrin I -for. ber+ b g ( ,) pt a ,vege � 'at many more hcarges vl4ian she Once, Are ' tool home soon, I .. . 'I, I ' ' ' . . .1AII left ,6m jb table diet, 4 gVk. expec I � I .. 11 'S. �% � *' I � . mportg f3,:)Ifi Canada, She sendsto it is Lot , � '1� . + I.M." I KOLMtS ­ vt the A. 0. P. Miss Canjo Stewart,' ftugbror of In TOTQU'F�, acowVanfed hy - ter (4j 14 there on- *reagon. to believe 1 Chable that the Bop SCOW= .. .1 ' . , . I I . . . I I. . I I 11 L , I M Mr. Aadi� Mrs. Jag inOther, after spending thro veevs, that God OrigInally mo man Canada, a much larger amount of Va- Will visit Toronto Fair. . .. . .. i ;� . r. p4tw cantel, . '14,b. to. be I . � I on's new ,residence . Stewart was un- .with her paregta. tatoes than she recei es from . her, Two .. .. '. ii0i .291a, STORE, - on V4110CSS street is'beginning ip,>, ittil in marriage to 9.r- . . a meat eater ? 1. 1. baseball, games. were P44104 . Ir �_ . .. . I ,v ..... , _.- � -.111, . Tbe United States xports to Cau4da last wtt,,k between the bankers And . . . ......... I I I 6 - ass=0 babitoblo'deAwsions. . PSOA, Wednesday of laist.week, The NQMWA 4. Hall,, of the M.erobabf4 (5) If Me*0, to peftssaipj for s,fingth ,,­........ ­ I'll, .... .1 1. . . Bank of Canama, T-owyato, spent bis, bow do you !a 004t. ffiteeti t4ne*t I . I 1. .., I ,�' , , .Reeve XOnnedy has received. saw4pies w0olding -took place at thtp home of .Count for thestreagi; - s ap much, of meat the Subsets, The *6t gamp resulwtL , - I .11 .. . . ' 1% ravdfa or - � and dairy 'a f, 1. I , L t , I � ,. N , ''.. 10 I . -1 �of bed -spring blankets, elpa - .(or th I oily fie- .vacation With hi g , tb produous as (,4P,4 -j ,,�:�c,rt in favor 04 the- bankers,, b . ''..­ ;iml,t , �. the bride's pargnts, the carem and 91, 'the horse Amd the elephant, Ut the Sao., � . . . � . � ­ . Ot .1 gXpadmoth- J " to the UultOd States. "-Rrosidebts ond w0at-ag4img,tt them. 10 TuerA ',' ' House of )Refuge,, � ing PC�rformed by Rev, Dr. Rutledge. ames a0d xzg� mil, both are veggibrians ? . XXX' , , 6th line, ­$ . . � � I Taf?, in Leslie's Weekly, August. 10. 90* I*. Oiro I Ap a I " . . . - an&,Mrs. For � . re itay reason to. think . qx . he Bank of I ­ . , Sevpnty_t,W0 tleketig. were so . Olson will Teside in I � . (6) Is the ,, of t . � I .1 . .. � , � ' ,. , I .11 . . ttNfl, � I I . I t cUllfural Fair ' 40ire for meat Mr. 'T. - W. yr. � . ' I X clintcia s%tiOU 14SV Saturday., moru,� Wlqgb=. 'A* tbe Annual Agri * . tUat, the, craving., Or . eTly. pitc X ", � 41 �- � ' - . I �d at Ur I . Montreal,, form .her . for I , . 1. I . I ; fr n t1Q Sam . IA. and Aa,,itbor of the, eajlp 4tv,tlejes has'lield AV, Outlook, Sask., recejl.rly,, is, An artiftial appotite ? . MeAriult), Lis * another Detroit TiWiss,- ,Wa.,& among the Ka .1 , . , 0 .� THAL I I , . I � life. -I ; "Strect," Ors, which perhaps Ace I . I Pettd.t. I I . been rom.oveof j3y deatil imi the ptj,,son Robio� D. Cole, Wmorty c9 Morris (74 What evidence, is, t Ong Liberal On Avae . I � . � , here, . � ounted ,ome- I , . I .. I . .. � " th%� a whO-is'Ving to. vote ?,ie'other wap what for, the victory. I I I I � - I . S. S�,Cooper has been aWa;:64 the of Mr. LaoIllin Nl;�Lean, w1l4) T�t,mej and ion -'of A. T. 00,1.p, fith line, re, purely - vegotablo diet. woulel Ancrease this . . . � the. health 'an th jo�r,jgnvity of the 4 r Mis :ST8-A%TFQR0. -ON . .1 , contract foes Reeve Burnst4ow brick away on Thuralay wee)�. Air. ,jf�_ celved let Prize �for his-driVinginare. Vol e t1m0, hays the MoIltreal $ta , I ss , Cooke of qmelph rope,sterod � , I . I I . I , . ' ' i ' . residmee at Bay0old. Tbo structure Lean -was one of zotland,s early and coit. . . . people T . I . . I 'I am still a. Liberal," he said lasif wedr at Hotial silnnt , , , I . I X . Our` registration We9tly ex- X Will cogt aliout $�1300 .. settlery and held in' high es. Vrld4y mornttjX of last week .Aj 0 i (8). Verse 9,.