The Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-31, Page 6custolk Nt I ERS. I� rA E1- + 1R F G I T T r r t HILL . BALL 1lr. �lydr p>!"1lliai lt;r„ LEAD. The $er saint's StoICT, Nomw* .Indlim ftoO P111s1.. ��' t� ley C"otistauce Romanue-J,ennes, I^` . The Cameron Highlanders fought list'. George Andrews of Haliiaz, N.11., John Chalmers was nuishing th *. " at Waterloo throughout the three glo- frri - portrait of a child', the hest thing he rious days of June, and they were `•For Many years I have ber..n troubled had ever done, when his wifrl enter - with chronic Constipation. This ail - '"particularly mentioned" by Welling- meat never comes single-handed, and 1 ed the studle, That he was conscious. ton in his fatuous despatch of June have been a victim to the many illnesses of her entry was attested by th 19, addressed to Lord. Fathurst. For- that constipation brings in its train. frown which darkened lits face as a Medicine after medicine I have taken in she closed the floor. Yet he neither Lunate in their opportunities, they order to find xcllcf, but orae and ell left Spoke nor loked round, but drawing . . have been fortunate also in winning me in the same hopeless condition. It a thin silk curtain over the picture the ,pralse of poets. Byron, in "Childe seemed that nothing would expel from pioceded leisurely to scrape the pa,iiit b *� - • Harold," .has consecrated their im- me the one ailment that caused so much ft om the palette in his hand. !l, .3 E - - . i utortalit . in a famous stanz .. trouble, yet at last I read -abodt these Mrs. Chalmers stood fon' a mom - Y a Indian Root Pills, ant by the boor, watebtng hint, then And wild and high the "Cameron's That was indeed a lucky day for � wov6d one step forward and stopped .1 1, gathering"' rose. for I wus so impressed with the state. again, " • . Hera sounds, the high note of rom- meats piade that I determined to "Jack." give thein a fair trial. He turned to took at her with a newsblaner distrbbutign wa so s urged ,wee, and bravely - -the iilghianders They have regulated my stomach anA trays Paco. newspaper Bl n n could echo it. But war doss not al- bowels. I am .cured of comstipatioa anti( "ao you hake corns back?" prevented circulation a£ papers, ways rest at the lofty plane cif glory, I claim they have no .equal, its a �sdt- She clasped and unclasped two The steamer Riverside of Break- and we can sometimes realise It most tine, thin white hands nervously.° It was milts Iran aground in the St,. Lav-- clearly in homelier touches, Fgr over half a century Dr, 14latse"s so difficult to explain he rerrand. If trence Itiver, After the battle it is. said that the , Indian Root Pills have been curing con- only her husband would storm and At Beamsville. the t oroner's jury 79th stripped the cuirasses of the stipation and clogged, inactive kidue3% rage: Instead of which lie stood calm, dead Frenchmen and used them for with ail the ailments which result from unruffled, apparently not very much returned A verdict of murder in the cooking its rations. They were good them. The cleanse the whole ssysten interested'. in her re=appearance. Comfort s . enough frying -Pans, though the but- an purify th0 blood. ,9014 everywhets Will you not sit down?" he asked let -holes let something escape. But at 25c, a box. ! presently, with cold politeness, '"You some Belgian soldiers who ptisse-3 by seem a little upset," $100 REWARD '$160 while the cook}ng was to progress, -._., <�. �, _�, '"Upset!," with an angry flush that REWARD, and seeing the cuirasses, Brent off dyed her pale cheeks scarlet. ''A lit- "`-'- with the legend that the Highlanders THE AUGUST ROD AND GUN., tle upset! That is so like you, John The readers of -this. paper will be 'were cannibals, and no doubt the leg- -T,, Chalmers." . #feamd to Pearit that there Is at and, which it is a pity to disturb, is No better nuniber for a delightful A , faint smile played over the least one d:1':adod disease. that science .v,:peated unto this day. mans handsome face. hoPiday mccith has been issued 'than ,. Itis been ablsy to cure in all its One other piece a comedy Is worth Rod and Gun in Canada for August I have not altered much in six ;Mages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's remembrance, When the allied arm- months,. Beatrice,- But what can I do les were in Paris Sergeant Campbell published tay, W. .I,. Taylor, Limited, for You? You have left Mr.