-.-T) . "but I can't swallow icclpr�ojiy'.j Engineer ani Mrs.. Ja* kartyn and . I . - .. I X ceeds *4t of previous years, X - _ I Was id 004 "' some gu- Canada I,; the most prosperous doub. Miss Elsie returned h ay at- , - � X Why .Our school is the best of X Mrs, T. JOWett '01 DAy.-Ifeldandbeir tw1a, .fqr big upri0tuess .Of, obar. BraO�aw, an, old aad'hlo,ly respect- POu.14tUtal way' cause the prince of tr31 in 1�he world, andwhy'they -want ter 4. pleasant on T ursd I .1 . low, . the euhucbs to 10 trip to Vancouvor . X its kind. in � West ; Be daughter, Mrs. (Dr.). Wright and acter. Mrs., Mcl,ean died just, - six ed re.,�oleat ot the 4tb; lilie, was oall. , I ve Daniel, or iv any. to let . the 'Americans corae in her,jq and Ross I - s') 'tL X children: of Tot 4ham,, were' Olin- Mouth's ari,). ' 0,11les Way , �tbun through Daniel, lo�i_ . , . . , land, Mr. and Mrs. �� .. it ton . to .) He is survived by, ed away, to another , world, . Ills . xgrty�, iso -4 given, ,best ,in teachers . all . . land, grab our market is a nWstery to, while in Calgary, MqU �Mr, )Ka 11 �� X ton ivisit"ZI. on Thursda3n, last. two sonfs. john A, of, Wingham and deal.1h was. not unexpected as he had le Manner ? . me..) 1, -1 . . I * , T1 11 X empIoy.Vd, and best in- assistlu4 X at . I , . I X , graduates to posiblons. ICIA �bas lbeco - - � I I , Chibf Whe lie expert, Pr0d` Wi. of TgroTato arli, ,Vao dju. been in failing,heali& fo�r,,About a (9,) Dms God tula the' hearts of . . . � 11 Wi ken., for a time soloist in JCnOi# Our X , . . ,; I I - _. church, ' � . X graduates are i domauC Busi- . X in Mallipulai&ng and propelling a bI_ ghter, Mrs, .Caruth, also of Wing- MAIN Dems6d was the last C4 - r People to love or favor good , Chris,� 44 The I I wlao, is now living in cai-� , In . ,. cy,ole.1 . I .. � 1. hant. I I . . . brothers and'was born !A �Rudgton, tains wholly apart. frokut their actua . return for rec, 1p�ocjty is gary, and who sings in one of - . tile ­ . I . I . . X *ss Won $,late tbNt Zlfq are X . '%Aglanoi, attractions ? . . . I that we throw oPea our mark. churches, in that progrpssivo e.j . . I I Mr, Jas. 40 to , who left Olin- . Miss Vera Vet,b Ive I . . ty. , � , X the best� III the past ' three" X, t* ' hus , n . is home after Yorkshire, L - 11 , on garell 5th . Ots for the 11 Mrs.'j P a I � on I(a 1876, 1 eiightye,five per cent, . I nd Miss.Ketmah Brown - . . � , I s on A visit frcrb, Win- spendifig three, weeks in Seajortli, - 1834. He came to C na4a'in, 1857 . (10.) Verse . 10—Whiolt people. ar., - , I .. X days. we, had . olvivea aoplira- X, , 4 , of our PiOdA'00 which is -sold in -the left On Saturdiyo for a .-D-fp *0 Dip. I I njoeg, Wait. Costs wits OnLo 0 th3 healthier, those who have �abujid_ . . 1. _ . , of the Mr.q.. Kin stcon . .c6u . . 1161ile mitrketi,. to .the Unktad States,-.1aroft, going b� steamer Iguac.e... - . . � . 9 . and Miss. X: � nell and after spanding about five yjars in . X V ,64 lor lieli ,which we could X few 'told timers" -v�ho at first , re- of Mi1w , the -local � Up . 'of anc4'Of rich foots.'and who . I � X loat suPPIYj. We have three de,- X . aUkee are guests of �hvir . Toronto was miarrie.ol eat alt to the whole of the 'Br I TK r . . I � . , I X partmenito .* bom4mroial,' short- X cognized Xr, Johnston after his Ab'_ cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Redm . ill 1802 to Miss Mary Bebarle they can or tho,m Wh6 have pl I . itish- Almpire, I - and ,Mrs. Cornwall. of - petroit .. . senc . . I .. � Qnd. oil, and O'lu oad to twelve other competing coun- are the g , . : , e of - nineteen, years.� I . . food 4nd eat only�.enougb I . uests of CApt, ,and Mip�,,- . .. �K -hand and 1'elegloaphy. Get out X . ' Wigs Reba -Do then. m4ved to Morris. , tOlw0sliP, t6em ,sufficient strength to to' .. give tries. The " ' "and the . main Alex. Lawson, I - , Yd has returned from . 411mtion, . . - , th - . , . I I. . . - fii arvlcu- K , Some 'tweivo men., undej, . I. � d4r- Mrs.- B dsha 1 In 1888, The 0 their . . * . X It. catalogue for I P ., , her'threcs weaks' vis'l.t. with her uncle , ' , , I . . . question, which has 14 be, decided - in I D -Reeve M , I ectloi or, Mr.- S.. g. 00oper are now in, Teeswg.,,jr. ehildrm :L.ee Sbu%A8, Mrs work. .. , . the tri eptit)l , obijings is....ikow,04 A - , . X commence -your course X She walls .a0an*anted W. e J11011. I . I 61.1.) Verses, . ' ' , connection with - t6is matter is P to i6e west. . I 11 " � ' ' I � I . I - � cOmPlOtIon -the ,resKertc -by' her . c dson � . # I . : . ,, X - at oncei * I I . � X. pi�shing to. . ,i,- ousin"Mis Ethel, Colbin. navid�.. And Thos. 1. .%adsbaw, .11-13'What I should eff&4,�.) of throwing the'li ' Market , A Court of Revision. has.bee4callod� . . . � of .Mr, R. -Mcgo-rdle Xtopen.,,. - ' s - I of th the kind and quan- Q.)ea, to th ome . . . ' X, - .1 f . .0 the , .. is tcW%ship. abd Mrs. E. Finch . be our rule as . 'folq Sept. 7th, I@j decide .upon tlw,, � . � , : . . sewers , on of I t Y C� 'es, , � StkWcT4. -.� Deceased, was a very, . it - food - we - ftt. , . - � . . I eting,, countIm. . . . I I '011:, Monday Mr., J W Irwin. re- Shutter, 'Alfred abd Centrk)-streetwwas heari;y.thr9UgkO4t I (12.) Wbich ' le . YO1141-71 at -once observe that these plans prepared for the now se I � . i ' .. , . X j The', con -t=4 16 ese comp X D. A. XcliACHLAN', Principal. X tu� from -a t , , , bs 7 . big, Iu;.. Ue ,ol.jamunity, I I . : ., .. ' ' class in the I wer , I , . A � . � -X Eur . wo. Mont -ea waa is generally . countries export enormous quau 'Ifies for Kemp str ,I rdia . ­ visit in let . ,Groves , & Guestj that 44 genial,, honO a the, b I � 1. eet , and. BritanniaRead, .' L , - , " � I XXX%% X�X X X X'X'X X X X X X France. I . . I - and Wim, Guest, I or''those elltillerl 'he rle-h lot the .produce *,w.hich we sell, at home, I , . Cowncillcr , And Mrs. W, E. - Xeilly, I . and, I Ilds , Scotlard ' and Thos. OkOves . neighborly, r ble, and . . . I . I - 1017 had vi wide clrcj� of. friends . I respectable people who have � I . ' - I ' . . .... 11 A friendly . $1,195,.the ft.wn b1i furnishthe tile ,� - I . .� . . . 'to struggle Woda.1mak* ends vimt ?i? And which - we 6-11 abroad;; �nd they 'and their guegiss have. returned t I *. � I I � ... � . �. . , im _-�_, I - -game of b6WIe$ wag .� . � I I . I � ' I �. . I . .. ­ � � 1, . .M.re. Herdsman inli Miss, Mallough . ': , , I . . .. , are .6,hong our most effictive,,compft- their cottage at.meAesatuag a . �'. I .1 I � . . . . played here on: .Labor Day, betwe . . . . I 0 . .. I I % (13.) Take..oue hundred 'rm.volls ivilo , I ad.. re , - . I . , . I I ­ drlx�k� notbiligg but wat t1tors. Evev,-j own: residence. .. , � . , . � .11 .. . OW R. Undon 'and, Chntoii,` ast. week -to Niagalra .. - I I I . . I one - of fvese countries.. occupying thOr t . . , the' ,barne'toom Falls by the serious' iltneps j)j- the . Ohi myl, i * k6w your complexion h ' er and uwother can ship its produce b3a water. .vb. Mont— � . I . . ti -011R, FEED, Winning b . . . as �` tdrod'pergops. who drink iiltoiicg,t- .1 ,Wa. bot0ed, the names of ljo)* ' . ��. ". I 1; . I 'Yes Miller's colmPou real at a Cost WbiCh adds but * Px'dhafn� Z. . GWys.. Levy �And - Evi ' - I A�D . Mr. J,i r two 00111U. � - I former's. Sister., , . Improved, .' . . . I . ,.. . . . Ild ing.. 14olour and are their* projA_ a I . �, ­ " , � .. I � � , � - . . so , Memouthie of Blytlt re� Irce I Pills dift',it- 4�or sale by J. ble conditicta - 0,s triffe to the .mlling price' At the, 'Sometvillo .in the ' list * of success Ul ­ ­ I . . I . . I � I . . I , I . . celved a belekrain! from, T,Or6 top , ,,, Garnet Adams' "a his sister; miss , . � . . I e7(aj healft, . (b) f I � . I WHIE � . . . n tha,74, E. Hbveyj Ofuggist..I., � I I - - . I I t I " .. . . . � ,N' 100 NEED ANY- viti4g him to play criolket., In I Ruby, ae. visit)�ng the fonmiir�s par- ' I I . . .i. . � . .. I WeA tb,, (c) happine.ss. , . , POr Of 'euib,7. If the duties, arw - re-, o:aadidatbs' for Entrance to Factitty I �. � . 