—or--;-Mr, fatarrh Cure is the Only positive `of the -79th was taken with others to Woodstock, out, In the opening Waring?" sure now known to the medical fro the Elysee to be shown to the Emper-, story '-'From tine Logof a Nautical For the moment, yes." t nftq. Catarrh being a const> tut- of Alexander, and it ts, thus that ho Trane ++ t e holiday ,"For very interesting," Each word tells the tale himself.. The Emperor p' h o y spirit prevails camo deliberately, "And if one may ileum disease, requires .a oonstitutdon- " and is prevahmat through the two venture to inquire, what do you* In - ;t1 treats nant. Hall's Catarrh Cure tease a very minute inspection of us, . follo+win a ors -Lu 'u �* he writes, `"and his curiosity led him g P p x rious Trout tend to do now? , 'is taken internally, acting dprvcilly to call upon me, as tieing the most ro- Fishing _ and Up the Maganetawan, I a . His words stung herr pride into ex- upm the blood and mucous surfaces Lust of the party, to step to the front, River of Danis. In additicn t era ' pression. "You need have no fear," h . is she. said, bitterly. `"I. did not come asf the system, thereby dest:vaying inti As soon as I stepped to the front an abuirdance of ot�hox 7rlatcrial ,art- . foundation of t91e dfstase, and, giving I svgs surrounded by the astonished here to -day to propose that you g P isles and Stories dealing with N11- silo"iild take me back again."'. nobility, and Lite em eror commenced line patient s*eength by 'building up his Inspection and questions as fol i'nvi, deer, moose% and. bear hunting '!I' must confess, he an>3wc red the constitution :and assisting nature tows: -,-•Fir _ while .:they h +� at" he examined my ap o phases of outdoor life re- • blandly, that the .idea never ose r- r: I u tin solo$ its work. -The prt:,priato. , pointmenta and drew MY sword..... .ceive .xecogtiftfon and treatment in a rod to me.. you make for happiness, ibave so 2nuch faith in its curb.tdvi+ Second, he examined my hese, gait manner that must appeal to all eroorts- at whatever .cost, And we discovered, powers. that theyi offer One Hundred ^rs, legs, and pinched my _shin, think- mien This is articular! t the s did' we riot, that our union was riot ills I wore something under my kilt, R„iUh the litilep papUr oz y the subcase conducive to hhppiness? IMllars for any case than. it fails to and had -tho curiosity to lift my, kilt 7 "But it might have been," The qure; Send- for -list of testimonials. tip to my navel, s0 that rte might not .of wou�it3ed gams ons.. a ,pioneer's words came quickly, al Address F. J. CHENEY &' Co g ( q Y, most before be . deceived. The questions were:--- stories while the conclusions of . the she realised she had apoke4i- 'ttoled4, 0,- It I was :present at the actions of Coanimtssicay inquiries. Into the fisher- Chalmers. looked at his wife sharp- oltl by, .all Druggists, 15c. June 16, and�7, and 1$? How munY�of, fent of Al►aerta and Saskatchewan ly. "It might have been?„ Take Hall's family Pills for eoi-• it men the regiment lost. , "Yeis, yes, yes," she cried passion, Must interest anglais all over the ate! sbslipabion. Wliethor I was in Egypt? If i wore. Dominion, The Y, leaning forward ,in her eager. the hilt in winter; or if I did not feel paper on a New Use nese, It might have been. It you cold in that ,season..