011:4? . .j ­� . (14). Who; , . as piroposed,. New Zealb,nd beet' oxams.,. and, that of lKiss, josiop:Me I . . 1. ' 61ty wi Pridaj, 4na! Satuiolay-*of- this . . 'were. Hu iah., Michael call. come to Mo , . . THING IN *� T.IjIS. LTKI'-- WE . , , , . Mr. and Mrs. %n, Mita(4111 . , - ... . . . . I an . duced - old, F _ ,,11 . q . . . I . I : . . .. . . . . I utreal, . Mari rMe 11 I vnLL APPRMCIATEL , y(jt,_jj Wqek againsti%trie . ' .1lat;- Turnberr and Azarviah 9. - . [' the' It* in the -L -Normal Entrance. - . �. I . I . � . � A . . Canad4sm -Inter Y. . . � . � . - . . . .- I - . . I .. � . I ORDER. ' I I I . , 1. . 101341 - tle�mi .%It; 510bfurohie de� AtX3. C., L. Awde and daughter-. . I . SeSfOrth - . L (15.) Verses li-15. Whaij Was, � tb�. .Pol"33 and I]Titirsli Columbia, for s(gven __ '' � - . r I,. I � . . . I I � I I I . . � . . 1 . cents, includiby, the -duty, . I . � . 1. 1. - . I � � . I . . 1. 1*.mo,. are visiting ' 113sult 'of the tes," made. -Upon �tljes, . .ofi tho � I . ,­ . . :L.,,*. . . 0,11ned. �' - . -1 . . ... � I . I the former's par- Mrs, ,B. IF. Davis, oCTIlsonbur , basis ol, last,year's Price. So A,1so it, ' . I . I 1 d I OOING YOUR - GRAI I HERE. Clinton baseball team. journeyed ,to ental AuVe near Londesbora. * 1. Z, Xns,e. Hebr6w young men, in, oa*�Iig a . . . I ... . . I . is the g t - 'fia and Australi a si� � �. I . ,'� . � . Exeter on' Labor DAR, defeat UCS 8 of . her parents, - -Mr, strickly with Arg�nv. a. - Mut- �'Ydsq -this t , i '. . � . . . . . ing, the,' , Xil,­ Burns has returned two ' town -Wd Ifts,"A. I -n, I . . v4oiable 4'tb an& drinking -ton d Jambi can. be laid � I . e . I � 1� WHEN. -MARKETING Y01 R -te - � . ricoWng" . .an down frabi . 1 0 AM , Ddv dt4 - I Ut I .1 . I : � ­ of tAat place, by a score Of tron� London and has resumed his TIje ,Collegiate InStj:�� . nger. than water ? . . . . . , ., , QRAIN,'13RING, IT TO US. : 42' to 22. '. Thq boys,. WPart having had POsitk,Q6 �as 10.Meher in 10he :.Boug . to L bbard.. has . 06') should ishis, test from experl- thesi'covot-ries at eigh'fj .oemts, in-'.n.ice, Amy* `B : I I . a . ��.. I . . i"Os' On Ming, of, , -C � lingr eace .Wind, ' I � � . .. I . .. 1 1, RIGH,E�T PRICES 11,1,(.D. an .Iftloyable� time. The � %*j;ries Ciolle . . . . L .,. I I , gaged .Miss Ole " ' cludimig ihe duty. Butter waa actual- . .. I .. ­ � ' 01 - out -cceiscience, and' cause ly imVO,rte , � - . . , . � . . . - - . � . . ._ ge�. , I , . � - I - . .. .11 � . , ter were .- . , f "I I � ­tl. � I . e 1011luagps us. to eat and. diibk as th d from- Ausikalia Fast spri% . - - 1, I _ I . . — . tot . Exe -tees , r6turned �A � .,r vist Ing wOod.j.,as teach tIn modern, la ,,.Pa � - Ave. . e . . I .. . . . . whot - . - , , I Heydnialk, Giolley, George: . . , Whn or - ,. , - oy , * I did ?, to . tile, exten.r of .five I.. 6y . . ''. I 1, . � Yee .and Bisset%; clint6a : P944itig. t4r;.sever t Mr. David Dorrance left last weto-_- , why �Oot 9 , . . thoua=4 Pack.� � I . , . I � . .,. ' � , - . . ,al weeks a p4. . . I . ton'. sad "t1ohn th' sbcte of Lake Superior, r. Cramptba ..W to. he - has b . (17.). Vers,6 16-fli-hat; in OU14 ages In one consignmen-to. . Orice , . . I- . st0h. - - ,,, - nor I . he day tore .The * .s - a. - - . , . . cen en- of 'good. 'creamery butter in Montreal . . . I -11� , I '­ � - '9.'L. ci 0. E, Of. , Ontdrjo , . 949 - the 'Pu . , . , . . I I r0D The' Dinii., along, the . to "Id . c e- n t ' .. FORD.