* ' If I was mar- for the Red Fox may not only had . beet- more human ---it might ries•? If my patents were alive?'" create a new interest in fort hunting have been, People worship you for The Duke of Suthe:ca4d arri,wd 'tit Thus ii was that the 111ghlanders but also lead to an axfrlsiou of. -the yotnr art's sake. I; you'had been a seemed beyond the general experience for farms w'hicli _Have proven such a little lase salt-suiRcient, a little, more Montreal on his way west!, where he of mankind. attentive to roe, your young' Wife—it fleas botyth6 large tracts of lands Y_�, success in Prince IOdward Island 'and might have hero. Above ill, !f you The Liverpool, sfaiice was settittl in Middlesex county, in. Ontario. Al- had not taken me to llvfa `with your .by, the m-cgtplopmcat of tramway MIRIAM WATCHES, together it is a number Which - no. stern. Puritanical sister, Isabella, I 1.SM. OVER BABY M s!lolttman should •miss, . ,who' misjudged me as -only a soured, . J SES, middle-aged woman 'I b can hats slid —I + misjudge the high-spirited vivacity of Once upon a time there. lircd a a Young girl -•-I tell -you again, it A Goad Defence Against I little girl »cxtued" Mariam, The, bible s might nava been." g does ,-not tell us how old she was . ' Cana seg "And was It to point tart rrty rayr)s e the White Plague;• -$. when she watched over her baby �� `? You. condesconded to honour m,+ %Jilt brother, Moses, • but tradition hays , lOT,ck . a visit -to-day ?If ' one can afford to lessen. their pro she was less than . ted', . when • they Mrs. Chalmers giive.. n iniserthiu dncrag power to -day., and to have powei :mother -of Mosea heard that Pharaoh Lines• Ilttl6 .tau h•. "I forgot. !r you must have good machinery. g g Pointing girt Would kill all the little boys of the faults is your prerogative,'your,s.nrid The human body is. the' greatest oder} l raelltfes, she .made a little' boat of - Isubele.'s. tio, John, I dlrl• not ranee chine ever produced—the most wonder- a basket and placed the baby therrein to .upbraid You. I amr, to fit mechanism in the world. 7u3ftONTO , Y c "to.ask you— It pezmltted it to float down the to talk ;,bout--Bubbius," It is shcer.econnmic waste not to keep • ` !flu arnon the reeds near the odgs. $8.66 .Return Aug, 26 to Sept, 9, "Tie. child." your body in the best cauditon: aF ''tits river. $2.70 Rglarn .Aug;9 There is no vnlid excuse for -allowing g+ and 31, Sept: "Our child." - the tissues to become. attacked by the ,'lend his, sister, the bible . says, 5.aud 7,. . . "She is well looked atter in •ov.ery white plague. Yqu need -your health and 'stuud .afar off to see what. would be from CLINTON Nvay, Isabella_, .,'1. Canada needs you. r'ui,t• to him. Accamt CANADIAN Mrs, Chalmers ` �IATIOhIAL. put her b:trrda to Insure agaurst it by building up your And ao' littift 6tirl.ttn rain ulong tJts ,. her ears. "No! For God's sfilio not treservt forces and bodily iiefences. ,ivar butck its her baby t>ratTt,•r float, EXHIBITION, .Retfa.r Limit, Sep?. . that. Don't tell me. Isabella is. a sec- The !lest defence ,you can .got is Nyal's ,:a `along tho streuun. 1h" tt ,i,i • ou x2'' 1911' ond:.mother to her, 'Jolin," She cross - Cod Liver Couipoual It builds up the ''said `mi though, by ,niert, aet'ideat ---_ ' od over, to where ehe sat beside the tissues and prevents disease, %lice the: king's daughter discovered , ., Special Train Service. easel playing Indiccrenty with pal - A delicious tonic and a splendid vital- the -boat' and the 'tiny. sailor. Special. train • leaves Clinton 6.22 ette and brushes, and bout her tall, izer; puts on good, solid flesh, and makes Mirisiin asked the princess:. "Shall a. m. Aug. 29, 31, Sept.2 5 anti, 7, girlish figure down to his .level. you feel fit for any task, ri 1 go' alid and -call to thee a nurse of . „ ' "John: the child is nothing, to you. �`- or the puny and backward child there the Hebrew women, that she !nay' . Though only three, it's alreadyplain. ? FARIM LASOR811S EXCUR•SIONS:: to see, how. U ikr v 1 .n N nothing better: Nyal s Cod Liver Com-. tit,rse the child for thee ." • nl you tih r,: Is in. every pound will soon bring. the roses back to Z he • princess agreed Ansi B7 irtitrti $10. Going $18. Additional way. She has all .my . ah,iracteristic s, the cheek and give vigor and vitality. Lrought her: own. mother, .. Returning. Every day you ; are. reminded ,of . the Your own Druggist cheerfully guarati- BY and by Miriam ,grew to young . 3-I+'romi 11 s'' tin ttnfbrtunate fact: You must hate' bees Nva1's Cod Liver Compo nil. err,m:snhood,. Her brother had _ Aug.g a �a o s Toroii- iter--,, id be to, `North Bay and West in Ontario, gams the, leitdter, ihe`,eman.cipator of tiVbn t you give me croAlt for any Sold and Guaranah�od by 1W. ,.. K. his people and following the destruc_ A•ug: 25 -From all stations Toronto fatherly feeling?" . he interrupted. and East of Grillia and Scatia Jet. "It is not : p Holmes, J. E. Hovey, W. A: tion of Pharaoh's mighty host Ili Lite your fauJ.t." 'l`he_ full McConnell, Clinton.. l;t•d Sea, with timbre] in hand, she in Canada. gaze of hor sad eyes -as turned upon' ted the Jubilant women' of Israel in. Through Tountist Pullman Sleepers- hint. '"When the gods endowed you, song and dance. to Winnipeg and Edidont+on via. Chi- Ahey decided :ybu could 'do without atiyhting as commonplace aS affee-. - sago and 'St, Paul. tion, There :was a time once --long . August' 22nid, Supt, 5M.:and 19t►h ago—when ;you. seemed- to be alive, I �-pn+tcV Sergt,-Major Gilmore was buried In conneeilion with 230�ESEEK thougbt to have. married a flesh-and- ivittii mnDitaxy honotts at H°aatiiltton. ERS .> XCUiiSiONS, blood man, 'and I found him only a a.im-- u.�o-,;'"�''," - -io: ,Wreckage froth -the. 'missingMidland Full particulars � from, 'an n • �Grand� ..thing of stone,: feelinglcss-cold." She . gave a little shiver. tt>g;,-Martin was found ,oft Point . au Trunk Agent or address A. E. DUFF. .,. ,< One fur cern everyday ailaienE + And, did, .you find what I lacked $aril. D. P. A', Torcnto. ad1,+t s"t 314. loll 111 :� _ .� . M . -... _,.. - . o o We Told You Sol ... - ire ;: »F.--�. , I s The Importance of the farming in- Lural Meetings. and the general worto Labat ► duatry to the people of Canada is of the department. •�• abundantly demonstrated by the fact I3runswick's expenditure for #.uGager thin there is not a province In the the 9New 19094910 was $41,478.30, The largest• i item, $12,987.13, NOW fthded which has not established was In44e up oC. a grants to various agricultural socie- �, ' beat m ilivioa►adott II • department of Government to promote ties, $4,759,16 went towards Introduo,, And sa;eguard the interests of Agri- Ing ,improved methods of stock rate-' ^` culir.re. From. Atlantic to Pacific A Ing, $4,172.60 was spent .on extending; markets; $659:71 was paid out to acus% vcrltabl s army' of experts. Is engaged ; of farmers to enable them to attend° in assisting the farmers of the country agricultural colleges. Poultry raising,; —' in tritely sfforka to grow bigger and horticulture cold storage, dairying,,+ :i better crops, t0 produce finer fruit, grain competitions, eta:,. all received: aQbnL13 Matt:Qndplt to raise .better live stock and to make ;assistance: Prince Edward Igland'sr Subsidy ', LIMITER .01111 more excellent butter and cheese, , • 1 xperitnental farms, where all man- Tor the Year ending September 30th, 1930, the ner of crops and soils are being. tested little island province of. Prince Edward Island appropriatedf for the general benefit of the. agricul- $8,846.03 for the benefit. of 4.grigul-,, Mr. Nartng and go no ltrc with your tural community," dot the broad ex- Lure. Of this $1,130,44 was paid to. the' Farmers Institutes of thQ province to; mother. pause of the Dottiinion. Agricultural . aid thein in carrying on their educe "Leave Mr, lVarisig! Are you: toad, eolle,es of international reputation, five work'; $635 went Into 'scholar : ' John?'" built and maintained by Government, ships to enable the sons of farmers' . 