&M d L � 7- -- . Miss Liizle !Plenty wes En . Toronto sch"l, as PICUCiPa) ci, , blic the .chief evils or gluttony, and wilat .at tile � time wa's - '. - fell I , , . .. . � ' ' . I I .. . I . '. , �-- �, 'e -, ., . � �. ., I I - . ' 0L . , . � I . are the chio. e;jj:ls of dr4tlk- ' .27j cents. jit , ndless!'. ­ i . ' I . � . , , I I . . , I . . street"ichurch. Will:hOld, 'a - -harvest, 1*9t week, atteyadin�g, iiie, annual meet#- I . . mess ? within a month to.19- ce' . PPU I �. I .� � I I . ' .1 . .� I . I -1 I " . � .� . home On Septko.ther. 16th in' thB bas * ing of the SUpremg Crrwd Lodge ' of - Miss * Greta Watson, WODL (18-0 'TO - what �extent ,V�6uid - - j,he - nts. . Las -it . . . . . . . I ­ .. . .. I .. . . �, � 1 . . 4 O.. ij to Tot- ' ' . . . I - . . , � . spring the Montreal .egg market .was 64 . .1 - . I _, mentof the .church. An I . 'onto last we* WVrld'. be: better, it the use 6f*:li4uor � - Y, y . � I "WiLt V 14 , . enbrgo#6 the Loyal True.'Blue Association. , and from there - she broken by iiaportations fro' No. hone " -You onj . , . . I . . . .. I m -Chieagq, L . , I . - � Committee has' the� ArraIzgome t Miift. Veida gGe"O MoOse' Juw,,� W1106- s4e. � 1 as a beverage muld . be stopped fl.which paid the diltr and - .undersold ­ . . n of , . Jermy[A has 'rotorn . Ts . ' I Tro .0 WATTO t1be, , program ,Ili ' (p4 tio taken a i As I'This i Nine 0 thu que0iojA . think you- do. ' ' I ,-, I I . 1. R ' `v'cas' will, 40 616, � ill. the %� U - three ibonths with. or,, ' '' t ..... . � . . . . X rit- n. product. In February. . I . I . ',�, . I L ell - roh # InOther * and - . . . . I - . � ;; . I . . . I . ,.S"OEMAKE I .: .. P ' . . .. 1119 by' m"ers, of the club.). I and. March of last , , "I Just ord , . . " . . on tv, rel1ous .. . - . year about a wV.1 - ­ I . � LL I " Ill g I .1 1, ,Sunday morning. . a . ,n# brother oil the Bluevale road. I I . I .. . . (10) Ver-tes 17 -21 -To whit.. 'ex -tent lion dozen of eggs. were imported *M- � ' ; .. I . . 0 -h � gxaer * Ina3t . - b), a ... . I I I SHOES - REPAIR- - Oe ft : - , , .. � I Cleve Joptat is , 9 , , , , , . .11 hand. Spoial_A-3r- ,Toronto ,af*,-r a* delightful ,visl -of I . P09 tion, as. teacher. : that rMy be aliswbv��d in W' the Canaoiia' BOOTS: �11ZD b ,ei soi�e .9 . I I . I .1 . � . ori�h from NeIsca, .Red � R6 e,' - - � � . I I : , . ­ ' . I . all nil t1o. Canada.. I aid told now - . s .. and � . . . . . ., , ." I . B" C.,, -on a, visit. go, has beeit out , .'. . . M develop, theiA.'abili-0i hy . . I ED: WHILE' YQU- -WAIT. - I .. � Inner"ea'Wng thei * 'k -b " , I responsible dealeri whom name I . I . I . , � , '1401mesville, Sept. 4fa, 1895. there" for the past two yea;4.t. I Dr. . tind Mrs. McCallum, 'rt Littg,� . (20.,).,AY . r owledge ? ,. . . I I . I n o 0 c e, h`0W' mucb . � L . . 6 could, give, * � I . I I . � .. � Xpew,of .Chicago ' Ill., een .visiting .I at eggs arte . beiug of 11� � : . �- . . Mr, A?bert Alleil left on Saturday Dr. 41., 14. . J ,taline 6WO., 'have 6 the all, ;. it not poselble, . for bought in Wisccnsin and, Illonois for 'furt e I I . 1%11_,`1. 1. . . I , , I � . 1. . � . persons With. suffici6n � I . � oes 1, ,�z . . . - �1 1— . : . f0t Toronto. �Ie expects- speat I,ast week .witb xolati*ew - in latter's mottadr, Mrs. �.TbrjOpk._, . . t study .. 11 � 4 � I- - - I I �� ., ..;,;, �. . , V I I'have to,. tpen � ,. . .. . be6omil - fi-ht to fraM, - three to five cents less thaii . - : --,. �­ I . . a few pairs of my "n ' SOMO time � at . d town. It Is twexty years sonce Mr. . 'Mrs' ItoUl.%toit L , . , rank artists, orators, they cab he boughts. in Canada, I.. -- � I I I I I . . � � . . n r and � � . the � I'Ahibitioll. I - . attended -*be lu r�'al Poets, Ar#'scd164ftstR, 'or to attain . .. . is tbQ hite0lon orl the Meiih- ­ .4 tha-1 they are being so bought for t1r, i I I . I I : I I ralike . of Shoes - lot t which I . : - It. Agnp,w lived in, Win OITA. . of. her brother, Mr. WN.' Laugf,)rd to: -vapernatural poWE)rs like Daniel , I . . I I � . .. . ­ I ­ ' , � . . 