11 ,� "Sweetheart"—she spoke til Rub- are open to receive the sons of the to take courses At the Agricultural; bilis--"wit! ypu run into kh<� ;;arc)��ll find if�yoa soil, intent on acquiring that know- College at Truro, Substantial aumR:. see can fed ole Sortie white roses.. you know• Ude ones I )edge which will make them more .ex-: g were expended in aldiag the Frulti Growers Association, the Dairy Also-, love." port farmers. Societies and associa- ciation and the Poultry Assocdation.i As the little girl flew off In deliglit, tions, supported generously with. pro- With a revenue of $2,533,61, the nett 11ro. Chaimers faced her husban+i, "`You mean to say you think I have, vinciat funds, exist in every county for expenditure of the. Department was: $6,312:42, by no means an inconsider4 been living, with Iiugh 'Waring since the purpose of bringing the farmers p rp g able sum for so small a' province, ' r left you?" . together and encouraging them to im- Prairla 1ntQ Wheat Land11 Hs toots a step forward iitld ca t,ght roughly at her hand, prove the quality of, their products.. Pa I t ss ng to the Prairie Provinces, ani -'Iso t, it' true? he demandc;o, The stern graps of his fingers Problems of cold storage, the destruc- tion of noxious weeds, the extension investigation. of the Public Aacountei of the Province of Manitoba for the? hurt, but his wife did not wince.. of. markets,the. spraying of fruit, year 1910 discloses that this provin w . "How dare you ask me such a drainage,. and a hundred and one other g , expended $143,21,6.18 in the interests • of agriculture. The largest portion question?" she answered proudly. Do' Yott suppose that, even had questions are . handled by experts In of! this amount went to the Agricultural; I loved him,, Hugh would ever have the employ of the State .and for the College, which cost the . province, in k wronged me? Can you betieve that direct advantage of the farmers. In salaries and maintenany ce, $67;835.84.. The ' 1 would ever wrong Bubbtns?" brief, between the. Dominion and the quem of . $47,871.,93, was ap_. Pop t d to Associations and Farm Beatrice! She S e started to find her husband Provincial Governments, this industry ere, Institutes• There was a revert e i L-nceling at her side. I3eforr, shy In being bonused annually in these from 'tire College of $11,466.25, mak-f could speak he had taken her hands directions to the extegt of several mil- Ing the net expenditure of the province, In his . with remorseful tenderness. "Oh, lion dollars, and there seems to be iMo , the Department of Aggriculture fors the year $131,748:89. - my darling! What a brute I limit to the extent to which the State have been! Sonata #ool, from the will go .to carry oi* its paternal. policy. . Saakatehewan and Alberta Help -.j very beginning!. Pity ' and forgive— lorglve, Beatrice.. I am .sorry, little Aomiblgn Government Expandlt1J Saskatchewan's vote for 1811 in aid of, its fariming interests, which may be girl,with all m7 soul, I have In ; the first place, there Is the Do. taken as a fair criterion of the annus! rsorry ceased to love you in spite of rdl I believed to be true; Come back minion Government. During the fiscal provincial expenditure in this direr-• tion; is $289,870. Of this amount $47: to me. . • year 1909..10, It expended close on to 100 Is for general farming; $17,360 fors . She looked down at hurt with sad, a million dollars through Its Depart- the live stocky 'industry, and $177,300 tinder eyes, Then, rising, put - her hands -in :his and drew him m�ent- of Agriculture to help the farm- for the dairy and poultry industry, to his fest. "You ers.of'Canada. Of this sum over boa Alberta has voted $364,340 for'; twenty-four -items falling under the., ' will :you will come.- bads?" passionately: "Dear, my dear, I want hundred and fatty thousandexdolnses was. Paid out to cover the PQ s 'thirteen head•- oP, agriculture, 'but its it is ex» ,.p'ected that there will be a repayment; You so, and he folded her unre- alsting f8rm in his arms, of the experimental.. farms maintained by the Government. of $224,000 fol advances and loam r ' * * _ + ♦ * "Mumty," Nearly two hundred. and fifty, thou, made An. Previous years , to v.loans, rious'.' -branches of :the work, the not •expen-f came a little voice, five• minutes :later, "here's e Lir sand dollars went towards putting force policies for protecting the •diture. will only amount to $16039.01„ - ' ' ,udget s white woses. Why, you're lr,+ -bin' again, -of. live stock,., The dairy division In this year's bthe largest item is $200,000, which will be used in teak=' . Flow. quick* Daddy's mat: , ou well. I kuowed Ile child." spent .$18,908.42;. the fruit division $33,667.91; the live stock department in' advance payments in aid of cream -1., "Gadd bless you, Babbitts," said $49,820:96, and° 'there were . expendi- e1y, work.: Twelve, thousand dollars . goes towards establishing a dry 'farm-. Daddy, tures, for establigjting fumigating eta- tions, dtetributing bulletins; taking a . . Ing experimentation .station; $20,000 Ili tae roan oI sour marurer choice-. Did he understand you as no One as . census -of cows; sending a commission towards the destruction of noxious`, weeds, $14,500 to encourage dalryi else renis? h esti .curious curiousknow.'* 'You to Europe to make investigations' into the swine industry,. experimenting All work, etc. ' . spean in L. enigmas. I have. no• idea what you are driving' at, Don't cold, storage, and numerous other ser- . Deveropment on the Pacific Coast s•' " ' you understand? I .have come to ask 1 calculate to benefit -the _vices, al d farming industry. British Columbia vvhdc s ant 4 h p $7 ri 063,39 for agriculture tri• the fiscal year i 3'au to let me have Bubbins." . "Bubbins? Let you have the c i l ild?'•' Ontario Spends •Nearly a MIii.lon. 1909-10, 'has voted over :two, hundred` thousand dollars for the year ending) I[r was startled out of his pose... . " 'do The Province of: Onitario, which has any March 31st, 1912. of this agrisut-f Why you speak litre that? I diel •wrong fn leaving Drbbiibly the - best machinery of -.of the„ nine provinces for promoting feral associations get $78,600; 16,OOp $ you, and I. have svite'red. • It I am a foolish .womiin,: I • holpful work among the farmers, and goes towards. demonstrations of spray, Ing. and fruit parkin in or Is ism:,not a bad one. Let me have her, which incidentally spends Lar more. similar sum is aid g o the P .for pity's sake. . I can't"• -.a little than any of them to achieve this pur- . ren a ertf j' Instftutes 10 000. is vof + $ ed to aid fruit sob—"I can't live without •her. Rise pose, expended, In 1910, the sum of ,, exhibitions. ' above yotrrseif, Jack. 1VIrs. Chalmers laid her hand pleadingly -or, hu $748,169,33, In this total, the Iargeat item was $236,568.85, the cost of main- . . Canadlans',Glve to the Farmer .her - hand's arm. "Wili you?" . tafning the Ontario Agricultural.Col- Summing'up"and taking the totals` . "No," shaking off her. hand rough- ly. "No, qge and Macdonald Institute for the Agricultural and horticultural for the Dominion and. the provinces.I it is found that the Canada,' no; it is impossible." year: people of Why?. Will you tell me why?", societies were assisted to the extent of expend approximately the large sum;. "You know- why. When you left this::.house as—as'.:you. $122,721.31; the dairy branch took $57,795.58; the fruit, branch $41,839,83; of $3,300,000 -per 'annum to bonus the;' farming industry, and that this su-ni did you fo - Baited the right --." r g. .to the live ,stock . branch $31,770.10. is being increased very:considerabl .! , Y "Daddy!" cried a small 'imperative Nearly $15.000 was spent ons reports" 1. each year: That the money is Weil . • { voice. -.. and bullet!