01sts to bold their, an' . I . . in Toronto Iasi week. - I � . . . . . - nive sat thh# . � - and Wis. compani I . purpose of Con"Peting with .our own I . I I . . I Y'. . � Ong ?. . I w,41 sell , for cash or exchange year early .in October,. r . I . . I � � � - Dr.. TOnnaot � ,shipped a - eat joad of (41.) Were . the learnin '. - and* �, dealet!i Produce. ' Deglers, throughcat � . " . .1 � � . . . . � g; � 1. - I L . . I . Mr. Blackwell, shoemaker, to Mille.ris Drfitk- Ouie has -made tb4wi- horses . '"sdo'M C�n;�da, a -re at th-, presents time. I . for � 'W' Ood. Come in and w.a. I . r�nerjyj . . . . to �Winftilleg 140 wo*, ... . I of - these -four young men acq�Pa,,d, or gin'.1ing to - be-� e, I . I I vithhell bas atareed -a, ' � 6 nd4 6f happy, homis�- For sale 'by *M1921 33Q' .Cba, Cob t get leiteri, from dnalers . I I I I .. . � . Of , .. shop ho .. . � . , s a . � . 0 - tbem - I / .P b1bolick, of town 140 giflu- Of God 9 . . Nfi . � � 1. . A � I * " . I . � o .ep+, . Druggist. - - I I in i1he United states looking to . I . . . 11 -81 . zes ..And different + .In the village.. - - . .. J, I El A** , � I . . . and Miss 00194-1310dr, of Goderioh, (22) Where do "d ' the - — . I . I.. I . . . Mt, W. stallier, . .. L I have t k I 1, YOU raw the line explof.taitio' � � . I i weights. � . . 'and wifbi who have ­ - ! _ a en a trip, UP. the lakes. and, Os, -to this pbssibiliti�s ot' present n of the Canadian marka3 , NUVIE 8 XNE: JER-11,X . 1� I � I I, - . I - w , , for foreign produca. I - . ... , . ., . � I . . , � . . . . . . . : . � b6�n Visiting I �Gorrlo­ and'-, other '' � .. ' . I Vill m*ii at, I . Sheep'L -and lambs . . . � . - . . . .. . I ... . , . . . . Mackinac. and the Soo. spiritual eir .- tuatWal powers 7 � _14�� . � � I � � � - � I as , e.and ' 'Joho JLessoo 16r Igu ) I IX imported wit . . . . I I I urned ;home. on .Cli&" ROW � Mrs. . Sepic 19�h, loll.,, . . . . . . ­ I a I ----Iq I � . . . barithern, points,' tot . . . � le I t � WiWaa6W Mrs, , s 0 have bee �hin 'a.. month) I . . .1 I . I : ' Saturday . . r. .. . . I . , . ,� " I �. ­ Diaund a � � n4y . in-'IargP. quiantittes-1 - I -Hon. .1 Clifford I The 's -'Miner Ci - * . of ' ' " I � . , , .1 . re Spending gj leiv weeks in' Dankd's'Comn'Paniow in Vae Fiery Fur. Sit ty :..Genoa w31A STORE OPPOSITE, '. Mr. W. ENO . I I . misses- Vdda 'and Tv . Y Cook I have Flushing, -Mich. . - I , IlacV, , ...., . � _ . I . . I I I I . . rd'S house is 'fast ap- ' I . I .Ilm I Illi , ; . �L I � I ton, late AUrKster 'of the'luteriot sunk, in S1. .014ir River it tollisiog :.. _. proaching complet,on. and- he - will gone ta. take a course in 44e j I . I . . ' * , . Wing� Mr. and Mrs,'. Reg. Samuels- hav' . . . . in the Laurier' Goverusben,i, - ' wift the W, *H-'GiIborC­ , 11, 'THE POSTOFFICZ . 0 �� . - — . . . I � . I ... � I sa . retutne4 t4 their home. in Iliglig . I � . . �� I � � . :, .1.0 , � . : 1! I I www" -_ .. . I I . I . ,evidently 'occupy �it at- no di ' t DOM gusine College. ate your, Que,stitpft — . . . — I - __1111 I � 1! � - . . . . . 1. day� - '. . . - . . . I . . .. . Mr. Harveyj 'Watson returneil bop,vo after 81pondirle three months 'here and a Ari-o.we, A A � A A . . L . I I I .,. . 4 ... . . red . . - . � . . . _. . ---- W4VVVW*il0Vk0VVVW4VW -----w-w,,-I--A-A-o-m-1,m4-pl-o4-otvv%*Ol-q-q-, . � - . . . . Open Enry Evening � . �� - .1 . . I - .... .� . I . fro4n the Wftt last! Week. I 1110 intends M the lak�s III their mbtoll boat, If YOU, Would. like ib have 'Answered - � I . . � . . . .. . I I , . . I . . . I � . � I to &Art, a thoppi4kM411 lit � Belgrim, Mrs. DaViA Alexander ozd trwo s6m any PaN.cular qi6stion each or anyj Our Motto This Year i -0 . The Best -Year .. . I � I � . . . I � C,4,, U . . . . .. I � . . Louddsboro, gopt, itb�, 1995. . Mr, " and Mrs. ' Wightmail, Eddr. atid. Alvin, returi:1-4 tome from week trom. "Tb6 Su geitIve Qh,6s . I 9 . . I . . . � I . . � . I . I . . n,d � . . 