# s and. $37,592.19 went,, to .. spent; and that it. is paid -..'out un -i , "Daddy!" She pulled his slee'1e to tho staff of district representatives grudgingly goes without saying: The;. attract his. attention. "Daddy,so - me aiid teachers of agriculture.. Deduct- . increased ..productivity -of'. the farms,] , _ finks the matter .w m e vii 1Vlumty. She's Ing,* a departmental revenue of. $113,-, g the growing efficiency. -of the fanners ,• trying. 1 'spec- you'd better ki ss brr 457,09, the net expenditure of the, pro- the improved ,quality of farm produce," s and inake.11er well... Come, The , big. man reluctantly 'allowed y vince.was:$634,712:24. This year the estimates call. for an expenditure• of the achievements'of the agricultural: colleges. and the experimental farms, himself to be led to his 'wife, who still sat with her face hidden in her $ 837,907. Help Given in French Canada all testify : to ` the value of the work` undertaken' .I en by. the : various Govern.!, . !,ands, ,, The sister province of Quebec spent, menta of the country. in the interests 1. t "Beatrice"' during•the.fiscal year 1909.10, the sum of the ;Armin g community: s . . t A . hand was: lata on the .bowed head. At of $294,850:1' under similar headings. Shall These Millions be Wasted?: i his touch she looked .up, end Bubbins- climbing .on. to the set- It also pro.t':ded, through its Depart- meet :of Agriculture, $60,000 Par the The point -is, however, that �all•ttifs . vast expenditure of money, and. brains!. tce, .laid her cool cheek agalnst::her' mother's tear -stained one with a sigh improvement of rural roads.. It gave 146,700.00 to various agricultural: by' the State in aid -of Canadian a r -f g i ` be account;.44 of relief, - "Listen,. societies, farmers clubs, associations. 8 culture should .taken .into before any final' decision is made oni Beatrice. After all, I' art etc. It handod. $30,000 to butter and , any fiscal question affecting the in' only human. I cannot deny you what . cheese syndicates; expended $17,000 forests of the whole country, The; you ask. You shall have the littlw for the enhouragement of. the dairy 'public are .the. to regard the farmer'; one, provided• you let 'me see het sometimes, and that—that- you leave industry and $5,000 for the benefit of the fruit industry; it paid out $8,000 as standing in .a position of isolation,- unconsidered heretofore• when tarifPaf for a series •-f lectures on agriculture , .. . have been framed, 'On the contrary,. FA160.118 .AOINGt 11'ELL. and provide( '$30,000 for the mainte- there is no industry in' Canada whichi • nance.of agricultural schools. For the has received such intensive• and arc-; . . . coining year t'ie Legislature .has tensive treatment front then Jrhe farmers of the. Eastern Toivnr• _ 'voted $322,600 for,the work ofAhe de-: .financial People of Canada as this same farming? shfifs Getting. Good 1'r,Icos 'f°or partment; with $150,000 for improving ndustry.. It has been bonuses - to and ' . . rural roads; ::. extent unknown before, and no areas . . . Their Stork.. 'i Farming Down by .the Sea liar :objected. I . . I. .. ' ' Here 'soma . Turning now to the Maritime. Pro- ' Do' Not Court Invasion 1: . are . intersting figures' 'from winces, where agriculture does not .Further, what e'ffe.ct will reciprocity' . .a report reently made to the bulk quite so. -large, Nova Scotia is in natural products have on this. phase . United States Senate. They seem to found to invest approximately $75,000 ofthe situation? .Can the farmer or, • dhow that our farmers understand a year In its agricultural interests. the people as a whole affords to haver their business