9 Kona . . . . . . . . . . . . I .. . - . � ' ' ' ' Mr.: W, Riddel, J Miss EbW11a V0'�hergill a Maitland W1,110109 fast week.after I � I I - ., I . � � � . I .Qhn Brupsolen, Rev. . a tvvO on the Suadityt 'School Lesson', 111. � . . * Johri Laghgan,, and Jalb*s CanVbell - 41 left 'or tko Wes' last week, Months 'Visit with h"r �-I)Arcnts and Rev. Dr,' Linscott, send in ,by 0 � ., . . . 1 . I . . I I . . I.. . I � . I . .. . Work on the bridges is progtessixig; Other relatives it that cltp, . . your re- . I I I . . � . todk in the excursion to Manitoba On v quest to � thi , I I . . . . I f . . .. ftltf� , EII . 9 office, giving it,10 date - � I . . . � , . . . I .. . . I I .1 . I Tuesday. - . . .. I . . . � I . eft and Master Willie The, bowlfAg tourney held h�,,.-4 last of the lesson aftol the - Umber of vh6 � I I 1, 1 .4 1 . . - . . . 1. . . � . . The Good To . . T - B��. - I` . I . M0141113 'hbro 19tend Xolly have It3turned to theit hoMe iv Week Wks quite 9; tri iccess, Twenty. questi,on you Wish answered. You . ., . , . r �, . . . I . . I o,�. . . . Toronto after SPOAding their bolidjjyj4 eight Anks t ' -k part, twenty-on6 .may select anp question em.�ept the I . . f� . holding a Sunflower' social on Friday . - . oo I ..� � % 44 __1 . � . . . ,�:- .0-1 -.6-0 I ­ I .s, Mr. and �011ftg from outside pobtg. 0110 ndicatedi that it May be allAW0.11 . ­,.M�. , . . IF YOU WANT THE BEST evelaijig Of thi's wee&. The juneliwill w0h thnir grandparicit . I . .. . I . � . � COAL AND PROMPT DELIV. be served on Mr. W. L. Oulmettlo I Mtn, David cook, . . ____________�_ I ed -in writting by rmnillers of the . � � I . I tA - 11 I I . � 11 IN * I �. ; � 0 �1* I . : : . . I lawn, the elltettaiAMOnt to be give, ?Jr. 0, W. Scott and quite a sh ck . .. . cluh. Dr� tinsCott will answer tho \1 , . . * . . \' ­­ -- ­-.%,ji�l - N . Eny SECURE YOUR Sup. in tM, temperancLo ball, i froni the olectrie tioid recmtly, no NERVOM CON-01,M6N Iquestioit.) either In IF N - K414i, ." . , - , - , - . .,,� takin . ' . ,lese columns or . . 11. , . - . . . -1 . . . " I - Mr4. Ashley bas'retll=�d 9 A Wheel off a, 'binder in * . � . by Alaft through this offift. Don't . 1 ;Z:�14",., .1, I . . .. . PLY PROM Us. . trip UP the likes. from. her the barn,' when the. lIghtb,j,Ilg gooroh- Re.,Tllts � ..� . . .. _� - . PrOU Xidney TMuble� 101`96t to sta1.1 what, bcm�ft these I - . . . I . . I I OIRDM9 UFT AT 10A,VIS We ate soiryt -to learn ot, tbe, I'llbess led kis hand, and side wbo�,he eame Sick kidneys wake, you feel SLOk 19 "ftflftti" QUCStiO318" are, tC, YOU. .. , I A � . . . . . . I & ROW . Of TOMTn7, 94hniuX, ROsie Cole and %6 be was Outside the' bartA Mc 0,11 a ress. . ; � - 0 1 LAXI)IS ' . z )i-ITamc n the Movement that Counts - 140 A UlAmbOr 61 Ways awd. it is na�w Give I'mr full na d a of . N HAIRDWARE Frank Little,- all of whom. h,,v,.j ly- bad a close call, a -rid bas mot , bm known that a ,nervo*4s condition oftan -Send your letters to The Questi,cift V,. I I I . fo&,,m -L " - " VC0.11 well mnee. x1o, ini results fr6a kidney trouble. 'When Editbr of the jNows-1Rj6hd, - %. ,.)YT.',N`G -a watch by the ca9c is like biiying a book . . STORE I PROMPTLY - AT, phold fever' ' ' . . . ' . . Aiceable to the barn., . . -11 � ­�*, i*i, I d . . Mr. W. L. Ouimett 9,ajqjy on a Was 0 the kidneys are tick the Whole ner- * ' � I y die covcr. ]3o(;k or *Aratch, it is the 'n9i e that ..TENOP,j) To, holida�f trip to montroal for a 00.1 Mr. S. MeBurney �jl EastWgwab� . 11 . . . I I 14.-J;l . . I ... I . . I , Loat-old . I I . . . VOUS SIV401 bc� �TO MOR3'DAN]jRVFV. ' I countis, In buying a %vatch give fi r8t.con side ratio n . . ple of weeks, Oth . Sold a very Ano: folr"Y A oomes jfrjtA4b34 * . ) d -,e MoVerrlent.� ff you Want the best MoVeMellt for 1, * , 6 W, 0. I The funeral of the 1;%�,, Cbag. shob- 1161,e 1410. *Mk- It In needless - to 1. I I . ' J , � (to 101. 11 I I . causing bead- W. ,q. 11. Holm .. u money—choose f rorn our assortinent of I I 8teveiasoja bx,00k took p1sico on Monda), a ,,.sa9, thaI Sam. got .1 tip-ip,)p � es Xftows what I's r 11, I . ' , price for . blelle, dizzy spells .. . I . . tIO09 tQ the Union cemetery, Myth. ' tills fine 061t.. 4iblue Making 016AA Sealp�. . I 0"I I—- , e � , " '' -_ 1 _'. _­ ­ , I : fit's of 'r 11 . ' ` 1. . ­ � ­6­6..� I I I I . . . I . � n2uralgic " - WALTHA ' I . __�. I - I ­ . M WATCHES ,____,_._____, � Ilt' la ordex to rid your scalp of fil . � � I — — NOTIOn IS IJEREBy 41V thy, � . I EX THAT 0 tacks, . 1� CANADIAN 11 4 Court Will be held pursuant tc, v, Ouly atic pai tbetITA- dandruff you nlusio kill rm. to —each watch . . — I MAW,g CmPoutm-Irco pill lb6 ge Weh.ive�VaitliatnW.itchesittall'g-t,-tde&;ttaNvidiL-rt geolprites " 119, w,Lltk There Is a bair dresting calird par., tile best v4lue possible, at its respective 0 . I The Obt4tjo Vciters Lists Act byi 256 for 50 dows. Pol# sale by j. p,� eyes%$ ,rice. And we can suitypu with gat ! Pickc i r $. dull igiab �%ge Which - is UO,W 'Sold in vetth cate-plain or fancy, solid or gold fillod. . i I C', His Hollor the judge of the Count," 11*fey, Dfug6ist, . . W tired 44Yst '"d iMryl town In Canada. It is "It's Titne Y,6g Owned a walthil"t.00 ­ . Court ot,Ahe county of Uuton, at: . I— guar.. . . . SM&CIAL 0, P. it. P,XL0TAnsIoX the'Coutell chamber In, the TOWA � . . � - a constant InclinatiOn Of worry ovi�f anteell W. S. R. Holmes to crad. � I Waltham Watches virt t1,6 most d-6j)tndi%b1e of time-I)locto. T�st . � .I trifles. I . ' I ,t,why,,,.ve tecottuttndthem, it you *qt to opiske your *sick , TO THZ W.EST, of Clintollft, on,,Voiday, the 11thd4y Sub-Pfre Chief Milrtit, ,ut . I Rute da�i'i'diulf, stop failing haIr 'gIld f, . ,f. V44trarlit-let us t0l you an wdjusttd Wdi-bam 1� I I � ---,*.. M�mfreal gooth'Ar Xidnek Pills AttVA9151112ft FleAllp Itch (h two weeks Or Money' I � � � Au Of ftt"rAW, 1911, lit 0 W6100k A. � hg$ b6tn Rutpended ,rotvi ,iutyt .q,, a, sick kidney#, I . I ­ .1. .. 904 12th. Pare 6ut $10f iwk m., to )War and delterminck 00M. result, curb bifekslabe, reguwsa Wk.' ' I . I � ­ . I I I 1 418, 1 of his 4114kroice.vijil Chief Me utine - &no restore to� Ilotmal It YOU have Aandru(f got a la..4,T ftkaw AjWkk Apeo,ial through ewhes. Plaffils of Mora ata "Issions. in Tremblay), 'IftW110ons. Thty, art guliftnt( VV . the Vottrs List ,01 tj* Munjctpa,� . 141,, A flre that caup -ed. All 60 Otht bottle todall and rid ypur- --r * Rob COUNTiSirw 'd , � 1 .4zrloun dwmago olftlers mlli 5ft box, or postpaid NIt of I*. Ilftftber thoit It tho itatt. . For All jillotmation apply to al Clinton for loll Dated %IW 28th to %,6 X*& 10� Vergug J0046.46n, from from. The R. T. Booth _06, Ltd., dnit AttM ate 'not ol&ttojed in ,� I . . I W. jAaX.X;O1q, day 'by August, 101 Jeweler I " Issuer Marriate Licenses - . . 11--D- L- 94c- W16t,011411t Of Vankleek 11ill, Wag VOr# F,rie),,OyA. It yolk, WO to time, tb.- h4ir will surely 1*11 out I . T*** Agont 0. P, a,,, - Clin" Pherson, Town Clerk. -94MAftal'bj, Tivrous. Uld. like , I I 1'�., , test U*% ft" write fOr 41 tV14I %)%. 4*4 UNWJA Will WIOW, AA.A ­_­ . � *�**AAMAAAAAAPV%*A#A^OVO~&V~^O�14 , . . . I I � 11 4 . � I �1 I . I I I 1 1 , I 'I � , I i � , I I I I . �; . I I � � . . . � , I I * 1. , . I I � 4 " " I .6, , � . I I? I � I � V ,4, , _ 'I, � 4. . 11�1 . . - � , -, . ., I 11 I - 4'. , , . .1 * Y" . I , .11 . . 11 i I . , , i� � / ,tL. - I . I I . ,It � I . - � Alli� L&I _V,,.,� 1, , . . _� �_ . I . Al 40A 96A��_.s_� I I ..... _.1,11L � j� -,, "i 1- - ­ - .AAAL­ L,- , .A� - -ft_ lm,�&k�dk,l.,13ir I IV"A— ,­-- 'N t, k"�. — dM66k._1 " - .,'.� �, 4 L_ . .