and know how o make Of this $30,000 goes to the Agricultural the country spend Its millions to a bargain, better than some` of our College and Experlmsntal Farm' at .im-' prove agricultural conditions, and then Yiiakee friends. Truro; $15,000 Is paid out annually in find its markets invaded by foreign;: ' It appears that for the year 19.10, assistance to agricultural exhibitions, producers, and all its educative world' . the average value per'head of horses- $1.0,000 to agricultural societies, and made of no, avail? This Is A possibility was, .in the States of Vermont and they balance is on "agricul-. which should not be. overlooked, .1 .. Now Hampshire, $106,00, In Quebec .expended . t tie average value was $139,40, The' average value' of dairy cows In `rrnont ' FAVORED NATIONS 1909, exported animals, grain, meat ' Io was .$34.20, in Ne v .Ilamp- : - products. and vegetables worth $57,-, - •a!Im $36.20, in Quebec, $31.00. 360756, • �'h average value of other cattle I,.' 'Vermont was $14,40; in New. A Glance at Competition Canada Japan, in the year ended 7909 .� , e>t-I Fampshire, $20,36, in Quebec, $31.00. ' Would Have Undot, Reciprocity ported fruits, grain, meat products .The average value of sheep In Ver. and vegetables worth .$7$7,569. , { rnont was $4;00, 'in. New. Hampshire, $3,70. In Quebec it was $6.00, The proposed Reciprocity Agree- ,Australia, in the year e0jed 1909. The average value :of swine in Ver- Ment will give a free ticket to Can- exported butter, "cheese, o gs, Orli- mont was $10;00, In New Hampshire, ada's markets to twelve favored na- mals, fruits, grain, hay, mea products; .. . $11.50. In Quebee It was $13,00• tions and all tho, British possessions and vegetables worth $60,$$3,519. .i Well done, old Quebeei First, prot- as well as to the 'United States, The Sweden, in the year ended. 1909,•ex•c. ty nearly ' every timel following official record of the ex• ported animals, fruits, grain, , hay,j ' - " ports of some of those countries which meat products- And vegetables worthl The rearilta of the amUlleryt comf- would :Compete with Canada under $2,228,222. i xltitions on Salisbury PPAitn will be Reciprocity shows that the Vnited Where are Certain natural products; ' declared Lillis week, States is. by no means the only eoun• such as eggs, which carry with'themi . . - .. - . try to '1)6 considered in the proposed more .than a commercial importand0' . ' rade pact—.. t.' in the discussion of the Reciprocity: kA, "40 ved� British India, In the year ended question with the.United, States. Y.14:0 , A. BLI)d 1f.1VDOI�d. ORT. I I I I , I 11 11!�-----.._ w -� A Mout:tlal eonst'abdd shot a wilt! ----.... - - -- Tlie delay in negotiations btwt ti ElUSINESS and $11OR'THAND SUI3,TECTS. cat in a tree near his residenee. Prance and Germanyi in relatiolr to 1egistered last sensori upwards of 300 Montreal City Council+ appUfntetii Mr, Noroeco is causing Considerable wit. itudents and pluses every graduate. Seven Dagger IPocially quAtiiled regular teachers. tine of Toronto tib hkquircr 1tit,5 easiness in Paris. tti, hundred and fifty London firms employ plfoniw rates, Bids for tho construction of the liew fur trained help. College tit session from, Two young bags. were eaughil by, a navy AAA being considt!reiii at OtUa.wg, dept. 6 to June 30,. Enter any time, traitn while crossing +.10 railway and it I,') not IMOly that the eoutrttot Catyleigue rre+b. /r����� brill Forest 04 l"011 Cage e t Terreboli0o, uobee, Jas, morrin o tbrow himself ftiito will !yi a ardoil for 101ty tf4np. Canada`s ts,tdtl returns clontinue to the 1, W. WrATtRV tr„rte, J, 1Y, ilfZ6TZJtVrL•r, rlve?~ri below Aro was drorvlled, mild Ills allow lairge fnoreases. Cls Assnottdtrtlt, E'ribrljpel.. iliAtinet` '"'” iNas ftilillCk ll;'; Litt' drtltltj fend fffgiT HOprC' 1 tl'i,14) lll'ndp In tills D. iE'riaaral, to p4infully injurto, , it, A. waitohes at Ottawa,